loudoun business may 2012

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The May 2012 issue of Loudoun Business


By Erika Jacobson Moore, Staff Writer

A large group gathered in Ashburn last week to break ground on a several hundred thousand-square-foot expansion of data centers from Digital Realty Trust, a company ultimately planning to have more than 2 million square feet of space on its campus.

“That will make it the most significant campus in the entire Digital Realty Trust portfolio,” David Caron, the company’s senior vice president of portfolio manage-ment, said.

The next expansion of the business will include two phases, the first of which broke ground May 9. That building will be 214,000 square feet to house 10 data centers, with around 18,000 square feet of office space to support 60 employees. In addition, the construction is expected to create around 180 jobs in that field until the building is complete.

“The idea is to have inventory for all customers that want to be in Northern Virginia and to never run out of inventory

for them,” Caron said.Sen. Mark Herring (D-33) and

Del. Tag Greason (R-32), who were recognized for their work in getting tax credit legislation that allows data center providers the chance to combine their assets with their customers to qualify for the tax relief, said the ground breaking represents an important moment for Loudoun.

“In Northern Virginia for a long time, we were the center for technology…but then the other states began to realize what we had known,” Herring said. “And they put in incentives to try to compete with Virginia. I am pleased Virginia has recognized the need to step up and provide those same incen-tives.”

Greason noted the enormous amount of capital that would go into the project, the power needed for it and the tax revenue that would come from it, while recognizing that the data

centers would not put pressure on county roads or schools.

“I was reminded of a statistic by Supervisor [Suzanne] Volpe, that for every 250,000 square feet of data centers it brings in about $1 million in tax revenue,” he said.

Representing the Board of Supervi-sors, Vice Chairman Janet Clarke (R-Blue Ridge) and Supervisor Shawn Williams (R-Broad Run) made note of the $80 million investment Digital Realty Trust is making in Loudoun and thanked the company for its belief in the county. “I assure you we

are doing everything we can to make Loud-oun more business friendly,” Clarke said.

Loudoun County Chamber of Com-merce president Tony Howard said events like Wednesday’s were the “best part of my job.”

“This amount of an investment is the most sincere form of expression of the trust that Digital Realty Trust has in Loud-oun County,” he said.

Digital Realty Trust has 102 proper-ties across the United States, Europe, Singapore and Australia, with 19 located in Northern Virginia.

MAY 2012 VOLUME 9 NO. 6


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U.S. Firms Bring WorkBack Home

......Page 3

Digital Realty Breaks Ground on Expansion

By Erika Jacobson Moore, Staff Writer

It might not have reached Loudoun just yet, but county supervisors are reporting favorable results from their trips abroad earlier this month.

County Chairman Scott K. York (R-At Large), who as of press time was on a second business trip to Taiwan, had noth-ing but positive news for the county from his time spent in Loudoun’s German sister

county, Main-Taunus-Kreis, last month. Before he left, York said there were two economic development opportunities he and Assistant Director of Economic Devel-opment Buddy Rizer would be pursuing during their trip. May 2 he called the visit a definitive success.

“We do have an entity coming to Lou-doun County,” York said. “We will make the official announcement later when the firm is ready to go public.”

While details about the business are not available at this time, York did say the company has looked “up and down the East Coast” for a new headquarters and decided to go with Loudoun because “out of all the people they talked to, it was Lou-doun County that was working with them.”

“We are excited about that,” York said.The Loudoun location will serve as

the company’s headquarters for North and South America. The company will start

with a “smaller footprint” with “substantial expansion” expected by 2017, York said. The company will be moving into an exist-ing building.

Apparently the long-term work the county has put into the international company paid off even before York and Rizer touched down in Germany. York said when they arrived company representa-tives told them of their decision to locate

Continued On Page 4

Supervisors Find Success Overseas

Politicians and Digital Realty executives lift their shovels in a groundbreaking last week in Ashburn.

Therese Howe/For Loudoun Business

PAGE 2 | Loudoun Business MAY 2012









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MAY 2012 Loudoun Business | PAGE 3

By Therese P. Howe, For Loudoun Business More than 450 people on May 10 boarded a caravan of buses on this year's NAIOP Virginia Commercial Realty Bus Tour, drawn by the prospect of get-ting a first-hand look at current and future developments from Loudoun to Tysons. Another 150 people also attended the morning Trade Show preceding the tour, which was coordinated by NAIOP and the Loudoun Department of Economic Development. “We worked with the property owners and with NAIOP about what the brokers want to see, what NAIOP want-ed to see, and we matched that up with the properties that we have in terms of trying to put our best foot forward,” department Director Thomas Flynn said. Participants started the event with the trade show in one of the two buildings at Lakeview at University Center, an MRP Realty property that will eventually have 400,000 square feet of Class-A office space, two hotels, restau-rants, shops, and services. Vendors at the show ranged from rep-resentatives for the 496 Express Lanes Project to architectural and construction firms to commercial realty firms, all of them vying for attention with promo-tional goodies. “There are a lot more people than I expected, we're giving away a lot of stuff,” said Heather Thorenson, marketing director of ADI Construction in Springfield. “I think the turnout's fantastic,” Supervisor Matt Letourneau (R-Dulles), who is chairman of board's economic

development committee, said.”I think this is going to be an eye-opening day for many in the region's business com-munity to really understand the types of products we have in Loudoun County, the types of businesses that we have and the space available.” In his remarks to the trade show audience, Letourneau said that he and his colleagues on the new board “have made economic development a top priority. I know from my job at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world's largest business organization, what it takes for businesses to be successful. And the message from every level of government in Loudoun County is clear: Loudoun County is open for business. At the policy level, the board is committed to making Loudoun

as business-friendly as possible.” As evidence, he noted recent board initiatives such as commercial zoning ordinance changes and new investments in the economic development depart-ment. He also touted Loudoun's attrac-tions to businesses, including its highly educated workforce, its position as a “world leader in the data center market,” and its proximity to Dulles Airport, which has “over 400 acres of undeveloped land on airport property and a brand new runway just waiting for more traffic.” Following his remarks, guests board-ed 10 buses for the five-hour tour, which included a lunch stop at the Sheraton Premiere in Tysons. Highlights of the Loudoun portions of the tour, which

By Therese P. Howe, For Loudoun Business

Two years ago, when Reston Limousine CEO Kristina Bouweiri was invited to give a social media presentation at the Global Summit of Women in Beijing, she asked them, “What do you want me to speak about? I'm not an expert.” They told Bouweiri they wanted her to speak on how she uses social media for her business, and she accepted. “So I go all the way to Beijing, China, and there's a thousand women there from 80 different countries. I was really intimi-dated; on this panel, to my right was the social media director from Dell comput-ers and to my left was the social media director from Ikea, and I was just sitting there going, 'What am I doing here, I'm not worthy!'" But at the end of the presentation, audience members gravitated toward her. “The reason why was because these were entrepreneurs from all over the world and most of them had small businesses. They just couldn't relate to what Dell and Ikea were doing but they could relate to what I was doing because I'm another small busi-ness. Also, I think they liked the fact that I'm not an expert.” Today, Bouweiri still claims she's not an expert, as she told the audience at her latest social media presentation in late April at The Tower Club in Tysons. “I'm just somebody who was an early adapter, I jumped into it feet first,” she said. “I think what motivated me was to get involved was I read...that President Obama had 200,000 followers on Facebook and I thought, I need to find out about this Facebook. I got on and all I could find were

Loudoun First Stop on Bus Tour

U.S. Manufacturers Bring Production Home

Reston Limo CEO Offers Tips On Social Media

By Danielle Nadler, Staff Writer

Inside the manufacturing room of Sterling-based company EIT, men and women sporting blue jackets and white gloves hunch over their perspective proj-ects. Some operate massive machines through a simple keystroke, some inspect the quality of dime-sized electronic com-ponents with an x-ray machine and oth-ers carefully hand solder printed circuit boards. It’s a scene of which the company’s human resources director Teresa Quigley said, “People are surprised this goes on

here.” And by here, she means the United States. Bringing manufacturing back home is gaining momentum—both nationwide and in Loudoun—as lawmakers work to pro-vide incentives and more company execu-tives find benefits to “reshoring” the work they once moved overseas. A survey conducted in February by Boston Consulting Group reported 37 per-cent of U.S.-based manufacturing execu-tives at companies with annual sales great-er than $1 billion are planning to bring production back home. The rate is even

higher among executives of companies bringing in larger annual revenues. Those surveyed cited labor costs, quality, ease of doing business and proxim-ity to customers as the factors driving the decision. Joe May, founder of EIT and 33rd dis-trict house delegate, lists similar reasons for returning some of the electronic manu-facturing his company was outsourcing to Hungary and China back to Virginia. As EIT’s products have become more com-plex, it’s more difficult to communicate through language barriers, May said, plus the quality of the outsourced products is

spotty and shipping costs have skyrock-eted. “Transportation costs are the real kill-er,” May said. “So our enthusiasm for doing it here is as much self-preservation as it is anything else.” He gives a recent example of the com-pany’s purchase of inexpensive sheet metal from China. By the time the material was air freighted to Virginia, the bottom-line shot thousands of dollars above the U.S. price. Now, 99 percent of the company’s products are made in the U.S.

A caravan of buses await attendees of the 2012 NAIOP Northern Virginia Bus Tour at the

start of the tour Lakeview at University Center in Ashburn

Continued On Page 6

Continued On Page 6Continued On Page 4

PAGE 4 | Loudoun Business MAY 2012

to Loudoun. The other company that York and

Rizer were set to meet with while in Ger-many also was positive about Loudoun, but York said those discussions were only the beginning of a longer process.

“This was the first opportunity to talk to this company and its top executives,” York said. “We did actually spend about three hours with the organization. We’re excited about the possibilities.”

The Loudoun representatives, includ-ing Visit Loudoun’s Patrick Kaler, also hosted a reception for a variety of busi-nessmen and businessmen, and York said a number of leads were generated from that event.

The contingent also met with tour-ism writers to talk about Loudoun. “There have been articles generated about Loud-oun County and tourism which was really good.”

One of the aspects of Loudoun that drew a lot of attention was the county’s wine industry, and York laughed that many of the representatives were interested in getting samples to try.

“They didn’t know Loudoun County

was DC’s Wine Country,” York said, refer-ring to the marketing slogan created for the county. He added with a laugh, “They wanted samples, said they need to try the wine and get samples so they could promote it.”

While no concrete economic develop-ment deals came of her trip, Vice Chair-man Janet Clarke (R-Blue Ridge) reported an “extremely productive” visit to South Korea’s Goyang City.

“They are just the kindest people, very welcoming,” Clarke said. “It is amaz-ing what they have done in that area… The mayor of Goyang really wants a sister city partnership with Loudoun County. It would be a very positive step for the county.”

Clarke said there are many similarities between Loudoun and Goyang, and said much could be shared between the two jurisdictions.

“I think we can learn a lot from each other,” she said. “There are businesses there that I woud hope would look at locat-ing in Loudoun County.”

Korean Airlines is headquartered in Goyang, and talks have been occurring about bringing freight from the Korean

airlines to Dulles Airport. While Clarke, along with Leesburg Councilman Marty Martinez, Sen. Janet Howell (D-32) and a staff member from the Northern Virginia Regional Commission, was in Goyang the city was hosting its annual horticultural festival.

“What they are doing in that arena with horticultural is very impressive,” Clarke said, adding that it could be a suc-cessful parallel to Loudoun’s rural area.

“They have done some things in the province area such as major stream resto-ration project,” she said, noting there was a stream that used to have a road paved over it and the government made it a mis-sion to restore it.

Clarke also made note of the aero-space university located in Goyang and said partnerships in education could be very beneficial for Loudoun, as well as the presence of technology and biomedi-cal companies in Korea. “Now with the way that technology has gone, there are so many interdisciplinary aspects of it. They’re calling it convergence technology,” Clarke said.

Goyang has another key parallel to Loudoun: “In the past 20 years they have

basically planned and rebuilt that city,” Clarke said, noting the greater Goyang province “has that same kind of split” between rural and more suburban com-mercial that Loudoun sees.

Like York, Clarke and the rest of the contingent, had a forum with representa-tives, mayors and governors from around the globe. There were 45 people and the only other U.S. representation was from Maui.

“The mayor would like to continue to hold [the forum],” Clarke said. “He had proposed Loudoun for the next one.”

By going to Korea, Clarke said she was able to reach even more globally through the forum.

Among the countries that had rep-resentatives present were Bangladesh, Mongolia, China, Brazil, Chile and Japan. “It was like a mini-UN,” she said. “And I gave a presentation on Loudoun County to all of those folks. I was able to show them one of our Visit Loudoun videos, the one with Michelle [Frank] from Orbital.”

And the interest continues to grow.“I have so many people contacting me

now,” she said. “I got so many business cards they will not fit in my folder.”

started and ended at Lakeview, included future development sites associated with the proposed Metro rail line to Loudoun, current and proposed data centers, and major mixed-use players such as One Loudoun and the Village at Leesburg. The last was particularly enlightening for participants because “so many people just thought it was Wegmans,” said Eric Dobson, NAIOP Virginia's director of gov-ernment relations. “ Michael Jacoby, CEO of Broad Street Realty in Bethesda, was one of those who was eager to learn more about the state of the market in Loudoun County. “So far I'm encouraged by signs of development,” he said. “It sounds like a fair number of transactions are getting done, with different kinds of product types from retail, residential, office so I feel pretty good. The world's going to be a better place, it looks good. But, traffic's still ter-rible; we need Metro out to Loudoun.” The tour guides, called bus captains, skirted the Rail to Loudoun issue for the most part. On bus No. 9, Keith Wallace of Merritt Properties, noted that the issue is a “little controversial” and “up in the air” before proceeding to describe the properties to be developed along the rail line, including Moore Station and Loudoun Station. For those unfamiliar with the area, he also gave a brief history and background

to the market. “Loudoun County over the last 10 years has really transformed from a rural setting to more of a business setting espe-cially in the Route 28 corridor, the eastern Loudoun where you have the presence of Orbital Sciences, AOL, Raytheon, Steris Corporation, Telos. A lot of government contracting is going on, a lot of IT, industry is in our area. “The marketplace on vacancies is probably sitting at around 18 percent if you include the major campuses of AOL, Verizon and Leesburg. (It's) a relatively healthy market … and a lot of the demand has been government contractors and IT. We're seeing a lot of stuff that is being pro-posed and planned, a lot of construction starts that are being anticipated.”

Bus TourContinued From Page 3

Foreign TripContinued From Page 1

From left above, Supervisor Matt Letourneau, (R-

Dulles) Loudoun Department Economic Development

Director Thomas Flynn and DED Manager of

Business Infrastructure Robyn Bailey chat during

the morning Trade Show before the 2012 NAOIP

Commercial Realty Bus Tour. At left, NAIOP

Chairman Dave Millard addresses the audience at the

trade show before the participants board the buses

for the tour. Therese Howe/For Loudoun Business

MAY 2012 Loudoun Business | PAGE 5

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New Book Helps Firms Build Advisory BoardsBy Therese P. Howe, For Loudoun Business

Marissa Levin, an award-winning CEO and chief culture officer at strategic com-mmunications firm Information Experts, recently published Built to Scale: How Top Companies Create Breakthrough Growth Through Exceptional Advisory Boards. Levin, an Ashburn resident, has been on a speaking tour around the country to promote the book.

Q: Who is your intended audience? Who would benefit most from this book?

A: Business owners of companies from start-up to $50 million; leaders of nonprofits and associations that need advisory boards; leaders of large organiza-tions within a company that also surround themselves with experts. Anyone that sees the value in surrounding themselves with experts to learn how to be a better leader and to build a more profitable, successful and effective organization will benefit. No leader can grow an organization alone. Everyone needs mentors and experts.

Q: Can you describe what the SCALE framework is?

A: To help businesses thrive, I’ve de-veloped a five-phase model called SCALE, which methodically leads business owners through the process of building, integrat-ing and leveraging a board of advisors. The phases are:

Select the people you need to take your business from where it is now to where you want it to be while helping you develop exceptional leadership skills. Compensate your advisors (you’ll learn about monetary, non-monetary, and equity-based options along with the legal and financial implications; information provided by legal and financial experts).

Associate them into your organiza-tion with an effective change management strategy that minimizes disruption and maximizes effectiveness.

Leverage your advisors for business, process, and infrastructure development as well as for networking and strategic planning.

Evaluate and evolve the board as your organization grows.

This model ensures that you consis-tently have the right people at the table. It will help you to scale your business from one level of growth to the next.

PAGE 6 | Loudoun Business MAY 2012

On the national level, lawmakers have pushed through legislation to provide incentives for companies to bring their work home. Language from a bill spon-sored by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA-10) was signed into law late last year that provides grant money to companies that bring their services, manufacturing and research back home, and federal loan guarantees to small and medium-sized manufacturers produc-ing innovative technologies. Wolf also has backed language in the U.S. House of Representatives’ annu-al spending bill for the departments of Commerce and Justice that provides simi-lar incentives and encourages American companies to boost exports. We need to do whatever we can to help bring jobs back to America, from providing incentive to cutting regulations to easing the tax burden,” Wolf said. "It is a combina-tion of things -- there is not just one silver bullet." Virginia lawmakers are working to find out what will keep the “reshoring” trend in motion. With a nudge from Wolf, May also sponsored legislation to form the Virginia Manufacturing Development Commission last year to examine what will help return manufacturing jobs to the state and what will keep the others here. “They’re looking at how can we keep what we’ve got and how can we bring what we’ve lost back on shore,” May said. For REHAU, a polymer processing company with its North American office in Leesburg, returning its production home is a matter of logistics. The company makes car bumpers in Alabama, just down the road from car manufactures, and it makes refrigerator parts in Mexico next to the factories that make refrigerators. “If big refrigerator manufacturers move back to the U.S., then we would con-sider local production,” Christian Fabian, REHAU’s vice president of marketing and sales, said. “The big guys have to act first

and then everything else will follow.” For the first time, tableware manufac-turer Fortessa is adding the final decora-tive touches to its dinnerware in the U.S. Before, the processing was done in Europe and Asia. The Sterling-based company’s Co-President and CEO Scott Hamberger said, more than anything else, removing uncertainty both politically and in the “regulatory environment” will drive more American-made products and services. “Manufacturing in particular, based on substantial capital and labor inputs, relies on long-term predictability and stability in the business climate.” Loudoun Chamber President and CEO Tony Howard says he supports free, fair and open trade, but predicts companies will find benefits to producing in the U.S. “We’re not going to see cheap toys and textiles made here again,” Howard said, “but high value, highly engineered products are really the next area where America can be successful."

Loudoun Business is published monthly by Leesburg Today

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Made in USAContinued From Page 3

kids so I started inviting all my friends.” Bouweiri's network of friends extends around the globe, since she lived all over the world as a child of foreign service parents. She searched Facebook for old friends who had attended the 11 schools she attended in South America, Europe and Africa, and reconnected with them. “I'm happy to say that a lot of those people are using Reston Limousine now because we are not only here in Washington but we can provide a car anywhere in the world through a global network we've created. So I can do business with people in South Africa and I can do business with people in San Francisco, and it's been a great way for me to grow my business.” The same thing happened with LinkedIn. “I read about it 10 years ago and I asked people to join me and they would say, 'Well what's LinkedIn?' They'd get really suspicious and didn't want to do it. And now today I get probably 40 requests a day to join other people on LinkedIn and I believe I have 3,000 people in my network. “I'm finding LinkedIn to be a very pow-erful tool and that's another way we con-nect to limousine companies all over the world. We are getting business from them and we are giving them business as well.” Here are highlights from her presentation: On a personal Facebook page sepa-rate from the business one: “I feel that as the CEO of the company that it's a great way to let people know who I am, they can get to know me, they can see who my fam-ily is, they can see who my friends are.” On coming up with content: She uses Google Alerts for topics including wine tours, limousines, buses, shuttle bus con-tracts and RFPs. “I heard about some lim-ousine bus that was at the bottom of a lake in Michigan, I posted that on my Facebook

page, I got lots of comments about that. … You should also do a Google Alert for your name. I Google Alert Kristina Bouweiri. I also Google Alert Reston Limousine. And here's another idea: You can Google Alert your competition. Google Alert them as well, and every time your competition is in the news, you're going to hear it first, the good, the bad and the ugly.” On getting more Twitter followers: “I had about 500 followers a year ago and I signed up for this free software, it's called Paper.li and that software will create a

daily journal of all the people that you are following. So I was following about 500 people, and that software goes in and takes snippets from all of the people that I'm following and it creates a newspaper. It's really cool. And then it will go to your Twitter page and post something every single day. So even if you're on vacation for a month in Mexico, your Twitter (feed) is still going. And that's what's important, you have to keep these things active.” On how much time she spends on social media: “I told you my goal: to raise my search engine rankings, and the only way to do that is to have a lot of content, get onto the social media (outlets) every day. I literally only spend 30 minutes a day on social media and I find that I get a huge return for those 30 minutes.”

Social Media TipsContinued From Page 3

Trung Chao, above, checks the quality of electronic components at EIT in Sterling

while Tiffany Nguyen, below, hand solders printed circuit boards.

Reston Limousine CEO Kristina Bouweiri

addresses Tower Club members.

Loudoun Business/Danielle Nadler

Therese Howe/For Loudoun Business

MAY 2012 Loudoun Business | PAGE 7

By Therese P. Howe, For Loudoun Business

Rohit Bhargava, a member of the Global Strategy & Planning group at Ogilvy and professor of global marketing at Georgetown University, offers marketing advice on his per-sonal blog Influential Marketing. His first book Personality Not Included was a global market-ing bestseller and was published in nine languages. His second book, Likeonomics, will be officially released May 22. Bhargava will be offering promotions and special offers on the book that week on his website, www.Likeonomics.com.

Q: You introduced the concept of Likeonomics in 2011 as the No. 1 market-ing trend to watch in a post on your blog. What is the basic premise?

A: The basic premise is that we do business and build relationships with peo-ple we like and I think that if we think about our personal lives and why we choose to work with this person instead of that per-son, why we might walk or drive an extra block to visit one business versus another, that personal relationship is always a fac-tor. So really what I wanted to write a book about was if we already kind of know that, first of all how important really is it? And is it the only thing or just a thing? And second of all, if it is really important then how do we do that more in our own lives, whether we're trying to find a new job, or trying to make our small business successful, or try-ing to get into college even. How does this idea of likeability factor into whether we're successful or not?

Q: In that blog post, you labeled it as a marketing trend to watch in 2011. Do you think your prediction has come true?

A: Yeah, absolutely. Everywhere you turn, there's more and more big and small companies trying to find their humanity. So for example, you turn on the TV and you see a big advertising campaign for IBM, and instead of saying we make all this great technology and we're an amazing force of enterprise tech, you see a person and the person says, 'This is what I'm working on, and I'm an IBMer.'

And it's just another example of this fact that we don't connect with big compa-nies or big organizations, we connect with people. And you're seeing that idea across a

lot of marketing, whether the about us page of a website and how you might rewrite that to actually tell a story instead of just a timeline. You know, that doesn't really give anyone a connection. But if you tell them a story ...

Q: So in your book, do you talk about why don't businesses do this now? I mean, it seems like such a simple concept. What are the challenges?

A: That's a great question because if it is so simple and if we do believe that it matters, then why wouldn't everyone do it, right? And they don't. I think we see that as consumers when we work with brands. There's a couple of reasons. One is I think the truth can be hard. For example, tell-ing someone how much you make on a sale? If some-one walks into your store, they buy something for 20 bucks and you tell them you make $5 on that $20. That's not a common thing that we're used to telling people. We feel like we should hide our margins. And maybe that's true if your margin's 10,000 percent and you're buying something for a dollar and selling it for a hundred. But in a lot of cases, in a lot of businesses, the margins are much smaller than people think. And so now if you actually told people, you said, look, the cost of these materials for me is this, and this is what I'm charging you and that's the difference. What you find is that people are a lot more willing to accept that, and on a positive side, a lot less pressure to negotiate now because they know how much you make.

Q: And do you also address in your book how a business can become more likable?

A: Yeah, absolutely. I think what I'm trying to do in the second part of the book is I lay out a framework based on all the research that I did. And the framework comes down to five things, and the five things are signified by the acronym TRUST. It's ultimately about creating trust. TRUST stands for truth, relevance, unselfishness, simplicity and timing. And the idea is that if you can use these five principles and try to do more of them or take advantage of them in the right way, then you can ultimately make yourself or your company more like-able.

Likeonomics Puts A Face On Businesses

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PAGE 8 | Loudoun Business MAY 2012

Nova Medical & Urgent Care Center's early adoption and implementation of its Electronic Medical Records system has earned it honors as a Technology Implementer in the 2012 SmartCEO VOLT awards. The awards recognize the achieve-ments of 27 of Greater Washington’s pioneering Technology Innovators, Technology Implementers and Cyber Warriors. Winners will be announced at the Washington SmartCEO VOLT Awards ceremony May 15 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Read about Nova and its founder, Dr. Grace Keenan, in the May 2012 issue of Washington SmartCEO. For a list of winners, visit www.smartceo.com to view a digital edition.

The Town of Leesburg’s Parks & Recre-ation Department has been named one of four finalists for the prestigious National Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park and Recreation Management in the 25,001 to 50,000 population category. The American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration, in partnership with the National Recreation & Park Association will announce the winners in October at the NRPA Annual Congress & Exposition in Anaheim, CA. “Just being nominated ranks Leesburg among the best parks and recreation agencies in the country," Rich Williams, Leesburg’s Director of Parks & Recreation, said. The town has received the Gold Medal Award twice in the past, in 1996 and 2005.

Terry Bell has joined Jerry Sardone Realty LLC as an administrative assistant. A Realtor for more than 20 years in the Northern Virginia area, Bell is a gradu-ate of the Realtor Institute of Virginia, in conjunction with the University of Virginia, and is a Certified Residential Specialist. In other company news, Eddy “Edema” Cettina has relocated her company head-quarters from Alexandria to the Sardone Building in Sterling. Her company, Jaguar Development LLC, is a partnership of Eddy Cettina and Emil Fish. Established in 1994, Jaguar development rezones raw land, designs and builds residential and com-mercial properties in Loudoun and Fairfax counties.

James W. Armstrong has joined Merrill Lynch as a financial advisor in its Lees-burg office. Formerly with Wells Fargo, Armstrong has 24 years of experience in the financial services industry. A graduate of Youngstown State University in Ohio, Armstrong currently lives in Hamilton. “We strive to hire experienced financial advisors like Jim who design personalized wealth management solutions and offer holistic advice and guidance for individu-als, families and businesses," Al Merchent, senior resident director, said.

Sport and performance consultant Lucy Galleher has joined PEAK Neurotrain-ing Solutions as the Sterling company's new director of performance coaching. Galleher, who has a master's degree in sports and performance psychology from the University of Denver, was a pairs skater on the U.S. Figure Skating Team and a two-time U.S. National Championship Competitor. PEAK NT provides a variety of counseling services and therapies for patients 5 years and older.

Inova Loudoun Hospital recently opened the Antenatal Testing Center, a $1.2 mil-lion, state-of-the-art center that occupies 4,300 square feet of space in the Lansd-owne campus. The center features three nonstress testing stations, three ultra-sound/diagnostic rooms and consultation areas. While the center has services to accommodate high-risk moms, all moms-to-be can be cared for in the center.

Mid-Atlantic land planning, engineering and architectural firm Morris & Ritchie Associates Inc. has expanded into North-ern Virginia with a new office in Sterling. MRA will offer services including land planning, civil and site engineering, land-scape architecture and surveying catering to real estate and commercial developers,

homebuilders, architectural firms and gov-ernment agencies. In other company news, MRA has hired Jon K. Erickson, a Virginia licensed professional engineer and land surveyor, to develop and manage the new office. Erickson has more than 18 years of engineering and surveying experience.

Sterling-based JK Moving Services was named Moving Company of the Year by the Greater Washington Commercial Association of Realtors. The company was honored along with other 2011 award win-ners at the 30th Anniversary Commercial Awards Dinner April 19 in Washington, DC. With more than 30 years in the business, JK Moving is the third largest independent carrier in North America and was recently named the American Moving & Storage As-sociation’s 2011 Independent Mover of the Year and a 2011 Angie’s List Super Service Award winner. “It is with great pride that we accept the GWCAR award for Mover of the Year,” JK founder, President and CEO Charles Kuhn said. “Our company was founded over 30 years ago with the goal of delivering the highest quality service to the Washington region and nationwide. This award is a wonderful affirmation of our commitment to excellence and to our commercial moving capabilities, an area of tremendous growth for our company.”

Navy Federal Credit Union's Ashburn branch shredded 8,000 pounds of paper and 303 boxes as part of its Navy SHRED-

eral Day on May 5. About 250 people par-ticipated in the Loudoun branch's event; around the country, 49 tons of recycled paper were shredded at all locations -- sav-ing 883 trees, according to Estelle Allen, NFCU spokeswoman.

UNO Translations and Interpretations will be providing translation services for a new client, Mom's Clean Air Force, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating clean air policies. UNO's services will focus on social media, and the company's team will translate tweets and consult on Mom’s social media strategy to its Spanish-speak-ing audiences. “Despite what people may think, marketing language can never be a strict word-for-word translation. This type of writing is very informal and creative. It must be thought through carefully, with professionally trained translators,” UNO CEO and founder Brigitta Toruño said. “My team has the added benefit of experience building multicultural marketing cam-paigns, so Mom's will get the benefit of both services and we’re really pleased to provide this service for such an important cause.” Leah Dailey, founder of Cur-tains Up! Theatre Company, has been ranked No. 18 in the 2012 Leading Moms in Business competition by StartupNation.com, an online service that provides support for entrepreneurs. More than 350,000 votes were cast in the nationwide competition among entrepreneurial mothers. “It’s so important to have a dream and a vision but the support and belief of those around you is what makes things happen,” Dailey said. “Theatre is my passion and bring-ing Curtains Up! Theatre Company to life in historic Leesburg is a longtime dream! This is a huge baby step forward!” Daily is the only Loudoun entrepreneur among the 200 winners. To see the full list, visit www.startupnation.com.

Swim-U's opened a new location at the Village at Leesburg in April and has start-ed offering swim classes to babies and children up to 12 years. Half of the 4,000-square-foot space in Leesburg is taken up by the pool room, with the pool measuring 4 feet deep all the way across and 60 feet long. The Phoenix-based company also has swim schools in Leawood, KS; Dallas, TX; and Raleigh, NC. Construction at a Chicago-area location began in March, ac-cording to newspapers in the area. Swim-U joins other new swim schools that have opened recently in the county, but founder and President Christopher Haws isn't

In Brief

Dr. Grace Keenan

Paul Maginis, Vice President of Sales, Commercial Division, JK Moving

Leah Dailey

Dr. Alfred Kouhry, director of Perinatal Services, and Cindy Andrejasich, patient

care director for Labor & Delivery, Perinatal Services

Navy Federal Credit Union member service representatives Vicky Moreno

and Tabby Qasmi

MAY 2012 Loudoun Business | PAGE 9

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Earlier in 2012, Governor McDonnell’s office issued a press release trumpeting their commitment to a cybersecurity marketing effort throughout the Commonwealth—“to ensure continued strength and growth of the Commonwealth’s cyber security sec-tor.”

Included in that announcement, was the creation of a National Cyber Center of Excellence in Virginia, with the goal of cultivating a competitive cyber industry in Virginia by supporting workforce develop-ment and labor excellence.

As it stands today, the National Cyber Center of Excellence in Virginia is still in the planning stages.

As the CEO of an IT security company, I am immersed in the cyber industry—but I am NOT in favor of the creation of this National Cyber Center of Excellence. Why? Because it won’t bring any real value to Virginia. It will add to the noise about cyber, but it will not make a significant impact on the cyber industry, the cyber workforce or Virginia’s economic climate.

The vision of strengthening our cyber sector in Virginia is good, though that vision needs to focus on what moves the needle in the cyber industry: innovation.

If Virginia wants to make a name for itself in the cybersecurity industry then the state government should promote innova-tion.

Rather than use valuable resources for a National Cyber Center of Excellence, Virginia should focus on encouraging research relationships between universities and corporations—which will foster inno-vation and spur economic growth in the Commonwealth. Basic R&D is needed.

If the state government allocated $5-10 million as a financial incentive for higher education research, that would encourage universities to develop R&D relationships with corporations within the community.

Universities would do the R (research) and the corporations would handle the D (development).

Through that R&D process, there would also be a joint licensing agreement that would foster the creation of intellectual property development... i.e. innovation.

Did you know that Virginia was ranked 20th in the number of patents per state in 2011? While Virginia is a very business friendly state, our commitment to R&D and intellectual property development is lacking.

One of the key elements that have enabled Silicon Valley, Boston and the Research Triangle to succeed, are the close relationships between local universities and corporations. We don’t have that yet in Virginia.

New innovation, created through the close tie between the education commu-nity and the business community, will advance and continue to strengthen both the cyber sector and the economy of the Commonwealth.

By John Wood

A Bu


ss P




Cyber money better spent on research

New Indoor Playground Opens in AshburnRound Hill residents Tiffany and Joe Burfield opened Chibis Indoor Playground

in April at 44675 Cape Court, Suite 175, in Ashburn to provide a safe environment for children to play in no matter the weather.

The Burfields designed the 5,200-square-foot space to contain a variety of areas for kids under the age of 6, including a 400-square foot playground just for infants to crawl around in, as well as comfortable seating areas for adults.

The concept was based on similar businesses in Europe, which the Burfields were familiar with as they lived in England for more than a decade before moving to Vir-ginia in 2007. At the time, they couldn't find a suitable indoor playground for their young children and saw a business op-portunity.

Over the next four years, they looked at locations around the county, starting in Purcellville and Lees-burg, and ended up establishing the business in Ashburn. They did the market research and based their business plan on hard facts and data.

“In today's economy, our advice is to be persistent and do not get discouraged,” Tif-fany Burfield said. “It took us four years from the genesis of the idea of Chibis to open-ing the doors for business. We met with over 35 different banks and investors before securing equipment capitol. We negotiated with nine properties in three cities before finding a match in Ashburn. But we never stopped or felt like quitting. We just changed direction and kept moving forward, finding solutions to problems as they cropped up.”

worried. “There's high demand, especially in Loudoun County where there's incredible demo-graphics and the market is just so deep here that it can support all the schools that are out here. Some of the other markets we're going into right now we have no competition in the entire market but in a way I would prefer to be here with our fellow competitors just because the demographics are so deep and we're all doing strong business. Our opening has been very strong.”

Swim-U recently opened a location at the Village at Leesburg.

PAGE 10 | Loudoun Business MAY 2012

May 10Start Your BusinessLoudoun Small Business Development Center11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church Street SE, 1st Floor Training Room, Leesburg

Participants will learn the steps for successfully starting a small business from Ruth Cope, assistant director of the Loudoun Small Business Development Center. Insurance specialist Kelly Keyser Thompson also will discuss the types of insurance needed for small businesses. Seminar highlights include information on taxes, licensing, business plan develop-ment, sources of financing, marketing and insurance. The seminar, sponsored by the Loudoun SBDC, costs $10 for online registration or $15 at the door. For more info and to register, visit www.loudoun-sbdc.org.

May 15Town of Leesburg Annual Appreciation Awards6-8 p.m. Holiday Inn Leesburg at His-toric Carradoc Hall

The Town of Leesburg will recognize all nominees and award recipients at the

11th annual business appreciation recep-tion. To register, visit www.leesburgva.gov.

May 16Loudoun County Buyer/Seller Information Exchange Session10:30 a.m. Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street S.E., 1st floor, Leesburg

Area vendors who want to do busi-ness with the county are invited to attend these sessions, which provide informa-tion on the county's procurement pro-cesses and upcoming contracts. It also provides the opportunity for vendors to ask questions and to meet the county's procurement staff. Register online at www.loudoun.gov/procurement, then click on the Doing Business with the County tab on the left. For more information, call 703-777-0403 or email to procurement@loudoun.gov.

May 17Sterling Women Networking Luncheon11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., 1757 Golf Club, 45120 Waxpool Road, Dulles

Brenda Harrington, a certified leader-ship coach and president of Adaptive

Leadership Strategies, will be the featured speaker at this month's meeting, which takes place at a different location. As a leadership coach, Harrington helps com-panies improve performance through lead-ership and employee development. The event begins with a half hour of network-ing, followed by lunch and Harrington's presentation, then another 30 minutes of networking. For more information and to register online, visit www.sterlingwomen.org.

Technology ThrillsLoudoun Small Business Development Center 3-5 p.m., Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church Street SE, 1st Floor Training Room, Leesburg

This month's technology workshop focuses on LinkedIn. SBDC Counselor Rabiya Jilani will cover topics such as how to create a professional profile; understanding Linkedin answers, groups and company profiles; use Linkedin ap-plications, events and other features; and create lists and divide contacts. In the second hour, participants will work to as a group to create company profiles and add themselves to groups and learn to use Linkedin. Participants are strongly encour-aged to bring their laptop to the session. Before the session, participants must have a LinkedIn account set up. Event is free, but registration is required and limited. For more info and to register, visit www.loudounsbdc.org.

Restaurant & Food Service Business MattersVisit Loudoun and Restaurant Associa-tion Metropolitan Washington2-4 p.m., Tuscarora Mill, 203 Harrison St, Leesburg

The law firm Bean, Kinney, & Kor-man PC will conduct a free seminar on Loudoun County business issues including signage and outdoor seating regulations, construction/permitting regulations (IECC, ASHRAE, ADA), leasing pitfalls, land use/zoning concerns and topics from restau-rant operators. A network reception will follow the two-hour seminar. To suggest other topics contact Julie Sproesser at julie@ramw.org and markdtate@gmail.com. For details, visit www.ramw.org.

May 22Loudoun Chamber Golf Tour4-7:30 p.m. Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club

The chamber is launching a new event that takes place monthly through Au-gust at four member golf courses. In this progressive tournament, pairs of players will compete in a 9-hole round each month building up a cumulative score for prizes at the end. Shotgun tee-off is at 4:30 p.m.; a

networking mixer begins at 6:45 p.m. Sub-sequent dates are June 27 at Stoneleigh Golf Club; July 24 at Goose Creek Golf Course; and Aug. 14 at 1757 Golf Club. Cost is $175 per person for the entire tour; $50 per person for an individual game. To register and for more information visit www.loudounchamber.org.

Middleburg Women's Luncheon11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Briar Patch Bed & Breakfast Inn, 23130 Briar Patch Lane, Middleburg

Join the monthly luncheon for an afternoon of networking and a feature presentation by Ritzya, The Drama Coach. Cost is $45 if you register by May 18, $50 after May 18. Walk-ins are discouraged, and will be charged $55. To register, visit www.MiddleburgWomen.com.

May 24Go Global to GrowLoudoun Small Business Development Center 3-5 p.m., Mason Enterprise Center, 202 Church Street SE, 1st Floor Training Room, Leesburg

Aaron Miller, an international trade specialist at the Virginia Small Business Development Center, will discuss why your small business should think global; provide an overview of small businesses exporting and what it means to their bottom line; and explain the resources for small businesses to begin or expand their exporting operations. The seminar is free and registration is encouraged. To register, visit www.loudounsbdc.org.

May 29Google to Great: Using Google to Advance Your Small BusinessLoudoun Small Business Development Center 6-8:30 p.m., The George Washington University Virginia Science & Technology Campus, 20101 Academic Way, Explora-tion Hall, Room 101, Ashburn

Ray Sidney-Smith, self-proclaimed “Google-ologist” and president of W3 Con-sulting, will teach small business owners about Google's easy, fast and inexpensive services. The seminar is free and registra-tion ins encouraged. For more info and to register, visit www.loudounsbdc.org.

May 30Selecting the Right Business Entity6-8:30 p.m., The George Washington University Virginia Science & Technology Campus, 20101 Academic Way, Explora-tion Hall, Room 101, Ashburn

Tax attorney Keith Troxell will review reviewing and compare the legal, tax and business aspects of basic forms of busi-ness organization (sole proprietorships,

■ Business Calendar

MAY 2012 Loudoun Business | PAGE 11

By Therese P. Howe, For Loudoun Business

A collective of business and govern-ment agencies will turn the spotlight on small business owners for Small Business Week 2012 May 20-26 with a slate of events aimed at helping them grow their com-panies. Co-sponsors for Loudoun Small Business Week 2012 are the Center for Innovative Technology, Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce, Loudoun County Department of Economic Development, Mason Enterprise Center, MIT Business Forum, Northern Virginia Technology Council, Small Business Development Center and the towns of Loudoun County.

May 21: Growing Your Small Business in Lovettsville Forum9-11 a.m. Lovettsville Community Center, 57 E. Broad Way

The Town of Lovettsville hosts a free forum featuring an entrepreneur guest panel, vendor exhibits, networking, cof-fee and pastries. Guest speakers include Cindy Crump, president and CEO of mobile health monitoring service Aframe Digital, and Bhavesh Bhagat, CEO of Confident Governance and expert in cybersecurity, risk management and governance. The event is free, but pre-registration is required at www.lovettsvilleva.gov.

May 22: The Power of Angel Investing – Doing the Deal: Term Sheet Workshop3-7:30 p.m. George Washington University’s Ashburn campus, 20101 Academic Way (Exploration Hall)

The Northern Virginia Technology Council continues its Power of Angel Investing Series with a three-hour advanced workshop that will provide in-depth discus-sions of the terms and conditions com-monly used by angel investors in funding early-stage ventures. Cost is $100; to regis-ter online visit www.nvtc.org.

May 22: Women in Business: Golf and Wine Networking5:30-7:30 p.m. Dulles Golf and Sports Park, 21593 Jesse Court

The Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce's Women in Business committee offers a new twist on their annual golf event with this year's "Extreme Mini-Golf and On-the-Tee Wine Tasting." Get your favorite foursome together for 18 holes of mini-golf and wine tastings from Notaviva Vineyards. Advance registration is $35 for chamber members and $50 for nonmembers; cost increases by $10 at the door. Register online at www.loudounchamber.org.

May 22: Start Your Business6-8:30 p.m. George Washington University’s Ashburn campus, 20101 Academic Way (Exploration Hall, Room 101)

Robin Suomi, executive director of the Loudoun Small Business Development Center, will lead a seminar on successfully starting a small business. Insurance spe-cialist Arthur Thompson also will discuss the types of insurance needed for small businesses. Cost is $10 for online registra-tion or $15 at the door. Register at www.LoudounSBDC.eventbrite.com.

May 23: Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days4:45-8:30 p.m. George Washington University’s Ashburn campus, 20101 Academic Way (Exploration Hall, Main Atrium and Room 101)

Before the presentation by Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days co-author Al Lautenslager starts at 6 p.m., attendees can network and visit exhibit tables with information about available support and resources to small businesses. Lautenslager will provide attendees with a 30-day market-ing blueprint. Cost is $25 for online registra-tion, $50 at the door if space is available. For details and registration, go to www.LoudounSBDC.eventbrite.com.

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C and S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies). Highlights will include types of business entities; ad-vantages and disadvantages of each; legal and regulatory requirements; limiting your personal liability; minimizing employment and income taxes; and reducing organiza-tional costs. Seminar fee is $25 online; $30 at the door. For more info and to register, visit www.loudounsbdc.org.

June 1Leesburg Economic Development Commission Meeting7:30 p.m. Ida Lee Park Recreation Cen-ter, Leesburg

Join the Leesburg Economic Development Commission for discussion on business outreach and retention efforts, and other economic development efforts affecting the town.

June 14Business Showcase BreakfastLoudoun Chamber of Commerce 7:30-9:30 a.m. Belmont Country Club

Join about 150 members at this monthly roundtable networking event. To register and for more information visit www.loudounchamber.org.

Slate Of Events Celebrate Small Business Week

PAGE 12 | Loudoun Business MAY 2012

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