life company introduction to green juices

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Life Company: Introduction of Green Juices

Setta Aikaterini, 130873

Creative Execution in Advertising, CN 3200

Word Count: 2.376

Fall Semester, 2014

Dimitriadi Natalia

New Product Cycle

STEP 1 – Idea Generation

After observing the Greek market I discovered that there are no green, organic juices

in Greece. In America recently, the whole idea of organic food and healthy diet has become

a trend, having as a consequence the discovery of green juice. Those are juices made by

green vegetables with low rate of conservatives. It is a healthy way to start your day, as it is

mostly made for breakfast consuming, and helps the body to gain its strength and also

balance its pH. Although, we can find those juices in other areas as well, like England, but

not packaged. So, my thought is creating a mass consuming green juice by a big Greek

“juice” company, that everyone will be able to access in Greece.

More specifically, I got the idea from an online brand which is called “Blue Print

Green” and makes different kinds of healthy drinks that have as a common goal to cleanse

your body. The founders of the company who launched it in New York, Zoe Sakoutis and

Erica Huss, have created two main product lines, one for cleansing and one for maintenance.

This idea is certainly a new one and not very well-known yet, so it is a good step to

introduce a product like this in the Greek market.

STEP 2 – Screening

These are some important strengths and weaknesses concerning Life’s green juice.

Strengths of Green Juicing:

It is a healthy drink, with low rate of conservatives and high vitamin percentage.

Works for people or little kids that do not like the taste of solid vegetables or even have a

health issue, when they consume fruit fibers.

Can easily be used as a substitute of breakfast or brunch.

The water content of the juice can maintain the body hydrated and can be ideal for people

that don’t drink a lot of water.

It is packed with nutricients.

Weaknesses of Green Juicing:

The claim of achieving a regulated body pH is not true, as the body manages to maintain

its own needed pH.

Many people don’t like to drink their calories. Meaning that liquid calories tend not to be

as satisfying as solid ones.

It may be thought that consuming greens is a way of “cleansing” your body without

thinking of accompanying it with a general healthy diet.

It does not have as low calories as some people believe they have.

However, the aspect of fruit fibers can be suited in both the strengths and weaknesses

category and that is because they don’t exist into the juice. During the making of a juice all

of the ingredients are blended and mashed together and so any fiber is “killed” during that

procedure. As a result, for some people who have health issues this might be ideal, but for

others who believe that fibers are the most important in a juice, might be a problem.

After research, I found some analysis for health and wellness in Greece, by Euromonitor

International. The results were that health and wellness products in the Greek market have a

negative growth right now, accompanied by the general economic downturn, and consumers

tend not to invest a big amount of money to added-value products. However, the analysis

underlines the fact that the health and wellness sector is a growing one and already

consumers have turned their habits into healthier ones. As a result consumers have tried to

lower the sugar and conservatives in their everyday diet, which means that manufacturers

also try to lower the percentage of unhealthy ingredients in their products.

Our company, which is Vivartia’s “Life”, has already a healthy profile in the market as

we produce low conservative juices. I believe that now is the time that we make that big

innovative move and produce healthy vegetable and fruit juices that are certainly going to be

a big idea and will grow economically in the future market.

This product is going to be long lasting in the future, as it is a simple juice that contains

natural ingredients, low on conservatives and with a logical price. The whole “Life” line is

based on natural ingredients that are one hundred percent fresh. This is something that is

defiantly going to have a lasting competitive advantage, especially when the health and

wellness sector is predicted to be the leading idea of the future market. By launching this

product now we are going to have the advantage of the consumers’ trust, as when time

comes for other green products to enter the market, we will be already well-known.

The only safety concern is the fact that because the product has no conservatives, the

expiration date will be very soon from the production date. So, there is a problem that must

be solved, mostly with the supermarkets concerning the amount of products that will be

delivered in each selling point and the need for them to be consumed fast.

STEP 3 – Development

The packaging is the same one as the others of the Life line juices. However, I decided to

design a different cover for the bottle in order to be more traditional. With the traditional

green recipe in the front of the bottle, we are trying to remind the consumer how pure our

juices are. As for the package itself, it is re-usable and easy to carry around. The quantity of

the product is going to be either 1 Lt or 400mL. At last, the bottle is see through and the

green juice from inside is shown.

STEP 4 – Commercialization

Product – The product that we are planning to launch into the Greek market is the green

juice, which is a healthy juice with vegetables and fruits. Off course there is some range

between those juices as we will be making 3 of them in order for them to be attached into

the “Life” juices line.

Green juices that are going to be released:

1. Mega green mix – romaine, apple, celery, cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, lemon,


2. Mild green mix – pineapple, apple, lemonade, spinach, celery, avocado

3. Detox green – lemon, cucumber, purslane, mango, cilantro

Place – Those three new products are going to be distributed to fast consuming shops, like

supermarkets, mini shops and kiosks. At first, consumers will be able to find them only in

some supermarkets with a big consuming percentage in Athens, in order to try them out and

see whether people will like them. In the future those green juices will be distributed at the

same places that all of the “Life” juices are sold as well.

Price – After researching other fresh juices in the market as well as with our rest of the line,

we found out that the price is between 2,00 euros to 2,90 euros. So because of the quality

and the no preservatives fact, our 400mL package will cost 2,00 euros and the 1L package

will cost 2,60 euros. The rise of the price is higher because these juices are one hundred

percent fresh and also their consuming days are maximum ten. The amount of days is

because the bottle is airtight sealed so the vegetables are not going to be ruined.

Promotion – We are going to promote this product by highlighting the healthy aspects of it

and off course the fact that with our green juice and by combining also a healthy diet and

exercise can help to boost your metabolism and so lose weight. Since it is an already known

product line it won’t be difficult to establish our new product, as long as it gets the attention

needed and off course continues to bear the quality that we are already known for.

STEP 5 – Idea Evaluation

Negative Hypothesis – As every other product in the market that is launched or is meant to

be launched, green juice might not make it because of some negative aspects. In the Green

Life juices, there is a possibility for some people to have an allergic reaction in some of the

ingredients, which are mainly vegetables. After research we found that people might have

allergic reactions to avocado and celery, two of the main ingredients of our juices.

Product Testing Feedback

In order to test our new product, we had some questionnaires. Ten of them were

answered including seven female and two males, with ages from 20 to 23.

1. In the question of how known is the idea of a green juice to them, the majority good to

very good. There were only two who didn’t know it at all or didn’t know what it is.

2. In the question that asked if they believed that a juice with no preservatives can have all

the vitamins, the majority said that they were neither convinced nor negative.

3. When we asked if the juice could be consumed as a substitute of breakfast or brunch,

there was a big variety of answers. Five of them would definitely consume it that way,

but the rest did not like the idea at all.

4. In the question of how full filling can be a juice for breakfast, six of them answered that it

can be a good idea and the rest of them did not find it enough filling.

5. Asking whether they would like to consume the juice alone or with accompaniment most

of them chose to drink it with no accompaniment.

6. In the question whether they believe a mass produced juice can be so fresh the majority

answered that they do not believe it.

7. In the question whether they believe Life’s company is a good associated company with

the green juice, the majority answered that it is.

8. Asking if they find the package to fit with the juice all of the answers were positive.

9. In the question whether the three types of juice we are launching are satisfying all of

them were fully satisfied.

10. In the question of the distribution areas, many of them found the need to sell the product

in more areas. (This is something that we are going to do, after the first trial of the

product in central areas).

11. Asking if the product price is logical, the majority found it logical.

12. In the product objections question there were only two comments who added that the

400mL should be sold 1,80 € and the other one thought that the 1L should be sold



1. How known is the idea of a green juice to you?

2. Do you think that a green juice that has no preservatives but is sold sealed in the

supermarket has the vitamins that you ask from a juice?

3. Would you drink a green juice as a substitute of breakfast or brunch?

4. How filling is a juice for breakfast?

5. Do you like the idea of consuming the juice alone or with an accompaniment?

6. Do you believe a mass produced juice can also be fresh?

7. Is the “Life” line a good associated company to produce green juices?

8. Do you find the packaging a relatively good one to the product?

9. Are the three types of green juices satisfying?

Mega green mix – romaine, apple, celery, cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, lemon, gingerMild green mix – pineapple, apple, lemonade, spinach, celery, avocadoDetox green – lemon, cucumber, parsley, mango, cilantro

Would you add something else?

10. Would you like to see the product to some other distribution areas as well?


11. Do you find the product price logical? (400mL: 2,00 euros – 1L: 2,60 euros)

12. Do you have any objections/something to add about the product?

Instructions: Rate every question with a number from 1-5, depending on what is closest to

your opinion. (for 1: very poor, 2: poor, 3: OK, 4: good, 5: very good)

Brief for Advertisement

Introduction Stage

What do we want this advertising to do?

Our main goal for this advertisement is to introduce our new product, green juice, in the

Greek market. We are currently in the introduction stage and the product idea is clearly

new to the market, so we have to be definite and creative for this advertisement. The tv

advertisement has to transfer the classic values of the family, combining the nutritional

aspects of the juice. By this way, we are targeting both adults and children in a loving

family oriented background.

Who are we talking to and what “insights” do we have about them? What is the

link between consumer and product “insights”?

We are talking to people that need an extra energy or those who do not really like

consuming vegetables, because of the taste or the feeling. They are ordinary people that

need an extra energy to keep on with their busy schedules. The product is simple and

innovative, as it combines the taste and the nutrition. It is a tasty beverage that most

people are going to like, easy to carry around and smartly designed to be consumed even

by “rebelling” children.

How do we want them to describe this brand? How would they talk about its essence

and its personality?

The new green juices should be described as the ideal beverage to take a take a break,

gain energy and strength during the day. It is a purely made green juice, with a few to no

conservatives, that is able to give you the same nutrition as the raw vegetables.

What’s the single most important thing we want them to take out of this


Our main advertising goal is to capture clearly our target audience and the energy aspect

of the juice. That is why we are using a family concept, to show that our product is as

good for kids as for adults as well.

How can we make this believable?

The way that we chose to make this believable is by using a classic family breakfast

concept of happiness and enjoyment. It is important to show that we are targeting all the

young ages and that our product is perfect especially for morning consuming, since you

can earn all the energy and vitamins you need to live your day to the fullest.

Tone of voice we want to use, style of the campaign?

Our tone of voice is going to be family and friendly oriented. Since our main target group

is families with members having a wide variety of ages, we have to broaden our use of

language. This is the reason why we chose not to have a narrator but let the happy

children voices and the music to dominate. The brand is shown through its use and not by

promising a lot with empty phrases.

Advertisement’s Plot

The advertisement is going to start in a black and white form, with a family, dressed like

from another era and running up a hill with a pick nick basket. Afterwards the sit down

and after lying around all of the foods, each of them start to drink the green juice.

Gradually, with every sip they start to have color again and earning the energy they

needed. In a fully colored image the next frame shows the family playing around fully

energized. In the next scene the mother, who was dreaming, gets out of bed and heads to

the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When the whole family is gathered by the table, they

simultaneously drink the juice. Next the scenery repeats itself by getting outside, in the

yard, and playing around with energy. In the last frame the mother is shown, holding a

green juice and saying the main copy line.


Slice of Life

Zoom out“Guilty”, Yann LiersenNatural Sounds, “laughing”

Cut“Brown Eyed Girl”, Van MorrisonNatural Sounds “swallow”

Dissolve“Blue Monday”, Flunk

Wipe“Blue Monday”, FlunkNatural Sounds “setting the table”

Zoom Out“Brown Eyed Girl”, Van MorrisonNatural Sounds “laughing and playing around”

Zoom in“Guilty”, Yann LiersenNatural Sounds, “laughing and talking”


Φυσικοί χυμοί Life! 100% φρέσκοι σε νέα διάφανη συσκευασία... (n.d.). Retrieved

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Health and Wellness in Greece. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from

BluePrint Cleanse Review | Does It Work?, Side Effects, Buy BluePrint Cleanse.

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The Juicing Craze: Health or Hype? (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from

Should You Be Juicing? The Pros and Cons of Drinking Your Veggies - Eating Made

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Wilson, J. (2014, April 11). Juicing: Healthy detox or diet trap? Retrieved December

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