logical & reasoning question

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    NET Database interview Q & A Part-2

    To test a Web Service you must create a windows application or web application to

    consume this service? It is True/False?


    How many classes can a single.NET DLL contain?


    As many


    One or more

    What are good ADO.NET object(s) to replace the ADO Recordset object?

    The differences includes

    In ADO, the in-memory representation of data is the recordset.

    In ADO.net, it is the dataset

    A recordset looks like a single table in ADO

    In contrast, a dataset is a collection of one or more tables in ADO.net

    ADO is designed primarily for connected accessADO.net the disconnected access to the database is used

    In ADO you communicate with the database by making calls to an OLE DB provider.

    In ADO.NET you communicate with the database through a data adapter (an OleDbDataAdapter,

    SqlDataAdapter, OdbcDataAdapter, or OracleDataAdapter object), which makes calls to an OLE

    DB provider or the APIs provided by the underlying data source.

    In ADO you cant update the database from the recordset. ADO.NET the data adapter allows you

    to control how the changes to the dataset are transmitted to the database.

    On order to get assembly info which namespace we should import?

    System.Reflection Namespace

    How do you declare a static variable and what is its lifetime? Give an example.

    Answer1static int MyintThe life time is during the entire application.

    br> Answer2

    The static modifier is used to declare a static member, which belongs to the type itself rather

    than to a specific object. The static modifier can be used with fields, methods, properties,

    operators, events and constructors, but cannot be used with indexers, destructors, or types. In

    C#, the static keyword indicates a class variable. In VB, the equivalent keyword is Shared. Its

    scoped to the class in which it occurs.


    a. Static int var //in c#.net

    b. static void Time( ) //in c#.net

    How do you get records number from 5 to 15 in a dataset of 100 records? Writecode.


    DataSet ds1=new DataSet(); String strCon=data source=IBM-6BC8A0DACEF;initial

    catalog=pubs;integrated security=SSPI;persist + security info=False;user

    id=sa;workstation id=IBM-6BC8A0DACEF;packet size=4096?;

    String strCom1=SELECT * FROM employee;

    SqlDataAdapter sqlDa1=new SqlDataAdapter(strCom1,strCon);


  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question



    DataGrid dg1.DataSource=ds1.Tables[employee].DefaultView;




    OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet21, 5, 15, tab)This will fill the dataset with the records starting at 5 to 15

    .NET Database interview questions

    How do you call and execute a Stored Procedure in.NET? Give an example.


    ds1=new DataSet();

    sqlCon1=new SqlConnection(connectionstring);

    String strCom1=byroyalty;

    sqlCom1=new SqlCommand(strCom1,sqlCon1);


    sqlDa1=new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCom1);

    SqlParameter myPar=new SqlParameter(@percentage,SqlDbType.Int);

    sqlCom1.Parameters.Add (myPar);myPar.Value=40;






    Dim cn as new OleDbConnection ( Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;+ _

    Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\Visual Studio

    Projects\1209\db1.mdb+ _

    User ID=Admin;+ _


    Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(Products, cn)

    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

    Dim da As New OleDataAdapter(cmd)

    Dim ds As New DataSet()

    da.Fill(ds, Products)

    DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables(Products)

    What is the maximum length of a varchar in SQL Server?



    Null-terminated Unicode character string of length n,

    with a maximum of 255 characters. If n is not supplied, then 1 is assumed.




    The business logic is the aspx.cs or the aspx.vb where the code is being written. The

    presentation logic is done with .aspx extention.

    How do you define an integer in SQL Server?

    We define integer in Sql server as

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    var_name int

    How do you separate business logic while creating an ASP.NET application?

    There are two level of asp.net debugging

    1. Page level debugging

    For this we have to edit the page level debugging enable the trace to true in the line in the html

    format of the page.%@ Page Language=vb trace=trueAutoEventWireup=false

    Codebehind=WebForm1.aspx.vb Inherits=WebApplication2.WebForm1?>

    2. You can enable the debugging in the application level for this

    Edit the following trace value in web.config file

    Enable trace enabled=true.

    If there is a calendar control to be included in each page of your application, and and we do not

    intend to use the Microsoft-provided calendar control, how do you develop it? Do you copy and

    paste the code into each and every page of your application?

    Create the Calendar User Control

    The control we will create will contain a calendar control and a label which has the correspondingdate and time written

    Steps are:-

    Creating a CalenderControl

    1) To begin, open Visual Studio .NET and begin a new C# Windows Control Library.

    2) You may name it whatever you like, for this sample the project name will be CalenderControl

    Using the Calender Control in a Windows Application

    Its just like adding any other control like a button or a label.

    1) First, create a new Windows Application project named: CustomControl.

    2) Add a reference to the Calender Control DLL named: CalenderControl.dll.

    3) Now you a can customize the Toolbox:

    Right-Click the Toolbox> .NET Framework Components> Browse> select the


    4)The Calender Control is now added to the Toolbox and can be inserted in Windows Form as

    any other control. The control itself will take care of the date display

    How can you deploy an asp.net application ?

    You can deploy an ASP.NET Web application using any one of the following three deployment


    a) Deployment using VS.NET installer

    b) Using the Copy Project option in VS .NET

    c) XCOPY Deployment

    Explain similarities and differences between Java and.NET?Comparing Java and .NET is comparing apples and oranges. Either the question needs to be to

    compare Java and C# or J2EE and .NET.

    What are the XML files that are important in developing an ASP.NET application?

    The XML file necessary for the for developing an asp.net application is Web.config

    Specify the best ways to store variables so that we can access them in various pages

    of ASP.NET application?

    Declare the variables in Global.aspx

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    How many objects are there in ASP?


    8 objects, they are request,response, server,application,session,file, dictionary, textstream.


    There are 6 objects in ASP.neta) Server

    b) Session

    c) Application

    d) ObjectContext

    e) Response

    f) Request

    Which DLL file is needed to be registered for ASP?

    The dll needed for the ASP.net is SYSTEM.WEB.dll

    Is there any inbuilt paging (for example shoping cart, which will show next 10

    records without refreshing) in ASP? How will you do pating?

    Use DataGrid control which has in-built paging features for the purpose.

    What does Server.MapPath do?


    srver.mappath() maps the path given in the argument to the servers physical path.


    It returns the complete(absolute) path of the file used in parameter.


    It returns a string containing the physical path in the servers file system that corresponds to

    the virtual or relative path specified by the Path argument.

    Name atleast three methods of response object other than Redirect.


    a) Response.Clear( )

    Clears the content of the current output stream.

    b) Response.Close( )

    Closes the network socket for the current response.

    c) Response.End( )

    Stops processing the current request and sends all buffered content to the client immediately.


    methods of Response is Redirect a. Transfer

    Name atleast two methods of response object other than Transfer.a) Response.ClearContent( )

    Clears the content of the current output stream.

    b) Response.ClearHeaders( )

    Clears the HTTP headers from the current output stream.

    What is State?

    It is the property of the web forms.

    ASP.NET provides four types of state:

    Application state

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    Session state

    Cookie state

    View state.

    Explain differences between ADO and DAO.

    dao- can access only access database

    ado- can access any databases

    How many types of cookies are there?

    2 types, persistant and impersistant.

    How many types of cookies are there?


    Two type of cookeies.

    a) single valued eg request.cookies(UserName).value=Mahesh

    b)Multivalued cookies. These are used in the way collections are used.




    rember no value method in multivalued cooki


    There are two types of cookies:

    Session cookies

    Persistent cookies

    Tell few steps for optimizing (for speed and resource) ASP page/application.

    Avoid mixing html code with asp code

    Which command using Query Analyzer will give you the version of SQL Server and

    Operating System?


    Returns version, processor architecture, build date, and operating system for the current

    installation of SQL Server.

    How to find the SQL server version from Query Analyser


    To determine which version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is running, connect to SQL Server

    2005 by using SQL Server Management Studio, and then run the following Transact-SQL


    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(productversion), SERVERPROPERTY (productlevel),

    SERVERPROPERTY (edition)

    The results are:

    The product version (for example, 9.00.1399.06?)

    . The product level (for example, RTM). The edition (for example, Enterprise Edition).

    For example, the result looks similar to:

    9.00.1399.06 RTM Enterprise Edition

    How to determine which version of SQL Server 2000 is running

    To determine which version of SQL Server 2000 is running, connect to SQL Server 2000 by

    using Query Analyzer, and then run the following code:

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(productversion), SERVERPROPERTY (productlevel),

    SERVERPROPERTY (edition)

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    The results are:

    The product version (for example, 8.00.534).

    The product level (for example, RTM or SP2?).

    The edition (for example, Standard Edition). For example, the result looks similar to


    8.00.534 RTM Standard Edition


    One can also use SELECT @@Version where the result would look like

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)

    Oct 14 2005 00:33:37

    Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation

    Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

    Using query analyzer, name 3 ways you can get an accurate count of the number of

    records in a table.


    a. Select count(*) from table1

    b. SELECT object_name(id) ,rowcnt FROM sysindexes WHERE indid IN (1,0) AND

    OBJECTPROPERTY(id, IsUserTable) = 1c. exec sp_table_validation @table = authors


    SELECT count( * ) as totalrecords FROM employee

    This will display total records under the name totalrecords in the table employee

    use COUNT_BIG

    Returns the number of items in a group.


    Returns the number of rows affected by the last statement.

    Use this statement after an SQL select * statement, to retrieve the total number of rows in the



    Logical Reasoning Paper - 7

    It consists of number series. In some institutes alphabetical series is given instead

    of number series.

    1. 19,24,20,25,21,26,? ans:22

    2. 11,14,12,15,13,16,? ans: 14

    3. 10,2,8,2,6,2,? a:4

    4. 8,9,11,14,,18,23,? a:29

    5. 25,25,22,22,19,19,? a:16

    6. 14,2,12,4,10,6,? a:8

    7. 7,16,9,15,11,14,? a:13

    8. 40,42,39,44,38,46,? a:37

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    9. 3,18,4,24,5,30,? a:6

    10. 18,20,22,20,28,20,? a:22

    11. 18,20,10,12,4,6? a:0

    12. 7,6,8,5,3,7,? a:4

    13 9,18,21,25,20,? a:30

    14 3,3,4,8,10,36,? a:33

    15. 30,28,25,20,34,28,? a:21

    16. 4,8,16,32,64,128,? a:256

    17. 8,16,24,32,40,48,? a:56

    18. 13,11,14,12,15,13,? a:16

    19. 6,18,36,108,216,648,? a:1296

    20. 4,4,8,8,16,16,? a:32

    21. 2,6,18,54,162,486,? a:1458

    22. 4,20,35,49,62,74,? a:85

    23. 10,18,15,23,20,28,? a:25

    24. 4,10,8,14,12,18,? a:16

    25 10,15,12,17,14,10,? a:16

    Logical Reasoning Paper - 6

    The players G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O are to be felicitated of representing the county

    team in Baseball Out of these H,M,O also are in the Football team and K,N are

    there in the Basket ball team . These players are to be seated on a table and


    two players who has represented the county in more than one game are to sit


    1.Which one of the orders can they be seated in

    2. Which of the orders is not possible

    3. If N is seated in the middle then which of the following pairs cannot be

    seated near him .

    4. If M is seated then which of the following pairs can be seated next to him.

    Choices are given for all the questions

    There are 2 groups named Brown and red. They can?t marry in the same

    group. If the husband or wife dies then the person will convert to their own

    group. If a person is married then the husband will have to change his group

    to his wife?s

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    group. The child will own the mothers group. From these a set of 4 questions

    were given .Solve them


    1.Brown?s daughter is red (False)

    2. If a person is red. Then his/her mother?s brother belong to which group if

    he is married (Brown)

    7 people - a,b,c,d,e,f,g Need to make a seating arrangement for them.


    1)A should be at the center

    2) B,F should be at the right extreme

    3)C,E always in pair

    4)D,G as far as possible

    Questions from the above were asked?

    Logical Reasoning Paper - 5

    A simple flowchart whose steps are as follows. value of r and h are given, a

    and b=0 m=pi*r*r*h n=(pi*r*r*h)/3 if (m==n) do ------else b=4*pi*r*h

    print a and b [DON'T REMEMBER IF conditon is m==n or m

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    C works only on Tuesday and someotherday(don't remember)

    D does not work on Friday

    E works on all days except on the first Monday and Thursdaythen questions

    like who all will be available on which days .....

    first question) abt 4 buses with different seating capacity.and different

    charges. and questions were to find out the minimum number of trips

    required, the maximum charge, the second highest charge etc....

    Maximum numbers that can be formed using all the 4 digits 6 4 8 1 without

    repetition and which is divisible by 9.( ans none)

    Find the number of sides of a regular convex polygon whose angle is


    a+b+c=0, then roots of ax^2+bx+c=0 is1.imag 2.real 3.coincidental 4.zero

    Difference b/w the compound interest and simple interest for Rs.2500 for 2

    years is given-----. find the rate of interest.

    There was one more question on S.I and C.I

    The minimum number by which 60 is to be multiplied to generate

    a square.ans 15

    A monkey climbs 6 mts and falls 3mts in alternate minutes.Then time taken

    to climb a tree 60metres high?

    a. 35 b.37 c.32 d.34 (think the answer is 37)

    (This was the second last question) A bucket contains z drops. and it leaks x

    drops in t secs.then the time required to empty the bucket(in minutes)?

    6 pipes fill or empty the cistern. find the number of emptying pipes iff it takes

    18hrs to fill and 18 hrs to empty.... (don't remember the question exactly)

    The largest no: which is a factor of 1080 and 729

    No: of spheres of radius 1 that can be got from sphere of radius (or diameter

    don't recall) 8

    (think the last but three question)Travelling at 3/4th the speed a man is 20

    minutes later then speed is??

    There are 6 keys and 6 locks. then number of combinations to be tried out to

    get the actual solution

    a. 5^6 b.6^5 (don't remember the rest)

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    Choosing 2 people out of 10 in how many combinations can a particular

    person(some name) be always


    From 6 white balls and 7 black balls probability that 2 balls drawn at random

    are of the same color?

    If a sales man gets successive gain of 15% and 20% then his actual gain?

    ans. 38

    A string of pearls such that 1/3 is lost and of that 1/4th is missing, remaining

    is 20 then actual number of pearls?

    ans. 40

    A man gets a gain of x%. but if he had sold at twice the cost price, what will

    be his gain?(question not sure) a. 2x b.200-2x c.100+x (not sure of the


    A clock was 7mts behind the actual time on 3 p.m. on wednesday and 8 mts

    ahead of actual time on (not sure)

    o p.m. friday. when will it show the correct time?

    Boat moves upstream in 6 hrs and covers the same distance downstream in 5

    hrs. then speed of a raft

    floating?(accuracy of question not sure)

    (this was the last question) no idea what it stands for........ some kind of

    notation like

    S(P(M((D(a,b),2))):P(M(S(D(a,b),........options were

    1. ab 2.(a-b)^2 3.(a+b)^2 4.none

    If x men working x hrs per day can do x units of work in x days, then y men

    working y hrs/day would be able to

    complete how many units of work i y days? ans. y^3/x^2 (question in R.S.


    There was one more question on volume and surface area.....

    1 Rs, 50 ps , 25 ps coins are in the ratio ---------, then the number of 50 ps

    coins if they sum to ------Rs.(similar question in R.S.Agarwal)

    There was one more question on coins i.e. abt getting a change of 10ps and

    25 coins for ------Rs.(how many possible combinations or so possible)

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    x/y+y/x=40/21(don't remember the exact value, believe this is the one) find

    x and ythere were 2 questions on train and one was like:

    A goods train starts and after 2 hrs a passenger train at 4km/hr starts and

    overtakes the goods train after 4 hrs, then the speed of goods train?

    15hrs of boys work=6 hrs of women's work. 3/5 of the work is done by

    -----boys and -----women. How much time would bethe question)

    There was one question on triangle

    A figure was given a square with four corners shaded and asked to find the

    area of the shaded portion.... ie area of square-area of the regular


    Logical Reasoning Paper - 1

    In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of

    memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000, find the

    address of X (8, 5).

    ANS: 3212

    In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth

    and fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what

    would be the tenth letter from right?


    What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory?


    Select the odd one out. a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d.Eiffel. ANS: LISP

    Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP ANS: SAP

    Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2 ANS:LINUX

    Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP ANS:BAAN

    Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SERVER


    Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP ANS:HTTP

    The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is

    given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by

    1% then how much memory now occupied?

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can

    do it in 24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can

    do the same work? ANS:16

    In which of the system, decimal number 194 is equal to 1234? ANS:5

    Find the value of the 678 to the base 7. ANS:1656

    Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube ANS:6,8,12

    Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes

    "square root". ANS:121

    Find the result of the following _expression if, M denotes modulus operation,

    R denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:

    M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ANS:19

    If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as ---------ANS:PCCKJ

    G(0)=-1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ? ANS:-2

    What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?

    A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is

    made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and

    1500mts away from the power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs.

    15/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the

    total of laying the cable.


    The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is

    given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by

    1% then how much memory now occupied?

    In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t

    is elapsed time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.

    ANS: 385.8(DB)

    The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per

    millisecond. A programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10

    milliseconds. And response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds.

    How much time the program takes to get a response back to the

    programmer, after it is sent? ANS: 30MILISECOND

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can

    do it in 24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can

    do the same work?

    If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) ?s address is

    1245 and then address of (5,7) is --------

    Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j

    ANS: (A)& (C).

    If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD? ANS: PEASA

    If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of

    fuel by 30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used

    combined. ANS: 20%

    What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668 ANS: (B). 2048

    Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63 ANS: 15,35

    Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63 ANS: 15,35

    Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, --- ANS: -27

    A, B and C are 8 bit no?s. They are as follows:

    A 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

    B 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

    C 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

    Find ( (A-B) u C )=?

    Hint : A-B is {A} - {A n B} ANS: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (DB)

    A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours

    to reach the destination which is in north west direction.Given the latitude

    and longitude of source and destination. Find the local time of destination

    when the

    flight reaches there? ANS: 1:00 P.M

    A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10

    hours. Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers? ANS: 13

    A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a

    work in 7 days. Then find in how many days A alone can complete the work?

    ANS: 10.5 DAYS(11)

    A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So hoW days does B

    take to finish the work?ANS : 4DAYS.

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6

    days then how many days should B work to complete A?s work? ANS : 3.2


    Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible?

    (HINT : sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one which is larger)

    Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?(Hint det(A)=0)

    A 2D array is declared as A[9,7] and each element requires 2 byte.If A[ 1,1 ]

    is stored in 3000. Find the memory of A[8,5] ?ANS: 3106.

    Sum of slopes of 2 perpendicular st. lines is given. Find the pair of lines from

    the given set of options which satisfy the above condition?

    2+3i (b)1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find which of the above is orthogonal. ANS :

    (A) & (C).

    The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362)x in the X system of

    numbers find the value of X a}5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9

    Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $

    %$6-%$%6 ANS : -72

    My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at

    a place with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane


    a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c)7:40 d)7:00 e)8:00 (Hint : Every 1 deg longitude is

    equal to 4 minutes . If west to east add time else subtract time) ANS: (E)


    Find the highest prime number that can be stored in an 8bit computer.

    Numerical Ability

    51. in a class, except 18 all are above 50 years.

    15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there

    (a) 30(b) 33(c) 36

    (d) none of these.

    Ans. (d)

    52. If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goesdownstream with a velocity of 40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    stream ?

    (a) 13 km/hr(b) 26 km/hr

    (c) 34 km/hr(d) none of these

    Ans. A

    53. Find the value of ( 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.001 ) / ( 0.75 * 0.75 - 0.075 +


    (a) 0.845(b) 1.908

    (c) 2.312(d) 0.001

    Ans. A

    54. A can have a piece of work done in 8 days, B can work three times faster

    than the A, C can work five times faster than A. How many days will they taketo do the work together ?

    (a) 3 days

    (b) 8/9 days

    (c) 4 days(d) can't say

    Ans. B

    55. A car travels a certain distance taking 7 hrs in forward journey, during thereturn journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs.What is the

    distance travelled

    (a) 210 kms(b) 30 kms

    (c) 20 kms(c) none of these

    Ans. B

    56. Instead of multiplying a number by 7, the number is divided by 7. What is

    the percentage of error obtained ?

    57. Find (7x + 4y ) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2 ?

    (a) 6

    (b) 8(c) 7

    (d) data insufficient

    Ans. C

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    58. A man buys 12 lts of liquid which contains 20% of the liquid and the restis water. He then mixes it with 10 lts of another mixture with 30% of

    liquid.What is the % of water in the new mixture?

    59. If a man buys 1 lt of milk for Rs.12 and mixes it with 20% water and sells

    it for Rs.15, then what is the percentage of gain?

    60. Pipe A can fill a tank in 30 mins and Pipe B can fill it in 28 mins.If 3/4th of

    the tank is filled by Pipe B alone and both are opened, how much time isrequired by both the pipes to fill the tank completely ?

    61. If on an item a company gives 25% discount, they earn 25% profit. Ifthey now give 10% discount then what is the profit percentage.

    (a) 40%(b) 55%

    (c) 35%(d) 30%

    Ans. D

    62. A certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. If howeverthere were 10 men less it will take 10 days more for the work to be finished.

    How many men were there originally?

    (a) 110 men

    (b) 130 men(c) 100 men

    (d) none of these

    Ans. A

    63. In simple interest what sum amounts of Rs.1120/- in 4 years andRs.1200/- in 5 years ?

    (a) Rs. 500

    (b) Rs. 600(c) Rs. 800

    (d) Rs. 900

    Ans. C

    64. If a sum of money compound annually amounts of thrice itself in 3 years.In how many yearswill it become 9 times itself.

    (a) 6

    (b) 8(c) 10

    (d) 12

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    Ans A

    65. Two trains move in the same direction at 50 kmph and 32 kmph

    respectively. A man in the slower trainobserves the 15 seconds elapse before the faster train completely passes by


    What is the length of faster train ?

    (a) 100m

    (b) 75m(c) 120m

    (d) 50m

    Ans B

    66. How many mashes are there in 1 squrare meter of wire gauge if each


    is 8mm long and 5mm wide ?

    (a) 2500(b) 25000

    (c) 250(d) 250000

    Ans B

    67. x% of y is y% of ?(a) x/y

    (b) 2y(c) x

    (d) can't be determined

    Ans. C

    68. The price of sugar increases by 20%, by what % should a housewife

    reduce the consumption of sugar so that expenditure on sugar can be sameas before ?

    (a) 15%(b) 16.66%

    (c) 12%(d) 9%

    Ans B

    69. A man spends half of his salary on household expenses, 1/4th for rent,

    1/5th for travel expenses, the man deposits the rest in a bank. If his monthlydeposits in the bank amount 50, what is his monthly salary ?

    (a) Rs.500(b) Rs.1500

    (c) Rs.1000(d) Rs. 900

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    Ans C

    70. The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. There is an additional annual

    increase of 4% of the population due to the influx of job seekers, find the %increase in population after 2 years ?

    71. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3:2 Out of these10% the boys and 25% of girls are scholarship holders. % of students who

    are not scholarship holders.?

    72. 15 men take 21 days of 8 hrs. each to do a piece of work. How many days

    of 6 hrs. each would it take for 21 women if 3 women do as much work as 2men?

    (a) 30(b) 20

    (c) 19(d) 29

    Ans. A

    73. A cylinder is 6 cms in diameter and 6 cms in height. If spheres of the

    same size are made from the material obtained, what is the diameter of eachsphere?(a) 5 cms(b) 2 cms

    (c) 3 cms(d) 4 cms

    Ans C

    74. A rectangular plank (2)


    meters wide can be placed so that it is on eitherside of the diagonal of a square shown below.(Figure is not available)What isthe area of the plank?

    Ans :7*(2)1/2

    75. The difference b/w the compound interest payble half yearly and the

    simple interest on acertain sum lent out at 10% p.a for 1 year is Rs 25. What is the sum?

    (a) Rs. 15000(b) Rs. 12000

    (c) Rs. 10000(d) none of these

    Ans C

    76. What is the smallest number by which 2880 must be divided in order to

    make it into aperfect square ?

    (a) 3

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    (b) 4(c) 5

    (d) 6

    Ans. C

    77. A father is 30 years older than his son however he will be only thrice asold as the son after 5 years

    what is father's present age ?

    (a) 40 yrs(b) 30 yrs

    (c) 50 yrs(d) none of these

    Ans. A

    78. An article sold at a profit of 20% if both the cost price and selling price

    would be Rs.20/- the profit would be 10% more. What is the cost price ofthat article?

    29. If an item costs Rs.3 in '99 and Rs.203 in '00.What is the % increase inprice?

    (a) 200/3 %

    (b) 200/6 %(c) 100%

    (d) none of these

    Ans. A

    80. 5 men or 8 women do equal amount of work in a day. a job requires 3men and 5 women to finish the job in 10 days how many woman are required

    to finish the job in 14 days.

    a) 10b) 7

    c) 6d) 12

    Ans 7

    81. A simple interest amount of rs 5000 for six month is rs 200. what is the

    anual rate of interest?

    a) 10%b) 6%

    c) 8%d) 9%

    Ans 8%

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    82. In objective test a correct ans score 4 marks and on a wrong ans 2 marksare ---. a student score 480 marks from 150 question. how many ans were


    a) 120

    b) 130

    c) 110d) 150


    83. An artical sold at amount of 50% the net sale price is rs 425 .what is thelist price of the artical?

    a) 500

    b) 488c) 480

    d) 510

    Ans 500

    84. A man leaves office daily at 7pm A driver with car comes from his hometo pick him from office and bring back home

    One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he startswalking towards home.

    In the way he meets the car and returns home on car He reaches home 20minutes earlier than usual.

    In how much time does the man reach home usually??

    Ans. 1hr 20min

    85. A works thrice as much as B. If A takes 60 days less than B to do a workthen find the number of days it would take to complete the work if both

    work together?

    Ans. 22?days

    86. How many 1's are there in the binary form of 8*1024 + 3*64 + 3

    Ans. 4

    87. In a digital circuit which was to implement (A B) + (A)XOR(B), the

    designer implements (A B) (A)XOR(B)What is the probability of error in it ?

    88. A boy has Rs 2. He wins or loses Re 1 at a time If he wins he gets Re 1

    and if he loses the game he loses Re 1.He can loose only 5 times. He is out of the game if he earns Rs 5.

    Find the number of ways in which this is possible?

    Ans. 16

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    89. If there are 1024*1280 pixels on a screen and each pixel can have around16 million colors

    Find the memory required for this?

    Ans. 4MB

    90. On a particular day A and B decide that they would either speak the truthor will lie.

    C asks A whether he is speaking truth or lying?He answers and B listens to what he said. C then asks B what A has said B

    says "A says that he is a liar"

    What is B speaking ?

    (a) Truth(b) Lie

    (c) Truth when A lies(d) Cannot be determined

    Ans. (b)

    91. What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when time is 8:30

    Ans. 75(approx)

    92. A student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left. How many students

    are there in totality ?

    93. A man walks east and turns right and then from there to his left and then

    45degrees tohis right.In which direction did he go

    Ans. North west

    94. A student gets 70% in one subject, 80% in the other. To get an overall of75% how much should get in third subject.

    95. A man shows his friend a woman sitting in a park and says that she thedaughter of my grandmother's only son.

    What is the relation between the two

    Ans. Daughter

    96. How many squares with sides 1/2 inch long are needed to cover a

    rectangle that is 4 ft long and 6 ft wide

    (a) 24

    (b) 96(c) 3456

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    (d) 13824(e) 14266

    97. If a=2/3b , b=2/3c, and c=2/3d what part of d is b/

    (a) 8/27

    (b) 4/9(c) 2/3

    (d) 75%(e) 4/3

    Ans. (b)

    2598Successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of

    (a) 30%(b) 32%

    (c) 34%

    (d) 35%(e) 36

    Ans. (b)

    99. The petrol tank of an automobile can hold g liters.If a liters was removed

    when the tank was full, what part of the full tank was removed?


    (c) a/g(d) (g-a)/a

    (e) (g-a)/g

    Ans. (c)

    100. If x/y=4 and y is not '0' what % of x is 2x-y




    Ans. (b

    *One clock ringes 7 O'clock in 7 sec.In how many seconds it will ring 10O'clock.

    (ans 10.5 sec)

    *One watch is showing 30 past 3 .What is the angle between minutes & hours


  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    (ans 75 degrees)

    *Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 1nd 12 hours while third pipe will make thetank empty in 20 hours.If all three pipes operate simultaneously,in how

    many hours the tank will be filled ?

    Ans.7hours 30 minutes.

    *Diameter of a beaker is 7cm. Mambler(some instrument)dia is

    1.4cm.How many mamblers has to be put to increase the water level by


    *The average of 4 consecutive even numbers is 27. What is the largestnumber?

    (ans 30)

    *One ball was dropped from 8ft height and every time it goes half of the

    height. How much distance it will travell before coming to rest.

    (ans 24 approximately)

    *Two trains are travelline at equilateral .Train A is traveling in thedirection of earths spin.Other train B is travelling in opposite direction of

    earths spin.Which trains wheels will wear first?and why?

    (ans TRAIN B .Because of less centrifugal force.)

    * 6*12*15 is the volume of some material.How many cubes can beinserted into that?


    *Cost of an item is x. It's value increases by p% and decreases by p%Now

    the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value.


    *A right circular cylinder and a cone are there.Base radius of cone is equalto radius

    * falling height is proportional to square of the time. one object falls 64cm

    in 2sec than in 6sec from how much height the object will fall.

    * gavaskar average in first 50 innings was 50 . after the 51st innings his

    average was 51 how many runs he made in the 51st innings

    *Distance between two poles is 50 meters.A train goes by 48 kmph in oneminute.How many poles will be crossed by the train.

    *A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100

    meters ahead by 30 degrees. What is th height of pole.

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    *15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.. 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18.. for

    40 peoplehow much has to pay ?

    *salary is 's' per month,'x'% of salary is given as bonus, if 3 months salaryis s1,s2 & s3 then what is his salary.

    ans:s1*x/100 + s2*x/100 + s3*x/100

    103)consider expresion 'ab' . what happens when 'a' is divided by 'c' & 'b'

    is multiplied by 'c'.

    ans:value remains same.

    * if p=2q then q=r*r,if p-odd then q is even,whether we decide r is evenor odd ?

    choices:a)first condition is sufficient

    b)second condition is sufficient

    c)both are sufficient

    d)both are not sufficient

    * What is the value of m given that

    i) m is devided by 2

    ii) m is devided by 5

    Ans: none of these

    * If he sells 40 magoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra,What is his % increse in profit ?

    Ans: 25%

    * 100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he

    supplies the glasses without any damage he will et 3 paise otherwise hewill loose 3 paise.At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise,

    how many glasses were supplied safely.

    Ans: 95

    * distance D=rt where r & t are +ve and r is constant,as t increses thenD_________

    ans:D increses irrespective of r & t

    * E=I*I*R what is the effect of E when I becomes I/2

    ans:1/4E(E decreses by 4 times)

  • 8/2/2019 Logical & Reasoning Question


    * out of 55 eggs 5 are defective. what is % of defective eggs


    * area of triangle=1/2*b*h base incresed by 4 times & height is devidedby 2, the net effect of area.

    ans:twice the the original area.

    * 1/8 is devided by 's' , if 's' is incresed by 2 times, what is the result.

    ans:increses two times.

    section 2. letter series

    1. a c b d f e g i __ ans: h

    2. x y z u v w r s t __ ans: o

    3. a c f j o __ ans:u

    section 3. numerical ability

    1. 10099+99=10198

    2. 31 - 29+2/33=__ ans:64/33

    3. 2.904+0.0006=___ ans: 2.9046

    4. 55/1000=___ ans:.005

    5. 0.799*0.254= 0.202946

    6. 200/7*5.04=144

    7. 842.8 +602=1444.8

    8. 5.72% of 418= 23.9096

    9. 625% of 7.71=48.1875

    10. 25% of 592=148.00

    11. 665+22.9=687.9

    12. 15% of 86.04=12.906

    * in base representation for a rupee 100 paise,then base 8

    representation what is rupee value .

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    * A>B,B>C,C=D,D>E,then which is greatest

    a)A/B b) A/C c) A/E d)none

    ans: c

    * to travel 'm' miles the time is 'h' hours,then what is the time taken to

    travel M miles.


    * a sum 's' is devided into 4 parts.second person gets Rs 10 more than

    first.3rd person is Rs 10 more than second, 4th is 10 more than 3rd.how much amount do 1st person get.


    * fridge cost R Rs,cover value is 5,discount d% then its new cost


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