liberty, equality, fraternity! the french revolution brings change and blood

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!

The French Revolution Brings Change and Blood

Louis & Marie Try to Escape

June 1791, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette leave Paris.Headed to AustriaThey are discovered and returned to Paris.

The Legislative AssemblySeptember 1791, the National Assembly becomes the Legislative Assembly.

This branch had the power to create laws and declare war.

This limits King Louis’ power.

The Legislative Assembly Declares War

Austria and Prussia tell France to put Louis back in power.

The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria and Prussia. Why is this a problem?

Prussian troops march towards Paris.

Les Tuileries20,000 Parisian citizens invade the royal palace, killing guards and capturing the Royal Family and put them in jail.

More RumorsRumors spread, and citizens fear that Louis will be put back in power.

The Legislative Assembly creates ANOTHER new government: The National Convention.

The National ConventionThe National Convention takes power on September 21, 1792.

They abolish the monarchy.

Next, they declare France a Republic and give adult male citizens the right to vote.

Death to the King!The National Convention is run by members of the Jacobins.

The Jacobins are a radical group. (BIG change)

King Louis XVI is put on trial for treason. (crimes against France)

King Louis is sent to the guillotine on January 21, 1793.

January 21, 1793

Maximilien Robespierre Rises to


Committee of Public Safety

Purpose: To get rid of enemies of the Revolution

Leader: Maximilien Robespierre

40,000 are executed during Robespierre’s Reign of Terror.

The Terror Comes to an EndJuly 28, 1794:

Robespierre is arrested and sentenced to death.

The Reign of Terror ends.

Another new government is created. . . .

The Directory

Gives power to a five-man Board of Directors called The Directory.

End Result: Creates the perfect opportunity for a new leader to take power

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