l(llr »/»•.'• a fire dep^]^ mtmttmmmm. 10/kingston ny daily... · 2010-05-14 · the...

Post on 12-Jun-2020






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•» rtW1"i»M Wiifr$ji$$^ Kfl^jSCWBWto^irfcVf*'*?*

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l ( l l r i ^ ^ y i | liiiiiiiiiiiiliillil»iwiri»r»ma«Mia«at»a«»a , 'aawrtwwwa—<*

» / » • . ' • A

Faints and Oih J^^^s%^'S..S: L>. j GREAT ECONOM Y—Reduotion ofi., Price»

J l L ~UraKff &'J»n«cn- having established the cash principle ia the above mentioned branch of their business, are. prepared to ;Offer every arti­c l e i n the Paint and Oil department, rizi. White JL^ad/Frfrtttjh and American Zinc, French Ochro, Ohio Mineral Paint, English Venetian Lcad'JWn-seed Oil, Putty, Window Glass, Varnishes, Paint Hrnshex, & c , <Sco., at a less price than they have cverbeeh aold in Ulster County, . W o will sell none but first class articles, warranted to be d& represented., Please call and examine our stock and see the advantages of purchasing for caih.

; BRAGG & JANSEN, 638 at'Clay's old Drug Store

Q M I T H & WESSON'S celebrated Repeater k3—a pistol tbat shoots 7 shots and weighsbut 10 ounces. :.!{ '•/'•'" ;

Also Remington's and Golt'sv revolvers, Al­len's 6 barreled do, and a great variety of sin"-" gle barreled pistols at very low prices In com­parison to what tbey have heretofore been sold in Kingston. Call and aee tbem a t ; • •

L'AKO'wonTtiY's Emporium, ' sign of the Golden Teakettle.

BOOT. A. S . P : SNYDER 1ms removed his Office opposite the Eagle Hotel, in Main

street, where be will be happy to wait on all Who wish to patronize bim. He is prepared to furnish customers with his Pain Curer^fcc.^ also Indian Root and hocb physic and Blood Purifi­er, which if taken is sure to cleanse the Btood.9

NEW BOOKS.—The Precious stones of tne Heavenly Foundation, with Illustrative se­

lections in prose and verse. By Augustus Browne Garrett . ..] '

The Power of Prayer; By Samuel I. Palne.x Two ways to Wedlock. Barths Explorations and Travels in Central

Alrica. Cheap edition. . i Livingston's Travels in South Africa—cheap

edition. Just, received at WYNKOOP'S Rookstore.

Opposite Ulster Co. Bank.

THE BAPTIST CHURCH DIRECTQRY.--A guide to'the doctrines and discipline, of-

iicers and ordinances, principles and practices of Baptist Churches. By Ed'wd T. Hiscox D.D,

Just received at WYMKOOP'S Bookstore.

IN- all I think there was a score— '.

They did.agree that they would go.a fishing; BE&RY rigged the-enUro, party out a t his

great Fishing Tackle establishment, c 2 tf 81 Nor^h Front street.

rTAhc Polnr Refrigerator is the best thing in I market. lK>okat them at,1 V j

. LANG WORTHY'S Emporium, Sign of the Goldea Teakettle, tfortb Front «t.

A NEW BOOK by Charles Read e. ' LOVE m e L I T T L E . LOVE m e LONG.

Just received at WYNKOQP'S Bookstore.

K EROSENE OIL.—i Bbls. Pare White.— For sale by / ', j B R A G G * \ U N S B N .

HOUSE F INISHING AimqLESwA splendid variety, including everything useful in

kitchen economy from a Basting Pin to a,Cook stove, lor sale at prices to suit the times, at

LANO WORTHY'S Emporium, sign of the Golden Teakettle,76 Forth Front S*.

Cook Stovca, Cook Stoves,

CockStcvcs, ;•.;: Cook Stoves,

Cheaper tlian ever, ui LANG WORTHY'S Emporium,


In pursuance oi the Statute in such case made and provided, I do hereby appoint the second Monday of March, the third Monday of June, the first Monday of September and the third. Mon­day of November, as the times for holding the County Court and Court of Sessions in and for the County of Ulster, for the year 1859. A PetitJury will be summoned for each Term, but a Grand Jury will be summoned only for the September Term. Dated January 1,1859.

N . R . GRAHAM, County Judge.

ULSTER COUNTY SURROGATE'SOFFICE Notice is hereby given that I wil l attend at

the Surrogate's Office, \n the village of Kingslon in suid County, on MONDAY-of each week, to ex-scute the powers andduticft conferred on me, and that the Surrogate's Office will be at all times opeirfor thetransactionof business. Dated Janua l v l , l S 5 ( > .


American Express Company. REDUCTION OF FEEIGHTS I

r p i l E public are informed that hereafter freight _L will be forwarded,by the American> Express

Company at greatly reduced rates.' By'this ar­rangement the Company expectto secure att in­crease of business ns they can now o^er induce­ments to forwarders which, in view- of\entire safety and dispatch, cannot. be excelled. Gall and see the agent for Kingston and Rondout, at his office in Wynkoop's Bookstore, and fur­ther information will cheerfully bo given. •.' May I0tb, 1859. : 15 6d CHARLES SCHRYVER, Agent.

H OBBY HORSES, Gigs, Gabs Carriages & Velocipedes, wood & iron hooplcs, jump­

ing ropes, and all other such traps selling at low prices at

LAXO WORTH Y'S Emporium, -1 c Cd sign of the Golden Teakettle.

Po l a r R e f r i g e r a t o r . — T h i s is the age of improvement and scientific progress,

and mechanism has attained its climax in the production of this Unequaied Refrigerator, whereby ten pounds of ice will keep a large quantity of food perfectly cool and dry in the hottest weather, and at the same time give you a constant supply of ice^cool water for drinking and culinary purposes. Call and examine a sample at ••'..' LANGWORTIIY'S Emporium. « - . . • , — • • • ^ n • . . • . . • . - . • • • • • i . . . i i « — —« ••!• « . - - . «•••••" • ' * • — m . ' ' T "*

Q e l f D e f e n c e is the ruling principle of O mankind, and the most perfect and beauti­ful, little article ever made for the'purpose, 1B the celebrated ,.-. • j '•:'.'.•. ' :

. Smith. & Wesson 7 Shooter. '':• I t weighs but 10 ounces, is perfectly beaut i ­

ful in appearance, and the most effective arm ever invented. Call and see i t at

;. LANOWOUTHY'S Emporium.

PARKER PATKKT COFFBK/ MILL.—The most Perfect Coflee Mill in the world I I t i s a

double mill—first breaking the coffee and then gr inding fine or coarse aa required, for. sale a t

• , LANOWORTUY'8 Emporium. '•

mtmttmmmm. J. ,:">v

NQ;12& Wail SbedM*. .Vv Are prepared to forward>with SAFETY andj Dis-PATOH, Merchandise, Specfcjewelry, Valuables, Bank Notes, Collect BlllSiVNotes, Draftp, Ac­counts, &c. FORWARPEDJGpODS subject to purchase or other ohargids, and collect the same oh delivery, t h r o u g h o u t ^ ' : X 0 x •

New York^ Pennsylvania West, Ohio. Indl-.":• ana, Illinois, Michigan;; j&entucky,

lQwa,*Wiso.onsln, Mlnn'espti^- Mis* sour^Nebraska^ Gaqada West,

.•• ': ':i;K^nsas,imMl0fiM^'.:

Running Dally Expresses, '(Sunday^ .excepted) on Passenger Trains and SteatoerSj to and from all the principal Cities, Towns :a^d Vil lages in the Westi Competent Agients a t all poiiUs for the transaction of business ; CphneoUng with responsible Express Cpmpan ie s to ; a l l parts.pf the tf. S.. Calitornia, Europe^&c., &6. • • •

jg®^All, Orders promptly at tended to : ; ' . ' , The facilities of this Company /are^ unsurpass­

ed. Each Express in charge of .SpecialMessehr ge .rs ; , ; :'-.;'. :.,:''';.;:':: ;''::''•'//' ..•••:''• V.:-'V.'';••'.//;;

^ ^ " M a r k . paokages v i a American Express Compariyi-^S^. ;. ';;

;•:'::"":'' •••• W : " V.-V;'... This l ine will be found to be the quickest

and safest. No charge'",made for bal l ing for Fre igh t , Leave your orders a t the 'Office a t Wynkobp^s Bookstore. C. SCHRYVER, Ag ' t .

' " " • ' " ' ; ':.'' ••<-". ' •"r.v' .- . ' -y; \\>.-K. .- i'

. DRAFTS for any amount, on England, Ireland/ and Scotland, and PASSAGE TICKETS to and' Ifrbm^ Eu­

rope by the Atlant ic Royal Mall Steani Naviga­tion Company. Office 2§ Wall street, opposite Ulster County Bank, Kingston, N. Y. . • .

c51y : C. SCHRYVER, Agen t ,

TH E UNDERSIGNED having purchased and taken possession of the Badgley Hotel (for­

merly the Hudson House,) it will be hereafter called the • ; •••'•/"'

WorthHotise. He will continue the Hotel business.as here­

tofore, and willhe happy to receive a contiu-uance of the patronage so liberally extended to him. The House is delightfully and conveni­ently located, and affords ample and pleasant accommodations to both travelers and boarders.

LIVERY furnished at all times. < ^ G.H MILLER.

Hudson, May 6tb, 1859. . c l3 3m


igricultural Warelrtiise AND SEED STORE, corner Main and East

. Front streets, Kingston, Ulster Co., (oppo­site Schryver 's Hotel.) ' , ; •

Merchants, Farmers and dealers a re most res-pectiully invited to call and examine our new and carefully selected .slock of Implements, seeds, &e., all of which we will sell as low, if not lower than any other house in the,trade..

MONTANYE & REYNOLDS. ^O^Remember the new stand. c 1 tf

S u it ': «

. ' « « • < i

t< <i «< i t

GE N T S OXFORD TiF.s-i-A good ar t ic le for on­ly $ 1 26, a t DAT^S new shoe store, ••

78 North F r o n t et.

Peas . Feas I F c a s l ^ IXTEEN Varieties to be found lit Brogfc & Jan-

fieo'sDrdg otore: v

Extra Early Daniel O'Rourke, CedoNulli, Prince Albert, Eroperorv';A.:V.:-:^' • :' "v ' ; . •' J u n e , •••'•'•

Tom Thumb—-grows S inches high, Earty Bliio Surprise,

•• Bishop's new long Pod—18 Inches, **'. Prolihc or strawberry--12 ineh^sv

' FQU GENERAL CHOPS, Champion of England, Blue Imperial, Harrison's Glory, (fine and new,) Napoleon, ' '.' •"..'•'"' Eugenie, ** :

•••;•'' I J A T B CROPS, Large White Marrowfat, ; *

• Full sugar, (edible pods) ; N e w Worlc Tby R e v . J . I i . Ingval iusn.


ThQ Pillar pf Fire, Or y Israel in Bondage: ;

By tho Author o f ' 'The Prince of the House of 'David." Being an account . of the wonderful scenes in the Life of t h e ' Son of Pharaoh 's Daughter, MOSES, F romhi sypu th to the accent of S i b a l ; comprising, as by an eye-withess, his Miracles before Pharaoh, Passage of \ the Red Sea, and reception of the Law on Mi. Sinai.—-Containing an elaborate and richly colored Description of the ; Architecture of the Egyp­tians, their Manners.and. Customs in Peace and War, in fhe Temple; the Family , the Mart," and a t I h e T o m b ; and also of the Israelites, while in the Land of Bondage, together with

' nCn^BESQUE SKE^CnES OF THB V: '. " \

Hebrews and tl)^ Taskmasters; Of Scenes, Processions, and Spectacles upon and heside t h e Nile, and Legends of the Obe­lisks, Sphinxes, and pyramids , and of their Founders before the Flood; .••,>;• v / -f: ;;

D e l i n e a t i o n s o f B e a u t i f u l W o m e n , Miriam, Amense, Luxbra^and Osirl^ : ; '.'..;;'•' i A n d o f BiDaut i^l Mon , ":' V.

Aaron, Remeses, (Mioses) and the prince-Of TJz, (Job) , Narra ted in a series of Let ters from a a Syrian Prince t ravel ing. in 'Egypt , . tohis I^oy-al Mother, Queen of Tyre . , ;A; , ; , > ' , ;

The volume abounds ; in cholracterlstioi <paB: sages of highly wrought beauty and Dra"matio Incident. ' ; .,."•';• Si,: . :.-. ;,: :%^:,

To the 10,000 readers pfM !The Prlnoe/ of the House of D a y i d ^ we ,need only- say t&at .this book Is by tl>e same Author , and^ more wonder ­fully interes t ing ahd enclbantihg, ' ; v r ; One; Vol.,large IZmoy QQQ pp. Illustrated.

Sent to any address by ;mail, post paid, on receipt of the price; '; r ; ^ s : ; i .:

;...••••• PUDNEY ifcRUSSELL, Publishers, ; j -v 70 John street, N . Y ; ' ;

;. /•.': , •. AGENTS •'WANTRD.v. ,•-'

G ALL at-the " Sign of the Gulden T«alfettle" for" Anything and Everything."

County Judge-~Nic0tefe. ;>Grraham» |

Sheriff^Abrahani .Avftejo* Jr,* ; . : Under gheriff—Cnarles Brodhead, ! , Jai lor—l)umbhd iSlm^ndorf>' • ;' ' ; v ; County^ Olerk^Silas^axto^r ,; i | r Siinfogate-^Jesse'Fv Bookstaver. 'v j; v1' District Attorney^Jp^P^;I>^Saafer^!!:::^ Treasurer-^Hu^am Hasbrouck, Kew Paltz., ; , Deputy Trea6urer ,^f tcoi j H . 'Dubois, Kingston. SuperviBors , C l e r k - ^ a c d b ft. fiafderibergh, r - ^ r ^ i ^ ) Thaddeus Haiti Modeha. (•: ['-[ " :

^ ^ ? N o s e p h H T u t h H l | E U e a y m e . v • excise l F r a n c j 8 . A : y o o r h e e s , Kingston^ -

Dan1! T V a n B u r e n , Kingston, DIs. 1. Ethan Par ro t t , Miltdn, .. , ; ; '• 2^

t Ephraim D e p u y , K y s e r l k e ; ! v. rt 3. Sup?t of t o p r ^ B e b j . I Freer , Gardiner . , >; Poor House Keeper—J^mesKetcham. 1 ! . ;

v Do ftiysiciaii---Ahmt)eyo. .;• ; \ Jail : i : do 'Edgar El tinge. (

v i V John Vedder, fia^gertie,8.M L ,? OoroherB KJohh A. iBodley, Rosendale . h.

J^os iah Dubois, Jr. , R o n d o u t J(

County S e a l « - - L . S jBatesi Rosendalq. >'

School Com'rs .

TOWN OFFIOEBS. Supervisor,. E l i a s T Van Nostrand ; Town

Clerkj Van Keuren Green ; Collector Benjamin D S o u s e r ; ' Justices of the Peace, D L Decker, J D Ha8brbuck, R' W Tappen,^^^Josiah Dubois, Jr', Police Justioes, Howard Chipp, Kingston, J . D. Hasbrouck, Rondout j Overseers of the Poor, Andrew j Story; Kingston, Jaqol) perrenbeck-er? Rpn.dblit; Assessors, David JDonk^in, Wm^ Golden, James A, I jr i / ik; Com. of Highways^ John S o u s e r ; . Bridge Opramissjonerl Janies H. Lockwbod ; Town Sealer, John D \fari Steen-bergh ; Constables, H e n r y W Tibbals, Duraohd EVmoridonf, Leonard E Serrine, Albe r t Malpy, John Jones. ;


MM. S. KENYON, Pres ident Board of Directorp. DiRBCTOus,—Ward No 1, Amasa J Humphrey ,

•••.;•• ••'.." 4< '2, Edgar Hoffman* « v « , 3 , J acob Rider. ,

; ..;.:••• ; ; %< ' «"4 , Je remiah S m i t h . ; " " 5, Augus tus Decker.

f «.:•.." 6, W m S K e h y o h . '-.-.••'•-:-**•"••••"•'. 7, W m B DavisV

CLEaK—Daniel L D e c k e r . ; ; TuEASunER—^^Jbnatban D Wilson. | Oou.ECTOii^--l8aac L• F Hough ta l ln^ . . ?/ "'; ASSESSORS—'James J Styles , Aug , Schoonma"

ke'r, Martin Miner. : ^ " •

;';;•'•;.. K6NDOUTV: V-l :VV,.'; W:. TausTEE&^Nathan Anderson, James G.

Lindaley, Robert R Kerr, J ames GTi ibby , Lo­renzo A.Sykes. .:•'•••;,'*; ',•.'•;.•; •>•/ '.•;.;'.,;•'.'•:'

CLEHK—Seymour L Stebbins. |. ; TUEASUKKR—Janaen HasBrouck. | CoTXEOTbR~-WilHam Golden. : ASSESSORS—Daniel B Stow, William 1?7ilmot,

John Dougherty. :: • I >

:; CHlJB0HE8:-~KiNGSToir . ;

, FfRSf JR. D* CHURCH; Corner of WalVand Main Streets. • Rev; J C F IIoes/Dp, Pastor. Sabbath Services at 10 A M, and 7;^M«K.; .•':'' •.•:-..;' --'*-V"':'.'':-|.: .•"•••'••f''"?.;:

Fair Street, near, pearl. Rev* Anson DnBoisi Pastor. -Sabbath Services at^:i'6| A ji,'aud 3 1-4 r M . :- ' . • . . • • . • v : • • , : - - , v . '" : / - ^ - , ! • • ' ' y- :•••

iFWSnj>WSBYTmi4FCHfrRCHy East 5>ontv Street, near ji'idvnj1,Lb.no'. Rev. John Lillib;;1>D, Pastor. Sabbatu Services at io 12 A;M;'and:7;;p.M.<.:.i;' y^S'lyr^;':; '•?:'''••'••:

Fair street, betweenfMain and P'ea rl s t rcots .— iiqv. D L Marks, Pastor . Sabbath Services a t 10 A M, and 7 r x<S; '" f ' r ; , .\ •.';

SECOND WE. CHURCH, Corner East Front and Liberty s treets . Rev. Wm C. Smith, Pastor . Sabbath kervices a t lO A Mand 7 P M.-•••;;.''•'..'•••, y •:*; '• J: \y':: • •, ,/•;'; /•."

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Crown street, between North F ron t and J o h n streets. Rev. J C Harrison, D. D, r Pas tor . Sab­bath services at 10 A Mj and 7 .P .M. • _:'!';

PROTESTANT MFtSC0PAi dHVRCH> Wall s treet , between N F r o n t and John streets . Rev. George Waters , P c o t p r . Sabbath services a t 10 A Ji.;;

; ;::'•;:;• 'S'V-r 'yi/'Jy^y'r-''"^v , : R(>NDOUT. •••;,: \ , ' ;

BAPTIST Cm Post street, near Aheel. Rev. ;R. W. Jfones, P a s t o r . "v-••':;". '".. •••.] ';':':; "::: .f~'

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Abeel. street , near. Wur ts . . Rey; B; T . Phi l l ips , Pas tor . •:•••.'/••''••••' .•-..;••'•' '--.^'v.•••!• v.;'•••••'•••:• ,'.;:

; rMEfHomstcHum > Hunter st., between Post and Wurts. Jlev. J; W-B-Wood^ Pastor. ; /1 :

'GERMAN^XTTHMANdHmCHi Hunter street, corner of Ravine* Rev. C. H; Slebke, Pastor. •• y?}.:;J- -••:''':y':'{''i-':yi:U:':^:-'/:''-y

EPISCOPALCHUflCH, S Pierponl St., corner Wurts. Phlpit supplied by Key. Geo. Waters of Kingston.' !'*'{&

«TV MARYSCATHOLIC CfiURCH, Division street. Father R.G* burning, Priest.

GERMAN CATHQLIC) CHURCH Heekinger, Priest. |

v-;'.vB AKKS.'^KtN^tpp»i';.;•;;'•/'

^ STAVE OF NEW YORK $ANtii Fair Street, hear flfain. > 'Jacob: Burharis, Pres* identj Henry H.Reynolds, Cashier. : r : , .,

ULSTER COUNTY}BANKy Corner of Wall and J ohh StreetsJ Cornelius Bruyn, President; Charles D. frruyn, Cashier.

Corner of Fair and Main street;! Jacobij Pi Gs-terhondt President; 0 H Van GfaasbeekjCashieri

.•:;' "SAVIN^BAk^-y^.k^^^ Main Street. Jiacpb K Trumpbour, Treasurer j Edwin

,.;.') ROWdUTBANKi 1 Ferry.JJtreet. Hansen HasBrouck, President; Ed^af B Ncwkirk, <3 hl6r»


FIRE D E P ^ ] ^ ; GEORGE H SHARPS Chief Engineer. \ :•: J S L ANGWORTHYi - Assist v' * 4 ^

AkEJBibAN'EhSginb Cq^ovl^^East rFroht St;, Foreman, LvN.Hermance. : ' ! r

Ki^AiiAlEhjgineCo/No^rM sCre'et. JB*6rc-

! WASHINGTON Engine Co; No. 3; Firemen's Hall,FairvBtroet* iForeman,JvW.Beatley.

ExcEtsi6»: Engine Co.^.Q^/iEiiciBeiptbr.'Hall, John street. Foreman, J a m ^ B.' Van Qaasbeek. v WiivrwYCic ;Hbie;C6;^ilo^i, Firemen's Hall, Fair street. U^^M^^^l^M^^1*

E^cEtsipii Hose"Co.? No* 4, Excelsior Hall^ John streets Ebreman^ R. »i Newkirlt y &k 4.

EAGtE Hook & Ladder C o f . ^ . l , Firemen's Hall, Fair street; Foreman, James G. Teller*

'['yt}:-^fyy^^ • DONALDJacMiLLA^^Ohie f Engineer . • GEO. M. EMMETT. 1st Assist, do GEO. WEBER, i > 2d ^ do do ;

LACEAWANA Engine Co. No. 1. Foreman, Ed-w'ard'JAVi^tier.' ]y'. ?t<y^:: yi^y '0': '<'SyS--y>y- -

/PROTEOTOR Engine Co. No; 2. Foreman> Jo& T u b b y v ' ! ' ; ' ; ; - - '/'• 'iy'-y^yy-/,'*•::.•.; ':.;,'-'• v,;>•;>;•/,;.;•"

C 61> INTENT EngiheCd. Fo. 3. Fbremau, Jasv^,^ubby.-';': :•.,:;;';;- '^Siy. 'S:\:S:;'^

LACKAWANA Hose Co. No.l. Foreman, Wm. •bstranderiv.'.';':::;""'!•:.•.-''••:-;'\';^. p:/''••''•• •'••:U.•/'•'.'"•X-

f:RESGDEHool 45Ladder Co. iJo.l* Foremah,

ifJ'lJ.'Strattott.';,;,.vr •.• ^•'::,-.' 'y.i : ' ^ l ' - '

HOTELS --KINGSTON. f*^iji^_riy!y<i+sL^^

mngstozi. X€ot;eI7 Crown Street , Kingston, N; Y.:< >

: : , : S. BROWN, Proprietor .

Ulster Co^^lty Hduse, Wall Street , next door to Cour t House.

T I I E R O N S ^ I T U , Propr ie tor . N B. Horses and Carr iages to '-jet. •:'•.'•'••:>,• *

:-:; T^ioper^iic^ Jlousfe, -S: Eas t Front feireet^' ' ; ; ;

vV :' - ' JOHN"H. SCHRYVBR, Propr ie tor .

Main Street , Kingston, N Y. , •/;:••. : ;. WM; MASTEN, Propr ie tor .

AMERICAN HOTEL, Corner l loudout Avenue and St James Street.;

• ABM> H. F R E E R , Proprietor. ^!^**Board $3 per week,

GLINIONHOTEL, I lu r l ey 'Avenue , West Kingston.

• ; ANDREW j o r , Propr ie tor .

;;; ,V.TJ3StE TABLE. ,

Sunww i^mgmMr^^ ^t-

SralnB/ %>e&v$ Rhinefcebk, COINQ NOJ&TH'. :yy^:.y[r..[\

.ExpressPa&BenKer,Traip,, ,V ; ;. : J 08. A. M; Expr)ess,anid Mail Train,, 2 32,. g . ,M.

8 32,' P . M . , ' 9 0 8 / A , M. 5 I4,A;M»

Express Passeneor Train, , r HudsonWayTrain, ; '• v

Albany Way Pass. & F't Train,

Express Mail Trainy ' v > 'v>7. > ?» 6 -55 AV'^L Cincinnati Express Train, 10 42, A. M. Express Passenger Train, ,,\ i 6 01, P . M. Hudson Passenger ;rrain, \ 3 59, P . M. Express F r ^ f c h t i Pass:Train, 12 10, A. M. Albany Pass; and Way Freight,. ft TO, P . M.

Bridge street , West Kings ton, , ; * ; A. HuMPintEY, Proprietor ,

German Hotely Green Street, near North Front, Kingston.:


3fomsion Hotise, Corner of Division & Lackawanna Streets .

' ' • : G F VpN BECK, Proprietor,.

Canal street, XMMonHotdy

A METZOERV Propr ie tor .


v at all hours of the day, at JOHN H. DuiioNri's LIVERT/; STABLE, :'.;•.

Main Street, adjoining Mastcira Eagle Hotel, Kingston. N Y . ; ; ^ -'• •'.'

• Hauvcr's Lircry Stable, Adjoining Brown's Kings ton Hote l , Crown S t .

Horses and Carriages to Let •; '.' • li?. •••;- a t a l l h o u r s . C 1

Wall s treet , between P e a r l and Maiden Lane , i:,..' KingstoUjN. Y. . - : ;-'::;r v' •.'•.- •.'•••'»'.

Horses mid Carriages to Let


IrcMteGt i t Builder3 Residence, Crown S t , near Brown's Hotel , K}n^ton,n.X/;'y:\Sry ''y

K i i i g a t o n F p s t Offi /be. ^ tiOURS OF CLpSlNCt MAIL&'

New^York at 4^ and 9 B. M.,: ;•,;, > Daily. Albany at y^AMand 6 r /u t , ' do South Way1 at IV M, :y[:['yy\/y:'yy'-Aify:: North: Way at 9 A.IR 1 V b 40 1 Delhi at 9 r M. . - ; , : d o - : Ellenville 7 A M . . :i:do,jj South' Land, (_River;Route) 1 r M., , • do ( i ; South Land ( In ter ior Route , ) Mdhday, Wed­

nesday ajnd Fr iday , a t 81?! i i . ' / , For Sauger t ies ; Maiden, Glased, • Woodstock,

&c., mat te r is sen t by Albany Way Mail, closing dai ly a t 12 M. -;.' ,,y'j;'; .v.-'.';;':..".''/-

":• :g MAILS ARRIVE.') New York a t V ) \ A M a n d l O v M. Albahy iiat 8£ V M and 7 J ?..«;; ;••:,

: South^.Way'.I''F'M. •••'/'; .;,'•''jr'i'y-r ,i J^orth Way 5 P M , : ' ; '

' ' • 'D^iht^p-M. ' - ':[',''•::j,. *y':y.: Eliehvil le 2 P;M.•"•'•;• '.'• X >/ South Land, (River Bduie,)'12 k. Rondout at % A. it, ahd .11 A; M... South-Kancli (IhierioV Jtoute',) Monday, Wed

nOsda^and-^riiaay;^^ i&S.-M'yvy r:'$£&&i&k$ WILLIAM KERR. P. M.

Kingston.April 19tft,,18ft9» • -•• %

-Daily, • d o


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Time Table of Feriy* Boat Rhine. ^'^MyW^^^^^^!^^ •• 6.30 A. it; dowh'tfaiti, (J.55 $fflti& «P,«»;aln. 2-85 7.30 " ' ijb trainV'V:" •• ••':;> 8,00'.:; ** d.H'n, t r r 8 40 "4:,:jii> train;, ;0^0$, D3o " notraip, , , , ; v 10.20'• down tram; 10 42 UM'U vupiH^tr;/ ii.45 12.00 Mi no train, 1,00, p.'M.j fib tTain, *; y > W$$% •.'•%$A}WS-RIMNEBPQK>^ ,;..;<-;.; 6 1 0 / 6'-'-'si. VoOi 0 08,. 10 00, WWjtllASi &<M. 'iSi-.4Qsfi.^0»-S!:;32fcat':30',4 % ? ' % M 0 1 , 7 ;42 ,^32 ,P .M.

«i:oo 4.50 ^.40 7.00

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YIOLX^strlugs,' yjolins, ;panip$,,|lutesiv ao cordeons, ituning fork%.yioUn bpws-aiways

on.handiaiBBRRt^ Empire, Tariety Store 81 North ront Btreet

R 011 d 0 u t , P p s t 0 f f i c fb • r HOURS OF CLOSING MAILS. >

New York a t 6115 A . M . , andv6:15 P . M^ 'Dai ly . New York South Way, <B:15A. ;M; A . ^ Albany 8:15 A. M. and 7120,P. M.:.v-.. -do AlbanySortli^ay'l&Q;?• M - ' o I M • Ellenville 7 A; M. do ; Kingston 7 and 10 A. M»-: ... • :' * do

' D e l h i - 9 P . M . • ' •'•'•y v - . ^ , > .••- d o '••; Esopu8 (r iver route) 2 P . M. ; w do

• Wilbur;6AO£ - y-y -y^y) • ' ; ,^'• / ,: do

, ylW- •••• . '/' MAILS ARRIVE: ,'/,:'. , • New York 9:15 A. M. and 9 v. M. Daily.

Albany.7:30 A. M. and 6 30 p. M.,, . ;.,, do '. North Way 7:30 A. M. . do ;-

South Way. 2:45 i\ M.-' . / \ do Ellenville 2:30 P.. M . s •.• ' , V do*; Kingston G-.30A. M. and 2:30 P.M.' dp . Delhi 6 P.M. . .'• dp J 3 8 o p U 8 l l A . M . • v ^ </'•'• d o W i l b u r 0 A . M . ' "'• - do •


The Knickerbocker 3£agafcin& '}

The KNICKEUB6CKER. MAGAZINE begins in i t s May number two eeriajs : oue illustrated, and in pop­ular styles on;tU£> Adulteratioua of Food—the subject nearest the health and .happiness of e v ­ery family iu 1^0 land,and now at tract ing great at tention in Europe^-the other a fascinating and powerful story of domestic life, entitled :

" T n E HOMANCE OP A POOU YOUNO MA *, by Octave Feuillet, said to be the best hovel produced within the last five years. 'The first chapter opens brilliantly. Neither Dickens, Thackeray, nor any American novelist, has pro­duced anything more charming and interesting.

Every one knows that, by the criminal a v a ­rice of manufacturers and dealers, almost every article of food in common use, liquors and drugs, arc adulterated with hurtlul and poison, ous substances,.and the Knickerbocker ia the lir$t and onlv publication in the country tbat lias undertaken to expose thoroughly this gi­gantic wrong, which secretly attacks every man's life. All of its statement* are based upon r igid chemical analyses and microscopical examina­tions made for this special purpose. Tue adul­terations and the manner ol detecting them aro unri1valed,and to probe the evil to the bottom, the Knickerbocker will publish, BO. far as its in­vestigations extend, the namesot^.the mauulac-turers aud .dealers guilty of this lusidious crimo against health and life. I t is the most impor­tant seriesof articles e ver begun in ,.an Ameri­can Magazine, and should go into .every family

Tha May Knickerbocker has also the couclu v siori of a splendid article 'on Dantb, by Rov.'Dr. Osgood ; a dashing contriliution, Over the Pahr i .by Dr. J . W . Palmer' , Jollygvecn rs W.estv em Tour; by Osmond Tifiany ; Humorous P o ­ems, by Park Benjamin and'Alice Carey ; and a novel and picturesque cohtribntion on Siara, by recent missionary to the Kingdom:Of tbe White , Elephant. The Editor.s Table is always a feat­ure of the Knickerbocker^ A 'full page steel plate engraving of Madame ;dc Ohevreuse, tho great' rival of Riclielieu and Mazarln; opens llio Number.

Terms $3 per year, postage pre-paid by pub­lisher to any part (of the United States, A spe­cimen number1 of the May Knickerbocker con ­taining the above, with seven splendid full pago steel plate Engravings , worth at least one dol­lar^ will be sent on receipt ,-of 25 cents in pos t ­age stamps a t the office of publication. %,~m.:: ^JOHN Ai GRAY, '.; ":

"',;••?.•: .•-••: ; 16 and 18 Jacob -street; >Nv Y.^

IN EVERYBODY'S MOUTH. In Everybody's'Mouth. In Everybody's M.outh.

.".'•••. ' What is t What is? . 'What is? What is f " :

•Wby-^Vhy " ' , Day!s New shoe store

/ '; Day ' sNew shoe store , ' !| Day's ]S[ew sboe'store :

at 78'Nortb Front st . instead of No. 94, a t 78 North Front st. instead of No. 94

J^ex t to Langworthy's :- ]'S'.\ Next toLarigW.oiftby^s .•'_;•:.''•'";. •' ••.•".'

* ' I s Day's New shoe store; , 1 . I s Day's new shoe stbre. ;

C a l l a n d s e e t h e hevJr store.1 ' •: 1 6 s i tf

' ry A NWW BOOfc'^ ]X i:!

A NEW Book by the Author of >« The Prince of the; House of. D a v i d . ' * ; \. V ;;- ': V? r

$HE PILLAR OF FIRE ; \/'{i Or; Israel in Bondage.. Just received at the Bookstore of

Kingston, April 11,1859. F. 9. WYNKpOJ?.-

THE SUBSCRIBER, / v ; ,..;

^ i i ^ S l S r i v g adopted Board of Trade ralesr.has made, arrangements with the largo publishing house of Ditson&iCo., of Bos­ton,' for their^ extensive1 catalogue of mn'sid and. BookB/ahd. is,j)repared to^.urnish dealers^dacn-ers', semlha^iOT^Ud'the'puiilTc, with all the.Mtt.-sic and ,%sicalj W<)rks. published in\the 'United 8ta$es*•.('iio

:;<^attlng ^drergh: music) .atjjtherlowest possible rip?s;< :MarMn's celebrated GUITAR^, attdvali'.kind8 of Musical Instruments and {Mu« sic merchandise for sale at this house at im-porierM prices. • The,Hora.oG, Wj0i* l l a n o s and Meiodlans, and 6therisuperior;makers,|ie,W and second hand} at prices that defy competi­tion. ; - ^HORACE WATERS, Ag't. — • . • . • ' ' ' . • ' " • • " v . " • • — . * * ~ — . " •

TIMEJV TIME,'V TIME l^C lbc^a i i d l Watches. :. canbeibought; cheaper, at Berry's >Grteat

VarietycBtorei Kin^s)oo» than^ at' any other place. Also fine Brooches, Ear-Drops, Finger-Rihgs; (Jold andSilvcr Thlmbles/it &l ?. -''''"' :%

tbWell'a IEveV^rccn Swee t Covii .—For sale. by MONTAKYE & REYNOLDS.

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