love to sell – learn to really care for customers and eliminate stress and frustration

Post on 11-May-2015






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Craig Klein, CEO of SalesNexus, will bring his 20+ years of selling success to help sales leaders and sales people learn to put customers first and maximize happiness, sales and profits. You’ll learn… Why even the best trained sales people are often frustrated and stressed out. Why customers avoid sales people like the plague. Simple techniques to build long lasting relationships of trust with customers How to question and listen to TRULY understand your customers


SalesNexusLove to Sell

Craig Klein,

Balancing Act



Uphill Struggle

Hanging On

Off the Cliff

Peace of Mind

Aggressive or Caring?


Sales people like people.

We were taught that it’s a

numbers game.

Consultive Selling

Ask questions


Identify Pain

Position Solution to Pain

Consultive Selling

“You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a

Seminar”, David Sandler

“Psychology of Selling”, Brian Tracy

1920s Advertising

Are you suffering from psoriasis?

Brand X will make your troubles


Appeal to problems, needs and


Great Marketing

Appeal to the best within us. The unrealized

potential.Nike, Patagonia, etc.

Abraham Maslow1908 - 1970

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail“

Psychology of Self Actualization – study of human potential

vs. Freud – study of human problems and limitations

Hierarchy of Needs

Hierarchy of Needs

Connecting with Customers

Build Relationships of Trust

Relationships that Last

Inspire Action

Connecting with Customers

Stop Manipulating

Start Caring

Really Caring? How?

Ask questions


Find Pain

Then what?

Pain Identified

Let me tell you about the great things my solution can do for you!

Your World, Their World

They Won’t Share!

Lack of Trust

Lack of


Inability to

Effect Change

Value Them

Their Time and Openness

Ask permission…

“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about that?”“Do you have 10 minutes to discuss _________?”“Would be OK with you if we talk about ________________?”

Validate Them

Validate = “to give confirmation, approval.”Let them know that their thoughts and feelings have value.

“Thank you for sharing”“That must be really frustrating for you”“That was really brave, smart”

“That’s a great idea!”“What I like most about that idea is _______”

Dig Deeper

“May I ask a you personal question?”“Do you mind if we go a little deeper into that?”

Sacred PlaceStay here as long as you can

Be with them.


They are vulnerable.

They are learning to trust you.

Recognize the gift

“Thank you for sharing.”

Careful!“I just want you to listen to me.”


Ask for permission:

“Thank you for sharing that with me!”

“Do you mind if I share a story with you?” Share personal or customer story.

“Would you be interested in hearing about how I think we/I might be able to help?”

Back Up Plan

Re-enforce that you care and you want to help

“I really want to help, whatever that means to you.”“Should we talk more about your situation?”

“Can I suggest some reading/videos on the topic?”“Do you just need some time to digest?”


When you have the intention to truly serve others, you will be inspired.

It will come naturally.

The questions will come to you.

You’ll be relaxed and comfortable.

Your customers will be comfortable.

It won’t be work.

How Will I Know It’s Working?You’ll see it in their eyes.

You’ll notice that they are not trying to end the meeting.

You’ll feel that they are being honest with you.

You’ll know what to do next.

Ask yourself…

Did I validate what they shared with me?

Want to Learn More?

Get the book: “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by Og Mandino –

Take the Assessment -

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