london riots broadcast news media

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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London Riots Broadcast News

Who do the reporters interview during the broadcast? The BBC reporters interview Darcus Howe who is a writer and broadcaster. Darcus Howe has a very strong view on the riots and although he does not support the riots, he supports the rioters themselves. This is because he feels that this is the only way for people to put their opinion across to the authorities and government. Darcus Howe may also say this as he has knowledge of gang culture, so he can understand why the riots are going ahead.

What images are used in the news broadcast? What do they suggest about the representation of young people in the riots? There are no images of the riots shown during the interview with Darcus Howe. However, the interview takes place with Darcus Howe stood in front of a burnt down building, presumably damaged by the riots. This means the BBC is trying to show the extent of the damage caused by the rioters. This would mean the audience would begin to portray young people more negatively by associating them with the building that Darcus Howe is stood in front of.

Is the broadcast biased in anyway?I think this broadcast is slightly biased as the reporter asks questions that try to convert the public into thinking what Darcus Howe says is wrong. This backfires as Darcus Howe ends up getting angrier and tells the reporter to ‘have some respect’ because he feels as though his viewpoint isn’t getting put across.

Do youths get a fair voice in this video?There are no youths in this video but what Darcus Howe says does support the rioters and the reasons as to why they are rioting. He does not agree with the actions of the rioters such as looting but feels as though something needs to be done to change things in the country.

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