lists for leaders: list 4 - cheap training ideas

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Four Cheap Training Ideas … for Business Operations

One Stop LeaderShop®

The Complete Manager Training Program

Lists for Leaders: List 4

Presented by

Lists for Leaders Series on SlideShare

Intro i Leadership Principles Intro ii Pillars of Business Operations List 1: Strategic Planning in Five Steps List 2: Service Quality Promises List 3: Secrets to Successful Hiring List 4: Cheap Training Ideas List 5: Performance Management Style Points List 6: Tips for a Successful Employee Survey List 7: Motivations for Managing Metrics List 8: Signs of Continuous Improvement List 9: Project Delivery Scorecard List 10: Rules for a Winning Budget Season List 11: Keys to Equitable Cost Allocation List 12: Vendor Selection Checklist List 13: Internal Control Wellness List 14: ABCs of Business Continuity Bonus! Little Lessons in Leadership

One Stop LeaderShop® - The Complete Manager Training Program

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Statement of Purpose

Skills & Training Maintain a skill base that keeps your workforce

contemporary and able to compete.

One Stop LeaderShop® - The Complete Manager Training Program


1. Office Library 2. Bulletin Board 3. One-on-One Advisory 4. Experiential Learning

The 4 Cheap Training Ideas … in Business Operations

One Stop LeaderShop® - The Complete Manager Training Program

1. Office Library

Catalogue a small collection of job-related reference materials - books, articles, blogs, news feeds, webinars, etc. - and create a suggested reading/activity list. Form a discussion group to share learning and opinions.

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Create a centrally located bulletin board. Post your team’s performance metrics, news from your business partners, a calendar of upcoming events, etc. Put your employees in charge of this information hub.

2. Bulletin Board

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3. One-on-One Advisory Offer access to job-related learning inside your company. Pair your high- performing employees with experts in their field. Examples: Job shadowing, mentoring, networking.

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Provide opportunities to build new skills. Actively cross-train. Examples: Job share, job swap, brown bag speaker series. Allow high-performing employees to join planning meetings and project teams to participate or observe.

4. Experiential Learning

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There’s a traffic jam on the corporate ladder …

… and there are fewer opportunities for vertical movement. Employees want access to new forms of

professional growth.

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Create a corporate lattice instead.

Provide career growth that propels employees up, over, across … diagonally too.

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All at a price you can afford.

One Stop LeaderShop® - The Complete Manager Training Program Visit us at

Intro i Leadership Principles Intro ii Pillars of Business Operations List 1: Strategic Planning in Five Steps List 2: Service Quality Promises List 3: Secrets to Successful Hiring List 4: Cheap Training Ideas List 5: Performance Management Style Points List 6: Tips for a Successful Employee Survey List 7: Motivations for Managing Metrics List 8: Signs of Continuous Improvement List 9: Project Delivery Scorecard List 10: Rules for a Winning Budget Season List 11: Keys to Equitable Cost Allocation List 12: Vendor Selection Checklist List 13: Internal Control Wellness List 14: ABCs of Business Continuity Bonus! Little Lessons in Leadership

More Lists for Leaders on SlideShare

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Workbook CD ROM

One Stop LeaderShop® is a comprehensive, convenient and affordable manager training course. We teach managers the 5 leadership principles and 14 business practices they need to drive performance, including Practice 4: Skills & Training.

Our course is purposely written as an independent study program (classroom optional). For more information about Skills & Training please follow these links:

Paperback Book E-Book

One Stop LeaderShop® - The Complete Manager Training Program Visit us at

Also available on SlideShare How to Be a Great Employee

Lesson 1: Think Strategically Lesson 2: Follow a Set of Guiding Principles Lesson 3: Be a Responsible Corporate Steward Lesson 4: Care About Customers Lesson 5: Say It With Numbers Lesson 6: Manage Yourself Lesson 7: Redefine Professional Growth

Advice for career-minded beginners!

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Also available on SlideShare Leadership for the Time of Your Life

Recent Graduate Young Professional Manager of Managers C-Suite Executive

Need solutions? … help has arrived!

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CEO’s, Managers, Job Seekers and Recent Graduates! Click to learn more about our affordable manager training program.

Author, Trainer, Operations Professional CEO, One Stop LeaderShop®

Thank you for visiting One Stop LeaderShop®

The Complete Manager Training Program

Mary E. Vogan

One Stop LeaderShop® - The Complete Manager Training Program Visit us at

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