longuevile media profile

Post on 16-Mar-2016






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Longueville Media's overview of digital and print publishing services.


Longueville Media graphics | writing | publishing

Since our establishment in 2002, Longueville Media’s reputation as a reliable and professional provider of graphic design, writing and publishing services has grown steadily. We are pleased to say that much of this growth is through word-of-mouth referrals and repeat client business.

Rather than simply being a service provider, we pride ourselves on our personal approach that delivers fresh and creatives ideas to enhance your business communications.

Our print work includes brochures, booklets, posters, commemorative books, and marketing and communications collateral. Digital work includes eBooks and videos.

Celebrating 10 Years in 2012 Our Clients

‘Longueville Media has been the Lowy Institute’s publisher since 2004. They have always displayed a keen understanding of our needs and always shown a high level of enthusiasm and professionalism in their work for us … they are a pleasure to work with.’

– Martine Letts, Deputy Director The Lowy Institute for International Policy

513 Galston RoadDural NSW 2158Australia

Lecocadia Salcedo49 BugambiliasSonora 83140Mexico

E: gbstarr@starrassoc.comSkype: greg.starrT: + 61 414 906 611M: +61 414 906 611

Our extensive experience in both design and editorial ensures your work will be delivered to the highest standard and in designs that ensure beauty and readability in long-copy documents.

Our history in corporate and government publishing has provided us with experience dealing with complex documents that may include text, images, graphs, charts, maps and infographic elements.

EditorialWe deliver proofreading, copyediting, structural editing and copywriting across a range of specialist subject areas.

Graphic designWe deliver graphic design, typesetting and layout for products from books to corporate marketing materials to government reports and brochures.

IllustrationWe deliver illustrations, technical drawings, maps or plans.

‘Longueville Media's … friendly, consultative manner, attention to detail and quick understanding of our objectives were such that I have no hesitation in recommending them.’

– Dimensional Fund Advisors

Our Services

• TheLowyInstituteforInternationalPolicy (since 2004)

• TheDepartmentofForeignAffairsandTrade (since 2009)

• TheNSWDepartmentofAgeing,DisabilityandHomeCare(DADHC)

• TheDepartmentofBroadband,Communication, and the Digital Economy (Panel supplier since 2008)

• TheGovernmentoftheDemocraticRepublic of Timor-Leste

• ParkesShireCouncil(NSW)• TheAustralianArmy• AustralianInstituteofCompanyDirectors• NSWDepartmentofVeterans’Affairs• RoadsandTransportAuthority(NSW)• TheNSWDepartmentofPremierandCabinet

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1. We love what we do

Combined with our reputation for delivering high-quality products, we have identified a pattern in why we win the majority of business on which we quote and why we retain clients for many years, and it is due to two factors:

1. Regular communication during jobs, and

2. Individual, personalised service.

We work hard at good communication, and we are particularly proud of these two findings because they happen naturally for us.

We enjoy our work and we only employ people who feel the same which means you, the client, knows there is passion behind everything we do.

2. We are Publishers


It is more than graphic design.

It is more than words on a page.

It involves combining words and designs in a professional package that communicates a message effectively.

Publishing is our heritage, and we hold on to it proudly because it means our clients achieve results that communicate their messages deeply.

Director, David Longfield’s initial publishing career was at Oxford University Press and Thompson Legal Publishing: a background that instils in us a rigour about the way we deal with clients and the quality of our work.

Why Choose Longueville?

3. The Longueville Network

Longueville makes regular use of a network of editing and design professionals to complement our core staff. This network enables us to engage specialist personnel as and when required, and provides reassurance to clients that highly qualified and experienced industry professionals will be working on their project.

As well as providing access to skilled experts often unavailableinonecompany,ourNetworkallowsus to scale our resources to suit your requirements.

There are other more lateral benefits, too, such as access to sales in bookshops nationally through our association with Macmillan Publishing. Macmillan has over 30 sales representatives who visit retail bookshops across Australia.

APEC 2010 brochure. Client: The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


The Private Practice Magazine for Australian medical practices is published quarterly.‘Longueville Media was exceptionally professional

and prompt in taking us from words and images to a quality photographic history book. I was very grateful for their responsiveness …’

– Delta Electricity

Program for the dedication of Arthur HallWayVCbyHerExcellency Marie Bashir, GovernorofNSW. Client:TheNSWDepartment of Veteran’sAffairs/RTA.

Art Exhibition catalogues require high-quality design and print standards.Client: Susan O’Doherty, ManlyArtGallery & Museum, Sydney.




Boeing Aerostructures chose Longueville to publish their site history.

Reports of all shapes and sizes are our speciality: from writing, to editing, design and print or electronic delivery as eBooks.

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Political speech collections. Client: TheHon.PrimeMinister Xanana Gusmao,TImor-Leste.


Longueville Media specialises in long-copy editing as well as graphic design.Client: The Australian Army.

A series of safety booklets for Australian travellers. Client: The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Lowy Institute Papers are the flagship publications for the Lowy Institute for International Policy.

Corporate history is recorded in print through writing, editing and design. Client: Delta Electricity.

Longueville Media Pty LtdABN81099761878

David Longfielddavid@longmedia.com.au

T: 0293628441M:041051968568OxfordStreet,WoollahraNSW2025POBox102,DoubleBayNSW1360

A unique offering to our clients

In our dealings with our government and corporate clients we have come to understand several things that make for a good professional relationship:

Don’t just quote on a job: aiming for continuous improvement, we always provide comments and observations that go the extra mile by suggesting changes that will improve the work in terms of design, production or electronic delivery.

Be on the lookout for efficiencies: we are always on the lookout for efficiencies that may save money, make the process easier, or make the final product of greater value to the recipient.

Regular communication: we pride ourselves on timely and regular communication so that our clients always know where their job is at. We find this dramatically streamlines the production process for our clients.

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