living pink | advertising agency software

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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Spotlight Series:Living Pink

Little Rock, Arkansas

Our clients are a hard-working and ambitious bunch. We are continuously inspired by their work and who they are as people.

In this series, we're showcasing their agency, successes, and their fp. experience in our spotlight blog series.

So, without further ado, it's our pleasure to introduce Jodie Spears, Owner and CEO of Living Pink.

What is Living Pinkall about?1

“Living Pink helps clients tell their brand story in an integrated way across four main channels: earned, owned, paid and social.”

“We take your content and find creative ways to make it newsworthy. We have developed a network of trusted media contacts because we don't inundate them with pitches.”

“We strategically look at the right story for the right media outlet at the right time.”

How did Living Pink find it’s name?2

“The name Living Pink comes from our ongoing battle with breast cancer. I was diagnosed with the disease in 2003.”

“In 2009, I had a recurrence that spread to my bones. That meant it was Stage IV. I would always have to fight the disease with some form of chemotherapy.”

“I decided in 2010 that I wanted to live my dream of opening my own agency. I was hit with a second recurrence in 2012.”

“I still take chemo pills but my cancer is in remission. Living Pink is how we choose to live our lives.”

What makes your company stand out?3

“Living Pink strives to be more than just an agency. We work to be a partner to our clients and, in many cases, we actually become their virtual marketing department.”

“We LOVE working with small businesses and helping them establish their brand.”

What made you realize you needed a project management software?4

“Living Pink started out as a one-person operation. But as we grew we realized that project management needed to grow too.”

“We looked for a cloud-based project resource management system that allowed for real-time updates and was easy to use.”

“Function Point fit the bill and was designed for the agency world.”

What are your favourite fp. features?5

1. Copy Task: “It may seem like the most basic thing, but when you have a repeated task it saves so much time to copy it and update the info.”

2. Find Task: “Being able to search for tasks by assignee or title or client, etc. is great. I'm able to pull up reports and see, at-a-glance, everything that we are doing. I use this to print up client "hot sheets" that we go over in meetings. ”

3. Onboarding: “We LOVED fp.'s training program. It helped us figure out how best to use the project resource management software and the team was fun to work with!”

What has fp. helpedyou achieve?6

“Did I mention it's a cloud-based project resource management software? This has by far been the biggest time-saver. I'm able to update jobs/tasks from anywhere.”

“While I'm meeting with a client I can open/move/close a job, change the status or reference job details/deadlines. I no longer have to try to remember what happened or refer to written notes.”

“This advertising agency software has ensured that my day is filled with more billable hours and fewer admin hours. And hours = money!”

streamline processes simplify collaboration centralize information get real-time business data

Visit to learn what fp. can do for your agency

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