lincoln/kennedy lincoln was elected to congress in 1846 kennedy was elected to congress in 1946...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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• Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846

• Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946

• Lincoln was elected President in 1860

• Kennedy was elected President in 1960

• Both were concerned with Civil Rights

• Both wives lost children while living in the White House

• Both Presidents were shot on a Friday

• Both Presidents were shot in the head

• Both were assassinated by a southerner

• Both were succeeded by southerners named Johnson

• Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808

• Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908

• John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839

• Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939

• Both Assassins were known by their three names

• Both names have fifteen letters

• Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy

• Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln

• Lincoln was shot at the theater named Ford

• Kennedy was shot in a car called Lincoln made by Ford

• Booth and Oswald were both killed before their trials

• Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and was caught in a warehouse.

• Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.

• A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland

• A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.


• Rebuilding---the South---Physically

• Rebuilding---the Nation---Politically

• Rebuilding---Society---Teaching morality

In the South

• Military Rule--- 5 military districts established for protection and to ensure rules are followed

• Carpetbag Rule---Northerners who went south to cash in on the chaos left after war ended

• Scalawag---Southerners who supported the North in exchange for influence

“With malice toward none, with charity for all…”

• Lincoln planned to bring the South back to the country without hatred and with generosity---Lincoln did not want revenge.

• Lincoln does not live to see Reconstruction---Instead we have 4 different ideas

• Lincolns Plan

• Moderate Republican Plan ( Wade-Davis)

• President Johnsons Plan

• Radical Republican Reconstruction

• Radical Reconstruction becomes the choice when Moderates join the Radicals based on…

President Johnsons positions on

Freedmens Bureau--- Veto

Civil Rights Act of 1866---Veto

14th Amendment

President Johnson and Impeachment

• Johnson’s plan would not be strict enough. He was seen as a Southern sympathizer.

• Radicals wanted revenge and they needed Johnson out of the way. Radicals felt that impeachment was necessary.

• Charges against Johnson– Violating the Tenure of Office Act– Using the military for own purpose

Reconstruction ends

President Hayes ends Reconstruction by removing all troops from the South


• A person who uses fear and violence to get what they want.

Ku Klux Klan

• A terrorist group formed after The Civil War to keep blacks from gaining rights.– Today the Klan includes all minority groups.

The Klan is organized in all 50 states.

The ghastly body swaying in the sun

The women thronged to look, but never a one

Showed sorrow in her eyes of steely blue

And little lads, lynchers that were to be

Danced round the dreadful thing in fiendish glee.


• To put to death without a trial

Jim Crow Laws

• Laws passed in the South with the specific intent to discriminate against and separate black populations from white populations

Jim Crow laws

• Separate waiting rooms at bus stations

• Separate water fountains, restrooms, dining areas

• Intermarriage was illegal

• Separate schools

• Separate burial

• Separate space on bus, theater


• Separation of blacks and whites by law. Case decided by Supreme Court in 1896—Plessy v. Ferguson creates separate but equal

Poll Tax

• Tax to be paid before a person can vote

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

Literacy Test

• Test of ability to read and write before voting


• A person who worked the land for a share of the profit

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