lilburn elementary title i annual parent meeting august 20 and 22, 2013 wandy taylor, principal

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Overview of Title I

The Title I Program…

is the largest federal assistance program for schools.

provides support to students who are most at risk of

not meeting the state’s academic standards.

bases funds on the number of students receiving free

or reduced price lunch.

supports parents by offering workshops and training

opportunities to increase their involvement in their

children’s education.

Overview of Title I

Two types of programs:

Targeted Assistance


Overview of Title ILilburn Elementary is Schoolwide

Schoolwide Program

• While an emphasis is placed on students at risk of not meeting academic standards, all students at the school benefit from Title I funds.

• Materials, equipment, professional development, extended learning time, and teachers that are funded through Title I benefit all students and parents.

Requirements of a Title I School

Title I Annual Parent Meeting High Quality Curriculum Academic Assistance to the Most At-Risk Students Parent Involvement and Input Annual Evaluation of Title I Program(s) Timely Communication to Parents

What are our schoolwide goals?

• Schoolwide Title I Plan: Increase student achievement in all core academic areas

• Focus first on Mathematics and Language Arts improvement

• Local School Plan for Improvement Goals• Increase student achievement in Language Arts

through balanced literacy instruction• Increase student achievement in Math through

balanced numeracy instruction• Utilize cutting edge technology to support academic


2013-2014 Schoolwide Program


• Parent Center Educational Material Checkout

• Early Intervention Program

• English Language Learner program

• Student Study Team

• Response to Intervention

• Instructional specials in Math and Science

• Small group support in Math and Language Arts

Title I Funding

Lilburn Elementary School’s Allocation$631,236.00

We are budgeting for the following:

• Additional Instructional Staff

• Instructional Equipment and Materials

• Professional Learning

• Parent Support

2011-2012 Title I Supplemental Budget - $363,825.00


Direct Instruction

Instructional Support

Parent Involvement



$7,963 Instructional Support

$313 Parent Involvement

$631,236.00 Title I Allotment

Personnel: $598,660.00 To reduce class size and provide academic support• 1 Kindergarten teacher• 2 Kindergarten Paraprofessionals• 1 First Grade Teacher• 1 Second Grade teacher• 1 Third Grade Teacher • 1 Fourth Grade Teacher• 1 Language Arts Support teacher• ½ day

• Parent Instructional Support Coordinator• 3 Math support Teachers • 1 Reading/Math support Teacher

$631,236.00 2013-2014 Title I Budget

Instructional Support - $7,963.00•Release time for professional learning•Supplies

Direct Instruction - $24,300.00•Technology Access for Students –

• Student Response Systems• Tablets for student use• Technology Software and Licenses to support and extend Student


Parent Involvement - $313.00•Interpreters/translators

$631,236.00 2013-2014 Title I Budget

Wish List for Title I2013-2014

1. Additional funding for Extended Day and Extended Year

opportunities and transportation to provide extra time/days for

student learning

2. Additional release time for professional development,

observations and collaborative planning that will support

academic learning

3. Stipends for professional development and collaborative planning

that supports academic learning

4. Software and licenses to support core academics

5. Additional Student Response Systems to support on the spot

assessment and provide data that leads to additional support or

acceleration in every classroom

Wish List for Title I2013-2014

6. Stipends for leadership teams and administration to make

collaborative plans including a needs assessment and drafting a

Schoolwide plan

7. Additional tablets and computers for student use in the classroom to

support core academics

8. Supplemental materials that support academic learning

9. Additional document cameras to support instruction in every


10.Wireless Cart to access web sites that support student learning

11.SmartBoards and mimeos for interactive teaching which provides

student interaction with lessons and access to web based instruction


District Parent Involvement Allocation

• The district is required to set aside 1% of the total Title I district allocation to go toward parent involvement.

• For the school year 2014, the 1% will be equally distributed among all Title I Schoolwide Programs to partially fund a Parent Instructional Support Coordinator.

Parent Involvement

District Parent Involvement Policy

• The Gwinnett County Public Schools Parent Involvement Policy

describes the means by which the district commits to

establishing partnerships with parents and community

members and encourages their participation in the design,

implementation, and evaluation of its Title I Program.

• The policy is printed in the Title I Handbook issued to all

parents of students attending Title I Schools. It is also

available on the Gwinnett County Public Schools website:

Parent InvolvementWhat is Lilburn Elementary School’s Parent Involvement Policy?

The Title I Parent Involvement Policy describes our school’s plan for involving parents and other stakeholders in the education of our students.

It is posted on our school’s website and copies are always available in the Lilburn Elementary School Parent Center.

It will be distributed to parents in a Title I packet of documents.

Parent InvolvementWhat is a School-Parent Compact?

The School-Parent Compact is an agreement developed with

parent input that outlines how the parents, the entire school

staff, and the students will share the responsibility for

improved student academic achievement at Lilburn

Elementary. This compact also describes how the school

and parents will build and develop a partnership to help

children achieve at the State’s high standards.

The Lilburn Elementary Compact will be posted on the website. Partners will sign the compact on our first Early Release Day and will revisit it throughout the year.

Parent InvolvementWhat opportunities does the school provide

for parent involvement?

• Title I Planning Meetings• Our next meeting will be October 15, 2013 at 7:30 am.

• Volunteer Opportunities at Lilburn ES• Parents may sign up to volunteer through our volunteer

coordinator, Maria Garcia, in the Parent Center. • Volunteers are needed to assist classroom teachers, to

help with school events, to assist with monitoring

children in the cafeteria during lunch, and to work with

our PTA.

Parent InvolvementParent Involvement Funds provide• Translators and translations of printed materials• A half-time Parent Instructional Support Coordinator• Materials for workshops• Materials for parent check out to support student learning

at home

When Parents contact the school with questions or concerns,

they can expect to hear back from a staff member within a

24-48 hour period.

Lilburn Elementary parents have several opportunities to be

part of the decision making process.• School Improvement Council• Title I Planning Team• PTA• GCPS Title I PAC

Parent Involvement

Tammi Verdi, Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) number: 678-245-5124

Maria Garcia, Parent

Maria Uribe, Parent

Designation Status Under Georgia Waiver to NCLB

There are five designations: PriorityFocusAlertRewardNo designation/school in good standing

Lilburn Elementary School is in good standing.

What does this status mean? Our school met or exceeded the standards set by the State of Georgia.

Student performance data from the 2010-2011 school year was used to determine the status of our school.

Highly Qualified Status of Teachers and Paraprofessionals


Parents have the right to request information about

the degree and certification of their child’s teacher(s)

and paraprofessional(s), if applicable.

Notification of teachers/paraprofessionals who are not highly qualified

In addition, parents will be notified by the school

when their child has been taught for four consecutive

weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.


AKS -The AKS are the standards for academic excellence for all students in Gwinnett County Public Schools. In every GCPS classroom, instruction and assessment are tailored so that all students learn the Academic Knowledge and Skills to be successful.

Common Core – Georgia has formally adopted a set of core standards for kindergarten through high school in English language arts and mathematics. The Common Core Standards provide a consistent framework to prepare students for success in college and/or the 21st century workplace. These standards represent a common sense next step from the Georgia Performance Standards.

Lilburn Elementary supports effective implementation of the curriculum. We provide guidance and information, instructional materials and support, professional development, data analysis and progress reports on achieving instructional goals through implementation of the curriculum.


CogAT-The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) measures students’ learned reasoning abilities in the three areas most linked to academic success in school: Verbal, Quantitative and Nonverbal. Grades 1,3,5

Iowa Tests of Basic Skills: The Iowa Tests offer educators a diagnostic look at how their students are progressing in key academic areas, and offers diagnostic data that can be used to create intervention groups and to drive curricular decisions.

Grades 3 and 5

AssessmentsState of Georgia

The Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) is a year-long, performance-based assessment aligned to the state mandated content standards. The goal of the assessment program is to provide teachers with information about the level of instructional support needed by individual students entering kindergarten and first grade.


Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT): The CRCT is designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described in the state mandated content standards in reading, English/language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Students must pass reading in third grade and reading and math in 5th grade for promotion. GCPS requires fourth graders to pass all subjects; reading, math, science and social studies for promotion.

Grades 3,4,5

Georgia Writing Test -The writing assessments provide information to students about their writing performance and areas of strength and challenge. This information is useful for instruction and preparation for future writing assessments. Students must pass writing in 5th grade for promotion.

Grades 3 and 5

ACCESS for ELLs is a standards-based, criterion referenced English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners’ social and academic proficiency in English.

ELL Learners Grades k, 1,2,3,4,5

Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) SPG Pre Tests and Post Tests will measure

student progress toward Student Performance Goals

Grades 1, 2, 3 GCPS Interim Tests at the end of the first

quarter and at the end of the third quarter will measure student achievement of GCPS AKS goals.

Grades 1,2,3,4,5 GCPS Post Tests at the end of the first and

second semesters will measure student achievement of the GCPS AKS goals.

Grades 1,2,3,4,5Results from these tests will used to provide support and acceleration based on individual student progress.


Lilburn Elementary School Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System

(BAS) given each quarter provides one-on-one, comprehensive assessment to determine independent and instructional reading levels and measure reading progress.

Math exemplars are math word problems given each quarter to measure student progress with mathematical thinking and problem solving.

Common grade level writing assessments will be given at the beginning of the year and at the end of each quarter to measure writing progress.

Teacher and grade level assessments to match the AKS curriculum are given to measure progress and mastery.

These assessments measure student progress and growth toward mastery.


ESEA Public School Choice

This option is not available in Gwinnett County Public Schools.

However, GCPS has a permissive transfer process in place.


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“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a flame”

William Butler Yeats

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