liz sim - suny downstate medical center · chest tube and penrose ... 瘀猀 昀椀戀爀椀渀...

Post on 21-Apr-2018






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Liz Sim

Case Presentation Pt is a 38+4 week twin gestation ◦ C section 2/2 breech with intrauterine growth retardation ◦ Apgar 9/9 ◦ 2410 g ◦ Maternal Hx 35, G1P1, IVF, prenatal care uncomplicated

Transferred to NIUC when excessive and copious frothy oral secretions were noted ◦ NG tube unable to be passed farther than 10cm


Case Presentation VACTERL was ruled out ◦ CXR, renal ultrasound and echo

On exam ◦ Anal stenosis but passed meconium ◦ Dimple over coccygeal area

Operative Course Ex lap, stamm gastrostomy, right posteriolateral retropleural thoracotomy, reesection of TEF with end to end esophago-esophagostomy ◦ Retropleural dissection at 5th intercoastal space ◦ TEF was transected and tied off ◦ Proximal esophagus was at 1st rib ◦ 3-0 silk sutures placed on either side of distal esophagus and the proximal blind end of esophagus.

Sutures were then placed along the posterior wall of the distal esophagus and to the blind end. ◦ Anterior wall of the esophagus was incised and the lumen was entered placing a 6.6 F silastic catheter

as a stent ◦ Anastomosis was completed and covered with Tisseel. ◦ 10F chest tube was placed and a penrose in the retropleural space

Presentation Notes
12F gastrostomy tube – loss of oxygenation open gastrostomy, clamped with restoration of oxygenation Azygous vv clamped and ligated Distal esophagus was mobilized and isolated 5-0 prolene stitch used on eiher side of fistula andinbetween, TEF resected Defect between 2 to 2.5 cm

Post Op Course POD 3 started on glucose via PEG

POD 4 persistent pneumothorax, increase work of breathing ◦ needing 50% oxygen, eventual reintubation ◦ CXR showed small pneumothorax ◦ Gastrograffin study showed leak of esophageal anastomosis


Post Op Course Right posterolateral thoracotomy, thoracic lavage, drainage of anastomotic leak, and debridement of TEF repair ◦ Fibrin sealant was intact and removed ◦ Minimal salivary secretions were aspirated ◦ Irrigated and tisseel application ◦ Chest tube and penrose placed in retropleural space

Post Op Course Feeds advanced to goal via gastrostomy

POD 7/10 extubated

POD 10/13 febrile negative cultures, abx started

POD 12/15 penrose fell out chest tube inserted

POD 15/18 gastrostomy feeding stopped due to reflux, one of two chest tubes removed

POD 32/35 esophogram negative, oral feeds initiated

POD 34/37 final chest tube removed, on full oral feeding.


epidemiology 1:27 to 4.55 per 10,000 live births

Most cases are sporadic ◦ Slightly higher in twins

Survival ◦ Without congenital heart disease 95% vs with 67%

Embryology/theories Tracheoesophageal septum: Fusion of invaginating lateral longitudinal ridges, creating a septum dividing foregut and respiratory system

Cephalic neurocristopathy: a clear association of neural crest-implicated cardiovascular anomalies (aortic arch, conotruncal and membranous ventricular septal defects), thymic, thyroid, parathyroid, and facial malformations suggests that the pathogenesis of EA may be related to defective pharyngeal arch development

Presentation Notes
TE septum in a cranial to caudaldirection

Voight classification

Diagnosis and clinical findings Poor detection rate prenatal

Most become symptomatic within hours of life ◦ Excessive salivation ◦ Feeding followed by regurgitation, chocking or coughing ◦ Cyanosis and respiratory distress ◦ Inability to pass NGT

Babygram ◦ Shows coiling of tube ◦ Can pass air ◦ If needed can give contrast agent

Pre-op Prevention of pneumonitis ◦ replogle esophageal pouch ◦ Upright position ◦ Broad spectrum antibiotic coverage ◦ Pulmonary physiotherapy

Rule out VACTERL or other associated diseases ◦ Down syndrome ◦ Digeorge

Presentation Notes
Rarely is this an emergent surgery can prevent for 24-48 hours

Surgery Goal: Division of fistula with primary anastomosis of esophagus

Right posterior lateral thoracotomy at 4th intercostal space ◦ Muscle sparing to prevent post operative shoulder morbidity ◦ Extra pleural to prevent empyema in case of leak, but rather get esophagocutaneous fistula which

closes in 1-2 weeks

Azygos vein is identified – can be ligated

Main structures: upper pouch, distal TEF trachea, vagus nerve

Circumferentially dissect distal trachea and close fistula with absorbable suture with a cuff of esophagus to minimize stricture

Presentation Notes
Depends on the type of fistula

Surgery Proximal pouch ◦ Identified by pushing NGT ◦ Traction suture ◦ Mobilization of upper pouch and incised. ◦ End to end anastomosis with interrupted silk sutures over a small feeding tube

◦ End to side not encouraged due to risk of recurrent TEF

Chest tube for drainage

Multi layer closure

Laparoscopic repair Superior visualization, improved cosmesis

Decreased morbidity ◦ Scoliosis, winged scapula, chronic pain, shoulder weakness, chest wall asymmetry, maldevelopment

Technically demanding

Long Gap Esophageal atresia Delayed primary repair with gastrostomy

Upper pouch bougienage BID for 6-12 weeks

Electromagnetic bullets in both ends of esophagus

Extra thoracic elongation technique ◦ Upper esophagus mobilized and brought out as an end cervical

esophagostomy ◦ Q2-3 weeks esophagus mobilized and translocated down anterior chest


Folker technique: Traction sutures on proximal and distal esophageal pouches ◦ Brought out through chest wall and serially pulled for 10-14 days

Circular myotomy of upper esophagus ◦ Complications: leak, impacted food, pseudodiverticulum, stricture

Presentation Notes
Measurements based on radiographs vs endoscopically Long gap is >3cm short gap is <1cm the rest is intermediate or greater then 2 vertebral bodies

Foker technique

Kimura technique: circular myotomy

Long Gap Esophageal Atresia If no closure by 3 months of age begin to think of esophageal replacement ◦ This requires a spit fistula in preparation for gastric transposition or colon conduit ◦ Allows for sham feeds.

Conduit depends on several factors ◦ Colon replacement ◦ Reversed gastric tube(tubularized greater curvature) ◦ Jejunum

Presentation Notes
Colon place gastrostomy and due vagotomy to avoid stricture Complications cervical anastomotic leak (30-50%) stricture, redundant colon with stasis,gastric reflux,

Complications Early ◦ Anastomotic leak(13-16%) ◦ Anastomotic stricture (80%) ◦ Recurrent TEF (3-14%)

Late ◦ GERD (30-70%) ◦ Tracheomalacia (clinically 10-25%) ◦ Respiratory disease ◦ Disordered esophageal peristalsis

Presentation Notes
Predictors were twin birth, preop intubation, less then 2.5 g, long gap atresia,anastomoticleak, post opintubation longer then4days, inability to feed at the end of one month Retropleural dissection can have upward of 95% close spontaneously Frequently can lead to stricture and recurrent TEF, Factors relating are surgical technique, ischemia of esophageal ends, myotomy, excessive tension Early reoperation for control of sepsis but should consider buttress with flap STRICTURE treat with puree food and dilation recurrent TEF: symptoms of H type: coughing and choking with feedings, recurrent pulmonary infection (surgical repair vs fibrin glue or diathermy) GERD related to shortening of intra-abdominal esophagus Barrets in up to 9% Tracheomalacia – most clinically do not require intervention, if do the treatment of choice is aortopexy

Summary There five types

Survival depends on birth weight and malformations

Babies heal well, leaks may spontaneously close

There are multiple techniques for lengthening a long gap atresia

References Harmon, Carroll. Coran, Arnold. Chapter 69 Congenital Anomalies of the Esophagus. Coran Pediatric surgery 7 edition. Feb 4th 2012. 893-915.

Li, Jiaang et all. A scoring system to predict mortality in infants with esophageal atresia: A case control study. Medicine 2017 Augus 96(32)e7755

Zeng A, Liu F, Ma JK, Fang Y, Zhang H. Outcomes of primary gastric transposition for long gap esophageal atresia in neonates. Medicine 2017. Jun:96(26):e7366

Fernando, Paulo et al. Current knowledge on esophageal atresia. World J Gastroenterol 2012;18:3662-72

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