lightworker 6.11

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Inspire. Challenge. Educate. The digital magazine dedicated to the art of positive living.


JUNE 2011

Reward Edition


My reward for completing the editorial on this month’s Lightworker Magazine is to enjoy the sunshine with a soppy romance novel - I love love! And so I complete my final task before heading outside, the Editor’s Note...

What words can I share with you to help you fully appreciate your greatness and the depth of worth that you have; the extent to which you deserve not only to receive rewards from others - including the Universe - but also to continually reward yourself? My mind is cast back to a passage the beautiful, wise teacher Sanbao shared during a meditation in Koh Samui a few years ago that struck a chord and remained ever-present in my mind (and I paraphrase here):

“A $20 dollar bill can be crumpled up, stepped on, torn and ripped, but its value remains the same.”

No matter what others have said or done, YOU are the best in your world, and you deserve to receive abundance in all forms, simply because you live and breathe. Cherish this truth, and it shall guide you to all that your heart desires.

Love and light




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“Dear Rachel, this Wisdom was very helpful. Duh! Thanks so much for your inspiring daily postings. Namaste.” Angela

“Beautiful - thank you so much for these daily wisdoms, which I am really happy to read every morning. They are really reassuring and they resonate within my soul and being. Thanks again!” Helena


@angelasowdon @light-workermag love in all its forms is the inspiration and aspiration for all things.

@jackiewalker Client call-ing, my programme will have to wait as I’m record-ing an interview with @amypalko when I get back for @lightworkermag

@john_paul Always shin-ing bright as can be! #fol-lownow @lightworkermag


Relax, everything you asked for is coming to you now.

Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.

Note to self: I am a human being not a human doing!

READER RESPONSESwe love hear ing f rom you!



09The Wealth Of Poverty

11Living The Dream

13Channelled Message From The Masters on Abundance

15Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem


18Lightworker Reviews...

20Under The Spotlight - Colette Baron-Reid


23Glow with Health & Wellbeing

25Lightworker in Training

27Lightworker Challenge

29The Businessman

31Studying at the University of Life

33The Authenticity Diary

35Moments of Light


39Ask Sharon

41Once Upon A Time...

43Stars And Planets

47Paulo Coelho

49Lightworker Loves...

50Words Of Wisdom

51The List

52Featured Lightworker




Nicholas was set on the spiritual path by Parama-hansa Yogananda’s book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, he was heavily influenced by Peter Brook’s film ‘Meetings with Remark-able Men’ and his favourite book, after the Bible and Shakespeare, is Stephen Mitchell’s translation of the ‘Tao Te Ching’, he is also a fan of the Simpsons and is currently auditioning for the role of Sideshow Bob’s spiritual mentor.


Liz wakes every morning with a random song playing in her head, loves helping people through every type of light work she does, and is dedicated to lifelong learning so is currently studying Human Givens Psychotherapy.


Jenn is the mother of 4 grown children, just released a children’s book, and loves being outside, especially at the beach.



This month’s featured shows:

Warriors Of Love - Simon and Vaz

Each month, Simon and Vaz will come together and host their new evolutionary show “Warriors of Love” to pump blood and fun into the Heart of the Earth through authentically and transparently sharing their insights on love and life. Being one in the same.

They will be covering the many ways we can access the vortex of love and what is needed to be a Warrior of Love in the 21st Century. Tune in every month to find out what they explore and uncover, and join the way of the Warriors of Love!

Our Awakening - Elizabeth Villani

Elizabeth is an entrepreneur, wife, mother and Reiki Master, she spent a decade on the London treadmill before her own awakening in 2003. Elizabeth is an expert on positivity, she is a qualified coach and Reiki Master who runs her own successful development business Courageous Success. Elizabeth grew up in the outgoing 80’s in a struggling one parent family. At the age of 9, she decided on her career and went for it, aligning her education, work experience and degree to get it.

A startling mystical experience in late 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity, and now Elizabeth writes and broadcasts to support our awakening. The author of “Awakening”, she is also the founder of, a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe.

The Power Of You - Anne Jones

Anne is an published author, international healer, and seminar speaker, making TV and radio guest appearances in the UK, Far East and South Africa. She hosts regular seminars/workshops/retreats in UK and overseas, to inspire and empower anyone who has the will to improve the value of their life.

Her books give practical advice on self healing and empowerment: “Heal Yourself”, “Healing Negative Energies”, “The Ripple Effect”, “Opening Your Heart”, “The Soul Connection” and “The Power of You”, all published by Piatkus/Little Brown.

Anne is also the founder of the charity Hearts and Hands for Africa, empowering and supporting those raising orphaned and disadvantaged children.

Listen and learn more at






The Wealth Of PovertyNICHOLAS VESEY

Living The DreamLIZ GRAHAM

Channelled Message From The Masters About AbundanceRACHEL WILLIS

Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem ALLAN KLEYNHANS

“Float” LISA M. VAN ES





The Wealth Of PovertyBY NICHOLAS VESEY

Rewards always seem to be about wealth in one way or another, and the spiritual value of poverty is often an over-egged pudding.

Many of us find it difficult to believe that there can be any value in being poor.

Someone once said that “Money may not make you happy, but given the choice of being miserable with money or miserable without money, I know which I would choose.”

And it seems crass that in a world where there is so much abject, grinding and unrelenting poverty, some might actually be identifying poverty as a state worth aspiring to.

Having said that, I do think there is also something to be said for having ‘just enough’. It stops us using money to choose our experiences; and often the experiences we choose not to have are the very ones that will bring us the most value. We therefore miss those key learning experiences by using our money to avoid them.

Never too little or too much

In an ideal world we would never have too little, but also never too much.

However, one area where we are all as rich as Croesus is in the kingdom of our thoughts and opinions.

If a definition of wealth is “the ability to give”, then all of us have that ability in spades.We will pontificate about anything. From the state of the nation to the state of our next door neighbour’s garden, we have got answers for everything.

From your opinion of what I am writing here, to your partner’s eating habits.

It’s what we like to give away most – rafts of infinite wisdom that we dispense to all and sundry on a minute-by-minute basis.

We bestow it on whoever we are with, and when we are not with anybody, we just keep on going: that bloke on telly, the weather, the state of the shops, the roads, the council, the rubbish, the twice weekly collections – whatever the subject, we can drag out an opinion on it.

And not only that, but the marvellous thing is that most of the time we are right about our opinions.

In fact, we are pretty much never wrong; we are always able to console ourselves, in whatever circumstances, by the fact that we are probably right about how we got there and who is to blame.

And here, at last, we get to an area where the real value of poverty is found.



Less attached to the wonderfulness

If we were able to see that our marvellous thoughts and opinions have about as much value as the Emperor’s new clothes, we could begin to move into a different way of being. One that is less attached to the wonderfulness of our thoughts; where we begin to stop seeing life through the filter of what we believe, and instead begin to see that we do not really know anything. And that is something really worth knowing.

The first step on that road is the step of becoming aware and conscious of the thoughts and opinions that we have. Because most of us are so used to our thoughts that we are completely unconscious of what we are thinking. We just wallow in them: We judge people because they are too fat, or too thin, or have the wrong length hair, or the wrong skin colour. We see everyone and everything through a filter of yes and no. Yes I approve, no I disapprove. Yes that is right, no that is not right. All the time.

And the amazing thing is that we assume we are right, and we act accordingly.

Richer and more truthful

We make an instant judgement about something, we take a stance internally, and our behaviour reflects the stance we take.

We do it with our family, our friends, our work colleagues, acquaintances, people we meet on the street, our enemies, things we read about, things we see on television. In fact, we do it with almost everything.

Which is why poverty of thought enables us to lead a richer and more truthful life.It leads us to being more consciousness of the way we label things and people, a greater willingness to take circumstances as we find them, and the ability to make spontaneous and loving responses.

The practice of that poverty is actually the practice of most forms of meditation.

It is the act of coming into the present moment without commenting on it without expecting anything - just being with it.


Meditation is the alchemy that turns base metal into gold; that cultivates a poverty that brings wealth. It enables us to retreat from the blind ally of the opinions that have formed our ‘worldview’, and enables us to re-enter the path of true living, guided by a truly infinite wisdom, rather than one we have spun for ourselves. A reward truly worth having!

Why not try for yourself? There are endless books and courses everywhere. The important thing on this journey is just to begin, and then to begin again (if you stop).

The results are certainly better than winning the lottery, and the rewards are infinite and eternal!


Nicholas Vesey began life in advertising, working as a copywriter with, among others, Saatchi and Saatchi. After a trip to the Himalayas in 1979 he became interested in spirituality and enlightenment. He had various experiences that led him to leave advertising and to work in the field of self awareness. Since then he has studied many of the techniques and practices that are used to develop a deeper experience of consciousness. He is currently working as an Anglican Priest. His book ‘Developing Consciousness; A Roadmap of the Journey to Enlightenment’ is published in July 2011.







Liz is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and offers other therapies such as NLP, EFT and Emotrance. She is a recognised member of many professional associations & bodies, including Master Teacher Member of the UK Reiki Federation, and delivers training and workshops across the South of England.


A whole host of Lightworkers descended into the heart of the Somerset countryside for a free open weekend at Parsonage Side Retreat. Parsonage Side is the brainchild of the Bexx family who began living their dream in 2004, when they bought this early 18th Century farmhouse, built on two ley lines.

After several years of renovation, a beautiful, comfortable and welcoming residential centre was born, and Richard Bexx’s personal vision of offering the space for workshops on a variety of spiritual subjects was realised when Parsonage Side Retreat opened in 2010.

This is the second annual open weekend at Parsonage Side Retreat and workshops ranged from bodywork to sound healing, clairvoyance, out of body experiences, animal healing, Tai Chi, Breathwork and meditation.

Firstly, Rhonda Sexton explained the benefits of Bowen Technique, a gentle, non-invasive, relaxing bodywork technique which encourages the body to realign itself. No manipulation or force is used, only gentle rolling moves which helps the body to re-balance and relieves tension and pain.

Beltran Melgar then introduced us to the Hemi-Sync ® Program. Hemi-Sync ® is audio guidance technology which synchronises both hemispheres of the brain. This whole brain state evokes certain states of consciousness and allows one to accomplish goals and overcome problems.

Next, Graham Nicholls talked to us about his out of body experiences (OBEs) and how one can learn to facilitate this practice to alter our state of consciousness and thereby gain a different perspective on reality.

The following workshop was in The Roundhouse, which was built by Richard Bexx and is a lovely, tranquil sacred space. There is a certain tipi-like feel on entering. The base of the central tree trunk which supports the structure, is decorated and has the feel of an altar. Crystals are embedded in the wood and various saris and scarves entwined around it. Drums and other artefacts hang from the walls, all of which help to create the atmosphere of the place.

Here, Kimberley Lovell explained and demonstrated Reiki Drum Healing, which is a sound and energy therapy and is a powerful way to heal mind, body and spirit. This was a very stimulating and inspiring workshop, which began with a meditation to meet our Spirit Guides and gave insight into Shamanic healing with drums fused with Reiki Healing Energy. Sound and energy waves reduce stress and produce relaxing brain rhythms. Kimberley demonstrated this healing method on willing participants and it was possible to hear the different tone of the drum when sounded against a problem area of the body.

Staying with sound healing, we were treated to session with Tim Wheater. Tim is an award-winning composer, flautist and performer. An inspiring teacher, Tim has his own sound healing academy. This experiential workshop reconnected me to my passion for

Living The DreamBY LIZ GRAHAM


the voice as healer, as we chanted in harmony to the flute, the shruti box and tubular bells.Angela Delglyn brought us back down to earth with her talk on Self Maintenance for the Physical Body. We’re all keen to develop spiritually, but we also need to look after its physical vehicle, the body. We need to listen to our own body and intuition rather than totally giving our power away to medical professionals. Angela gave us many techniques to use to improve our physical health, including some easy self-massage methods, breathing practice and stretches.

Jenny Ann then gave a talk and demonstration of Clairvoyance. Jenny Ann is obviously very passionate about her subject and an engaging speaker. Those participants to whom she spoke were clearly moved and benefited from her gift.

The Evening Concert with Second Nature was truly beautiful. Second Nature comprises Rob and Anna who create sacred space using gongs, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, overtone singing, a hammered dulcimer and a hang drum. Rob and Anna are very accomplished musicians, and I would have liked the concert to go on forever.

Sunday started with Ruth Brammal in The Roundhouse, talking about Animal Healing. Ruth told some lovely stories about her journey and experiences of animal healing and gave us several techniques to use to help animals in distress and included a meditation to meet our animal guides. Not only was her passion for this subject evident, but she also peppered her talk with humour. This was a thought-provoking subject; it isn’t just about healing the animal. It also requires us to spend time in Nature to become more in tune. Nature and the animals want us to remember that we are all one.

Angela Delglyn then explained the rudiments of Metabolic Typing. Heredity means that each one of us has a unique metabolism. By matching our food choices to the unique way our body works, we can build better health. This way, food can be used as medicine.

Deborah Fish talked about Induced After Death Communication which is a healing modality to address the sadness caused by bereavement. Dr Al Botkin stumbled upon this technique whilst using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) with patients who had suffered trauma through bereavement. Once the patient had dealt with the sadness, they connected with the deceased person and that reconnection was reassuring and healing.

Richard Northwood is a Chen Style Tai Chi Instructor, who spoke to us about Consciousness. Our senses, memory and imagination are essential for physical survival, but they don’t make you happy. Why aren’t we happy? Our minds aren’t designed to keep us happy; they are designed to keep us alive. So what else is there? If we cut off our senses, memory and imagination (in meditation), we can alter our consciousness and can get information from non-physical matter reality. Martial arts are like meditation. In that state of altered consciousness, we can move away from fear-based living and move towards love.

Holotropic Breathwork was then introduced to us by Ray Mansfield. Holotropic means ‘the movement towards wholeness’. Ray spoke about the background and development of the practice and his own personal journey. Using a particular breathing pattern induces an altered state of consciousness in which healing, particularly to do with the pre-natal and birth experience of the individual.The powerful closing meditation was led by Ruth Hartley. Having chosen a crystal, we were guided into a deep state of relaxation to connect us to the purest divine loving energy as we received a Divine Embrace which is a high frequency energy or light which reaches the cause of imbalances at the cellular level.

Personal highlights were Tim Wheater’s inspiring Sound Workshop, Kimberley Lovell’s Reiki Drum Healing, Second Nature’s beautiful evening concert, Ruth Brammal’s engaging talk on Animal Healing, Angela Delglyn’s practical approach to nutrition through Metabolic Typing and Ruth Hartley’s powerful closing meditation.

This was a wonderful weekend of connection and reconnection. It was heartening to meet so many people walking their talk and living from the heart. My thanks and blessings to Richard Bexx and his family for providing this beautiful sacred space.

Living The DreamBY LIZ GRAHAM



“Dear ones, the topic of abundance is one we are very familiar with, for it is on the lips of many of you, most of the time. It comes from the misunderstanding around the essence of wealth; whilst you believe that money is outside of you, you will always wish for more and sense a lack. The creation of it is outside of your control; you feel helpless and abandoned just when you need it most and there are bills to pay, opportunities on offer or fun to be had. This is false.

ALL money creation comes from within you.

Take a moment to absorb the impact of this, and you realize you will no longer ask for it, seek it from others, or go beyond your natural comfort zone to attain it. Working in ways or roles that are not aligned with you is unnecessary, for you can create the money you seek in a role you enjoy. Working longer hours than are optimal for your health and wellbeing is unnecessary, for you can work the schedule of your choosing and enjoy the income it brings. Every possible way that you dupe yourself into believing you “must do this, to earn money” is eradicated, and suddenly you are free to choose; free to choose what, when and where. Freedom of choice brings freedom of income and expenditure.

Your wealth set point

If your ego mind is clouded with doubts then you will continue down the path of “just doing this for that bit of money” or “that being out of your price range”. No, nothing is beyond your means, since you create all that you have from within your core. Your energetic core is the originator of all your material wealth. Inside of you, you choose what to emit as your set point of wealth – if you emit a low expectation then you will receive a low income, if you set a high expectation then you will receive a high income.

Beware of trying to ‘test’ this dynamic from a place of skepticism; if you say that you need to see proof of creating x amount of money in y timescale then you are coming from a low expectation and that is what you will see returned to you. Faith does not test, doubt or require proof; faith believes, because it knows it to be true.

Beliefs are handed down from generation to generation, and so you will have been raised with a concept of money before you were even conscious of it. This concept most likely lingers even now – are you the one that checks your bank statement each month and is happily surprised when it’s more than you anticipated? Then you are still emitting a low set point. There are a myriad of ways in which you can accidentally rob yourself of your full entitlement to abundance, and a selection of the most common are:

Channelled Message From The Masters About AbundanceBY RACHEL WILLIS



Rachel Willis is a channel for the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realm. Primarily guided by Archangel Michael, she communicates wisdom about your Life Purpose, Relationships, Finances and more. She also shares her gifts as ‘The Food Intuitive’, helping people understand how their body processes each food and which ones will provide them with ultimate health and well being; the unique eating blueprint that works for each body and heals cravings, food intolerances, energetic imbalances and weight management.


Saying “I cannot afford that”Envying the wealth that others haveOver-workingSaving too much and not maintaining the flow of money Bartering with fellow healers or colleaguesDeliberately making yourself more attractive to the opposite sex in order to

marry a ‘provider’Asking us to help you from a place of desperation and disempowerment

Each of these reveals a low wealth set point, and do not worry that you are alone, the reason there are relatively few wealthy people on the planet is because many of the population share these fearful beliefs.

Creating wealth

Now that you have identified when you stray into a low set point, what can you do to elevate your expectation? Quite simply, go within and bless each moment that one arises. This is similar to a waking meditation whereby little by little you become more aware of the energy you are emitting, and you gently shift it to a higher plane. Over time, you will notice that thoughts of lack diminish and your natural wealth set point rises. Not surprisingly, this will directly match your income!

Ask us for help in alerting you when you do subconsciously emit a low wealth frequency, we are only too happy to act as coaches and guides on your journey to abundance. And we trust that when the money flows more readily, so too shall the rewards you give both yourself and others!”


An ancient Chinese proverb says ‘A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark’.

The most important marks left on your child are the psychological marks. Between the ages of 2 and 7, you are directly impacting your child’s self-esteem in either a positive or a negative fashion. Esteemed psychologist Dr Denis Waitley says we cannot teach our children self-esteem - we can only help them discover it within themselves. Are you helping your child to discover theirs?

Why exactly is self-esteem so vital at this age? The most important reason is once these years have passed the opportunity to plant a strong sense of self-belief is lost and the chance of your child developing unnecessary fears and self-limitations is more probable. Self-belief is a crucial part of self-esteem and a child’s lack of success as an adult can be directly linked to the poor development of their self-esteem and their self-image during the formative years.

Children with low self-esteem may avoid challenging activities or may give up quickly, quit, or cheat when things aren’t going their way. A child with low self-esteem may also be a bully, bossy, controlling, have a low level of self-control, and have difficulty making friends. Research shows that a positive self-concept is more important to academic success than a high IQ score. Success in school, getting along in a family or with peers, all depend on self-confidence. Without it, children’s talents may not be developed, as they may be afraid to take risks or be creative.

Rewarding your child

Your child was born with ‘infinite genius potential’. Nurture that potential by regularly telling them how amazing and beautiful they are. Tell them they have special talents and skills. The best thing you can do for your child by far is to regularly remind them they are the most important person in your life with lots of hugs and kind words of love. You can never tell them you love them enough or remind them of this too many times.

All children need love and appreciation and thrive on positive attention. Consistently nurture their self-esteem by catching them doing things well and re-affirming their success. It can be something small like putting on their underpants the right way round or pouring their own drink without spilling. Go out of your way to find successes to congratulate them on. Reinforce their independence and their courage to try things on their own and when they make mistakes help them to laugh about it and encourage them to try again. Recognize efforts and improvements rather than waiting to praise completed tasks. Focus on children’s assets and strengths and encourage self-appreciation and positive self-talk. Be generous with praise. Parents must develop the habit of looking for situations in which children are doing good jobs, displaying talents,



Building Your Child’s Self-EsteemBY ALLAN KLEYNHANS


Allan is an expert on self-esteem and behavioural psychology, specialising in helping people to make powerful and sustainable change in their life and business. He specializes in Peak Performance Coaching and Consulting for athletes, individuals and corporations. Allan is based in London, United Kingdom.


or demonstrating positive character traits. Remember to praise children for jobs well done and for effort. To help with building self-esteem you can spend lots of time with your children, especially in activities that they enjoy and are good at, and allow them to make their own decisions, so they can learn responsibility and can feel that you trust them.

Changing your approach

Too often parents remind their children about their mistakes, accidents and the possible dangers, thereby undermining their self-esteem. If your child is in a tree, rather than say “be careful, you might fall”, say “wow! You have great balance and if it doesn’t feel right you can come down”. This reaffirms their behaviour of discovery and adventure and reminds them that it’s okay to back down if they choose. By reaffirming their sense of adventure you give them the ability to stretch their horizons. You’ll also teach them to develop an optimistic approach to life.

On the other hand, if you keep reminding them how dangerous it is and how careful they have to be, they develop a psychology based in protection, safety and possibly even pessimism, and this undermines their long-term success and prevents them from developing self-confidence.

Teach children about decision-making and to recognize when they have made good decisions. Let them ‘own’ their problems. If they solve them, they gain confidence in themselves. If you solve them, they’ll remain dependent on you. Take the time to answer questions. Help children think of alternative options.

Avoid criticism that takes the form of ridicule or shame. Blame and negative judgments are at the core of poor self-esteem and can lead to emotional disorders. Also, do not always rush to rescue your child from frustrating experiences. Instead, try and help them to solve the problem themselves. Children will not develop a sense of ownership and responsibility if other people always decide what they will do and when and how they will do it. Real choices, appropriate to children’s ages, also permit them to experiment, make mistakes, and learn in non-threatening situations.

The word ‘no’ seems to be the word used most with small children. What a lot of parents don’t realize is this could be setting a child up for a lifetime of mediocrity, unfounded fears and overly self-imposed protection. Give your children wings and help them to soar by proclaiming their brilliance, giving them freedom to make mistakes without judgment or ridicule and reminding them daily that they are indeed a genius with unlimited potential just waiting to be discovered and accessed. This will foster self-belief and a self-image of confidence and self-assuredness that will reward them through even the toughest challenges that life has to offer.



Lisa is co-creating a world that works for all life by leveraging her unique blend of busi-ness savvy, scientific ex-pertise, and global hu-manitarian experience. She holds a B.Sc. in Mo-lecular Biology (UCSD) and influenced all levels of Healthcare. Lisa is a published writer, inter-national artist, and de-velopment consultant.



The heavens are singing,

So join the chorus.

The play is short,

So enjoy every act.

Raise your sails high,

For divine winds are coming.

Why swim upstream,

When the River will carry you?




Lightworker Reviews…‘Cracking Open, Adventures of a Reluctant Medium’ by Isabeau Esby


“I’m giving you a book to review,” said Rachel. Me? Me who is barely educated - how could I form the kind of words to describe my thoughts and opinions on someone who has enough skill to even contemplate writing about a subject that could possibly expose her to criticism?

Putting all that aside, I decided just to read Isabeau Esby’s book entitled ‘Cracking Open, Adventures of a Reluctant Medium’ as though I had found it in a book shop. Had I done just that I certainly would have chosen it from among the many other esoteric/ spiritual books which abound these days. I need not have worried, Isabaeu - or Beau as she calls herself - speaks in a language that resonates with me on an energetic level, and I respond and react to her story deeply. I like her honesty, her ability to create the sense of her growth from someone who grew up with no experience or understanding about spiritual growth or knowing that there are ways to speak to the dead! Not only speak to them as you and I do in everyday life, but interact with her own dead Grandmother with such humour, and love! This connection is at the heart of this amazingly truthful record of her psychic experience.

Those of us who have never had the ability to converse with people who have left their bodies and exist in their energetic field could be forgiven for finding the information hard to accept. However, as the story unfolds I found myself gripped in the different dramas presented to her. I loved her skepticism and questioning of the strange things happening to her. The story starts after the funeral of her beloved Grandma. She explains to the reader her progress in such a short time from Mom and wife with the same family/financial issues we all experience, to coming to terms with living with the dead who needed her to help them pass into the light, and as we learn through her many stories, no matter the crime committed, we can still be accepted into the arena of love and light once we ourselves drop the fear that holds us back.

This aspect gave me hope that something wonderful is waiting for us, and to not be afraid of dying; to find the courage to drop fear as this creates the blockages. It is not a heavy dreary read, it is at once funny and sad - I cried, I laughed, I was with her when she first encountered Walking Elk, or Big Dog as she affectionately called her spirit guide, and was able to experience with Beau the passing of Carol, soooo sad!

A good yarn and a good introduction to how it is to ‘Crack Open’ and experience life beyond death.


Colette Baron-Reid is the best-selling Hay House author of The Map, Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life, ‘Messages From Spirit’ and ‘Remembering The Future’ and the oracle card decks ‘The Wisdom of Avalon’ and ‘Wisdom of the Hidden Realms’. She’s also an internationally acclaimed intuitive counselor and psychic medium with a client base spanning 29 countries. Colette has toured the US and Canada over the last few years presenting to well over 150,000 people with crowds of up to 5000 on personal growth, consciousness, intuition, and spiritual phenomena. She has facilitated hundreds of her popular seminars and workshops worldwide on developing intuition and the art of creating a meaningful life with empowered authenticity, and purpose. Colette’s approach combines her knowledge with the profound intuitive gifts she has been harnessing and refining since childhood with her trademark warmth, integrity and humor. Her infectious laughter and personality inspires many people to call her the “Rachael Ray” of the self-help world.

A trusted advisor to an international coterie of celebrities, politicians and CEOs, Colette’s mission is to deliver inspired self-revelation. Her purpose is to help individuals embrace the magic within the Story of their lives, understand where they are, how they got there, where they are heading, and how to live life to its fullest potential.

Click here to listen to Rachel and Colette’s chat about her new book, intuitive gift and plans for the future.

Click here to buy Colette’s book


C O L U M N I S T SGlow With Health And WellbeingSTU GATHERUM

Lightworker In TrainingHETTA ROGERS

Lightworker ChallengeKAY GILLARD

The BusinessmanMICHAEL CLARK

Studying At The University Of LifeELIZABETH VILLANI

The Authenticity DiaryMELANIE DIAMOND

Moments Of LightTOM EVANS



www.stugatherum.comTwitter: @stugatherum+44 7816 240137

Stu is a passionate and focused Strength and Conditioning specialist who is committed to delivering outstanding results in fitness, nutrition and total health

and wellness.

KNOW health

Hi everyone. Welcome to Reward month. I hope you asked lots of questions last month and got some answers that will carry you towards your long term goals.

This month, I will be talking about rewards in the field of exercise, health and fitness. This is a great topic and often a minefield, especially talking about diet.

I tend to band people into one of two groups when it comes to exercise and diet;

1. I exercise hard. Therefore, I can eat what I want, when I want.2. I exercise hard. Therefore. I eat healthily to support this.

*There are many subcategories including ‘I don’t exercise’ and ‘I exercise but not intensely’. This is a subject for a different day.

The first group may need to think about eating more sensibly to help them towards their goals. It is often when these people wake up to a healthy dietary intake that the drive towards their goals increases.

The second group are often the people I find who go through cycles of exercising and eating gung-ho for periods before falling off the wagon and regressing. These people tend to yo-yo between healthy and sedentary lifestyles, and their energy levels, performance and appearance follow suit.

Exercise is a habit and a lifestyle, and needs to be followed as such to yield results. I recently read a quote that highlights this fantastically “the guy who travels at 35mph for 10 years will always go further than the guy who travels at 90 for 1 year”.



I realise I am slightly off topic here, but needed to get to that quote before I give you the green light for a reward.

The point is this: To consistently achieve a healthy lifestyle you sometimes need to take your foot off the gas.

Rewards and treats in the dietary sense won’t cause a dramatic negative effect. A single indulgence, well-planned into your diet, can help with all of the following:

Psychological reprieve from constant effortMental ‘pat on the back’ for achievementMotivation to work hardSomething to look forward to

The tendency is often to work, work, work and we can lose sight of the holistic approach to our health. This can lead to feelings of deprivation, punishment and even resentment. Allowing the occasional treat or rewards helps us to realise we can actually have all of the things we want, in moderation.

I like to assign an 80:20 rule. Eat healthily the majority of the time and there is some leeway to work with. You can also plan a ‘treat day’ or a window of time you can eat whatever you want.

I think these are all really valuable strategies for effective long-term goal achievement.

Whenever I have a client starting a ‘diet’ I always ask them if they feel it’s sustainable. If you can live your entire life eliminating all ‘negative’ foods then the plan may work. If you can’t live without a slice of cake each week then don’t try to live without a slice of cake each week – factor it in and work around it.

The foods we deny ourselves the lion’s share of the time actually taste better when they are used as a treat instead of the norm.

This month’s ‘Food for thought’ (pun intended)

Have a great month!





Hetta’s background is in Art History and Literature. After spending seven years training to be and working as a lawyer, she left all that behind to go travelling, but has now returned to the bright lights of London to work in the communications industry.

KNOW educat ion

“Be a darling and clean the car”, (or “tidy up after yourself” or “don’t exclude your sister”) my mother would ask me. “Okay”, I would respond, albeit fairly hesitantly, “but what do I get for it?” frequently holding my hand out in expectation of a sugary bribe or (even better) cold, hard cash. “What do you mean, what do you get for it? You don’t get anything! Knowing you have helped me and done the job well should be sufficient reward.”

Mother knows best

I am paraphrasing, of course, but that conversation was repeated in various forms during my early years. My mother – never one to stand for idleness in any shape or form – expected her children to muck in; and rightly so. But, instead of doing as I was told straight away when asked to lend a hand (and in recounting this nasty habit, revealing myself to have been a mercenary little sod when I was small), I wanted to know what was in it for me.

Somewhere along the way, the penny must have dropped, because as I’ve grown up my understanding of what does and does not constitute sufficient “reward” has altered and my attitude to giving and getting has, I would hope, evolved.

And, as much as it pains me to say it, my mother was right. In fact, I am now the first to confess that it is a particular gripe of mine that we live in a society where it is acceptable – and, what is more, left unquestioned – that we only give in order to get in return.

Perhaps there is no better time to try and redress the balance.



The reward of a thing well done is to have done it

If I look carefully enough at the things I have accomplished, it isn’t the end result that is my reward. The very act of doing or learning is ample reward in itself. In keeping our eyes fixed too firmly on what we perceive to be the “prize”, we will inevitably miss all the good stuff.

Let me give you an example: I did not go to University solely to get a degree; I went there to learn – to devour endless books and to feast on wonderful experiences and discussions with like-minded people. Granted, I worked hard to do well, yes, and had I cocked it up and done badly I might be singing a different tune, but the lesson is there: to focus our sights too firmly on the outcome is to jeopardise the richness of the process.

Giving is reward in itself

Think of it another way: do we love people in order to receive love in return? I say no; we love them because loving openly and freely is the greatest gift. If giving love is conditional upon receiving something in return, instantly the magic is lost.

“An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it.” (Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian dramatist).

Do it all for love; do nothing for reward

I re-discovered a wonderful quotation by an American author who has long intrigued me: Og Mandino. He wrote: “Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.”

For those of you unfamiliar with Mandino and his work, he is best known as the author of a best-selling book, The Greatest Salesman in the World.

By his own admission, Mandino overcame all manner of personal hardships to turn his life around. He wrote The Greatest Salesman in the World almost in homage to ten



key principles of life that are designed to replace negative patterns of behaviour with positive thoughts and habits.

Mandino’s main philosophical message is that every person on earth is unique – a miracle in his or her own right – and should be free to choose to direct their life with confidence and with a fundamental belief in their own worth and abundance. Whether or not you advocate step-by-step self-help programmes, the underlying messages of his work (my favourite being “Do all things with love”) are very powerful and well worth reading.

The Art of Positive Living

Scrabbling for something encouraging and insightful on which to end this month, I glanced at Lightworker Magazine’s website for inspiration and there it was: The Art of Positive Living. A wonderful and helpful reminder that we are here to live positively, not to live in hope (or in expectation) of a positive outcome.

Whatever you do, do not do it for the reward you perceive to be there at the journey’s end; do it for the learning and growth you gain in the very act of doing it.

CONTACT KAYw w w. s t a r f i r e a l c h e m

Kay Gillard is a shamanic healer and teacher based in South East London. She takes clients in person and at distance, working to restore the true authentic self to power. Kay currently teaches and gives talks throughout the south of England as well as working as a writer and broadcaster.

KNOW relat ionshipsRewarding Others And OurselvesBY KAY GILLARD

On a path of spiritual development we can become caught up in the idea of the work that must be done, even the sacrifice that must be made, and never think of rewards. This may well not be an issue for everyone, but it most certainly is for me. A natural addictive personality, these days I am mostly a workaholic! As strange as it may sound, I have had to learn about resting when I need to and rewarding myself along the way. For a while I also forgot about this in terms of rewarding others too. Never as hard on others as I was on myself, I still wouldn’t stop and reward others all the times I could have done. The thing is, giving rewards should come naturally. The sense that we get when we achieve something, or when we are given a gift, is a feeling of joy and expansiveness. It is natural to express that. So how does it happen that we sometimes forget what I believe to be a natural behaviour?

The answer is often found in our early relationships. Were you rewarded as a child? If you weren’t at all, then you may not know how to reward yourself now. I myself was only rewarded for certain things, and I am sure this is the case for most people. Acts of kindness were not rewarded, acts that achieved status were. Helping a friend was often seen as time wasting, allowing myself to be taken advantage of, a form of weakness. (I think this was grounded in a belief that “people won’t help you when you need it, you’ve got to look out for number one!” – a belief I have long since rejected.) Winning a trophy or passing important exams were rewarded – as long as the trophy was gold, and the exam results were as high as they wanted. I’ve found that examining early conditioning like this has shown me a lot about where I can miss an opportunity to reward others and myself for doing things that I believe are of true value. What were you rewarded for? Does it affect what you will give rewards for now? Is that really in alignment with your true values? I now believe that rewards are due for trying


– not just for getting the gold medal, but for passing – even if it’s not with an A, and for acts of kindness and support – even if these acts don’t lead to achieving a goal. What would you like to reward the people in your life for doing?

The form of rewards

It is fascinating also to look at how we reward others and particularly how we reward ourselves. My parents rewarded with money and for many years, indeed until very recently, I equated reward with money. If I wanted to show my appreciation for anything that someone had done for me, I would buy something to do this. This would be the case even if I didn’t really have enough money to comfortably spend on this. I think for a long time I didn’t really know any other way to do it. Now I know that making an incense out of my stock of herbs, a little homemade candle, baking someone a cake or some cookies are often more well received than more expensive gifts. Even rewarding someone for their help, kindness or friendship with praise, hugs, help with a mundane task – all these things say thank you for what you do, I appreciate you. Recently a few people have said those exact words to me in an email, a card or face to face: I appreciate you. These things are rewards, they are rewarding.

Rewarding ourselves

The most recent shift in my perspective has been on the issue of rewarding myself. I always felt the need to do this monetarily, which became part of a less than mindful ‘need’ to consume. I have worked hard, therefore I will buy this dress, these shoes, these things I don’t need. These weren’t always the best rewards. Now, I am not saying don’t buy yourself presents. I will never say that – presents are good! But I have recently found that I need to be more conscious in the way that I consume, and this means that if I buy something for myself I should think about it first. Do I really want it? Will I use it? Was it ethically produced, so I can feel good about it? Will I love it? When I reward myself, I try now to do it mindfully, just as I would do rewarding others. Sometimes a new dress is the perfect thing, but more often than not I found that I was aligning myself with an outside perspective. The outside world said I should want these things because having them bestows a certain status, and I agreed on

a subconscious level. If you instinctively shop to reward yourself, take a moment to think on this. Is your reward in alignment with the way you live your life now?

Turning to another form of consumption, often we reward ourselves by eating or drinking something we may not otherwise consume. We have been conditioned to believe that something that’s naughty is also nice. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it is not nice for us, for our bodies. Do we really want to reward ourselves with junk food? Would we give such a reward to someone else? “Thanks for doing that for me, in return here is some junk!” By all means allow yourself a treat, but ensure that it really is a reward for you. If it’s something that will make you feel tired or achy or just plain bad about yourself later, you are not giving yourself a reward. Try doing something that makes you feel good instead: a walk in nature, a long bath, cooking your favourite meal, getting a massage. Be intuitive and let yourself have a reward that you will truly relish. If we are more mindful in how we reward ourselves, we can ensure that we remain in the right relationship with ourselves and the world around us.




Michael, the founder of Ripple Effect Sales, the UK’s premier online sales training company for entrepreneurs. Mike has worked with 1000’s of SME’s and start-ups across all sectors. His speciality is creating practical sales and marketing strategies that effectively create results tangible results.

KNOW businessBecoming ExtraOrdinary!BY MICHAEL CLARK

My whole life, I’ve been inspired by those who have achieved amazing things. My philosophies for achieving success are quite simple, find people who’ve achieved what you want to do, hang out with them and receive their guidance to avoid mistakes they can show you how to avoid. Some people call this modeling, but I prefer the term mentoring. I love this concept so much that one of my main clients is the UK’s leading business mentoring organisation, They have over 50 mentors who come from a wide range of industries and backgrounds. The mentors and mentees who we attract into this business also live by the philosophy of standing on the shoulders of giants to achieve your greatest results in the quickest time possible.

The rewards you receive by leveraging off others’ successes (and failures) are far more fruitful than if you try to do it yourself.

It’s all about little wins

If you’re in business then you’ll understand how challenging it can be at times. There are so many diverse roles that you need to play within a day or week. Sometimes you need to be the sales person, marketer, copywriter, recruiter and accountant... and that’s just before lunch.

At the same time, us entrepreneurs are also very ambitious. We like to set audacious goals and dream big. So, this means we’re constantly stuck between this mental see-saw of struggle and triumph. “Yes we can do it, ahh, no we can’t...”

I recently watched some inspirational documentaries. One was about Mark Beaumont, who recently broke the


world record for cycling around the world. The other was Lionel Messi, regarded as the best football player who’s ever lived (and he’s only 23). I found their comments about success to be fascinating.

Mark was asked the question, “How do you mentally manage the huge task of cycling around the world?” His response was, “Well, if you focus on cycling around the world all the time in your mind, it’s too big a thing for your mind to focus on... So instead, I set myself little goals with rewards at the end. I might say to myself, I’ll cycle for another two hours, I’ll reward myself by having a break and a bite to eat.”

Then he said something that I think is the key to success. It’s actually the same thing that Lionel Messi said, which was...

“I set my goals and rewards, then I just get on and do it! The trick is to become lost in the moment, totally consumed with the present moment, and let my feelings guide me.”

Two people who are undoubtedly the best the world has ever seen in their respective fields, both saying the same thing... Do you think that advice is worth listening to?

Your unconscious mind needs reassurance

The final element to this equation is about how you reward yourself. It’s fine to break your big goals into little ones and then get totally lost in the moment to achieve them, but what if you don’t reward yourself?

This is the entrepreneur’s key to settling the mental see-saw of struggle versus success. It lies in making sure you do reward yourself with things that inspire you. Not just when you hit a major goal, but when you hit little goals as well. For each of us it’s different. It may be giving yourself permission to relax and watch TV, or, investing time with your kids, or, taking a special holiday, or going kite surfing.

Whatever it is, just make sure you reward yourself consistently. Because if you don’t, your unconscious mind will lose faith that you’ll reward yourself when you finally reach your big goal. Breaking this rapport with

your unconscious mind is a major reason people fail to reach their goals. Imagine how long it would have taken Mark to give up if he did not reward himself regularly?

By constantly rewarding the little wins, it will connect you with your greater goals and increase your appreciation of your accomplishments along the way whilst allowing you to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

So, enjoy getting lost in the moment of your goals, and as my friend Topher Morrison would say, “Dare to dream, and make everyday an epic adventure”.



KNOW adventure


Elizabeth, the author of “Awakening”, o-books, 2010. An expert on positivity, coach and Reiki Master, a startling mystical experience in 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity. She now writes to support our awakening. She is also the founder of a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe.

Awakening Through Joy!BY ELIZABETH VILLANI

Last week, I woke up with an epiphany! I was staying away in a hotel before running a workshop that day and all of a sudden received a huge new insight. I have written many times in this article and my blog etc about Awakening – after all it is the title of my book... and our radio show together. But up until this magical moment I had seen awakening as two dimensional, then suddenly I realised it can be three.

We all sleep - by which I mean conform - wear a mask and feel a gap in our lives. We beat ourselves up and attempt to fill the gap by pushing or hiding or filling it with stuff. Most of us also look to others to fill the gap for us. Lying there in that hotel, I suddenly realised that there are three ways to awaken, where I had thought that there were two.

The first method is knowing that there is a gap – choosing to consciously be more positive and work to lift our confidence so that we shed the mask and any conformity that says that we have to be and behave as society and others think that we should. The second way to wake up is through complete disaster. Shock. Or a deep sadness. Redundancy and illness, loss and grief all stop us in our tracks and instantly change our perspective and suddenly we can see what has always been there but we never noticed. Suddenly, we stand in our raw hearts and in the best cases (from an awakening perspective) we surrender control. Everything changes and we go on to live a greater more fulfilled life.

The first you can choose, it’s a process of realisation and changes in consciousness. It’s easy. The second is what happens to more and more of us who ignore the signs and continue to sleep, zoning out of our worlds and turning on the TV night after night. We will continue to



get promptings until we awaken.

The third way

But there is a third way, and this way has got to be the best! It’s what we all experience at certain times in our lives when we let ourselves or someone we love surprise us. It is joy! The excitement, the sheer bliss and ecstasy that a moment of pure happiness can bring. But we need to be conscious of it and learn from it. Think about it. When you have a treat or a surprise. Whatever that means to you. A great holiday. A sip of fine wine. Your favourite meal. A walk in the woods. The excitement and happiness that you feel strips you of the mask. The learnt behaviours drop and any self-consciousness vanishes, and for a moment you are totally you. It feels wonderful and such a relief.

As children this happens all of the time as we enjoy life. We love lots of favourite activities throughout our days; a great toy; an ice lolly; Christmas presents; the mixing bowl from the cake baking; playing football in the back garden. But as adults we tend to have less and less moments of joy. But the times that we do allow ourselves our rewards, wow. A new us emerges. But that wonderful warm feeling is not new. It is you. It’s just that it has been buried under all of the doing and conforming and negativity for so long.

Learning from Barry

Last month, I stood in the 8th row at the London 02 Arena to watch and listen to the soul of my favourite recording artist Barry Manilow. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would ever be so close to him as he sang with all of his heart. As I held my best friend’s hand to my heart (hubby wouldn’t do another Barry concert) I realised that if this could happen in my experience, in my experience then I could achieve anything. I was alive with inspiration and wonder at the world. All self-consciousness gone. I cried tears of joy throughout the whole concert. It has changed my life.

Moments of joy – which you can actively choose as your reward - can change yours too. A swim on your own. A fresh crab with Chablis. A walk in the woods at sunrise. Find your reward, and you find yourself!

A passage from “Awakening”...

...If life is about finding and being your soul purpose and you find it and manifest it through joy, then it seems natural that the more positive amongst us, the most joyful, will be the ones that are attracting the most abundance and happiness. The positive are less likely to be ill. They are more likely to be open and receptive and therefore learning the lessons and growing. Intuition will be strong. Love in the heart will be alive. Positive souls help and teach others often without even knowing it. Their eyes are up and open or if downward they are learning and doing with purpose. Not blinkered to the world around them. As we play with our blessings we are manifesting more and channelling more power from our collective consciousness...

Happy June x



KNOW l iv ing

CONTACT MELANIE - @Indigo_HealingFacebook

Melanie is a passionate advocator of the Indigo cause. She wants to speak out to help and inspire other Indigo adults to become aware of who they are. Mel is a Reiki healer and teacher, sound healer, writer, singer, neo-pagan and a student of the shamanic arts.

Reward Yourself And Help ThePlanetBY MELANIE DIAMOND

Do you reward yourself enough? I admit it, I don’t. I forget about myself sometimes what with all the work I have to do (and by work I mean The Work; the life’s mission, the Light Work). I get so caught up in it all sometimes, I forget that I’m a human being who needs to play, sleep, laugh, walk, breathe, see, eat, pray, love...

However, I find so much reward in The Work (yes, it deserves to be capitalised). Perhaps this is why I forget the day-to-day regular rewards that every human enjoys. For example, the energy you experience during a really great meditation session, or knowing you’ve actively helped someone on their spiritual path through giving them healing or watching as they realise they are not the only Indigo in the village. This is the point of why we are here and enjoying the rewards that this work brings is a wonderful bonus - as long as it’s your heart and not your head doing the enjoying.

So in writing this I realised that I must rectify this situation, but I find that there is resistance and reluctance to allow myself to enjoy a reward of some kind. I’m pretty in touch with my emotions (at least most of the time) so I can generally figure out what is really going on under the surface. In this case it’s a few things - guilt, fear (?!), the inability to switch off from The Work because there’s always something else to be doing. But mostly guilt. We all know the theory here: like attracts like. Feeling guilty only reaffirms that you believe there is something wrong with rewards and that you feel you don’t deserve them. Somehow it feels frivolous and naughty to want something just for the sake of it. But it’s not for the sake of it is it? It’s for our own wellbeing, so they are an essential ingredient in our lives. I have therefore decided to laugh in the face of guilt from now on and honour myself and The Work with more reward time. It doesn’t have to be



anything huge, expensive or significant - small rewards are easy to incorporate (she says, having forgotten to walk the talk... oh well, it happens).

I remind myself that in rewarding oneself and truly allowing the enjoyment to occur, there is joy to be had. And this brings more of the same, which raises our vibration. So really, when we reward, we’re helping the planet. It’s a Win/Win situation!

Here are my top five simple ways to reward:

1. Solitude. Being by oneself is a vital ingredient in knowing yourself. Some of us unwittingly absorb other energies when we’re among others, or out and about. Some people might also be an observer to the life dramas of others and get caught up in them (best avoided if at all possible). So, spend time in your own company every day, even if only for 10 minutes. Have a bath, meditate, go for a walk by yourself (see next point).

2. Getting outside into nature. I’ll admit this has been one I’ve neglected recently, partly because some of my usual haunts have been taken by the recent Berkshire forest fires, and partly because the past month has been wonderfully hectic. Note to self: must go for a walk in the very near future!! It doesn’t matter where you go but fresh air is a must, you get some exercise and you rebalance yourself. Don’t forget to say thanks to the local guardian spirits wherever you go.

3. Indulge yourself. What treat do you want right now?? A piece of choccy cake? The nice top you’ve had your eye on? To watch a pointless chick flick or action film without apology? Go for it - you only live once. Unless you believe in reincarnation, which I do, in which case... oh never mind, just go for it!

4. Remember your own spiritual and self-maintenance. Do you need to lie down and switch off for an hour while someone gives you Reiki? Or do those tense shoulders need an aromatherapy massage? It’s a treat that gives back.

5. Silliness. Be daft – no one else has to know. Dance around the room singing your favourite song at high volume; watch a Monty Python film; go and make an ass

of yourself at the local karaoke event. Who cares?! Not you.

So there you have it, they’re all simple things to achieve or include. If you need to, schedule in your reward time. Make space for you - what can you put off until tomorrow to get some time right now? There is usually something that isn’t as important or urgent as we think it is. Put it off, then sit down with a nice cup o’ tea and ponder the blessings in your life. There is mindfulness in this, a desire to commit to the moment of reward and to think of nothing else but that for a short while.

In The Work that we do, we seek to help others find themselves, their connection and fulfillment. However, we were all born to LIVE! Remember that true fulfillment cannot exist without self-love, without recognising your own need to be human and enjoy something just for the sake of enjoyment alone - just for the sake of the reward.



KNOW source


Tom Evans is the author of Flavours of Thought and The Art and Science of Light Bulb Moments. He is also Chief Tour Guide for the Cube of Karma. Find out more about Tom, his writings and his work at


If you research the etymology of the English word reward, you find it is derived from the French word regarder meaning “to take notice of or watch over”. In modern day parlance, it has come to mean some sort of payback in return for a ordinarily unrequited act. Perhaps you hand in a wallet or give some information to the police about a crime and get some sort of payback.

Consider the actions of many a hero though. If you see someone in trouble or needing help, your immediate reaction is to empathise with them and help them. The last thing on your mind in emergency situations is to think you are acting for your own aggrandisement.

If you look back over your life, there will undoubtedly have been some downs and some ups. We just assume these are all part of the rough and tumble of life. Surely it’s impossible there can be a pattern? Refer back again to the etymology of the word reward.

You can see all the events that have happened to you as being part of a ‘karmic reward’ system perhaps managed by your unseen guides and delivered through your Higher Self. Now, most messages from our Higher Self come through our unconscious mind before percolating up to our conscious awareness. We perceive them as our own thoughts and rarely ascribe them to their true source.



Consider this. Just maybe all the not-so-good things that have happened to you have merely been signs that you are on the wrong path or lessons that you could learn from to grow and evolve. By contrast, all the good things that have come your way have been confirmation that you are fulfilling your pre-agreed karmic mission. Think back now to the events that have unfolded in your life and you will see patterns. These will be either repeat patterns of bad or good luck. It might be the same type of dead end job or type of relationship or the same run of seemingly incredible luck and serendipity.

Now I don’t propose you accept this version of how things might work as gospel but, if you imagine it might possibly be true, you can turn your life around quickly by a simple act.

Turning life around

On a piece of paper, make two columns. In the left column, write down all the not-so-good things in your life so far and at the moment. In the right column, write down all the good things.

Now think of both columns as if they were a letter from a long lost friend and say “Thank you” in equal weight to all the bad and good things that have happened to you. These have been your rewards all along and by giving thanks you are giving the reward of acknowledgement back to your Guides for which they will now begin to reward you even further.

Within 24-48 hours of performing this simple act, you will experience one or two things. Either a situation that has been causing you concern will just vaporize as if it never existed or a stroke of incredible fortune will come your way.

You may well ask why I can make such a bold and blanket claim for all readers of this article. The reason is that these events happen continually every minute of our lives but we often don’t pay attention to them. Having read this article, you will simply acknowledge them and notice them. Remember, of course, to give thanks for the new event when it comes along even if it seems at first to be bad news.




Once Upon A Time...JENN PROTHERO

Stars And PlanetsZOE HIND

The Warrior Of The LightPAULO COELHO


Words Of Wisdom


Featured LightworkerRHONDA BYRNE


REGULARSSharon Law is a Spiritual Counsellor, Healer and Medium. She dedicates her life to helping people on their spiritual journey get through difficult life experiences. Sharon works closely with many different Spirit guides, including Archangel Michael and her Native American Ancestors. Her motto is “Life isn’t short; it’s fast... so live it and live it well...”

Ask Sharon

Hi Sharon, Good Morning I hope you are well, I read my quote from the Lightworker Magazine every morning (it inspires me) as I do feel I am letting the every day need to earn to keep my home up and running but I am not fulfilling my inner needs. A long story short I have been on my own with my son for 8 yrs now, never meeting another person that has made me think there could be a possible relationship. I do feel it would be nice to have someone to share life with, I totally love my life with my son who is a very motivated 15 yr old who wants more than anything to be a performer, he has been singing, dancing and acting since he was 5. He has had a couple of auditions on Britain’s got talent as he is not old enough for X Factor but although he has amazing talent he never gets a recall, this does dishearten him. He was diagnosed with all four core aspects of ADHD when he was 7 we have lived with the condition with no drugs just plenty of positiveness and love, but he does have a very low self esteem, he is very confident, but low self esteem no matter how I try to beat this, we do not seem to be able to overcome it... have you any ideas or what do you pick up from this I would be interested to know. We do seem to go down certain paths and people we meet are amazed by my son. We had tickets to see Michael Jackson we were so upset at his passing we went to LA to his memorial service as I felt I had to be there in my heart... so we went above all odds we ended up in the service and Jo receiving one of Michael’s gloves ....what do you read from this. I look forward to hearing from you. A

Hi A, Thank you so much for your question, your son sounds wonderful and I would be honoured to give some guidance to you both at this point in your lives. Firstly, I would like to say that your son sounds incredibly similar to my own son who is almost 14 years old and we have also had the huge hurdle of low self esteem issues. So I truly empathise with you both. What I am being given to share with you now is what also helped with my own son. The answer to building your son’s self esteem is meditation or

To ask Sharon a question of your own, please send them to Please note that we are unfortunately unable to guarantee your question will be answered because of the high volume of responses.


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other forms of relaxation that will help him to stop or slow down his thought patterns. I feel that he will get frustrated with it as first but encourage him to continue and also help him to find the right music or guided meditation that he feels more comfortable with and most importantly drawn to, because what may work for you may not work for him. I am hearing dolphins singing as I’m writing so I feel there is a connection with the sounds of the ocean and your son. He is on a very special journey in this life, he is very wise and has been here many times before and this results in huge amounts of frustration for him. His energy is extremely high and I would recommend that he learns how to ground himself on a regular basis, weekly to begin with, then eventually moving to daily. This will also need to be done before any form of relaxation or meditation. There are huge spiritual changes coming over the next 20 years and like many other spiritual children, they are here to help with these changes. When the time comes things will become much clearer for your son and he will feel much happier from within, I am not saying he is unhappy now, he is just frustrated and impatient for what his soul’s purpose is here to do. Moving onto his performing career, this is something that will take a bit more time. He needs to continue to enjoy it and not get too involved in trying to become well-known just yet. I feel that if he were to rush into it then he would lose the passion that he clearly has for this art due the pressures and negativity that surrounds this area of work. His time will come but only when he learns to truly enjoy it for himself and not for others. The reason he was given Michael’s glove is because Michael felt his passion for performing and gave it to him as a gift to say, “Never give up”. Michael will continue to watch over him and try to remind him to be true to his passion, just as Michael was despite his very difficult journey. Passion is lost very easily through the pressures of life and society; it is your job as his Mum to remind him that he must perform from his heart and to not change his character to meet the wants and needs of others. This will certainly happen if he was to be discovered too early on in his life.

I also feel drawn to give some guidance for yourself as you have given up so much for your son and you will be rewarded in time but your main priority is to focus your energy on your son and the life you have lovingly created for you both. When your son finds the inner happiness through meditation and special friendships that are coming his way soon, then you will begin to open new doors for yourself. Relationships have and always will be very limited with you but this is a good thing as there are many energy thieves out there and you are being blessed


by having these distractions kept away in order for your energy to remain pure and high for your son.

I wish you and your son inner happiness and an abundance of wealth. X

Dear Sharon, Could you please give me a bit more of an insight into whether I should move home or not. I don’t feel 100% happy in the house that I am currently living in but I can’t see a way of how I could possibly have the home that I am constantly dreaming of. Please could you tell me if my dream home will come true or should I just stay put. Love K

Hi K, Thank you for your question. You are sensing that there are some changes that need to take place in your life, and your home is one of them. I am seeing that your dream home is overseas in a hot climate but where there are lots of green pastures. I am also sensing that you love roses and would love to have a rose garden. I hope you don’t mind but I am very honest when giving guidance and I prefer to be blunt when it comes to helping people get what they want out of life. We all find excuses in life but there are ways of getting what we want when we have a little more insight into where to begin, which is usually where I love to help. I feel that your dream home is only a thought at the moment and even though you wish to have your dream home, you are not doing anything in exchange to make this a reality. We can all pray and ask the Spirits and the Angels to help us but they can only help us when they see that we are doing our bit in exchange.

We all have our own unique dream homes and lives that we want, but I like to ask people, “but what are you doing to make this a reality?”. Most of the answers I receive are “well I know it’ll happen one day, so I’ll just sit back and wait until it comes to me”. Life doesn’t work this way, we need to make certain things happen ourselves in order for us to receive our own unique miracles. These miracles will happen for you at the right time and only when you change your thought patterns and begin to make certain changes in your everyday life in order to make room for new changes and new energy.

I hope this has helped you and gives you the inspiration that you need to make your dream a reality. X

REGULARSOnce Upon A Time...The Reward Of Life’s PathsBY JENN PROTHERO


Jenn operates a private healing practice in Chatham Ontario, offering Reiki healing, Angel Readings, Life Coaching, Meditations and Workshops. Sessions can be done either person to person or distance through email/phone. She allows spirit and the angels to guide each session for the highest good for each client.

When we are walking down that dark alley in our life, our inner thoughts and language are most often those focused on seeking hope and light at the end of that tunnel.

We never know when that dark alley is going to present itself in our lives. In fact, some of us are able to walk through them without even knowing, others have so many to walk through, and, sad to say, there are those who don’t make it, thus creating darkness for others to pass though.

Yes, it is true and proven that our thoughts create our reality. You may ask why then would someone knowingly create darkness in their life?

The answers among many: Those who do are not yet aware of the power of their thoughts. Those who are aware, still allow their dark emotions to rule. There are times when the universe has to create an opportunity for us to wake up.

The route

Those thoughts of seeking hope and light at the end of the dark alley are, in essence, prayers being sent out. All prayers are always answered. We don’t get to choose how they are answered, or when, but they are answered. Sometimes they are answered by showing us the darkness and wounds within us. After all, our wounds are our biggest blocks in life, yet once healed, they become our greatest strengths.

As long as we continue to seek hope and light, our inner healing continues to happen. The path is not always clear-cut, direct or short. In fact, this is where we really do have some control. If, as we walk along this path, we become completely focused on seeking the light, we begin to see the more direct route. Our wounds start to heal. On the other hand, we can choose to meander through the weeds and play in the muck before we reach the light. Stopping


at and holding onto any tiny sign of hope along the way.

How do I know this to be true? I have lived it. I have spent a lot of time in the weeks and the muck. I know what it is like to see a tiny thread of hope, stop in my tracks and hold onto that with everything I have, only to find out there was nothing holding the other end of the thread.

I was one of the ones that had many dark alleys to walk through. I think there are many of us who chose to learn that way, and we do so for a reason. Once we have outgrown the desire for muck in our lives, once we heal those gaping wounds, we become a source of light for others to turn too. Perhaps, in some ways, we were a beacon of light all the way through our travels but didn’t realize it. I think back now to all the people who have complimented me on my strength, who have been amazed at what I could accomplish. At the time, I didn’t like hearing it, I was just living with the sour hand I was dealt, or so I thought.

Showing the way

There are a few things I know for sure, there is a reason we traveled the path we traveled. There is a reason we needed to learn what we learned. There is a reason we healed our wounds. That reason is so we can hold out our hand to others, to be the strength, to be the light, and to empower them to achieve their dreams.

Somewhere along the way we learned to stop telling our stories to ourselves and to others. At that point, our lives started to turn around, there was a shift from victim to freedom . We also learned that we were able to choose what we wanted and accepted in our lives. It was all new to us, all very exciting. Like the light had been turned on, and we suddenly had control of the switch. We weren’t necessarily good at this in the beginning. We had bruises from running into the brick wall, but day-by-day, experience-by-experience, we got better.

Now that we stand in this brand new place we look back and see how very important our stories are to us. They are our map as to how we can help others. They are our guide to our life purpose. They no longer control us, they propel us.

Besides my deep intuition, I use these lessons I have learned to support and guide others. I see the potential in everything and encourage others to do the same. Even a shimmer of light will grow. After all, what good is a dream if you don’t achieve it? What if all you needed to do was to reach out for help? What if all you needed was a little support, a little guidance, and at times a little kick in the butt and that dream then came true? Thank God for my journey, for busting my chops, because with all I have learned, I now know how to bust yours.

My life’s path has brought me to life coaching, among many other modalities of assisting others. I love what I do, I love who I am, and I love being able to see your life situations, shake them up, and shine a new light on the path. I will never get tired of the look on a client’s face when they see the possibilities of making their dreams come true. Life truly is a rewarding journey.



Every month I will be choosing a reader question to answer, so email your enquiries about Astrology to


I know that the Midheaven is my career point. Does it make a difference if there are planets next to it or if it’s alone?

The Midheaven in your chart shows you where your talents and energy can be placed to maximise your success in the world.

This is found in the form of an arrow at the top of your chart which points to the sign that was highest in the sky at the time of your birth.

If the Midheaven has planets near it then they take on great importance in terms of career or recognition in life. If there are no planets around, this simply shows you the type of environment that you will require to excel and the general field of work that suits your skills.

Those with planets next to the Midheaven, especially in the 10th house, show signs of following a named career or making a specific impact on the world. Those with no planetary placements can look to the 5th and 6th houses to see where their talents lie and how to best apply them.

We all have a different life purpose and an emptiness in the houses at the top of the chart can indicate a freedom to follow various paths at different times of life.

We all know people who from a young age seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do in life. Others feel like they are drifting from experience to experience without such a purpose. There is no right or wrong. There is no need to worry or feel that we should be doing more. The Midheaven will be activated yearly by transiting planets and we can trust that our guides are helping us towards the rewards we deserve if we simply offer ourselves and our talents up in grateful service.

For more information tune into my Radio Show – Stars and Planets:

The secret to life is good timing.By tuning into the energy of the planets we can all live more harmonious lives.


PISCESNeptune turns retrograde on 4th June and allows us time to assess what we have learnt so far since it entered Pisces in April. You are very sensitive to the emotions and motivations of others. As people around you show their true colours you may feel disillusioned with superficial acts and words, but at least you have the ability to discern fact from fiction and see through to the core of the matter. In the long run, this stands you in good stead to choose who you entertain and on what level.

ARIESJupiter leaves your sign on 5th June after a very brief stay. This has cleared the way for new and exciting opportunities. You may have had to let a lot go in the past few months with no real insight into what may fill the gap. Now you will find that a feeling of space and freedom are reward in themselves. Take your time to reconnect with who you are today before inviting new people and projects into your life. The new you requires to meet your acquaintance.


TAURUSMany planets pass through your sign this month and Jupiter has come to stay for a whole year. This is great news. Jupiter is abundant and brings much luck and opportunity with it. You love to create and produce and with the help of this mighty planet you stand to excel. What you apply yourself to over the next few months will bring rewards bigger and better than you imagine. Prioritize your plans. Pick only those that you feel from the heart and then proceed to manifest miracles.

VIRGOSaturn is teaching you valuable lessons about self-respect. Defining your boundaries, especially in relationships, is a priority right now. Are you in balance? Are your expectations of others realistic? It is you who is at the controls and you who can make the minor adjustments that will bring harmony and flow back to your life. Whatever we attract is a reflection of what we have inside ourselves. Relationship is merely a mirror. Look into yourself for the answers.

CAPRICORNMars in Taurus is a strong placement for you, and one you can use to ignite your creative spark. With tensions around the eclipses and grand cross that are the main features of this month, you would do well to direct your dynamic power and channel your energies through creativity, music and strong exercise. Record your dreams whenever possible as there are certain messages within that will give your spirit valuable guidance.

LEOEclipses come around every 6 months and no matter which sign they fall in, because the Sun is your ruler, you feel the effects. This time we tread the Gemini/Sagittarius axis with a partial solar eclipse on June 1st. Leo can feel disempowered at this time. It only lasts for a few hours, and this is only a partial eclipse, but while the lights are dimmed take a moment to see what hides in the shadows. Awareness is king and you will be able to benefit greatly from what you are shown.

SAGITTARIUSWe head towards a lunar eclipse in your sign on 15thJune. Eclipses are unpredictable and shrouded in mystery. This one sits right next to the North Node – a karmic point Astrology which points to life purpose and challenges for this incarnation. Opposite, the Sun and Mercury conspire to reveal secrets and show you a glimpse of that which has been hidden until now, and the final piece of the puzzle fits into place.

CANCERWith the personal planets moving from your 11th to 12th house, issues that arise relating to friends and group politics will require some deep introspection. Try not to take on problems that do not concern you. The temptation to try to help is strong but you need to keep some energy back to nurture yourself. A grand cross reminiscent of last June ends the month of Gemini and Cancer is involved. By looking after yourself first you can help others more.

SCORPIOThe recent Scorpio Full Moon brought up some deep issues and insecurities for many. Now as the Sun, Moon and personal planets traverse through Gemini, your new self-awareness will help you to move forwards with more presence. The ego mind needs to be put in perspective and passion only employed where it leads to positive results for all. By the lunar eclipse on 15th June, you will see how far you have come and what still needs to be worked upon.

GEMINIMercury is the Magician of the Tarot and this month you are going to need your wits about you and a few tricks up your sleeve. How to turn negative into positive is the challenge of the day. Thoughts can serve or destroy depending on their nature. Is your mind a precision tool – your magic wand - or does it rule you and have you running around in circles? If you can remain aware of your mental motivations, this month will see you reach new heights.

LIBRAIt’s a funny month. As you take two steps forwards you may slip one step back. Planetary activity in your house of travel tempts you to fly away, but business at home takes a few unpredictable twists and turns and requires your attention here. How to proceed? Loose plans and open-ended tickets are a good idea as well as clever use of technology to communicate from wherever you are. Keep channels open and a flexible mind so that you can respond quickly and intelligently to sudden changes.

AQUARIUSA slow and steady approach will produce the greatest results. Though the speed always picks up with Gemini’s flighty energies at play, anchor yourself in what is fundamentally real. The pendulum sways from one extreme to another but we can choose to centre ourselves and remain calm. The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 15th looks promising to restore unity and higher consciousness. Go against the flow of mental distractions and resonate with the truth within which sustains and nourishes.


Zoe works with your own unique birth chart and compares it with the positions of the planets today, revealing and explaining the windows of opportunity that are opening up around you and how to make the most of your time. Her insights help to give you a better understanding of yourself, your purpose, your loved ones, your talents and the best timing for effortless success in all areas of your life. Zoe also provides full chart interpretation services as well as running classes and workshops.


+44 7984

Gemini ClimateThe Zodiac month of Gemini takes us up to the Summer Solstice on 21st June where we celebrate the day with the most daylight – the longest day. After this we head into the half of the year where the nights begin to draw in, culminating at the Winter Solstice – the shortest day.

This battle of day and night plays out constantly as the wheel of the year turns. This is where Gemini gets its symbol of the twins – one day and one night – with the symbol representing 2 pillars of polarity. The double-sided nature of Gemini is also seen in the twin stars of Castor and Pollux in the constellation it is named after.

In ancient Britain, they would stage a mock battle between Oak (representing masculine solar strength and the light half of the year) and Holly (representing lunar feminine power and the darker half of the year). At Summer Solstice, the Holly wins the battle bringing in the longer nights only to be reversed in mid winter when the oak and increasing light were the winners. This is sung about in the Christmas Carol ‘The Holly and the Ivy’ in the words – “of all the trees that are in the wood, the Holly wears the crown”.

This is a time of duality, of balancing opposing forces and finding inner union.

New Moon – 1st June - 11 degrees Gemini – Partial Solar EclipseEmpowered and to the point, this moon comes along to teach us how to stand up for ourselves. If your rights are challenged or there is an imbalance of power behind the scenes, now is the time that you will find the courage and right words to stand up for yourself and state your case clearly. Gemini loves to communicate and this time he has something of great value to say. Reclaiming personal freedoms and taking responsibility for our lives back into our own hands is the order of the day.

Full Moon – 15th June – 24 degrees Sagittarius – Total Lunar EclipseThe Moon sits next to the North Node at this lunar eclipse in the twelfth house of our deep subconscious and things hidden. Something is about to be revealed. It is likely that a story that began at the New Moon reaches its conclusion.

The Sun conspires with Mercury, ruler of Gemini and the South Node in the 6th house of daily service.

While life will be fast paced on the outside, with much to be said and done, on a subconscious level we will instinctively know where to put our energies and begin to realise that we are part of a magnificent bigger picture. The distractions of the day will melt away by night and in the peace of the midnight hours, deep realisations and awakenings can occur.

The wisdom of our ancestors can be felt at a cellular level if we take time to really listen. Avoid unnecessary distractions and put your energy into meaningful endeavours.






Get quiet and reconnect with your inner essence; ensure it is in alignment

with your outer world.


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REGULARSWarrior Of The LightThe Magic InstantBY PAULO COELHO

We have to take risks. We can only truly understand the miracle of life when we let the unexpected manifest itself.

Every day – together with the sun – God gives us a moment in which it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy. Every day we try to pretend that we don’t realize that moment, that it doesn’t exist, that today is just the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow. But if you pay attention, you can discover the magic instant. It may be hiding at the moment when we put the key in the door in the morning, in the silence right after dinner, in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. This moment exists – a moment when all the strength of the stars passes through us and lets us work miracles.

Happiness is at times a blessing – but usually it’s a conquest. The magic instant helps us to change, drives us forward to seek our dreams. We shall suffer and go through quite a few difficult moments and face many a disappointment – but this is all transitory and inevitable, and eventually we shall feel proud of the marks left behind by the obstacles. In the future we will be able to look back with pride and faith.

Poor are those who are afraid of running risks. Because maybe they are never disappointed, never disillusioned, never suffer like those who have a dream to pursue. But when they look back – for we always look back – they will hear their heart saying: “What did you do with the miracles that God sowed for your days? What did you do with the talent that your Master entrusted to you? You buried it deep in a grave because you were afraid to lose it. So this is your inheritance: the certainty that you have wasted your life.”

Poor are those who hear these words. For then they will believe in miracles, but the magic instants of life will have already passed.

We must listen to the child that we once were, and who still lives within us. This child understands about magic instants. We can muffle his sobbing, but we can’t hush his voice.

If we aren’t reborn, if we don’t see life again with the innocence and enthusiasm of childhood, then there is no more sense to living.

There are many ways to commit suicide. Those who try to kill their body offend God’s law. Those who try to kill their soul also offend God’s law, although their crime is less visible to the eyes of man.

CONTACT PAULO @paulocoelho


Let us be heedful of what the child within us has to say. Let’s not feel ashamed of it. Let’s not allow it to feel afraid, because it’s lonely and is scarcely ever heard.

Let’s allow the child within us to take the reins of our existence a little. This child says that one day is different from another.

Let’s make the child feel loved again. Let’s please this child – even if it means acting in a way that we’re not used to, even if it seems foolish in the eyes of others.

Remember that the wisdom of men is madness before God. If we listen to the child we bear in our soul, our eyes will shine once more. If we don’t lose contact with this child, we won’t lose contact with life.

Let’s live all the magic instants!


There is always someone in the world waiting for someone else, whether in the middle of the desert or in the heart of some big city. And when these two people’s paths cross and their eyes meet, the whole of the past and the whole of the future lose all importance, and there only exists that moment and that incredible certainty that everything under the Sun was written by the very same Hand. The Hand that awakens Love and creates a sister soul for everyone who works, rests and seeks treasures under the Sun. Were it not for this, the dreams of the human race would make no sense.

Warrior of the Light, a publication





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might d

o the same for you. PRINcESS DIANA



A prince should be slow to punish, and quick to reward. OVID

carry out a

random act of kindness, with no expectation

of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone

might d

o the same for you. PRINcESS DIANA

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the re

ward o


this faith is to see what you BELIEVE. SAINT AUgUSTIN


Happiness is the reward we get for living to the highest right we know. RIc


I like to praise and reward loudly, to blame quietly. cATHERINE II


























Featured Lightworker



With the intention to “bring joy to billions”, Rhonda Byrne is the woman responsible for inspiring numerous Lightworkers to create their dreams through The Law Of Attraction. Focusing on asking, believing then receiving, she recognised how this “could powerfully transform and improve their lives”. Her motivation was to help people “come to understand that the life of their dreams has always been closer than they realized”.


As soon as Rhonda realised with “astonishment” in 2004 that this self-empowering information was not widely known and practiced, she committed to making it her “life’s focus to share this knowledge with all people around the world.” This desire to challenge society’s norms led to her being named in TIME magazine’s “The TIME 100: The People Who Shape Our World”.


The Secret is published in 46 languages in print, visual and audio formats, allowing maximum numbers of people to learn the wisdom of The Law Of Attraction. This educational movement spans a myriad of belief systems, races and backgrounds, thereby unifying the global population and allowing each individual to weave their dreams.



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