limitation of homeopathy in treating emergency case

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Limitation of homeopathy in treating emergency case


Limitation of homeopathy in treating emergency case




Literature Review........................................................................................................................................5

Data Collection............................................................................................................................................6

Semi Structured Interview...................................................................................................................6

Multiple analytical tools......................................................................................................................6

Critical Evaluation of Literature...................................................................................................................7

Limitation of Homeopathic in Emergency...................................................................................................9

Focused Group Discussion.....................................................................................................................11

Questionnaire Survey............................................................................................................................11

Descriptive research..............................................................................................................................11

Research Ethics..........................................................................................................................................11

Implication of research Ethics...............................................................................................................11





The basic principle of Homeopathic treatment was first stated by German physician Samuel

Hahnemann. Homeopathic treatment is very popular for its fewer side effects. Many articles

were written on this issue. Homeopathic treatment is a very powerful way of alternative

treatment. Homeopathic treatment is popular from very beginning of its invention but it is not

effective for all type of disease. All type of diseases is not curable by micro doses of

Homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic treatment is not appropriate for some disease or condition

which are life threatening as well as known as emergency situation. Most of them are not for

personal interest but for the betterment of the society. This article mainly focuses on the power

of homeopaths in emergency moments of life and death. The objective of this article is not

disgrace the Homeopathy science but to find out he limitation of Homeopathic treatment in case

of emergency situation. The treatment of Homeopathic is a very powerful way of alternative

treatment. Homeopaths believe that Homeopathic treatment and medicine can be used now days

in case of emergencies in connection with the heroic modern medical treatment. But most

important thing is that in case of emergency condition it is not possible to wait for a long time

period treatment and it is the major limitation of Homeopathic treatment is that of consumption

of time. Homeopathic treatment is not so effective in case of emergency situation like brain

stroke (apoplexy), sudden chest pain (myocardial infarction), unbearable painful condition, coma

from brain injury etc.



Does Homeopathy can meet the emergency condition? We can’t avoid the importance of this

question. Because average lay people believe that homeopathy can be useful in case of

emergency condition. But it is an interesting matter that they use homeopathy for their chronic

condition at the mean time they use modern medicine to get cure at critical moments. Medical

organizations sometimes believe in this as well. Whether Homeopaths are also agreed with this

general belief is a matter of suspects. But some of the Homeopaths argue against this type of

belief. It is a matter of concern that whether modern society can defense the argument and

evaluate them (Navin ,2011).

Many articles were written on this issue. Most of them are not for personal interest but for the

betterment of the society. This article mainly focuses on the power of homeopaths in emergency

moments of life and death. Homeopaths treatment is a popular and effective treatment. One

cannot say that the treatment of Homeopaths is not effective at all. If so than we can get two

conclusions. One is the Homeopath doctor are not expert in applying the medicine and another is

the Homeopathic science is incomplete and has serious shortcomings. But the problem is that

Homeopathic treatment has very slow working process which is not appropriate in emergency

situation. Many Homeopaths said that they are not prepared to accept the limitation of

Homeopathic. Homeopaths can be limitation but not the Homeopathic. If any, it is the result of

not practice Homeopathic for several years. The objective of this article is not disgrace the

Homeopathy science but to find out he limitation of Homeopathic treatment in case of

emergency situation.


Literature Review

Homeopathy is spelled homoeopathy or homœopathy; is come from the Greek hómoios- ὅμοιος.

It is a form of alternative form of medicine treatment. Now a day’s Practitioners give the patients

highly diluted preparations with a belief that will cure the disease in a very easy and simple way.

In modern days symptoms are easily treated and cured by modern medicine. Scientific evidence

has found homeopathy no more effective than a placebo. The basic principle of Homeopathic

treatment was first stated by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathic treatment is

very popular for its fewer side effects. Patients believe that Homeopathic treatment is very

effective. But Homeopathic treatment has some limitations also. The foremost limitation of

Homeopathic treatment is it is very slow in process and not effective in emergency case

(Ernst ,2002).

It is possible for a Homeopathy physician to come into the light when he or she is treating an

emergency patient. This because of the steadiness of Homeopathy, in case of treatment of a

patient with emergency treatment should be faster. It is the major limitation of Homeopathy


In his study (Mathie, 2003) stated that a doctor who has a vast of experience in Homeopathic

treatment shares his experience about the treatment of a Homeopathy clinic. This doctor is

associated with a hospital for more than 21 years. The hospital is a unique hospital and most of

the patient visit the hospital is taking Homeopathic treatment. He is in the department of

gynecology & obstetrics from the beginning of his duty. His department is full all-time with 50-

60 patients. Over the last 20 years he faces many cases of patients. But it is a matter of sorrow

that most of the cases with emergency situation Homeopathic treatment are not enough for the

patient and in very rare cases the patients are cured from their problem (Mathie ,2003).


Data CollectionTo conduct any research data collection is a major task. Proper data collection method should be

selected for carrying out the process of research (Saunders, et al 2009). Data collection methods

are discussed below:

Primary Data

Primary data is that data which is collected by the researcher himself. Primary data is collected

by answer and question system, personal communication, and interviewing etc. (Bryman, 2008).

For this study primary data will be collected from the patients and homeopaths about the

treatment and its limitations.

Secondary Data

Secondary data is that data which is collected from any other existing primary data. Secondary

data is basically collected from published journals, websites and so on. According to (Bryman,

2008), the nature, process and purpose of collecting secondary data may not be applicable with

the existing situation.

Semi Structured Interview

Semi structured interview is basically used for collecting data for qualitative research. According

to semi structured interview open ended questions are asked to the interviewer Creswell (2007).

Data Analysis

Data Analysis refers to analyze. Illustrate, condense and evaluate data by using appropriate

analytical tools. Various analytical procedures provide a way to collect the signal from the noise

(statistical fluctuations) show in the data.

Multiple analytical tools

According to (Kumar, 2005), at the time of collecting quantitative and qualitative research, when

analyzing data many analytical tool is more useful. Researcher can make a structure of the

research by using multiple analytical tools. For both qualitative and quantitative research

multiple analytical tools is very useful. So for this research both SPSS and thematic analysis will

be used to analyze the data.


Critical Evaluation of Literature

In his study (Ernst, 2005) stated that among several disadvantage of Homeopathy non reliance in

emergency condition is foremost. Although Homeopathy has a large disadvantage most of them

are rely on the physician, because physicians are giving the prescriptions to the patients. One can

easily define the lacking of Homeopathic doctors. There are not so much institutions where there

are arrangements for the physicians to be trained up as accurate professionals. Within such

limitation it is not a wise decision for the patients to use Homeopathy treatment for emergency

situation (Ernst ,2005).

According to (Boon ,2006) homeopathy treatment is very effective for the patient who believe in

it but not for them with emergency condition. The intention of this report is not to prove the

limitation of Homeopathic treatment. There are many patients who are very much satisfied and

believe that Homeopathic treatment will reduce the sickness. A survey was conducted by

MedScape Today which shows that 33.8% adults and 42.1% children are very much happy with

the treatment of Homeopaths. But most of the respondent shows their bad experience about the

treatment of Homeopathic in emergency condition.

So it can be said that Homeopathic is not a “magic cure”. It can’t solve all the hard diseases.

Homeopathic has some limitations (Ballard ,2000). These are:

1) Some disease that is not curable by Homeopathic. Especially this disease that would

need surgery. In this case Homeopathic is not applicable at all. So it is the

responsibility of the Homeopathic doctors to prove that they are not against surgery.

2) The disease that is caused by nutritional deficiencies cannot be solved by

Homeopathy. There are some other conditions that are occurred by lifestyle of

individual. For example exposure of harmful substances may cause the disease. For

this diet plan can be a best solution.

3) In case of some disease patient is not respond to the treatment on physician. Though

there are symptoms of disease it can be solved by the Homeopathic. Identification of


this disease under Homeopathic is very time consuming. So it is another limitation of

Homeopathic is its time consumption.

4) As there is lesser chance of diagnosis, it is not possible for the Homeopathic

physicians to determine the disease. On the other hand the medicine of Homeopathic is

given in relation to the symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the symptom may not be

same in all cases.

These are the limitations of Homeopathic treatment. If any patient after that takes Homeopathic

treatment should be prepared to take whatever happened with this treatment. When Homeopathic

treatment is failure to determine the disease, than the patient would go to the medical doctors. In

emergencies the rate is higher than any other disease. It is to understand that everything has its

boundaries and all diseases cannot be cured by this alternative treatment. So it is the

responsibility of patient to be careful and not to waste time by Homeopathic treatment in

emergency condition, because emergencies are no curable by Homeopathic. Within such

limitation it is not a wise decision for the patients to use Homeopathy treatment for emergency

situation (Skepdude ,2009).

In his study (Haustein ,2004) Stated that Homeopathic treatment is a very powerful way of

alternative treatment. Homeopathic treatment is popular from very beginning of its invention but

it is not effective for all type of disease. All type of diseases is not curable by microdoses of

Homeopathic treatment. Cause some disease require surgical operations, other disease require

needed certain and faster relief of symptoms, some disease also curable through the change in

life styles, and some other patients who never get any positive result from Homeopathic

treatment because of unknown reason. But most important thing is that in case of emergency

condition it is not possible to wait for a long time period treatment and it is the major limitation

of Homeopathic treatment is that of consumption of time (Kerr & Yarborough ,2006).

At the very beginning of the century a good number of the leading surgeons of America were

Homeopathic physician. Homeopathic treatment was never against modern system of treatment.

Homeopathic treatment always recognizes the importance of modern medical profession like


other organizations, it because of the lacking of Homeopathic treatment in emergency conditions.

Homeopathic treatment always supports surgery as the treatment of emergency condition.

Homeopathic treatment can sometime reduce the requirement of surgery but it’s a very long term

procedure. Here is the lacking of Homeopathic treatment (Braig ,2011).

Limitation of Homeopathic in Emergency

According to (M. ,2008) Homeopathic treatment is not appropriate for some disease or condition

which are life threatening as well as known as emergency situation. In this situation

Homeopathic treatment is not so much effective enough. Asthma is a very sensitive disease

where breathing is damaged at a high rate, other symptoms like meningitis that requires quick

antibiotic treatment to avoid the risk of brain damage or death. There are also situations where

very fast modern medical treatment is needed to ensure survival. It is not the intention to say that

Homeopathic treatment is of no value in these conditions. But Homeopathic treatment can

deteriorate the need for modern medical treatment even in these certain situations.

As per the study of (Rajendran E.S ,2004) Homeopathic treatment can effectively reduce the

danger of Cancer and also able to cure serious infection and many other life threatening disease

without the help of antibiotics and modern medical treatment. But it is to say that Homeopathic

treatment needs very strict observation to detect the symptoms and need a longer time to obtain

the best result. Rajendran also stated that it is not possible all the time, certainly in emergency

situations to wait for a longer time and take the medicine. Homeopaths believe that Homeopathic

treatment and medicine can be used now days in case of emergencies in connection with the

heroic modern medical treatment. Homeopathic treatment has other difficulties with

emergencies. This arises when a person continues to take medicine when it is not indicated.

These people may experience that this symptoms is produced in overdose. But it is not

appropriate for that person to take this medicine at that time. It is very much dangerous to take

slow working medicine for a long time period in case sensitive emergencies. It may cause major

damage in the body of the patient or may turn into death. So it is a major limitation of

Homeopathic treatment is the steadiness. So it is essential to take correct medicine by a patient

according to the physician. It is also recommended that not to take Homeopathic treatment

longer than one week without the care of professionals.


A case by (Mathie, 2003) about the danger of Homeopathic treatment in case of emergency was

first published in an American Journal named the New England Journal of Medicine. According

to the case a patient took eight doses of Homeopathic medicine in eight hour as prescribed by a

chiropractor. The patient shortly experienced dangerous epigastric pain that was later treated as

pancreatitis. So it can say from this that Homeopathic treatment has its bad effect though it was

caused by misuse of medicine and overdose.

As an alternative medical treatment Homeopathic treatment is very good and effective. In case

chronic disease Homeopathic treatment has great success. But the process is too slow which is

not effective in emergency case. Homeopaths during the treatment of emergencies take the help

of conventional therapy. There are various reasons behind this. First of all by using Homeopathic

treatment it is very difficult to detect the problem of the patient. On the other hand because of the

steady operation of Homeopathic treatment it is so risky to wait for a long term treatment.

Homeopathic treatment is not so effective in case of emergency situation like brain stroke

(apoplexy), sudden chest pain (myocardial infarction), unbearable painful condition, coma from

brain injury etc. Because faster treatment and detection is necessary is essential here which is not

possible by Homeopathic treatment (Prafulla ,2009).


Focused Group Discussion

Focused group discussion is a structured group interview which is taken from 7 to 10 members

who meets specific demographic need. The major facility of focused group discussion is that the

interviewer can take better educated decision on the selected topic. In our research focused group

discussion is beneficial in analyzing the shortcomings of homeopathic treatment in emergency


Questionnaire Survey

Questionnaire survey is a descriptive and non experimental research method. Survey is basically

conducted on the issue that cannot be observed such as opinions on medical service. For this

research survey is the best way to conduct research. For this study survey will be conducted on

the patients and doctor.

Descriptive researchThe main perspective of descriptive research is that it is a scientific method of observing and

describing the behavior of a respondent without influencing in any way (Experiment ,2012).

Research EthicsResearch Ethics means the application of moral rules and professional judgment when

conducting a research process. It is related to the collection, reporting, analysis and publication

of information.

Implication of research Ethics In time of collecting information

Privacy should be maintained

Confidentiality of data should be maintained

Before collecting information consent should be taken from the respondent.



Average lay people believe that homeopathy can be useful in case of emergency condition. Many

Homeopaths said that they are not prepared to accept the limitation of Homeopathic.

Homeopaths can be limitation but not the Homeopathic. If any, it is the result of not practice

Homeopathic for several years. . It is very much dangerous to take slow working medicine for a

long time period in case sensitive emergencies. It may cause major damage in the body of the

patient or may turn into death. So it is a major limitation of Homeopathic treatment is the

steadiness. So it is essential to take correct medicine by a patient according to the physician. The

objective of this article is not disgrace the Homeopathy science but to find out he limitation of

Homeopathic treatment in case of emergency situation. Among several disadvantage of

Homeopathy non reliance in emergency condition is foremost. So it can be said that

Homeopathic is not a “magic cure”. It can’t solve all the hard diseases. Homeopathic has some

limitations. It is a matter of sorrow that most of the cases with emergency situation Homeopathic

treatment are not enough for the patient and in very rare cases the patients are cured from their



References1. Ballard, R ,2000, '"Homeopathy: An Overview."', Australian Family Physician, vol 29, no. 12, pp.


2. Boon, H ,2006, 'Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A rising healthcare issue', Healthcare Policy, vol 1, no. 3, pp. 1-24.

3. Braig, HM ,2011, Limitation of the homeopathic treatment, viewed 13 April 2012, <>.

4. Ernst, E ,2002, 'A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol 54 , no. 6, p. 577–82.

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6. Experiment ,2012, DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN, viewed 30 April 2012, <>.

7. Haustein, K ,2004, 'Homöopathie und die Behandlung von Geschwulstkrankheiten', Der Onkologe , vol 10, no. 3, pp. 269-275.

8. Kerr, HD & Yarborough, GW ,2006, '"Pancreatitis Following Ingestion of a Homeopathic Preparation,"', New England Journal of Medicine, no. 7, pp. 314-25.

9. M., P ,2008, ' Personal knowledge. In: Swayne J. Truth, proof and evidence.', Homeopathy and the medical paradigm. Homeopathy., vol 97 , pp. 89 - 95.

10. Mathie, R ,2003, ' "The research evidence base for homeopathy: a fresh assessment of the literature"', Homeopathy, vol 92, no. 2, p. 84–91.

11. Navin, P ,2011, 'Emergency and Homeopathy', Homeopathy For Everyone, vol 8, no. 12, pp. 101-12.

12. Prafulla, KN ,2009, Homeopathy World Community, viewed 02 April 2012, <>.

13. Rajendran E.S ,2004, 'Clinical Case Histories. Homeopathy as a supportive therapy', Homeopathy, vol 93, p. 99 – 102.

14. Skepdude ,2009, The advantages and disadvantages of homeopathy, viewed 03 April 2012, <>.



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