library of congress · a clever swindler p adrt-goodsfirm bobdep, kxtnopsoraformerimf-loy** ok...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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A DRT-GOODS FIRM BOBDEP,KXTnoPs or a former imf-loy** ok arnoi.o, con¬

stabib 6l co.Arnold, Constable) A, Co, several years ago em-

eloved Cornelius O'LearY as a tiiue l»oy in their

great store at Broadway and Ninctoanlh-st.The lad grew in favor and iu lunn

waa promoted to tue responsible poeitiooof receiving clerk. One of his duties was to

receipt for goods delivered by outside persons lo

Arnold. Constable Sk Ca. Thin receipt after U. in*,uglied >v O Leary wns indorsed by VV. Mullett. H.

,1. Tcets'and Abr iliaiu Kerr, through whofli hniitl*the noods weie supposed lo pass. i lu* Itt eipt WMthen mu nod liv Assistant Cashier Mack, winiturned it over lo't'isidor Seymour,who l.nnle out thccheek and weald toot it hy mail or messenger Io

tin persou from whom thc goodshad been Itt eiYed.I In* i.pptirninity offered hythe carele-s method

cf Un* subsequent ladonan to himse f | roved loolinn li for the honesty of yoong 0'L*:uv. Aboatfour years a^o ho arranged with a woman namedlt.irk'o ti scheme! tn (swindle his ein|.',.\. t-. A lullof i:ooil> valued at several hundred dollars, pur*porilng lo nniie from Mrs. R. Ilurke, manufacturero! Imli.'s' and's garments at No. 345 Last

F'lt.*.'nili->t., WM pr.setited la Cashier Nf ur

fm pay-Beat All the ai-iialnres beginning withI I'l.'-ar*.'*. upon tho dill. Tin* check WM -ent

to Hu- designated number iu Fift«.e:i:ii-i-t.. wneie iti\.isr..Ired bj Mt" Hiirke.

I tu s. worked wall and the swindler* livedItt lu.ui v on the pgoeaadl ot their dUhooesty. Aniiitilierof ehoi'ks wen obtained on lin*-t* fraud*ii .!,i billa of gooda. Hut a year ago O'Leary was

discharged. A man Barned Hell succeed* I aita. Notiii ii.t.fil by this circumstance. O'Leary inducedWilliam Devlin, ¦ porter ia the place, to iteal bima lull of goods a lin li bora the siguatiu,* of thc BOWclerk. Ile praetiaad ob tins signature, aad then re-

tilllieil lite lull of |* io Hell's de-k. A fflW ll IVS

afterward (VLBarj walked into the store, and latb.* inni .*.« of a friendly talk with Heil managed io

Blip into hit* deal a fraadnlent lull ofgooda made payable t<> Mrs, H'.irk>\'leu' lull bore a hu c.'.'. indorsement of Ball, lt "as

Bent tbrongh the regularsy m, and received theregular indoi-eni'-is, aird Mrs. Burke drew tbemoney, 93.082 62, which was shared between Dev-)iu aiid O'Leary. In ti.".rsaof time Ball WMdismissed, and a man named Lynn wae installedaa i.'.". ng clerk. ByDevliu's Bid counterfeitin¬dorsements of L\nn's were alipped into bia desk,wino, earrie -1- -iciie.l lu- ..¦ oilier indorsers.mid paid to Vu. Barbe. The skill ol' O'Leary didint stop al aw h.dlint* Arnold, i onstable A lo. Het-fcuied tm" indorsement l Nicbolaoo & Lenehan,letail liquor dealers af TweutY-sixth-st. and Lex-ington-ave.. on checks of the div goods timi. Mr**.Burke coola not be j irted at anj bank, ao theclick-w.ic unstop. .¦ t cashed by John Ker«wwy B Co, (whoa rustouieraNicholson & LenehanV. ie1, at tin ir wii . talc I..(nor store in IVail-M.

ihe great firm linally anapeeted thatthev were being swindled, and, lastT bomb?) placed the matter m ihe bunds ni Inspec¬tor Byruea 'l'lic latter pt.t Detective-SergeantsRogers end Von tienchten on the ease. The] sne-

ceeded in clearing up lu mystery, and ob Wednes-iaj ni*.ht the| an. Mir. 1\ Hark.'.

ej. ju Pifteenth*aL wm a myth,ami bar son, Ji iepb Burke, age twenty, and Devlin,Hr poi

lui' .. :iii!.> Mangin and Wade at thet-l'»l. ar. at First- iv. andbrough! to I'oli.'.' Headquarters

andi. ¦'. d O Leary lad $5U0 in money withI primonera were t ikea to court yes-

I ri itt!. Arnold, Constable A. ('".

ugh iheir honks to ascertain thei ii -\ in die. The known fraudulent

I at different dates during the past fourhave been for BOSS, $010, $006, ^i7**K=

» ("i'_\ aud$l.OOO.O'Leary i* twenty-tarn yo ir< old, Mrs, Burke

foiiy-ii\cami Devlin thin, -twa

JLHWUNOLEE BE! OMEH Ml:.KATEMURPHE,Meiit-st. wm i'i a fi naen! of Kin and exeitement

\ erday. Hie worshippers ot tha yellow dragontook time by the tail and sluug it with so good a

i- ill thal it kin., keel all lin* life oul "f it and t!ieclocks in tbe quarter *-i >. 1 still. A !i Wong Leewat going to gel married. Mra. Kate Murphy was

alao gulag to euter tbe holy state of wedlock andLei tiiitoii.riiuij.iexion.'il admirers were intent

¦pondoing her honor. Kat.* has been for mbmi is the belle of Mott-st. She wm a trifle aged,la use racing slang, bnt she had plenty <>f go, andwitb Ibe glam es >>! ber big bleared cv. i she capti-Yated Ah VVung it". Wheo abe tit-t came into theIrovrsy preciucts ol her hair w-fl a faded

tallow, bnt as aonx of hei friends preferred blackcommodatii i tanged. When she firs!

nut \\ ii ig on a picnic he bispered: "Kiate I lik.-.*1 ¦¦ bair," and behold. Kate became a blonde,Hei willingness to oblige Wuug won the unsophis¬

ticated Chm .ir. ll. kept a grocer] ad-

Itrent to lom Lee's restaurant, ¦ rd be had accutnu*Bled ao many "cash" tbat he began to yearn fora part nf;. kates aole meena ol support waa a Ten-

eand bald-headed acrubbtug-bruah. bul sheWM buxom, and abe had once been wedded to " a

punmeerai." Mie had n in-..I the banda and1." his ot tuativ almond-eyed sons of the East,avowing t bat she would "uiver wida! luna'..' bulBt tbe picnic she saw Wang Lee a*

«nh a lork, and hiaeviden! culture and familiarityts ii ii eiYilila! .!! set bet callow bean aflame, lt is¦aidtba! she rented ¦ room opposite VVun|r i. Blore shortly after tbe Bra! interchange olwyo, and sat tbrongh the melancholy eve makingmouths and winking at bim, 1 In- continued untilWini, could stand it no longer, and io b tu ol dee-I on be proposed.At the peep ol day yesterday Ah Wuna Lee was

beard to observe: " Hally llisb wifee an I be Ihsh-it,.iuee. Me- n.i longei Ali Wing Lee, bnl Mi. Mni-plue. liidli .' got

i !.«. bliLahing bride remarked: ** 1 >i .uk poteenIoike a mon au he a iMumiecrat." And Wuug re¬

plied wlib a child-Uke smile. "1 willoi " Wong'sn_n has i..eii changed to "Jar.and Mrs. Kau* Mur-phe. L'hipec Groceraa."

OBJECTING TO WIKES UNDI ROROUND.The telegraph, telephone and electric ligbl com¬

panies are every day having more and more inter-

terence and obstruction [rom i!.»* Police's Interpretation of tbe law looking to thegrounding of all arirea The latest complain! is bytin- Luited States Illuminating Compauy, No. 50Liberty-st., t m, ..! whose ei iployes w.'ie- preventedlt"in making a connection between the pole a re

and a lamp, at Broadway and Morris-st, on Wed-aeaday. Lugeue I. Lynch, president of thal i m«

pam Mid j -'. rdayWi sceeiad om sn '. \nres une!.*r stjte antborlty

aiei «i- .t .a- ar, .. mt ol UM-ty iii perfectingteu,, bob extending 2<)0 lillies. 'I ii^ law prov! leni i let a in. li tbs compani* icsn associBU to pu! 'tuwu

a coe .' iii anil se,.

lui irope, electric ¦- iva oeeu run under groundfni e abort time; b may :\-,,k tat tia

t- .; .. that ll would t . furn uta aat !<.r our Hollis by underground oonduotion Uutil

u '.a-'i-u pei nf insulatlun uini under

f't-.iiii'l I'Hi'li lora bave beea foand all attempts will lieuiiee .'apii.ii will ant embarli untl lt bai

Bteietf tbat anderarouad la aa i sap I effective a aya-i*ii-'.' rim, ut us.-.1 . lammertn iip|ii.-it nu ti. tue bill wu- ti..ii te pl.e aad t" legrapbWtraaoutnumber tbealeotrlo ligbl wlraa Intblaeity 200tol. If everytblog were ready aud a perfected systembail beea found, Ute electric lulu wlru could do txnouuded nnder tbree years, and the ubei sysleau leit

Mart of tlva years, l... mlj i.r. aaaerted bj tbi eenie)

Beats of tba aerial ayatea la thal it is unsubtly NewY"ik baa a tlir alarm -> it^tu. a blob is being .-xi a le iftbe woes are a nur-nue. wir? <io not tbs auibontlea abatetuen nwu BBiaaaea aiid put itieir own wires undergrouiid I


THI SINKIV i I IM' (OMMISSION.The StnkiiiL' Fund Commiasioners met yeaterd ay

and djBcnaaad the ( the sale of the frau-ehiae« of the staten Inland aud Hay Kidge ferries.N\'. W. Macfarland ap] eared as counael for KraatusNVinan and urged tin- rental of the francbiai sfor ¦

fwoBWtage of the gruai receipts, Corporationoiinsei Lacombe suggested thal the franchises.

should be Bold to the bidder of tba lushest annualsum. iu'tea.1 of tu., perie.itageof thc gross (ei net

reeelpta. He also favored the releasing of thebtirchascr from the obligation ot running theflay Kidge ho its in tbe winter, ! be Com-bieaiooers reaolved to lake bo boUob unul the mo¬

tion obtained by a Mr. 1 allot « bo is saul to reine-a»'iit John ll. Maims inlereatai in tbe .nprdtiie( onri. restraining ila- sale ol t:.<- ferry fraachise,».! tuld be decided. Tbe Commissioners appthe r.-newai ol the lease of i be building occupied byth.- ixth judi, ial Court ami theVth Distrii t PoliceCourt at One hundred-and-twenty-flfth-st., nearronrth-avB.. for a term of five years, at $8,000 ¦

yiar. 'lie- Controllei was empowered to Im.! foi $500,000, payable bom the binking

Fund fol the payment of inter, st on the city debi.

NO CHAKOE IN THE PLUMBERS' STRIKE.Ihe hiss plumbers and their employes tte still

at sword's point and both sides stai", with au

t' uhaie- ol conti.lenc.-, that they are certain toWin the liifht. lt is hardly probably thal any

ahange will occur until afier the adjournment ofthe National Convention ol master plumbers. W.H. (.un k, a siaater, sneoeeded io Kettint.' two meafrom out ot town who were put to work yesterdayat No. 1_7 Last. Tweoty-nintb-sl As boobas thev begaa work the laboicts and carpenters em¬

ployed on tha builtiini* (juit work and staid offWatti the aaa mea were laid off f bey wen- thenput tO work ia the Equitable !'.uildiii«. Wh"were waited ob bj a ooauaittes ol the JourneymenBev.ral pf tiio jonmeymea tnce«edad ia getting*soik and then are now only about '2M iin-n out.The Journeymen have printed a l_ri*« Bamber olth* iroa clad pledget required to ha si^ui-ii by ibo

I which will lt dibtriLuted BtBQUg the tradesiiti.eiiiihts. The earpeatera, laboieiu aud otheranions in the building trades have rtoolvtil sot toWork with Boa-anioa day an e»*ay uu %auitaiy plainbltie from tin

iq vm* reid lt treaie<l of the Dei

or aai.itary education and the seieaes of hrdrauUea ontbe part of Mumban foi proper aadaratanalng ->¦><i i-x-

?cutiteu of tun work for tlie pruieciiiui uf tba geaei ilbeai t ti. Baaaysoo kindte.1 sutMeta were psaaatited !.>¦

tbe riiiiadelpiit.i, Cincinnati, Jcrhey city, Balttaore,Pbltaga aiul ether delegation*. 1'at.ers on thaappreu*tle-MiiTpa>iit«iii; ou the relations whicb should exist betws.:u Uie uianter aud Jourueymau, the aauiutiuu of


ties and a lipid poller of protection to tbe trude as

'eessary to its welfare aiid existence, wen- laid before,e convention.Tbe alternoou sesulon liecan v. Ith tlie reading of papersr representatives of tiie r-evcral delegations, followed i.yie reports of Hu* Btate -ice-pre-idenU. Abrahamcart, of New-York, late chairman ol tin* Ea_entt~a I 'oin-

lttee, proposed to presenl a n port of the work of theminiltiee prior to lil- rettretiient from it, hut the chair.elded that, hiivln. reslirne.l from the eSSBB-MSB, he had

11 *_-lit to make tin report. A scene of confusion flh-waa. during whleh Mr. Mead wa- ehsrsad i.y one of lilsHow delegates wltb being s fraud and recreant letheust reposed in him. Mr. Lowe, »f Wsw York, defendedr. Mein, ami said bewas a plumber, ia good standing,'fore hts assailants WSTS bora. There whb ciitnlniitloue.i recrimination, uml eonfaidon prevailed until the

,tt!rultlea la the New-Vert delegation wers referred to

eommittee of one trna cacti delegation.. ?

Tin: DEAF and DUMB,irnovr.D Mr.Titons of tracking tutm-articu¬

lation- AND I IP-llKAlHNO.The convent ion of teachers of tbe de:if anti duinliv the iniptoved or mal method ot instruction, cou-

tined its n.-si.ns yesterday at the Institution fortc Improved Instruction of Deaf Motes in Lexine-m-ave between Sixty-seventh and BixtY-eigbtb-s. David Gneubagar read a paper on " An __aer*an System of Tea. bini* Articulation to Deaflutes," in which be Mid: "I have come to theinclusion that the oral method as practised inermanv mav be found well adapt, il for tin* leboolsI llullaii't, Switzerland. Austria ami all otherut' countries, but it will never enswerto tbe'inni ments of the oral schools of America." Theev. William Stainer,of London, saul lu* agreedmt lin* system pursued in ths Institution for thenproved instruction of deaf mates in New-Yorklonld be called, and boped that Bach'country ould have ;i System that could bc best ap-lied to tts own children.A paper on "Speech Beading," hy Miss Alice!'.cilium's, who is a deaf mute, WM read. In it she

.plained the difficulty of deciphering words from!n* motion <>f ihi* lips, and the Importance of dis*Inct articulation on tb.* part of the teacher. Thoeal was a papat on "Ama. Instruction "l tb.'

li it," by J. A. Gillespie, principal of the'ebrasks Deal .ind Dumb Institution. Ile Raidian* nu question tba! th.* semi-deaf matesould bc instiiii lui to speak nnd to hear, and couldic graduated as hard-of*bearing, speaking people.'i. r. M. Gallandet, prestdenl of tin* National Col-e?ge for Deaf Mutes ai WaelUngton, expressed hisratification with results effected at theNebrasksnstituti »n. Professor Samuel Porter, af tb.' Na¬umai College,at Washington, who is deal, ft- a pan of patent ears, thc length ot w hich,¦ hen bs pm them on, provoked mm b laughter.V.ih them he timbi bear without the use ol an cai¬

rn: imo.I'KwFsVor Bell said thal he thongh! itwasnn-oubtedlv true thnt rb." larger proportion ol theinn-tit it belonged to the class of congenital* question ol bow to test the hearing ami whatit, mi a I ans t.. nae w os nu port ant. A bearing tubeu_;ln be useful where the membrane of tbe ear is

.¦I¦ie.:t, bm where it was destroyed the bearingube might lu* hurtful; but in ouch cases expen-ri.iits might well be made with instruments likehe andiphone. He thought lhal some more simple,iul handy instrument might be Invented. Wwpeaking telephone (invented by him) bad bein th.-

esuli of experiments In regard to teaching articulamn to deaf mutes, Experiments bad been mad.' inis labratory during tne la>t two na ratha, whichended to improvement in the articulation of theransmitter of tie* telephone, A young man, whorae ven deaf, was delighted with the articulationsit tbe telephone, which he could hear distinctly,md he hop. .1 thal the telephone c inld hereafter bemide ii-.'lui in oinmunicating with the il. at.

During the day an exhibition of a n ie' ion nndip reading by Hr. Greenberger'g pupils wai given.U ibe eveiling session papers were n td byPro-essoi Samuel Porter, of'theJNational College, on'Mute Consonants," and on" Vowol Formation,"ind by Paul linnet', of Wisconsin, ou " Elementaryni. e Training." Professor Bell gave very Inter-

.-uni; illu*t rat ions oi the formation of vowels andhe quality and tone of the voice, show ing howbey can be modulated.Pro* ssors A, c. i.-ll. J. C. Gordon and F. (lark,

vere appointed a committee to recommend sucbesta of nearing and methods of treatment andactivation in the schools as ths hast interests ofbe (bat require.The following committee on necrologv was an¬ointed ; Dr. P. (¦¦ Gillette. Professor A. <;. Bell andl:--N -arab Lull. r. 'lire lii'th conference ofrincipals \\ ill be held duly '¦<. at Faiibault, Minne-bta. Tin* convention continues its -''--urn- to-day,

THREE FUNERALS -E8TERDAY.The Roy. Hean Beldon was buried at Oreen..1 yesterday from the home of bis son. Williamleiden, at No. 9 11 Fifth-ave. Ths Kev. Dr. Si .rrs,f Bro 'kiyu. was expected to conduct the sen leoni was unable t" be present. Tbe Kev. S. H. Halli*;iv, ol I'lyi,mu:!: Church,officiated in his si. ad, BS-

isted by th.- Rev. v> illiam ll. Beldon, a cousin "fhf lira.I man. "Abide with Me" and "Neareriv God, to Thee" were amougthe musical -.

iona 1 b" Rev. Dr. Striehy, seen irv ol t be Anierl-an Missionary Association, paid a tribute to theiieuuiiy of his " old friead." I lo- be.u-".* was fillednth the perfume of the dowers, ol whieb lherewei many beautiful pieces, Including a pillowtearing i'm- word " Patter," and a wreath "Grand-

The funeral of Mis Maty Hopeton Drake tookplace al hei home, No. 7 Fast Seventy-third-its There wen* many friends present. TheProtes'aul Episcopal burial service was read l.vthe Rev. Dr. J. VV. Shackleford, <>t the Church "fthe edsemer, who was assisted by the Kev, \v. S,Rainsfortl, of m. Gi urge's ' burch.The funeral of D. O. Wdtberspoon was held al St.

Mnk's Church, the Rev. Dr. Joseph ll. Rylanceofficiating, lhere were no pall-bearers, A largen .mImi of friends were present. The body wasburied ia the church lot, la the Wotherspoon fam¬ily vault,THE"DUMONT)" BRIDE IN NEW-YORKAGAINAmong t!;e passengers on tbe Alexandre steam¬

ship I ill ol Puebla, which cann* np to thetiiv yesterdav from Quarantine, werel>r. C. Jd. Richmond, and Baronessvon Glnmcr, of " wedding" celebrity.Har..ti.-- von (Humer waa the daughter olLieutenant \V. A. Bartlett, of tbe UnitedStatea Navy, and on October 13, 1859,she was married to Don Esteban Sancta Cru¬de Ovcido, n Cuban, who owned large ov

t:.i"-. in the West Indies, and who had beenlivm. at tin- st, Nicholas Hotel for several mouthsin princely style. Ai'.-r their marriage in St Pat-rick's Cathedral in Mott- i , which was publishedfar and wide a-ibe "Diamond Wedding," theywen! to Europe on a wedding tour, and then wenttn Cuba ti live, Fourteen years ago Don Oveidodied, leaving his widoe a lam" property, .rn 8ep-tembei S, l *¦.*'_', she was married to Colonel Baaavon Glnmer, ol the Mexican Army, the Beddingtaking place In Trinity Church. They hare sinceleslded in Mexico.

A PRESB 1TN KIN AT LARIIf Captain Curtis, of the steamship Newport,

could lav bis hands on Pun Kin there would nol beenough left of him to make a Chatham-si, restau¬rant Bve-oenl pie. ibis run Kin is a Chinamanrrho was forbidden to land by tie* Custom Honseoflicers when be arrived a few days ago. CaptainCurtis placid a guard ..v.-r bim, bnl it ls fearedthal the sailor belonged to Tammany Hall andii .' 1 ii n Kin figuratively "saw him, for thelattei escaped on the second night ami baanol been seen since. He had the same copperycomplexion, the same long queue, the lame hi_licheek bmies, aad the same moon-eyes thal allChinamen baYe, and Captain Curtis was believed,vv hen be s;iiil y estel -Ls V III ill:).hal lr ami plainEngliab : " rhe .1.d Chinese. I shouldn't knowbun if 1 should see bim : they all look alike." Hiecustoms officers, win. eau smell on! any kind of

or materials thal bave been smuggled aabore.Bava not been ai.b* to gel traci- ol the celestialwho has violated the law restricting Chinese mi-m.i:rut iou.

A NEW EXCHANGE BUILDING.Plans for tlie new building of the New-York

Mercantile Exchange were roted on yesterday bythe mern hers. Ihe pinn submitted by Thomas R.Jackson waa ehoaaa. the building la to be olbrick, v. ith a basemen! ol graj granite. 1 be mani

building will be uinetv-five feel Inuit and comprisefive stones, lt bus a front of 7". feel on Hudsou-st.ami 100 feet on Harrison-st. nu the latter street,at tin rear, will bs a clock tower. [60 feet bigb,rising two stories above tbs main building, with a

pointed arch roof and aflagstatl mi inp. ihe tirstiinei! ts designed for stores, Tho Exchange roomv ill be on the second floor, 'I he coal ol the entirebuilding, with tbe land, will be 1300.000. I'heI .'Linne hope to oe. npj iii. ir building by May J,ioQ '.


CUTTING orr EMIGRATION EXPEN8E&'I he (.migration Board mel resterdai and agreed

to discontinue the payimnl of $1,200 s year insalaries hi li chaplains oil Waul'- ulandi and todi-, baige fenn cleiks ut ( asl ls Garden and Bi e em-

ployeaal vt md's (aland. This action is made nec¬

essary by ths poor tolled ions "i t ie iori tax.< o.ninissi iiier Stepheus directed attentii.n to ibofeet that there ar-242 inmates at Ward's Uland,including eight-five insase persons, who n.vee ont it b d to .upporl from the immigruui fund,

bad bet n in ihe oounl n I n *< usn ¦..

lt waa resolved that the phye.ciai.-tn- hi -i shouldselect those a oareaoletobs remove.! and Ithan, to mo Departmeat of Charities aud Con aolinn.


WASTING CROTON WATER.A correst'oti'leni calls attention to thewaateef

Croton water at the bvdrants. Many ol them are

opended by men and boya without regulation or

n i-i i.ii nt ami the water ia allowed toma for alonglinn*. I his is especially trus "t hydrants near thcdocks. There is om-on the fool ..! East Nineteenth-it, which in kept constantly running, lin Hieopposite aida ol the street there is s large pool, tbswater coming apparently from a lamber yard. Attim toot ot Kast .**¦.*v. iit<*i nth-st. U a horse troughwith water mimili!* day ami night. As bouse*boi'ieii miller mu' b in in Nani ropplj af w_t. i foilbs most nacssaery asea, _uch icaks b...u!.i hostopped.


PROMINENT ARRIVALS.Windsor Hotel.Chief .Justice Morrison R.

W*Stt-i of tlM l'nited Htntes Hupreine Court, »i>d L>. W.Caldwell, vice pr«mil<*nt of tin* New-York, CliiciiKo sudBt. Ijoiiis Raliway Con-p.oy.Fifth Arenne lintelKenatorn <)cnr.-e F. Hoar, of MannaelnisrlU; WarnerMillar, of New-York, and N. VC. Aldrich, of Rhode Uland;1'rclileiit Andrew I). Whit*, of ( ..ruell UalVMSUjl¦Intl^e Ueorire K. I ian fe nt h. of thi* New-York Court of Ap.psata, aad Curies -awry N-iithawi Tbomaa v. cooper,of IVnn-vlviinla.lintel Srmnmwutk.Ma -fiiainr JolinII. lleiiilemoti, o* Mlnnoun.Ecerett '/ou.-.1'ief'ilentI). CL (iilinrin. of .liilin- Hopkins University.OrantlIlnlel.tif.mrs lt. Kluan, of Oiwcgo.Curt; ArenueHotel.Vre*\u.ev\ M. li. Anderson, of Ko. h-ster t'titv. r-

nftp.Alh-nuule /*'.M.commodore Grorjrr P. ('utter,l'nited State.- Navy.Vitoria Mutti-Ueaerai W. Sf,Vu iltu-p, uf Iowa.


WHAT IS 0OING ON TO-HAT.< otley I-laod JgShOJ Clnl) rac-, MMSfSbSal Har. 3

p. m.Holt rcfi-rence r-.ite'nre Referee Call, 10:n0 a. m.

Park Departmenl investigation by Justice Barrattassembly Oommittea on AimotIsa Metropolitan Hotel.Cesvantwa of Mutes, In*! lin tion, 10 a m.

Mectiug of Board ol Knliuiate Appin tl'.iiiu.nt, lla tn.Yale-Harvard bas-iliail match, Washinrton I'ark,

Brooklyn, i p, m.Manhattan CoUeirc Commencement. Academy of Mudie,

3::io |i. tn.Tliomp».in ref-rence ault. No. 110 Broadway, n p. m.

Independent Republlean omn-luea, 8 n. atliftli of .New-York Yoluutcer Yetman Association fr»-

tlval, Balser*! Park.College of thc City of New-York Aluin-ii in-eUtiif, 0

p. Ul.

NEW-YORK ("HT.Gr-orc A. I.eavttt A Co, yesterday begaa the

sale ol Lancaster s. Burling, library ut ClintonHall.

lin* first of n aeriel Of sacred concerts will begiven in thewintergarden of tho Edea ICnseeoaBnnday.John H. e-ehiffhaa purchased tbe site of the Old

North Baptist Church, l.t-dlnrd mid christopher¦ts., for $70,000.Tho manufacturers Bad jobbers of carpets, oil¬

cloths, etc, have signed an agreement to closetheir stoics on July 1 nnd.*.Thomas E. Halleck, manager of the Indian r* .-

warn in Bast One-hnndred-aad-sixt^eath-st., waslined (SO yesterday by Bet order bmyth.The Central remperance League las! ling, In

the Seventh Stree! Methodist Episcopal church,adopted a constitution and by-laws. Chauncey-bider \\ aa elected president.Among the visiting anderarritera in town yester¬

day ..vie" Clarence Knowles, <>i Atlanta, <ot.. mann

ger ol the Southern department ol tlie GermaniaVite Insurance Company, ami George B. B I-tie d, of Chicago, special agent of Hm Underwrit¬er.' Agency,


Mary K. Armitage, aga twenty-two, whoas lms-.1 i.r .1 keeps a cigar store at No. 166*_ Leonard-st.,attempted to end her life witb paris green Yester¬

day. Shehad frequently been reproved liy herhusband for leading a dissolute Ufa

AIDING DISCHARGED CONVICTS.A musical and literary entertainment realizing

.fl".o was given last evening at the Union Taber-nscle ( burch, tea West Thirty-fifth-st,, for tbebenefit of the Home (f Industry and Refuge for! no barged < lonvieta,

iKYisti I" kui. HlMBKUr wini a i'i. tt -hf.

John Lydel I, a Scotchman, twentj -one jrwu old,a street-car conductor, was yesterday eonunitted t.>

the Tombs for examination as to his sanity. Laterhe endeavored to commit suicide by cutting histhroe! "iib a dangerreotypa. ile-ta. win lu Bellei ue Hospital.

NOT WILLING IO BKHVB as JOBOBB.Vain efforts were made yeaterday to secure a jury

to try John Carpenter before Recorder Smyth.Carpenter is accused ol murder in the Srsl degreefoi Billing bis wife. Two extra panels of jurorsseventy -live.wei¦.¦ summoned ami uu'.y elevenjurors were secured.

ct K'"--i /. LIAYB! "OWN r IB Mil IN,Impresario A. J. Defoesc-:, who was arrested .1

week si'., on ile* complain! "f his wife on a chargeof deserting ber snd eloping with Miss Villa Niieva.the star ol bia opera troupe which was stranded inNew-Orleans a short time ago, was released fromLudlow Stree! Jail yesterday and sailed foi Milanun tin* steam th ip city of Montreal.ABNBSrCn l'"i! DISCI MIMG OB.YKBAt RI Ti I!:.

Qeaeral Benjamin S. Carter, of St. Louis, whilepassing a crowd of men in Kroadwav on WednesIn v. heard one ol ll.i offer to bet flOO thal Oen¬eral Butler wonld '¦ the next President, In thediscussion which foll w i Oeneral I'nrter took au

earnest part. Yesterday, in the Jefferson Marketl'nlice Court, bo was held to snswei a charge ..fdi uukenneas, bn! was dischargi d,

.univ ni: IBB tO RB '"'

William C. Rhinelander, who shot .Tohn l»ra*-:i*.the lawyer, complained thal hewn- lonely ha biscell in the Tombs yesterday. Noone called lo seelum except Ins counsel, ile receivedfrom hi-- wife saying thal she bojie.1 t.i see him to¬

day. The condition of Mr. Drake was Improved,and thc house-surgeon al Roosevelt Hospital saidthat he would probably re. over.

(IVI ll A MI!!.loN' AM" A HALI POPULATION.The ninety-eighth volume of Trow's New-York

City Directory for the year ending May 1,1883,has 'i-i b. en issued, lt contains 300,029 names,and the compilers estimate thal each lame repre¬sents five persona Ihe greatest increast i'i popu¬lation was uptown, bul there waa also a consider¬able growth in the older districts,

.HAKING A cwi I iv a Ht ICOB'S PACP.At a meeting of the Abyssinian Haptls! t burch,

on Wednesday night, the Rev. William Bpelman,the pastor, stepped from the platform ami beganarguing wltb Deacoi Harris. He beda gavel inbis hand, and the deacon says that he it

ti'ider in-, ii. be pa -ti says thal be was 111fectly composed, and If he did shake tb.* gavel it

was only an sci of gesticulation, be trouble Broseover a resolntl.Sered .¦. month ago by DeaconHarris b hich the pastor would uol receive,

i.ri OSI !> TO \ UN'! Ml M.

"Tli!* Food Reform Society of America"wasformed yesterday al No. i:t Lnight-st.. it- object

*.. carnivorous habits. 1". 1'. Doremus,of thc National Food Reform Society, England, isat iiie bead ol tbe movement, and is assistingJanies Crutchett. J. H. Hibbs, Dr. M. L Holbrook,the Bev. Dr. william Tayler, of Troyj BiderEvans, of Lebanon: the Bev. Henry B. (InIT, ofChrist Church, Philadelphia, and others,ABREST OP A MASONIC -OPOB RX-TRRASt*KBR,Georgs Smith, ex-treasnrer of Sylvan Grove

Lodge, I', and A. M. No, 203, which bas its r.i'¬la Masonic Temple, was arrested yesterday al bisborne, x-". 213 iraham- t.. Ilrooklvn. rhe warran!eharged bim with appropriating ahont$2,800 fr..tnthe society's funds, Smith lui¦ l previously con¬fessed taking tbe money, hut yesterday asked foian examination. He baa two sons and Iwo daten, "ii'' "t his sons is a denn 'nan and one of hisdaughters a public school teacher.

SKARCHING roi MIBSINO PBOPLB.Snperintenden! \\ ailing yesterday received a let¬

ter from l'et er M.i rr, of No. 7.". '*..( am in. Igi -t.. Bos¬ton, stating thal bis son James had run away fromhome with 9100, Jamea will beaixteen yean oldon July 4. Mr. \V_ilinjr wu* requested also tosearch for Wickliffe Phipps, fifteen years old, ofJersey ( itv. Wickliffe has a Stepmother doiniOcssner, age fifty-six, s dealer in butter and eggsat No. 346 Blghtb-avs., disappeared on 'Ines.lavFormerly be kept a eland In washington Market,and owned considerable property.

IBVKRAL BODIES POUND IB TUT. BITCH.Ths body of an unknown woman, ahoul thirty

years old. who probably committed suICttte, wasfound In the river ai the foot ol West Forty-ninth-st., yesterday. Bodiesof John Calametti, aroa ".-.Iii-ai High Bridge on Tuesday, and of ChristopherJsnsen, ¦ Swede, who tell overboard at the foo! >.fEast Twenty-ninth-st.. on Sunday, while Intoxi¬cated, *.*..:> tlso recover .!. ["he body lound iu hewat. rai i'nrt Morrison Wednesday was identifiedas that of Frederich Diefenbacber, fifty years old,of No. 600 M.niis-.iv.'., who was drowned fruin a

yacht on Bnnday,

BROOKLYN.Two cents wet." tba total leeeipte on tba Bridge

promenade from mid iiivb t te 8 a. m. yesterday.Robert Fisher age tweiity-aix, ol Ka 311 Dean-st.,

while temporarily insane, yesterday opened twoarteries in bis lefl u iat.

Letters of Bdministratioii were granh .1 yesterdayto John ll. (.de noe.ii the estate of John Cole, ofthe Jeannette expedition, who died In the insaneasylum at Washington.A memorial service f"r Bishop Bimpson will he

h. ld this evening in the Bimpson Methodist i pi . .e.

pal Church. Bishop Harris, Judge Georgi C. Rey¬nolds and olbets will speak.

< hm irs Mieii-r, thii-',", a stun.* tbrongh a glassdorn in tin* Post (lillee yesterday, and waited foiarrest. He said he baa no place to sli*ep .nd no

money to buy food, and be wonld nol bea or steal.Ile v, .is seal to the Penitentiary (or fifty dayaAnother i onfere ice of insurance men with Mayor

LOW Ul Ul. HU' e to lin- mill of* a Ure wa-- lu ulday, The Mayor sanl thal Nea \mw badctmnovei the a ater fronl ol Itrookli n. 'I be

Insurance men though! thal $20,000 would gut aboat equal to the Zophar Mills.Cram ia Fitzpati k, age eleven, of No. 210 Bridge*

st.. who left bi*, home een Sunday, was found ..t.

\V.-iii.-.l.i\ at t otit-y [aland bj bia lather. The boybad gone with Michael Haley, who was employedin a n,iii nd room near Culver's depot Hale- \\as

an.' I' .1.John llan.-iti/, of Nu. 177 Harrison ave., wi

t" tbe I'enilentiarj yesterdsj l«>r sn months forbrutality to bis family, lit- neighbors testHiedthat be kicked bis wife, csuslns u tumor, and toreh.-i clothes, struck his daughter, fiiteeu years old,und threw lils eighteea-months-old child up thetitans alu.ol ni him, mul lina la ul it up 1, it hair.Mm. Hanging supported hsrssll uml the . nildren by

ailor work, while her husband drank and wae idle*le is a member of a Grand Army Post.


FUNERAL OF J. W. BURNHAM.The funeral of Joseph W. Harnham took plaeoesterday at his home, No. 169 W'arfoiirton-ave.,I'onker*. and WBS i>rivate, none but his immediateamilv lieinf present. Ihe semees were conductedy the Hov. W, H.Cooke, of New-York. I ho bodv.-(ed in a Hiher-itioiinted cotlin, covered withilack cloth. The tb>ral ufftrlagS were many andostly. tilling Iwo carriages, among them being a

argo pillow with "Iliimhun" interwoven tn vio-

e-t-t. ii broken colnmo, and a sheaf of wheat boundiith ntuilat. Aftef the services tho body was

alien to thc Oakland ('emeteiy. Haynes yesterday appoiatad a committee

Barranga for a i>"<'r children's excursion at an

arly dataThe date for the takinff of Hie testimony ofhe Fisk & Hatch in trial of the BMBBfeiaoi the'ewart Savings Institution for contempt of the'battery tomi baa bean -et down for.July 7.

JERSEY CUTT.Edward Jone*, a Iced dealer at No. 489 Crove-st.,

IBSsuspended business. His liabilities are :*,*>,OOO.

Joseph Baxter, of Pieraaonl s biak.niau on thelew-York, Lake Erie and Western Hallway, fellHider a nain yesterday and was killed.William Onie, a notorious New-York burglar, was

onvicted ye- m.lay of a robbery in John W.

'angborn's house of diamonds and jewelry worth11,800on November23, I'siJ.a b btall ear waa descending tha Palisade ATetrae

nil yesterday when the brake-chain gavs wav.

behorse became frightened and ran down the.iii! but fell when n.'ru- tho i. The eat strucknm and wai overturned, rolling over severallines. The two passengers ia the car were badly-raised, and the driver was thrown under tin* i ai

md it la f«..r<:d that his Injuries will provo fatal.

YARI01 8 NEW-JERSEY TOWN*f.risi; I!i;\N( lt..W.urcn Leland, jr., proprietor

if ibo leran House, authorizes lb" denial of a K0-

ationalstory pnnted yesterday in Ihe World and1 .imt,,.ai regarding the rt icue fromdrowning ofdr-t-t Milliitiii Netta, >>f Cincinnati, by au unknownnan.

,\iiv-|l!:i N-uiiK.-//,' I rrin.. i Stor -.v's pul)-tsh.'el Jost six weeks and in ti:.n time one of ita¦( Hauy 0, Hose, was arrested four times.or adultery, perjury, malicious audcrii inal Monday be went away, .' iving li- boudsmeno settle his troubles aa be t they eould,o.iamii',-At the meeting ol the Hoard of Educe*ion on Wedueaday nigh! Mr. Bantu charged the*

lommitteeon reachers with having withheld in-'oiui.ttion with reran! to appointments. A heatedbs u--ioii took plac and after the adjournmentpersonalities were exchanged betweea Messrs.I'.a!ita and l.-t it - ¦!.

L*.\t. l-l.AND.WlvFrKLD..Owing to iii'- number of wort'

loir-in tin village ninny complaints bavs beenll.lele- t'e ,],: I, V !l,i ;! ll pi I'. fl 1 il dOg-atelier. H. tout lias Ihe noa official, becomebal many cuni .: t- L< > been made ol his catch-ng dogs which were uol died won hie.- by their

.*. lill a¦-?

STATEN ISLAND.lin--vu i.'-..The body of Miss Maggie Bradley,

if No. H'A North Meeeii-..u.. waa found ia the Ar-

hur Kills yesterday. She was drowned on Bun-lay U bib- sailing v\ ith a p .rt.v of friends, includingtichard Drake, to whom oho was engaged to benani. d.


ALONG I UK SOUND.QmtKNWicn..Exoreestraini begs maning over

he Cos Cob drawbridge yesterday without tirst

itopping,li nil, raul's Protestant Episcopallunch bas exton led a i all to the Kev. George PeI,blind, of ."-until Norwalk.During thebunder .shower of Wednesday evening HidRind and iain censed the electric lt_lit an

tel* graph u in - i" (-"inc in contact, and a it ream ofelectricity blazed np followed by falling sparks, Mf thc wires wen- on lire.


ROCKLAND COUNTY.Myack..The .-.ill for the organisation of s Blainemd Logan Club is beiug extensive!) ligned by th..test eili/.ciis. -m,-

NOT ANXIOUS TO MARRY SOW.Mary Powell, a cook al No. 203 Bael Broadway,

rh'.'i.-1 into negotiations whereby shenight obtain a hnabautL Michael Dareen, an oldieau living in Irelaud, exprea eil ¦ desire to come.. tht- country and Mary ottered to pay bis pas- iget bs would marry bel npon bis arrival. Inc¦ci,erne waa mutually satisfactory and Mary sac-...cit.*.! uo! only iii saving .nuugb money to obtainJu* desired til ket, bul al*') prepared n.-r

wedding dresses. I. isl Saturday the ninon was tobe consummated and Mar. tripped gaylj i" CastleJardell to meet ber lover who smved on tm.

Britannic. W hen Michael was espied itt th<fthrougMarj iii-bed in embrace hun and receive the[erven! kiss whicb she expected. Bul she wa

disappointed, Michael g ive ber the cold shouldersnd disclaimed any desire to become ber better-halt, lin* broken-hearted cook was however, tn-

duced to lend bim $3 to pa* hi passage to Boston.On returning to her kitchen, Mary said: "Ile im a

worthless spal|.n, so he isl I uiver will try tomarry sgain, so help me Bt. Patriot.! They are allthe same.''


REDUCING TELEGRAPH RATE8.Tbe We-tern Union Telegraph Company res!

reduced rates on its Mutual I ni.ui lin.-. to twentycents for ten words between Sew-York and Chicago,nnd to forty cents to Kt. Loo ia The present ratesofthe Baltimore and Ohio are forty cents *.o bothplaces. An i-i, ei uf tbat company aaid yeaterdaytbal tbe reduction to St. Louis waa made evidentlyie. mee! iii.- opp isiimu prices.|

iii we follow tne reduction on the Chicagoratef" be repeated," well, 1 canuot say what willbe done, but no . ompany can pei form l he sci \ it .¦ althat price without !"-*-. !!¦ i company is not ,j.,v-

ing away money, and therefore] suspect tba! IheMut na. I linne un, he allowed to do all thu businessit * an g».t, al t ¦¦ cenl rat.*. W.* w ill .lowhat we eau ;. ei thepreseut certainly at out formerprice." -a.-

an ii:i-ii VIEW OF nu: .¦ ia H. i.i:-."Fr in ihr irUli .Vail ...

The men v.-Lo call themselves "tue nett ?r element" oftbe part] tbosewbo are now twiting tim

Dominations made ia Chicago are pre-sminenl the dos!Illiberal tuen In America, "Their minds are Darrow eadIncapable ol expansion, and their bloodless hearts are

..I Kemi,,as luumliies or oroad bmnui sympathy.Tn. lr self-conceit ls Insufferable and <>i y surpassed bytheir niavish admiration, ami Imitation .if, everything

England " the mother ountry, dressafter Kngllsb fasbioni aud ape Uie English accent aadgelt They are mere provincial En<lisb, without tbesturdy Independent e and full blooded maahood whleh amr-deamlng points in tho mass of the Kngllsh people atborne

An c. Im in .ni English church repeats twenty-one syllables. lt ls tl./in to ii.. ti.n;. one iu exist¬ence which can repeat the wholo of oue ol' Joe Cook'snerds.. 'Boston Post

JIU 7.7 A/, /.\ 11:1.1.IC, ESC E.MINI Alt RI Al. MAM V

Bsaness. kMi «;».*.31 Mott sstalOitti lissa's seato *un.u w-Tss t--t.*.-.

/tv s.iutr Haw. , ¦'..- osv U .-i ll M Kell uv,. OatI'.U. *unuy Unit. ll'., teer. Wi-ai. ll j* _»., Bate -¦«


Tenet rrt-A. /.tnt

Kuy lilian Monarch ......Loaded. M.inarch

ItepUliliC.Liverpool.Wliiti>-*tar-n pt.l.lTfrpo.»l..Natioual

(teronis. (lia*!*!*-.An. Bur

\ uer. ii/.u Florie.I'.i.i,,ui.Horn)(o-i-ir. " shsseu . .Thlngrallalin:, inallia.Hann 'li.Ila.

I._lll"l Ml * S.illtlirllilllfOI! .N U.I.IiiT.I( nli,ii .,A«i>iiiw*ii .Purine Mall

ray . West lintis-.U H Malltnru!ut;tjs.CtSB-BSgOS .Vtaula

t-.\ I'LA 1 .1' NK Mic.'r.,fe tr ir.» .Liverpool. Inman

Zaandaai. iaiatsrilstn.ii'.-ai .Niau.

Bl MIAV. '.'.NL :_.

Arinuna . Liverpool .CunardAlaska .l.ivei.t . timondee W Clyde.t*an l.uiiiiiifii . i Inle'il

8BIPFINQ SEWS.pup.r or rbdat, ji nf ..;, issa

Altlll Vi.I)

BteS-SOT Holland (BTV .letTr-v. I..idi1oii 13 daya. wltli niel seeami p-s-etnn-i ¦ 1.1 v. .1 ll io ii

ShNUBsr Mute ot 1 Bri, Ritchie, Olaasow Jaaolsami Larne lo, -um -Kiss ami ii-am iis-en tu Au-nu iiaiiivuna h.

Steamer Rhi aland (Bel*l Isinlson, a nt warp .'nae it, witbmilan rail psatenffi rs lo I'.-n-t M ijUl _ s,m

HUamer Rialto 1 Bri. Abbott linn lune- via Boston, dayawith mdss and pa-sensors le . Hon

imer Britannia Sri Mar H, ratacola/.¦nil -ii. Iiii-ll linn* :. Bettina, ind Uitu_nar

11, willi lints* miul put. Dgel . t., lim, li, YA,. 4 0.

.¦r.vpin «psn Ima ... liarsc.w i> ¦-. .lays, withfinn t'e il Oamola reteel to Pim rorwooa A Ott

m out nonunion. Walker, Kicbmond tj Potataad-1 ai

-Sip l'.i'' i' l'n- n -1. Ilambari - Hart, wltb Ironamt rupit, 1,an-ia lo order, vessel ta Urim-n _,<>ei|> ,t 1 o, an¬

ia nie Lo .ei Bay>-i lit V> non lin Hi ira 1 i-nle'e 11 '-'¦'. tl- I, t> Iii atdss ts J

(1 *Anru A .>

bee,1 j..»i-|ii. mi it/i -tn a -I., n.u Itmatltlao Bl tlaya, withto J o Ward 4 w A li ilona Co

BU-fB-tT.Wiad M 'i,i, u.., trash, BKi elsadr. AtCUy lai-iei. In ih, M. oa.r

» ..

¦ 'in 11 -tosari ii in 11 ggett, Lei. PaitoaVick-raa ( e.

-wei 1.1. ,.1 Ifentreal ilir), ii_,|fortl, I.ivtrpoti th

y,|l*ru»!elWtl Inn.ll. ,,

-I -iie-l Mai.a ,ln, EtasaSOStsIlL A\ ..niii.1.11 Ii lim k, II., .-.

1 .kui.a Un. riant. UU.-Q'* \U lloaton llru.lerBoll line-fl."-run llrititi) laiij. lt, Fawcett, 1. .tv.inu .uni M.xinu

Ji'.it- I kit, ,1 Sou*i .et ii >i un 11 hi Wi timi ,11, ProfTeso.BeUos! A co

11 »i.ii, .um,ii i,ii, irrassr, UoiuiuiU-a . outeiiitikt a .0.


Steamer chattahoochee. Vattett, aarannab-Henry Tongs.

,rs,-at_*r Roanoke, twh. Rlch-ond. City Foist .nd Nor-

folk-old Dominion Pt Ce. Baltimore-J B arenas.Steamer Martha Steven*. '"""'*. Vt J lil (nocksteamer Nepi one. Berrr. isSSSB-g f-gffS^,stop Lasoa, WhMa Hon* Koli*-!* -^/-Mailer 4 Que-Hark Alcettei- (Br), Morrl-, Ilunedla, N/.-Msnier « «

"lura Marguerite iItal), Carbone. Po-.uoU. Itelr-Fnncb.

¦K-Sas. M (lt.... Uhr., Charletten-KH smith

*Bark John M (lark, OSBBM f2^fgSJSSSl il" ablon.Rr1_I.P Minnon. Sin|th, ron.". P'. .^'''"Va-A T HeneyBehr Annie Hooper Br). Htarkty. **tJohn, NB-A l neuey

HA I I,KO.-r M ''Iff or «»ntr«a!, for Uverpool l-yrtlan 1J««J».OBiloa: State of Pl i.n-ylvanla. 'J.¦.« {'j, ,'' r,' i.n,-/iiihaipiira. Harbiul...**! via SI Kllte. '»» *" -.'uVolll, iiuikl,

norla vt* HaT*na: Klainhonmsh. Bermmla. Lom*

Jac-eoovUlej Chattahoochee, Baveaa-n.AUo._iied-ulaLeugMl«i-'l-'<o-i»J-s'*-!a*r Neptune, for

llotton. ._,._,THE MOVKVEMW OF STS-klUM

POBBlB*! PivnrsUVBBMOt, Jone 2fl-Arrived. .JeBSasrsSt ^^"V.ln"!.,Campbell, fremNew-Tsr- June lo. .Na-ui't'i i-t..

from New-Ynrk lune 12. \v «enii«in (Br),QI IBXSTOWJI. J''"**^8.-*1?-"*!1 "JP"? ." Kr.Took, fros.

Illi/lir 'rn ii New-York Join* 1 <. ."" r 'j ,


^^^/SlVm^WSXm^Sm^Sl-__Ds_, stsamsr Werra .der), Barre, from Bremen hence fer

N,Wt.y0'vV,lv.-.1. .teamer ITflVabSt* Mg JMMftSS.1 KB*Y..,k nm. 14 e..! her way te R««.« j^ffiSdr-flBrt Ram-OUMOW lime'.''.-Arrived, ttea.nei AI. lamina mri,

':',V';;MK";:,l7:,.:,''.;;-1!'«.e.l,.t..-.r Coventry (BO. Ba.

^---.WSa-Pf-**--" ...dari. .nar,. Kewell,frieni Ntw-York -lune -'. en ber way «°'u,",',|r''__. «..i,r.t-ciu.r June.H P^Mlstsamsi¦ Marssgo iBri. Mallet.

"Sr^E'-^'.r i.XJl.'-.r..,r i'.', i.Un .Ctr,. Hey

"ifi«ffffi,wwh«a i'tot"n LMTUto(Kl), LSChspsltln from -New-York June..

If avaia. Jone "B-Arrl-.d, steamer Niagara, Baker, from

"$_mS_FOI-T. JBaela-PSSSS«.StSBBBSI Oloucests* (Br),

WSJSffi i:;.!J,..n,p,U.'-Sls.lSd.StS-BSr. Pari-ian (Br), Liver-

pool, Titania (Br), Ulatsow.DOMBBTIO PORH.

mmro- tmBB-.Ait.vsa.stssmsrs Missouri 'Br), oielir,

Bmuii^tur^i Bert-* -".. PettsvlUe, Bsstsai Aaa -Hia,bunsen- leas W-ArtvaB. Wai aresiwssa,

Ls* rem s. --avaiiiial).

S;SS"i:S.n-'^:r^^^,,n^^VX'-innJ.^AUhe IWS-ArrtVSi, SUS.

r^;;;!j:':U^ir;tae|.w,> am. Knickerbocker ithe lattertor Ntw-Yerk._-


rt»ii-iine rohasn BofPa Malt KstraetHat Henatareof/-_-._rTotTsii'1 Mar!!/. Klsner eil in-ok af every tjottle. ) 1or»ili!3ali pliyslnant, fer general debility- Beware ef toii-tiona?

e .

*' Roiif-h on Corns." lr><i. Ask for it. Com¬plete cure, bard or soft corns, warts, bunion*.

.. IKji'.jii o.i TooTBACBr," instant relief. 15e.. ¦ ?

fifSRT A. UkSttL*. M. T).,144l.exliirten.av*., betweea and I irvsH.

B*nr*,«tel, 3t.i7. Dlae-ses if thi ttervrmssrtt**O._ Ite-L'rinarrorran*. Iratx.tenoe _-d«t*r_ltr.

I. -I

[Copyrli-Ut 1884 by Rotter*. Peot 4 Co.]










TllK 1'I.AIN.

Rogers, Peet & Co.,CLOTHE.-., lUTft AMI HIIOE8,



A SURE THING.Baldness lt onlv ineunible when the hair roots aro dead and absorbed, whleh ls a

ran* condition. In oearlv all eases thev are .itnplv torpid, and can lt.- stimulated to

put forth a h. w growth of bair by tbe use of Avrit's Ham VloOB,tbs only prepan*tiou that cures balilucss and restores \outhful color to gray hair.

Baldness Cured and Agc Rejuvenated.J. V. HAMMOlfD, Like Prrstnn.D. T.

Wile :: lie- wa. hut .0 wars old foundhishair Rowing gray. At BO. Iiii hair andwhiskers were entirely \shiie. JSt> theycontinued until he reacoedOO years of ay,Minn be benn using Ayek's HaikVigor, three bottles of which Miffie.-d io

restore their original rich, dark browncolor.Keb, August Valebtibb, nfPufnh,

JV. )., bad become nearly bald, sadthough sbe mads u*c of many of the 10-

caliea bair restorers, none had any effect.Amii's Haik Vu,.nt did what nothingelse could do. snd now the lady again baaa lino head of hair, thanks entirely to it.

<ii:o. Katee, Flatonla, Trras, pre--e ute tl tin apparently hope), is case, Bald-iif-* was hereditary in bbl family. Bytbs time, le' was zl years old ho hadscarcely say hair lift, one bottle ofATER'S HaIE VlooR started a soft,downy growth all over bis scalp, aii'l la sfew months hi-* h. sd was covered withSoft, dark uud abundant hair.

Medicinal Virtues.Tlie rare medicinal powers, emollient.

Stimulative am! tonic, possesed by A yuh'sHair Vigor enable it ie> cure speedilySalt Hhe inn. Scald Ulead, Tetter-sores.Dandruff, Humors "f various kin.!-, sadother diseases of tbs scalp liable to causebaldness. It U not a dye, contains ao

.11 matter, and effects Its rejuvena¬tion of fadedor gray bair simply by bring¬ing back the vigor of youth to tho rootsund color glands of the hair.Tho wife of DR. V. 8, LOVELACE,

Lovelace, Kp., bad very bul TetterBoreson her hesd. ATE&'I lL-iit Vigorcnn d them.

tutovm,Mrs. O. Davenport,

time 'he tried many Bair"restorers" witli-Vt., became entirely bald at tbs iga nf _')mid remained so So years, during which

Tho .on of Tamma N. Carter, t>o-ttuan, Va., wss cured of fcc-ld-lleadliy Avril's UAW Vltit.K.Bkebeet Boyd, Minneapotlt, Minn.,

Wss cured by Avrit's Hun VIGOR ofIntolerable Itehl_0' of the Scalp.

out success. Eventually the used A yuh'sHaik Vigor, four bottler of which cov¬

ered ber lend with a tine nowt- of eilkybrown hair, twelve Inches long.Mks. o. O. Prescott, t'hirlpntrnrn.

Matt., bad l"-t two-thirds of her hair, byits falling out, when the applied Ayf.r'sHaik Vigor, and one bottle of lt causedher bair to grow out even more handsomethan before it bi .rau to fall.Mrs. D. X. Parks, Clio, Michigrtn,

ls 57 years of acre, and lier hair was (ttiitoj-ray,'but one bottle of Aykk's mutVioi .ii restored the color it bore in v..nth,and t-he now has "as fine a head of hair aa

when she was but IG."VtBCEBT JOKES, Eichmnnd, J -I., Io?t

nil his hair in consequence of a severs st*tackof brainfever. Ayfr's Hair Vigorbrought out a newgrowth in a few week-,and ii ipeedily grew loug uud thick.

A Toilet Luxury."Where tho hair ls brittle, drv, har-h,

weak, <er thin, tho usc of Avrit's HunVigor speedily renders lt pliant, soft.glossy, und stimulates lt to a rica umlluxurious growth: lt also keeps the y--.i\\ifree from dandruff, and affords a perfectBssuraacB a.-ai-r-t the hair falling out or

turning gray. No other dressing ls soclean or has such a delicate and deughtfUlperfume. Without it the toilet eanaot bocomplete.

I.a>lirs who havo once Bads trial ofAykk's Baie VlGOB never after preferany otherhair-dressing, and many of themvoluntarily off) r such testimonials as thofollowing,from Mtsa Kau; Bobe, Inger¬soll, Out., who writes:"Wliile _«*ep!n** m- head eleni" of Pandn:ft\

and pi' 1 Bead, 11 has al-., eau**.!my hair to Kr.,w luxnri-iill-, remiting in Bl*now pn-sr nain; hair fort--two In. liva lung, a.-4sb thick aa any one could wiall Ik."

Ayers Hair Vigor,imuparkd .r

Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., [ Analytical Clie-iiMs] LOWELL, MASS.Sold ly all Druggists.

EST &, CO.-Tl

STILL FURTHER seder io tettls eomptieatioos srlstaa tram oar eoaaeettoa

with other partiss lt bas beconis oeeessary foi aatoaaU socinii)n*n«e Mim k ot seasoBsMs goods uh ina eu .t- possible W'"liuw tli'ia turo

MARKED BOWNIn '.. i\ il. [iirtiii ni.

'IM« arlie' alT'irils an unusual 0|>i>.irtiinity Fur SseartBfBEAL HIKi.tiN* ls lim-.'. i;ii{|.s'. Md RABIES.1CLOTH-NO, im ..inii; BVBBYTHMU" ti"" lill!* tsBBOBH.

co and *%%% Weil 934-tt.


" Its purity offers thc bat securitySgaistt the dangin which are common toi),ott oj thc ordinary drinking ictitcrs."

London Medical Record.ANNUAL SALE, IO MILLIONS.Cfall Graters, Drnggistt, & Silo, Il'if. DftUrt,BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.


New-York TribuneThe Inki Daily of ftc M-itropilij.






A'S Vt



Aiso Sole Agents in the United States forBsssrs nnfciMst m flsfcilss B Oa, _¦_*¦_¦_ If******( i.utenic^Mr**'--. I!l«'|ijlt. Piibniiclie A lo, t'o.'iiac .Bland.e«Mi-aan OSbStaS OS.Oporto.PortsMe «ni i Kiiiro.tiei A Ce.N*»i."i>.... .Shem*Basars Miiiiuii ii./tt in . Yrurte Patt >t Marj_SherriesM ««:-i ll YOW I'suri,. Ma.lena.Matt'lraaBsssn OelawsllsrAMs. Nun- .Burg-iuUeoMeaars. (.uillr*. c ISSSBBI ** Cn.I,..PortsKssSfS. fiiioiainii I.iimuli)./am...Maraacliliiolill' VAM BINELI.BaS-SiSSS.Ola

i O. JAMAICA Kl »l.

Bt is nots rnre sll. t.nt» i. m.-an.l health r.netT«r, »ml fur Blood toa"-km DtaSSSSS ami |rsaMSS-S0SSAA*tSB impure or luipovar.lihe.l blinni. Mw Ut a Specific iBWBfeSBI a nval.

" My Imi.y Bs *ii.inth» oki broke oul with ISSN kimi of akin

iiutnor. ssA. altarMas ->« aSssBBs >>y my t_mii-plivalilan. waa ijlren up to .lie. Ide .lru_i_iat recoinmen.led

Swift *-|..'.lt,.',..iiiltl,.. reault waa aa lISM-ft-i an it waatutrarQl os By chilli SSS-fSt OWkX SH BBSS ot tha diseasflt ssas, atetl lu* ia aa fut aa api* "

JJ Kl Hl£ I ANI),Mm.lea Kuall Co.iutj*, lexi*.

" I u-e<l swift'a specific on OJ little ilaiiKlitfr. who waa at*tlu-titl »iti. ssas SBS- I'oiaon wi, ti hail missalSi sorta (4lissi msai i'"' BSAStfsrsllsssi hi psnssasaS)M-4 I .k**1'ua." ll iu my pru. ll. e." Sf, I BBOBTB, M. D..

I'yprse lU.tica, Ark.

TrsatBS «¦> Hloo'l anti skin Maana, a BBBsi tree lo appia.c,k,',, swur BPBOOriO CO.,

Drawer :l, Atlanta, Ua

BeW-_"St>l OWt'e. I .Vi Wraf SmhOh SSBVSSB Otb and 7Aa... I'hll.v1nlnlil_ unite. l.-Ofl C'l'MlUlt at.

Royal BakingPowder.ABSOLUTELY PURE.

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