lista filme

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Filme recomandate de domnul profesor Alex Leo Serban.

1910Viaţă de câine / A Dog’s Life, 1918, Charlie ChaplinCabinetul domnului Caligari / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, 1920, Robert WieneIntoleranţă / Intolerance, 1910, D.W. GriffithNaşterea unei naţiuni / The Birth of a Nation, 1915, D.W. GriffithPiciul / The Kid, 1921, Charlie Chaplin

1920Crucişătorul Potemkin / The Battleship Potemkin, 1925, Serghei EisensteinGoana după aur / The Gold Rush, 1925, Charlie ChaplinOmul cu aparatul de filmat / Man with a Movie Camera (1929), Dziga VertovPatimile Ioanei D’Arc / The Passion of Joan of Arc, 1928, Carl DreyerMetropolis, 1927, Fritz LangAurora / Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, 1927, F. W. MurnauGeneralul / The General, 1927, Buster KeatonVântul / The Wind, 1928, Victor SjostromPălăria florentină / Un chapeau de paille d'Italie / An Italian Straw Hat, 1928, Rene ClairCâinele andaluz / Un chien andalou, 1929, Luis Bunuel

1930Atalanta / L'Atalante (Le chaland qui passé), 1934, Jean VigoCele 39 de trepte / The 39 Steps, 1935, Alfred HitchcockGold Diggers of 1937, 1936, Busby BerkeleyM, 1931, Fritz LangRegula jocului / La Règle du jeu / The Rules of the Game, 1939, Jean RenoirTimpuri noi / Modern Times,1936, Charlie ChaplinTop Hat, 1935, Mark SandrichTriumful voinţei / Triumph des Willens / Triumph of the Will,1935, Leni RiefenstahlTrouble in Paradise, 1932, Ernst LubitschVârsta de aur / L'Âge d'or / The Golden Age, 1930, Luis Bunuel

1940Casablanca, 1942, Michael CurtizHoţii de biciclete / Ladri di biciclette / The Bicycle Thief, 1948, Vittorio de SicaIt’s a Wonderful Life, 1946, Frank CapraLa Belle et la Bête,1946, Jean CocteauPământul se cutremură / La terra trema, 1948, Luchino ViscontiFascinaţie / Spellbound, 1945, Alfred HitchcockŞoimul maltez / The Maltese Falcon, 1941, John HustonThe Big Sleep, 1946, Howard Hawks

1950All About Eve, 1950, Joseph L. MankiewiczFragii Sălbatici / Wild Strawberries, 1957, Ingmar BergmanCele 400 de lovituri / The 400 Blows / Le Quatre Cents Coups, 1959, Francois Truffaut, FranţaOrdet / The Word, 1955, Carl Theodor DreyerNorth by Northwest, 1959, Alfred HitchcockRashomon, 1950, Akira Kurosawa ( în serie cu In a Groove), JaponiaSingin’ in the Rain, !952, Gene Kelly şi Stanley DonenSunset Boulevard, 1950, Billy WilderUmberto D., 1952, Vitorio de Sica

1960A bout de soufflé / Breathless, 1960, Jean-Luc Godard, FranţaAnul trecut la Marienbad / L’Annee derniere a Marienbad / Last Year in Marienbad, 1961, Alain Resnais, FranţaL'Avventura, 1960, Michelangelo Antonioni, ItaliaBlowup, 1966, Michelangelo Antonioni, Anglia-ItaliaEvanghelia după Matei / Il vangelo secondo Matteo / The Gospel According to St. Matthew, 1964, Pier Paolo Pasolini, ItaliaJules et Jim / Jules and Jim, 1962, Francois Truffaut, Franţa8½ - Otto e mezzo, 1963, Federico Fellini, ItaliaPersona, 1966, Ingmar Bergman, SuediaPlay Time, 1967, Jacques Tati, FranţaWeek End, 1967, Jean-Luc Godard, Franţa

1970Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie, Farmecul discret al burgheziei, 1972, Luis Buñuel, Franţa/Italia/Spania A Clockwork Orange, Portocala mecanică, 1972, Stanley Kubrick, Anglia/SUAL’Empire des senses, In the realm of Senses, Imperiul simţurilor, 1976, Nagisa Oshima, Japonia/FranţaLa Grande Bouffe / The Grande Bouffe / Blow-Out, 1973, Marco Ferreri, Franţa/ItaliaApocalypse Now, 1979, Francisc Ford Coppola, SUAClose encounters of the third kind, Întâlnire de gradul III, 1977, Steven Spielberg, SUAStar Wars, 1977, George Lucas, SUASalò, 120 Days of Sodom, 1975, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italia/FranţaTaxi Driver, 1976, Martin Scorsese, 1976, SUA

1980Blade Runner, 1982, Ridley Scott, SUABrazil, 1985, Terry Gilliam, SUA

Aripile dorinţei / Wings of Desire / Der Himmel uber Berlin (The Sky over Berlin), 1987, Wim Wenders, Germania The Draughtsman’s Contract, 1982, Peter Greenaway, UKE la nave va / And the Ship Sails On, 1983, Federico Fellini, ItaliaFanny and Alexander / Fanny och Alexander, 1982, Ingmar Bergman, SuediaNostalghia, 1983, Andrei Tarkovsky, RusiaPallombella rossa, 1989, Nanni Moretti, ItaliaRan, 1985, Akira Kurosawa, JaponiaZelig, 1983, Woody Allen, SUA

1990Crash, 1996, David Cronenberg, Canada/UKFargo, 1996, Joel şi Ethan Coen, SUAFata de la fabrica de chibrituri / The Match Factory Girl, 1990, Aki Kaurismaki, Finlanda/SuediaIdioţii / The Idiots, 1998, Lars von Trier (primul film în acord cu Dogma ’95), DanemarcaMagnolia, 1999, Paul Thomas Anderson, SUAPulp Fiction, 1994, Quentin Tarantino, SUASonatină / Sonatine, 1993, Takeshi Kitano, JaponiaTitanic, 1997, James Cameron, SUAAll About My Mother / Todo sobre mi madre, 1999, Pedro Almodovar, Spania

2000Dogville, 2003, Lars von TrierMulholland Drive, 2001, David LynchIn the Mood for Love, 2000, Wong Kar-wai, Hong KongYi Yi: A One and a Two, 2000, Edward Yang, TaiwanSyndromes and a Century, 2006, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, ThailandaThere Will Be Blood, 2007, Paul Thomas Anderson, SUAMoartea domnului Lăzărescu, 2005, Cristi Puiu, RomâniaA History of Violence, 2005, David Cronenberg, SUATropical Malady, 2004, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Thailanda4 luni, 3 săptămâni şi 2 zile, 2007, Cristian Mungiu, RomâniaThe New World, 2005, Terrence Malick, SUA/UK

Film românescPădurea Spânzuraţilor, 1964, Liviu CiuleiReconstituirea, 1969, Lucian PintilieNunta de piatră, 1972, Mircea Veroiu şi Dan PiţaProbă de microfon, 1980, Mircea DaneliucSecvenţe, 1982, Alexandru TatosMoartea domnului Lăzărescu, 2005, Cristi Puiu

Hârtia va fi albastră, 2006, Radu MunteanuA fost sau n-a fost?, 2006, Corneliu Porumboiu4 luni, 3 săptămâni şi 2 zile, 2007, Cristian MungiuPoliţist, adjectiv , 2009, Corneliu Porumboiu

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