[loch k. johnson] strategic intelligence -five volumes

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  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes


    Strategic Intelligence,Volumes 15

    Edited byLoch K. Johnson



  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes




  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes



    Board Cochairs

    Loch K. Johnson, Regents Professor of Public and International Affairs, School

    of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia (U.S.A.)

    Paul Wilkinson, Professor of International Relations and Chairman of the Ad-

    visory Board, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, Uni-

    versity of St. Andrews (U.K.)


    Eliot A. Cohen, Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies and Director,

    Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced

    International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University (U.S.A.)

    Anthony H. Cordesman, Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy, Center for Strategic

    and International Studies (U.S.A.)

    Therese Delpech, Director of Strategic Affairs, Atomic Energy Commission, and

    Senior Research Fellow, CERI (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politique),

    Paris (France)

    Sir Michael Howard, former Professor of History of War, Oxford University, and

    Professor of Military and Naval History, Yale University (U.K.)

    Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy, USA (Ret.), former Deputy Chief ofStaff for Intelligence, Headquarters, Department of the Army (U.S.A.)

    Paul M. Kennedy, J. Richardson Dilworth Professor of History and Director,

    International Security Studies, Yale University (U.S.A.)

    Robert J. ONeill, former Chichele Professor of the History of War, All Souls

    College, Oxford University (Australia)

    Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development, Department of

    Government and Politics, University of Maryland (U.S.A.)

    Jusuf Wanandi, co-founder and member, Board of Trustees, Centre for Strategic

    and International Studies (Indonesia)

    Fareed Zakaria, Editor, Newsweek International (U.S.A.)

  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes




    Edited by

    Loch K. Johnson

    Intelligence and the Quest for Security

    PRAEGER SECURITY INTERNATIONALWestport, Connecticut London

  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes


    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Strategic intelligence / edited by Loch K. Johnson.

    p. cm.(Intelligence and the quest for security, ISSN 1932-3492)Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 0-275-98942-9 (set : alk. paper)ISBN 0-275-98943-7 (vol. 1 : alk. paper)

    ISBN 0-275-98944-5 (vol. 2 : alk. paper)ISBN 0-275-98945-3 (vol. 3 : alk. paper)

    ISBN 0-275-98946-1 (vol. 4 : alk. paper)ISBN 0-275-98947-X (vol. 5 : alk. paper)

    1. Military intelligence. 2. Intelligence serviceGovernment policy. I. Johnson,

    Loch K., 1942

    UB250.S6385 2007

    327.12dc22 2006031165

    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.

    Copyright# 2007 by Loch K. Johnson

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be

    reproduced, by any process or technique, without the

    express written consent of the publisher.

    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2006031165

    ISBN: 0-275-98942-9 (set)

    0-275-98943-7 (vol. 1)

    0-275-98944-5 (vol. 2)

    0-275-98945-3 (vol. 3)

    0-275-98946-1 (vol. 4)

    0-275-98947-X (vol. 5)ISSN: 1932-3492

    First published in 2007

    Praeger Security International, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881

    An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.


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  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes



    Preface vii

    1. An Introduction to the Intelligence Studies Literature 1

    Loch K. Johnson

    2. Cloaks, Daggers, and Ivory Towers: Why Academics Dont

    Study U.S. Intelligence 21

    Amy B. Zegart

    3. Studying Intelligence: A British Perspective 35

    Timothy Gibbs

    4. Democratic Deficit Be Damned: The Executive Use of

    Legislators to Scrutinize National Security in Canada 65Stuart Farson and Reg Whitaker

    5. Sources and Methods in the Study of Intelligence: A British View 89

    Len Scott

    6. Searching Where the Light Shines? An American View

    of Methods for the Study of Intelligence 109

    Michael Warner

    7. The Challenges of Intelligence Analysis 123

    John Hollister Hedley

    8. The Intelligence-Policy Nexus 139

    James J. Wirtz

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    9. Sorting the Wood from the Trees: Were 9/11 and Iraq

    Intelligence Failures? 151

    Peter Gill

    10. Intelligence of the Past; Intelligence for the Future 169Harold M. Greenberg

    11. National Intelligence in the Age of Transparency 181

    Kristin M. Lord


    A. Intelligence Excerpts from the National Security Act of 1947 201

    B. A Brief History of U.S. Intelligence 213C. The U.S. Intelligence Community, 1985 237

    The U.S. Intelligence Community, 2006 238

    The Organization of the Central Intelligence Agency, with Detailson the Directorate for IntelligenceHome of the CIAs Analysts 239

    D. An Aerial Photograph of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1996 240

    E. Leadership of the U.S. Intelligence Community, 19472006 241

    F. Sherman Kent on The Need for an Intelligence Literature 244

    G. The Aspin-Brown Commission on the Purpose and Challenges

    of Intelligence 250

    H. A Tale of Counterintelligence 279

    Glossary 295

    Index 301

    About the Editor and Contributors 313

    vi contents

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    of intelligence. Thirty years ago, one would have been hard-pressed to find enough

    good articles on the subject to fill two volumes, let alone five. In those three

    decades since 1975, however, the study of intelligence has grown considerably.

    Today there are several solid professional journals in the field, including the

    premier publicationsIntelligence and National Security (published in the United

    Kingdom), International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (the

    United States), andStudies in Intelligence(from the Central Intelligence Agency,in both classified and unclassified form). In just the past two years, bulging

    anthologies on the general topic strategic intelligence, as well as a handbook

    on intelligence and a collection of chapters within the more specialized niche of

    intelligence and ethics have appeared, along with a tidal wave of books and

    articles on one aspect or another of this subject (see the bibliographic essay involume 1).

    Except in times of scandal (Watergate in 1973, CIA domestic spying in 1974,

    the Iran-contraaffair in 1987), one could find in this earlier era little newspaper

    coverage of intelligence activities, so tightly held were these operations by the

    government. Now, fueled by the events of the September 11, 2001, terrorist

    attacks and the erroneous prediction in 2002 that weapons of mass destruction

    (WMDs) were being developed and stockpiled by Iraq, hardly a week goes by

    without reports on intelligence in the New York Times and other leading news-

    papers. These days, the Atlantic Monthly and the New Yorker, Americas topliterary magazines, visit the subject with some regularity, too. The latter has hired

    Seymour M. Hersh, the nations most well-known investigative reporter with an

    intelligence beat.

  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes


    Intelligence studies has come of age.

    Certainly the chapters in these volumes display a breadth of inquiry that

    suggests an admirable vibrancy in this relatively new field of study. Presented

    here are empirical inquiries, historical treatments, theoretical frameworks, mem-oirs, case studies, interviews, legal analyses, comparative essays, and ethical

    assessments. The authors come from the ranks of academe (twenty-five); the

    intelligence agencies (thirteen); think tanks (seven); Congress, the State De-

    partment, and the National Security Council (three); and the legal world (three).1

    Over a quarter of the contributors are from other nations, including Canada,

    England, Germany, Israel, Scotland, Switzerland, and Wales. The American

    writers come from every region of the United States. As a collective, the authors

    represent a wide range of scholarly disciplines, including computer science,

    history, international affairs, law, sociology, political science, public administra-tion, public policy studies, and strategic studies. Many of the contributors are from

    the ranks of the top intelligence scholars in the world; a few young ones stand at

    the gateway to their academic careers.

    Notable, too, is the number of women who have entered this field of study.

    Thirty years ago, it would have been rare to find one or two women writing on

    this subject. Seven have contributed chapters to these pages, and another two

    wrote documents that appear in the appendixes. This is still fewer than one would

    like, especially in light of the major contribution women have made as in-

    telligence officers. One thinks of the heroic efforts of British women in code

    breaking and in the Special Operations Executive during World War II, and the

    American women who contributed so much to the analytic efforts of the Office of

    Strategic Studies (OSS) during that same war. At least, though, the number

    attracted to the scholar study of intelligence appears to be rapidly expanding.

    The end result of this mix is a landscape illuminated by a variety of methods

    and appreciationsa rich research trove that examines all the key aspects of

    intelligence. In addition, each of the volumes contains backup materials in the

    appendixes. These documents provide the reader with access to significant pri-

    mary and secondary sources referred to in the chapters.

    The volumes are organized according to the major topics of studies in thefield. The first volume, titled Understanding the Hidden Side of Government,

    introduces the reader to methods commonly used in the study of intelligence. It

    imparts, as well, a sense of the state of the discipline, beginning with a bib-

    liographic essay (by the editor) and continuing with an examination of specific

    approaches scholars have adopted in their inquiries into this especially difficult

    discipline, where doors are often shut against outsiders.

    In the bibliographic essay that opens the volume, I argue that the literature on

    intelligence has mushroomed over the past thirty years. Some of this literature is

    unreliable, but much of it is of high quality. Amy B. Zegart follows my chapterwith an important caveat: the literature may be more voluminous these days, but

    intelligence studies as an academic field has yet to be accepted as a vital part of

    national security scholarship. The mainstream journals of history, international

    viii preface

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    affairs, and political science have still regarded the study of intelligence as a

    marginal pursuit. In this regard, Zegart points out, there is a major disconnect

    between academic scholarship and those who make decisions in Washington,

    London, and other capitals around the world.Following this introduction, Len Scott and Timothy Gibbs look at methods

    that have been used to study intelligence in the United Kingdom; Stuart Farson

    and Reg Whitaker in Canada; and Michael Warner in the United States. The

    volume then turns to a more specific inquiry into the central question of how

    intelligence is interpreted by professionalsthe issue of analysisexplored by

    John Hollister Hedley. An overview of the sometimes turbulent relationship

    between intelligence officers and the policy makers they serve is explored by

    James J. Wirtz; and British scholar Peter Gill recalls the failures associated with

    the 9/11 attacks and the poor judgments about Iraqi WMDs, in hopes of ex-tracting lessons from these intelligence disasters. In the next chapter, the youngest

    scholar represented in this collection, Harold M. Greenberg, takes us back in time

    with a remembrance of the legendary CIA officer and Yale history professor

    Sherman Kent, often known as the dean of CIA analysts. Kristin Lord rounds out

    the first volume with a look forward into future prospects for a more transparent

    worldthe ultimate goal of intelligence.As with each of the books, Volume 1 has a set of appendixes designed to

    supplement the original chapters with supportive materials from government

    documents and other sources. Appendix A contains the relevant intelligence ex-

    cerpts from the National Security Act of 1947the founding charter for the

    modern American intelligence establishment. Appendix B provides a history of

    U.S. intelligence since 1947, prepared for the Aspin-Brown Commission in

    199596 by staff member Phyllis Provost McNeil. These two documents present

    a contextual backdrop for the Volume 1 chapters. Appendix C provides wiring

    diagrams of the intelligence community, that is, organizational blueprints for

    the sixteen agencies and related entities. One chart displays the community as it is

    today, and another displays how it looked in 1985. As the contrast between the

    two illustrates, the events of September 11, 2001, have led to a larger and more

    complex intelligence apparatus in the United States. Appendix D shows a pho-tograph of the CIA Headquarters Building, as an example of what one of the

    secret agencies actually looks like from an aerial perspective. The white dome in

    the foreground is an assembly hall seating around 600 people and to its left is the

    main entrance to the original CIA headquarters, built during the Eisenhower

    years. Behind this older wing is the new green-glass structure erected during the

    Reagan administration, often known as the Casey addition because William J.

    Casey was the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) at the time of its construc-

    tion during the 1980s.

    Appendix E lists the top leadership in the Americas intelligence commu-nity: the DCIs from 19472005 and todays DNI. Included here as well are the

    leaders in Congress who have been responsible for intelligence accountability inthe past, along with the current members of the two congressional Intelligence

    preface ix

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    Committees: the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI, or sissy in

    the unflattering and sometimes true homophone of Capitol Hill vernacular) and

    the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI or hipsee).

    Appendix F presents a 1955 statement from historian and CIA analyst ShermanKent about the need for a more robust intelligence literature. He would probably

    be amazed by how much is being written on this subject now. Appendix G offers

    an overview on the purpose and challenges of intelligence, drawn from the

    introductory chapters of the Aspin-Brown Commission Report. Finally, Appen-

    dix H provides an opening glimpse into the subject of counterintelligence, a

    world of counterspies and betrayal taken up more fully in Volume 4.

    With the second volume, titled The Intelligence Cycle: The Flow of SecretInformation From Overseas to the Highest Councils of Government, the focus

    shifts from a broad overview of intelligence to a more detailed examination of itscore mission: the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information from

    around the world. The National Security Act of 1947, which created Americas

    modern intelligence establishment, made it clear that the collection, analysis, and

    dissemination of information would be the primary duty of the intelligence

    agencies. As Allen Dullesthe most famous DCI (Americas top intelligence

    official, until this title changed to director of National Intelligence or DNI in2005)put it, the intelligence agencies were expected to weigh facts, and to

    draw conclusions from those facts, without having either the facts or the con-

    clusions warped by the inevitable and even proper prejudices of the men whose

    duty it is to determine policy.2 The collection and interpretation of information,

    through espionage and from the public record, would be the primary responsi-

    bility of Americas secret agencies.

    At the heart of this mission lies the so-called intelligence cycle. Professional

    intelligence officers define the cycle as the process by which information is

    acquired, converted into intelligence, and made available to policymakers.3 The

    cycle has five phases: planning and direction, collection, processing, production

    and analysis, and dissemination (see Appendix A in Volume 2 for a depiction).

    As former CIA officer Arthur S. Hulnick notes, however, in the opening chapter,

    the idea of a cycle fails to capture the complexity of how intelligence iscollected, assessed, and distributed by intelligence officers.

    The next five chapters in Volume 2 take us into the world of the ints, that is,

    the specialized intelligences (methods) used by intelligence officers to collectinformation. Patrick Radden Keefe and Matthew M. Aid probe the method of

    signals intelligence or SIGINT, a generic term used to describe the interception

    and analysis of communications intelligence and other electronic emissions, from

    wiretapping telephones to studying the particles emitted by missiles in test flights.

    Both authors are sensitive to the possible abuse of these techniques, which can be

    and have been used to spy on Americans without a proper judicial warrant. JeffreyT. Richelson explores the IMINT domain, that is, imagery intelligence or, in

    simple terms, photographs taken by surveillance satellites and reconnaissance

    airplanes (piloted and unpiloted). Telephone conversations can be revealing, but

    x preface

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    in the old saying, a picture can be worth a thousand words. (Appendix B provides

    photographic examples of these spy platforms, and Appendix C offers illustrations

    of the IMINT data they can collect.)

    Important, too, is information that can be acquired by human agents (as-sets) guided by case officers inside the CIA or the Defense Department, the

    topic of human intelligence or HUMINT, examined by Frederick P. Hitz. Not all

    the information needed by policy makers is acquired through SIGINT, IMINT,

    or HUMINT; indeed, the overwhelming majorityupward of 95 percentis

    already in the public domain. This open-source intelligence (OSINT) must be

    sorted through, organized, and integrated with the secretly gained information.

    Robert David Steeles chapter looks at OSINT and its ties to the other ints.

    In the next chapter, Daniel S. Gressang IV dissects some of the technological

    challenges faced by intelligence agencies in sorting through the avalanche of datathat pours into their headquarters from various intelligence collectors around the

    world. Here is the Herculean task of sorting out the wheat from the chaff (or the

    signal from the noise, in another widely used metaphor) in the search for in-

    formation that may warn the nation of impending peril. Here is the vital task of

    providing indicators and warnings (I&W) to a nations leaders.

    One of the most difficult relationships in the complex process of collection,analysis, and dissemination of information comes at the intersection between

    intelligence professionals and policy makersgroups of individuals that often

    have very different training, aspirations, and cultures. Jack Davis sheds light on

    this often turbulent relationship in the United States, and Michael Herman tackles

    the same topic in the United Kingdom. Minh A. Luong offers a case study on

    economic intelligence that underscores some of the difficulties encountered as

    information travels from the collectors and analysts (the producers of in-

    telligence) to the policy makers (the consumers). Finally, Max M. Holland

    takes a look at how intelligence agencies examine their own mistakes (post-

    mortems) and attempt to make correctionsand how political consideration

    enter into the process.

    By way of supporting documentation, in addition to the appendixes already

    mentioned, Appendix D outlines the general types of reports prepared by theproducers of intelligence, along with a listing of specific examples. Appendixes E

    and F provide samples of key intelligence products: National Intelligence Esti-

    mates (NIEs)the most important long-range and in-depth forecasting carried

    out by the U.S. secret agencies (research intelligence, in contrast to shorter

    intelligence reports that tend to focus on near-term events, or current intel-

    ligence); Special National Intelligence Estimates (SNIEs), which concentrate

    on a narrow, high-priority information requirement (say, the capabilities of the

    Chinese military); and the Presidents Daily Brief (PDB), the most exclusive

    current intelligence report prepared by the intelligence agencies for the con-sumption of the president and a few other high-ranking officials.

    In light of the fact that every study of the 9/11 and Iraqi WMD intelligencefailures find fault, in part, with Americas capacity for human intelligence

    preface xi

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    especially in the Middle East and Southwest AsiaAppendix G presents one of

    the most searing critiques of this int. The critique, by the House Permanent Select

    Committee on Intelligence, has become all the more significant because the

    panels chairman, Representative Porter Goss (R-FL), soon after the completionof the report rose to the position of the DCI. Last, Appendix H provides an

    excerpt from a key report on the Iraqi WMD mistakes, prepared by the Roberts

    Committee: the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led by Pat Roberts


    The third volume, titled Covert Action: Behind the Veils of Secret Foreign

    Policy, enters an especially controversial compartment of intelligence: the means

    by which the United States attempts to not just gather and analyze information

    about the worldhard enoughbut to manipulate global events through secret

    activities in the advancement of Americas best interests. An ambiguous passageof the National Security Act of 1947 charged the National Security Council

    (NSC), the boss over the sixteen U.S. secret agencies, to perform such other

    functions and duties related to intelligence [over and beyond collection-and-

    analysis] affecting the national security as the National Security Council may

    from time to time direct.4 The phrase other functions and duties left the door

    open for launching the CIA (and more recently the Pentagon) on a wide range of

    covert actions around the world.

    Covert action (CA), sometimes referred to as the quiet option, is based on

    the supposition that this secret approach to foreign affairs is likely to be less noisy

    and obtrusive than sending in the Marines. Sometimes professional practitioners

    also refer to covert action as the third option, between diplomacy and open

    warfare. As former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Henry

    Kissinger once put it: We need an intelligence community that, in certain

    complicated situations, can defend the American national interest in the grayareas where military operations are not suitable and diplomacy cannot opera-

    tion.5 Still others prefer the euphemism special activities to describe covert

    action. Whatever the variation in terminology, the goal of covert action remains

    constant: to influence events overseas secretly and in support of American foreign

    policy.Covert action operations are often grouped according to four broad cate-

    gories: propaganda, political, economic, and paramilitary (PM) activities. An

    example of a propaganda operation was the CIAs use of Radio Free Europeduring the Cold War to transmit anti-communist themes into nations behind the

    Iron Curtain. A political CA during the Cold War was the CIAs clandestine

    funneling of funds to the anti-communist Christian Democratic Party in Italy.

    An economic example: the CIA attempted to destroy electric power stations in

    Nicaragua during the 1980s, as a means of undermining the Marxist-oriented

    Sandinista regime. PM operations can including everything from assassinationplots against foreign heads of state to arming and guiding pro-American insurgent

    armies in one country or another. Little wonder this has been a controversial


    xii preface

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    Gregory F. Treverton introduces the reader to covert action in the first

    chapter of Volume 3. He is followed by Kevin A. OBrien and Ephraim Kahana,

    who discuss the use of covert action by other nations. The next four chapters

    illuminate certain aspects of CA, with James M. Scott and Jerel A. Rosati pro-viding an overview of CA tradecraft (that is, the tools used to implement such

    operations); Michael A. Turner evaluating the merits of CIA covert propaganda

    operations; William J. Daugherty looking at political and economic examples of

    covert action; Jennifer D. Kibbe exploring the entry of the Defense Department

    into this domain; and former diplomat John D. Stempel contrasting the uses of

    covert action to diplomatic initiatives. Winding up the volume is Judge James E.

    Bakers legal analysis of covert action.

    Supporting documents include excerpts from the Church Committee Report

    on the evolution of covert action as carried out by the CIA (Appendix A). Thesupervision of covert action went from an informal to a highly formal process, as

    a result of a law known as the Hughes-Ryan Act, passed on December 31, 1974.

    The language of this statute is presented in Appendix B, and the covert action

    procedures that resulted from the law are outlined in Appendix C. At the center of

    the covert action decision process since the Hughes-Ryan Act is the finding, a

    term of art that stems from the passage in the law that requires the president tofind that a particular covert action proposal is important and has the presidents

    approval. Appendix D contains two findings from the Iran-contraera in the mid-

    1980s. Covert actions must have an organizational apparatus to carry them out,

    and Appendix E displays what that apparatus looked like during the Cold War

    (and in basic form remains the organizational chart today, with a few name

    changes in the boxes).

    One of the most controversial forms of covert action has been the assassi-

    nation of foreign leaders. Appendix F presents a case study from the Church

    Committee on the CIA assassination plot hatched against the leader of the Re-

    public of Congo, Patrice Lumumba, in 1960. The Committees exposeof this and

    other plots led President Gerald R. Ford to sign an executive order prohibiting

    assassination as an instrument of American foreign policy (see Appendix G). The

    executive order has been waived in times of authorized warfare against othernations, however, leading to failed attempts to assassinate Saddam Hussein in the

    first and second Persian Gulf Wars (he was eventually captured alive in 2004,

    hidden away in a hole near his hometown in Iraq) and Al Qaeda leader Osama bin

    Laden during the Clinton administration. Considerable ambiguity exists regard-

    ing the current status of the executive order and under what conditions it might be

    waived by administrations. Finally, Appendix Hdrawing on a presidential

    commission study and congressional hearingsexamines covert action at its

    lowest state: the Iran-contraaffair of the 1980s, when this approach to foreign

    policy subverted the U.S. Constitution and several laws (including the Hughes-Ryan Act).

    A third intelligence mission, after collection-and-analysis and covert action,is counterintelligence (CI) and its associated activity, counterterrorism (CT).

    preface xiii

  • 8/10/2019 [Loch K. Johnson] Strategic Intelligence -Five Volumes


    Here is the concentration in Volume 4, titled Counterintelligence and Counter-

    terrorism: Defending the Nation Against Hostile Forces. Like covert action, CI

    went without specific mention in the National Security Act of 1947. By the early

    1950s, however, it had similarly achieved a status of considerable importance asan intelligence mission. CI specialists soon waged nothing less than a secret war

    against antagonistic intelligence services (especially the Soviet KGB); and, after

    the Cold War, CT specialists would focus on efforts to block terrorists who

    targeted the United States and its allies. Explaining why the mission of coun-

    terintelligence/counterterrorism evolved, a CI expert has pointed out that in the

    absence of an effective U.S. counterintelligence program, [adversaries of de-

    mocracy] function in what is largely a benign environment.6

    The practice of counterintelligence consists of two matching halves: security

    and counterespionage. Security is the passive or defensive side of CI, involv-ing such devices as background investigations, fences, sentries, alarms, badges,

    watchdogs, and polygraphs (lie detection machines). Counterespionage (CE) is

    the offensive or aggressive side of CI. The most effective CE operation is the

    infiltration of an American agent or mole into the enemy camp, whether a

    hostile intelligence service or a terrorist cella ploy called a penetration. Thus,

    the practice of security is, according to one of Americas top counterintelligence

    experts, All that concerns perimeter defense, badges, knowing everything you

    have to know about your own people, whereas the CE side involves knowing

    all about intelligence serviceshostile intelligence services: their people, their

    installations, their methods, and their operations.7

    Stan A. Taylor and Nigel West clarify these issues in the first two chapters

    of this volume, then in the next two chapters Katherine A. S. Sibley and Athan

    Theoharis examine the challenges of keeping the United States spy-free. Rhodri

    Jeffreys-Jones looks at the efforts in Europe to create a counterintelligence

    capability similar to that practiced by Americas Federal Bureau of Investigation

    (FBI). Glenn Hastedt takes the reader into the counterterrorism thicket in Wash-

    ington, DC, explaining how politics influences CI and CT operations. Richard

    L. Russell and Jennifer Sims discuss the ups and downs of trying to establish

    an effective counterterrorism response in the United States, complicated by thefragmentation of authority and widely differing cultures among the sixteen U.S.

    intelligence agencies. Finally, Katharina von Knop looks at the rising role of

    women in terrorist organizations.The back-of-the-book documents in Volume 4 begin with a look at the

    Church Committee findings regarding counterintelligence in 1975 (Appendix A),

    followed by the notorious Huston Plana master counterintelligence spy plan

    drafted by White House aide Tom Charles Huston in 1970, in response to a nation

    at unrest over the war in Vietnam (Appendix B). The Huston Plan is a classic

    illustration of overreaction in a time of domestic strife. In Appendix C, the SenateSelect Committee on Intelligence summarizes its findings about the Aldrich H.

    Ames counterintelligence disaster. Next the appendixes include a series of U.S.

    commission conclusions about how to improve intelligence in the struggle

    xiv preface

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    against global terrorism, whether locating and penetrating their cells in advance

    of a terrorist attack or thwarting the ability of terrorists to acquire WMDs. The

    panel reports include: the Hart-Rudman Commission of 2001 (Appendix D); the

    9/11 or Kean Commission of 2004 (Appendix E); and the Silberman-Robb Com-mission of 2005 (Appendix F). For purposes of comparison, the final appendix

    (G) examines the conclusions reached by a British commission that also probed

    the Iraqi WMD failure: the Butler Report of 2004.

    The fifth volume in the series, titled Intelligence and Accountability: Safe-

    guards Against the Abuse of Secret Power, stems from a concern that secret power

    might be misused by those in high office. This danger was underscored in 1975

    when Congress found the U.S. intelligence agencies guilty of spying against law-

    abiding American citizens, and again in 1987 during the Iran-contraaffair when

    some elements of the intelligence community violated the public trust by ignoringintelligence laws. The United States has been one of the few nations in the world

    to conduct an ongoing experiment in bringing democratic accountability to secret

    government activities. Democracy and spying dont mix well. Secrecy runs

    counter to democratic openness, while at the same time openness possesses a threat

    to the success of espionage operations. Democracies need intelligence agencies to

    acquire information that may protect them, but thoughtful citizens worry abouthaving secret agencies in an open society.

    Until 1975, the nations remedy for the tension between intelligence gathering

    and democracy was to trust the intelligence agencies and hope for the best. Elected

    officials treated the secret services as exceptional organizations, immune from the

    checks and balances envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. Lawmakers

    were satisfied with this arrangement, because if an operation went awry they could

    duck responsibility. When James R. Schlesinger, DCI in 1973, attempted to in-

    form John Stennis (D-MS), a key member of the Senate Armed Services Com-

    mittee, about an approaching operation, the Senator stopped him short: No, no,

    my boy, dont tell me. Just go ahead and do it, but I dont want to know.8

    This attitude on Capitol Hilloverlook rather than oversightunderwent a

    dramatic turnabout in December 1974, however, when the New York Times re-

    ported on allegations of CIA spying at home and questionable covert actions inChile. Congress might have waved aside the revelations about Chile as just

    another Cold War necessity in the struggle against regimes leaning toward

    Moscow, but spying on American citizensvoterswas another matter alto-gether. In January 1975, President Ford created the Commission on CIA Ac-

    tivities Within the United States (the Rockefeller Commission, led by his vice

    president, Nelson Rockefeller). Later that month the Senate established a select

    committee to investigate intelligence activities. The committee was headed by

    Frank Church, D-ID, and became known as the Church Committee (the editor

    served as Churchs assistant). A counterpart House committee, led by Represen-tative Otis Pike (D-NY), began investigations the following month.

    These various panels, especially the Church Committee, found many more

    improprieties than they had expected. Not only had the CIA engaged in domestic

    preface xv

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    spying in violation of its charter, so had the FBI and several military intelligence

    units. Furthermore, the FBI had carried out secret operations, known collectively

    as COINTELPRO, against thousands of civil rights activists, members of the Ku

    Klux Klan, and Vietnam War dissenters. The objective was to make their livesmiserable by disrupting their marriages and employment. The Bureau even at-

    tempted to blackmail Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. into committing suicide. Church

    Committee investigators also discovered CIA assassination plots against foreign

    leaders and efforts to topple President Salvador Allende of Chile, even though he

    had been democratically elected.

    These revelations convinced lawmakers that the time had come to bring

    accountability into the dark recesses of government. Congress established in-

    telligence oversight committees in both chambersthe Senate in 1976 and the

    House a year laterand, by 1980, required by law timely reports on all secretintelligence operations. The new Committees pored over intelligence budgets,

    held regular hearings (mostly in closed session to protect spy sources and meth-

    ods) and seriously examined the performance of Americas intelligence agencies.

    No other nation has ever so thoroughly applied democratic principles to its secret

    services, although a number are now beginning to follow the leadership of the

    United States toward greater intelligence supervision.9

    Since 1975, this effort has evolved in fits and starts. Sometimes lawmakers

    have insisted on close accountability, as when they enacted the Intelligence

    Oversight Act of 1980 with its stringent reporting requirements for covert op-

    erations, or when a series of laws in the 1980s sought to end covert actions in

    Nicaragua. At other times, members of Congress have loosened the reinsfor

    example, repealing in 1985 a prohibition against covert action in Angola. On still

    other occasions, Congress has concentrated on helping the intelligence agencies

    improve their security and performance, as with a law in 1982 that prohibitedexposing the names of undercover officers. The Iran-contrascandal of 1987 was

    a major setback to this new oversight, as the Reagan administration bypassed

    most of these rules and statutes in its conduct of a covert war in Nicaragua against

    the will of Congress. The scandal was an alert to lawmakers. The Intelligence

    Oversight Act of 1991 further tightened intelligence supervision by clarifyingreporting requirements. Lawmakers also set up an Office of Inspector General in

    the CIA, confirmed by and accountable to Congress.

    The pulling and tugging has continued, most recently over whether President

    George W. Bush violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of

    1978 by conducting warrantless wiretaps as part of the war against terrorism in the

    aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The FISA required warrants, but the White House

    claimed (when the secret operation leaked to the media) the law had become to

    cumbersome and, besides, the president had inherit authority to conduct the war

    against terrorism as he saw fit. This debate aside for the moment (several authorsaddress the issue in these volumes), one thing is certain: the intelligence agencies

    in the United States are now very much a part of the nations system of checks and

    balances. Americans want and deserve both civil liberties and a secure defense

    xvi preface

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    against threats; so the search continues for an appropriate balance between liberty

    and security, democracy and effectivenessprecisely the topic of Volume 5.

    The set of chapters on intelligence accountability are introduced with a

    chapter by David M. Barrett, the foremost authority on the history of account-ability in the early years of modern U.S. intelligence (1947 to 1963). The chief

    counsel of the Church Committee, Frederick A. O. Schwarz Jr., then reflects back

    on the effects of that watershed inquiry. Next, the editor offers a previously

    unpublished interview with DCI William E. Colby, who stood at the helm of the

    intelligence community as it weathered the storm of the investigations into do-

    mestic spying during 1975. Mark Phythian presents a chapter on the British

    experience with intelligence accountability; and, comparing British and Amer-

    ican oversight, Lawrence J. Lamanna contrasts the responses on both sides of the

    Atlantic to the faulty Iraqi WMD assessments in 2002.The next chapter, written by Cynthia M. Nolan, looks at contemporary issues

    of intelligence oversight in the United States. Hans Born and Ian Leigh follow

    with a comparative dimension by contrasting intelligence accountability prac-

    tices in a variety other nations. Finally, A. Denis Clift and Harry Howe Ransom,

    who have witnessed the unfolding of intelligence accountability over the past

    four decades, offer their appraisals of where the experiment stands today.The first supporting document in this volume is a succinct legislative history

    of intelligence accountability from 1947 to 1993, prepared by the Senate Se-

    lect Committee on Intelligence (Appendix A). Then come a series of important

    oversight laws, beginning with FISA in 1978. With this law, members of Con-

    gress sought to rein in the open-ended authority of the executive branch to wiretap

    and otherwise spy on individuals considered risks to the national securitya

    privilege abused by a number of administrations from the 1930s forward. Hence-

    forth, FISA required a warrant from a special court (the FISA Court, whose

    members are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) before such

    intrusive measures could be carried out. This law, a hot topic in 20056 when

    critics charged the second Bush administration with violation of the warrant

    requirement, can be found in Appendix B.

    The Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980 is presented in Appendix C. This is abrief but nonetheless far-reaching law, enacted by Congress as an attempt to

    become an equal partner with the executive branch when it came to intelligence.

    The 1991 Intelligence Oversight Act (Appendix D) emerged after the Iran-contra

    scandal and provided a tightening and clarification of the language in its 1980

    precursor, especially with respect to the approval and reporting rules for covert

    action. The political tug-of-war over the drafting of this currently prevailing

    oversight statute was intense, leading to the first and only presidential veto of an

    intelligence act. President George H. W. Bush found the proposals insistence on

    prior reporting of covert action objectionable in times of emergency. Lawmakersentered into a compromise with the chief executive, settling on a two-day re-

    porting delay in emergencies. The bill passed Congress again, this time without apresidential veto.

    preface xvii

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    In 1995, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence launched an

    inquiry into a wide assortment of intelligence issues, stimulated initially by

    counterintelligence concerns (Aldrich Amess treasonous activities at the CIA

    had recently been discovered) but turning into an opportunity for a broad reviewof new challenges that faced the secret agencies now that the Cold War had

    ended. In Appendix E, an excerpt from the Committees final report examines the

    state of intelligence accountability in the mid-1990s. The next document, in

    Appendix F, carries the examination into the twenty-first century, with the ap-

    praisal of the 9/11 Commission on the same subject. The commissioners were

    unimpressed, referring to intelligence accountability as dysfunctional.

    At the center of any efforts to maintain accountability for the secret agencies

    lies the question of fundingthe mighty power of the pursue, held in the hands of

    lawmakers. Appendix G draws on the findings of the Aspin-Brown Commissionto provide official documentation about how the United States spends money for

    spying. Finally, in Appendix H, DCI Robert M. Gates (199193) offers obser-

    vations about oversight from the perspective of the intelligence community

    management team, located at that time on the Seventh Floor of the CIA.

    Here, then, is what the reader will find in these five volumes. The editor and

    the contributors hope the chapters and documents will help educate the publicabout the importance of intelligence agencies, as well as stimulate scholars

    around the world to further the blossoming of this vital field of study. I am

    pleased to acknowledge my gratitude to Praegers Heather Staines, senior project

    editor, and Anne Rehill, development editor, each a pleasure to work with and

    most helpful in their guidance; Julie Maynard at the University of Georgia for her

    administrative assistance; Lawrence J. Lamanna, my graduate research assistant,

    for his good counsel and logistical help; Leena S. Johnson for her indispensable

    encouragement and support; and the contributors to these volumes for their

    outstanding scholarship and their much appreciated cooperation in keeping the

    publishing train running on time.

    These volumes are enthusiastically dedicated to Harry Howe Ransom, who

    has done so much in the United States to lead the way toward a serious discipline

    of intelligence studies.

    Loch K. Johnson


    1. Some of the authors have had multiple careers, so in categorizing them I have

    counted the place where they have spent most of their professional lives.

    2. Quoted by Senator Frank Church (D-ID), in Congressional Record(January 27,

    1976), p. 1165.3. Fact Book on Intelligence (Washington DC: CIA Office of Public Affairs, April

    1983), p. 17.

    xviii preface

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    4. National Security Act of 1947, signed on July 26, 1947 (P.L. 97-222; 50 U.S.C.

    403, Sec. 102).

    5. Comment, Evening News, NBC ( January 13, 1978).

    6. Editors interview with a FBI counterintelligence specialist, Washington, DC(May 16, 1975).

    7. Editors interview with Raymond Rocca, CIA/CI specialist, Washington, DC

    (November 23, 1975).

    8. Editors interview with James R. Schlesinger, Washington, DC ( June 16, 1994).

    9. See Hans Born, Loch K. Johnson, and Ian Leigh, Whos Watching the Spies?

    Establishing Intelligence Service Accountability (Washington, DC: Potomac Books,


    preface xix

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    loch k. johnson


    IN 1975, PROFESSOR HARRY HOWE RANSOM OF Vanderbilt University, a top intelli-

    gence researcher and a pioneer in the field, noted that he had been going after the

    subject with a pick and shovel for years, whenall of a suddenvarious gov-

    ernment investigative panels began to use bulldozers to unearth a mountain of

    new information.1 He was referring to the inquiries conducted by the Church

    Committee in the U.S. Senate (led by Frank Church, D, Idaho), the Pike Com-

    mittee in the U.S. House (led by Otis Pike, D, New York), and the Rockefeller

    Commission in the Ford White House (led by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller),

    all stimulated byNew York Times revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency

    (CIA) had spied on American citizens over the past decade.2 These investigative

    panels had indeed added significantly to the extant literature on Americas secretagencies, with the reports from the Church Committee alone rising in a stack some

    five-feet high.3

    This Year of Intelligence (1975, less affectionately known by some in-

    telligence officers as the Intelligence Wars) did represent a watershed in a

    number of ways. For example, before 1975 the Congress permitted the CIA and its

    sister agencies in the intelligence community to carry out operations at home

    and abroad without much legislative supervision. The allegations by theNew York

    Times of domestic spying changed all that, as lawmakers scurried to prevent

    future intelligence abuses and allay the fears of folks back home (voters) that theCIA had become an American gestapo. The government of the United States

    began its ongoing experiment in intelligence accountability, now widely emulatedin countries around the world.4 The goal was to seek a better balance between

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    security concerns, on the one hand, which require the existence of efficient in-

    telligence agencies, and liberty, on the other hand, which rests upon safeguards

    against the abuse of secret power.

    The year 1975 was a watershed in another sense, too, related to the extent ofresearch documents and studies available on intelligence. As Professor Ransoms

    comment suggests, before this annis mirabilis the intelligence studies cupboard

    was, if not bare, then scantily stocked.5 The most noteworthy efforts since the

    creation of the modern American intelligence system after World War II came

    from Sherman Kent, a Yale University history professor known for his keen

    intellect and salty tongue, and who would later become an important organizing

    force inside the CIA for the development of its analytic capabilities; from Lyman

    B. Kirkpatrick Jr., another CIA official; from Professor Ransom, a professor at

    Harvard University when he first became interested in intelligence studies andwho did much to inform the general public as well as scholars about intelligence

    in those early years; from Roger Hilsman, a government official and political sci-

    entist; and from journalists David Kahn and David Wise.6

    Other significant works consisted chiefly of memoirs and biographies of

    various spies and spymasters,7 along with examinations of intelligence successes

    and failures,8 the difficulties of disseminating intelligence to busy and sometimes

    blinkered policy officials,9 studies of Soviet intelligence operations against the

    United States,10 exposes (of uneven reliability),11 sporadic academic books or

    scholarly journal articles in the spirit of Kent and Ransom,12 the rare textbook

    that devoted serious attention to the subject,13 and the occasional newspaper

    article providing an in-depth look into one of the secret agencies.14

    Both before and after 1975, much of the literature on intelligence has been

    speculative, unreliable, and sometimes wholly without merit; the reader and

    researcher have to be especially wary about books and articles claiming to un-

    derstand the secret machinations of government agencies hidden behind guarded

    buildings and barbed-wire fences, not to mention multiple veils of classification.

    Since 1975, though, the availability of reliable documentation and research find-

    ings on intelligence has expanded dramaticallyone could say explodedand

    this chapter outlines some (but by no means all) of the notable features of thisnew research terrain.


    The literature on intelligence in 1975 is vast and difficult to capture in a short

    chapter, even one that concentrates only on the literature in English. Indeed, this

    bibliography should be viewed more as a sampler than any effort to be compre-

    hensive; many a good work will not be mentioned because of space limitations,and the reader is encouraged to consult literature reviews of greater length.15 The

    objective here is simply to give the reader a sense of the chief topics and some ofthe major works that have addressed them.

    2 understanding the hidden side of government

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    On top of a stunning proliferation of books and articles on intelligence since

    the watershed year, the field has also witnessed the emergence of credible

    scholarly journals dedicated to intelligence studies.16 To facilitate an examina-

    tion of this literature, this chapter groups an array of studies into the followingfour broad categories: intelligence history, structure, and theory; intelligence

    missions (collection-and-analysis, counterintelligence, and covert action); intel-

    ligence accountability, ethics, and reform; and intelligence leadership and


    Intelligence History, Structure, and Theory

    British scholars have been particularly adept at offering insightful histories

    of intelligence within both the United Kingdom and the United States, as well asfor other countries. The leaders have been the Cambridge University historian

    Christopher Andrew and Kings College, London, professor Lawrence Freed-

    man,17 but they have enjoyed good company with Aldrich;18 Cradock, who pro-

    vides a practitioners point of view;19 Davies;20 Foot;21 Hennessy;22 Jackson;23

    Jeffreys-Jones;24 Ranelagh, who has written the most comprehensive history of

    the CIA;25 Shukman;26 Stevenson;27 and West.28

    American, Canadian, and German scholars have provided useful intelligence

    histories, too. Samples include, on the U.S. side, works by Corson,29 Gaddis,30

    Handel,31 Leary,32 May,33 Naftali,34 Richelson,35 Rudgers,36 Smith,37 Troy,38

    Warner,39 Winks,40 and Zegart;41 on the Canadian side, Charters and Ferris,42 as

    well as Farson, Stafford, and Wark;43 and on the German side, Krieger.44 Two

    government reports contain reliable histories of the CIA, prepared by Karalekas

    and by McNeil;45 and, for histories of one of the most traumatic years in Amer-

    ican intelligence (1975), see Johnson and Smist.46

    Organizational blueprints (wiring diagrams) usually fail to reveal much

    about how intelligence organizations actually function, but they are a starting

    point. With respect to the United States, Lowenthal and Richelson have laid out

    the connections among Americas sixteen intelligence agencies47although new

    intelligence managers are inclined to change the names of various componentparts, which makes the writing on this aspect of intelligence highly perishable.

    Cline, a particularly thoughtful senior intelligence official, traced the evolution

    of the CIA from 1947 to 1981;48 Hastedt and Zegart examined organizational in-

    fluences on intelligence failures;49 and Andrew published studies on the orga-

    nization of British and of Soviet intelligence.50 A significant structural question

    is the relationship between the intelligence services of different nations. In one

    important example of research in this area, Richelson and Ball have explored ties

    between the United Kingdom and the United States.51

    Theories have been difficult to construct in the intelligence field because theempirical data base for constructing and testing theories still remains relatively

    thin. Nonetheless, a number of scholars have made tentative forays into thisuncertain terrain. Illustrations include the work of Betts,52 Davies,53 Handel,54

    introduction to intelligence studies literature 3

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    Herman,55 Hulnick,56 Loch K. Johnson,57 Rob Johnson,58 Kahn,59 Laqueur,60

    Robertson,61 Shulsky,62 and a special issue ofIntelligence and National Security

    edited by Len Scott and Peter Jackson.63 The question of transparency, the flipside

    of secrecy, is addressed by Lord and Finel.64

    Overall, the studies on intelligencetheory find that the discipline remains in its infancy, holding great promise for

    scholars interested in blazing new trails.65

    Intelligence Missions

    Intelligence may be sorted into three primary missions: the collection and

    interpretation (analysis) of information; the protection of government secrets

    against hostile intelligence services and other threats (counterintelligence);

    and the clandestine manipulation of events in foreign lands on behalf of a nationsinterests, through the use of propaganda, political activities, economic disruption,

    and paramilitary operations (collectively known in the United States as covert

    action or special activities). Each of these missions has attracted the attention

    of intelligence scholars, especially collection, analysis, and disseminationthe

    heart and soul of intelligence.

    Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination

    The collection of intelligence relies on technical means (satellites and recon-

    naissance airplanes, for exampleso-called technical intelligence or TECHINT,

    in the professional acronym); on human means (classic espionage or human

    intelligenceHUMINT); and on the sifting of information available in the open

    literature (newspapers, public speeches, and the likesometimes referred to as

    open-source intelligence or OSINT). In the U.S. experience, many of the best con-tributions from spy machines have come from relatively inexpensive unmanned

    aerial vehicles (UAVs), notably the Predator, which in 200306 proved effective

    for scouring the Iraqi and Afghani countryside in search of insurgents. On occa-

    sion, far more costly surveillance satellites have demonstrated their value, too, by

    intercepting revealing telephone conversations among terrorists and other enemies(a method known as signals intelligence or SIGINT, a term for describing the

    capture of communications from one person or group to another).

    Moreover, satellite photographic images of Russian and Chinese missile sites,

    or North Korean troop movements, continue to be valuable for the security of the

    United States. Still, in the case of terrorism, it would be more advantageous to have

    a human agent well placed inside the upper reaches of the Al Qaeda organization;

    such an agent (asset) would be worth a dozen multibillion-dollar satellites.

    Aim, Bamford, Kahn, and Keefe have examined the arcane technology of

    SIGINT in the United States;66

    Burrows writes on space surveillance;67

    andRichelson offers insights into a broad range of TECHINT developments in U.S.

    intelligence.68 While chronicling its successes and failures since 1947, Hitz spellsout many of the key dilemmas in Americas practice of HUMINT;69 and Gerecht

    4 understanding the hidden side of government

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    More common is politicization on the consumer side: policy makers bending

    the facts to support policy objectives. Speaking truth to power is a notoriously

    difficult endeavor. Those in power often do not want to hear information that runs

    counter to their policy preferences; hence, they sometimes distort intelligencereports. An illustration is cherry-picking, whereby decision makers select from

    intelligence reports only those snippets of information and analysis that uphold

    their stated policy positions, ignoring countervailing facts or conclusions.

    Some government officials have been known to dismiss entire intelligence

    reports, as President Lyndon B. Johnson did with CIA analyses that came to a

    dismal prognosis about the likelihood of U.S. military victory in the Vietnam

    War; or as the second Bush administration did with CIA reports that found no

    connections between Al Qaeda and Saddams regime in Iraq. In such instances,

    the unenviable but vital responsibility of intelligence managers is to call policyofficials to account for their distortions, publicly if necessary.

    Writings by Lowenthal,80 Ransom,81 and Wirtz82 reveal the importance of

    understanding the issues of intelligence dissemination. They point to the need

    to maintain a high wall between policy officials and intelligence officers. Such a

    wall is necessary not in the sense of preventing communications between the two

    groups about intelligence collection and analysis priorities, which is important;

    but, rather, to curb political ties between the two groups and the twisting of

    intelligence to meet policy objectives. The need for a wall notwithstanding, there

    is a sense among intelligence scholars that intelligence officers and law en-

    forcement officials do need to reach out to each other and work together more

    closely in protecting the United States against security threats.83

    Exploring still another angle of consumer-producer relations, Hastedt has

    written on the question of public intelligencehow intelligence goes beyond

    the narrow consumer-producer domain to enter the realm of public discussion.84


    Protecting a nations secretseverything from the names of agents overseas

    to the methods used for spying on othersis the domain of counterintelligence.Some of the leading research here focuses on failures to stop the infiltration of

    moles into ones own intelligence services. For example, the journalist David

    Wise has devoted much of his professional career to the preparation of casestudies on American moles, most recently the CIA traitor Aldrich H. Ames and

    the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) traitor Robert Hanssen.85

    A British writer, Tom Mangold, offers the most thorough study to date of

    Americas premier spy catcher during the Cold War, James J. Angleton, Chief of

    Counterintelligence at the CIA from 1954 to 1974.86 Taylor and Snow examine

    more broadly the questions of why intelligence officers become traitors and howthey are uncovered;87 Peake looks at counterintelligence and the Office of

    Strategic Services (OSS), exploring the extent to which the United States wasinfiltrated by Soviet spies during World War II;88 Sibley explores the presence of

    6 understanding the hidden side of government

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    communist spies inside the United States at the beginning of the Cold War;89 and

    West brings together a valuable overview on the subject of spy catching.90

    A subset of the counterintelligence literature is comprised of studies on

    counterterrorism. This field is vast and growing exponentially since the attacksof September 11, 2001. Another survey like this one could be prepared for the

    counterterrorism literature alone, but for starters, see Cole and Dempsey; Gres-

    sang; and Von Knop, Neisser, and Van Creveld; and Shultz and Dew.91

    Covert Action

    Covert action may be defined as those activities carried out by the CIA

    to secretly influence and manipulate events abroad. This approach is often

    referred to as the Third Optionin between sending in the Marines, on the onehand, and relying on the diplomatic corps to achieve ones goals, on the other

    hand. The use of military force is noisy and likely to draw a quick reaction

    from adversaries, as well as stir widespread debate at home; and diplomacy can

    be notoriously slow and often ineffectual. Thus, covert action has had a special

    appeal to some presidents and their aides. With this tool, they can move rapidly

    and in relative quiet, avoiding lengthy public discussions over tactics and broader

    objectives (hence, the quiet option is another euphemism for covert action).

    In the United States, covert action has often failed, as with the Bay of Pigs

    operation against Cuba in 1961 and the Iran-contrascandal in 1986. The latter

    especially discredited covert action, because the Reagan administration carried

    out CIA paramilitary operations against Nicaragua despite strong congressional

    opposition and a law preventing such activities in that Central American nation.

    After the Iran-contra episode, the budget for covert action plummeted to its

    lowest levels: less than 1 percent of the CIAs annual budget. It would take theterrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, to stimulate a

    renewed interest in this approach to secret foreign policy. After 9/11, funding for

    covert action began a rapid rise upward in the name of combating world terrorism.

    In 20012, the use of CIA paramilitary operations against the Taliban regime in

    Afghanistan, in tandem with overt military operations by the indigenous NorthernAlliance and U.S. bombing missions, opened a newand, in this case, quite

    successfulchapter in Americas reliance on paramilitary covert actions.

    Covert action is particularly hard to research, because most of the archives

    on this subject remain locked up in the vaults of the CIA. Nevertheless, in the

    United States, scholars have been able to ferret out enough information to provide

    a fairly good sense of this super-secret domain. Among the leading researchers

    are Coll,92 Daugherty,93 Godson,94 Immerman,95 Johnson,96 Knott,97 OBrien,98

    Prados,99 Reisman and Baker,100 Treverton,101 Weissman,102 and Wyden (on the

    Bay of Pigs fiasco).103

    Valuable, too, are the hearings and reports of the ChurchCommittee, published in 1975 and 1976,104 as well as revealing case studies of

    covert action in Iran and in Guatemala, written respectively by Roosevelt and byWise and Ross.105 Overviews by CIA insiders can be found in Baer, Scheuer,

    introduction to intelligence studies literature 7

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    Rositzke, and Shackley;106 and journalist Bob Woodward has given his im-

    pressions of the CIA and covert action during in the Reagan years.107 Two

    prominent members of Congress have recalled their experiences during the Iran-

    contrainvestigation into covert action in Nicaragua.108

    And on the relationshipbetween CIA covert action and military special operations, see Kibbe.109

    Accountability, Ethics, and Reform

    In democracies, there is a belief that even secret agenciesperhaps most

    especially secret agenciesought to be held responsible for their actions, as an

    important check on possible abuses of power. The means by which they are held

    responsible is known as accountability or oversightthe review of executive

    branch programs by lawmakers, judges, inspectors general, and special inves-tigative panels. The literature in this subfield of intelligence studies is growing,

    just as in all the other subfields. In the United States, among the chief examples

    are Barrett (covering the early years of the Cold War),110 Hitz,111 Johnson,112

    Kaiser,113 Koh,114 Olmsted,115 Oseth,116 and Treverton;117 and, with special

    attention to the question of civil liberties, Commager,118 Donner,119 Elliff,120

    Morgan,121 Schwarz,122 Theoharis,123 and Wise.124 Manget has explored the

    neglected topic of judicial oversight in the United States.125 On intelligence

    oversight in the United Kingdom, Gill and Phythian have been leading re-

    searchers.126 And Whitaker examines the threat to individual liberty and privacy

    posed by growing government surveillance in modern societies.127 Recently,

    scholars studying accountability have tried to incorporate a systematic compar-

    ative dimension into their work, contrasting the systems of oversight in differ-

    ent countries (see Born, Johnson, and Leigh128).

    The overall conclusion reached by most studies on intelligence account-

    ability is that oversight in often overlooked by lawmakers, who perceive few

    incentives for laboring behind closed doors to review intelligence programs when

    their re-election depends on a more public display of legislative activity.129 The

    unfortunate end result of this inattention is an absence of checks on the secret

    agencies, which can result in intelligence failures like 9/11 and the Iraqi weaponsof mass destruction (WMD), scandals like the CIA/FBI domestic spying finally

    revealed by the media and Congress in 197475, and the Iran-contraaffair dis-

    closed in 1986.Less researched is the ethical dimensions of intelligencean oxymoron for

    some who believe that no bright lines should exist between the safety of a nation

    and the gathering of intelligence or the use of covert action to advance national

    interests. Among the most thoughtful offerings in this area have been from Barry,

    Godfrey, and Herman, each of whom demonstrates that bright lines do, and should,

    exist for intelligence (just as with a nations war-making powers).130

    Intelligence reform has long been a topic of interest to scholars and citizens

    alike. Since the CIA was established in 1947, the reform literature in the United

    8 understanding the hidden side of government

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    States has steadily commented on the need to improve various aspects of Amer-

    ican intelligence. These commentaries have usually been in the form of reports

    from numerous congressional investigative panels and presidential commissions

    through the years that have dealt with intelligence issues.131

    Beyond these officialgovernment critiques are several analyses by U.S. scholars, many stimulated by

    the tragic 9/11 intelligence failure.132

    The conclusion reached by most of these studies is that the United States

    needs a strong Director of National Intelligence (DNI), not the weak one yielded

    by legislation in December 2004 (the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Pre-

    vention Act); and that Americas intelligence agencies must work together more

    closely to share information about threats facing the United States, eschewing

    their cultural proclivities toward parochialism. In a phrase, intelligence consol-

    idation must replace the current dispersal of authority.

    Intelligence Leadership and Management

    As the consensus view on the need for stronger leadership for the U.S.

    intelligence community suggests, scholars and reformers alike see leadership

    and management as important dimensions of intelligence. A few scholarly stud-

    ies exist on this topic.133 By and large, though, the most insightful explorations

    of intelligence leadership and management have come from the experiences of

    the individuals who have led the intelligence agenciesmemoirs by Americas

    Directors of Central Intelligence (DCIs, the title of the nations intelligence chief

    from 1947 until the 2004 law that replaced this office with a DNI) or other key

    officials in the world of espionage.134 One portrait that emerges from these insider

    accounts is of a secret world where intelligence bureaucrats enjoy considerable

    discretionary powers, with intelligence managers finding it difficult to rein in the

    offices and bureaus beneath them in the organizational hierarchy. The classic

    case is the Operations Directorate in the CIAnotoriously resistant to supervi-

    sion by managers on the Agencys Seventh Floor.135

    An important aspect of intelligence management is the question of govern-

    ment secrecy. Reformists have written extensively about the excessive use ofsecrecy in the United States, which they consider anathema to the fundamental

    principles of a democratic, open society.136


    As this bibliographic chapter indicates, the field of intelligence studies is

    broad. Unfortunately, from the point of view of trying to understand how to make

    intelligence less prone to failure, it is also shallowa fact reflective of the fieldsrelative infancy. Or perhaps from another vantage point, one could say the shal-

    lowness is fortunate, at least for scholars who may be interested in the challenge of

    introduction to intelligence studies literature 9

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    helping to establish a new field of study. Every single category presented here

    awaits the energy, hard work, and insight of scholars. Much good work has been

    done by the pioneers of intelligence studies, but much remains to be done.


    1. Comment to the author, Washington, DC (December 20, 1975).

    2. See J. Leiper Freeman, Investigating the Executive Intelligence: The Fate of the

    Pike Committee, Capitol Studies (Fall 1977), pp. 10317; Loch K. Johnson, Season of

    Inquiry(Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985) and Congressional Supervision

    of Americas Secret Agencies: The Experience and Legacy of the Church Committee,

    Public Administration Review64 (January/February 2004), pp. 314; and Frank J. Smist

    Jr., Congress Oversees the United States Intelligence Community (Knoxville: University

    of Tennessee Press, 1976).

    3. For the Church Committee reports, see especially Select Committee to Study

    Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Final Report, 94th

    Cong., 2d Sess. Sen. Rept. No. 94-755, 6 vols. (Washington, DC: Government Printing

    Office, 1976), Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, Interim Report,

    S. Rept. No. 94-465 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, November 20, 1975),

    and Anne Karalekas, History of the Central Intelligence Agency, Supplementary De-

    tailed Staff Reports on Foreign and Military Intelligence, S. Rept. No. 94-755, vol. 4

    (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, April 23, 1976), pp. 1107. The top-

    secret Pike Committee Report was leaked by a still unknown source and can be found in

    The Report on the CIA That President Ford Doesnt Want You to Read, Village Voice

    21 (1976). For the Rockefeller Commission Report, see Commission on CIA Activities

    within the United States, Report to the President(Washington, DC: Government Printing

    Office, June 1975).

    4. Hans Born, Loch K. Johnson, and Ian Leigh, eds., Whos Watching the Spies?

    Establishing Intelligence Service Accountability (Washington, DC: Potomac Books,


    5. This chapter does not address the writing on intelligence from the early master

    strategists, but their enduring observations on intelligence deserve to be read, e.g., Carl

    von Clausewitz, On War, edited by Anatol Rapoport (New York: Pelican, 1968).

    6. Roger Hilsman, Strategic Intelligence and National Decisions (Glencoe: Free

    Press, 1956); David Kahn, The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing (New York:

    Macmillan, 1967); Sherman Kent, Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy

    (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949, revised in 1965), and Estimates & Influ-

    ence, Foreign Service Journal (April 1969); Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr., The Real CIA

    (New York: MacMillian, 1968) and The U.S. Intelligence Community (New York: Hill

    and Wang, 1973); and Harry Howe Ransom, Central Intelligence and National Security

    (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958),How Intelligent Is Intelligence? New

    York Times Magazine ( May 22, 1960), pp. 20, 7779, Secret Mission in an Open

    Society, New York Times Magazine (May 21, 1961), pp. 20, 7779, The Intelligence

    Establishment(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1970), and Strategic Intel-

    ligence and Foreign Policy, World Politics27 (October 1974), pp. 13146; David Wise

    10 understanding the hidden side of government

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    and Thomas Ross, The Invisible Government(New York: Random House, 1964); David

    Wise, The Espionage Establishment(New York: Random House, 1967) and The Politics

    of Lying(New York: Random House, 1973). For one of the earliest scholarly studies on

    U.S. intelligence, see Henry M. Wriston, Executive Agents in American Foreign Rela-

    tions (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1929).

    7. Stewart Alsop and Thomas Braden,Sub Rosa: The OSS and American Espionage

    (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1946); Allen Dulles, The Craft of Intelligence

    (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1977); and Greville M. Wynne, The Man From Moscow: The

    Story of Wynne and Penkovsky (London: Hutchinson, 1967).

    8. Anthony Cave Brown,Bodyguard of Lies(New York: Harper & Row, 1975), on

    World War II British intelligence operations; Sir John Masterman, Double Cross System

    of the War of 193945(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972), another look at British

    intelligence; Seth W. Richardson, Why Were We Caught Napping at Pearl Harbor?

    Saturday Evening Post (May 24, 1947), pp. 7980; and Roberta Wohlstetter, Pearl

    Harbor: Warning and Decision (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1962), a study on

    intelligence with rare theoretical sensitivities.

    9. Thomas L. Hughes, The Power to Speak and the Power to Listen: Reflections in

    Bureaucratic Politics and a Recommendation on Information Flows, in Secrecy and

    Foreign Policy, edited by Thomas Franck and Edward Weisband (New York: Oxford

    University Press, 1974).

    10. For example, John Barron,KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Agents (Pleasant-

    ville, NY: Readers Digest, 1974).

    11. Samuel Adams, Vietnam Cover-Up: Playing War with Numbers, Harpers

    250 (May 1975), pp. 4144, questioning the possible distortion of intelligence reporting

    from Vietnam; Philip Agee, Inside the Company: CIA Diary (Harmondsworth, Eng.:

    Penguin, 1975), a controversial outing of CIA officers and programs by a disgruntled

    former CIA officer; Richard Blum, ed., Surveillance and Espionage in a Free Society

    (New York: Praeger, 1972); Stuart H. Loory, The CIAs Use of the Press: A Mighty

    Wurlitzer, Columbia Journalism Review (September/October 1974), pp. 818; Patrick

    J. McGarvey, CIA: The Myth and the Madness (New York: Saturday Review Press,

    1972); Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (New

    York: Knopf, 1974), a widely read, authoritative, and influential book at the time of its

    publication, written by two disgruntled former intelligence officers (with Marchetti highly

    perched in the CIA); Fletcher L. Prouty, The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in

    Control of the United States and the World (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1973);

    and Sol Stern, NSA and the CIA, Ramparts 5 (March 1967), pp. 2938.

    12. Gordon B. Baldwin, Congressional Power to Demand Disclosure of Foreign

    Intelligence Agreements, Brooklyn Journal of International Law 3 (1976), pp. 130;

    Paul W. Blackstock, The Intelligence Community Under the Nixon Administration,

    Armed Forces and Society 1 (February 1975), pp. 23151; William J. Barnds, Intelli-

    gence and Foreign Policy: Dilemmas of a Democracy, Foreign Affairs 47 (January

    1969), pp. 28195; Lawrence M. Baskir, Reflections on the Senate Investigation of

    Army Surveillance, Indiana Law Journal 49 (Summer 1974), pp. 61853; Ray Cline,

    Policy Without Intelligence,Foreign Policy17 (Winter 197475), pp. 12135; Chester

    Cooper, The CIA and Decisionmaking, Foreign Affairs 50 (January 1972), pp. 223

    36; Robert F. Ellsworth and Keith L. Adelman, Foolish Intelligence, Foreign Policy36

    (Fall 1971), pp. 14759; Stanley Levell, Of Spies and Strategems (New York: Prentice-Hall,

    introduction to intelligence studies literature 11

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    1963); Richard Harris Smith, OSS: The Secret History of Americas First Central In-

    telligence Agency (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972); Sanford Ungar, FBI

    (Boston: Atlantic Monthly, 1975); Jerrold L. Walden, The C.I.A.: A Study in the Ar-

    rogation of Administrative Powers,George Washington Law Review39 (October 1970),

    pp. 66101; and F. W. Winterbotham, The Ultra Secret(New York: Dell, 1975).

    13. The best example is Richard C. Snyder and Edgar S. Furniss Jr., American

    Foreign Policy (New York: Rhinehart, 1954).

    14. For example, Tom Wicker, et al. C.I.A. Operations: A Plot Scuttled, New

    York Times (April 25, 1966), p. A1.

    15. See, for instance, Mark Lowenthal, The U.S. Intelligence Community: An An-

    notated Bibliography(New York: Garland, 1994), as well as his popular text Intelligence:

    From Secrets to Policy, 3rd ed. (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2003); and the references in

    Loch K. Johnson and James J. Wirtz, ed., Strategic Intelligence: Windows Into a Secret

    World(Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2004).

    16. The key journals in the field are Intelligence and National Security and the

    International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, both established in the

    mid-1980s and both currently published by the Taylor & Francis Group in London.

    Important, too, is a journal published by the CIAs Center for the Study of Intelligence,

    entitled Studies in Intelligence. It is printed in both a classified version for cleared

    government officials and, with a different set of articles, an unclassified version for the

    outside reader. The National Military Intelligence Association also publishes, irregularly,

    a journal called theAmerican Journal of Intelligence. The mainstream scholarly journals

    in history, political science, international affairs, strategy, and public administration will

    occasionally carry an article on intelligence, but they are rare. The American Political

    Science Review, for example, has only one article on this subject in its entire history

    dating back to the early 20th century.

    17. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive, vol. 1: The

    KGB in Europe and the West (New York: Penguin/Basic Books, 1999); Christopher

    Andrew,For the Presidents Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency

    (London: HarperCollins, 1995); Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB: The

    Inside Story(London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1990); Christopher Andrew and David Dilks,

    eds.,The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in the Twentieth

    Century(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984). Among Professor Freedmans many

    works on intelligence are U.S. Intelligence and the Soviet Strategic Threat(Princeton:

    Princeton University Press, 1986) and The Politics of Warning: Terrorism and Risk

    Communications,Intelligence and National Security20 (September 2005), pp. 379438.

    18. Richard Aldrich, The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret

    Intelligence(London: John Murray, 2001).

    19. Percy Cradock, Know Your Enemy: How the Joint Intelligence Committee Saw

    the World(London: John Murray, 2002).

    20. See, for example, Philip H. J. Davies, Ideas of Intelligence, Harvard Inter-

    national Review (Fall 2002).

    21. M. R. D. Foot, SOE in France (London: Cass, 2004).

    22. Peter Hennessy,The Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War(London: Allen

    Lane Penguin Press, 2002).

    23. See, for example, Peter Jackson, The Politics of Secret Service in War, Cold

    War and Imperial Retreat, Contemporary British History 14 (2003), pp. 42331.

    12 understanding the hidden side of government

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    24. Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, The CIA & American Democracy (New Haven: Yale

    University Press, 1989), andCloak and Dollar: A History of American Secret Intelligence

    (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002).

    25. John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (New York:

    Simon & Schuster, 1986).

    26. Harold Shukman, ed., Agents for Change: Intelligence Services in the 21st

    Century (London: St. Ermins Press, 2000).

    27. William Stevenson, A Man Called Intrepid (Basingstoke and London: Mac-

    millan, 1976).

    28. Nigel West, MI6: British Secret Intelligence Operations, 190945 (London:

    Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1983).

    29. William R. Corson, The Armies of Ignorance: The Rise of the American Intel-

    ligence Empire (New York: Dial, 1977).

    30. John Lewis Gaddis, Intelligence, Espionage, and Cold War Origins, Diplo-

    matic History 13 (Spring 1989), pp. 191212. See also: Christopher Andrew, Intelli-

    gence and International Relations in the Early Cold War, Review of International

    Studies 24 (1998).

    31. Michael Handel, War, Strategy and Intelligence (London: Cass, 1987).

    32. William M. Leary, Perilous Mission: Civil Air Transport and CIA Covert

    Operations in Asia (Tuscolusa: University of Alabama Press, 1984).

    33. Ernest R. May, ed., Knowing Ones Enemies: Intelligence Assessment Before

    the Two World Wars (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985).

    34. Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, One Hell of a Gamble: Khrush-

    chev, Castro, Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 19581964(London: John Murray,

    1997). See, also, David E. Murphy, Sergei A. Kondrashev, George Bailey, Battleground

    Berlin(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999); and Richard Breitman, Norman J. W.

    Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis (Cambridge:

    Cambridge University Press, 2005).

    35. Jeffrey T. Richelson, A Century of Spies (New York: Oxford University Press,


    36. David F. Rudgers, Creating the Secret State: The Origins of the Central In-

    telligence Agency (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2000).

    37. Bradley F. Smith, The Shadow Warriors: OSS and the Origins of the CIA

    (London: Andre Deutsch, 1981).

    38. Thomas F. Troy, Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the

    Central Intelligence Agency (Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence,

    Central Intelligence Agency, 1981).

    39. Michael Warner, ed., The CIA Under Harry Truman, CIA Cold War Records

    (Washington, DC: History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence


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