lighthouse ministry - · lighthouse ministry january newsletter dear friends,...

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Lighthouse Ministry

January Newsletter

Dear Friends,

While growing up, I always heard

people say that as you got older, �me

flies. I largely dismissed this statement

with a chuckle, but now I find myself

seeing it exhibited in my own life.

Scripture could have not been more

accurate than when it describes this

life as being but a vapor in James 4:14.

As I write this, we are coun�ng down

the days of 2016. We just finished our

school Christmas party today, and I

had the opportunity to visit with some of our former gradu-

ates, and I realize how much �me has passed. This ignites

many feelings and emo�ons. While I am just ge0ng used to

wri�ng 2016 on my checks, in a mere 4 days from wri�ng

this, our society will pack up everything Christmas, and start

promo�ng new years par�es, resolu�ons, and possibly even

before the new year hits, valen�ne candies and decora�ons

will be the trend. It is a never ending cycle, and far too many

fall for the distrac�on, and fail to focus on what is truly im-

portant in the effort to keep up with the seasons. Despite the

resounding influences calling for us to follow suit, I beg you

to reconsider.

I hope that the excitement about our Savior’s birth will

not be forgo3en within a few mere days, but that it will re-

main the focal point of our a3en�on every day throughout

the year. The fact is that Almighty God gave us a method of

escape when we had fallen cap�ve to Satan’s ploy and

turned our back on His perfect plan for our lives. This truth

has been presented to me in a different way this year than in

years past. Our school students have been memorizing the

first few chapters of Genesis, and focused on the first 7 vers-

es of Chapter 3 during December. The incredible events that

took place in that decep�on in the garden, changing our

world from sinless to sinful, from shameless to shameful, and

from righteous to needing a Redeemer. The birth of Jesus

fulfilled genera�ons of prophesies, and I would imagine

many prayers seeking an alterna�ve to the animal sacrifices

for remission of sins. Now we can go right to God with our

requests, We can claim the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from

our sin, and we have the Holy Spirit to help us carry out our

mission in this crazy world. Addi�onally, those prophesies

are s�ll being fulfilled, Jesus is coming back again, and we

may get to experience that in our life�mes! What a grand

thought!!! As we remember that life is short, and our priori-

�es are important, no amount of “holiday spirit,” decora-

�ons, or new year’s resolu�ons will prepare us for His return.

If that is where our priori�es lie, I am afraid we will not be

ready to meet Him when He returns.

Let us not lost sight of those things that ma3er; the fact

that the birth of our Savior is important every day of the

year. Our rela�onship with God is not something to give a

try each new year for as long as our resolu�on survives, then

to try again next year, but rather something that is to be

worked at each day throughout the year. Distrac�ons will

come, we will make mistakes, but life is too short to let those

things stop us from realizing what is most important. Our

adversary is a deceiver, just as he deceived Eve in the garden

by making her think the fruit was good for food, and going to

make her wise as God, he wants us to miss the true purpose

of Jesus’ birth. Jesus came to save us, when it was inconven-

ient. He asks us to live for Him, even when it is inconvenient .

I pray that you refuse to put Jesus away aBer this “Holiday

Season” passes, but that we strive to make Him the focal

point of every day.

God Bless You!

Pastor Jacob Masemore

“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”“To Know Jesus Christ, and to make Him Known”

Lighthouse Community Church

Lighthouse Chris�an Academy & Bible Ins�tute Phone #(610) 682-2109 Fax# 610-682-0089

5 Penn St, P.O. Box 287 Lyon Sta�on, PA 19536

1888-202-4409 Toll Free

Pastor Al Zentner

Home (610) 944-0946 Cell (610) 334-3337

Assistant Pastor Jacob Masemore

(610) 334-9341

Around the Academy

Thank you to the many who sold candles in our

recent candle sale! We sold a total of 174 can-

dles, genera�ng $870 towards sending our stu-

dents to Student conven�on! Thank you so much

for your support!

We had a great Christmas Party to close out


Students have picked projects for the science

fair coming up in January. Reports are due Janu-

ary 13th. Projects are due the 20th.

Our older students got to take a field trip to the

Harley Davidson factory in York, where we got to

walk the assembly line and see what all goes into

the produc�on of these famous bikes. Pictures are

few as they were forbidden in the tour, but we

got a few good ones in the museum!

The younger class got to learn about making

ice cream and other dairy products in a tour of

the Turkey Hill Experience during a recent field


Monthly Scripture

Genesis 3:8-14 8

And they heard the voice of the LOPQ God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from

the presence of the LOPQ God amongst the trees of the garden. 9

And the LOPQ God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? 10

And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. 11

And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not

eat? 12

And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13

And the LOPQ God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did

eat. 14

And the LOPQ God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all ca3le, and above every beast of the

field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

Tuition is due on the 15th of the month.

Please note: Tuition rates have gone up

slightly for this academic year. We are

doing all in our power to keep them low!

Thank you for your understanding!

Our 2nd Sandwich sale of the year is going

on in January! Orders are Due the 13th,

Sandwiches will be made the 19th.

Please see attached order form

Church Events

This is a great night of popcorn, entertain-

ment and ice cream sundaes and there is no cost.

Bring the family and some friends and join us!

This month’s movie is called “God’s Not Dead 2”

We are currently studying the book of Psalms

January 2nd, 16th & 30th

January 14th

Will the Real Children of God Please

Stand Up?

Discipleship Class

Join us every Thursday evening with

James Brunner @ 7pm

There will be no There will be no There will be no There will be no

Fellowship meal on Fellowship meal on Fellowship meal on Fellowship meal on

New Years DayNew Years DayNew Years DayNew Years Day

Pastor’s Breakfast January 21st, 8:30am

Mark your Calendars for our annual

Valentine Fun Night

& Talent Show

February 12th 6pm

Prayer & Praise Center

Praise God for His answered prayer

• Full enrollment in the academy

• New families a3ending Lighthouse

• Spiritual ba3les being overcome

• Mary’s brother received Christ!

• Great �me of fellowship at Pastor’s breakfast

• Jacob’s sprained ankle healing rapidly!

• 86 Bibles recently handed out!

• Healthy Baby Titus Masemore

• Healthy Baby Russell Boyer III

Below are some of the many prayer needs

among our church body to li/ up during your

prayer �mes. Please talk to Jacob to add to this


• Craig Hertzog– We are trus�ng God for His

healing touch to cut Craig free from this aw-

ful disease of cancer.

• Glen Moatz & Dorian Nygard– Cancer

• Milton Berryman– Diabetes

• Bonnie to raise funds for opera�on/recovery

• Families needing restora�on

• Ralph GiB– Healing

Scripture tells us that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effec�ve– James 5:16. We have a prayer

chain available to aid in brothers and sisters liBing your needs in prayer. To put a request on the prayer chain,

call Mary Reinert,(610-641-0401), or Russ Seidel (610-682-6673) and they will get the word around.

Here are a few recent prayer needs and praises:

Recycling Program– We are currently accepting

aluminum cans and small clear plastic water bot-

tles. Additionally, the tabs on the aluminum

cans will be separately used to raise funding

for our student, Shamya’s, Cerebral Palsy


We are always looking for used Cell phones,

inkjet cartridges, laptops, and Ipods. These

items can be in working or nonworking condi-

tion, and will be recycled to generate funds for

the school.

Bonnie is in need of an ExoSym Brace to

help her to be able to walk and func�on

without pain. The fi4ng of this brace re-

quires an expensive trip to Washington

state for a few weeks. The cost is not cov-

ered by insurance and surpasses $7,000.

We have set up a fund to help in covering

these costs in a tax deduc�ble manner

and 100% of your dona�on going to di-

rectly to the need. If you are able, please

contribute to this need. Checks can be

made out to Lighthouse with Bonnie in

the memo.

Birthdays & Anniversaries for January

Renae Neiss 9 BD. 129 E. Keller St. Topton, Pa 19562

Caleb Masemore* 9 BD 251 Forgedale Rd, Fleetwood, Pa 19522

Brenda Pyles 17 BD 310 E. Washington, Fleetwood, Pa 19522

Russel Delp 20 BD PO Box 313, Blandon, Pa. 19510

Leatrice Moatz 27 BD. 118 S. Haas St., Topton, Pa. 19562

John & Judy Shaw 27 Anv. 226 E. Philadelphia Ave., Boyertown, Pa. 19512

Ralph GiB 29 BD 260 Greiss St., Albur�s, Pa 18011

Ralph & Dianne GiB 30 Anv. 260 Greiss St., Albur�s, Pa 18011

Andrew Zentner** 30 BD. 2661 Wood Ln., Morgantown, Pa. 19543

Kassidy Boyer 30 BD 48 S. Maple St, Kutztown, Pa 19530

If you know of anyone missing from this list or wrong addresses, please let us know so we can correct our records.

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