lifestyle's role in salvation (1)

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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Role in Salvation

“The will” is a short term for

“voluntary action.”

Will Control

There is not an impulse of our nature, not a faculty of the mind, or an inclination of the heart, but needs to be, moment by moment, under the

control of the Spirit of God.


of everything we do in life.


is the

Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-

control.• Proverbs 25:28

True temperance teaches us to abstain

entirely from that which is

injurious, and to use judiciously only healthful and nutritious articles of

food.Health Reformer

April 1877

ConversationWork, DressStudyDietMarital relationsRecreationSleep, LeisureSpending, Luxuries

Tobacco Alcohol Drugs Caffeine Excess sugar Grease Animal products

Refined foods Spices Fumes Chlorinated water Fluoridated water Very hot or cold foods Preservatives

Too much sun =

Exhaustion damage

Too much good food =

=Too much exercise


Too much activity Burnout

Multiple diseases


Too much rest Lethargy=

cancer, alzheimer’s,Parkinson’s, hypertension, diabetes

Self-control alone is the foundation of all the graces

that come from God, the foundation for all victories to

be gained.

Temperance 201

Self-control is a skill that can be

learned, then becomes habit.

Satan will watch every weak point of character, and will strive for the mastery; but we cannot afford to lose our chance of gaining a victory for the Lord’s side. Constantly we encounter foes, and unless we are on guard, we shall lose precious opportunities of obtaining victories.


• Admit helplessness over your habit.• Trust in God to restore your control.• Pray to yearn to please God.• Take a searching moral inventory. • Call your character faults by name –

- gluttony, stealing, lying, etc.• Live as if in the sight of heavenly beings.• Tell others how you are being helped.• Invite others to join you.

Recognize your need for help.Self-discipline is a valuable tool.Develop a support network.Establish realistic short/long term goals.Prioritize values for proper motivation.Make up your mind to make the effort.Believe God will give you the power.

in developing self-control

1. Stress Æ diarrhea, backache, headache

2. London missile attack Æ 58% increase in fatal heart attacks

3. Simulated turbulenceÆ Student pilots get dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

4. Exercise ÆEndorphins produced, feel good.

A rejoicing heart does good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:22

Habit control does not earn us salvation, but does help us understand it. The gift is free but we must eat the flesh and drink the blood.

Your promises and resolutions are like ropes of sand…You cannot change your heart, you cannot of yourself give to God its affections; but you can choose to serve

Him. You can give Him your will; He will then work in you to will and to do

according to His good pleasure. Thus your whole nature will be brought

under the control of the Spirit of Christ…

Steps to Christ 47

Desires for goodness and purity are right, so far as they go; but if we stop here, they avail nothing. Many

will go down to ruin while hoping and desiring to overcome their evil propensities. They do not yield the will to God. They do not choose to serve Him.

Temperance 112

1. Memorize Scripture. Use a “thus saith the Lord.”2. Study the Word daily.3. Make up your mind that you will not let Jesus down.4. Two ways to lose the battle: Not submitting in prayer; not resisting with the Word5. Ask for Divine love - the kind that keeps loving even when the object of that love cannot benefit you.6. Witness. Tell your world that it takes a Savior to change wrong habits – and One has been provided.

Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods 118

We should be careful not to take upon ourselves burdens that others can and

should bear. We should encourage a cheerful, hopeful, peaceful frame of

mind; for our health depends upon our so doing.

Your body, says the apostle, is the temple of the Holy Ghost. God does not require His children to deny themselves to the injury of physical strength. He requires them to obey natural law in order to preserve physical health. Nature’s path is the road He marks out, and it is broad enough for any Christian. With a lavish hand God has provided us with rich and varied bounties….

Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene 150

In every experience of life, God’s word to us is, “Choose you this day whom you will serve.”…In every youth, every child, lies the power, by the help of God, to form a character of integrity and to live a life of usefulness.

Education 289

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