lms 2014 work

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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LMS Work (fashion specific) 2014


  • 1. 0 1 L A N A S H A H M O R A D I A N A R T D I R E C T I O N A N D D E S I G N P R O S P E C T U S 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 4

2. 0 2 S R . A RT D I R E C T O R , S I D L E E U S A f e b 2 0 13 - present Sent to NYC to help start the new Sid Lee US office. Led rebrand for Nordstrom Rack, concepted and led monthly photo & video shoots for all seasonal campaigns. Produced integrated campaign for adidas Originals UK. Currently working on Absolut, Coke Zero and new business. A RT D I R E C T O R , S I D L E E M O N T R E A L april 2 0 1 2 - f e b 2 0 13 Led rebrand of adidas Originals global, created and sold-through the interpretation of the jagged stripe design which is now being used across all markets today and beyond. A RT D I R E C TO R , W I E D E N + K E N N E DY may 2 0 0 9 - march 2 0 1 2 Pitched and won Nokia North American business, produced a global TVC to launch new device which won in the 2012 AICP Awards. Launched identity of ESPNs new network for women - ESPNW in a digital and print campaign. Accounts I worked also included Target Style, ESPN, Nike Global, Theory LLC, and Delta. V C U B R A N D C E N T E R class o f 2 0 1 0 Named CMYKs Top 100 Creatives in 2010 C O L L E G E O F W I L L I A M & M A R Y C L A S S O F 2 0 0 8 BS in Biology (Pre-medicine), Minor in Art art direction + design lshahmoradian @ sidlee .com lanashahmoradian .com +1 8 0 4 2 39 5 613 3. 0 3 A B O U T M E W O R K P E R S O N A L 4. 0 4 1 Majored in Biology, Pre-Med. Im a science nerd. Quiz me. 2 Self-taught designer. Learned the fundamentals of design from books at Virginas finest public libraries. Was accepted into VCU Brandcenter while I was still studying for my MCATs. 3 President of the fashion club - we produced an annual fashion show featuring collections created by student designers. My designer name was Heavy Metal Unicorn. 4 Was hired by Wieden+Kennedy after my summer internship and before I graduated from school. 5 I have been doodling all my life. Search the hashtag #penofblood on Instagram to see my doodles. 6 In my spare time I work with my friend on branding his rap identity and our streetwear/lifestyle brand called TOKEN. S I X T H I N G S 5. 0 5 C O N C E P T D E S I G N I L L U S T R A T I O N 6. 0 6 A D I D A S O R I G I N A L S Here I created a new visual identity for the adidas Originals Spring/Summer 2013 campaign that set it apart from the rest of the adidas brand, making it uniquely Originals. Everyone knows that adidas is the brand with the 3 stripes. What visually differentiates adidas Originals from the rest of the brand is most easily noticed in the nature of the stripes. The Originals stripes are serrated - its an element seen on every Originals shoe box, and all the classic shoes that defined the brand - the Shelltoes, the Sambas, and the Stan Smiths to name a few. The serrated edge was brought to life in the S/S 2013 campaign and continues to be an integral part of the design in all continuing seasons all over the world, I created a brand guidelines for the visual identity which is being implemented in adidas markets worldwide. Just search #unitealloriginals on Instagram. 7. 0 7 T H E J A G G E D S T R I P E D E F I N E S A D I D A S O R I G I N A L S 8. 0 8 The campaign for S/S 2013 is Unite All Originals - the idea that originality is born when 2 ideas or schools of thought collide. C O N C E P T 9. 0 9 The print is a manifestation of Unite All Originals in its first form - we see 2 different individuals layered and combined into one layout. We see that Originals is the brand that unites all, as its presence exists across both layers. Shot by Peter Sutherland P R I N T & O O H 10. 0 1 0 11. 0 1 1 12. 0 1 2 13. 0 1 3 14. 0 1 4 The global TV spot was a product of collision between music producer A-Trak and filmmaker and illustrator So-Me. T V C Directed by So-Me 15. 0 1 5 V I E W F I L M 16. 0 1 6 The campaign comprised of a content hub called The Collider that acted as a crucible for getting originals to collide and collaborate to produce a series of new media. We brought in artists, musicians, filmmakers, like Iggy Azalea and Geoffrey Lillemon to name a few, to come together to create something special and new. The Collider was and continues to be a place where Originality is born. O N L I N E P L A T F O R M 17. 0 1 7 18. 0 1 8 W A T C H D E M O W A T C H I G G Y A Z A L E A x E V A N R O T H 19. 0 1 9 V I E W G I F L O O K B O O K Shot by RJ Shaughnessy 20. 0 2 0 The next season of print pushed Unite All Originals visual language I developed to the next level. After introducing the world to the serrated layered design in the previous season, we introduce an additional layer created by an artist, furthering the collision of art and culture to breed originality. The frame-in-frame design becomes frame-in-frame-in-frame. :P Shot by Sacha Maric F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 3 21. 0 2 1 22. 0 2 2 23. 0 2 3 24. 0 2 4 The following pages show further design exploration of the jagged edge frame-in-frame design. D E S I G N E X P L O R A T I O N 25. 0 2 5 OLLISION LOOKBOOK niting all the originals throUgh he way they wear adidas. his interaCtiVe looKBooK lets Users wiPe throUgh the diFFerent looKs ia the 4 Corners. eaCh swiPe stirs UP dynaMiC aniMated transition FroM one ooK to the neXt. the QUotes that aPPear n toP oF the Photos highlight how aCh Model wears their adidas. 26. 0 2 6 27. 0 2 7 28. 0 2 8 29. 0 2 9 30. 0 3 0 N O R D S T R O M R A C K I worked on Nordstrom Rack over the course of a year, leading art direction on all print and film for each season. The Rack was undergoing a lot of change in their visual identity. You will see how the brand evolves over the course of the year, starting with Summer 2013. The one part of their brand they wanted to keep was their circular spotlight motif - which symbolizes deal-spotting. The motif is reimagined every season. The retailer sells designer clothes at a deeply discounted price, so we had to keep the visuals somewhat sophisticated but more democratic and youthful for their discerning yet thrifty audience. A big challenge with this account was working with extremely limited budgets, especially on our films, which were created at under $5K each. We had to use our ingenuity to bring them to life in a creative way. 31. 0 3 1 Shot by Max Abadian Film directed by Arman Matin S U M M E R C A M P A I G N 32. 0 3 2 33. 0 3 3 34. 0 3 4 35. 0 3 5 36. 0 3 6 V I E W F I L M 37. 0 3 7 38. 0 3 8 39. 0 3 9 Shot by Max Abadian Film directed by Arman Matin B A C K T O S C H O O L 40. 0 4 0 41. 0 4 1 42. 0 4 2 43. 0 4 3 V I E W F I L M 44. 0 4 4 Seasonal campaign for Nordstrom Rack Fall 2013. The trend calendar centered around the theme of Romance the Stone - full of luxe details, jewel tones, and baroque embellishments. The photography is more dramatic with a moodier and more sculpted light. The 11 foot backdrop was custom fabricated out of wood, to emulate a gem. We could light the faceted background from multiple angles to vary the effect. The film features a kaleidoscope of fall trends, shot as if you are looking through a faceted crystal. Macro footage of details from the collection were mounted to a spinning lazy susan and shot through an actual mirrored kaleidoscope. Shot by Max Abadian Film directed by GMD3 F A L L 45. 0 4 5 46. 0 4 6 47. 0 4 7 48. 0 4 8 V I E W F I L M 49. 0 4 9 50. 0 5 0 The concept behind this season is unwrapped - our print set was backdropped by colored seamless rolls and wrapped oversized giftboxes. The film tears away scene by scene to reveal scenes of gift giving. Shot by Nagi Sakai Film directed by Serena Corvaglia H O L I D A Y 51. 0 5 1 52. 0 5 2 53. 0 5 3 V I E W F I L M 54. 0 5 4 The following is a collection of brand visuals, email program visuals, and in-store signage visuals for the Fall and Winter season. Shot by Nagi Sakai B R A N D V I S U A L S 55. 0 5 5 S E P T E M B E R B R A N D V I S U A L S 56. 0 5 6 S E P T E M B E R B R A N D V I S U A L S 57. 0 5 7 S E P T E M B E R B R A N D V I S U A L S 58. 0 5 8 H O L I D A Y S E A S O N B R A N D V I S U A L S 59. 0 5 9 H O L I D A Y S E A S O N B R A N D V I S U A L S 60. 0 6 0 O C T O B E R B R A N D V I S U A L S 61. 0 6 1 O C T O B E R B R A N D V I S U A L S 62. 0 6 2 O C T O B E R B R A N D V I S U A L S 63. 0 6 3 F A L L E M A I L S A M P L E S 64. 0 6 4 T A R G E T S T Y L E Print campaign for Target Holiday 2012. The campaign line was Santa has elves. You have Target. The scenarios feature either style or home goods in holiday scenarios that have an air of whimsy. Arnaud was chosen for his edgy lighting style and dream-like coloration. Shot by Arnaud Pyvka 65. 0 6 5 66. 0 6 6 67. 0 6 7 68. 0 6 8 69. 0 6 9 70. 0 7 0 T H E O R Y Brand book. We were asked to create the positioning and some nontraditional ideas for the clothing brand, Theory. I worked alongside our head of strategy to come up with a positioning and write a manifesto for the brand. On the following pages are a few spreads from a brand book I designed containing the story of the Theory Woman, and a simple brand extension idea which ties into the story. 71. 0 7 1 72. 0 7 2 S E L E C T E D P A G E S F R O M T H E B O O K 73. 0 7 3 S E L E C T E D P A G E S F R O M T H E B O O K 74. 0 7 4 S E L E C T E D P A G E S F R O M T H E B O O K 75. 0 7 5 S E L E C T E D P A G E S F R O M T H E B O O K 76. 0 7 6 S E L E C T E D P A G E S F R O M T H E B O O K 77. 0 7 7 S E L E C T E D P A G E S F R O M T H E B O O K 78. 0 7 8 79. 0 7 9 80. 0 8 0 81. 0 8 1 82. 0 8 2 83. 0 8 3 As mentioned before, in my spare time I work with my friend on branding his rap identity. I am like his baby Virgil Abloh. This includes designing his stage and projections or visuals for his live performances, designing his merch and mixtape covers, anything that touches his audience. I have a passion for music and street culture and Im able to bring this to life through Beedy A.K.A. The Homey BDP. P E R S O N A L 84. 0 8 4 I designed this neon sign and identity for hiphop artist The Homey BDP for the pre-launch of his mixtape at Art Basel. We commissioned legendary NY neon shop, Let There Be Neon to make the sign. The installation was up for 3 days at the Mana Wynwood as part of Montreal-based MASSIVarts Habitat exhibit. The sign served as a stage/backdrop to his inaugural performance and henceforth as a beacon for his mixtape listening station present over the course of the 3 day exhibit - equipped with a classic SONY stereo system looping the preview mixtape, and branded merch - CDs and custom oversized tees printed in retro puff-ink. The quintessential CD format was chosen because of its DIY feeling, in keeping with a classic and iconic approach to hiphop. A standard stock jewel case housed a blank white CD and an insert with no information other than songs from the forthcoming album, teasing the upcoming album release. A R T B A S E L E X H I B I T I O N 85. 0 8 5 86. 0 8 6 87. 0 8 7 88. 0 8 8 89. 0 8 9 90. 0 9 0 91. 0 9 1 92. 0 9 2 R O X G A L L E R Y M I X T A P E L A U N C H 93. 0 9 3 94. 0 9 4 95. 0 9 5 J E L L O M U S I C V I D E O 96. 0 9 6 97. 0 9 7 D O M O A R I G A T O

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