literary terms review. october 13 1. characterization- the development of character through...

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Literary Terms Review

October 131. Characterization- The development of

character through actions, descriptions, and dialogue.

2. Flat Character- One that is not well developed, we know very little about them.

3. Round Character-One that is well developed, we know all about them.

4. Dynamic Character-One that changes throughout the story.

5. Static Character- One that does not change throughout the story.

October 13

6. Protagonist-The hero/main character in the story.

7. Antagonist-The villain or force that opposes the hero of the story.

8. Simile- Comparing two things using “like” or “as”.

9. Metaphor- Comparing two things not using “like” or “as”

10. Hyperbole- An over exaggeration 11. Personification-a kind of metaphor that gives

unhuman objects/ideas human characteristics

October 14

Identify whether each phrase is a simile or a metaphor:Her hair was as golden as the sun. Baby, you’re a firework.Her voice was music to my ears. The boy was as blind as a bat

October 14

Identify whether each phrase is hyperbole or personification:

o I am so hungry I could eat a horse.oColorful leaves danced across the lawn.o The wind sang a lullaby to the creatures in

the woods.o I’ve told you a million times to be quiet in


October 15

List three characteristics of an antagonist

List three characteristics of an protagonist

October 15

Draw a picture of a round character.

Be sure to develop the character’s personality by listing three of their personality trait on the side.

October 20

Describe, in detail, your favorite character. This can be a character from a book or a character from a movie. Describe both their physical and their character traits.

October 20

Create a dynamic character based on yourself. How has your personality changed in the last year? What life lessons have you learned?

October 21

Create a static character based on yourself. How has your personality stayed the same in the last year? Has your static personality had a positive or negative impact on your life?

October 21

Write out the following sentences with the correct answer.

Greg is the_____________ of the book “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” because he is the main character of the story.

Rodrick is the __________ of the story because he is constantly picking on Greg.

October 22

Create two original similes

Create two original metaphors

October 22

Identify which of the following sentences have personification in them.

A. The run down house appeared depressed.

B. The girl grew as fast as a weed

C. At precisely 6:30 am my alarm clock sprang to life.

D. I could hear Hawaii calling my name.

E. Whenever I take a nap, I sleep like a baby.

October 23

Create a hyperbole about your favorite teacher

Create a hyperbole about your favorite food.

Create a hyperbole about your best friend

Example: Mrs. Russell is the most amazing teacher in the universe.

October 23

List as many flat characters as you can. The student who lists the most will win a prize.

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