literature cited fl-pch rules oregon spotted frog · in skagit and whatcom counties, washington....

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Oregon Spotted Frog Final Listing and Proposed Critical Habitat

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Corkran, Charlotte. Northwest Ecological Research Institute (NWERI), March 1, 2012. Document provided via email to Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding site conditions and threats to Oregon spotted frog at Camas Prairie in Oregon.

Corkran, Charlotte. NWERI, October 30, 2012. Email communications with Jennifer O’Reilly,

USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding 2012 egg mass surveys at Camas Prairie in Oregon.

Corkran, Charlotte. NWERI, January 17 -22, 2014. Email communications with Jennifer

O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding revision of proposed critical habitat for Oregon spotted frog at Camas Prairie in Oregon.

Demmer, Richard J. USDI Bureau of Land Management, October 15, 2012. Email

communications with Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding hydrologic effects to Oregon spotted frogs and evidence of egg mass dessication along the Little Deschutes River.

Demmer, R. Bureau of Land Management, November 28, 2012. Email communications with

Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding restoration activities that have occurred in Oregon spotted frog habitat on Prineville District-Factors A and D.

Engler, Joe. USFWS Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge, July 22, 1999, written

communication with Dr. L. Karolee Owens, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, comments on Oregon spotted frog proposed rule.

Engler, Joe. USFWS, January 10, 2006, email communications with Deanna Lynch, USFWS

Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog assessment.

Hallock, Lisa. Washington Department of Natural Resources, February 11, 2009 email

communications with Deanna Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Annual update of Oregon spotted frog species assessment.

Hayes, Marc. Portland State University, January 25, 1999, communication with Laura Todd,

USFWS, Bend Oregon Field Office, regarding threats to Oregon spotted frogs from bullfrogs.

Hayes, Marc. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, February 11, 2008, email

communications with Deanna Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Annual update of Oregon spotted frog species assessment.

Hering, David. National Park Service, Crater Lake National Park, January 9, 2014, email

communication with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog survey.


Higgins, Holly. USDA Deschutes National Forest, November 28, 2012. Email communications with Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding timing of and hydrologic effects to OSF breeding at Slough Camp on the Deschutes NF.

Hodgson, Brett. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, September 18, 2012. Email

communications with Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding fish stocking program in relation to areas occupied by Oregon spotted frogs.

Hodgson, Brett. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, September 27, 2012. Email

communications with Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding potential for future rotenone treatment in areas occupied by Oregon spotted frogs.

Ludwig, Shannon .USFWS Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge, February 28, 2012, email

communication with Lisa Hallock, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, comments provided in the WDFW draft Oregon spotted frog recovery plan, comment specific to Conboy Lake being drained every year for management of bullfrogs is on page 42, comment number 27.

Markus, Amy. USDA-Fremont-Winema National Forest, November 27-28, 2012, email

communication with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office, regarding Jack Creek grazing regime.

Mauser, Dave. USFWS-NWR Klamath Basin, September 17, 2012, email communication with

Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office, regarding NWR wetland restoration projects.

McAllister, Kelly. WDOT, January 9, 2006, email communications with Deanna Lynch,

USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, response to questions for updates to species assessment form.

McAllister, Kelly. Washington Department of Transportation, February 6, 2008 email

communications with Deanna Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Annual update of Oregon spotted frog species assessment.

Oertley, Jill. U.S. Forest Service, September 28, 2005, email communications with Deanna

Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog – update on activities.

Pearl, Christopher and J. Bowerman. October 5, 2005, email communications with Deanna

Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog assessment, additional remarks

Pearl, Christopher. U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, October 5, 2005,

email communications with Deanna Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog assessment, additional remarks.


Pearl, Christopher. U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, March 15, 2010, email communications with Deanna Lynch, USFWS Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog assessment

Pearl, C.A. USGS_Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, November 19 and 26,

2012, email communication with Tia Adams and J. O’Reilly, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office and Bend Field Office, regarding egg mass collections for genetics.

Pearl, C.A. USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, November 19, 2012, email

communication with Tia Adams and J. O’Reilly, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office and Bend Field Office, regarding Bullfrog predation on Oregon spotted frog in Oregon.

Pearl, Christopher. U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, October 25, 2013,

email communication with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog surveys of Crane/Sevenmile creeks.

Pearl, C. U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, January 16, 2014, email

communication with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office, regarding Oregon spotted frog survey of Jack Creek.

Roninger, R. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), November 5, 2012, email communication

with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office regarding bullfrog detections and removal program.

Simpson, Terri. USDA-Fremont-Winema National Forest-RETIRED. December 2002, USFWS

Klamath Falls Field Office files, regarding grazing on Jack Creek. Simpson, Terri. USDA-Fremont-Winema National Forest-RETIRED, October 11, 2012, email

communication with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office, regarding beaver relocation in Jack Creek.

Smith, Terry. U.S. Forest Service, Fremont-Winema National Forest, January 22, 2014, personal

correspondence with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office, Regarding Oregon spotted frog habitat.

Skyles, Ken. Jackson County Planning Division, November 16, 2012, email communication

with Tia Adams USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office, regarding Jackson County’s wetland ordinances.

Tinniswood, William. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, September 21 and 24, 2012,

email communications with Tia Adams, USFWS Klamath Falls Field Office, regarding fish stocking in the Klamath Basin.

Wilson, Lisa. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge, October

24, 2013, email communication with Deanna Lynch, USFWS Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, regarding 2013 Oregon spotted frog egg mass survey results.


Wray, Simon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. May 21, 2012. Email communications

with Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding egg masses discovered in a pond adjacent to Crane Prairie Reservoir that had received a rotenone treatment in the fall of 2011.

Ziller, Jeff. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. April 8, 2013. Email communication with

Simon Wray, ODFW High Desert Office, and Jennifer O’Reilly, USFWS Bend Field Office, regarding coordination between ODFW and USFWS on issue of fish stocking and management and the effect to Oregon spotted frogs in the Mink Lake Basin in Oregon.

Database and Spreadsheet Sources (cited as multiple data sources in proposed

listing and proposed critical habitat) Washington: Multiple data sources. Compilation of 1996 through 2013 egg mass census data for all

Washington known breeding locations. File Name: WA_OSFsites_eggmasscounts 1996 to 2013

Oregon: Bureau of Land Management. Received by USFWS in 2012. Geo-BOB database for 1994-

2011: eggmass through adult survey data. File Name: 2012_3_19_GeoBOB_RAPR_Extract.mdb

Sunriver Nature Center. Received by USFWS in 2009. Oviposition location data for 2006. File

Name: 2006 Ovip data_USGSandJB.xls Sunriver Nature Center. Received by USFWS in 2012. Sunriver, Crosswater and Thousand

Trail eggmass survey data for 2000-2012. File Name: eggMassSurvey.2012.xls U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Received by USFWS in 2012. U.S. Forest Service

NRIS database for 1934-2011 (database contains data for years 1934 through 2011, but only 2005 through 2011 data were used): eggmass through adult survey data. File Name: NRIS_OSF_Mar2012.mdb

USDA. Received by USFWS in 2012. U.S. Forest Service Deschutes adult Oregon spotted frog

locations for 2012. File Name: OSFDeschutesNFAdults2012.xls U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2012. Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge for

2008-2011: eggmass survey data. File Names: KM_2008_OSP_survey.xls; KM_2008_OSP_survey.xls; KM_2009(2)_OSP_survey.xls; KM_2010_OSF_survey.xls; KM_2011_OSF_survey.xls

USFWS. 2012. Old Mill Pond Location for 2012. GIS point location of newly identified site.


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Received by USFWS in 2009. Oviposition location and eggmass data for 2006. File Name: USGS_2006_OSF.mdb

USGS. Received by USFWS in 2012. Oregon spotted frog adult survey data for 2010-2011.

File Name: 2010-11 OSF Monitoring v10.mdb USGS. Received by USFWS in 2012. Deschutes River Oregon spotted frog breeding data for

2012: eggmass data from April through May 2012. File Name: OSF Eggmass Surveys 2012.V2.accdb

USGS. Received by USFWS in 2012. “Overall Oregon Distribution” summary data for 1999-

2011: eggmass through adult survey data. File Name: 2012_OSF_Data_Summ.USGS.xlsx

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