loving muslims on purpose

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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on purposeMUSLIMSLoving

CONTENTSP.01 “Watch God Use A Man”

- Papa Jack Taylor P.06Pakistan StatisticsPartner With Us

P.04 “Transformed by Love”- Bob Philips

P.08 New in the Bookstore

P.05 “Loving Muslims”- JR Polhemus

P.09 GMA TimelineWhere we came from and where we’re going

P.10 EndorsementsWhat people are saying about GMA

P.02 “Ambassador of Love”- Leif Hetland


Upcoming International Ministry TripsLeif ’s ItineraryBreaking the Veil of SilenceWomen’s Encounter

P.03Top 10 Least Reached People Groups in Pakistan7 Star Television Stationin Pakistan


This is what I have been doing for years, watching God use a man, as I have observed God use Leif Hetland, one of my highly valued spiritual sons. As I prepared to write this word, I was quickly reminded of the first words of a poem that read like this:

When God wants to drill a man,And thrill a man,And skill a man

When God wants to mold a manTo play the noblest part;

 When He yearns with all His heartTo create so great and bold a man

That all the world shall be amazed,Watch His methods, watch His ways! 

For over ten years I have watched Leif Hetland move with ceaseless passion toward loving the nations of the Middle East.   For much of that time I have closely watched the relentless focus of Leif ’s heart toward those nations, in par-ticular, Pakistan, and the hand of God fiercely preparing Leif for this love initiative.  

I have personally watched this area of the world move from cautious fear of this strange lover of souls, to modest openness as he has taken more than two dozen trips to Pakistan armed only with one weapon . . LOVE! Then, of late, more toleration at best has moved toward a celebration of Leif ’s visits among them, with the leaders themselves labeling him as the “Ambassador of Love”.  I know of no other man who carries such love for the unloved as Leif Hetland, or who has paid a greater price for the anointing under which he walks.

This is as great a modern miracle as I have seen anywhere! My excite-ment will involve watching the development of love’s transforming power through a man who dares to love those most everyone else only hates or fears.

Jack TaylorPresident - Dimensions Ministries

Melbourne, Florida


dozing the Middle East, Asia and the Arab peninsula of Northern Africa with God’s love. This would entail cutting my speaking en-gagements here in the US where much of our support comes from. We need to double our partnership to accomplish our part of the Unfinished Task.

Will you take the next leg of the relay and run the race with us?

Your Ambassador of Love to the Nations,

Leif HetlandPresident – Global Mission Awareness

AMBASSADOROF LOVEMy recent trip to Pakistan was different from any other. Many times before, as my plane would touch down on the runway, I would be covered with a blanket of darkness, foreboding, and even fear. Those were not the sensory perceptions I was having this time. Instead, what I felt was excitement, freedom, and great anticipation. Governmental officers and other Pakistani representatives were awaiting our arrival with honor and joy. I was more than excited at how, for years, I was the “bull dozer” paving a way into this un-open nation with the message of love.

On this 21st trip to Pakistan, my team, Dr. Bob Phillips, Pastor Billy Burton, and Pastor J.R. Polhemus, confirmed that an unprecedented great transformation is coming to earth.

We were invited to the Shiite Muslim headquarters. At that meeting I was referred to as an Ambassador of Love. These people had, as of yet, not heard me referred to by that title, and here they were calling me an Ambassador of Love.

Dr. Zubair, head of a large organization of about 30 million Muslims, invited us to tea. It was a gracious invitation to break bread with him. I noticed as I entered the room that there was sadness over him. He was more than kind, but heaviness held his spirit captive. He began to share that a month earlier his son was helping hang a banner for an event. He grabbed hold of a live electrical wire and was seriously injured. At present he was in a hospital and in a coma. I asked our gracious host if I might be able to do anything; if I might be able to visit his son at the hospital. He agreed to take me, so we left with my security team armed with guns. The father and I went into the room where the boy lay. I prayed and we left without seeing any major change. The father was very grateful.

The next day our team left for Islamabad. I still carried the burden for this son. The following morning at breakfast I was overwhelmed with the ministry of reconciliation, and a great burden for this son. I felt as if it were my own son in the hospital. I shared this with my team. One hour later, Dr. Zubair called Dr. Marqus Fida, GMA’s Director for SE Asia, with the following report:

“I had an open vision and Leif was here; I saw him and felt him. Leif visited my son and the machines were pulled off—I swear, I saw him—I swear to Allah. Leif went back to America and returned. Upon his return, he took my son and danced

around. People were screaming and rejoicing.”

Dr. Zubair called the hospital after this vision and discovered that the machines had just been pulled off and his son was breathing on his own. The first miracle from the vision had taken place! From the time we landed in Pakistan until we arrived back home, the favor of the Lord was so tangible. My team witnessed it, felt it, tasted it, and smelled it. It was physically and spiritually tangible.

Bill Johnson says, “The best way to create an atmosphere of faith is to start with an over-whelming awareness of need and realize the impossibility of our assignment from God.”

We also launched GMA’s 7 Star Cable TV Station, which will clearly communicate the Gospel. 7 Star will reach up to 27 million Muslims initially, with the potential of reaching 100 million with God’s love, peace, and power.

We are so grateful to all of those who have helped us thus far. We could not have done it without the generous and sacrificial givers that have partnered with us.

My spiritual fathers have been encouraging me to spend more time strategically bull-

Leif with Dr. Zubair




in PakistanJat Pashtun Rajput Shaikh Arain Gujuri Kumhar Mochi Tarkhan Machhi












7 Star GMA CableTelevision Station

24/7 Christian television

Broadcasts prayer meetings and worship each morning.

Televise the Jesus Film, sound biblical teaching, and annointed worship.

After a conference or a crusade, people will be able to receive discipleship right in their homes without the threat of persecution.

We will return to Pakistan in September to host a 4-day Pastors and Church Planters seminar, training them how to strategically reach the

unreached in their nation. We will also conduct a 2-day Women’s Conference.



BY LOVEWe just concluded a time of travel throughout Pakistan. I discovered on this trip that the people of Pakistan are extremely hospitable, extremely friendly, and there are many that desire peace. We held Peace Conferences throughout the country. Every place we went we were met with tremendous favorable response. We dialogued with the people about what they wanted—they desire peace.

I remember very vividly my dear friend, Leif Hetland, talking to some people and he made a statement, “I don’t really think someone can understand me unless they go to Pakistan.” I have to say that after my first trip in 2010, and this last one, I not only have fallen in love with the Pakistani people, but I now also understand what Leif was talking about.

I have never seen so much favor in all my life as Leif has in Pakistan. I don’t think it can truly be explained. Everywhere he goes he is known as the Ambassador of Love. What I have seen in my two trips has changed my life more than any single event in forty years of ministry. I am surprised with joy at the great opportunities that are open right now in Pakistan—to see what’s possible and what can happen. I’m greatly encouraged. I have tremendous hope. Not just some “wishy” hope. I now know how God can move on the people in Pakistan, as well as the people of the United States, to the point where it is possible to see two nations come together. Not with compromise at all, but hearts that can be changed by one thing… and that is the love of Jesus and the power of Love.

Learning to love without an agenda is difficult for most of us. It is surely difficult for the Pakistanis. But I’ve seen God’s love come in to settings in Pakistan and change atmospheres tremendously—where the atmosphere was one of, perhaps, suspicion or misunderstanding and then God comes in and everything shifts. Then, when the atmosphere changes, the love begins to pervade that atmosphere.

On our recent trip we met with top key leaders of Islam in Pakistan. We were in one par-ticular location and as Leif began to speak, we began to see things break down. There wasn’t hostility in the beginning, but there was resistance, strong resistance. Although everybody was friendly, you could sense individuals thinking, “Where’s this going? What’s this going to be?” When Leif began to speak explaining why he was in love with Pakistan and the Paki-stani people, hearts began melting like wax as the love of God permeated the place. You could sense it; you could see it on their faces. I’m telling you, I had never seen anything quite like it. It is difficult to explain unless you take into account the power of God to change an atmosphere, a nation and an entire world.

If you are not familiar with Global Mission Awareness and what’s happening through Leif Hetland in Pakistan, I’ll say it again, I have never seen anything like it in my forty years of ministry. I urge you to really take a look at this ministry. Examine what is transpiring at this very moment. There are doors of opportunity that are magnificent right now in Pakistan. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that right now there are people, including many leaders in Pakistan that are not terrorist; they do not agree with terrorism. They want peace, they desire peace, and it’s the peace of Jesus that’s going to change them and us.

Again, I urge you to investigate this ministry and see what’s shaking in Pakistan for the Kingdom of God. Pakistan is ripe for transforma-tion. It is ripe, I believe, for hearts to come together that have been so far apart. In the name of Jesus, we will see great changes. There is great hope in Pakistan, and if there is hope in Pakistan, then there is hope all over the world.

God bless you. Find out how you can become a partner with this ministry. It cannot be done without resources. It cannot be done without your support. Pray about it and turn your hearts toward what God is doing in this great nation through GMA.

Bob PhilipsSenior Pastor - Encourager ChurchHouston, TX


LOVINGMUSLIMS Jesus gave us a clear mandate to “love our enemies”. That sounds great until you try to

do it. After 9/11 it seemed to many that Muslims were our enemy. Unfortunately, all Muslims seemed to get lumped into the same group as radical terrorists.

For 16 years Leif has been building relationships with key Muslim leaders in Pakistan. His demonstration of love has built bonds of trust and love that have opened doors that no man or radical can close. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I could not have believed it.

Leif has opened some authentic avenues into the Muslim world. We have no way of knowing how long these doors will remain open. We must reach out in love at this time with prayer and finances. The go ahead has been given to establish a Christian T.V. channel in Pakistan…what a miracle! This is our opportunity since the “fields are white unto harvest”, and God loves those in the Middle East just like He loves those of us in America.

As a church, (The Rock), we have shifted our mission emphasis to focus on the Middle East. Let us do all we can to reach these beautiful people with His love…“Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”!

JR PolhemusHead Pastor - The RockCastle Rock, Colorado


Going to Pakistan with Leif Hetland dramatically changed my misconceptions. We met with Muslim leaders who displayed great love, trust, and courage as they spoke with Leif at various Peace Conferences across Pakistan. Love proved to be so much greater than fear and hate.

I John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear…”. I saw love driving fear from the faces of radicals. I also saw the love God demonstrated through Leif that is transforming the nation of Pakistan. The son of one of the most influential Muslim leaders had a terrible accident. He had been hospitalized for a month with little signs of recovery. Leif left for the hospital immediately, spending quite some time with this young man and praying for him. He began to improve immediately. Then Leif purchased a hospital bed, IV’s and other equipment, as well as hiring a nurse so he could come home and be with his family. The impact of this act of God’s love went far beyond anything I could describe.



Pakistan is the sixth most populous nation in the world.It is slightly less than twice the size of California

Muslim (official) 95% (Sunni 75%, Shia 20%)Other (includes Christian and Hindu) 5%







Become a Loving Muslims on Purpose partner for only $10 a month and receive a free t-shirt and bracelet to remind you that “Love Always Wins”

men’s t-shirt sizes come in S-2XLwomen’s black v-neck available in S-XLtie-dye also available

SIGN UP as a GMA partner, or give a one-time gift directly on our website,

by using the enclosed return envelope or calling our office at 256.272.7022

$10- The cost to make adifference is the equivalent

of 2 Starbucks coffees a month.





on purposeMUSLIMSLoving

$1,000 Eagle Circle Partneror any ONE-TIME gift.



God’s promises when proclaimed over our lives serve as a seal a cosmic mark that commands the whole universe to align for our good, for His glory.

Passionate about seeing people released to the purposes of God

in their lives, PAUL YADAO in this short but powerful book talks about blessing or the bestowal of supernatu-ral favor from God. Confronting issues of sin and wrong mindsets, he highlights areas in life that can hinder us from receiving favor and shares first-hand accounts of how the channeling of God’s blessing brings abundance, joy and great favor from men.

Out of the Box

“Out of the Box” is a message the Lord gave Jennifer when approaching my first Woman’s conference, Women of Wonder. God is freeing women from the boxes built around themselves and the boxes others have placed them in. You will laugh, maybe cry, but in the end you will dance with Daddy God and celebrate life.CD: $7 DVD:$15


JUNE 6, 1995

Leif receives impartation by Randy Clark, “You’ll be like a bulldozer, clearing territory in dark areas.”



Cedric Hill of People’s Funeral Home graciously donates GMA’s first office space.


The heart of GMA began beating out of the Hetland home, Columbus, GA with a handful of donors.


Dennis Jernigan ministers to Leif. Jack Taylor becomes Leif ’s spiritual father.


GMA moves to Florence, AL.


Season of molting. The eagle soars!

MAY 2006

Paul and Ahlmira Yadao become spiritual children; the door opens wide to the Philippines and many other nations.






JUNE 2008

The AFRICAN CALL Tanzania:5,300 Salvations11,400 Healings

7,100 Deliverances


APRIL 2012Supernatural favor in Pakistan. Launching 7 Star Cable TV Station.

SUMMER 2012GMA relocates its headquarters to S. Atlanta for Kingdom purposes.

WINTER 2012The launching of the School of Supernatural Ministry in Cuba, partnering with Bethel Church, Redding, CA. 2

012 Approximately $1,000,000

of blankets, clothes and food delivered to areas of the Middle

East revaged by massive floods.


Sons and Daughters representing GMA in 22 nations. Close to 1 million have said “Yes” to Jesus through the ministry of GMA. GMA has released

the Kingdom of God to 50 US states and 76 nations.2012


that I will be as the Sons of Issachar (I Chronicles 12:32) and discern the season as

we move forward with our assignment.

that my walk will be graced with wisdom and empowered by revelation, partnering with Heaven to see the greatest harvest ever seen.

as God leads, supernaturally, out of His abundance, not out of need.

visit our website or call our office to see how you can personally get involved.








Global Mission AwarenessPO Box 968Killen, AL 35645256.272.7022.



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