local newspaper analysis

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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Local Newspaper Analysis.

The dimensions of both newspapers national (right) and local (left) are your stereotypical run of the mill tabloid newspaper sizes. They both match up to be 37cm length and 29cm width, which is by these newspapers standards

enough to fit all the content they need in it for it to be successful. In addition the double page spreads measurements would stay the same in length but

double in width (37cm x 58cm).








Layout (local)Masthead

The masthead is positioned in the conventional top left hand side of the newspaper.

Cover/sub Story

This has been placed up the page under the masthead in which it gives a slight insight in to what some of the stories will be inside the newspaper. These could also be seen as the next most interesting/ important stories after the main headline.

Headline Story

The main story is placed in the stereotypical centre. It is in big block capitals to catch the readers attention. In addition there is a little cover story to give the reader an insight in to what will be wrote.


There is a simple piece of advertisement on the front page of the newspaper. It is highlighted In red in order for it to stand out.

LogoThis particular local newspaper ‘South London Press’ has a logo next to its masthead; it’s positioned top right out of the way but so its still shown.

Headlined Sub Story

This has been placed under the headline story so that it is still recognisable and visible. This also informs the reader of what page to read the story on.


Here shows more advertisement. This time though it is a lot more clearer as it has a number, image and name as well as a little description which tells us that this particular advertiser had to pay more than the

other as it is larger and more visible to the reader.

Layout (National)Masthead

Once again the masthead is placed top left like every national or local newspaper is.

Sub Story

The sub story is placed almost out of the way in the top right to allow room for the headline story. The differences of this compared to the local is the sub story is a lot smaller but clearer. Headline Story

This headline story is completely different to that of the local newspaper I have analysed. This is clear as the headline story covers the whole page which suggests that the distributers want to focus fully on this where is the local newspaper has a few stories covered which therefore wouldn’t attract sub dually towards the headline story.


This national newspaper shows no form of advertisement which is often the case when national newspapers are involved as they are from a rich foundation so therefore do not need any backing from advertisement. Furthermore advertising is not shown as national news covers a vast amount of areas compared to a specific area like local news does so therefore there is not enough room. (advertisement is however shown inside the national newspapers towards the back).


The captions here are to give the audience/reader some idea of the main points in the headline story.


The headline is in big bold letters to stand out. This also has a little piece of the story with it as well as an image of with who the story involves, this shows good technique and shows the professionalism of a national newspaper.


Here is a double page spread of the ‘South London Press’. There are four stories that have been published three of which are known as ‘negative’ stories which is often the case in all newspaper articles national and local. The language in al the stories is very dramatic to show off the negativity of the stories and help produce shock to the reader. In addition both pages have advertisement shown on the bottom half which is always a conventional theme in all local newspapers.

Local National

This is a double page spread of national newspaper ‘The Sun’. Much like the front covers the national newspaper is displaying much more/ bigger images. The language in this newspaper is even more theatrical than that of the local one. It goes as far as to show exclamation marks! In addition this double page spread shows the story going onto both pages which is a ‘proper’ double page spread with a section of the left hand side advertisement.


The language in the local newspaper is very much like that of all newspapers. That is very negative which therefore breaths drama. Even the title is over theatrical ‘Lack of Cash to develop power station’; this suggests that they are struggling to produce the funds and therefore the power station is also struggling with it. Another form of drama in this piece of text is ‘building may never go ahead’ this is very blunt towards what the story is about and sums it all up with in a sentence half way through this article. With

words such as ‘sparked’ and ‘revamp’ being used, shows an exaggerated piece of text which is always conventional in any news story positive or negative; but with the story

being dominantly negative then the exaggeration is definitely needed to get the readers attention as well as hooking the reader in to read more this is the main reason

for dramatic, exaggerated to be used.

Here is a detailed look into the language of the national newspaper. This is from the double paged spread. This shows how the language is very dramatic and negative in the way the writer talks about the lawyers of the

defendant. An example is ‘got off to a bad start’, this is with in the first sentence which immediately gives the impression to the reader that the story is negative towards the defendant ‘Conrad Murray’. Another example is

‘looked nervous as he stumbled through his opening speech’; this once again shows negativity towards the person with almost a sense of mockery towards him which is what the readers/ public often want to read as they like the

feeling of their own personal lives being healthier/ better than what the person they are reading about.


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