low scr wind identification and mitigation -...

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Low SCR Wind Identification and


Will Lovelace


November 11th, 2015

System Background - Diagram

System Background - Diagram

System Background - Description

• 199.5 MW wind farm on remote 115 kV system

• 133 GE 1.5 MW Type 3 machines

• Four control groups

• 54 mile 266.8 ACSR (weak) to the south

• 58 mile T2-477/477 ACSR (strong) to the east

• Originally two load serving lines networked in

2008 when the wind farm was built

System Background - Limits

• Wind-adjusted ratings

• Line L1 and L3

• Steady State voltage stability limits

• 120 MW on Line L1


• Flow > 120 MVA on line L1 towards S1

• Trip 80 MW wind generation at farm

System Background - Operating Processes

• Limit Wind Farm during local 115 kV line


• L1 – No limit

• L2 – 60 MW

• L3 – 60 MW

• No limits for transient stability during prior outage

Composite Short Circuit Ratio (CSCR)

• 𝐶𝑆𝐶𝑅 = 𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚


• 𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 is the 3ph fault MVA at the high-side wind

generator transformer equivalent bus with all local and

“nearby” high-side wind generator transformer equivalent

buses shorted

• Local and “nearby” wind machines disconnected

• 𝑃𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 is the total nameplate capacity of all local and “nearby”

wind generation

Composite Short Circuit Ratio (CSCR)

• System Intact

• 𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 = 307 MVA

• 𝐶𝑆𝐶𝑅 ≈ 1.5

• Outage of L2

• 𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 = 176 MVA

• 𝐶𝑆𝐶𝑅 ≈ 0.9

0.6 kV 34.5 kV

115 kV


Composite Short Circuit Ratio (CSCR)

• Historically, a CSCR < ~3.0* meant instability

• Presently a CSCR > ~1.0* could be managed with control

changes in some cases

• MPC’s current CSCR interconnection criteria is:

• CSCR < 3.0* (or applicable manufacturer data) requires

further analysis

*The above CSCR limits are not prescriptive and CSCR needs to be considered on a

case-by-case basis.

Event A - 6/7/2011

A. Initial B-phase SLG fault on L2

B. L2 opens after ~2 cyc and wind

farm begins to go unstable

C. SUB A Zone 1 Phase B-C

element asserts after ~2.5 cyc

D. L4 opens after ~2 cyc

Event A - 6/7/2011


Event B - 11/28/2011

A. L1 manually opened by MPC

Operators and voltage begins to


B. SUB A & B Zone 1 Phase A-B &

B-C elements looking both

directions assert after ~4.4 sec

C. L2 opens after ~1.5 cyc

Event B - 11/28/2011


Wind Farm Instability vs. Distance Relaying

• The swing briefly (1/4 cyc) “tricks” the

distance element of the SEL 311C

into “seeing” a forward fault

• Too fast (25 Hz) to be handled with

OOS tripping/blocking

• Option: Introduce a Zone 1 phase

distance delay

• NOTE: Be careful with this so as not to propagate

the swing outside the local system

Wind Farm Instability vs. Distance Relaying

• While not intended the operation of the Zone 1 distance

element protects the rest of the system by tripping the farm


• The wind turbine restart procedure is long and complicated

due to loss of the grid tie, and the operation of the distance

element in every situation is not guaranteed

GE Study #1 – Identify and Qualify Issues

• A model of the local system was built in GE’s EMTP-type

proprietary software

• Three historical events ran

• 6/7/2011

• 11/9/2011

• 11/28/2011

• Model output benchmarked against historical recordings

• Preliminary recommendations

GE Study #1 – Modeling/Validation

• Simulated voltage (p.u.) at Sub B during manual opening of


• Lighter shaded line is the historical recording.

• Motor modeling assumptions correct, but

other load responses not modeled.

GE Study #2 – Quantify Issues and Propose


• Refine modeling of Study #1

• Comprehensive analysis

• Long-term voltage stability (plant level control)

• Short-term voltage stability (generator level control)

• Voltage regulator stability (dQ/dV)

• Fast Dynamics

• Specific control change recommendations

GE Study #2 – Voltage Stability

• P-V and Q-P analysis

• Long-term (LT) and

short-term (ST)

• Combinations of

local outages and


GE Study #2 – Voltage Regulator Stability


• For most conditions,

more limiting than

voltage stability

Hard limit

Practical limit (+/-10% margin)

GE Study #2 – Limits

• Note capacitive load

has a 10 MW

negative effect

GE Study #2 – Control Change Summary

• Generator-level control changes

• Plant-level control changes

• Operating process changes

GE Study #2 – Generator level Control


• Weak grid control changes on ALL turbines

• Decreased gains in control loop

• Lower rate of active current change

• “Fast-stop” feature enabled on 53 turbines

• Detects a large increase in system impedance between

time-steps and trips turbine

• Turbines automatically restart after 2 minutes

GE Study #2 – Plant Level Control Changes

• Reduce response time of voltage regulator

• Enable line-drop compensation

• Slow down power factor regulation

• Limit wind farm to 120 MW following a fast stop event

GE Study #2 – Operating Process Changes

• Prior to control changes being implemented

• During local 115 kV switching: Maintain 60-80 MW limits

• During local 115 kV outages: 80 MW limits

• During adjacent 230 kV and 115 kV system outages: 150-

175 MW limits

GE Study #2 – Operating Process Changes

• After control changes implemented

• During local 115 kV switching: Maintain 60-80 MW limits

• During local 115 kV outages: 120 MW limits

• During adjacent 230 kV and 115 kV system outages: no limits

• Indication of a fast stop event sent to the MPC control room

• Following a fast stop event, the MPC operator must assess the

state of the grid and release the wind farm to full output if


Control/Process Change Example

A. Fault on L3 opens line

B. Fast Stop trips up to 53 turbines

prior to distance relaying

“seeing” a fault

C. After 2 minutes tripped turbines

reconnect to grid with plant

limiting output to 120 MW

D. Operator closes L3 and releases

farm to full output

Testing – Test #1

• Wind farm at 110 MW

• Opened L2

• 51 turbines operated on

fast stop

• L2 was closed after

approximately 2 minutes

Testing – Test #1

• Opening L2 w/ Fast Stop vs. Opening L3 w/o Fast Stop

Testing – Test #2

• Wind farm at 185 MW

• Opened L1

• No turbines operated on

fast stop

• Oscillations due to

system response

Testing – Test #3

• Wind farm at 60 MW

• Opened L2

• No turbines operated on

fast stop

Performance Experience

• Overtripping occassionally


• Remote 230 kV bus fault



Will Lovelace



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