life in a northern town - issue 21

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Shayne's monthly, bi monthly, whenever news and information about his life in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand.


From Life in a Northern Town

The year that was ShayneinThailand 2014. For me 2014 has been an

incredibly interesting and challenging year. I was feeling my way

throughout 2013, with all things being new, like a new home, new

locals, meeting many new people, new work and workload, heaps of

new connections and challenges. 2015 will be interesting yet again,

some different things on the again, as well as more of the same!!!

I started the year with some boring but very important tasks at work,

including compiling and writing the COC and Haven Foundations government reports, whilst

responding to my usual work duties along the way. I then took both reports and made them into

a single foundation report that highlights all the work around the foundation that could be shared

with supporters and churches of all the organizations under the foundations. The

next big thing for me was our Annual Conference, which was an awesome week

of testimony and challenge for everyone in the foundation.

I had some personal challenges during this time

and I was learning some of the fun of what is

mental disease and the tests that come out of it. I

have learnt a lot even though not overcoming

completely (this was not my own issue), but a

friend, really.

I had many opportunities to see the work of our

foundation actually on location, so along the

way there was opportunity to share and encourage our team in their work. I am

planning a trip over Christmas for more connection with our guys. I went to Hua

Hin, Pattaya, Mae Sot, Bangkok, Mae Sai and I am planning to visit Khon Kaen,

Ubon Ratchathani, Surin, Cambodia, Korat and maybe Mae Sot again.

The second half of my year cruised along in work mode, thankfully. So, I

connected with a few outside projects, partly work and partly for the CV. I joined the organising

committee for TEDx Chiang Mai and was an integral part of the two TEDxs held in

Chiang Mai this year. We had “Big” TED and “little” or youth TED. They both went

off very well and although extremely tiring throughout the event and afterwards, I

was severely TED-lagged! LOL!

Secondly, I again was on the committee for the “International We Love the King

Celebrations”, where the people, businesses, foundations and other organizations

and groups of Chiang Mai and surrounding provinces can join and show their love

for the King of Thailand. In the end, the local police took over a lot of the

ceremony and parade, but it all went off very well and everyone was happy with

how it turned out. All the big shots and me on the far right in the picture.

And so this is Christmas...

My name is Shayne Rochfort and I am a servant of God, volunteering in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

I am the Legal Advisor at Christian Outreach Centre Thailand (COC) and The Haven Project. I

am helping coordinate visas and work permits and the whole work in local churches and

communities all over Thailand.

My main role involves everything and anything, STILL.

Please consider partnering with me, building God’s kingdom in Thailand.

David replied, “No, my brothers, you must not do that with what the Lord has given us. He has protected us and delivered into our hands the raiding party that came against us. Who will listen to what you say? The share of

the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” David made this a statute and ordinance for Israel from that day to this. 1 Samuel 30:23-25 (NIV)

The projects, the people and the challenges from the year that was 2014. God has been faithful in

so many ways. I have 100+ people each week praying for me and the work I do. I have wonderful

friends and work colleagues who are doing amazing things all over Thailand.

Come to me if you need “Any

Help” and meeting Thailand’s

first astronaut, Mink! Yes, she

is tiny, but inspiring!

Before and after TEDx Youth with one of the

speakers, Thailand’s best young classical guitarists

Shayne in Thailand

Season’s Greetings

PO Box 90




Phone +66801202074

Email -

Skype - shayneinthailand

COC Thailand Foundation

inc The Haven Foundation


Praise for God’s blessing on the work of COC Thailand and the Haven Foundation. An amazing year of blessings and growth.

Please pray for the finances and ministries of COC Thailand and the Haven Foundation. We are working hard on becoming self sustaina-

ble, but it is a process and takes time to get new projects to profit making. All profits go back into foundation works!

Please pray for Thailand. The churches here need to come together and work with one goal, one mission, but there are too many bosses.

Please pray for my upcoming trip around Thailand from 19th until January. I also have some important meetings in Cambodia 28th-30th.

Some reflections of my work and my life… and my work

I am committed to being in Thailand. I would like to

let you know that if you are able to partner with me in

my work, then you can do so through One Mission

Society. There are many ways you can support me, through prayer as well as financially. This partner-

ship is helping serve the great need for Thai people to come to know Jesus.

My prayer card with all the details is available at .

Please include my missionary number #803833 with any donations.

You can support me financially by :-

Cheque - Please make cheques payable to: OMS International, PO Box 897, RINGWOOD, Vic 3134.

Include a note with my name.

Direct Debit - If you wish to make a payment directly through your bank, pay to: Westpac.

Acc Name: OMS International Australia- Inc. BSB: 733172 Account Number: 628724.

NOTE: In the transaction details please be sure to include your name and ROC.

Credit card donations - can be made through the website.

OMS phone – 03 9870 8559

Supporting Shayne

Firstly, I have committed my life to Thailand, my life is to serve the Thai people, actually no, not just Thai people but anyone who needs help. Mostly, I serve passionate foundation members and friends who have also come here to serve Thai people and see lost people hear the word of God. I sit here at my desk almost every day and sometimes I feel a little challenged for not being out there, but then I receive an encouragement, and I know where I am supposed to be. A couple of weeks ago, our Sunday mini sermon was from 1 Samuel 30(see first page). I was very much encouraged by what I heard. It is me down to a tee. It was about how God has His preachers and evangelists and missionaries who are out on the frontlines, then He has His backroom team, and for those who know me, that's my position, in almost everything I do and has been like this for most of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love being in this position BUT sometimes you can use a little encouragement, well, my friend David (and the Bible David also) gave me that little boost of encouragement, when it was needed. In much of my ministry and my work, my role has been behind the scenes, the helper, the doer, the admin guy, the newsletter maker, the bulletin person, the backup singer, the club administrator, the helpdesk guy (at work, on the phone), the call centre guy with Red Frogs, the team member on the sports field, the booker, the arranger. I love this type of role, making the activity happen and being part of the team. I have been blessed to be able to be a part of seeing many people served, many people hear the Gospel and many people come to know Jesus. It suits me!!! Being on the committee, the guy who just does “things”, tries to see the things that need to be done and make them “done”. I pray that God will continue to use me and I hope that this may be an encouragement for someone else also. I know that every single thing in my life has been orchestrated from above, that the skills, talents and abilities I have, have been “given” and grown in every thing I have done, when I have stepped out, I have been able to complete the task given, overcome the challenge and learnt more for the future.




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