love versus sleep

Post on 26-May-2015






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“Love” can brighten our world, but at the same time, it can also turn our lives blue. Many people are facing sleep deprivation because of lovesick or love-struck. They cannot shut their eyes, heart, and brain. They stay up all night and think of someone; one who break their heart or one who they fell in love with. Sleep deprivation caused by love problems harms people both mentality and physically which sometimes results in depression, fluctuations in weight, and memory loss. If we cannot hold our heart from loving someone, how we can solve our sleep deprivation. It’s hard right? Don’t worry. We have solutions for love versus sleep!




Team: Creative Lunatics

Anoop Purushotam,

Patcharavadee Julotai &

Rajeevsingh Kesri Singh


“Love” can brighten our world, but at the same time, it can also turn our lives blue. Many people are facing sleep deprivation because of lovesick or love-struck.

They cannot shut their eyes, heart, and brain. They stay up all night and think of someone; one who break their heart or one who they fell in love with.

Sleep deprivation caused by love problems harms people both mentality and physically which sometimes results in depression, fluctuations in weight, and memory loss.

If we cannot hold our heart from loving someone, how we can solve our sleep deprivation. It’s hard right? Don’t worry. We have solutions for love versus sleep!


Love-struck is the act of being in love with a person and always thinking about him/her.

Love sickness is the informal syndrome of rejected or unrequited love or the absence of a loved one and covers physical and mental symptoms.


LOVE SICK SOLUTIONS Love sick contributes to several types of physical illness like headaches which in turn

affects sleep. The solution is to do some exercises like martial arts (Taichi) in order to negate the physical illness.

Mental illness is also caused. The solution is to do some meditation like yoga; believers can do prayers in order to achieve inner peace.

Drink water or juice before going to sleep as lovesick people tend to get dry mouth which affects their sleep.

Love sick creates broken hearted people. In this case, it is advised to meet other people and create new friends. Spending time with people will help reduce heartbroken pain and enables better sleep.

Love sick creates moody people which certainly affects sleep. Moody people should try to be more relaxed.

Anxiety is also caused by love sick. People should indulge in positive internal dialogue. They should always think positive.

Loss of appetite is also caused. One should eat smaller meals and snacks more frequently. Eating six or even eight times a day might be more easily tolerated than eating the same amount of food in three meals.

Avoid non-nutritious beverages such as black coffee and tea which will help in getting more sleep.

Try to eat more protein and fat, and less simple sugars to be more healthy and get better sleep.

Walk or participate in light activity to stimulate your body during the day and this will help feel sleepy at night.

Use calorie boosters to add calories to your favorite foods in case one is too weak. One should maintain a nutritious diet.

Saliva management — Drink plenty of fluids. Periodically suck on Popsicles, ice chips, lemon ice, or lemon-flavored water to increase saliva, which will increase swallowing frequency.

LOVE SICK SOLUTIONS Difficulty chewing — If chewing is difficult or tiring, minimize (or

eliminate) foods that require chewing, and eat more soft foods. Puree your foods in a blender.

Coughing — If thin liquids cause you to cough, use a liquid thickener. (Your speech pathologist can recommend one for you.) You can also substitute thin liquids with thicker liquid choices such as nectars for juices and cream soups for plain broths.

Love sick sometimes makes people feel nauseous. Medicine against it can be taken. This might help the person get sleep.

Rejection of someone you love may badly affect sleep. Consulting a psychologist and sharing the pain may help the person get sleep.

Obsession in love is another causes of lack of sleep. The person should divert his attention into another hobby in order to alleviate the obsessive behavior he may have.

Alcohol should be avoided as this affects health. It is recommended to read books before going to sleep in order to

get a better sleep. Sleeping in a hygienic place in a love sick situation is primordial. Going to bed at the same time everyday is recommended. The

body will get use to this time frame.

LOVE SICK SOLUTIONS Walking 20 minutes or more is recommended. The person should forget about being love sick

and do the walking. A change of lifestyle is recommended. The person should turn the page and adopt a new way

of lifestyle. Love sick sometimes causes stuttering. A doctor should be consulted and adequate

medicines should be taken. The person should meet more people if he feels alone. This might help him forget about

being love sick and thus help in the problem of sleep. A good bedcover, a good mattress and a good pillow is essential even in love sick situation. Love sick can cause rapid heartbeat situation (Tachycardia). A doctor should be consulted in

case of aggravation. A good room temperature at night is essential even in love sick conditions. Being exposed to nature and greeneries helps a person feel more relaxed which will

contribute in better sleep. Medicines should be taken against depression. Having friends and sharing problems with them will help a person recover from his love sick

conditions. People should not attempt suicide in love sick conditions. Special hotlines exist where people

can listen and advise in such delicate situations. Exhaustion and body aching are another problems which affects sleep. People should not

overwork their body and mind. Try to meet another person and try to form a new relationship with someone else. This may

help in getting sleep. Tearfulness is often caused in love sick situations. One should try to move on in life and start

new adventures. This will help in getting better sleep.

MORE LOVESICK / LOVE-STRUCK SOLUTIONS Melatonin This natural hormone, which is made by the body’s pineal

gland, is available over the counter, and many health experts say it can safely help you get drowsy before bed (it may even have immune-stimulating and antioxidant benefits, too). But, as with all herbal and natural remedies, it’s best to get your doctor’s OK first. “High levels of melatonin may raise the level of another hormone, prolactin, aggravating the risk of depression or infertility”.

Awareness breathing Does your mind race with thoughts and worries in bed? Your play-by-play of the day’s activities may increase anxiety and fuel insomnia. Instead, try simmering your mind down, focusing on each breath and how it travels through your body. As it turns out, this type of conscious or awareness breathing may help you get to sleep faster, say experts. “Breathing techniques help turn off the mental chatter,” says Teitelbaum. “Focusing on breathing is relaxing and a good way to disconnect from the stresses of life.” How does it work? By following the air as it moves in and out of your lungs, your mind, which generally can only focus on one thing at a time, will be occupied with your breath — not your anxieties. And it’s not as intimidating as it sounds. Simply take slow and steady — and deep — breaths, focusing your thought on the natural inhale-exhale rhythm, and watch as your body and mind calm down.


 Passion flower This exotic-sounding herbal supplement is commonly used throughout South America for help with sleep and relaxation — it’s even found in some sodas. “A number of studies support its calming effect,” says Teitelbaum, who also points to evidence that the herb may have pain-relieving qualities, helping to control muscle spasms, and even menstrual pains. Passionflower (also known as passiflora) is available over the counter at most health food and drug stores that carry herbal supplements. Teitelbaum recommends taking 90 to 360 milligrams of the extract at bedtime to help with insomnia.

MORE LOVESICK / LOVE-STRUCK SOLUTIONS Total darkness Of course you turn off the lights before dozing off (you do, right?).

But if there’s still a flicker of light in your bedroom, from streetlights outside, your husband’s book light, the dim hue of the television, and so on, it may be time to make some changes. Researchers have long known that too much light can affect your sleep cycles, disrupting restful sleep. But now a new study from researchers at Ohio State University reports that too much light can disrupt your body’s natural clock so much that even the dimmest light in the bedroom may lead to weight gain. Banish excessive light in your bedroom by turning off the TV; try to avoid falling asleep with lamps or even bright nightlights on; and consider investing in blackout shades (purchased inexpensively at any department store), which can eliminate outside lights better than blinds or curtains.

ValerianYou’ve heard of Valium, a powerful sedative, but how about the herbal supplement known as valerian? “Valerian’s effectiveness has been compared to a Valium family medication (oxazepam), without the ‘hung-over’ feeling present with most Valium medications,” says Teitelbaum. “It is commonly used as a remedy for insomnia, and a number of studies show numerous benefits, including an improvement in deep sleep, speed of falling asleep and quality of sleep without next-day sedation.” In these studies, the benefits were most pronounced when people used valerian for extended periods of time, as opposed to simply taking it for one night. Teitelbaum also adds that in about 10 percent of people, valerian may have an energizing effect. How much is safe? Teitelbaum suggests taking 200 to 800 milligrams of the extract before bedtime. “Most studies suggest that it is more effective when used continuously rather than as an acute sleep aid. It has a calming effect and can be used during the day for anxiety as well.” As with any alternative


Could the secret to great sleep be in what you smell? “Many essentials oils not only help you fall asleep quickly, they also induce a higher quality of sleep,” says Cher Kore, a Boston-based professional aromatherapist and instructor. “If you wake during the night due to noise or a full bladder, many scents may lull you back to sleep.” Her top picks? Roman chamomile, which has a bright, apple-like scent; clary sage, with its rich, sweet scent; and the floral notes of geranium and lavender (all available inexpensively at most health food stores). “The best method is to put two to three drops of essential oils on your pillow, under the pillowcase,” she says. Refresh the drops on your pillow every few days to once a week — about as often as you wash your sheets.

Warm bathDon’t forget about the power of a simple pre-bedtime bath to get you in a groggy state. “A bath causes your muscles to relax,” says Teitelbaum. But it’s what a bath does for your nervous system that may really help. “There are two main parts of our nervous system,” he explains, “the sympathetic nervous system, which is the adrenaline part described as the ‘fight or flight reaction,’ and the parasympathetic nervous system, described as ‘the old man after dinner.’ Shifting from the adrenaline to the relaxed part of the nervous system is critical for entering into sleep, and a hot bath shifts your brain into sleep mode.” It’s best to take a bath before bedtime but give yourself about a half-hour before hitting the hay for your body’s natural thermostat to cool. “Your body has to then cool down to go into deep sleep,” notes Teitelbaum. Setting the thermostat in your bedroom no higher than 65 degrees can also help.

MORE LOVESICK / LOVE-STRUCK SOLUTIONS Progressive muscle relaxation

You’re lying in bed wide awake, staring at the digits changing on your alarm clock … now what? Try something called progressive muscle relaxation, suggests Teitelbaum, a practice that involves using the mind and body simultaneously to induce sleep. Here’s how to do it: “Starting with the muscles in your feet and slowly moving up to your calves, thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest, neck, head and face muscles, relax the muscles in each area, one group at a time,” he says. “People find that they can induce a very deep state of relaxation using this approach, and often fall asleep in the middle of the process.” You can practice this technique in any sleep position; the key is to pick one you are most comfortable in, then relax your muscle groups from there.

Do not expose your self to bright light if you need to get up at night. Use a small night-light instead.

Nicotine is a stimulant and should be avoided particularly near bedtime and upon night awakenings. Having a smoke before bed, although it may feel relaxing, is actually putting a stimulant into your bloodstream.

A light snack may be sleep-inducing, but a heavy meal too close to bedtime interferes with sleep.


Stick to carbohydrates or dairy products. Milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which has been shown in research to help people go to sleep. So milk and cookies or crackers (without chocolate) may be useful and taste good as well.

Do not exercise vigorously just before bed, it may be best to exercise in the morning or afternoon (preferably an aerobic workout, like running or walking).

Does your pet sleep with you? This, too, may cause arousals from either allergies or their movements in the bed. Thus, Fido and Kitty may be better off on the floor than on your sheets.

Avoid watching TV, eating, and discussing emotional issues in bed. The bed should be used for sleep.


Minimize noise, light, and temperature extremes during sleep with ear plugs, window blinds, or an electric blanket or air conditioner.

Even the slightest nighttime noises can disrupt the quality of your sleep. Try to minimize noise by opting for laminated window glasses for your room.

Try to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature -- not too hot (above 75 degrees) or too cold (below 54 degrees).

Try not to drink fluids after 8 p.m. This may reduce awakenings due to urination.

Avoid naps, but if you do nap, make it no more than about 25 minutes about eight hours after you awake. But if you have problems falling asleep, then no naps for you.


Go to bed only when sleepy.  Get out of bed if you haven't fallen

asleep in 20 minutes. Curtail all non-sleep activities in bed (no

watching TV, eating, planning, or problem solving).

Avoid daytime napping. Don’t get attached to unreal

expectations about getting a perfect sleep every night.


Acupuncture : Acupuncture is a helpful adjunct for treating insomnia. Thousands of research articles attest to the neurochemical effects of acupuncture, which significantly elevates endorphins to block pain pathways, promotes the production of chemicals that reduce inflammation, enhances circulation, and reduces the activity of neuromuscular spasm.

Sleeping pills  Lose weight if you are overweight Sleep on your side and not your back Be physically active Maintain a healthy lifestyle by including fruits and

vegetables in your everyday meals


Fight after–dinner drowsiness. If you find yourself getting sleepy way before your bedtime, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating to avoid falling asleep, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.

THE END“Fall in love….but do fall to sleep as well”

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