low-power-estimation .ppt

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  • 7/28/2019 Low-Power-Estimation .ppt


    Chapter 3 Power Estimation

    Simulation basedVectors are given, circuit is known, simulation

    is performed. The instantaneous currents areaveraged.

    Probabilistic analysis based

    Averaging of the inputs is performed first,probabilistic measures are extracted.

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    Power is also dissipated due to glitchingactivity in a circuit. Glitches occur due to

    different delays through different paths ofthe circuit.

    A hazardous transition occurs at the output

    of the AND gate due to different delaysthrough two different paths converging at

    the inputs to the AND gate.

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    The glitches can die while propagatingthrough a logic gate if the width of the

    glitch is much smaller than the inertial delayof the logic gate.

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    3.1 Modeling of Signals

    Stochastic process: Let g(t), t , be astochastic process that takes the values of logical 0

    or logical 1, transitioning from one to the other atrandom times.

    Strict-sense stationary (SSS): A stochasticprocess is said to be strict-sense stationary if its

    statistical properties are invariant to a shift of thetime origin. More importantly, the mean of such a

    process does not change with time.

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    Mean ergodic: If a constant-mean processg(t) has a finite variance and is such that g(t)

    and g(t+) become uncorrelated as then g(t) is mean ergodic.

    Definition 3.1 (Signal Probability) The

    signal probability of signal g(t) is given by

    P(g) = lim T -TT g(t) dt

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    Definition 3.2 (Signal Activity) The signalactivity of a logic signal g(t) is given by

    A(g) = lim T ng(T)/T

    where ng(t) is the number of transitions ofg(t) in the time interval betweenT/2 andT/2.

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    If the primary inputs to the circuit are modeled asmutually independent SSS mean-ergodic 0-1process, then the probability of signal g(t)assuming the logic value 1 at any given time t

    becomes a constant, independent of time and isreferred to as the equilibrium signal probability ofrandom quantity g(t) and is denoted by P(g=1),

    which we refer to simply as signal probability.

    Hence, A(g) becomes the expected number oftransitions per unit time.

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    3.2 Signal Probability

    Calculation Inputs: Signal probabilities of all the inputs to acircuit

    Output: Signal probabilities for all nodes of thecircuit

    Step 1: For each input signal and gate output in thecircuit, assign a unique variable.

    Step 2: Starting at the inputs and proceeding to theoutputs, write the expression for the output of eachgate as a function of its input expressions..

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    Step 3: Suppress all exponents in a given

    expression to obtain the correct probability for thatsignal.

    Reconvergent fanout can produce expressions for thesignal probability of internal nodes having exponents

    greater than 1. Intuitively, in probability expressionsinvolving independent primary inputs, such exponents

    cannot be present.

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    Letf be written in a canonical sum of products ofprimary inputs as follows:

    f = i=1p (k=1n sk), where skis either xkor xk. Since the product terms inside the summation are

    mutually independent, we have

    P(f) = i=1p (k=1n P(sk)). This expression isdefined as the canonical sum of probabilityproducts off.

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    P(xk) P(xk) = P(xk) (1P(xk))

    = P(xk)P2(xk)

    = P(xk)P(xk)

    = 0

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    3.3 Probabilistic Techniques for

    Signal Activity Estimation

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    3.3.1 Switching Activity in

    Combinational Logic The Boolean difference of fj with respect to

    xi is defined as follows:

    fj / xi = fj | xi=1 fj | xi=0 where denotesthe exclusive-or operation.

    The Boolean difference signifies thecondition under which output fj is sensitizedto input xi.

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    If the primary inputs xi, i= 1, , n, to logic gateM are not spatially correlated, then the signal

    activity at output fj is given by A(fj) = i=1n P(fj / xi) A(xi) (3.6) P(fj / xi) signifies the probability of sensitizing

    input xito output f

    j, while

    P(fj / xi) A(xi) is the contribution of switchingactivity at output fj due to input xi only.

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    fand / x1 = fand | x1=1 fand | x1=0= x2 0

    = x2

    A(fand) = p(x2)A(x1) + P(x1)A(x2)

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    Equation (3.6) fails to consider the effect ofsimultaneous switching of signals at logic

    gate inputs and, hence, can grosslyoverestimate signal activity.

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    The output switching activity is zero

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    3.4 Statistical techniques

    The circuit is simulated repeatedly using alogic simulator and the switching activities

    at various nodes are noted. Statistical mean estimation techniques are

    used in determining the stopping criteria in

    the Monte Carlo simulations.

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    3.4.1 Estimating Average Power

    in Combinational Circuits Burch et al. experimentally determined that the

    power consumed by a circuit over a period thas a

    normal distribution. Let p ands be the measured average and the

    standard deviation of the random sample of the

    power measured over time T, respectively. Then

    with (1 - ) * 100% confidence we can write thefollowing inequality:

    p - Pavg < t/2s / N1/2

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    where t/2 is obtained from a t-distributionwith N1 degrees of freedom and Pavg is

    the true average power. p - Pavg/ p < t/2s/ (p* N1/2) <

    : the desired percentage error for the given

    confidence level (1 - ) * 100%.

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    3.4.2 Estimating Average Power

    in Sequential Circuits The basic idea of Monte Carlo methods for

    estimating activity of individual nodes is to

    simulate a circuit by applying random-pattern inputs. The convergence of

    simulation can be obtained when the

    activities of individual nodes satisfy somestopping criteria.

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    3.5 Estimation of Glitching

    Power Static Hazard: A static hazard is defined as

    the possible occurrence of a transient pulse

    on signal line whose static value is notsupposed to change.

    Dynamic Hazard: A dynamic hazard is the

    possible occurrence of a spurious transitionduring the occurrence of a functional 0 1or a 1 0 transition.

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    Three-valued logic simulation for

    AND GateAND 0 1 X

    0 0 0 0

    1 0 1 X

    X 0 X X

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    Logic simulation can be used to detectprobable static hazards by using a six-

    valued logic. The estimate is pessimistic because some of

    these hazards might not be present under

    certain delay conditions.

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    Six-valued logic for Static hazard analysis

    Logic representation Bit sequence at t, t, t+1

    0static 0 000

    1static 1 111

    R - rising 0U1

    F - falling 1U0

    SH0static 0 hazard 0U0

    SH1static 1 hazard 1U1

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    AND Operation with Six-Valued Logic

    AND 0 1 R F SH0 SH1

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    1 0 1 R F SH0 SH1

    R 0 R R SH0 SH0 R

    F 0 F SH0 F SH0 F

    SH0 0 SH0 SH0 SH0 SH0 SH0

    SH1 0 SH1 R F SH0 SH1

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    {1000, 1100, 1110} corresponding to fast,medium, and slow falling signals.

    Eight-valued logic is required for logicsimulation to detect dynamic hazard.

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    Eight-valued logic for dynamic hazard


    Logic representation Bit sequence at t, t, t, t+1

    0static 0 0000

    1static 1 1111

    R - rising 0001, 0011, 0111

    F - falling 1000, 1100, 1110

    SH0static 0 hazard 0100, 0010, 0110

    SH1static 1 hazard 1011, 1101, 1001

    DH0dynamic 0 hazard 1010

    DH1dynamic 1 hazard 0101

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    3.5.2 Delay Models

    A circuit node where two reconvergentpaths with different delays meet may have a

    large number of spurious transitions. However, even in a tree-structured circuit

    with balanced paths there can be a large

    number of spurious transitions due to slightvariations in delays.

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    40/82 Statistical Estimation

    Delays are modeled as random variablesand should be generated from time to time

    along the simulation. Whenever we generate a new set of delays,

    they correspond to another die or even the

    same die but with different operatingconditions such as temperature and power

    supply voltage.

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    Activity a

    a = F(PI, D) PI: primary input vectors, D: arandom vector consisting of all the random

    variables of gate delays.

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    The difference is due to the

    glitching activity

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    While the different nonzero-delay modelsdo track each other (except for one circuit,

    C6288, which has a depth of about 120levels), it is clear that the nonzero-delay

    models can produce very different results

    compared to the zero-delay case. Thedifference is due to the glitching activity.

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    For some circuits minimum and maximum

    average power can vary widely if uncertain

    specifications of primary inputs exist.

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    The delay mismatch of different

    paths causes spurious transitions.

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    They are 20 times greater than those

    obtained using the zero-delay model.

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    3.8 Power Dissipation in Domino

    CMOS Domino logic circuits do not have direct-

    path short-circuit currents except when

    static pull-up devices are used to moderatethe charge redistribution problem or when

    clock skew is not well dealt with.

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    B fixed: X1

    A Varies: X2




    X1 X2




    Figure 3.36 CMOS gate y = (x1 + x2)x3

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    3.10 Power Estimation at the

    Circuit Level The gate presents a variable capacitance to the

    power/ground rails. The magnitude of thiscapacitance depends on the logic values at the

    input to the gate. Two signalsA andB are to be connected to the

    two equivalent inputs x1 and x2 of the gate inFigure 3.36 such that very oftenA has a transition

    andB stays zero thenA should be connected to x2andB to x1 as this results in lower powerconsumption than the other case.

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    3.11 High Level Power


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    The signal probabilities of the lower order bits of aword are essentially uncorrelated in space and

    time with a signal probability of 0.5 and switching

    activity of 0.25 and are essentially independent of

    the data distributions.

    The higher order bits show complete dependence

    because they represent the sign extensions intwos complement representation.

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    3.12 Information-Theory-Based

    Approaches The output entropy of Boolean functions

    can be used to predict the average

    minimized area of CMOS combinationalcircuits.

    If x is a random variable with a signalprobability p, then the entropy of x is

    defined as H(x) = p log2 1/p + (1p) log2 1/(1p)

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    For a discrete variable x, which can take ndifferent values, the entropy is defined as

    H(x) = i=1n pi log2 1/pi, where pi is the probabilitythatx takes the ith value xi.

    Given the input signal probabilities of 0.5, theoutput entropy of the boolean function can be usedto predict the area of its average minimizedimplementation as

    A = K* (2n / n)* H(Y) where A is the area of theimplementation and K is the proportionalityconstant, Y =f(X).

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    RTL: Register Transfer Level

    A high level technique to estimate power can beused in the following three steps:

    Determine the input/output entropies ofcombinational logic block by running RTLsimulation of sequential circuits.

    From the input/output entropies, determine theswitching activity, area, and estimate of average


    Combine with latch and clockpower to determinethe total power dissipation.

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    Two approaches to determining lowerbounds of maximum dynamic power in

    static CMOS circuits: deterministic (automatic test generation

    based) and

    simulation-based approaches.

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    The instantaneous power dissipation due totwo consecutive input binary vectors is

    proportional to Pi= for all gates T(g) * C(g), where C(g)

    denotes the output capacitance of gategand

    T(g) is a binary variable that indicateswhether gategswitches or not

    corresponding to the two input vectors.

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    To justify the transition [ i.e., to see if T(*) = 1 isachievable], the modified justification mechanismin a 5-V D algorithm (an ATG algorithm forstuck-at faults) is used.

    In CMOS circuits, the capacitive load of a logicgate can be approximated by the fanout of the gate.

    Pi= for all gates [g(V1) g(V2)] * F(g), where V1,V2 denote two consecutive input binary vectors tothe circuit, g(*) represents the boolean function ofgategin term of PIs, and F(g) denotes the

    number of fanouts of gate

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    The justification mechanism in the algorithmincludes two processesbacktracing andimplication.

    Two composite values to be in conflict if theyhave 0 and 1 at the same position.

    Experiments show the test generation approach is

    superior to the traditional simulation-basedtechnique in both efficiency and the quality of the


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    g 1

    1 f GUT

    D hD i






    Fig 7.6 The D algorithm-sensitization step

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    Each gate is associated with a stack to storeall the composite logic values a/b that have

    been assigned tog[ a and b denotes g(V1)and g(V2), respectively]. The variables a

    and b can be 1, 0, oru (unknown). At each

    gate, the top of the stack stores the most

    recently updated value for the gate.

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    After assigning a rising transition

    (0/1) to x, y(V2) is forced to be 1.

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    Circuit level simulation

    Extract circuit netlist description from layout Captures internal (diffusion) and external (wiring and

    gate fanout) capacitances

    Run an analog simulation Characterization of device models (nfets, pfets) Solution of large system of equations so very

    computationally intensive ( < few thousand transistors)

    Can accurately estimate (within a few %) dynamic andleakage power dissipation

    HSPICE, spectre (Cadence), PowerMill (Synopsys)

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    Gate level simulation

    Perform logic simulation to obtain the switchingevents for each net (signal)

    Logic description in structural VHDL or Verilog

    Zero-delay or unit-delay timing models Determine frequency of each net fy = ty/(2T),

    where ty if the number of logic switches of netyand Tis the simulation time, to compute dynamic


    Pdyn = CyVDD2fy Pre-layout so must estimate Cy

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    Gate internal and leakage power

    Use gate characterization (E(g, e)) and logicsimulation event count (f(g, e)) to calculate thegates dynamic internal power (short circuit and

    charging/discharging of internal capacitors) Pint = E(g, e) f(g, e) During simulation record the fraction of time T(g,

    s)/T that each gategstays in a particular statess tocalculate leakage power

    Pleak= E(g, s) f(g, s)/T

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    Capacitance estimation

    Device (diffusion and gate) capacitance Depends on width/length of driving gates source/drain

    diffusion and fanout gates

    Part of characterization of cell based designs Wiring capacitance

    Depends on placement and routing Wire loadpredict wire length of a net from the

    number of pins incident to the net Mapping table can be constructed from historical data of

    existing designs

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    Gate level simulation

    considerations Simulation vectors need to be chosen carefully

    (application dependent)

    Internal power really depends on operating voltage,temperature, process, multidimensionalcharacterization

    Accuracy within 5-10% of HSPICE

    Signal glitches may not be modeled precisely(glitches depend on delays in the circuit)

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    Gate level probabilistic analysis

    For each internal nety determine the signalprobability of the net wrt to the given signalprobabilities of the primary inputs

    From the signal probabilities determine thetransition density D(y) of each internal nety

    Compute the total power

    P = 0.5 CyVDD2 D(y) Pre-layout so must estimate Cy

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    Determining signal probabilities

    Signal probability definition

    P1 = t1/(t0 + t1) and P0 = 1P1

    Propagate the given statistical quantitiesfrom the primary inputs to the internal

    signal nets and outputs of the circuit

    Propagate quantities using probabilisticsignal propagation model

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    Signal propagation model

    Apply Shannons decomposition to the n-input Boolean function y = f(x1, , xn)

    Y = xifxi + !xif!xi, where fxi(f!xi) is the newBoolean function obtained by setting xi = 1(xi = 0) in f(xi, , xn)

    P(y) = P(xifxi) + P(!xif!xi) = P(xi)P(fxi ) +P(!xi)P(f!xi)

    Apply recursively (note: P(!xi) = 1P(xi))

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    Determine transition density

    For a transition (1-to-0 or 0-to-1) to have occurredfxi f!xi = 1 the Boolean difference ofy wrt xidenoted dy/dxi

    P(dy/dxi) is the probability that dy/dxi evaluates to1 and D(xi) is the transition density of xi

    Then the total transition density of the nety is

    D(y) = P(dy/dxi) D(xi)

    G l l b bili i l i

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    Gate level probabilistic analysis

    considerations Computationally efficientMust only compute signal probabilities and

    transition densities for each net to evaluate

    P = 0.5 CyVDD2 D(y)

    Assumes given correct signal probabilitiesfor primary inputs (and if wrong, large

    errors are possible) Given average power dissipation values

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    Architectural level simulation

    Perform RTL simulation to obtain the inputactivity for each major functional unit

    Architectural description in behavioral VHDLor Verilog or C, C++

    Energy characterization of functional units Transition-sensitive energy models

    System busses ALUs, register file, pipeline registers

    Analytical energy models Caches, DRAMs

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