litho- and biostratigraphic correlations...2012. iii preface the study on the litho- and...

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The Malaysian-Thai Working Group

A joint project carried out by

Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia


Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand

The Malaysia-Thailand Border Joint Geological Survey Committee





The study on the litho- and biostratigraphic correlations of chert beds in various rock units

along the Malaysia-Thailand border area is the result of close co-operation between the Minerals

and Geoscience Department Malaysia, and the Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand in

resolving problems related to cross border geological and stratigraphical correlations between the

two countries. Most of the data presented in this report are gathered from reports by previous

workers who have made detailed studies on the radiolaria found in the cherts that occur in various

rock units ranging in age from the Carboniferous to Triassic, cropping out along/near the border

areas of Malaysia and Thailand. Several trips of fieldwork and collection of some new data were

also carried out independently by geoscientists of the Minerals and Geoscience Department

Malaysia, and the Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand covering the individual territories

in the year 2011 and 2012.

New data obtained from the joint survey carried out by the Malaysian and Thai Working

Groups in the Belum-Hala Transect area are also included in this report.

Problems on the litho- and biostratigraphic correlations between chert beds in various rocks

units in both sides of the common border areas have been satisfactorily resolved. Other than that,

with the implementation of this project, the objective of the establishment of the Malaysia-

Thailand Border Joint Geological Survey Committee (MT-JGSC) to foster closer cooperation

between both countries in the field of geosciences is successfully achieved.

Dato’ Yunus bin Abdul Razak


Minerals and Geoscience Department,


September 2012

Mr. Nitat Poovatanakul


Department of Mineral Resources,


September 2012



The Malaysian-Thai Working Group would like to thank the Director General of the

Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia (JMG) and the Director General of the

Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand (DMR) for their encouragement, support and funding

of this project.

Thanks are extended to Mr. Mior Sallehhuddin bin Mior Jadid, the Director of Technical

Services Division, Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia and Mr. Montri

Luengingkasoot, the Director of Bureau of Geological Survey, Department of Mineral Resources,

Thailand, for their encouragements during the study.

Due thanks are also dedicated to all officers and staffs of the Minerals and Geoscience

Department Malaysia and Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand for their involvements in

this project either directly or indirectly. The Malaysian and Thai military, provincial and border

police officials are duly thanked for their assistance in the security matters.

The Malaysian-Thai Working Group would also like to express their gratitude to Dr.

Assanee Meesook for his free consultation especially in identifying the fossil samples collected on

both Malaysian and Thai sides.

Last but not least to all local residences in both sides of the Malaysia-Thailand common

border areas for their support and assistance during the fieldworks.


Litho- and Biostratigraphic Correlations of Chert Beds in Various Rock Units

along the Malaysia-Thailand Border


The Malaysian-Thai Working Group


The Malaysia-Thailand Border Joint Geological Survey Committee (MT-JGSC) had agreed

to undertake the study on the litho- and biostratigraphic correlations of the chert beds in various

rock units along the Malaysia-Thailand border during the 7th

Meeting of the Committee held in

Krabi in June 2010. The joint study was scheduled to be carried out in two years duration i.e., in

the year 2011 and 2012.

The occurrence of chert beds and other radiolarian bearing rock types in various rock units

ranging in age from Carboniferous to Triassic along the Malaysia-Thailand border areas has been

reported by many previous workers. On the Malaysian side, chert occurs in the lower part of the

Kubang Pasu Formation, in the Cherty unit and in the Semanggol Formation. Chert or rather

siliceous shale also occurs in the Silurian-Devonian Setul and Mahang Formations. However, no

radiolarian is discovered in these older formations so far.

On the Thai side, Early Carboniferous radiolarian occurs in the chert beds belonging to the

Yaha and Khuan Klang Formations. Early to Middle Triassic radiolarians had been retrieved from

thin-bedded limestones at Khao Chiak, Phattalung Province.

The oldest chert or rather siliceous shale occurred along the Malaysia-Thailand border area

belongs to the Silurian-Devonian Setul Formation. The cherty beds occur in the Lower Detrital

Member and Upper Detrital Member of the Setul Formation that are well-exposed in the north

western coast of Langgun Island in Langkawi. Cherty beds also occur in the Mahang Formation

exposed in central and south Kedah, to the south, outside of the Malaysia-Thailand border area.

However, to date, no radiolarian was discovered in these rock units.

On the Malaysian side, radiolarian chert occurs in the lower part of the Tournaisian (Lower

Carboniferous) Kubang Pasu Formation exposed in the Perlis and Kedah areas. This chert,

associated with clastic rocks particularly shale, represents deep marine environtment along the

continental margin. Biostratigraphically, three zones of radiolarian assemblages had been

recognized; Albaillella deflandrei Zone and Albaillella pseudoparadoxa Zone of Tournaisian age,

as well as Albaillella indensis to Latentifistula concentric Zone of Visean age.

On the Thai side, the Early Carboniferous radiolarian faunas were reported from two

localities in southern Thailand such as the Saba Yoi area in Songkhla Province and the Kabang

area in Yala Province. The radiolarian fauna of the Saba Yoi area is quite similar to that of the

Entactinia variospina assemblage in Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous). The radiolarian fauna

from the Kabang area, Yala Province was assigned to the Albaillella deflandrei Zone which is

estimated as upper Tournaisian in age.

On the Malaysian side, Permian radiolarian chert beds are represented by the Mangga and

Gerik Formations, whilst the Early Permian to Middle Triassic radiolarian chert beds are


represented by the chert in the Cherty unit. The Mangga Formation is well-exposed in western

Kelantan, along the East-West highway connecting the Gerik town in Perak and Batu Melintang

in Kelantan. The Gerik Formation is well-exposed in the Gerik area, Upper Perak. The Cherty unit

is well-exposed in the Pokok Sena and Kuala Ketil areas, Kedah. Prior to the Malaysian-Thai

Working Group joint geological survey, the Cherty unit was considered as the lower part of the

Permian-Triassic Semanggol Formation. The Cherty unit had been taken out from the Semanggul

Formation as it exhibits different characteristics from the Rhythmite and Conglomeratic units of

the Semangol Formation in terms of lithostratigraphy, paleontology and age as well as

paleoenvironment (The Malaysian and Thai Working Group, 2006).

Biostratigraphically, nine zones of Permian radiolarian assemblages had been recognized;

Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata assemblage Zone of Wolfcampian to Sakmarian

(Early Permian to late Early Permian), Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis assemblage Zone of

Kungurian age (Middle Permian), Pseudoalbaillella globosa assemblage Zone of Roadian age

(Middle Permian), Follicucullus monacanthus assemblage Zone of Wordian (Middle Permian),

Follicucullus porrectus assemblage Zone of Capitanian to Wuchiapingian (late Middle Permian to

early Late Permian), Neoalbaillella ornithoformis of Wuchiapingian (Late Permian),

Neoalbaillella optima assemblage Zone of Wuachiapingian to Changhsingian (Upper Permian),

Follicucullus scholasticus of Guadalupian (Late Permian), and Albaillella levis assemblage Zone

of Late Permian.

On the Thai side, only one zone of radiolarian assemblage of the latest Middle to earliest Late

Permian (Capitanian to Wuchiapingian) age had been identified. This radiolarian assemblage zone

is reported from the Hat Yai area, Songkhla Province.

Biostratigraphically, on the Malaysian side, four zones of Triassic radiolarian assemblages

had been identified; Entactinosphaera chiakensis of Early Triassic, Triassocampe coronata of

middle Anisian (Middle Triassic), Triassocampe deweri of middle to late Anisian, and

Oertlispongus inaequispinosus of Ladinian (Middle Triassic).

On the Thai side, three Triassic radiolarian assemblage zones had been recognized;

Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Assemblages Zone of Olenekian to early Anisian in age,

Entactinia nikorni Assemblages Zone of Olenekian to Early Anisian (Triassic) in age and

Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage Zone of Middle Triassic.

The Palaeozoic to Mesozoic radiolarian-bearing rocks in northern Peninsular Malaysia and

southern Thailand are represented by the siliceous and calcareous sedimentary rocks such as chert,

siliceous shale and limestone. The deposition might occur in different oceanic environments such

as in depressions of the continental slope/rise, and in shallow and deep oceanic basins. However,

the depositional environment of the radiolarian-bearing rock sequences in Thailand and Malaysia

are still debatable. The study of lithostratigraphay and radiolarian biostratigraphy of radiolarian-

bearing rocks is very important in elucidating the depositional environment and tectonic

development of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic in Malaysia and Thailand. Further detailed work is

recommended to resolve this issue.




PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................. iv

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... v

CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. ix

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1

2. SIGNIFICANCE OF RADIOLARIANS .......................................................................................... 3

3. REGIONAL TECTONIC FRAMEWORK ....................................................................................... 5

3.1 Sibumasu Terrane .................................................................................................................. 6

3.2 Indochina Terrane .................................................................................................................. 7

3.3 Simao Terrane ........................................................................................................................ 7

3.4 East Malaya Terrane .............................................................................................................. 8


THAILAND........................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Malaysian side ....................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Thai side ............................................................................................................................... 10

5. LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 13

5.1 Malaysian side ..................................................................................................................... 13

5.1.1 Setul Formation ................................................................................................... 13

5.1.2 Kubang Pasu Formation ...................................................................................... 13

5.1.3 Mangga formation ............................................................................................... 18

5.1.4 Gerik Formation .................................................................................................. 19

5.1.5 Cherty unit ........................................................................................................... 22

5.2 Thai side ............................................................................................................................... 28

5.2.1 Yaha Formation ................................................................................................... 28

5.2.2 Khao Phra Formation ........................................................................................... 34

5.2.3 Na Thawi Formation ............................................................................................ 36

5.2.4 Chaiburi Formation .............................................................................................. 40

6. RADIOLARIAN BIOSTRATIGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 46

6.1 Carboniferous ....................................................................................................................... 46

6.1.1 Malaysian side ..................................................................................................... 46

6.1.2 Thai side .............................................................................................................. 47

6.2 Permian ................................................................................................................................ 48

6.2.1 Malaysian side ..................................................................................................... 48

6.2.2 Thai side .............................................................................................................. 52

6.3 Triassic ................................................................................................................................. 53

6.3.1 Malaysian side ..................................................................................................... 53

6.3.2 Thai side .............................................................................................................. 56


7.1 Chert .................................................................................................................................... 58

7.1.1 Pelagic chert (or Type 1 Chert) ............................................................................ 60

7.1.2 Hemipelagic chert (or Type 2 Chert) ................................................................... 61

7.2 Siliceous shale ...................................................................................................................... 62

7.3 Limestone............................................................................................................................. 62

8. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 63


8.1 DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................... 63

8.2 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 65

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 67

APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................................... 74




Figure 1: Different relationship between the nucleus and the axoplast on polycystine radiolarian. .......... 4

Figure 2: Distribution of principal continental terranes and sutures of East and Southeast Asia.. ............. 6

Figure 3: Distribution of chert on the Malaysian side along the Malaysia-Thailand border ...................... 9

Figure 4: Index map of radiolarian locality in the Saba Yoi area. ........................................................... 10

Figure 5: Index map, Outcrops 1 and 2, Lower Carboniferous radiolarian in the Yaha Formation,

Kabang area ............................................................................................................................. 10

Figure 6: Map showing the locations of studied sections, northwest of Hat Yai. .................................... 11

Figure 7: Index map of Khao Chiak, Phatthalung Province. ................................................................... 11

Figure 8: Map showing the distribution of Devonian to Triassic radiolarian-bearing rocks in Thailand

and Peninsular Malaysia. ......................................................................................................... 12

Figure 9: Carboniferous radiolarian found at Bukit Telaga Jatoh. .......................................................... 14

Figure 10: 1, 2, 3; Entactinia variospina (Won) with two polar spines (100 µm), 4 and 5; E. variospina

with three spines (100 µm), E. variospina with four spines (80 µm), 7; E. variospina with five

spines (100 µm) ....................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 11: 1; Entactinia unispina (Won) (100 µm), 2; Entactinia (?) inaequoporosa (Won) (100 µm),

3; Callela hexatinia (Won) (100 µm), 4; Callela cf. parvispinosa (Won) (100 µm), 5; Duplexia

? foremanae (Ormiston and Lane) (80 µm), 6; Duplexia parviperforata (Won) (80 µm), 7;

Treanosphaera herbes (Won), and 8; Cubaxonium ? octaedrospongiosum (Won) (100 µm) .. 15

Figure 12: Carboniferous Radiolarian as reported by Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006) ..................... 16

Figure 13: Some more Carboniferous Radiolarian as reported by Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006) .. 17

Figure 14: Stratigraphic distributions of selected taxa occurring at Malaysia-Thailand border security road

near Lepang Nenering, Upper Perak. ....................................................................................... 18

Figure 15: Subvertical to vertical strata of well-bedded light grey to grey radiolarian bearing chert and

silliceous shale interbedded with thin beds of shale at Km 18.6 East-West Highway ............. 19

Figure 16: Thinly-bedded radiolarian bearing siliceous shale interbedded with thin beds of shale located at

the old stretch of the East-West Highway ................................................................................ 19

Figure 17: Middle to Late Permian radiolarian from the Gerik area. ........................................................ 21

Figure 18: Geographic distribution of chert in the Semanggol Formation in the Pokok Sena and Kuala

Ketil areas ................................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 19: Permian radiolarians from Bukit Barak and Bukit Nyan ......................................................... 23

Figure 20: Permian radiolarians from Bukit Nyan .................................................................................... 24

Figure 21: Early and Late Permian radiolarian faunas discovered by Spiller and Metcalfe (1995a): ........ 25

Figure 22: Early Permian radiolarian assemblage in the chert sequence of the lowermost part of the

Cherty unit at Bukit Kampong Yoi and Bukit Larek ............................................................... 26

Figure 23: Thirteen species of Anisian to Ladinian (Middle Triassic) radiolarinas had been discovered in

the chert exposed at Pokok Pauh, Bukit Tembaga near Pokok Sena, Kedah ........................... 27

Figure 24: Locality map of sample localities along the Highway 42. A. location of Early Carboniferous

and Early Triassic radiolarian-bearing siliceous rocks. B. Sketch map of Early Triassic

radiolarian-bearing siliceous shale. C and D. Sketch map of Early Carboniferous radiolarian-

bearing siliceous shale at a quarry along the Highway 42 ....................................................... 29

Figure 25: Radiolarain from the Saba Yoi area ......................................................................................... 30

Figure 26: Sketch of outcrop and stratigraphic section at Outcrops 1 and 2, Yaha Formation, Kabang area,

Thailand.. ................................................................................................................................. 31

Figure 27: Radiolarian from the Yaha Formation, Kabang area ............................................................... 32

Figure 28: Radiolarian from the Yaha Formation, Kabang area ............................................................... 33

Figure 29: Radiolarian from the Yaha Formation, Kabang area. .............................................................. 34

Figure 30: Measured stratigraphic sections of studied sections, northwest of Hat Yai.............................. 35

Figure 31: Triassic radiolarian from the Hat Yai area, Songkhla Province. .............................................. 37

Figure 32: Triassic radiolarian from the Saba Yoi area, Songkhla Province... .......... Error! Bookmark not

defined. Figure 33: Triassic radiolarian from the Chana area, Songkhla Province. ................................................ 38


Figure 34: Conodont from Khao Chiak Limestone. .................................................................................. 41

Figure 35: Radiolarians from Khao Chiak Limestone.. ............................................................................. 42

Figure 36: 1-7, 9, 10, 15, Entactinosphaera chiakensis Sashida and Igo, 8, 11-14, 16, 17, Thaisphaera

minuta Sashida and Igo. Scale bar, A to C =100 µm, D= 10µm; A applies to 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, B

to 5, 8, 11, 12, C to 13, 14, 16, 17, and D to 15). ..................................................................... 43

Figure 37: 1-15, Polyentactinia ? phatthalungensis Sashida and Igo. Scale bar = 100µm; A applies to 1, 2,

6, 7, 9, 14, 15, B to 3-5, 8, 10-12 and C to 13. ......................................................................... 44

Figure 38: 1, 2 Archaeothamnulus sp., 3-5. Fish teeth. 6-8 holothurian sclerites. Scale bar, A and B equal

to 100 µm; A applies to 1, 3-8 and B to 2. ............................................................................... 45

Figure 39: Albaillella deflandrei assemblage zone, Tournaisian, Early Carboniferous discovered at border

security road, Lepang Nenering, Upper Perak (after Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).9.

Archocyrtium lagabriellei Gourmelon (100μm); 10. Archocyrtium pulchrum Braun (50μm);

11. Archocyrtium venustum Cheng (100μm); 12. Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov

(100μm); 13. Stigmosphaerostylus vulgaris (Won)( 75μm); 14. Astroentactinia mirousi

Gourmelon (100μm); 15. Astroentactinia multispinosa Won (75μm); 16. Ceratoikiscum

berggreni Gourmelon (100μm); 17. Stigmosphaerostylus tortispina (Ormiston and Lane)

(75μm); 18. Pylentonema antiqua Deflandre (100μm). ........................................................... 46

Figure 40: Stratigraphic distribution of selected Carboniferous taxa occurred at Bukit Binjal, Kedah ..... 47

Figure 41: Radiolarian assemblage of the Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata Zone: ....... 49

Figure 42: Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis and Pseudoalbaillella globosa zones late Early Permian and

early Middle Permian, respectively. ........................................................................................ 50

Figure 43: Radiolarian assemblage of the Follicucullus monacanthus and Follicucullus porrectus


Figure 44: Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy. ........................................................................................ 53

Figure 45: Entactinosphaera chiakensis and Triassocampe coronata Zones, late Early Triassic and early

Middle Triassic respectively .................................................................................................... 54

Figure 46: Triassocampe deweveri and Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Zones, Middle Triassic. ............. 56

Figure 47: Sources of material and controls on sedimentation in deep Oceans. ........................................ 58

Figure 48: The schematic illustration of the various facies successions of radiolarian-bearing rock and

other associated rocks in southern Thailand ............................................................................ 59

Figure 49: Depositional environments of radiolarian-bearing rocks in southern Thailand. A: Pelagic

Chert, B and C: Hemipelagic Chert/Siliceous Shale/Limestone .............................................. 60

Figure 50: The schematic illustration of the pelagic chert and other associated rocks in southern Thailand .

................................................................................................................................................. 61

Figure 51: The schematic illustration of the hemipelagic chert and other associated rocks in southern

Thailand. .................................................................................................................................. 61

Figure 52: The schematic illustration of the radiolarian-bearing siliceous shale and other associated rocks

in southern Thailand ................................................................................................................ 62

Figure 53: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Malaysian side of the Malaysia-Thailand border area. ...... 64

Figure 54: Correlation of the radiolarian fauna in southern Thailand. ...................................................... 65



In the modern understanding of the geotectonics of Southeast Asia, it is widely accepted that

Southeast Asia is composed of several terranes or continental blocks (e.g., Metcalfe, 1996). The

origin of most of the terranes is believed to be the Indian to northern or northwestern Australian

margin of Gondwana (Metcalfe, 2005). The continental terranes were drifted away from

Gondwanaland at different times. The developmental process of the Tethyan Ocean was divided

into several stages created by rifting of continental blocks, and finally these continental blocks

amalgamated to the Southeast Asian continent (e.g., Metcalfe, 1999). In addition, detailed

biostratigraphic data of the siliceous sedimentary rocks that yield radiolarians are necessary to

elucidate the tectonic development and paleogeography of the Southeast Asia.

Geological and paleontological knowledge of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic in Southeast Asia

has been rapidly accumulated during the last four decades. Most of the paleontological works in

Thailand, however, were restricted to the shallow-water near shore faunas in carbonate and clastic

rock facies. Although cherts and other siliceous sedimentary rocks thought to be of deep sea or

pelagic and hemipelagic origins are extensively distributed in Thailand, paleontological studies of

faunas contained in these rocks were rare. In the past three decades, detailed biostratigraphic data

based on micropaleontological studies of siliceous sedimentary rocks have provided age

constraints necessary for studies of collision tectonics and terrane analysis (e.g., Sashida et al.,

2000, 2002; Sashida and Igo, 1999; Kamata et al., 2009; Saesaengseerung et al., 2007, 2008,

2009). However, the timing of these events is still debatable.

The Malaysia-Thailand Border Joint Geological Survey Committee (MT-JGSC) had agreed

to undertake the study on the litho- and biostratigraphic correlation of the chert beds in various

rock units along the Malaysia-Thailand border during the 7th

Meeting of the Committee held in

Krabi in June 2010. The joint study was scheduled to be carried out in two years time i.e., in the

year 2011 and 2012.

On the Malaysian side, the occurrence of radiolarian cherts is common in the Late Palaeozoic

and Early Mesozoic rock units of the western belt of Peninsular Malaysia. The cherts were

deposited in deep marine environment. The radiolarian biozones are very important for the age

determination of deep water sedimentary sequence where other fossils are lacking (Basir Jasin and

Zaiton Harun, 2012).

The occurrence of radiolaria in cherts of the Kubang Pasu Formation had been studied by

Basin Jasin (1995), Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2001), Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006),

Ong and Basir (2007) and The Malaysia-Thailand Joint Geological Survey Working Group

(2009). Basir Jasin (1995) reported the age of the radiolarian chert in the Kubang Pasu Formation

is Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous) based on the discovery of Entactinia variospina in the cherts

interbedded with terrigenous clastic sediments. Ong and Basir (2007) reported the occurrence of

the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) chert unit at Hill C at Guar Jentik or also known as Guar


The studies of the radiolarians in the cherts of the Semanggol Formation had been done by

Sashida et al. (1993, 1995), Basir Jasin (1994, 1996, 1997), Metcalfe and Spiller (1994), and

Spiller and Metcalfe (1995a, 1995b). While studying the chert sequence in south Kedah, Basir

Jasin (1994 and 1997) reported the occurrence of Permian and Middle Triassic radiolarians in the

cherts of the Semanggol Formation exposed near the Merbau Pulas area. Sashida et al., (1995)

reported the occurrence of Middle and Late Permian radiolarians in the cherts of the Semanggol

Formation. Basir Jasin, (1996) reported the discovery of Early Permian radiolarians from the same

formation. Spiller (2002) reported the occurrence of poorly preserved Middle Triassic

Triassocampe sp. at Kampung Keledang, west of Baling, Kedah. Basir Jasin et al. (2005a) and

Basir Jasin et al. (2005b) have studied in detail and published their works on the Permian

radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Semanggol Formation, south Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia and


Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Semanggol Formation, south Kedah, Peninsular

Malaysia, respectively. Radiolarian assemblages of Early Permian to Late Permian and late

Spathian to early Ladinian of Triassic ages had been identified. The cherts in the Kodiang

Formation situated outside the Malaysia-Thailand border area had been studied by Basir Jasin et

al. (1995), and Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2001).

The southern Thailand insurgency is still a big problem for the field survey to be carried out

on the Thai side. Several publications of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic radiolarian studies in the

southern Thailand have been compiled herein including depositional environments of these

radiolarian-bearing rocks.



Radiolarians are planktonic protozoa that are widely distributed in the Oceans, throughout the

water column from the near surface to the bottom waters. They are the abundant organism record

and the oldest known fossils contributing enormously to our understanding of the history of the

Earth. Radiolarians provide data for palaeoecological interpretations, and they are especially

useful in biostratigraphy because of their small size and abundance. Most radiolarians are solitary

forms, whose maximum dimension varies from 30μm to 2 mm. Ehrenberg (1838) described the

first fossil radiolarians from the Eocene-Oligocene diatomites of Barbados and gave the name

“Polycystina” to designate these organisms that he thought to be multicellular. Haeckel (1860)

first used the informal word “Radiolarians”, to designate all polycystines, acantharians and


In the fossil record, only class Polycystinea (or polycystine) encompassing the orders

Spumellar (spumellarians) and Nassellar (or nassellarians) (Figure 1), which possess solid opaline

skeletal structures, and the order Phaeodarea (or phaeodarians), which possess hollow skeletal

structures of an admixture of silica and organic matter, are well-preserved. The polycystine

radiolarians are amongst the oldest planktonic microfossils known within an abundant Palaeozoic

fauna and documented representatives dating from the Cambrian (>500 Ma), the widest

biogeography (pole to pole, surface to abyss), and the most diverse taxonomy of the well-preserved

microzooplankton, they are used extensively in biostratigraphy, in palaeoceanography, and in

studies on the tempo and mode of evolution. Radiolarians are commonly used as

palaeoceanographic indicators to determine ancient water temperatures, circulation patterns,

productive regions, ocean depths, upwelling, and the age of water masses (Richard E. Casey in Jere

H. Lipps, 1993). In 1970s, application of new techniques has permitted good recovery of Mesozoic

and Palaeozoic radiolarians from indurated siliceous rocks, and the construction of continuously

improved biostratigraphy. Radiolarians are now extensively used for age determination and

palaeoenvironmental reconstruction (De Wever et al., 2001).

Recently, detailed age determinations based on radiolarian biostratigraphy of pelagic,

hemipelagic and continental margin sediments distributed in Southeast Asian countries have been

used for terrane analysis and for understanding continental collisions and the opening and/or

closing of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean. The radiolarian ages provide constraints on the ages of

opening of the Palaeo-Tethys and of the closure of its main and subsidiary branches (e.g., Sashida

et al., 1993, 1997; Sashida and Igo, 1999; Kamata et al., 2002). However, the timing of these

events is still debatable. The study of radiolarians is very important in elucidating the tectonic

development of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic in Malaysia and Thailand.


Figure 1: Different relationship between the nucleus and the axoplast on polycystine radiolarian.

A) Entactinaria, B) Spumellaria, C) Nassellaria (after De Wever et al., 2001).



The Peninsular Malaysia is formed by the welding of Sibumasu and East Malaya or

Indochina (Figure 2) plates after the closure of Paleo-Tethys. The welding of the two plates is

marked by the Bentong-Raub Suture Zone. It was interpreted that the Paleo-Tethyst has opened in

the Lower Devonian with the separation of Sibumasu from the Gondwanaland, and closed during

the Triassic due to the Indosinian orogenic collision after the subduction of the Sibumasu plate

under the East Malayan plate. The rocks along the suture zone comprise oceanic ribbon chert,

pelagic cherts, mélange, schist, phyllite, slate with the occurrences of serpentinite bodies. The

suture zone, trends approximately N-S direction, can be traced from western Kelantan in the north

to Melaka state in the south.

The mainland of Thailand has recently been reinterpreted as representing three principal

continental terranes: the western Sibumasu, central northern Simao and eastern Indochina terranes

(Metcalfe, 2002, 2005, 2006; Feng et al., 2005). The boundary between the Sibumasu and Simao

terranes in the Northern Thailand is the Chiang Mai suture and was interpreted as representing the

main Palaeo-Tethys Ocean (Metcalfe, 2005). Furthermore, the Nan-Uttaradit suture in the

Northern Thailand has been regarded as representing a segment of the back-arc basin which

opened in Carboniferous time between the Simao Terrane and South China/Indochina terranes

(Ueno and Hisada, 1999; Wang et al., 2000; Metcalfe, 2002, 2005). Hada et al. (1997, 1999)

proposed the Sra Kaeo-Chanthaburi suture zone (or Sra Kaeo suture zone) in the Eastern

Thailand, which comprises a western chert-clastic belt (Chanthaburi Chert-Clastic Sequence), and

an eastern belt of serpentinite mélange (Thung Kabin mélange) that may occur as inferred fault-

bounded packages. According to Metcalfe (2002), the Sra Kaeo suture was interpreted as

representing the main Palaeo-Tethys and forming the eastern boundary of the Sibumasu Terrane.

However, the reconstructed oceanic plate stratigraphy by Wakita and Metcalfe (2005) suggested

that the Palaeo-Tethyan back-arc basin (representing by Sra Kaeo suture zone) was probably

related to the Nan-Uttaradit suture zone and opened in the Carboniferous and closed in the

Triassic. The Bentong-Raub Suture is distributed in the southernmost part of Peninsular Thailand.

This Bentong-Raub Suture represents a segment of the main Devonian to Middle Triassic Palaeo-

Tethys Ocean, and forms the boundary between the Gondwana-derived Sibumasu and East

Malaya terranes (Metcalfe, 2006).

The Sibumasu and Indochina terranes were thought to have formed the outer margin of

northern Gondwanaland in the Early Palaeozoic around the palaeoequator. The Indochina Terrane

is composed mainly of Precambrian rocks with some Palaeozoic shallow marine faunas and floras

probably deposited in a warm climate (Metcalfe, 1986). This terrane drifted away from

Gondwanaland in the Devonian, during the opening of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean. The basement of

Sibumasu Terrane consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks, gneiss, and sedimentary rocks of

Precambrian age with Late Carboniferous to Early Permian glacial-marine diamictite and Early

Permian cool-water fauna (e.g., Bunopas, 1981). The Sibumasu Terrane was removed from

Gondwanaland after the Early Permian and collided with the Indochina Terrane in the Late

Triassic, after the closing the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean (e.g., Metcalfe, 1999). Recently, Metcalfe

(2005) proposed the Nan-Uttaradit suture zone in the northern Thailand as representative of the

collision between the Simao with Indochina terranes in the Middle to early Late Triassic (Figure

2). The Simao Terrane was first proposed by Wu et al. (1995) from SW China. In northern

Thailand, the Simao Terrane is bounded to the west by the Chiang Mai suture zone and to the east

by the Nan-Uttaradit suture zone (Metcalfe, 2002, 2006) (Figure 2). In contrast, the collision

between the Sibumasu and Indochina terranes is the cause of the Palaeo-Tethys closing in the Late

Triassic that led to the development of the Chiang Mai suture (Metcalfe, 2002) or the Chiang Rai

Tectonic Line (Ueno and Hisada, 2001) in the central northern Thailand. The Sra Kaeo suture


zone remains in the eastern Thailand, and the Bentong-Raub Suture zone remains in southern

Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia (Metcalfe, 2000, 2002 and 2005).

Figure 2: Distribution of principal continental terranes and sutures of East and Southeast Asia. WB=West Burma;

SWB=Southwest Borneo; S=Semitau Terrane; HT=Hainan Island terranes; L=Lhasa Terrane; QT=Qiangtang

Terrane; QS=Qamdo–Simao Terrane; SI=Simao Terrane; SG=Songpan Ganzi accretionary complex; KL=Kunlun

Terrane; QD=Qaidam Terrane; AL=Ala Shan Terrane; KT=Kurosegawa Terrane (after Metcalfe, 2006).

3.1 Sibumasu Terrane

Sibumasu Terrane includes parts of western Yunnan (Baishan and Techong Blocks), the Shan

States of Burma, northwest Thailand, Peninsular Burma and Thailand, western Peninsular

Malaysia and northwest Sumatra (Metcalfe, 1988). It is bounded on the east by the Changning-

Menglian, Chiang Mai, Sra Kaeo and Bentong-Raub suture zones, which have been interpreted as

representing the main Palaeo-Tethys Ocean (Metcalfe, 1999, 2005; Metcalfe et al., 1999). Its

eastern boundary in Sumatra is contentious problem. Palaeobiogeographic and

tectonostratigraphic data for Sibumasu indicate that these continental terrenes were formed from

part of the India-Australian margin of Gondwana in the Lower Palaeozoic (Metcalfe, 1986, 1988,

1996, 1999; Burrett et al., 1990: Rong et al., 1995). Gondwana biogeographic affinities of the

faunas and floras on Sibimasu continue up to the Early Permian (Sakmarian), and the presence of

Lower Permian glacial-marine diamictites, indicate that this terrane was still attached to the

margin of Gondwana until the Early Permian. This is supported by gross tectonostratigraphical


comparisons between the Sibumasu Terrane and the Canning Basin of NW Australia, suggesting

that the Cambrian to Lower Permian stratigraphy of Sibumasu is an extremely good fit for a

position outboard of NW Australia during that period. In post Permian Sakmarian times, faunas

and floras were initially developed as an independent Cimmerian Province. By Wuchiapigian-

Changhsingian times, the brachiopod faunas had become assimilated into the Cathaysian Province (Shi and Archbold, 1998). These changes of provincial affinities of the brachiopod faunas of

Sibumasu document the northwards drift of the terrane during the Permian (Metcalfe, 2002).

3.2 Indochina Terrane

This terrane is bounded to the northeast by the Song Ma suture zone in North Vietnam, and to

the west by the Nan-Uttaradit-Sra Kaeo and Bentong-Raub sutures in Thailand and Malaysia,

respectively (Metcalfe, 2005). Its eastern and southern boundaries are poorly defined and

constrained. The basement of the terrane comprises a Precambrian core (Kontum massif) of

granulite facies rocks exposed in Vietnam, and it has been suggested that this may have originally

formed part of the Gondwanaland granulite belt (Katz, 1993). Early to Middle Palaeozoic rocks

are rare and restricted to the marginal areas of the terrane.

Silurian brachiopods from Central Vietnam belong to the Sino-Australian Province (Rong et

al., 1995) indicating Gondwanaland connections in the Silurian. Devonian fish, including a

yannanolepiform antiarch previously known only from the South China terrane, has recently been

reported from central Vietnam (Thanh et al., 1996) that indicates close proximity/continental

connection with the South in the Early to Middle Devonian. The Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic

faunas and floras of Indochina are Cathaysian/Tethyan types, which have affinities to those of

South and North China, and show no relationship to Gondwanaland (Metcalfe, 1986, 1988).

Ordovician and Silurian faunas of Indochina show Gondwana affinities, but during the Early

Carboniferous and younger time there appears to be no Gondwana connections (Metcalfe, 1988).

It seems most likely that the Indochina Terrane, along with South and North China and Tarim,

was separated from Gondwana in the Devonian.

3.3 Simao Terrane

This terrane includes what has previously been variously referred to as the “Lanpin-Simao”,

and “Qamdo-Simao” terranes of Tibet in which some authors have termed the “North Qiangtang

Terrane” (e.g., Jin, 2002, Bian et al., 2004) or “Eastern Qiangtang” Block (Zhang et al., 2002) and

the Simao Terrane of SW China (Wu et al., 1995). New information on the Ailaoshan and Nan-

Uttaradit suture zone in SW China and Thailand, respectively, indicates that these sutures

probably represent a marginal back-arc basin (Wang et al., 2000; Ueno and Hisada, 1999), and

identification of the main Tethys Ocean suture in the Chiang Mai-Chiang Dao area of NW

Thailand (Metcalfe, 2002), suggests that the Simao Terrane is a separate block derived from South

China by back-arc spreading in the Early Carboniferous. The terrane is bounded to the west by the

Chiang Mai, Changning-Menglian and Lancangjiang suture zones and to the east and south by the

Jinshajiang, Ailaoshan and Nan-Uttaradit suture zones.

The basement rocks of this terrane are buried beneath thick Palaeozoic-Mesozoic sequences.

High grade metamorphic rocks sporadically outcropping in Qinhai may represent a Precambrian

crystalline basement (Chang et al., 1989). The oldest sedimentary rocks are Lower Ordovician

low grade metasedimentary rocks including slates, phyllites, quartzites and meta-limestones. The

Ordovician is unconformably overlain by Middle Devonian basal conglomerates and shallow-

marine sediments followed by Carboniferous to Permian shallow-marine and continental

sediments with coal measures in places, and Lower and Middle Triassic shallow-marine clastics


and carbonates. Permian faunas and floras of this terrane are Tethyan and Cathaysian,

respectively, and there are no known Lower Permian glacial-marine deposits on this terrane.

Disconformities are common in the Late Permian and Triassic. Upper Triassic red continental

clastics are underlain by these sediments. Recently, Ueno and Hisada (1999) and Ueno (1999,

2003) have equated the “Changning-Menglian Belt” with the “Inthanon Zone” of Thailand (Barr and Macdonald, 1991) and they can be compared with the part of “Sukhothai Fold Belt”

(Mitchell, 1992).

3.4 East Malaya Terrane

The East Malaya Block is bounded to the west by the Bentong–Raub Suture Zone (Metcalfe,

2006) and to the south by the Median Sumatra Suture. The eastern and northern boundaries are

difficult to place precisely. The tectonostratigraphy, and the Tethyan faunas and Cathaysian floras

of this block are extremely similar to Indochina (see Metcalfe, 2005 for detail) and this similarity

led to include this block as part of the Indochina terrane in a number of recent papers (e.g.,

Metcalfe, 2002). However, more recent studies of macrofossil biogeography (Sone et al., 2003)

and a reassessment of the tectonic framework of SE Asia have indicated that East Malaya may

well have been an independent Cathaysian terrane at times in the Late Palaeozoic. Indochina, East

Malaya and West Sumatra, may be disrupted blocks of a single large Late Palaeozoic Cathaysian

terrane. Further work is required to resolve this issue.




4.1 Malaysian side

On the Malaysian side of the Malaysia-Thailand border area, the occurrences of chert had

been reported in Kedah including Langkawi, Perlis, Perak and western Kelantan. Cherts,

occurring as beds as well as disturbed beds, are found in various rock units namely the Setul,

Mahang, Kubang Pasu, Gerik, Mangga and Kodiang Formations, and Cherty unit (previously

considered as the lower part of the Semanggol Formation). Cherts in the Lower Palaeozoic Setul

and Mahang Formations had been deformed and recrystallised, most of the radiolarian within the

chert had been destroyed. To date, no radiolarian is discovered from these cherts although many

attempts had been made to recover the radiolarians from the Lower Palaeozoic cherts (Basir Jasin,


Several radiolarian assemblages had been identified from the cherts within the Kubang Pasu

Formation and Cherty unit in Kedah, and the Gerik Formation in Perak giving the age ranging

from Silurian to Late Triassic. Chert also occurs in the Early Permian to Middle Triassic Cherty

unit that had been taken out from the Semanggol Formation in Kedah (The Malaysian-Thai

Working Group, 2006). In this report, the term Cherty unit will be used to refer to the chert in the

Semanggol Formation as described by previous workers. The Malaysia-Thailand Working Group

also has recently discovered the Permian radiolarian from the pelagic chert beds within the Gerik

Formation in Gerik, Upper Perak and the Mangga Formation in northwestern Kelantan.

Distribution of chert along the Malaysia-Thailand border area is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Distribution of chert on the Malaysian side along the Malaysia-Thailand border area (modified

after Basir Jasin, 2011).1. Bukit Tuntung, 2. Bukit Binjal, 3. Kodiang, 4. Bukit Kamelong, 5. Bukit Tembaga,

6. Bukit Larek, 7. Bukit Yoi, 8. Lepang Nenering, 9. Merbau Pulas, 10. Kuala Ketil, 11. Km 73.2, East-West





3 45


101 EO

102 EO

103 EO

101 EO

102 EO

103 EO

6 NO

6 NO






Semanggol Formation

Mangga Formation

Gerik Formation

Kubang Pasu Formation

Mahang Formation

Setul Formation





4.2 Thai side

The Carboniferous to Triassic radiolarian-bearing rocks were reported from several areas of

southern Thailand such as Hat Yai, Chana, Saba Yoi areas in Songkhla Province and Yala

Province. These radiolarian-bearing rock sequences belong to the Yaha Formation

(Carboniferous), Khao Phra Formation (Permian), Na Thawi Formation and Chaiburi Formation


The Carboniferous and Triassic radiolarian faunas were reported from fine-grained

siliceous sedimentary rocks of the Yaha Formation (Carboniferous) and Na Thawi Formation

(Triassic) in the Saba Yoi and Chana areas, Songkhla Province (Sashida et al., 2000) (Figure 4).

They are from lenticular rock bodies embedded in strongly sheared, alternating sandstone and

siliceous shale. These siliceous shales are thinly bedded, intercalated with siliceous claystone of a

few millimeters thick, and are usually dark grey or light grey in colour. In contrast to the

surrounding alternating beds of sandstone and shale, these radiolarian-bearing siliceous shales

have undergone weak shearing.

Figure 4: Index map of radiolarian

locality in the Saba Yoi area (after

Sashida et al., 2000).

Lower Carboniferous radiolarian fauna from the Kabang area, Yala Province,

southernmost part of peninsular Thailand were published by Sashida et al, (2002). Lower

Carboniferous radiolarians were found from two outcrops of the Yaha Formation (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Index map, Outcrops 1 and 2, Lower Carboniferous radiolarian in the Yaha Formation, Kabang area

(after Sashida et al., 2002).


In the Hat Yai area of Songkhla Province, Kamata et al. (2009) reported the Middle

Triassic and Late Permian radiolarian faunas from 50 km west of Songkhla city in southern

Thailand, the outcrops are well exposed along Highway no. 4 (Figure 6). The radiolarian-bearing

rock sequences in this area might belong to the Khao Phra Formation (Permian) and the Na Thawi Formation (Triassic).

Figure 6: Map showing the locations of

studied sections, northwest of Hat Yai

(Kamata et al., 2009).

Sashida and Igo (1992) reported the Triassic radiolarian fauna from a limestone outcrop

exposed at Khao Chiak near the city area of Phatthalung Province, southern Thailand (Figure 7).

Limestones distributed around the Phatthalung area have been regarded as the southern extension

of the Permian Ratburi Limestone. However, Igo et al. (1988) and Ampornmaha (1995) reported

the occurrence of Triassic conodonts from a limestone exposed at Khao Chiak. Recently, this

Triassic limestone was assigned to be the Chiak Member of the Chaiburi Formation

(Ampornmaha, 1995).

Distribution of Devonian to Triassic radiolarian-bearing rocks in Thailand and Peninsular

Malaysia is shown in Figure 8. The distribution of the radiolarian-bearing rocks has an obvious N-

S trend and close to the suture zones in Thailand and Malaysia. Radiolarian data from several

previous works (modified from Saesaengseerung, 2009 in Thailand and Hutchison, 2009 in


Figure 7: Index map of Khao Chiak,

Phatthalung Province (after Sashida and

Igo, 1992).


Figure 8: Map showing distribution of Devonian to Triassic radiolarian-bearing rocks in Thailand and Peninsular

Malaysia. Correlation of radiolarian-bearing rock distribution is present in the spot lines and areas

(green/orange/purple colors). The distribution of the radiolarian-bearing rocks has an obvious N-S trend and close to

the suture zones in Thailand and Malaysia. Radiolarian data from several previous works (modified from

Saesaengseerung, 2009 in Thailand and Hutchison, 2009 in Malaysia).



5.1 Malaysian side

Chert occurs in various rock units along the Malaysia-Thailand border. The oldest chert in

Malaysia occurs in the Ordovician-Silurian Setul and Mahang Formations in Kedah. The Mahang

Formation is exposed in central and south Kedah, to the south, outside of the Malaysia-Thailand

border area. The chert in the Setul and Mahang Formations is impure chert or can be described as

siliceous shale. However, to date, no radiolarian is discovered from these formations. The

radiolarian chert in the Kubang Pasu and Semanggol Formations had been studied by numerous

workers especially in the state of Kedah. Recently, the Malaysian-Thai Working Group has

discovered some Permian radiolarians in the chert of the Gerik and Mangga Formations in Upper


5.1.1 Setul Formation

The Setul Formation is well exposed in the eastern Langkawi Islands and in the western

Perlis. It is composed predominantly of grey to dark grey impure limestone. The Setul Formation

is divisible into four members in ascending order; Lower Setul Limestone, Lower Detrital

Member, Upper Setul Limestone and Upper Detrital Member (Jones, 1978). He reported the

occurrence of cherty beds in the Lower Detrital Member of the Setul Formation at Teluk

Mempelam in Pulau Langgun, Langkawi Islands. Jones (1978) also recorded the occurrence of the

platy siliceous shale in the Upper Detrital Member of the Setul Formation also in the Pulau

Langgun. To date, no radiolarian is reterived from this rock unit (Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun,


5.1.2 Kubang Pasu Formation

The Carboniferous Kubang Pasu Formation crops out in western Perlis, Kedah and extends

further east to northern Perak. Generally, the Kubang Pasu Formation comprises thick bedded

sandstone interbedded with mudstone and shale. Chert occurs as lenticular bodies within the

Kubang Pasu Formation. Generally, the formation is gently folded in the N-S direction.

Chert in the Kubang Pasu Formation has thinly bedded, known as ribbon chert; with

thickness of individual bed is generally less than 5 cm. Chert of the Kubang Pasu Formation is

exposed in several localities in Kedah and northern Perak.

Basir Jasin (1995) recorded the occurrence of bedded radiolarian chert in the Kubang Pasu

Formation exposed at three abandoned earth quarries near Pokok Sena town, Bukit Beringin and

Bukit Telaga Jatoh, Tobiar, in northern Kedah. The bedded chert is grey in colour, strikes 340o-

350o and dips 50


o and interbedded with siliceous mudstone. Quite well preserved radiolarian

faunas had been discovered from the chert exposed at Bukit Telaga Jatoh. Two species of

radiolarian had been identified; Entactinia variospina (Won) and Callela sp. (Figure 9).

Entactinia variospina indicating the age of Early Carboniferous, probably Tournaisian age (Braun

and Schmidt-Effing, 1993).


Figure 9: Carboniferous radiolarian found at Bukit

Telaga Jatoh: 1; Callela sp., 2-4; Entactinia variospina

(Won) (after Basir Jasin, 1995).

Later Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2001) reported the discovery of bedded radiolarian chert

in the Kubang Pasu Formation exposed in several earth quarries at Guar Kepayang, Bukit Telaga

Jatoh, Bukit Kamelong, Kampung Belukar, Ladang Cheong Chong Kaw, Kampung Panchor,

Bukit Inas and Bukit Binjal in northern Kedah and Pauh in Perlis. The chert at these localities is

known as ribbon chert, and it is also interbedded with siliceous mudstone. The chert varies in

colour from light grey to dark grey; occasionally it is black and contains minute pyrite crystals.

Radiolarian Entactinia variospina had been discovered in the chert from Guar Kepayang.

Meanwhile eight radiolarian faunas discovered at Bukit Binjal contain Entactinia variospina

(Won), Entactinia unispina (Won), Entactinia (?) inaequoporosa (Won), Callela hexatinia

(Won), Callela cf. parvispinosa (Won), Treanosphaera herbes (Won), Cubaxonium?

octaedrospongiosum (Won), Duplexia? foremanae (Ormiston and Lane), and Duplexia

parviperforata (Won). The faunas are shown in Figures 10 and 11.

Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006) reported the discovery of Early Carboniferous

radiolarian in the chert exposed along the border security road near Lepang Nenering, Pengkalan

Hulu; close to the Malaysia-Thailand Border in northern Perak. The rock sequence is composed of

bedded chert and intraformational chert conglomerate in the lower part and interbedded mudstone

and sandstone towards the upper part. Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006) suggested that this

rock sequence can be assigned as a new formation. However, based on lithological characteristics,

the Malaysian-Thai Working Group (2009a) believed the rock sequence is the eastward extension

of the Kubang Pasu Formation. The rock sequence was considered as the northern extension of

the Kati Formation (Azhar Hussin, 1994), which was first assigned as Kati beds in the Kuala

Kangsar-Taiping area in Perak by Foo (1990).


Figure 10: 1, 2, 3; Entactinia variospina (Won) with

two polar spines (100 µm), 4 and 5; E. variospina with

three spines (100 µm), E. variospina with four spines (80

µm), 7; E. variospina with five spines (100 µm) (after

Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2001)

Figure 11: 1; Entactinia unispina (Won) (100 µm),

2; Entactinia (?) inaequoporosa (Won) (100 µm),

3; Callela hexatinia (Won) (100 µm), 4; Callela cf.

parvispinosa (Won) (100 µm), 5; Duplexia? foremanae

(Ormiston and Lane) (80 µm), 6; Duplexia

parviperforata (Won) (80 µm), 7; Treanosphaera herbes

(Won), and 8; Cubaxonium ? octaedrospongiosum

(Won) (100 µm) (after Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun,


Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006) recorded the occurrence of two chert localities i.e., near

the army post at Lepang Nenering, Upper Perak (005o 40.59’N, 101

o 6.75’E) and at Km 19 (005


40.47’N, 101o 6.85’E) on the Malaysian side of the border security road. They have identified 20

radiolarian taxa of Albaillella cf. perforata Won, Archocyrtium lagabriellei Gourmelon,

Archocyrtium pulchrum Braun, Archocyrtium venustum Cheng, Astroentactinia biaciculata

Nazarov, Astroentactinia digitosa Braun, Astroentactinia mirousi Gourmelon, Astroentactinia

multispinosa Won, Astroentactinia stellaesimilis Won, Belowea hexaculeata Won, Belowea

variabilis Ormiston and Lane, Ceratoikiscum berrgreni Gourmelon, Palaeoscenidium

cladophorum Deflandre, Pylentonema antiqua Deflandre, Stigmosphaerostylus brilonensis Won,

Stigmosphaerostylus tostispina Ormiston and Lane, Stigmosphaerostylus variospina Won,

Stigmosphaerostylus vulgaris Won, Trilonche altasulcata Won and Triaenosphaera sp. (Figures

12 and 13). Stratigraphic distribution of selected taxa occurred at Malaysia-Thailand border

security road near Lepang Nenering, Upper Perak is shown in Figure 14.

The Malaysia-Thailand Joint Geological Survey Working Groups (2009b) reported the

discovery of well-preserved radiolarian fossils probably indicative of Tournaisian age (Early

Carboniferous) in seven chert samples. The locality is situated along the border security road near

Bukit Tangga, Kedah. The identification of the radiolarian had been done by Professor Katsuo

Sashida of the Tsukuba University, Japan. The radiolarian faunas identified are


Stigmosphaerostylus sp., Archocyrtium riedeli Deflandre. Stigmosphaerostylus tortispina

(Ormiston and Lane), Triaenospahera? Bareillensis Gourmelon, Astroentactinia multispinosa

(Won), Helioentactinia polycanthina (Foreman), Stigmosphaerostylus cfr. palimbola (Foreman),

Archocyrtium sp., Palaeoscenidium cladophorum Deflandre, and Pylentonema sp.

Figure 12: Carboniferous Radiolarian as reported by Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006)

1 Albaillella cf. perforata Won (100 µm)

2 Archocyrtium lagabriellei Gourmelon (100 µm)

3 Archocyrtium pulchrum Braun (50 µm)

4 Archocyrtium venustum Cheng (100 µm)

5, 6 Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov (100 µm and 75 µm)

7, 8 Astroentactinia digitosa Braun (100 µm)

9, 10 Astroentactinia mirousi Gourmelon (100 µm)

11, 12 Astroentactinia multispinosa Won (75 µm and 80 µm respectively)

13 Astroentactinia stellaesimilis Won (75 µm)

14 Belowea hexaculeata Won (125 µm)


Figure 13: Some more Carboniferous Radiolarian as reported by Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006)

1 Belowea variabilis Ormiston and Lane (100 µm)

2 Ceratoikiscum berrgreni Gourmelon (100 µm)

3 Palaeoscenidium cladophorum Deflandre (50 µm)

4 Pylentonema antiqua Deflandre (100 µm)

5 Stigmosphaerostylus brilonensis Won (100 µm)

6, 7 Stigmosphaerostylus tostispina Ormiston and Lane (75 µm)

8, 9 Stigmosphaerostylus variospina Won (75 µm and 100 µm respectively)

10, 11 Stigmosphaerostylus vulgaris Won (75 µm)

12 Trilonche altasulcata Won (100 µm)

13 Triaenosphaera sp. (75 µm)


Figure 14: Stratigraphic distributions of selected taxa occur at Malaysia-Thailand border security road near Lepang

Nenering, Upper Perak (after Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2006).

5.1.3 Mangga formation

The term Mangga formation was introduced by Mohamad Hussein Jamaluddin et al. (in

manuscript) to describe the low- to medium-grade metamorphic sequences of psammitic, pellitic,

pyroclastic, hornfels and marble as well as schistose rocks distributed in the Sungai Mangga area,

northeastern Kelantan. It is named after the Sungai Mangga where this rock unit was first mapped

and good outcrops had been recorded. The Mangga formation which is strongly deformed and

metamorphosed, trends N-S and dips moderately to steeply either westwardly or eastwardly. The

thickness of the succession is indeterminable due to its strongly deformed nature.

The Mangga formation is represented by a low grade metamorphic sequence that can be

subdivided into argillaceous, arenaceous, pyroclastic and calcareous facies. The argillaceous unit

consists mainly of metamorphosed siliceous shale, slate, phyllite, metasiltstone and hornfels.

There are two strata of argilliceous facies representing the lower and upper parts of this formation.

The upper part consists of hornfelsic rocks such as calc-silicate hornfels. The best outcrop of

hornfels can be observed near the junction to Felda Tumbi Rapat, Kelantan. The rocks are light

grey in colour, very fine-grained, slightly foliated and recrystallized with both quartz and calcite

veinlets. Petrographically, the main minerals are quartz with minor muscovite, biotite, diopsite

and iron oxide. The chert is light grey to grey with some impure cherts forming ribbon cherts (The

Malaysian-Thai Working Group, 2006).

During the Malaysia-Thailand Working Group joint field check in March 2010, several chert

and siliceous shale samples were collected near the Telekom Malaysia telecomunication tower at

Km 173.2 of the East-West Highway (N 05o 35.883’, E 101

o 36.002’). Radiolarians extracted

from the chert and siliceous shale are poorly preserved. However, the radiolarian can be identified


as Follicuculus sp. and others, quite similar with that found in the Gerik Formation at Km 18.6 of

the East-West Highway, Upper Perak. These fossils suggest that the age of the rock unit is

possibly of Capitanian to Wuchiapingian (Middle to Late Permian).

5.1.4 Gerik Formation

The term Gerik Formation was proposed by the Malaysian Working Group (2009) to replace

the term Grik tuff of Jones (1970). The Gerik Formation comprises sequence of pyroclastic rocks

consisting predominantly of tuffs of rhyolitic to rhyodacitic composition and their volcaniclastic

derivatives that well exposed in the Gerik area. Detailed studies revealed that the rock unit also

contains subordinate calcareous shale, limestone, tuffaceous sandstone and pelagic chert, and

occasionally metamorphosed. Jones (1970) thought that the Gerik Formation was distributed only

in the Gerik-Lawin areas. However, current investigations revealed that the rock unit is extended

eastwardly up to the Temengor Lake and the surrounding areas. With the inclusion of the

tuffaceous sandstone as well as the pelagic chert sequence exposed along the East-West Highway

stretching from Gerik to Banding Island, the Gerik Formation now covers a larger area than the

previous interpretation.

In the Permian Gerik Formation, chert is cropping out at several localities along the East-

West Highway in Upper Perak. In March 2010, during the course of the joint field check by the

Malaysia-Thailand Working Group along the East-West Highway to the northeast of Gerik as part

of the joint study on the Belum-Hala Transect area, several radiolarian- bearing rock samples were

collected at Km 18.6 (5o 31.655’N, 101

o 14.790’E) (Figure 15) and at a locality on the old stretch

of the East-West Highway (5o 31.633’N, 101

o 17.633’E) (Figure 16). The rock sequences are

composed of slightly-metamorphosed chert and fine-grained clastic rocks (the thickness of

individual beds are about 1-10 cm). Slump folds are commonly observed in these sequences. Ten

samples were collected for microfossil analysis. Unfortunately, only poorly to moderately

preserved Middle to Late Permian radiolarians have been recovered from some samples.

The radiolarian fauna is composed of Follicucullus scholasticus Ormiston and Babcock, F.

porrectus Rudenko, Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto, Hegleria mammilla (Sheng and

Wang), Latentibifistula asperspongiosa Sashida and Tonishi, Latentifistula sp., Triplanospongos

sp., Ishigaum sp., Ishigaum ? sp. and others (Figure 17).

Figure 15: Subvertical to vertical strata of well-

bedded light grey to grey radiolarian bearing chert and

silliceous shale interbedded with thin beds of shale at

Km 18.6 East-West Highway (N5o 31.655’, E101



Figure 16: Thinly-bedded radiolarian bearing

siliceous shale interbedded with thin beds of shale

located at the old stretch of the East-West Highway (N5o

31.633’, E101o 17.633’).


Although the radiolarian fauna in the Gerik area do not include any Neoalbaillellarians, it is

quite similar to that of the Follicucullus scholasticus Assemblage (latest Middle to earliest Upper

Permian; Capitanian to Wuchiapigian), Neoalbaillella optima Assemblage (Upper Permian;

Wuchiapigian to Changhsingian) and Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Assemblage (uppermost

Permian; Changhsingian) from Thailand and Malaysia (Sashida and Igo, 1999), the Follicucullus scholasticus Zone (latest Middle to earliest Upper Permian; Capitanian to Wuchiapigian) and

Neoalbaillella optima/Albaillella levis Zone (Wuchiapigian to Changhsingian) from Northern

Thailand (Saesaengseerung, 2009), the F. scholasticus m. I Zone, F. bipartitus - F. charveti Zone

and F. scholasticus m. II Zone (Capitanian to Wuchiapigian), N. optima Zone (Wuchiapigian to

Changhsingian) and N. ornithoformis Zone (Changhsingian) from the Tamba-Mino Terrane,

Japan (Ishiga, 1990), the F. scholasticus- F. ventricosus Zone (Capitanian to Wuchiapigian), F.

bipartitus- F. charveti Zone (Wuchiapigian) and N. optima- N. ornithoformis Zone (Wuchiapigian

to Changhsingian) from South China (Wang et al., 1994) and the F. scholasticus Zone (Capitanian

to Wuchiapigian), N. optima Zone (Wuchiapigian to Changhsingian) and N. ornithoformis zones

(uppermost Permian; Changhsingian) from Oregon, USA (Blome and Reed,1992).

As mentioned above, the occurrence of radiolarians in the Gerik area indicates close faunal

assemblage similarity among Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, South China and United States of

America. The age of this radiolarian fauna is Middle to Late Permian (Capitanian to



Figure 17: Middle to Late Permian radiolarian collected from the Gerik area. 1-4. Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito

and Imoto. 5, 6, 19. Latentibifistula asperspongiosa Sashida and Tonishi. 7, 9. Follicucullus scholasticus

Ormiston and Babcock. 8, 10-13. Follicucullus porrectus Rudenko.14-16. Triplanospongos sp. 17, 20, 21.

Latentifistula sp. 22, 23. Ishigaum ? sp. 18, 24, 25. Ishigaum sp. 26-28. Gustefana sp. 29-30. Hegleria mammilla

(Sheng and Wang). 31. Genus and species indeterminate. Scale bar A= 7-18, 20-31: B= 5, 6, 19: C= 1-4 (Mat

Niza Abdul Rahman et al., 2012).


5.1.5 Cherty unit

The term Cherty unit was informally used by Mat Niza Abdul Rahman and Meesook (2002)

and The Malaysian and Thai Working Groups (2006) to describe the sequence of light grey, buff

and white, well-bedded pelagic chert exposed in northern Kedah. Previously, it was considered as

the lower part of the Semanggol Formation. The Cherty unit was taken out from the Semanggol

Formation and considered as a single unit ranging in age from Early Permian to Middle Triassic

(The Malaysian and Thai Working Groups, 2006). The Cherty unit was separated from the

original “Semanggol Formation” because of the Cherty unit is different from the Rhythmite and

Conglomeratic units in terms of lithostratigraphy, paleontology and age, and paleoenvironment

(Mat Niza Abdul Rahman and Meesook, 2002; The Malaysian and Thai Working Groups, 2006).

Distribution of chert (Cherty unit) in the Semanggol Formation in the Pokok Sena and Kuala Ketil

areas in Kedah is shown in Figure 18 (after Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah, 2009).


Figure 15: Geographic distribution of chert in the Semanggol Formation in the Pokok Sena area (A) and Kuala

Ketil area (B) (modified from Nuraiteng Tee Abdullah, 2009).

Sashida et al. (1995) reported the presence of late Middle Permian radiolarians in a siliceous

limestone block embedded in siliceous shale in the upper part of the Cherty unit exposed at Bukit

Barak quarry in the vicinity of Pokok Sena town. The only identified species is Follicucullus

monacanthus Ishiga and Imoto. They also discovered Late Permian (Dzulfian to Dorashamian)

radiolarians in chert beds exposed at Bukit Nyan, near Pokok Sena. The radiolarian faunas

identified are as follows and shown in Figures 19 and 20.

Neoalbaillella cfr. ornithoformis Takemura and Nakaseko

Albaillella excelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto






103 35’ Eo

6 10’ No

To Alor Setar




Pokok Pauh


0 5


Bukit Nyan

4 6


5 30’o

5 35’o

5 40’ No

100 35’o

100 40’o 100 45’ E


Semanggol Formationb a a. chert b. clastics



2 Radiolarian locality

0 5


Kg. SungaiKarangan





Kg. BatuLima


g. Tm



Sg. Ket il

Sg. Bakung





Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto

Albaillella triangularis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto

Entactinosphaera pseudocimelia Sashida and Tonishi

Entactinosphaera sp.

Octatormentum? sp.

Nazarovella gracilis De Wever and Caridroit

Nazarovella inflata Sashida and Tonishi

Praedeflandrella sp.

Pseudotormentus sp.

Ishigaum? sp.

Triplanospongos musashiensis Sashida and Tonishi

Figure 169: Permian radiolarians from Bukit Barak and Bukit Nyan (after Sashida et al., 1995)

1-4 Neoalbaillella cfr. ornithoformis Takemura and Nakaseko

5-11 Albaillella excelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto

12-15 Follicucullus monacanthus Ishiga and Imoto

16-17 Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto

18-20 Albaillella triangularis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto


Figure 20: Permian radiolarians from Bukit Nyan (after Sashida et al., 1995)

1-3 Entactinosphaera pseudocimelia Sashida and Tonishi

4-6 Entactinosphaera sp.

7-11 Ishigaum? sp.

12-13 Triplanospongos musashiensis Sashida and Tonishi

14 Praedeflandrella sp.

15-16 Nazarovella inflata Sashida and Tonishi

17, 19 Nazarovella gracilis De Wever and Caridroit

18 Pseudotormentus sp.

20 Octatormentum? sp.

Spiller and Metcalfe (1995) recorded the occurrence of Early and Late Permian radiolarians

from the Cherty unit in the samples collected from a sequence of interbedded tuffaceous mudstone

and chert from a locality near Pokok Sena, Kedah. Pseudoalbailella sp. possibly of latest Early

Permian age was reported to occur in the lower part of the sequence, and Follicucullus

scholasticus of Late Permian age in the upper part of the sequence (Figure 21).


Figure 21: Early and Late Permian radiolarian faunas near Pokok Sena, Kedah (after Spiller and


a. e Pseudoalbailella sp.

b. f Pseudoalbailella sp.

c. g Follicucullus scholasticus morphotype I

d. h Follicucullus scholasticus morphotype II

e. i Follicucullus scholasticus morphotype II

Basir Jasin (1996) reported the occurrence of Early Permian radiolarian assemblage in the

chert sequence of the lowermost part of the Cherty unit at Bukit Kampong Yoi and Bukit Larek in

the vicinity of Pokok Sena town. The radiolarian faunas are Pseudoalbaillella scalprata

Holdsworth and Jones morphotype scalprata Ishiga, Pseudoalbaillella scalprata Holdsworth and

Jones morphotype postscalprata Ishiga, Pseudoalbaillella scalprata Holdsworth and Jones

morphotype rhombothoracata Ishiga, and Pseudoalbaillella elongata Ishiga and Imoto (Figure


Basir Jasin (2008) reported the discovery of 15 taxa of Early to Middle Permian radiolarian

fauna in the chert sequence at Bukit Yoi, Pokok Sena, Kedah. The radiolarian faunas are

belonging to Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata, Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis

and Pseudoalbaillella globosa Zones.

Basir Jasin (1994) reported 13 species of Anisian to Ladinian (Middle Triassic) radiolarinas

discovered in the chert exposed at Pokok Pauh, Bukit Tembaga near Pokok Sena, Kedah. The

faunas are Pseudostylosphaera coccostyla (Rust), Pseudostylosphaera Magnispinosa Yeh,

Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Pseudostylosphaera compcata

(Nakaseko and Nishimura), Parasepsagon variabilis (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Parasepsagon

cf. Asemtricus (Kozur and Mostler), Eptigium manfredi Dumitrica, Hozmadia rotunda (Nakaseko

and Nishimura), Acanthosphaera awaensis (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Triassocampe deweveri

(Nakaseko and Nishimura), Triassocampe sp., Yeharaia japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura) and

Cryptostephanidium sp. (Figure 23)

a b c d e


Figure 22: Early Permian radiolarian assemblage in the chert sequence of the lowermost part of the Cherty

unit at Bukit Kampong Yoi and Bukit Larek (after Basir Jasin, 1996).

1. Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. scalprata (100 µm)

2. Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. postscalprata (60 µm and 94 µm respectively

3. Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata (75 µm)

4. Pseudoalbaillella elongata (116 µm)


Figure 23: Thirteen species of Anisian to Ladinian (Middle Triassic) radiolarinas discovered in the chert

exposed at Pokok Pauh, Bukit Tembaga near Pokok Sena, Kedah (after Basir Jasin, 1994).

1. Pseudostylosphaera coccostyla (Rust)

2. Pseudostylosphaera Magnispinosa Yeh

3. Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

4. Pseudostylosphaera compcata (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

5. Parasepsagon variabilis (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

6. Parasepsagon cf. Asemtricus (Kozur and Mostler)

7. Eptigium manfredi Dumitrica

8. Hozmadia rotunda (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

9. Acanthosphaera awaensis (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

10. Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

11. Triassocampe sp.

12. Yeharaia japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura)

13. Cryptostephanidium sp.


Twenty seven taxa of Triassic radiolarian faunas had been identified in the Cherty unit in the

Kuala Ketil area, Kedah (Basir Jasin et al., 2005). The faunas are Entactinosphaera sp.,

Thaisphaera sp., Entactinosphaera chiakensis Sashida and Igo, Archaeosemantis cristianensis

Dumitrica, Archaeosemantis sp., Cenosphaera andoi Sugiyama, Thaisphaera cf. minuta Sashida

and Igo, Entactinia sp., Parentactinia sp., Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Triassocampe coronata Bragin, Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica, Acanthosphaera

awaensis Nakaseko and Nishimura, Pseudostylosphaera tenue Nakaseko and Nishimura,

Pseudostylosphaera coccostyla (Rust), Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura),

Acanthosphaera sp., Triassocampe sp., Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Dumitrica, Kozur and

Mostler, Muelleritortis cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Triassocampe annulata (Nakaseko

and Nishimura), Baumgartneria retrospina Dumitrica, Baumgartneria lata Kozur and Mostler,

Triassocampe scalaris Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler, Canoptum sp., Parasepsagon variabilis

(Nakaseko and Nishimura), and Sarla sp. Unidentified spherical spumellarian is also occurred

(Basir Jasin et al., 2005).

5.2 Thai side

5.2.1 Yaha Formation

The Carboniferous Yaha Formation clastic rocks are exposed in the Yaha District, Yala

Province and Sabayoi District, Na Thawi Distrct and Sadao District of Songkhla Province, Pattani

and Phatthalung Province. The stratigraphic name was taken after the Yaha District, Yala


The Yaha Formation in the Yaha, Bahoi and Na Thawi (Thailand), approximately 400-450 m

thick, can be subdivided into six members in ascending order as follows (The Malaysian and Thai

Working Groups, 2006):

i) The massive to very thick-bedded quartzitic sandstone member consisting mainly of

massive to very thick-bedded quartzitic sandstone intercalated with mudstone.

Individual sandstone beds are up to 4 m thick with a total thickness of 30 m.

ii) The interbedded mudstone and sandstone member overlies conformably on the

previous member. The sequence, approximately 180-300 m thick showing obvious

fining upwards and coarsening upwards cycles, is composed predominantly of

mudstone intercalated with sandstone.

iii) The well-bedded, dark grey sandstone member overlies conformably the previous

member. The sequence, approximately 15-50 m thick, consists mainly of well wavy-

bedded lithic sandstone.

iv) The tuffaceous sandstone intercalated with mudstone member overlies conformably

the previous member, and is approximately 10-50 m thick. The sequence comprises

intercalations of tuffaceous sandstone, unevenly-bedded graywacke, thick-bedded

mudstone and siltstone.

v) The chert member overlies conformably on the earlier member. The 15 m thick

sequence comprises mainly thin-bedded (ribbon) chert, changing gradually to siliceous

siltstone, which often shows tight and recumbent folding. The Early Carboniferous

radiolarians had been reported in the chert member from the Kabang vicinity (Sashida

et al., 2000).

vi) The evenly bedded shale interbedded with sandstone member is sporadically

distributed in the Transect area. The approximately 40-50 m thick sequence overlies

conformably the chert member, and is composed of interbedded mudstone with

sandstone. The characteristic sedimentary structures of very thin, evenly bedded and


sharp base bedded sedimentary structures exhibited in the sequence reflect flysch-type

or outer fan deposits.

The age of the Yaha Formation was substantiated by late Tournaisian conodonts from a chert

and siliceous shale succession at the northern end of Ko Yo in Songkhla Province (Igo, 1973).

Moreover, the Early Carboniferous radiolarian assemblage were reported from this Yaha Formation in west of the Saba Yoi area, Songkhla Province and the Kabang area, Yala Province

(Sashida et al., 2000 and 2002).

Various primary sedimentary structures in the coarser lithological units are indicated as a

near-shore environment of deposition, probably in either intertidal or upper subtidal zones. The

middle unit in this area is represented by shale and tuffaceous sandstone. The sequence may be

interpreted as having been deposited in the outer shelves, where winnowing process may have led

to the deposition of chert and finer-grained sediments. The existence of ribbon chert and siliceous

shale in the upper part of the formation may be due to the increasing supply of silica from

volcanic activities. The coarsening and thickening upwards, and fining and thinning upwards

sequences at the top part may represent the regressive and transgressive phases, respectively.

These phases may have been caused by fluctuation of sea level or tectonism or both in the Late

Carboniferous to probably Permian.

The Early Carboniferous radiolarian-bearing rocks west of Saba Yoi, consist of siliceous

shale. They are from lenticular rock bodies embedded in strongly sheared, alternating sandstone

and shale (Figure 24). These siliceous shales are thinly bedded, intercalated with siliceous

claystone of a few millimeters thick, and are usually dark grey or light grey in colour. In contrast

to the surrounding alternating beds of sandstone and shale, these radiolarian-bearing siliceous

shales have undergone weak shearing. Under microscopic observation, these siliceous shales are

composed of abundant radiolarian tests with a clay-size matrix. Scattered, angular detrital quartzs

are common. The origin of this siliceous shale is thought to be either an olistostrome or submarine

slides from surroundings Lower Carboniferous siliceous shale. The radiolarian fauna consists of

Entactinia variospina (Won), Entactinia cf. vulgaris Won, Entactinia sp., Astroentactinia

multispinosa (Won), Pylentonema cf. rachebeaufi Gourmelon, Triaenosphaera cf. hebes Won,

Archocytium lagabriellei Gourmelon, Polyfistula? grantmackiei Sashida, and Polyfistula? sp.,

among others. Except for the new species and unidentified species, this fauna is quite similar to

that in Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous) of France (Gourmelon, 1987), Germany (Braun, 1990),

southwestern China (Wang et al., 1998), Thailand (Sashida et al., 1998), and Peninsular Malaysia

(Spiller, 1996) (Figure 25).

Figure 17: Locality map of sample localities along the Highway 42. A. location of Early Carboniferous and

Early Triassic radiolarian-bearing siliceous rocks. B. Sketch map of Early Triassic radiolarian-bearing siliceous

shale. C and D. Sketch map of Early Carboniferous radiolarian-bearing siliceous shale at a quarry along the

Highway 42 (after Sashida et al., 2000).


Figure 18: Radiolarain from the Saba Yoi area, 1-3. Polyfistula? grantmackiei Sashida, 5-12. Entactinia vatiospina

(Won), 13, 15-18. Archocyrtium lagabriellei Gourmelon, 14. Pylentonema cf. racheboeufi Gourmelon, 19-21, 28.

Entactinia sp., 22, 23. Astroentactinia multispinosus (Won), 24, 27. Triaenosphaera cf. hebes (Won), 25, 26.

Entactinia cf. vulgaris Won. 1-3, 5, 8, 10-13, 15 17-19, 21, 24-27. 83; 6, 7, 9, 14, 16, 20, 22, 28.125; 23. 166

(after Sashida et al., 2000).

Furthermore, the Lower Carboniferous radiolarian fauna from the Saba Yoi-Kabang area,

southernmost part of peninsular Thailand were published by Sashida et al, (2002). Lower


Carboniferous radiolarians were found from two outcrops of the Yaha Formation. Outcrop 1 is

located at a road cut made for road construction (6o 29'370"N, 100

o 59'470" E). Rocks at this

outcrop consist of 10 m of a lower sandstone unit and upper black chert unit (Figure 26). The

sandstone unit is thickly bedded and consists of dark grey medium to fine-grained arenitic

sandstone with intercalated thin black shale layers. Black bedded chert, which conformably overlies the sandstone, is well bedded, several centimeters thick and is intercalated with thin

siliceous clay. The cherts are composed of abundant radiolarian tests with clay minerals and fine

authigenic quartz grains.

Outcrop 2 is located about 10 km southeast of Outcrop 1 (6o 25'391"N, 101

o 02'842" E). The

sequence is conformable and has the following lithostratigraphy in ascending order: grey to pale

grey thickly bedded sandstone (more than 3 m), black bedded chert (5 m), and dark grey thickly

bedded sandstone (more than 2 m) (Figure 26). The litholigical characteristics of the black bedded

chert and sandstones of Outcrop 2 are almost the same as in Outcrop 1. In Outcrop 2, however,

there is a 1 m brecciated chert in the upper part of the chert member. The brecciated chert consists

of angular to subangular breccias of chert in coarse-grained sandstone matrix. Maximum diameter

of most chert breccias and grains is less than 10 cm.

Figure 19: Sketch of outcrop and stratigraphic section at Outcrops 1 and 2, Yaha Formation, Kabang area,

Thailand. Note position of x-Saba5-9 samples (after Sashida et al., 2002).

These radiolarian-bearing rocks are thought to have been deposited in pelagic or hemipelagic

environments in the Palaeotethys Ocean. The radiolarian fauna consists of Albaillella deflandrei

Gourmelon, Archocyrtium tinnulum (Deflandre), Pylentonema antique Deflandre,

Stigmosphaerostylus variospina (Won), Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov, Astroentactinia

mirous Gourmelon, and others (Figures 27-29). These radiolarian species have been reported from

phophatic nodules from Montage Noire and central Pyrenees, France by Gourmelon (1987). The

age of this radiolarian fauna from France is well controlled by co-occurring conodonts and

ammonites. The radiolarian fauna of the Kabang area is assigned to the Albaillella deflandrei

Zone from Germany by Braun and Schmit-Effing (1993), with estimated as upper Tournaisian.

Moreover, radiolarian faunas that contain the above-listed species or similar forms are reported

from Germany (Braun 1990), southwestern China (Feng et al., 1997), southern China (Wu et al.,

1994), Thailand (Sashida et al., 1998, 2000), and Istanbul, Turkey (Holdsworth, 1973).


Figure 20: Radiolarian from the Yaha Formation, Kabang area, southernmost part of peninsular Thailand. 1-4, 7-

11. Albaillella deflandrei Gourmelon, 5-6. Albaillella sp., 12-13. Archocyrtium tinnulum Deflandre, 14-17, 20-22.

Pylentonema antique Deflandre, 18, 23-24. Stigmosphaerostylus variospina (Won). 19. Archocyrtium sp., 1113,

2150, 3163, 4152, 5176, 6128, 7 160, 8169, 9142, 10157, 11170, 12220, 13220, 14120,

15160, 16130, 17145, 18133, 19207, 20185, 21140, 22160, 23150, 24135 (after Sashida et al.,



Figure 21: Radiolarian from the Yaha Formation, Kabang area, southernmost part of peninsular Thailand. 1.

Spongentactinia? sp., 2. Pylentonema antique Defkandre, 3?, 11. Triaenophaera sicarius Deflandre, 4, 13.

Stigmoshaerostylus? sp., 5. Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov, 6, 14. Astroentactinia mirousi Gourmelon, 7?, 12.

Stigmosphaerostylus cf. vulagaris (Won), 8, 16, 20. Entactinia gen. et sp. indet. A., 9. Entactinaria gen. et sp. indet.

B., 10. Triloche cf. guangxiensis (Li and Wang), 15. Trilonche sp. B., 17. Entactinaria gen. et sp. indet. C., 18-19.

Trilonche sp. A. 1125, 2148, 3130, 4121, 5153, 6220, 7120, 8142, 9106, 10170, 11120,

12112, 13147, 14270, 15137, 1687, 17156, 18153, 19178, 2094 (after Sashida et al., 2002).


Figure 22: Radiolarian from the Yaha Formation, Kabang area, southernmost part of peninsular Thailand. 1.

Stigmosphaerostylus cf. crustescens (Foreman), 2, 6, 8-9, 11?. Pylentonema antique Deflandre, 3. Spullmellaria gen.

et sp. indet., 4, 7, 10. Triaenoshaera? sp., 5. Stigmosphaerostylus? sp., 12?, 15. Stigmosphaeostylus variospina

(Won), 14. Stigmosphaerostylus sp., 16. Palaeoscenidium sp. 1123, 2131, 3180, 4184, 5121, 6131,

7213, 8184, 9140, 10200, 11192, 12146, 13 , 14146, 15181, 16174 (after Sashida et al., 2002).

5.2.2 Khao Phra Formation

This Formation consists of dark-grey to black, partly fossiliferous shale (with the bryozoans

Fenestella sp. and Polypora sp. and the brachiopod Spirifer sp.); fine- to course-grained, poorly

sorted sandstone; and pebbly shale containing limestone. The formation is typically exposed at

Khao Phra, 8 km west of Ban Don Sai in the Khao Yoi area of Phetchaburi Province where it is

340 m thick. Its thickness is 520 m in the Kaeng Krachan Dam area (Ueno and Charoentitirat,



The Khao Phra Formation of the Kaeng Krachan Group along the Malaysia-Thailand border,

approximately 170-200 m thick, is composed predominantly of dark grey, fine- to very coarse-

grained, poorly sorted, moderately rounded, moderately cemented, thick-bedded and laminated

mudstone, shale, siltstone and pebbly mudstone. Pebbles consist of quartz, sandstone and shale.

Sandstone, liminated siltstone, mudstone and shale of the Khao Phra Formation are exposed in the vicinity of Ban Khao Rub Chang, Sadao District containing Spinomartinia sp., brachiopods. In

places, fusulinids are found. Spinomartinia sp. and other brachiopods, and fusulinids found in

mudstone in the vicinity of Ban Khao Rub Chang and Ban Khuan Pho indicate Early Permian age.

Medium- to thick-bedded sequence of mudstone, shale and siltstone suggests that this

formation was deposited in a rather quiet environment. Dark coloured rocks as well as the

presence of perfect isometric system of pyrite crystals embedded within this rock unit may

indicate a reducing environment. This implies that the deposition of the Khao Phra Formation was

probably taken place in a quite deep marine environment probably in the outer continental shelf.

However, there were some parts of the depositional basin that were relatively shallower as

indicated by the presence of bioturbation as a result of benthic faunas activities.

In the Hat Yai area, Kamata et al. (2009) reported the Middle Triassic and Late Permian

radiolarian faunas from 50 km west of Songkhla city in southern Thailand, the outcrops are well

exposed along Highway no. 4. In this area, well-bedded, Middle Triassic, radiolarian-bearing

chert stratigraphically overlies radiolarian-bearing, laminated Permian shale. The Permian shale

consists of interlayered brown shale, yellowish brown, silty shale, and black or brown shale with

calcareous nodules. The uppermost part of the shaley unit is siliceous and contains intercalated

chert layers very similar to the Triassic bedded chert. The dark-colored shale with calcareous

nodules may be equivalent to the ammonoid-bearing Permian shale elsewhere (Fujikawa et al.,

2005). Radiolarian fauna is composed of the Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage (Ladinian) and

the Follicuculus sholasticus Assemblage (late Guadalupian) (Figure 30). The depositional

environment was likely restricted to the vicinity of the Sibumasu continental slope or rise.

Figure 23: Measured stratigraphic sections of studied

sections, northwest of Hat Yai (Kamata et al., 2009).


5.2.3 Na Thawi Formation

The rock unit, 100 to 250 m thick, consists of rhythmic alternation of sandstone and shale or

mudstone. In addition, unmappable chert beds had also been reported in the upper part of this unit.

Generally, the rocks are light grey in colour, parallel bedded ranging from 10 to 50 cm in

thickness. The graded bedding sandstone shows sharp base grading upward to the overlying shale

or mudstone. Primary sedimentary structures, such as scour and ripple marks and load structures

can be observed at the top part of sandstone beds. The prominent sandstone of the Na Thawi

Formation is medium- to coarse-grained, typically poorly sorted and can be classified as quartz

arenite, litharenite, sublitharenite, graywacke and lithic graywacke. The dominant non-preferred

orientation grains of quartz, chert and rock fragments are generally subangular to subrounded and

moderate to high sphericity while the interstitial matrix consists of silt-size quartz and clay.

Feldspars are very rare and are completely altered, mainly to clay minerals and sericite.

Thick-bedded sandstone, with overall thickness up to 10 m crops out in the Na Thawi

(Thailand) area. The sandstone beds, ranging from 0.5 to 1 m thick, are interbedded with thin-

bedded shale. The argilliceous rocks of the formation consist predominantly of shale and

mudstone with minor siliceous shale. Generally, the rocks are dark grey when fresh and pale grey

when weathered. The well laminated shale, 1 cm to 1 m thick, is normally interbedded with

sandstone. Coarsening upwards sequences of sandstone can be recognised at the place where the

conglomerate occurs as beds or lenses intercalated within the NaThawi Formation. It is

characterised by a sequence grading from sandstone to conglomeratic sandstone and eventually

conglomerate. Grant-Mackie et al. (1980) reported the presence of the Triassic bivalve Daonella

sp., which can be observed in the Na Thawi area, Songkhla Province. During the Middle to Late

Triassic, the depositional environment of the Na Thawi Formation was assigned as the basin

which dominated the outer (distal) submarine fan environment. The Triassic radiolarian-bearing

rocks from the Saba Yoi and Chana areas, Songkhla Province are belonging to the Na Thawi


The Middle Triassic radiolarian faunas were reported from 50 km west of Songkhla city in

the Hat Yai area, the outcrops are well exposed along Highway no. 4 (Kamata et al., 2009). Well-

bedded, Middle Triassic, radiolarian-bearing chert stratigraphically overlies radiolarian-bearing,

laminated Permian shale. Radiolarian fauna is composed of the Triassocampe deweveri

Assemblage (Ladinian) (Figure 31). The depositional environment was likely restricted to the

vicinity of the Sibumasu continental slope or rise.

The Early Triassic radiolarian-bearing rocks crop out in the Highway 42 road cut west of

Saba Yoi area, Songkhla Province having strongly folded and faulted beds (Sashida et al., 2000).

Siliceous shale alternating sandstone and shale beds are dark grey to pale grey. The sandstone is

fine-grained, poorly-sorted, and has abundant fragments that are mostly monocrystalline quartz

grains with a minor amount of feldspar. The shale portion consists mostly of siliceous shale

layers. Small scale sedimentary structures such as gradation and cross-laminations are evident.

The radiolarians include Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Sashida, P. okuchichibuensis (Sashida),

Archaeosemantis venusta Sashida, Heptacladus ? sp., Plafkerium ? sp., Spumellaria gen. et sp.

indet. A, and Tetrahopalus ? sabayoiensis Sashida (Figure 32 ). This radiolarian fauna is

comparable to the Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Assemblages from Mt. Kinkazan, Gifu

Prefecture, central Japan by Sugiyama (1992). Regarding the age of the Parentactinia

nakatsugawaensis Assemblages, Sugiyama (1992) recovered conodonts representing the

Neospathodus homeri Assemblage of Koike (1981). Although, the radiolarian-bearing rocks in the

Saba Yoi area did not contain conodont, the radiolarian fauna is assigned to the upper Olenekian

to lower Anisian (Triassic) by Sashida et al. (2000).

The Middle Triassic radiolarian-bearing chert is in a quarry northwest of Chana,

Songkhla Province. Although pale green of light grey cherts occur locally this chert is mostly red


and dark grey. These cherts are well bedded and have several centimeters thick, with intercalated

siliceous claystone partings that are a few millimeters thick. Under microscopic observation, the

chert is composed of abundant radiolarian tests within clay minerals and, rarely, with fine-grained

iron oxides. Terrigenous materials coarser than clay are absent, except for occasional thick to thin

intercalations of sandstone. Most of these sandstone layers are composed of fine- to medium-grained lithic greywacke. No radiolarians are known from the sandstone layers. These radiolarian

cherts may have deposited in the Palaeotethys Ocean. Identified radiolarians are Eptingium

manfredi Dumitrica, Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura), and T. scalaris

Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler, Yeharaia ? sp., Paratriassocampe ? sp., Pararuesticyrtium sp.,

Syringocapsa ? sp. and others (Figures 33). These radiolarian faunas are comparable to that of the

middle to upper subzone of the Spongosilicarmiger italicus Zone of Kozur and Mostler (1994) in

Middle Triassic interval.

Figure 24: Triassic radiolarian from the Hat Yai area, Songkhla Province. 1. Triassocampe coronata Bragin, 2. T.

deweveri Nakaseko and Nishimura, 3. Pseudotriassocampe? sp., 4. Pseudostylosphaera sp., 5. P. cf. hellenicum, 6.

Pantanellium? sp., 7. Eptingium cf. nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, 8. Cryptostephanidium? sp., 9. Eptingiidae gen. et.

indet., 10. Hozmadia cf. reticulate Dumitrica, 11. Triassobipedis? sp., 12. Plafkerium? sp., 13. Stauracontium

trispinosa Dumitrica et al., 14. Staurosphaera? sp., 15. Triassobipedis? sp., 16. Pentactinocarpus sp., 17.

Entactinaria gen. et. sp. indet., 18. Archaeospongoprunum mesotriassicum Kozur and Mostler (scale: 1-7, 9, 12-14,

17= 1cm:50µm; 8, 10, 11, 15-16, 18= 1cm:30µm) (after Sardsud and Saengsrichan, 2002)


Figure 25: Triassic radiolarian from the Saba Yoi area, Songkhla Province. 1-7. Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis

Sashida, 8-10. Parentactinia okuchichibuensis (Sashida), 11. Archaeosemantis venusta Sashida, 12, 13,

Tetrarhopalus? Sabayoiensis Sashida, 14-17. Heptacladus? sp., 18, 19. Spumellaria gen. et sp. indet. A, 20, 21.

Plafkerium? sp., 22-24. Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica, 25, 26. Eptingium sp., 27. Pseudostylosphaera sp. A, 28, 30.

Pseudostylosphaera sp. B, 31. Oerlispongidae gen. et sp. indet. 31.62; 7, 12-17, 22- 30. 83; 1- 6, 8-11, 18-

21.125; 2.166 (after Sashida et al., 2000).


Figure 26: Triassic radiolarian from the Chana area, Songkhla Province. 1-5, 7, 8, 11-13, 22-25, 27, 28.

Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura), 6, 9, 14-18, 29, 30. Triassocampe scalaris Dumitrica, Kozur, and

Mostler, 10, 26, 31, 32. Triassocampe sp., 19, 20, 21. Paratriassocampe? Sp., 33. Pararuesticyrtium sp., 34.

Yeharaia? sp., 35. Pentactinocarpus sp., 36. Syringocapsa? sp., 25, 62; 4, 5, 8, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 32,

36.83; 1- 3, 6, 7, 9-16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33- 35. 125 (after Sashida et al., 2000).


5.2.4 Chaiburi Formation

Ampornmaha (1995) proposed the Chaiburi Formation for the Triassic limestone in the

Phatthalung Province. The Chaiburi Formation is named after the largest carbonate mountain in

the Phatthalung area, and is subdivided into the Phukhaothong Dolomite, Chiak Limestone and

Phanomwong Limestone Members, in ascending order. The Chaiburi Formation includes five

microfacies with a total thickness of at least 400-500 m. These carbonate rocks grades from

dolomite, laminated mudstone and bioclastic packstone/grainstone in ascending order. The

microfacies change observed in the Chaiburi Formation shows that the depositional environment

shifted from lower to high energy and from deep to shallow conditions. This change of

depositional environment resulted from progradation of the carbonated platform during the

Triassic. The conodonts indicate Early Triassic age for the Phukhaothong Dolomite and late Early

to Middle Triassic for the Chiak Limestone. The Schleratinian corals, foraminifers, and some

molluscs found on the top of the Chaiburi Formation indicate a Canian age (early Late Triassic).

The Chiak Limestone Member conformably overlies the Phukaothong Dolomite Member.

The thickness of this member at its type section is about 300 m. It is comporsed of grey to dark

grey, thinly to thickly bedded limestone. Some beds are laminated and many chert layers, nodules

and lenses are intercalated. This unit also contains some fossils such as radiolarians, ostracods,

gastropods echinoderms etc. Microfacies of this member are laminated mudstone and bioclastic

mudstone. The lithology and fabric of these two microfacies including micritic matrix, laminated

to unlaminated fabric, indicate low energy depositional environment conditions. Radiolarians are

abundant and concentrated near laminations in some levels. This Chiak Limestone Member yields

many conodonts species, such as: Neospathodus homeri (Bender), Neospathodus timorensis

(Nogami), Neohindeodella aequiramosa Kozur and Mostler (Figure 34), Neospathodus kockeli

(Tatge), Neogondolella bulgarica (Budurov and Stefanov). These conodonts indicate the interval

of Spathian to middle Anisian (latest Early to Middle Triassic). The age of the upper part,

bioclastic mudstone of the Chiak Limestone Member should be at least the same or younger.

Hence the age of the upper part of this member is probably middle to late Anisian (early Middle

Triassic) or up to the Ladinian (late Middle Triassic). Furthermore, this part underlies the Canian

Phanomwang Limestone Member.

Sashida and Igo (1992) reported the Triassic radiolarian fauna from a limestone outcrop

exposed at Khao Chiak near the city area of Phatthalung Province, southern Thailand. Limestones

distributed around the Phatthalung area have been regarded as the southern extension of the

Permian Ratburi Limestone. However, Igo et al. (1988) and Ampornmaha (1995) reported the

occurrence of Triassic conodonts from a limestone outcrop exposed at the Khao Chiak. Recently,

this Triassic limestone was assigned to the Chaiburi Formation (Ampornmaha, 1995).

Khao Chiak, one of these isolated limestone hills, is located 5 to 6 km west of the city area of

Phatthalung and is mostly thickly covered by heavy tropical scrubby vegetation. This limestone

generally strikes N-S and dips 30 to 80 degree eastward and is characteristically thin bedded,

frequently laminated, fine-grained, pale grey to dark grey and partly pinkish to maroon. However,

dark grey to transparent, cobble- to pebble-size characteristics are lenticulated in the micritic part.

Stylolites developed mostly parallel with a bedding plane are very common in micritic limestone.

Macrofossils are rare throughout this limestone, but fragments of small-sized gastropods and

bivalves can be occasionally seen in several levels.

Radiolarian fauna is composed of Entactinia nikorni Sashida and Igo, Entactinosphaera

chiakensis Sashida and Igo, Polyentactinia? phatthalungensis Sashida and Igo, Archaeothamnulus

sp., Thaisphaera minuta Sashida and Igo, Hozmadia? sp. (Figures 35-38). This radiolarian fauna

was assigned to be Entactinia nikorni assemblage of upper Olenekian to lower Anisian (Triassic)

by Sashida and Igo (1992). Many genera and species attributed to the family Actinommidae were

recorded from Triassic limestones in the Europearn Tethys by Kozur and Mostler (1981). An


unidentified species of the genus Archaeothamnulus from Khao Chiak has a close similarity with

Archaeothamnulus pterostephanus Dumitrica from the Middle Triassic limestone of Europe. The

genus Hozmadia is also an important constituent of the Middle Triassic radiolarian faunas

(Dumitrica et al., 1980; Kozur and Mostler, 1981). This radiolarian fauna has both Palaeozoic and

Mesozoic affinities, but is less similar to that described from Early Triassic chert of the Kanto Mountains (Sashida, 1991) except for one spicule-type palaeoscenid and tripod Nassellaria.

Concerning paleogeographical significance, this Triassic radiolarian fauna can be expected to

have affinities of transition between high-latitude Southern Hemisphere and Tethys faunas. The

Triassic radiolarian fauna of the high-latitudes of Southern Hemisphere and southeastern Asian

Tethys is very sparse. Moreover, Ampornmaha (1995) established the microfacies of this Triassic

limestone (Chaiburi Formation) that shows depositional environments gradually changed from

lower to higher energy conditions as a result of progradation of a carbonate platform. This

limestone monoclinally dips E, but biostratigraphic evidence shows that the formation is

structurally repeated several times in the Phatthalung area. Thus faulting may reflect the

geotectonic development of the Sibumasu terrane.

Figure 27: Conodont from Khao Chiak Limestone. 1, 2, Neospathodus homeri (Bender). 3. Neospathodus

timorensis (Nogami). 4. Neohindeodella aequiramosa Kozur and Mostler. Scale bars =100µm; A applies to 1, 3 B

to2, 6, 7 and C to 4, 5 (after Sashida and Igo, 1992).


Figure 28: Radiolarians from Khao Chiak limestone. 1-12, Entactinia nikorni Sashida and Igo. 13-15, Hozmadia?

sp. Scale bar =10 µm; A applies to 2, 4, 7, 9-11, B to 3, 5, 6, 12, C to 1, 14, and D to 13 (after Sashida and Igo, 1992).


Figure 29: 1-7, 9, 10, 15, Entactinosphaera chiakensis Sashida and Igo, 8, 11-14, 16, 17, Thaisphaera minuta

Sashida and Igo. Scale bar, A to C =100 µm, D= 10µm; A applies to 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, B to 5, 8, 11, 12, C to 13, 14, 16,

17, and D to 15 (after Sashida and Igo, 1992).


Figure 30: 1-15, Polyentactinia? phatthalungensis Sashida and Igo. Scale bar = 100µm; A applies to 1, 2, 6, 7, 9,

14, 15, B to 3-5, 8, 10-12 and C to 13 (after Sashida and Igo, 1992).


Figure 31: 1, 2 Archaeothamnulus sp., 3-5. Fish teeth. 6-8 holothurian sclerites. Scale bar, A and B equal to 100

µm; A applies to 1, 3-8 and B to 2 (after Sashida and Igo, 1992).



6.1 Carboniferous

6.1.1 Malaysian side

Albaillella deflandrei Zone

According to Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2006), radiolarians assemblage discovered along

the border security road near Lepang Nenering, Pengkalan Hulu, Upper Perak belongs to the

Albaillella deflandrei Zone of Braun and Schmidt-Effing (1993). It is late Tournaisian, Tn3 Early

Carboniferous in age. The presence of Archocyrtium lagabreillei Gourmelon, Archocyrtium

pulchrun Braun, Archocyrtium venustum Cheng, Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov,

Stigmosphaerostylus vulgaris (Won), Astroentactinia mirousi Gourmelon, Astroentactinia

multispinosa Won, Ceratoikiscum berggreni Gourmelon, Stigmosphaerostylus tortispina

(Ormiston and Lane), and Pylentonema antiqua Deflandre (Figure 39) suggests this faunal

assemblage belongs to Albaillella deflandrei Zone (Noble et al., 2008), see Figure 14.

Figure 32: Albaillella deflandrei assemblage zone, Tournaisian, Early Carboniferous discovered at border

security road, Lepang Nenering, Upper Perak (after Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011); 9. Archocyrtium

lagabriellei Gourmelon (100μm); 10. Archocyrtium pulchrum Braun (50μm); 11. Archocyrtium venustum Cheng

(100μm); 12. Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov (100μm); 13. Stigmosphaerostylus vulgaris (Won)( 75μm);

14. Astroentactinia mirousi Gourmelon (100μm); 15. Astroentactinia multispinosa Won (75μm); 16.

Ceratoikiscum berggreni Gourmelon (100μm); 17. Stigmosphaerostylus tortispina (Ormiston and Lane) (75μm);

18. Pylentonema antiqua Deflandre (100μm).


Albaellella indensis Zone to Latentifistula concentric Zone

Refering to Braun andSchmidt-Effing (1993), radiolarian Entactinia variospina (Won) that

had been discovered from the chert of the Kubang Pasu Formation at Bukit Telaga Jatoh, northern

Kedah belongs to the Albaellella indensis Zone (Tournaisian) to Latentifistula concentric Zone

(Visean) of Early Carboniferous age (Basir Jasin (1995).

The occurrence of short ranging species Cubaxonium? oectaedrospongiosum, Callella

hexatinia, Entactinia inaequoporosa, and Duplexia parviperforata in the chert at Bukit Binjal,

Kedah, indicates that the assemblage belongs to Albaillella indensis-rota Zone of Won (1998).

This assemblage indicates late Tournaisian age, Early Carboniferous (Basir Jasin and Zaiton

Harun, 2001). Stratigraphic distribution of selected Carboniferous taxa is shown in Figure 40.

Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun (2011) reported the presence of Stigmosphaerostylus

variospina, Callela hexatinia, Entactinia inaequoporosa and Cubaxonium? Octaedrospongiosum

(see Figure 11) of Albaillella indensis Zone, late Tournaisian - early Visean of Early

Carboniferous (Won, 1990). Stigmosphaerostylus variospina (Won) and Callela hexatinia Won

were also found at outcrops at Bukit Kamelong, Kedah and Bukit Tuntung, Perlis. This

assemblage may represent the same age.

Albaillella pseudoparadoxa Zone

Refering to Won (1998), radiolarian Entactinia variospina with two, three, four and five

spines in the chert at Bukit Binjal in Kedah belong to Albaillella pseudoparadoxa Zone of

Tournaisian age (Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2001).

Figure 33: Stratigraphic distribution of selected Carboniferous taxa occurred at Bukit Binjal, Kedah (after Basir

Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2001).

6.1.2 Thai side

The Early Carboniferous radiolarian faunas were reported from two localities in southern

Thailand such as, the Saba Yoi area in Songkhla Province (Sashida et al., 2000) and the Kabang


area in Yala Province (Sashida et al., 2002). The radiolarian fauna of the Saba Yoi area is quite

similar to that of the Entactinia variospina assemblage in Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous) of

Thailand by Sashida et al. (1998). Moreover, the radiolarian fauna from the Kabang area, Yala

Province was assigned to the Albaillella deflandrei Zone of Germany (Braun and Schmit-Effing,

1993), suggesting upper Tournaisian age.

Entactinia variospina Assemblage Zone

This radiolarian fauna is defined by the co-ocurence of Entactinia variospina (Won),

Entactinia cf. vulgaris Won, Entactinia sp., Astroentactinia multispinosa (Won), Pylentonema cf.

rachebeaufi Gourmelon, Triaenosphaera cf. hebes Won, Archocytium lagabriellei Gourmelon,

Polyfistula? grantmackiei Sashida, and Polyfistula? sp., among others (see Figure 25). Except for

the new species and unidentified species, this fauna is quite similar to that in Tournaisian (Early

Carboniferous) of France (Gourmelon, 1987), Germany (Braun, 1990), southwestern China

(Wang et al., 1998), Thailand (Sashida et al., 1998), and Peninsular Malaysia (Spiller, 1996). The

top of this zone is defined by the first appearance of Albaillella deflandrei Gourmelon.

Albaillella deflandrei Zone

The base of this zone is marked by the first appearance of Albaillella deflandrei Gourmelon.

Radiolarian fauna of this zone is composed of diversified radiolarians including Archocyrtium

tinnulum (Deflandre), Pylentonema antique Deflandre, Stigmosphaerostylus variospina (Won),

Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov, Astroentactinia mirous Gourmelon, and others (see Figures

27-29). These radiolarian species have been reported from phosphatic nodules from Montage

Noire and central Pyrenees, France by Gourmelon (1987). The age of the radiolarian fauna from

France is well controlled by co-occurring conodonts and ammonites. The radiolarian fauna of the

Kabang area is assigned to the Albaillella deflandrei Zone from Germany by Braun and Schmit-

Effing (1993), indicative of upper Tournaisian. Moreover, radiolarian faunas that contain the

above-listed species or similar forms are reported from Germany (Braun 1990), southwestern

China (Feng et al., 1997), southern China (Wu et al., 1994), Thailand (Sashida et al., 1998;

Sashida et al., 2000), and Istanbul, Turkey (Holdsworth, 1973).

6.2 Permian

6.2.1 Malaysian side

Pseuodoalbailella scalprata m. rhombothoracata Assemblage Zone

Basir Jasin (1996) reported that the occurrence of radiolarian assemblage belongs to the

Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata Zone of Wolfcampian stage (Early Permian). in

the chert sequence of the lowermost part of the Cherty unit at Bukit Kampong Yoi and Bukit

Larek in the vicinity of Pokok Sena town. This zone is characterised by Pseuodoalbaillella

scalprata m. rhombothoracata Ishiga, Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. scalprata Ishiga and

Pseuodoalbaillella elongata Ishiga and Imoto (Basir Jasin, 1997 and 2003). Other species

discovered in this zone are Albailella cf. asymmetrica Ishiga and Imoto, and Ruzhencevispongus


In Kuala Ketil area, Basir Jasin et al. (2005) recorded the occurrence of Pseuodoalbaillella

scalprata m. rhombothoracata Ishiga, Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. scalprata Ishiga,


Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. postscalprata Ishiga, Pseuodoalbaillella cf. lomentaria Ishiga

and Imoto, Latentifistula sp., Latentifistula cf. patagilaterala, Ruzhencevispongus sp.,

Quinqueremis sp. and Entactinia sp. (Figure 41). This faunal assemblage zone is assigned as

Sakmarian, late Early Permian (Ishiga, 1986). This zone is the oldest zone discovered in the chert

of the Semanggol Formation (now the chert sequence is taken out from the formation and known as the Cherty unit).

Figure 34: Radiolarian assemblage of the Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata Zone (after Basir

Jasin, 2005):

1,2. Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. scalprata Ishiga (100 µm)

3,4. Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. postscalprata Ishiga (100 µm)

5,6. Pseuodoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata Ishiga (140 µm)

7. Pseuodoalbaillella cf. lomentaria Ishiga and Imoto (130 µm)

8. Latentifistula cf. patagilaterala Nazarov and Ormiston (126 µm)

9. Ruzhencevispongus sp. (115 µm)

10. Quinqueremis sp. (120 µm)

11. Latentifistula sp. (100 µm)

12. Entactinia sp. (120 µm)

Pseuodoalbailella longtanensis Assemblage Zone

Basir Jasin (2008) reported the discovery of the Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Assemblage

Zone from the Cherty unit exposed at Bukit Yoi, Pokok Sena, Kedah. The radiolarian faunas

consist of Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Sheng and Wang, Pseudoalbaillella aidensis Nishimura

and Ishiga, Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis (Holdsworth and Jones) (Figure 42, nos. 1-6)). Other taxa


recorded are Pseudoalbaillella cf. longicornis and Pseudoalbaillella sp. The zone represents

Kungurian age (Middle Permian).

Pseudoalbaillella globosa Assemblage Zone

The Pseudoalbaillella globosa Assemblage Zone is found in the Cherty unit exposed at Bukit

Yoi, Pokok Sena, Kedah (Basir Jasin, 2008). The faunal assemblage zone is characterized by the

abundance of the zonal marker, Pseudoalbaillella globosa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto together with

Pseudoalbaillella yanaharensis Nishimura and Ishiga, Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis (Holdsworth

and Jones), Latentifistula texana Nazarov and Ormiston, and Raciditor inflata (Sashida and

Tonishi) (Figure 42, nos. 7-12). Pseudoalbaillella globosa occurs from the late Pseudoalbaillella

longtanensis Zone to the Follicucullus monacanthus Zone. Pseudoalbaillella yanaharensis is a

good indicator for the zone (Jin Yugan et al., 1994). The zone represents Roadian age of Middle

Permian (Basir Jasin, 2008).

Figure 35: Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis and Pseudoalbaillella globosa zones late Early Permian and early

Middle Permian respectively. (Scale bar = 100μm) (after Basin Jasin, Basir 2008).

1., 2. Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Sheng and Wang

3., 4. Pseudoalbaillella aidensis Nishimura and Ishiga

5., 6. Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis (Holdsworth and Jones)

7., 8. Pseudoalbaillella globosa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto.

9., 10. Pseudoalbaillella yanaharensis Nishimura and Ishiga

11. Latentifistula texana Nazarov and Ormiston

12. Raciditor inflata (Sashida and Tonishi).


Follicucullus monacanthus Assemblage Zone

Late Middle Permian radiolarians fauna including Follicuculus monacanthus Ishiga and

Imoto had been discovered in an allochthonous siliceous limestone block embedded in siliceous

shale in the upper part of the Cherty unit at Bukit Barak near Pokok Sena, Kedah (Sashida et al.,


In the Kuala Ketil area, Basir Jasin et al. (2005) recorded the abundance of Follicucullus

monacanthus Ishiga and Imoto with some Entactinia sp. and Quadriremis sp. (Figure 43,

nos. 1 and 2) in thinly bedded chert. This zone is assigned to Wordian (Middle Permian) by Basir

Jasin et al.,( 2005).

Follicucullus porrectus Assemblage Zone

This zone is characterized by the occurrence of the zonal marker Follicucullus porrectus

Rudenko (Basir Jasin et al., 2005). Follicucullus scholasticus Ormiston and Babcock and

Follicucullus elongatus are most common species in this zone. Quinqueremis sp. and Entactinia

sp. are very rare (Figure 43, nos. 3-9). This assemblage indicates Capitanian to Wuchiapingian,

late Middle Permian to early Late Permian age (Basir Jasin et al., 2005).

Figure 36: Radiolarian assemblage of the Follicucullus monacanthus and Follicucullus porrectus Zones (after

Basir Jasin, 2005):

1, 2. Follicucullus monacanthus Ishiga and Imoto (100 µm)

3, 4, 5. Follicucullus porrectus Rudenko (120 µm)

6, 7. Follicucullus scholasticus Ormiston and Babcock

8, 9. Follicucullus elongatus Spiller (115 µm)

10. Triplanospongos cf. musachiensis Sashida and Tonishi (135 µm)

11. Quinquiremis sp. (135 µm)


Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Assemblage Zone

This zone is defined by the occurrence of Neoalbaillella cfr. ornithoformis and spumellarians

including Entactinosphaera pseudocimelia Sashida and Tonishi, Nazarovella gracilis De Wever

and Caridroit, Nazarovella inflata Sashida and Tonishi, and Triplanospongos musashiensis

Sashida and Tonishi (Sashida et al., 1995). These faunas had been discovered in the chert beds

exposed at Bukit Nyan, Kedah.

In Kuala Ketil area, Basir Jasin et al. (2005) reported that this zone is characterized by the

occurrence of Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Takemura and Nakaseko, The age of Neoalbaillella

ornithoformis Zone are considered to be Wuchiapigian of Late Permian (Basir Jasin et al., 2005).

Neoalbaillella optima Assemblage Zone

At Bukit Nyan, Kedah, this zone is characterised by the joint occurrence of Albailella

triangularis and Neoalbaillella optima (Sashida et al., 1995). Radiolarian fauna which is quite similar to that of Neoalbaillella optima Assemblage Zone (Wuachipigian to Changhsingian of

Upper Permian) occurs in the Gerik Formation (Mat Niza Abdul Rahman et al., 2012).

Follicucullus scholasticus Assemblage Zone

Spiller and Metcalfe (1995a) reported the occurrence of Follicucullus scholasticus Ormiston

and Babcock morphotype I and Follicucullus scholasticus Ormiston and Babcock morphotype II

from the Follicucullus scholasticus Zone of Ishiga (1990) indicates Late Permian age

(Guadalupian). Mat Niza Abdul Rahman et al. (2012) reported the occurrence of Follicucullus

scholasticus Ormiston and Babcock in the chert of the Gerik Formation in the Gerik area.

Albailella levis Assemblage Zone

This zone is characterised by Albailella levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto, Albailella triangularis

Ishiga, Kito and Imoto, Albailella excelsa Ishiga, Kito and Imoto, and Follicucullus ventricocus

Ormiston and Babcock (Basir Jasin, 1997 and 2003). These species indicate Late Permian age.

Other species within this zone are Neoalbailella cf. ornithoformis Takemura and Nakaseko,

Neoalbailella cf. pseudogrypus Sashida and Tonishi, Neoalbailella sp., Entactinosphaera sp.,

Triplanospongos musashiensis Sashida and Tonoshi, Nazarovella inflata Sashida and Tonoshi,

Octatormentum sp. and Copicyntra sp.

In the Gerik area, Mat Niza Abdul Rahman et al. (2012) reported the occurrence of Albailella

levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto and Triplanospongos sp. in the chert of the Gerik Formation.

6.2.2 Thai side

Follicuculus sholasticus Assemblage Zone

This zone is defined by the occurrence of the nominal species Follicuculus scholasticus

Ormiston and Babcock and associated with others speices that similar radiolarian fauna has been

reported from Japan (e.g. Ishiga, 1990), eastern Thailand (Sashida et. al, 1997) and Oregon

(Blome and Reed, 1992). The age of this zone is estimated through the interval of the latest

Middle to earliest Late Permian (Capitanian to Wuchiapingian) based on the occurrence of


radiolarian species which are recorded from the Gaudalupian Lamar Limestone of Texas by

Ormiston and Babcock (1979), and biostratigraphic study by Ishiga (1986). These Permian

radiolarians were reported from Hat Yai area, Songkhla Province (Kamata et al., 2009).

6.3 Triassic

6.3.1 Malaysian side

Basir Jasin et al., 2005 reported that the Triassic radiolarian faunas in Malaysia belong to

Entactinosphaera chiakensis Assemblage Zone, Triassocampe coronata Assemblage Zone,

Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage Zone, and Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Assemblage Zone.

The Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy is summarized in Figure 44 (after Basir Jasin et al., 2005)

and described below.

Figure 37: Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy (after Basir Jasin et al., 2005).

Entactinosphaera chiakensis Assemblage Zone

Basir Jasin et al. (2005) who studied in detail the chert sequence that exposed in Kuala

Ketil area reported that this zone is characterized by the presence of Entactinosphaera chiakensis

Sashida and Igo, Thaisphaera cf. minuta Sashida and Igo, Cenosphaera andoi Sugiyama,

Archaeosemantis cristiaensis Dumitrica (Figure 45, nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5), Archaeosemantis sp.,

Entactinia sp., Entactinosphaera sp., Thaisphaera sp. and Parentactinia sp.. This assemblage is

Early Triassic in age.

Triassocampe coronata Assemblage Zone

In the chert sequence exposed in the Kuala Ketil area, Basir Jasin et al. (2005) reported that

this zone is characterized by the existence of Triassocampe coronate Bragin. Other species


occurred in this zone are Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Eptingium

manfredi Dumitrica, Acanthosphaera awaensis (Nakaseko and Nishimura) (Figure 45, nos. 6-9),

and Acanthosphaera sp. The age of this assemblage is middle Anisian, Middle Triassic.

Figure 38: Entactinosphaera chiakensis and Triassocampe coronata Zones, late Early Triassic and early Middle

Triassic respectively (after Basir Jasin et al., 2005). Scale bar is indicated in parentheses.

1. Entactinosphaera chiakensis Sashida and Igo (100 μm)

2. Entactinia nikorni Sashida and Igo (50 μm)

3. Thaisphaera minuta Sashida and Igo (100 μm)

4. Cenosphaera andoi Sugiyama (90 μm)

5. Archaeosemantis cristianensis Dumitrica (100 μm)

6. Triassocampe coronata Bragin (100 μm)

7. Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura) (200μm)

8. Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica (100 μm)

9. Acanthosphaera awaensis Nakaseko and Nishimura (115 μm).

Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage Zone

Basir Jasin (1997) identified 14 radiolarian taxa within this zone which indicate the Anisian-

Ladinian of Middle Triassic age. This zone is characterized by Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko

and Nishimura), Pseudostylosphaera compacta (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Pseudostylosphaera

japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura), and Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica. Other species

discovered are Pseudostylosphaera coccostyla (Rüst), Pseudostylosphaera compacta (Nakaseko

and Nishimura), Pseudostylosphaera magnispinosa Yeh, Parasepsagon cf. asymetricus Kozur

and Mostler, Parasepsagon variabilis (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica,


Triassistephanidium laticornis Dumitrica, Busuanga sp., Hozmadia rotunda (Nakaseko and

Nishimura), Acanthosphaera awaensis Nakaseko and Nishimura, Heliosoma sp. and

Triassocampe sp.

Spiller (2002) recorded the occurrence of middle Anisian to late Ladinian radiolarians

belonging to Triassocampe coronata Zone in the Kuala Nerang area and Triassocampe deweveri Zone in the Bukit Tembaga area, Kedah.

In the Kuala Ketil area, Basir Jasin et al. (2005) reported that this faunal assemblage zone is

characterised by the presence of Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica, Triassocampe deweveri

(Nakaseko and Nishimura), Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura),

Pseudostylosphaera tenue (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Pseudostylosphaera coccostyla (Rüst),

Acanthosphaera awaensis Nakaseko and Nishimura, Triassocampe sp., Oertlispongus

inaequispinosus Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler, and Acanthosphaera sp. (Figure 46).

Triassocampe deweveri Zone is assigned as middle to late Anisian in age (Basir Jasin et al.,

2005). This zone also had been identified at Bukit Tembaga (Basir Jasin, 1994; Spiller and

Metcalfe, 1995), Pokok Pauh (Basir Jasin, 1994, 1997) and Merbau Pulas (Basir Jasin, 1994).

Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Assemblage Zone

Basir Jasin et al. (2005) reported the presence of this faunal assemblage zone is in the chert

exposed in the Kuala Ketil area. It is characterized by the occurrences of Oertlispongus

inaequispinosus Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler, Muelleritortis cochleata (Nakaseko and

Nishimura), Triassocampe annulata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Baumgartneria retrospina

Dumitrica, Baumgartneria lata Kozur and Mostler, Triassocampe scalaris Dumitrica, Kozur and

Mostler, Parasepsagon variabilis (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Acanthosphaera awaensis

(Nakaseko and Nishimura), Canoptum sp., Acanthosphaera sp. and Sarla sp. (Figure 46). This

assemblage represents Ladinian age of Middle Triassic (Basir Jasin et al., 2005).


Figure 39: Triassocampe deweveri and Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Zones, Middle Triassic. (Scale bar is

indicated in parentheses).

1, 2. Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura) (100 μm)

3. Triassocampe scalaris Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler (100 μm)

4. Pseudostylosphaera tenui (Nakaseko and Nishimura) (100 μm)

5. Pseudostylosphaera japonica (Nakaseko and Nishimura) (100 μm)

6. Pseudostylosphaera coccostyla (Rüst) (100 μm)

7. Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica (130 μm)

8, 9. Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler (100 μm)

10. Muelleritortis cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura)(120 μm)

11. Triassocampe annulata (Nakaseko and Nishimura) (100 μm)

12. Baumgartneria retrospina Dumitrica (90 μm)

13. Baumgartneria lata Kozur and Mostler (90 μm)

14. Acanthosphaera awaensis Nakaseko and Nishimura (100 μm)

6.3.2 Thai side

Triassic radiolarians have been discovered within four localities in southern Thailand such as

the Chana, Saba Yoi and Hat Yai areas of Songkhla Province and Phatthalung areas. The

radiolarian fauna from the Chana and Saba Yoi areas, Songkhla Province (Sashida et al., 2000) is


comparable to the middle to upper subzone of the Spongosilicarmiger italicus Zone of Kozur and

Mostler (1994) in Middle Triassic interval, and the Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Assemblages

(upper Olenekian to lower Anisian) from Mt. Kinkazan, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan (Sugiyama,

1992). Furthermore, the Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage (Middle Triassic) has been reported

in the Hat Yai area, Songkhla Province (Kamata et al., 2004, 2009). Radiolarian fauna from Khao Chaik limestone in Phatthalung Province were assigned to be the Entactinia nikorni assemblage of

upper Olenekian to lower Anisian (Triassic) by Sashida and Igo (1992).

Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Assemblages Zone

This zone is defined by the occurrence of Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Sashida, P.

okuchichibuensis (Sashida), Archaeosemantis venusta Sashida, Heptacladus? sp., Plafkerium? sp.,

Spumellaria gen. et sp. indet. A, and Tetrahopalus? sabayoiensis Sashida (see Figure 32). This

radiolarian fauna is recognized in the Saba Yoi area, Songkhla Province (Sashida et al., 2000) and

comparable to the Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Assemblages from Mt. Kinkazan, Gifu

Prefecture, central Japan by Sugiyama (1992). Regarding the age of the Parentactinia

nakatsugawaensis Assemblages, Sugiyama (1992) recovered conodonts representing the

Neospathodus homeri Assemblage of Koike (1981). Although, the radiolarian-bearing rocks in the

Saba Yoi area did not contain conodont, the radiolarian fauna is assigned to the late Olenekian to

early Anisian on the basis of co-occurring conodonts in Japan (Sugiyama, 1992).

Entactinia nikorni Assemblages Zone

The base of this zone is defined by the first appearance of the Entactinia nikorni Sashida and

Igo. The following radiolarians co-occur with the nominal species, Entactinosphaera chiakensis

Sashida and Igo, Polyentactinia? phatthalungensis Sashida and Igo, Archaeothamnulus sp.,

Thaisphaera minuta Sashida and Igo, Hozmadia ? sp. and others (see Figures 35-38). This zone is

recognized in the Khao Chaik limestone in Phatthalung Province (Sashida and Igo, 1992). This

radiolarian fauna were assigned to be Entactinia nikorni assemblage of late Olenekian to Early

Anisian (Triassic) by Sashida and Igo (1992). Many genera and species attributed to the family

Actinommidae were recorded from Triassic limestones in the Europearn Tethys by Kozur and

Mostler (1981). An unidentified species of the genus Archaeothamnulus from Khao Chiak has a

close similarity with Archaeothamnulus pterostephanus Dumitrica from the Middle Triassic

limestone of Europe. The genus Hozmadia is also an important constituent of the Middle Triassic

radiolarian faunas (Dumitrica et al., 1980; Kozur and Mostler, 1981). This radiolarian fauna has

both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic affinities, but is less similar to that described from Early Triassic

chert of the Kanto Mountains (Sashida, 1991) except for one spicule-type palaeoscenid and tripod


Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage Zone

This zone is defined by the occurrence of Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura),

Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica, T. scalaris Dumitrica, Kozur and Mostler, Yeharaia ? sp.,

Paratriassocampe ? sp., Pararuesticyrtium sp., Syringocapsa ? sp. and others (see Figures 31and

33). This zone is recognized in the Chana and Hat Yai areas of Songkhla Province (Sashida et al.,

2000, Kamata et al., 2004, 2009). Expect the nominal species; the fauna of this zone includes the

following Middle Triassic, T. deweveri, E. manfredi, T. scalaris and others. Furthermore, this

radiolarian zone is comparable to that of the middle to upper subzone of the Spongosilicarmiger

italicus Zone of Kozur and Mostler (1994) in Middle Triassic interval. A similar radiolarian fauna

is also known to occur in the Far East of Russia (Bragin, 1991) and central Japan (Sugiyama,





There are many discussions in the literature about the conditions of deposition of radiolarian-

bearing rock. Previously, it was thought that these siliceous sediments were accumulated in large

deep oceanic basins (>3,000 m) enriched in silica by volcanism along spreading ridges (Figure

47). Recently, it is believed that the deposition of old siliceous sediments was not necessarily

occurred in deep environments and nearby volcanism. The biosiliceous deposits that might be

modern equivalents of radiolarians are found in different oceanic environments. They are located

in shallow coastal basins, in depressions of the continental slope, on continental margins, and in

shallow and deep oceanic basins. The fossil-bearing siliceous sediments ultimately transformed

into radiolarian-bearing rock were thought to be initially devoid of calcareous components and it

was, thus, supposed that they were deposited under the calcite carbonate compensation depth

(CCD). Currently there are, however, some indicators that the Mesozoic deposits may contain

some carbonaceous components and the corresponding CCD was probably shallower than that in

the modern ocean (De Wever et al., 2001).

Figure 40: Sources of material and controls on sedimentation in deep oceans (modified after Gary, 1999).

On the Malaysian side, radiolarians have been recovered mostly from siliceous shale and

chert. Most of the chert are associated with clastic rocks, especially shale. To date no report on the

radiolarian found in limestone.

The radiolarian-bearing rocks in southern Thailand are siliceous and calcareous sedimentary

rocks such as chert, siliceous shale and limestone. There are found in different oceanic

environments such as in depressions of the continental slope/rise, and in shallow and deep oceanic

basins (Figures 48 and 49). Furthermore, the depositional environments of the radiolarian-bearing

rocks in Thailand were summarized by some papers (Kamata et al., 2009; Saesaengseerung,


7.1 Chert

The depositional environment of chert can be interpreted based on the rocks association

(Jones and Murchey, 1986; Karl, 1989). The association of radiolarian chert and other lithology

can be used as indicator for tectonic environment as well as the environment of the depositional

basin (Basir Jasin, 2003).


In most cases, the chert in Peninsular Malaysia is interbedded within thin beds of shale. This

is known as chert-shale association (Karl, 1989) or known as continental margin chert association

(Jones and Murchey). This rock association is widespread and represents deep-marine

environment along the continental margin (Karl, 1989). No calcareous materials occur in this

association suggesting that the deposition took place below the CCD level where all the calcite had been disolved.

Radiolarian chert deposits are quite widespread especially in the Late Palaeozoic and Early

Mesozoic of the western belt of Peninsular Malaysia. Deposition of chert was quite abundant in

the Early Carboniferous and diminished in the Late Carboniferous. Radiolarian chert is more

extensive in Permian and Triassic (Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).

Chert sequence occupies the lower part of the Kubang Pasu Formation; overlain by

interbedded sandstone and mudstone and then followed by turbiditic sandstone. This vertical

change of lithology suggests that the environment of deposition was situated close to the

continental margin from which an occasional influx of sand was derived by turbidity currents

(Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).

Chert sequence in the Semanggol Formation (now known as Cherty unit) is also of chert-

shale association, however it also contains minor tuff beds. This indicates that the depositional

environment of the chert is situated in the continental margin that is not far from volcanic

activities. The tuff in the Semangol Basin is probably originated from volcanic activities in the

central belt of the Peninsular Malaysia during the late Early Permian to Triassic (Basir Jasin,


On the Thai side, radiolarians are recovered from cherts cropping out in Songkhla and Yala

Provinces (Sashida et al., 2000 and 2002; Kamata et al., 2009). Slump folds are commonly

observed in these chert sections. Chert in southern Thailand can be divided into two different

types; pelagic chert (or Type 1 Chert by Kamata et al., 2009) and hemipelagic chert (Type 2 Chert

by Kamata et al., 2009) based on their sedimentary characteristics.

Figure 41: The schematic illustration of the various facies successions of radiolarian-bearing rock and other

associated rocks in southern Thailand (data from Sashida and Igo, 1992; Sashida et al., 2000, 2002; Kamata et al.,



Figure 42: Depositional environments of radiolarian-bearing rocks in southern Thailand. A: Pelagic Chert, B and

C: Hemipelagic Chert/Siliceous Shale/Limestone (data from Sashida and Igo, 1992; Sashida et al., 2000, 2002;

Kamata et al., 2009).

7.1.1 Pelagic chert (or Type 1 Chert)

This type of chert is commonly well-bedded, variably coloured (red, grey, black), and lack of

terrigenous material larger than silt. The pelagic chert sections are mainly as a block from few to

several meters in diameter within shale and intercalation of siliceous shale/sandstone in Thailand.

This pelagic chert is distributed in the Kabang area, Yala Province (Sashida et al., 2002). This

chert is Lower Carboniferous in age based on the occurrence of radiolarian. The sequence has the

following lithostratigraphy in ascending order:

i. grey to pale grey thickly bedded sandstone (more than 3 m),

ii. black bedded chert (5 m),

iii. dark grey thickly bedded sandstone (more than 2 m).

However, there is a 1 m brecciated chert in the upper part of the chert member. The brecciated

chert consists of angular to subangular breccias of chert in coarse-grained sandstone matrix.

Maximum diameter of most chert breccias and grains is less than 10 cm. Black chert is well-

bedded of about several centimeters intercalated with thin-film of shale (Figure 50). Under

microscope, pelagic chert consists of abundant radiolarian tests, with clay minerals, and fine

authigenic quartz grains. This chert contains no terrigenous grain larger than silt-sized particles.

Based on the lithology, sedimentary structure and stratigraphy of these bedded cherts this

radiolarian-bearing chert might have been primarily deposited in wide and deep oceans, which

were remote from land areas (refer Figures 48 and 49). The pelagic chert is compared to the

typical bedded chert of ocean plate stratigraphy which has been well documented in ancient

accretionary wedges in East and Southeast Asia (Wakita and Metcalfe, 2005). In Thailand, this

pelagic chert is thought to have been accumulated in a pelagic-ocean of Palaeo-Tethys, situated

far from the continent and free from the influx of terrigenous materials.


Figure 43: The schematic illustration of the pelagic chert and other associated rocks in southern Thailand (data

from Sashida et al., 2002).

7.1.2 Hemipelagic chert (or Type 2 Chert)

The hemipelagic chert is distributed in the Hat Yai and Chana areas, Songkhla Province

(Sashida et al., 2000 and Kamata et al., 2009). The age of these cherts is Middle Triassic based on

radiolarian biostratigraphy. This hemipelagic chert is well bedded (a few cm thick), milky white

or red and dark grey, although pale green of light grey cherts occur locally and intercalation of

siliceous claystone partings/sandstone (Figure 51). Most of these sandstone layers are composed

of fine- to medium-grained lithic greywacke. No radiolarians are known from the sandstone

layers. Under the microscope, the chert is composed of scattered radiolarian tests with clay

minerals and/or calcareous organisms such as foraminifers, thin shells and ostracods. The

abundance and diversity of calcareous fossils in the chert means that the sedimentary basin was

shallower than the Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD). The time-span of hemipelagic chert

deposition was restricted to the Triassic. This suggests that the depositional environment of this

Triassic hemipelagic chert was not abyssal plain oceanic crust consisting of basaltic rocks, but

instead was continental slope sediments consisting of Permian clastics and/or calcareous facies.

This chert was likely restricted to the vicinity of a continental slope and rise (Kamata et al., 2009).

Figure 44: The schematic illustration of the hemipelagic chert and other associated rocks in southern Thailand

(data from Sashida et al., 2000 and Kamata et al., 2009).


7.2 Siliceous shale

Distribution of this siliceous shale is commonly associated with siliceous claystone, silty

shale, shale and sandstone. On the Malaysian side, deposition of siliceous shale occurs in the

Silurian Devonian Setul and Mahang Formations. However, Burton (1970) and Jones (1970) in

their reports referred this rock as chert. The siliceous shale in the Setul Formation occurs in the

Lower Detrital Member well-exposed in north western coast of the Langgun Island. The siliceous

shale of the Mahang Formation is well-exposed near Aman Jaya township in central Kedah and at

Sungai Air Hitam in south Kedah. To date, no radiolarian is discovered in these formations (Basir

Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).

On the Thai side, siliceous shale is distributed in the Saba Yoi and Hat Yai areas, Songkhla

Province, southern Thailand (Sashida et al., 2000; Kamata et al. 2009) (Figure 52). Siliceous shale

is thin bedded and commonly dark grey or light grey and yellowish brown by weathering. Under

microscopic observation, it is composed of abundant radiolarian tests within clay materials.

Scattered, angular detrital quartz particles (larger than silt-sized particles) are common. This

siliceous shale is Lower Carboniferous, Middle Permian and Lower Triassic in age on the basis of

their radiolarian occurrences. Based on the lithology, this radiolarian-bearing siliceous shale is

thought to have been accumulated in hemipelagic environment (refer Figures 48 and 49).

Figure 45: The schematic illustration of the radiolarian-bearing siliceous shale and other associated rocks in

southern Thailand (data from Sashida and Igo, 1992; Sashida et al., 2000).

7.3 Limestone

No occurrence of radiolarians in the limestone has been reported on the Malaysian side up to

now. On the Thai side, Early to Middle Triassic radiolarians were recovered from a thin-bedded

limestone exposed at Khao Chiak, Phatthalung Province by Sashida and Igo (1992). The

limestone from Khao Chiak is characteristically thin bedded, frequently laminated, fine-grained,

pale grey to dark grey and partly pinkish to maroon. Dark grey to transparent, cobble-to pebble-

size lenticular to nodular cherts are frequently intercalated in the micritic part. Megafossils are

rare throughout this limestone, but fragments of small-sized gastropods and bivalves are

occasionally seen in several levels. Furthermore, this limestone was proposed as the Chiak

Limestone Member which is the middle part of the Chaiburi Formation by Ampornmaha (1995)

and she suggested that the Chiak Limestone Member was deposited in off-shore deeper and lower

energy conditions (refer Figures 48 and 49).




i. Fifteen radiolarian assemblage zones were identified from the chert-bearing rock

formations ranging in age from Carboniferous to Triassic on the Malaysian side of the

border area.

ii. The oldest radiolarian is Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous) in age which is represented by

the Albaillella deflandrei and Albaillella indensis Zones. There were no radiolarian

siliceous deposits during the Late Carboniferous (Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).

iii. Seven radiolarian zones were discovered in the Permian siliceous deposits of the Cherty

unit. The assemblage zones are Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata Zone,

Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Zone, Pseudoalbaillella golobosa Zone, Follicucullus

monacanthus Zone, Follicucullus porrectus Zone, Neoalbailella ornithoformis Zone and

Neoalbaillella optima Zone (Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011). However, Spiller (2002)

managed to identify Albaillella sinuata zone based on the occurrence of fragmentary

specimens of Albaillella sinuata Ishiga and Watase, Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m.

rhombothoracata Ishiga and Pseudoalbaillella elongata Ishiga and Imoto.

iv. Five biozones were identified in the Triassic chert sequence. The oldest zone is

Entactinosphaera chiakensis zone. Other zones are Triassocampe coronata Zone,

Triassocampe deweveri Zone, Oertlispongus inaequispinosus Zone and Capnodoce Zone.

At the end of Triassic there was a tectonic episode related to uplifting and termination of

deep sea deposits of the Peninsular Malaysia.

v. Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Malaysian side of the Malaysia-Thailand border area

(modified after Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011) is shown in Figure 53.

vi. In southern Thailand, six radiolarian assemblage zones were reported from the radiolarian-

bearing rocks ranging in age from Early Carboniferous to Middle Triassic.

vii. The Early Carboniferous is represented by the Entractinia variospina Assemblage Zone

and Albaillella deflandrei Zone. The Follicuculus scholasticus Assemblage Zone is

estimated through the interval of the latest Middle to earliest Late Permian (Capitanian to

Wuchiapingian). However, the hiatus took place during the Late Carboniferous to Early

Permian as shown by lacking of the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian radiolarian fauna

from southern Thialand.

viii. Three Triassic radiolarian assemblage zones were assigned from the radiolarian-bearing

siliceous rocks and limestone sequences. The Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis

Assemblage Zone and Entactinia nikorni Assemblages Zone are assigned to same age

interval, the late Olenekian to early Anisian (Early to Middle Triassic). Although, these

two radiolarian zones contain difference radiolarian fauna. The Triassocampe deweveri

Assemblage Zone is assigned to Middle Triassic. However, the radiolarian occurrence is

lacking of earliest Triassic radiolarian fauna because the effect of Permian-Triassic (P/Tr)

extinction event in the world.


Figure 46: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Malaysian side of the Malaysia-Thailand border area (modified from

Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).

ix. The Carboniferous to Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy of southern Thailand is quite

similar to those of the Malaysian side of the Malaysia-Thailand border area. Early

Carboniferous, the Albaillella deflandrei Zone of southern Thailand can be correlated to

those of Malaysian side by similar radiolarians occurrence, Albaillella deflandrei

Gourmelon, Pylentonema antique Deflandre, Astroentactinia biaciculata Nazarov, A.

mirousi Gourmelon, and others. Moreover, the radiolarian faunas of this zone are similar

to those from phosphatic nodules from Montage Noire and central Pyrenees, France

(Gourmelon, 1987), Germany (Braun, 1990 and Braun and Schmit-Effing, 1993),

southwestern China (Feng et al., 1997), southern China (Wu et al., 1994), Thailand

(Sashida et al., 1998; Sashida et al., 2000), and Istanbul, Turkey (Holdsworth, 1973).


x. Middle Permian, the Follicuculus sholasticus Assemblage Zone of southern Thailand can

be correlated to the Follicucullus porrectus Assemblage Zone and Follicucullus

scholasticus Assemblage Zone of northern Peninsular Malaysia by the apperence of

Follicucullus scholasticus Ormiston and Babcock. This similar radiolarian fauna has been

reported from Japan (e.g. Ishiga, 1990), eastern Thailand (Sashida et. al, 1997) and Oregon (Blome and Reed, 1992).

xi. Early Triassic, the Entactinia nikorni Assemblages Zone of southern Thailand can be

correlated to the Entactinosphaera chiakensis Assemblage Zone from the Malaysian side

of the Malaysia-Thailand border area by the occurrence of Entactinosphaera chiakensis

Sashida and Igo and others.

xii. Middle Triassic, the Triassocampe deweveri Assemblage Zone from both sides of southern

Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia is quite similar by the occurrence of

Triassocampe deweveri (Nakaseko and Nishimura), Eptingium manfredi Dumitrica and

others. Moreover, a similar radiolarian fauna is also known to occur in the Far East of

Russia (Bragin, 1991) and cental Japan (Sugiyama, 1997).

xiii. Radiolarian biostratigraphy from southern Thailand is shown in Figure 54.

Figure 47: Correlation of the radiolarian fauna in southern Thailand.


i. Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic radiolarian bearing chert are quite widespread on

the Malaysian side along the Malaysia-Thailand border area. No radiolarians are

discovered in the Lower Palaeozoic Setul and the Mahang Formations.

ii. Two zones were identified in Early Carboniferous, seven radiolarian assemblage

zones were recognized in Permian, and five biozones were identified in the Triassic

rocks. To date no Middle and Late Carboniferous radiolarian is discovered in the

Malaysia-Thailand border area.


iii. Radiolarian biostratigraphy is the most reliable tool for the stratigraphy of the deep

marine sediments of Peninsular Malaysia. The biostratigraphic zones reflect the

productivity of the radiolarians, which was very high during Early Carboniferous,

through Permian and Triassic (Basir Jasin and Zaiton Harun, 2011).

iv. The Carboniferous to Triassic radiolarian-bearing rocks are distributed in several areas of southern Thailand such as the Hat Yai, Chana, Saba Yoi areas in Songkhla

Province and Yala Province. These radiolarian -bearing rock sequences belong to the

Yaha Formation (Carboniferous), Khao Phra Formation (Permian), Na Thawi

Formation and Chaiburi Formation (Triassic).

v. Two radiolarian zones were identified in Early Carboniferous, one radiolarian

assemblage zones were recognized in Permian, and three biozones were identified in

Triassic. The hiatus took place during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian and

Early Triassic.

vi. The Palaeozoic to Mesozoic radiolarian-bearing rocks in southern Thailand consist of

siliceous and calcareous sedimentary rocks such as chert, siliceous shale and

limestone. There are deposited in different oceanic environments such as in

depressions of the continental slope/rise, and in shallow and deep oceanic basins.

However, the depositional environment of the radiolarian-bearing rock sequences in

Thailand and Malaysia are still debatable. The study of lithostratigraphy and

radiolarian biostratigraphy of radiolarian-bearing rocks is very important in

elucidating the depositional environment and tectonic development of the Palaeozoic

and Mesozoic in Thailand and Malaysia. Further work is required to resolve this




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Malaysian Working Group Members Thai Working Group Members

1. Mr. Ibrahim bin Amnan 1. Mr. Naramase Teerarungsigul

2. Mr. Mohd Badzran bin Mat Taib 2. Dr. Suree Teerarungsigul

3. Mr. Mohamad Hussein bin Jamaluddin 3. Mr. Terapon Wongprayon

4. Mr. Mohamad Sari bin Hasan 4. Mr.Suvapak Imsamut

5. Mr. Mat Niza bin Abdul Rahman 5. Ms. Piya-orn Assavapatchara

6. Mr. Hamid bin Ariffin 6. Mr. Kitti Khaowiset

7. Ms. Nus Susila binti Md. Saaid 7. Mr. Sutee Jongautchariyakul

8. Mr. Muhammad Mustadza bin Mazni 8. Ms. Pachara Sangoen

9. Mr. Mohd Anuar bin Ishak 9. Dr. Doungrutai Saesaengseerung

10. Mr. Amir Mizwan bin Mohd Akhir

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