love pirates

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Love unites to fight a Kraken from the bog.



In a galaxy far far away from a tube station, to be correct. This possibly true

tale takes place one grey skied Saturday afternoon in London’s Art Beat

central where two rock chicks chilled out in Fun City.

And there were, indeed, some nice views around Greenwich, and loads of

great local places to get something good to eat. It would be a perfect evening,

rounded off with a night out on Broadway. Deptford Broadway, that is. The

Bunker is a cool hang out where Rocklanders after-party.

The Barkingmad bogs had given birth to a monster...

The two birds in question were Vixen and Ali-Cat who suddenly had that afternoon’s plans changed when a bad tempered Kraken disturbed their bliss. Not before Bog Kitty had transmitted a warning...

“Oh oh. We’re in trouble. Something’s come along and it’s burst our bubble...”

Diry Love Pirates get ready for a mission

Unaware that resistance was on it’s way, the stroppy monster was waiting for

some paparazzi to catch his moment of glory. Perhaps even his own tv show.

To be a celebrity, you need to be talented at getting noticed. And stuff. Maybe.

Cool Cat is the first of the love pirates to arrive on the scene. Expressing

himself on his horn with a Manic Street Preachers classic...

Well, it may not have been a monster hit, or even a hit with this monster, but it certainly did the trick. It always does. There should be more Manic Street Preachers in the world, raging against the system’s machine. The establishment is a monster in it’s own right, if only every day people would come together to stand up for themselves. Or perhaps just the organisations of peace and unity could show the way by coming together to show how it’s done...

But the music DOES distract him! The tide turns...

Taking advantage, Bez Bunny and Big-Dong McPony swoop in with a slipperjet formation called the King Kong.

Betty came to lasso the situation into rounding up this giant varmint.

While Cracked Kitty restrains Arsewipe with the gobometer she also transmits

a call for a little help from their friends.

Betty’s also got the situation in hand, the chain of fools is able to bind any

living creature with a low iq.

The allied playing class forces are nearing victory!

You can achieve anything when you SHARE THE JOY

Repatriated back to Barking-mad Bog, never to be seen or smelt, again.

Bog-base Kitty was able to transmit more than one good news story.

The End

La La La... In a small corner of a giant living globe sit a family of isles and islands that are still largely affected by a song and dance. They are kissed by the winds of the world and magnetise it’s nationalities with it’s green and pleasant beauty and moon affected eccentricity.

Even Ozone friendly intergalactic holiday makers are attracted by the heartbeat from their ancient landing place on Eden for those brave / humanoid enough to spurn the greatest galaxy in the universe, the ocean world, for the a land safari.

By the end of the 20th Century, Nature’s jewel was a game of two halves; Planet Earth as seen on the “New”s, enslaved by a love of money and hate of peace and equality. Planet Water where the one race retain their ancient sixth senses and have evolved to the point of conscience and courtesy. It is the latter dimension which attracts friends to the zone of O.

It is the song and dance of every water being’s culture, from plants to animals, that attracts space travellers. The ancient landing place became Stonehenge thousands of years ago and until recently was still the main homing device of this paradise (look down from a plane, it’s not in the in-flight mags though). Visitors with any concept of the magic of three and the sands of time can now go directly to the Time Zone of this world courtesy of a modern homing device, The Peace Dome on the south bank of London’s’East End’.

Although now recognised by airports, Aliens are very few. Unlike most depictions of them the concept of violence is, in turn, alien to these visitors. That’s why there is no record of them harming anybody. At this point in history, the greatest human predator on Planet Earth is another human. The most common humanoid visitors are fairies that live in Sister Moon and watch over this beautiful, temperamental globe. Two of them moved to the Time Zone in the Isles of La La Land. Hattie and Smoocher reside in a palace on New Cross Road. To muggle eyes Mabel Lucie Attwell House looks a run down, burnt out shell opposite New Cross rail station. They love the area so much though, that they even posed for a Costa del Thames holiday poster.

Darth Kitty (intergalactic tourist) and The Fairies (rock band and artists) across the road from the Moon Fairy Palace, photographed by DJ / Promoter / Producer star, Rich Pack.

It suits them fine for researching the moon’s favourite new music show, Lunar Tunes. With such a high density of arts, music, students and alternative stars to the population, this locality of South London is turning it’s radical, colourful history into something completely different for the future. In the 20

th Century,

the sixth sense of self expression inspired Planet Water which in turn, gave birth to the newer wave of Art Beat in Paradise. (the infamous Paradise Bar is now The Royal Albert). The Moon Fairies (and the Fairies Band, Rich Pack etc) were among regulars at Pop Of The Tops club at Paradise Bar (New Cross/Deptford), 2bob events at The Fox & Firkin (Lewisham), the arty party scene of Peckham and,anything at Moonbow Jakes (Brockley/New Cross). In other places, venues, promoters etc compete. In South East London they co-promoted, pre-empting the credit crunch with shoe string artist development and a wave length created by a love of music more than money. This is what made it such a rich stomping ground.Having an anti-scene has kept it constantly developing as a giant ideas factory...

Artmongers bring beauty outdoors to the people of Deptford Fun City...

Very few music industry and media would come a whole six miles

from Trafalgar Square to tell the many talents that came to and from this locality how to dress, style their hair, write their songs

etc so (1) they had to be better than the more generic scene bands and (2) couldn’t help being more individual.

At the end of the 20th Century, a metropolis appeared on the horizon of this smallville.

On a percentage scale, this makes for a high rate of raised profiles for Lunar Tunes. Some of the biggest names on the moon are virtually unheard of in this world, but that makes their songs no less amazing. La La Land, the number three, the sixth sense, Nature and the moon, sci fi hi fi, unity, romance, song and dance. This is the only place in the world where such a story can take place.

As in all civilisations, there are guardians with ancient

wisdom on Planet Water... and wherever blessed, water.


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