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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. OfCLo* i n Train's Opera H o u s e Block. Three Cents Per Copy.



B l a m a r c i t B a y s H l a O o n a u l B x «

o e e d o d H l a A u t h o r i t y .


i v i "

A MtMaaa of Cunelllatlun TVIilch U r s l a n « That lh» II ( l i t . <la*niiil«B<l AUKIICB

\f II U* I 'rMirTMl-VWm of CoogrM«.

eiRUA*T SACKS DOW.t. WAinmntoM, Feb. a - T h e I'roildeni Fri-

day tMn.mluet l to Congreit u rap<irt from Hcrrelori" Uuyunl on Hamoan utluir*. ia-c lot lng the (olluwinir documnnt*. I b o Oral U a telegram from VIOJ-CODIUI lilacalook,

f o l o w « : 'ADCKLAKU. rob. 9L—Oarmun Comul a »

eUrt t O«rinony at war, with Samoa under martial law."

•ICHITAKT BATARD'* fROTKIT. The following are the t legraphlo Int truo

Uont tent by Bocretary Uivara t s Mini i ler Pendleton at Berlin on January ill:

" Mr. Daftrd Inttruota lb« Mmlaier of Iba tTalled b u m at Beilin to Itfjrm ibe Ge.-mua Ooternmrnt that adTlrre from Ap a aiat« ilmt the Uerman Cootul bad dteiared Ocrmany to be at war wiib MB.o.ifa and Samoa to b« under martial law. Ur. Bayard Informt Iflm.ter Pen-dleton that the German Mlnlaier al ibia rapilaL under laatrnet oua from Pnare U .murck, bad already ociiuitlnied this OoTeromenl of the declaration of war by Germany i gamal Uataala and bad ao«on|ianied Ibe nol Dcatlon w.tb tba auiement that Germany aou:d, of couraa, abide by the ugreement w tb Amer-tea and Euflnnd touching Samoa, and p m e t r e under all elreumalaueea iberK'btaol thli Oovernmeoietlabl tbedby treat;. Hut la

of Ibe advices from Apia Mr. Ilayard in-strueta Mr. Pendlutoa to any Ibat this Ooren , menl aaanmcd ibai tbe German oino;ala Id Samoa woald be Inatrneted carBfully to refrain t r o a Isterfereaos with Amerlcaa o>tltena and

, property there, benoe no declaration of maitlal law could extead German iurladietlou ao at to uclode control of Amerleoaa m Samoa. Bach a pretera on eoulJ not be recofuued or son-ceded by Ibla Govern ment."

On tbe same d a U Mr. Bayard wrote to Oonnt A r o - V a l l e y Informing him of Mr. BlaekUick's dlspatcb, and also of tbo con-U n U of the abore Inalructlons to lllDljti.-r Paadlctoa.

e i sMA* ORDSMS u o D i n e a Under Friday's date Count Aroo-Valloy,

onder Inairuvtlous from the tr loue Chan-orllor, sent tho foltowlng nolo to Secre-tary Bayard:

"When the state of war was declared aga oat Mataafa ibe oommand-r of the German tqusd-toe lajueJ a prociamailon by r h eh lorelgners established la Rsooa wrrs aubjecied to martial law. lateroat onal law would, to a certain exisnt, not pievent anth a mnoaure. but, sa Pr.nce B smaroh Is of lbs opinion tbst ear mlliUry aatfeor iy kas gone loo far m th.s taataace, tbe military commaad r baa rrce ved te|pgr*i>llie erdera 10 wl.bJraw tbo part of bis proelSBatloD coneorning foreigners.

' "la segot at on with Msujfa , onr Gonial .at Ssmoe bss asked that the a im nls-tration of tbe Ulandi of Samoa m gbt be temponslly hsnded over toblm.«bkb demand a a being aeonfurmiiy to our prevons prom-ises regarding u s neotralltj' and lude endence, Mr. Knspps bss been ordered by telrgrsm to withdraw hit demand."

SSKATOR SAt'LSBURT'S RISOLfTIOX. WASUisorox.Kebi 4—Benator Haulsbory

(Dal.) Introducad In the Uennto tbe lollow-l o g resolutlun, which was sgreod to:

'•S—tlml, Thst lbs ( omroitieo on Foreign BeUiioas is lasirneled lo Inquire into tbo con. ditloa of s S s m In tbe Samoan lalandt and report st an early day what measurua are neeeitaty and rroper lo protect tbe i a t e m t s of Amerlrsncliitena re. ding there-Ml sad to dlachurge any obl nailons of tbe Catted Btstes to tbe people of ibc.e lalandala tbe mslatensace of their owa local govsn-Btent free from tba ciclnt vo Interlereooe of aay foreg t power snd to tecum j u t rigbis aad interetit of tbe United States la the future control and government of said isl-aads."

MB. TanHAS' RSSOtlTIO*. Members of ibe House express much In-

AlcnattoD at tho reiioried action of Oar-• u a y In Bam a. Toe members of the JNaVil Cjinmltteo re<eat tho assumption of Iba right to soaruh Amerloau v.-esele, aad retail the f . o t of Juit suoh an aasnmptloa by Ures t Britain, and that our own Ooveromcnt was forccd to retreat f r o m Jost >ucb a potltlou when one of our naval vessels stopped a Brit ish ve i se l la IBB aaJ took off the Confederal) com-tol i t .onurs Mr. Th mas (111) of Iheodm-mKlee has prepared and will pretoal t i i k e Boate tbe fol low ng re>olutlooi

M g t H t t J , By the Seuats snd llouts ef Bep-tesenWt.vss of tbu United State., la Cangrets assembled, ibat ths Preaidsnt Is hereby au-tkoHsed and directed lo take sueb .tops, lorol-Wy If deemed espwlieau aa are a e e w a r y ai.d proper to preteet and malntalu tbe honor, d g-Blty sad Interrtits of tbe Uagand Oovernmsnt of IbeUaiied Btstes and Its c i t tern wbsrever dlape sod, sgalnat the s o u of tbe Emperor of Oensany or bis forcea.''

SBMATOR r u t s ' s OI'ISIOX. Beustor Fryo said Fr.day evcalng tha i

theoevs lo i -ments in tbe Hamoan n u t t e r s have not, in his opinion, changod tbo ailuutlon In any importanc particular. Osrmauy, ha said, may have ubeu-duneU temporarily Its rath methods, but bad a o t la tUo leaU changed Its intrpMe. On the oontiary it would f o a lra l fh forward to the rompleiien of t'iat purpose unless somoaotlon was l a k e a by this U o v o r n n e n t to Lrovent iL The O e r n a o v sa id tba lunstor , msde up their • l a d * loaf a f e to take possession of the B s n o a a Islands, and they wil l nol c h s n g s their p o l i o / I n Ihls rest eot a s long us tbe Cblted Bta l t s Govern menl offers no objeo-Msa. Oongrait should Instruct tho PratMent to n a k e a d e m m J upon Oer-« a « y for a realorf Hon of the IUIUI quo. T k i t d e a a a d , ha said, would undoubtedly

«Miplled wllh. bbo can not afford •« I fnavs It. f or It tbe eommerolal Inter-course be tween the two rountries sbi .uU be Interrupted Uermany would lote more In a week than the poasoss on of Hsmoa could repay In 1,001 years.

TflB URNMAX rHRSS. B l k i l V , Feb. 8.—The North Gcrmsn Oa-

t e l l e ( fr lnce Bismarck's orgsn) t a r s t b s t a iltclsr. t ioa of war sga lns l Hsmoa, In an Interastlonal sent*. Is altoKelber improb-able. The Qovernmunt bos sent no such lastruotlons and as a matter of fact lliore i s no opponent to declare war ngulust, Otrmsnr not having reoogniicd Mataafa. Tbe O e m a a a , on a basis of se l f -defente or repriial. may have enijage-i In aotusl warfare, but tbe morement has nut In-volved tbe oonteqoenoes of actual war.

Tbe Cologne Oasette says: "Oeraiany must restore her sntbonty la

Bassos, which wss gr.svonsly sbskso by the events ef Deoember, snd must make sn ea-

y kmplse f lhe mlsdoeia. Th a mlliury side sf » . the procedure s deurm ned upon snd s un-" t sltersMe. It t sn only occasion iomnllcatloaa

with ASMiiou if her Coagrets d«>>res lo stsy the hsnd of Gormanv snd offl.islly seppen Msissfs't ba >d. On lbs ether bsnd. tbe dipiomatle s do of lbs qaettloa does not bear a eomplestaa of war fury. In ibe nlae-treatk teotory as hauls will be f e n f i l ever Barnes. Oertnanj t i posals for a settlement ertbedlfflouliy, now on tbslr war to Wasb-tRgton, t i l l eourlnie Amsrtcsni of rermany't eadeevor to deal jusily wllh sll duly sstab. Lsbed .atsresta."


- iSS

Fonr CblnawieB Killed.

O u n w i f i , Wy. T.. Feb. 4 — A Cbloamaa aamad Y e t Blag recently establtsbed a wasb boose over a boiling spring In th i s oily. Tbo slumbering geyser burat forth Hstardfy. spouting water over 100 teel, and the teat in which four Chinamen were sleeping w s blown to pieces and t h e « » lesUals wore kll.eJ.

"If t h e h r a r t of umn is d e r f w d v c t r i M b e i j d i t la dispi ' l lnl w h e n I h e v bottle appeMrs." N o l a bott le of eplrita,

oh . n o ! b u t a smal l vial of t h a t In valua-ble c o m p o u n d k n o w n tb t h e c iy i lu i lon a s Dr. uul l 'a C o u g h S y r u p .


P i n t a oohl then a c o u j l i then c o n -• u m p l l o n then death . "1 took Dr. Acker% EnglLih Remedy for Consump-t i o n the m o m e n t I begun to c o u g h , and I bel ieve It saved m y life."—WALTKB N. WaLLtCB, Washlmcton . VTLTKK « LOOK, Draggista, Lowe l l .

FiQHTiNQ a r m K E a s .

Bloedthed Reaa lu Over the Tte-Cp of • t ree ! C a n IN New Turk.

N a w TORR, Feb. 1—Tbe most r emarka -ble and s t r i k i n g f e a t u r e of yua t c r d sy ' a dn-ve lepmenU In t h e s t ree t -car t roubles was the oommsnd of In tpec tor Wi l l iumt to b is m e m " H b o o t t o k l l l l " Wbnn tlio do. IsUa w e r e be ing mads for tbo duy i.e s a ' d : " I f t h e c rowd naea c l u b i you u -e y o u r pistols. H a v e no m n«euau a l o u l It. I wan t no p l sy , no foollsl inaat . If nccoisury n t e your piatois and n«o them wel l . Hhool t o It UP' I n spec to r Wllllnma was a^kod why be had given sucb s t r o n g ord.-r t to bis men. He replied t b s t lie bad b u m told t h a t t h e s t r i k e r s wora to urganiso In g a n g ' , and , a rmed wl lh clubs, would ass u l t tbo now mon a t every opi o n u n l t y .

Ngw TosK.Kcb. L—LnteThursday s f lor -noon the police dispersed a moo a t T e n i b avenue , wbioli w a t engaged In b iockad ng t h e Belt rosd. Clubs were uaud and si v-eral beads were cracked.

BROOKLOI, Feb. 2.—A aerious encounter occurred Ttiur-day u o r n l n g when a car arrived at F i l th avonuo and Tentb stroot, where a barricade of trucks and building stone lay serosa tho track and a mob of 1.0(0 me i op|>osod tbe police. The muuul-ed police charged and dl>p.-r-od tbo mob. Tho ear ms ie tbo trip, but was bu lly used up. NRW TORE. Feb. A—T h e Indieutiona are

that the worst of tho gruut Htrect-uar str ike U over. Tbero wua less excl iemcnt yesterday, nnd teverul of tbo lluei h s r o r u n tbelr cars with tolerable regularity. A f ew oaset of assault wero repurted. but In the main the tnrbulent e lement kept within boanda.


Budolpb. tba Crown prlno* of Auatr.a, round Dead In Ilia l U d .

V I R X R A . J a n . 81 —Archduke Kndolph. lbe A u s t r i a n Crown Pr ince and ha i r a p r s r o u t to the th rone , d ied s n d d e n l r a t Micrling, n e a r Batien, w h e r e he had gono on a shoot-ing excurs ion w i t h Pr lnco Ph i l ip of Co-burg , Count Hoyos and o ther i.'ue>U. Hu-m o r s were r i f e t h a t he bad boon accident-a l l y sho t and h> d been m u r d e r e d by a peas-a n t , b u t t h e Official O a i e t t o t a y i t h a t d e a t h w a t caused by a s 'xok i of apoplexy. The b o i y was b rough t to V i e n n a a t mid-n igh t .

When P r ince Rudolph ' s va le t e n t e r e l b is royal m a s t e r ' s chamber W e d n o t d s y morn-ing t h e P r i n c e w a s ly ing In a na tu ra l p » sl l lon In bed, a p p a r e n t l y a s l e e p Al though i t w a i past P r lnco Knde ipb ' s u i u 1 hour f o r a r i s ing , tho va l e t quie t ly with-drew, r e t u r n i n g In about half nn hour . On r . v e n t e n n g t h e P r i n c e ' s cbnm-b e r t h e vslev was s t ruck by s n unutnul rnlene«» In h is m a s t e r ' s face, and on step-p ing close to t h e bod w a t borriflod to find t h a t t b e Crown Pr ince was dead. Bo a t o n r e a l a rmed t h e heosehold a a d phy iUl sDt w e r e summoned . An examina t ion satis-fied t h e medica l men t h a t n ls Imper ia l H ighness had died of apoplexy of the h e s r t

j i b s Anbdoke Rudolph F r a n c . Cbarlcs Joseph. Clown P r nee Impor.sl of An.tna. Crown ^ n u c e Royal of Uusgsry aad llohemiu. wss born August SI. ICfl. Be wss ths son snd second child at tba Emperor Piascis Joseph sod the E m p r e u El sabeth of Auatris. Arch duke Rudolph wss nnrr .ed to Pnaeeaa B:e-I baale Uotilde Lonlsa M >ne Caarlolte, atuond daugbler of K<ag Lscpild U. of tbe Bslgtana, on May 1UI, In Vienna. Tbey bad one eh Id, Arebdncdiess Msna Valar a, born April a , 1883. Prince Rudolph aad bis wife did not l .vebsppilr . sad »oms Urns sgo Princesa 8te-pbsnle left him sod weal to Switxerlsad, wbsre she Is now sojoarnlaj . ]


a . a , Maadt, W Ibe Moaat n . i reb (Wla.) "Una,- Probably FaUUv Woamled.

MODXT H o n s a , W l a , Feb. I—O. O. Mandt , ed i to r of tbe Sun , a Prohib i t ion pape r pub l i shed here , was sho t and m^r -t a ly wounded In b-.i own bouso T h u r s d a y n igh t by an u n k n o w n misc roan t , who made h ' s e s c a p e Mr. M a n d t hud been pub l l i b lng t h e Bun f o r abou t a yoar , and made a b t i e r and perslstoi-.t fight n g a m s t tbe I q u o r e l emen t . The re Is g r e a t ex-c . t cmnn t among t h e Inhab . t an t s , an 1 an Indignat ion mooting ba t b e e a held, a t which I t w a s res ' Ived to h u n t t h e c r i in lna l o r c r l m l a a l s d o w n a t all haxards, and b r l n ^ tba gui l ty one t to JntUce.

S E V E N L I V E S L O S T .

A Frelgbl Train PraelpltaUd Dnaro a Manatala-Hlda wl ib TerrlbU Reaullo.

CALOAar, K W . T . , Feb. 3 — A f r e i g h t t ra in was d e s c e n d i n g t h e s teep g rado which r u n s down f r o m t b e s u m m t of t h e Kooky M o u n t a i n s on t h e w e s t s i de Into Beaver when a o ax le on t h e locomotive t ender broke , caus ing the e n g i n e and nine-teen c s r t to Jump tbe t r ack , a a d precipi-t a t ing them down t h e s ide e l tbe mouut-sln. The e n g i n e aud oars w e r e badly i in ashed. F l r e m s n C Fl Idler, Brnkotnaa J. C. Pbe l an and live Ch inamen w e r e In-i t an t ly ki l led.

W H O L E S A L E D R O W N I N O .

Ilxlaaa Man and Twenty Uortaa Beperted to l lava Lost Tbslr Llvss.

MOXTRRAU Can., Jan . 31 —A special l l s p a t o b to t b e S t a r s t a t e s t h a t s ix teen men w i t h t w e n t y horsos b s v e been J r o w n s d w h i l e o r o s t m g t b e Ice on Lake Kldesu. O n t a r i o No aut l o r l tn t lve oon-Brmstlon of t h e nows can bo obta loed. a t the t e l eg raph office l i closed there. The lec ldeut I t r epor t ed to h a v e occurred by thecav ing- ln of thft loo n e a r t b e vi l lage of Suufiury, O n t

I b o O b l a b o m a Heltlere. Kr. Louis , J a n . 8L—Advioes f r o m tbo In-

l lan Te r r to ry a r a t h a t t b e Ua ted h t a t e i loldler i w h o were recent ly s t a t i o n e l a t Oklahoma Ci ty have r e t u r n e d to For t UIU, ind t b s t some fiftoon famll lee ef ••boom-i n " h a v e c ros tod t h e Cunad l sn r l v s r and •n te red O k l a h o m a and t h a t o t h e r s a re fol-lowing.

After Tonag Hmnaart. A c o o s r a . M a . J s n . SL—Tbe Commlt toe

>n J u d i c nry In t h e Hensto has voted to (evbid t h e sa l e «f c l g s r e t t e s to i ie r iont ua -l e r M y e a r s of sge, s n d to p rov ide a pen-i l ty fo r a minor unde r 10 w h o smokes In a jubl lo pluoo.

The Brl t l .b Navy. L o ^ n o x , Fob. L—A oommlt tee appointed

to Inquire in to t b e condi t ion of t b e B r l t l t h l a v y r epor t ed yes te rday t h a t tbe sh ips , with f e w except ions , were uns u i t ab l e f o r n o l a m w a r l a r e a n i . Indeed, w e r e whol ly lef lc lanL

Htols Tbslr Jewel s . LORBOX, Feb. L — T h e res idence of

OOIORSI Wh i t e , Sec re t a ry of t b e Amer lo n (legation, w a s en te red by b u r g l a r s e a r l y r e s t e rdsy morn ing , s n d tA 'WJ w o r t h of jswalry a a d o ther va luab les w e r e c a r r i e d iff.

Moore's Doteleatloa.

llARTroan, Conn., Feb. 1.—The offieors it t h e Connec t i r u t Mutus l L i f e I n s u r a n c e Oompany skated y e s t e r d s y t h a t t h e lo t s by ibe r ecen t defa lca t ion ef Jo seph A Moore, ibelr Ind i anapo l i s agen t , would not ex-Med t b e a m o u n t first named—tfiUQiOOa

O'BHea In J a l t

DoaMX, Feb. 1.—Editor O 'Br ien was lodged In Js l l nt Clonmel y e s t e r d a y u n d e r t f o u r mon ths ' aea teace . Ho re fuaed to re-move h is c l o the s In o r d e r t o don tbe p r i son t a r b , and t b e w a r d e r s undressed h l a b y lonas. I l l s bes rd was sbavon off.

A s p r i n g m e d i c i n e ia n e e d e d b y e v e r y -

o n e . W i n t e r f o o d , l a r g e l y conBlst ing o f

s a l t m e a t a n d a n i n u l f a t onusea t h e l iv -e r to b e c o m e Disordered a n d t h e b l o o d i m p u t e , h e n c e t h e n e c e s i t y of c l e a n s i n g m e d i c i n e . T b e beat la A v a r ' s S a r s a p a r -III.

S H E I S " O B A T E F U L . "

" I s a v e d t b e l i f e of m y l i t t l e g i r l b y

p r o m p t u s e o f D r . A c k e r ' s E n g l i s h R e m e d y f o r C o n s u m p t i o n "—MRS . W U . V . HARRIUA.<;, N e w Y o r k .

YE11BB & LOOK, D r u g g t a t , L o w e l L


A D a l l y R e c o r d o f B v e n t a i n t h o

F i f t i e t h O o n g r e u .

Important Dills IntvodMod and Patsad ta the Monato and Uowse Wom.ruas

PWllUona and Basolailona—Other Motoa of l a u r o a u

SBXATB. •WAsnixoro* . Jan. 93.—A protost from

citiiena of Now Urxloo against tbe admis-sion of that Territory s i a Btato wus pre-sented in Ibe Bonsto yesterday. Tne bill al lowing a pension of twenty-five dollars a month to all women nurses dur ng tbe late wur (prior to August, UBJ) wat passed. Tbo Ulplematio and Contular Arproprlatlon bill w s s farther considered.

W*sBixaroM, J m SI—In the rienst* yotterday an amendment to tlio Cjntular and D.plomit lc Appropriation bill g iv ing to our Sl lnl t terj abroad tbo t tin of "Am-bitsador" I unload of "Envoy Eitraordi-nnry snd Ministers' Pimlpotontlnry" was adopted. Honalor Sherman apoke at leagtb on tho Samoa difficulty, maintaining that our right i must be aitortcJ.

W iOiKOTiix, Jan. 31.—The Hon a to yes-terdsy rotu mod consideration of tbo Diplo-matic and Consular Appropriation bill, tbe t ime bring ocoapled In d l teuts ng the ^ n u n d u e n t s sffuellng tb* Hamoan Islsnds. The Britlab (ztradlt lon treaty wsa also considered.

WASIIIXOTOX, Feb. L—In the Senate yesterday tbe He use amendments l o the bill to Incresae the pensions of Uo>o who have l i s t both haada were concurred In. After tho pntsago of a tew private blilt tbe amendtaenta to tbe C insular snd Dl|> lomst c Arproprlatlon bill appropriating IM0,C00 to protect tbe Interests of tbe Cnlted States In Samoa and 1100,000 to ocnslruct s n d mulnlala a coaling station In tbo harbor of Psgo Pago wore adopted, tho mono/ to be Immediately aialiable.

WASDIXOTOX, Fob X—A n S t s a s e w a t rocelveJ In ibe Seaate ye i terday from the President vetoing a bill grant.ngapvn^lon to Mra. Union HuAd. Tbe H <u<e nmend-monta to the Henate bill for tbe admission of South Dakota as a State wero non-con-currcd In. A resolution was sdopted In-atrncting tbe Committee on Foreign Bela-li na to inquire Into affairs In tbo Hsmoan It lsnds, and to report what meusnres w e r e necessary to protect the loteresta of Amerlcaa dt laans therein. Tbe British e z -tradii Ion treaty was rejected. Adjourned to t:ie 4th.

BOUSB. W*anixaTox,'Jan. 01—In the House yea-

torday a petition of 18 000 clt lfans of Utah ag.iinst the admission of tbnt Territory aa n B u t o waa i retented. The Sundry C v l l Anproi rlatlon bill was passed. A bill ta provide for the belter protection of tbo fur, seal aad salmon llshar.es of A laska wat reported.

WASDIXOTOX, Jan. 8L—In tbe Houte yesterday the t ime was passed In dl cuss-ing the Oklahoma bill, and amendmenta wero adopted to protoctthe homeitead rights of h norably-dlscbsrged Union soldiers nud sailors, and providing that no homestead entr ies sball he allowed except to actual seniors .

WASUIXOTOX, Feb. I —In the House y o s . terday many pet tlons were prcsentel In favor of the Sunday roit b i l l The Okla-homa bill waa furtbsr discussed.

WASUIXOTOX. Feb. 1—In the Houte yes terday tbe conference report on tbe bill IO i reale tbe Department of Agriculture w a s agreed to. Tbe bill making tiklattoma a Territory was pasted—yeas. 148; n s y t , 102. At tbe evenlngsess lon twenty.t lvn private pension bills were imised.

WASUIXOTOX, Feb. 4.—The Hou o Bstcrv da»- passed the Naval Appropriation bill, with an amendment uppropr.atlng H0J,-000 (or the ottabllthmoni of a enal ng s u -llen at Pago Pago, humoo. There waa cont l l erable debate. In which several Congratsmen exprestod tbelr v i ews on the Hamiun quostion aud the necotslty of tbo United States having a first-clsss navy to protect the Interests of Ita cltUons In for-eign lands.


licans. a l ter besr l eg from Pretldeut-elect llarrison, havo decided that an extra ses-sion of Cjngress can nol be avol.led, and tbs t the date of assembling should not be later than April I. i

WASRIXOTOX, Feb. L—The report of the Commltaloner of Patents sent to Congress yesterday s h o w s that patents •were isaued during the year to the number of 8^401, of which l,A8B wero to foreign Inventor•.

WASUIXOTOX, Feb. L—The Republican Senatorial caucus bas decided that tho Commlttoe oa Terrltorlea should f r s n e n substitute for the omnibus bill so broad in

Colloy Nnd fair In terms t h a t I ts rejection t the Houte would t a d d l e that body w i th

an unp lea ian t res i ioBs lb i l l ty . A resolut ion w u p a s t e d I m l s t l n g upon the admiss ion of North and South Dakota, Montana and Washington.

WASUIXOTOX, Feb. X—Tbe Board of In-dian Cojimlss oners in tbvlr annual report ask that the approi rlatlon for educational work a m c n g t b e l n d l a n t be Increased to |J,UOOIODJ for tbe first y e s r , 18,060,000 l o r tbe scoond and (4,000,000 for the th ird jenr.

WARIIIXOTOX. Feb. &—Tho reduction In tho public debt during Janunry r a t amountoi to 112,310,1181 Tho total debt now l e s s cash In tbe Treasury smcunts to (1,131.843.UTJ. Tbe net cash or surplus In the Treasury Is (04,83ilIMS, aguinat iCO,-(V«.301 a month sgtx

WASUIXOTOX, Feb 3—Tbe Sensto Com mlttee on Military Affairs bas msde a fa-vorable report to tbo Bonate on the bill to retire General W. 8, Rosecrant with tbe rank of Brlgndler-UeneraL

W s s n i x o r o x , Feb. 1—The Commission-er of Pontlont has advised the Secretary of the Interior that there will b ) a do ficlency In tbe amount nece«ssry for tbe payment of pensions for ths fiscal yoar over and above exist ing <)i|'r.y,ir at ions of about (S.OOJ.IXU. and a t k t that the neces . sary s lept be taken to secu o tbe Immsdl-ate consideration of tbe m i t l e r by C m -gress to prevent the ttoppagJ of the pay meot of pentlont.

WASHIXOTOX. Feb. i — O n e o f the amend-ments agreed to la tbe contlderallon of tba Legltlat vo Appropriation b II by the Hen-ate Commlttoe raltet the salary of the 1 n v a t e secretary of the President from WSBO to I&000. The committee w a s unanimously In favor of this amendment.


Killed In a Wrask. BacastLs, F e b i — A railway tra'n from

this city lor Naciur w a i thrown from the track while ruonlag at a high rate of speed n s s r Uronendsel on Bslu dsy, and four. U e n persons were killed and fifty Injured, tblrtaea f a u l t y .

• eu i sasad to Jai l .

DHBLIX, Feb. 1.—Jobo O'Connor and Thomas Condon, members of Parliament (or Tlpperary, have been senteoued to Im-prisonment (or four montlis for incit ing e n s n t i n e t to par renL

O'Connor and Oaadaar to Haw. SAX FRAXCISOO. Feb. I —Jake Oaudsur

and William O'Connor have signed artl-clet of agreement (or a throe-mile scull race for the Amerlcaa championship lo Baa Frsnoisco bay March 3.

F a m e s in the hack are f i v q u p n t l y caused by a sudden w r e n c h i n g of the spine. A f e w appl icat icns c f S a l v a t i o n Oil wi l l g i v e p e r m a n e n t relief. P r i c e t w e n t y ttve cents . For sale by all drug-ista.

A S A D D E A T U .

Is it not sad to see y o u r fr iends and neighbor* d ie w i th K i d n e y C o m p l a i n t or a n y disease of the Urinary Organs , w h e n if t h e y hud taken Hill s E n g l i s h Extrac t of B i i rhu and Culiebs, it w o u l d h a v e cured them of their disease a n d re-s tored t h e m to h e a l t h !

IN D E B T T O T H E S T A T E .

Msuy Nnrtbarn Cnantle. Said to Owe Over •1 .003 ,009 In Ta*«t.

Reprsientot lvo Bslltbury bat b d made up by ths Audltor-Ueneralaroiiorl , where-by It appear* that fifty-two of the north-ern o .uat les owe the Btsto upwardt of II.UJ.KO for taxos uncollculed for 1333 and previon > yenrt. This ba 1 state of nf-f a l n It taid to h i due largely to d s f e c t t in tbo law. which does not g ive a tuffio ent ly socuro tltio to lands sold for tnxat. Many land ownort neglect to pay their taxos, ba-Ingawsre that the vslue of tbelr land Is not tufllo ent to warrant tux title men to Invest vo y boavlly, and not standing In dread of lo t s by tho pri-scnt l a w n Mr. Salisbury h . s IntroduceJ a lengthy bill In tho Legis ls ture nmendiug tho tax lawa, more particularly with re-spect to the sale of lands delln-Queot for taxes. U s plan It to tell by forocloaure lo cbancary, tho tamo at l i done in ca i o s of m rtgago, g iv ing notice to tbe owner, and all owing ouo year's ro-dsmptlon a f ter tbe dsto of tbo sals. Lands which are bid io by the Btato and bocoms Its property, because of non-paymout of taxes, shall no longer bn carried on tbe tax roll* or bo llablo f o r l a x it. A gr snd clearing up snlo of all landt delinquent for taxes la tho year IlibO and all provlous year* It ordered by tbo bill to bo done next fall, l b s sale of sucb lands wil l be to ths blghoit bidder, but no bid It to be received which It l e t s than twenty- f ive per cent of tbo amount of the accumu-latod taxes. Interest and chsrycs.

Tbe Ooverani'a Appnl itmenls. The Senate recently confirmed ths fol-

lowing sppo ntment i made by Oovernor Luce:

Br.dgs Oommlatloaert at Bay c i ly-Jotepb i Turner. Cbetter U Collint aad John MrKwan, I of Bty O.ty: John Malch. E. J. K-litor, of 1 Weal B ly City.

Troiteet of Ibe Michigan Atylum for t h e l w . tane—Fotler Pratt, Kalami.ioo, and Erattut I W. Balet. ( Trntleet Morthorn Michigan Atylum—Tbom-

oaT. Bate., Traverse Cnyj John B.-n]amln, . Urand Baplda.

Trutiee Michigan IntHtatlon for ths E1aea-llenof Deaf and Dumb—Eliv.n T. Carrlugton, Wett Day City.

Member Hoard Btato F u b Oommltslon— Beyt Pott. Detroit.

I Blste Houae of Corrsetlon and Hoard of State Prison, Upper Penln«uis—Jams> M. Wllklnten,

| Marquette: Ell U. Chamberlain, St. Ignacei Elwin Z. Perkins, Chsyboygan.

A tVaaltby tTIJnw Mnrdered. Mra. Mary H. Latimer, widow, aged

abent s ixty Tears, was f i u n d lbs other morning In her room In Jnrksoo, dead In a pool of blood. Bbs bsd been «bot twice la tbe besd. A cellar door was found broken o^en. through which the murderer entered and lef t . Bbo waa alone In tbo boute, her son, a well-known druggist , be-ing gono to Detroit en business. She wns prominent In soo oty, her husband, before hi* death, being for yesr* u successful merchsuL Her son had been arrested, charged with committ ing t t o crime.

n e a l l h la Uleblgan. Reports to tho Btato Boar I of Haalth by

fifty-teven obtervert In d lSerent part i of tbe State for tbu week ended on Janu iry dl Indicated that tonsllltls, pneumouia, erys lpdat , rheumatism and remittent fe-ver increased, and Intermittent fever , typho.malarial f ever and meas les de-creased In area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported a t twenty-five places, soar-l - t f e v e r ' n t forty-two, tynhoid ( ever at twelve, measles s t a l g h t and small-pox at seven placos.

Huioked Oat tbe Customer*. A l l b u i i n e s t m m at He I Jacket recent*

ly agreed to c lo .n at e ight o'clock at n ight except Yuluwstoln / t Sous. Tbo other night eig. it c lurkt of rival storos entered Valowato n't pliicu,^ach tmoklug a cheap cigsr. T.iey bogan looklnif over good*, pufllug r g o n u ly, und scon cleared tbe store of a.I lady cu-tomur*. They at-tempted nu violenre, bat a mply smoked lbs people o u t The clerlia uiulmed tbey would keep up this warfare.

Three Tlmrt and Oat. Four yeura ago a llttlo negro boy, whl la

playing on the track ol the D. O. H. & M. railway In Dotruit, fell under th) whee l s of an engine aad bad nuo log cut off. His guardlsu sued the flnmpany, o b u Ling a verdict of t8 0W A ue .v trial was ordered by tbe Supreme Ciurt which resulted In" a disagreement. Vh* th i r l was aoncluded tho other m'irn ng, and the jury, a f t e r be-ing out fourteen hours, returuoJ a verdict of(t .7o0 d a m a g e s

rrlple Murdur Altempted, Tbe other night Auguat Tunto w e n t to

lbs cabin of Christian Ktuchul, a Polander, l iving feveu mlloa from Lunaing, und shnt Btocbal, wuuni^ng him In tbe hood. He a l i o t b o t n grandduugblor tblrtocn years old. an 1 Mr*. Btocbal, both In t i c breast Mra Btocbal died In a f j w m nutoi. The g rl was In a critical st ile, and Htecbal would reeover. I o n to fled. His object was tooiteal some money Btocbal had re-ceived for cattle.

A Mlg f a liar*. It Is said that the J. J. Burns Construo-

tlon Company of Battle Creek, which made an ass ignment recently, owi>s about 11,00401)0, and that John Fli igera'd. pretl-dent of tho Irish American L nd Loague, Is a ere Jltor to tbe extent of fttS.O}} The ass gament, at alleged, was made after ths company hod come Into posacsden of t3,&0,00} m railway bonds.

Hbart bat Nsway Ilema. Mntkegon w II annex Liketidn, w i th

two Ihoutand Inhabitants. W. R. Burt has been ro-electod pretl-

des l of tbe Michigan Salt Associatlun. Tbe Common Council of St. Ignacc re-

cently pasted i n ordinance authorliing taloons to k e e p open till eleveu o'clock ut eight, snd str iking out the clauses requir-ing tbsm to close on Euui>Hy>, legal boll-days, etc. C.t l ions w o n indlguant.

Charles H. Hard, well known in M i c h -g a n a s a n eff io irof the Michigan Central read, died In Concord, Mait. , a fow dayt agn.

Frank A. Martin wat kil led In Detroit re entw by a rocklag-chalr l e g - a r e h t t l y thrown off a pais lng train by some one.

Ths M cb'g in Halt Attoc l itlnn had a few dayt a t o l . b n O M b n r r e l s of salt on band, and the wholeaale pr.co w a i only 37 cents per barrel

Berman Beaaer wat recantly acquitted In Alpena n( tho murder o( John H u n t

Dr. N a t h a n C Hill , not ir ious (or his trial (ur w i f e m u r l e r In O.ikland County, who a f t erwards married U n Murglt-troyd, the woman In the caie. In WUcon-tin, where »bs also dlrd. It w a t repotted, under ausplclout c lrcumttsnces , died la an Inssbo asylum In Calcsgo a ( e w days sgo.

The bill for ths relief o( Chsrles Paler-son, tho old colore.! man wbote w i f e dlod leaving ISO000 which would oichent to tha State uadcr tba law, hat | a->*J both bnuacs aud bus been npprovod by tho (lev-•ruor.

James Mahler, Upper Penintuln. r 'ports that a pack of wolViS recently ran off hla team and chaiod him up a tree


Batldeult or Uany Nmall Tawna l lro . lva Nntieea fruot tVlilta Ctpa.

MASOX CITT, l a , F e b 4—White Cnri are apparently beu m ng very numeruut In Iblt portion uf Ilia Slate. Tbey have sppeured at Manly, Spencar, Oiauo and levorai other point*, and while no out-rages have tulten place threats l iave been m a . e In g ioat number. Con-stables in Manly aad B| o icer h a v e beea warnod l> refrain from making cer-tain arru. i t aud I a t e hooded ll.o w irnlog. In Otage a carJ was placed m the door of E .O. KIci's bouic, notifying bun that he mut lendcavur to mcuJ bit w yt. Many residentt of these lownt have become alurmod und have purchased flru-aimt With which to grrct tho regulutori.


Marine Dltaalara Itfipurled la tThleb ••Trntrrn frrtoim \ \ n m |>ruivn«d.

Loxbux, Feb. 4 —1 ho »tcbir.er L v ng-ston haa bct-n wrecked on the coast of Devonsli.rc, u(I II fr, cum bo. Uofcre it was poas.bic lo rescue any tine un boani tbe t l r suJed atcaiuer shu rolled over and sauk. Ten reraons were drowned. Tho cr.es of tbu drowning | ooplu wero beard from the shore.

'Ibo llril4tb bark P.osencath. Captain Brown, from Uuulln, while be ng towed to tbe Clyde, broke adrift during a vlulcnt gale utid waa wrecked at P u n I'atrck. Tho mate, b d w.fe and five toomeu wero drowned.


A Bounway Car ID tlaaver Hma-bed l a Pl*e«a and f . v r r a i Pataangart Buffer Havara liijnrli-a. DRXVRK, C i L , F o U 4.—A car on t h o

Berkeley Mulor line at Nort i D'nvcr be-came unmansgoable SunJav whilo run-ning down a ttoep grade, nnd i n reaching Ibo bottom Jum f d tho tr ck and was smashed to piecei. The patnonger* w.-re all more or le*t Injured. Tne moit serious-ly hurt are: John Berry, fatal inlernul In-Jurloi; W lilam Orccnham, conductor, spine Injured, fatal; Otto Ur ii mer, thigh and arm broken; l l n . ' ihomas b e d cut and thigh dl t lo ia lcd; unknown woman, arm broken.

S U m f t l H O IN DAKOTA

naali lal inn Amuug .ba Fannarsof m For-t l o i of Iba Territory Owing to Pa lura

i or Crnpa. ' PNITTAOK I.* PIUIIIIK, Man., Fob. I.—W.

A. Wcbslcr , Domimun sgent at l l ev l l ' s : Ijtke, D. T., In n report to the Canadian ' Minister of AgrUulturu regarding that

p o r t i m of Liakoto, Rivet n harrow.ng ac-count of the aufforlegs endured by a c t l l e n owing to the failure of crops In various sectluns of the Terrltorv. Ueititution n munv sections I s w l . e pread and many farmer* see >uin star ng them In the faco.


A Family of Rovro Pulsaned by Eat ing (httitteil r . u e l i c a - T w o Cblldreu Uaatl. ACKOUA, lud., F e b 4 — I b e family of

Jacob hbblnger, cous l t t lng of seven per I s ns, part ok of canoed peaches at sup-

p e r o n Hiurtday n i g h t Ad wero U k e n ' crit ically ill tuon alter. Friday oven ug

t w o c h l l i r c n , aged 8 and 10 years, died ia great agony. The other members of t h ) family are still prostrate.!. The coroner Is Invctt lgal ing the matter.

tlx la I la Ua gad. FORT BIIITU, Ark., Fob. 4 . - B l x men

wore sentenced hero Saturday to b ) hanged on April 19 for a murder com-mitted In the Indian Territory. They are Mnlachl Allen, James M Us, Harry W. Miller, William Woods, S teve Butaoll and

. IIcargo Bartbear*. Tho two flrtt named nro colored and tbe others white. Each one denied his guilt.

Kan l > « i r n l i i f h u g i a r i'rup Ruln«tl. NRW YOUR, Feb I.—The cnpialn of tho

brig Malvlna which arrived IVcdncsday from Sau Dim ngn, ru|>crts that a rain-storm began Jutt before his vessel renchcd San Domingo and continued fur thirty days, ent rely duttroylng tho tugkr crop o( the country.

Itlgbta ol Iba Cularad Man. I LIXCOLX. Neb . Fob. 9.—A year ago a

colored man named Wnrwick bad u barber n( t h s c ly arrcstoJ under tlio Civd l i ghts bill (or refus ing to shave blm. Tho case was ap|:oaled to the Supreme Court, which has handed dowu a declilon lu War-wick's favor.

PrnblbltlMB l a I'annty vanla. I HARIIISDUIIO, P X , Feb L - O o v e r n e r

Beaver hat udlxed his slgoature to lbs rrchlbltiiry ameudmeut to the cuuslltu-Uou.

A Tnluab'.a I'laea nf llnrarlloah.

BAX FBAXCIICO, Feb I. — J iaeph C. Klmpson has told hl« stallion, A n t e v o l ^ lo Robert Steele, of Palludelpbla, fur 113,-ooa

Briltrncad fur Ufa. 1 BBOOKLTX, Feb 3.—Asarinh Wright hns

bct>n sontencol to l ife imprUonmont for the murder of his mlMreta, Laura D xon.

Daallt uf » Vetrran of tHIV. KAUMIXOTOX, MO. Feb. 2.—Caplnln Jo-

tliam Bradbury, n veteran of 1313, died Thursday, aged 113 yeart .

T H E M A R K E T S .

T A K E IT I N TIMc. .

"For w a n t of a n t l l , the ahoe wan lost; for w a n t of a s h o f . a lioraf was lost; for w a n t of a h o n e a ridt-r wait lost." N e v e r noglpct s m a l l tliingn. The flrat s i g n of p n e u m o n i a nnd con-sumpt ion c a n pos i t ive ly U» c h e c k i t l h j Dr. Acker's Eiigliiih remedy for con-sumpt ion . YKITSU & LOOK, Druggis t s , L o w e l l .

A N A S A L I N J E C T O R free w i t h each

bol l le of Shiloh'a Catarrh H e m e d y .

Price 5 0 c u - CLARK & V/istaxa.


LIVE STOCK—Cattle Basep Ilogt

FLOUU—(jo »l loChu.ee Puleals

WHEAT—No t lied N a i Ch c*ao

CORN OATrf-No. i Wiilte. BYE-Weatern PORK—Mi st LAKU-Hleain IHEESB WOOL-Uomoal c

CHICAGO. BERVEB—Shipping Btuori....

Tciant . Cow t Slockeit Kei'dert •lu ch r'a Block InfeilorCaltie

IIOOS-Live-O od to C.IOIM.. WIKEP. UUTTER-Creumerv

Good to Cbulcs Dairy RQOS—Fresh UIIOOM COHN-

Soif-aoiktng Hurl

YOUR, Feb. 4. 13 .8 IT * I S 111 1 SO 5 :o 3 0. •' & Ol 4 ID FT 8 00

VI O 91 1 ID M I mu

4IH » 4I • I h » M'* il 17

13 M) « 13 UI ; SR%I* J .O

w i i * n s su <> u

N TJ O 4 :J X lii l i 1 1 <1 14 J O) * » ft < TJ K T .I U 1 40 I 71 it. 3 U I -I u ( 71 4 11 • . 4 ID 3 IL O 4 71

14 »> *7 10 W 13 Q I3K

r w a " a

lnlsr nr t POTATOES lbu.1 IW u a IMIIK-M-ti 11 SI (ttll 70 I.AKD— C Kl W 7 trm 1'l.oL'll- Sfriuc I'uiinta. . . . , 11 "0 a n .«

11 ikMr.' . 1 71 u, 4 Ut) WlBt*r 1 "J bt 5 >U

OHAIS—WIIOJI, N . S forn, so. I t .VI 'i C m . Na » « | , 4 « Rye. No. i . IT -S 41 11 ir kv. tain] loi

Lt 'HIlKlt-30 (I 11 ir kv. tain] loi

Lt 'HIlKlt-I'uiumuii DrnncdS dlOR.... 17 01 it .'l 00 PInonnR 1* .0 mtl 00 Cominuii Uonrdt 13 <0 UH 01 K.-rcInf 1* M UliOO l^th ... « 10 J 3 31 umnilss * W « 3 U

KANSAS CITY CATTI.E-Dcit t l 10 a 4 si

Fair lu lioud 3 10 a 3 si l lO l iS - l l it * u W 4 ill

Mi li um 1 31 tr 4 i l BHEEI'-Uoit 4 I) « 4 III

Ci uiuun 11 W U 3 71 OMAHA.

CATT1.E—Ikst . . . . IJ 01 O 4 10 Midiuiu 1 .VI ( 1 3 * )

i Gl U 4 lU


W i t h its in lente i t ch ing , dry, hot skin, o f t en broken i n t o i ia incful cracks , nnd ilie l i tt le wntery p imples n f l c i i cmi»n< indescribable aufTenng Hood's Hanta-parll la has power over this d isease . It purines the blood and expe ls t h e h u m o r , and the skin heals wi thout a scar. Send fcr hook c o n t a i n i n g m a n y s t a t e m e n t s of cures , to C. 1. Hood & Co., Apothecar ies , L o w w l l , Mass.


S i x A c r o a B u r n e d O v e r In t h e O i t y

o f E u t f o l o , N . Y .

C R O U P , W H O O P 1 N U C O U N I L and Bronchit is i m m e d i a t e l y rel ieved b y S h i -oh's Cure. CLARE & WLNEQAB.

Over Forty l ln l ld ln( t Deatrnyad-Tha Uamage Killinatad at •S.SUO.OUO-

Uaa I'rrauu Killed and Havan* U e n l l thart 1.Juratl.

STOUT or TUB Di i tsrca . BtrrALo, N. Y , Feb. 4.—Tho irreat Bra

Baturdav mnrning did tho mnal d l tnt lrout work in UuITaluaiucd the embryo city wa%, twepl in (liimat In t i e war witli the Brit-lab und Indiana in lbI3 and onl/ one bouto was left <-tuiiding. A blase In the boart of the manuf cturing portloa of tho city was fanned by a blgb wind loided w. lh anow, Rnd doitroycd moro property than fire ever dettr yed before In Buffalo. Flame) were dltcovcred ub ut 2:15 o'clock In tho upper portion of tho new blir live-story buildlnirof Boot & Keating, tbe leather morcbunts, nt thn toutliwesl corner of WelU und Carroll atreets. Within an hour tbe Krcat block was a matt of flaming ruins, and despite the efforta of tbe Are do-partment other bulidlQKt In tbo vicinity qulcklv caught from tho flying .'.iirots of b r a The Arlinston Uotol aud tbe Broexel Bouae were soon in Camea, t u i fortunately there was no lost of life, for the bright glow of tbo Root & Keating tire awakened tho guetla, who sought sbo.ter elsewhere. Tbe Hibley & Holm-wood block at Soneca and Wells, tho new iron build a s of Sherman H. J e w e l l ft f^ropiUy. the Root ft Ko.itlng block and the Boffe ld building, nnd the hote ls men-toned are umung tba prlncipil bu.ldlngt desUoyed. Many other bulldloua wero gut-ted by the flames, an 1 beforo tho Qni wat fully under coatrol at 0 o'clock a Rood slzod sc i t len of tho Becoad ward i nd been gut'.e.L Wells sireet, b.-tween Seneca and Lxchanxe, wat l.ned with wrecked bu Id ugt. And tho llru iKinotiuteil oaderiy and westerly and looped acre.s • Koneca street, damagiaB a d. sen buildingt and suttinR two or three. Step by stop the llromen wero driven buck from the centoi o( tho Bre. and ut 4:80 o'clock It seomoJ at though the 0 imo t bud p i t t e d beyond the control ot human bo-Inirs. Indee I. all that prevented .t tiuarlcr of Bnffalo'a butlne s aeclion from utter doatruction were the heavy brick walls of tho cr at Jowct t l ion block, of tho Sl'.epnrd Uardwuio Company's nnJ tbo Uoffeld buildinca

Sstur.lay morning shortlr after 10 o'clock a portion of the wal l t nf tbe AnloKton Uotel fell In, burring fourl iro mea. Throo wero qu ick l / cxcava lod , but tbe b dy of tho fnvrth, that of handy Marlon, waa not recovered till la lo in tbo afternoon. An examination showed that bo died of tnffocalion.

Seventeen liremen and onlookers re-ceived Injuriei during tho pregre is of the lire from fall ing br ckt, cornicot, etc., and boamt from tbe Intcute bent Abou: 1,000 peoiilo are thrown out of employment by the lire. As cioso an et t imale of tho lotsea a s can be made now places tbo damage at JU/iOO.OOQ. Forty buildings wero turned. The principal lostot are:

Strottman building ami lenanlt, 1100,0 0; Root & Keltinir, KM.UJO; their lenanla, • 01,000; S. & Jcitcli i Co.. l'.fl0.(UiJ: tho Broeiel Houae, IIS>,111*1; Sibley i lloluiwood, l!W,000; Konlor it Sont, lt)ii,iiX): S. F. Kngnn. liquor houte, HO,-t)0; ibe Arlington Hotel, l40.0Ji; A. T. Kerr A Co.. ISOutO; A. Uerl't tamplo room. 11(1,010: Lenard'a hardware a torr, |lo,(Dl; T. W. Rry-nolda, boota and ahoet, t.'.UK*). Swift & Slam-back, U VUOOO: A. Berts, IIU,(W; Sidney Ehep-bsrd. hi rdw ire. I4U,(X0; Sibley & II ilmwood, UAOJO.

A Noted fo l l t l c lau Klllad. PLIMMSRSVILLR. Ark., Jsn. 31 —John M.

Clayton, brother of Powell Clayton, and one i j tne moat prominent itoi ublican Icadert lu tho Houtbwest, was asasstln-ated Tuotday night at bis boardlng-boute hero. Clayton was about to retire wiioi bo w.ti shot nnd killed. Ho run uualntl C. l i Brccklnrldge fcr Cougrets In tho lost election and conlestoii tho soaL There It groat excitomeni over tbe murder. Clay-Ion lived ut Pino Bluff. It is supposed the murder grew out of polllloi.

Cotton Ullla IlurnatL AUOUSTA, OO, Fob. 8—F i r e w a t discov-

ered at noon Friday lo the warehouso of the Oraoltevll lo mllli, twe lve miles south of thlt city, which rago I until dark. Tho mlilt were heavy buyers of cotton, and tho build mr, 120x30 foct, together with 8,340 balet of cotton, were deitroyed. Loa-, 1100,000; luturauce, (90,00J. O n g l a of lira unknown.

A Vuuac r a r u a r Bahandad. KVANRVILLB, Ind., Fob. 4 .—George

Qoidel, a young farmer living near Vbls c. ly, covered himtolf witli a white thoel Haturdsy night In order to frlgbteu a superstitious negro who lived uoar blm. Tbo negro had on ax In hit hands und in bis terror literally clove Uoldel's bead asunder.

A I'.-rrlb'o Tragaily. CUICAOO, Feb 4.—Oeorgu Clark, a '•o!.

ored butler In tbo empl'iy of P. F. Munger, of UyUc Park, u auburb of this city, mur-dered OthelU Hylaudor, a Swedish do-Dioatlc In tbo tamo family, on Baturday, and then took hit own 1 fo. Tho refuts l of tbo g ir l to murry h m cau o l tbu deed.

A l l - iuarkabla Hanianea OLATUR, Knn . F e b I.—Mrs. Lucy Fei^

guson, aged 7.1 years, has been couv.cted uf murder In tbu flrtl degree. A motion for a now trial wot overruled, und the death penally pr nouiiced upon her. The r c t u l l o l tbu trial hat aau-.od a great ten-sution.

ClrvrUnd't Futurs. WAtniNOTOX. F, h 4.—Illanulhorllatlve-

ly announced that President Cleveland will relnru to tbo Htato t ( New York lo r e s ldoon the expiration of bis term of i Bice, and will on Muroh 5 resume tbo practice of luw In New Yo-lt City.

A taruiar'a Wlfa Klilatl. l l i u / n , Ind , Fob. 2. — Mrs. E | hralm

Welly, w i f e of u farmer l lv .ug near here, wat found dead lu tho burn lot of her hi me. I lor tkul l wus IrscturoJ und her jaw broken, und It Is tuppoaea that the wus kicked by a h o n e which wat running loose lo tho l o t

Tli* Itacurd of Kailurat. NEW YOUR, Feb. a - T b e tolul failures

dur ln-{ t l i e la t t teveadays uumb ir: United Blatcs, £01; Canada, 41; tolul, XL'; sgaint l W-' lat l weo i, nnd iV for Iho ceneapond log week of latl your.

narnnm'a llraldsnea llurnad. Bmnorronr , C nii., Feb 2—Tbe new

resldenco of P. T. Uarnum at Hoasldn P rk wat nesriy dettroyid by flro Friday DlgbL Loss, CJi Oftl The boute bad nol yet been occupied snd wat nol Insured.

A Tnpla Trs iady . PUILADRLPIIIA, Feb. 4 - O t t o Kayter, of

this city, on Haturdny shot snd killed Anna Kluu t, whom he bad soughl to ru n, cut his wifo's llirtal, snd then took bis own Ufa.

Italy lu l lava a Nlala Hank. Uurtt t i . s , Feb It It uatertod beru

that Italy will create a t-tato bank with a large capital, abicrblug tho otber Bnnn-clal oslabl isbmonlt under Htato control.


W i f e Buffered s ix years frt ni HiiproHn cd inens lruat ion l i u s been tri-ated li> the bcht iihysicianK wlth i iut hi'iicfit. T w o liottleM of Bradlit-ld'H F e m a l e Regula tor rel ieved her.

W, A SIMMONS. McNti iU, 8. C. W r i t e the ilrmllield Reg. Co. , At lanta ,

Oa. Sold by all drtiggista.

FOR D Y S P E P S I A and Liver Com pliiint you h a v e a prinletl g u a r a n t e e o n every bott le of ShiloliH Vitnl i /er , It never fa i l s to cure.



j f > 1

/ \ V V v ^


ONT. of the most am ling,, as wx.i ns easily arranged entertain-

ments f o r the H o i . J a y s , is .t " R u b b l e I 'ar ty." Twen ty or

more ladies and gentlemen, e n o m ; ! i clay pipes so each will have

one, three or four bowls of soap-sm; -id, say, half a dozen trifles,

f o r prizes, are all that i required. I ' l . prices to be awarded to

those who blow the largest bubble , one of the party to act as


The suds should be of IVORV .co\!'. as it gives a clcan, white,

and abundant lather, with an entir-. '. .•ctiom from oil or grease;

and as the materials of which it is made are so clean a n d pure,

it is no t a t all offensive to the smell t r taste, l!:;c ordinary soap.

A W O R D O F V \ R N T N G .

There are many white toaps, e a c h representtd t o b e " j ' i s t a s g o o d a s ' l i e ' ivory' j "

they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lad: t h e peculla: a n d remarkable qualities of

ths genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and i n s i s t npan gett ing it.

Copyright ItW, by I W i -r A Oainblo.

B u y t h e N e w H i g h A r m



SupplietTfor all S e w i n g MacLines at re-d u c e d prices .


BUCKWHEAT Dclltervil st tba

LOWELL STEAM MILLS, For which wc will pay 55 to M cniiu

prr buMirl of W IM. Can use on-ly dry grain for Immedlalo

grind big.


O f T i c e O p p o s i t e F o r e s t M i l l s .

J. N. C00LEY, Agt. Lowell, - Mich.

I s T E W

Lumber Yaril. •


L U M B E R , L A T H & S H I N G L E S .

Y a r d a t r e a r of T r a i n ' s H o t e l ,

Lowell, Mich.

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S I riie unders iuned at the request of m a n y

Inval id Soldiers , luu qual i f ied and been admi t ted to pract ice

in the

interior Department, and nil the burenus tlu-reot and u now

R e a d v l o P r a s e c u t e C l a i m s , for those that may bo e n t i t l e d to P E N -

SION and B O U N T Y .


M i l t o n M . P e r r y , A u o r n e y A C o u n a e l o r at L a w ,

Frain'sHaliBlotk, • Lowell, Mich,

S p e c i a l a i t e n t i o n g i v e n to Collectiona C o n v e y a n c i n g , Loans and Sa le

of Real Estate .

C H A S . L A W S T B R , rsursisroa or

NATIONAL HOTEL. Nssr D., O. U. A il. Dspoi,

x . o - w s : x ^ . -

Kint class Uosnl snd Roomsst Krssouslo Rain

Livrry anil f s e t l NUblv In Conrscllaii-


Retail Rooms, 33, 35 & 37 Canal St.,

G r a n d R a p i d s , - M i r h .

F a n c y C h a i r s a n d R o c k e r s ,

B e d r o o m S u i t e s , in all w o o d s ,

C h e a p , M e d i u m a n d E x p e n -

s ive . P a r l o r S u i t e s .'.nd O d d

P i e c e s , a n y c o m b i n a t i o n of

co lo r s . F a n c y B a s k e t s , T a b -

l e s — C e n t e r a n d D i n i n g . B o o k

C a s e s , W r i t i n g D e s k s - L a d i e s

a n d Of f i ce , S i d e B o a r d s , S h e f -

fon ie r s , L a c e a n d H e a v y C u r -

t a i n s .

Largest & Most Varied Stock IN M I C H I G A N .

S E E O U R S T O C K F I R S T .

J . J O H N S , A U C T I O N E E R . 16 Years E x c e l l e n c e

Furm or other property so ld . C h a r g -t-s reusonable aud Sa t i s fac t ion Guaran-teed. Orders left at the J o v h s a l offlc® wil l recelvo urouiDt a t t e n t i o n . 28yl


Stuart, Knappen and l/an Arman,

LAWYERS, lloomt 15.161.1(117 Nrw IlouMmsn Bloflt.

GRAND RAPIDS, - MICH. Auor lntc ortlro at l lut lDB<, Mich.

F R A N K C . ALGER, Attorney at Lnw.

Collections Given Prompt Attention


t n l o n V l i o r k . LOWKLC, MICH

GITY Bus Line

F0REMAN& TALBOT, PROP'S. Ordi rs for Pssworrrs or n s s i s c * l*ft st Trsln's

Uotfl, rUrl* Houu or Porsmsa A AJ-d.-lch'i Ms'frt will rscolvs prompt


A t J . H . L i e e ' s .

MEAT MARKET, On the Bridge

will a l w a y s bo f o u n d t h o cholceat rata

of Meot, a u d at

P r i c e s A l w a y s R e a s o n a b l e ,

F i s h a n d P o u l t r y in t h e i r

S e a s o n s .

J . E . L E E .

1 IO Vftun la IMW'WJ F rwteU J* W-J

nmivJ. Htttf sviKi WVM klUaiiaf ( Itoife U4>**'

gmUT MiM.wlife • H1 camc •f t osl r»lM. On* r r u M « k I*.

— t«liif Mihcr wllll Urr«n»J»«i

i ta iM wtich. "t Kror. M4 •fWt f*m Ws-s l«i •

Uk«M la fmr Urn* f** % aaJ *awa ifc»« «• Ha Btav ha>« niUvJ. b M « a a . * ?

writa aaia saa ba •ur* -f racatftar Ik* V% nlrh

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 6 , 1 8 8 9 .

r T j A C o B s o n


R E M ^ d y ^ P A I N A c u t e T o r t u r e C u r e d .

L O W E L T i J O U R N A L

pciuaniD CVIRT miniT, AT

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . DT

J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

, S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e n r .

7 DOCTORS, •t*. ro.ll Han-

l«4 "i" 1 f . 0. EIUOJI. »» * « " I lllk Hmt. Ur ft Itim 4mft la Ik. ;

"• *•> n*41-Ml UUI, til «<r tu . t.a«l Uilr b«U n t . u -m. On. pbyvUUn .(Ur u.tkcr w.i u l tIKUTlW, Mill i tT . I t l fanl t>4 trlil u nn .r tilp l«r u * MM. ill. • » . » Ml VMU .t . l i^U UA. HI h.r f»«. "• BtiaU . pntlia vtlrk MIM mM b. MirW Wr wm 1= » Ma41U.>

1 BOTTLE. "Htf df.m WUIMU4

tor tt *BT Ho*, tmr-UU| Icicnti br tt. Ui lBf pharoftditi vu UUi. maUl Ur CM* «MflT.O IP MMptllU. t l Ult, nUlnf at U» WMtirM e«r«. rrtdlUi I* lb. u . .( tb. t<l«-tt.I.d it, ;WOM ou, lU wu Ud.c«4 w try » koltl. U . l*«l bop«. •b.k.|U I. inpr.T. bus tb. Ub. U. IK. .ppUe.Un wu B>«.. ly Ik* Miltaud ••. .1 OU Omt Umt4r. Un


m nrtu AH witaooi WITHOCT UT»«« OT >*a.

Svldbf DrvpjilU trul Imiltri fttnuhtrt. m i CHMLU *. VOCEtll C0..B«mB»m.«*

K. nllOOKR. rhynlrlHii uml Sup-CPMI. OIBreoter I'ostOin<».

B u s i n e s s C a r d s .

t LHKKT JACKSdN. Attorney «nd fvillcl-i V tor. U'rrlAiwi-11 NiUlonitl Honk.

OC. MoUANNKI.L. M U.. Phy.leuui and • 8ur*roo. Ofllc. « Brld*e 8t.

MC.URKKKR M. M. riir>!cnn ana 8ur-• groa. Otllce In l'o«l Ottet Block.

JC. SCOTT. Hardware. Saxh r«<n and . Olaw. Bulldan Hardwarr a «p«lalty.

Oppoalu Foreat Mllla.

|OHN OILKS A CO.. Oro.vrl-» an.) I,ro»l» f l |on•. Cnx'krrr Hard War*. «>• I'nlnr 31 k.

CjJcCAKTV. Whiilrwtln and Retail <lroc«r. . Bank Block

JL. W. YOUNO. Phyalrlun anil Sur-. faon. over Yt'ltfr A l/Kik'M .lore.

T D. MALCOLM. I'hjalclau and Surirfon. 1 . Offlcr In I j"" Block. Wral Side Ca»h practice only.

H . "•


You SCO hrr, O.-jr! That phoat of a wcnnn, | Klctxlrr ainl sinilelit na a ptae tree dart, | Wllh a look iw If aonidlhlnR, fljnd or Iminaa.

Ilml drtwn tho blood from her ahrluklnK heart A look II' If IIII|V had died within her.

! And Ood'a t-imil ant,-<'bi bod tumi-l airay. > When bale and hell wore tryln* to wla her, : In the lurid dunk of ymterday.

I So tube of hen. In tieuuly frozen, IJen under tbu drifted ITOVC* luleepi

j I tdl you, friend, Ood'a i-allnl and chfoen I Ar- niotheri whtmo liabailhe anwU keep I So right ba-i •he to the "lately fuldon I Of mourning gorrocnii trailing lUrk. ' Tlie royal purple of i<alii and paillon. j That l» to lu wearer ua Ood'a own Ark.

II, r in lef groan iW|«-r( Ita HaK more deadly, Struck nt the root of Ufe'a ilellght;

Henceforth, faevrer, tl- wound'! hurt redly Shall .tain the liami -Mbml dreamed waa whltA

Shorn lu n moment h life of glory. Allied lu a momcnl with cruel abanio,

Tho wife of a niau whow evil rtory l i bruited wide on tbo wind* of fame.

How shall ibe be.-.r till their tale U ended The dreary yeara that muat dnig apace.

With tho unroofed home no undefendnl. And a pitiful thief—In her huaband'l placcf

How tluUI klio live, great liodl nnd love blmf Or lire, great Cod, If »ho ceaK- to love?

Ohl help her. Heaven, unfcored, abovohlm. That gave thli woman mieh la«k to prove.

- Margaret 11 Saogatcr lu Once a Week.

Llttl* Mnrtfjltdliappolnted. Though Do rcalizej tba nature of tbe social gulf b e t w n Ibem too well to hope to mlDglo much with people like tbo Bairdj, ret bo wished to see A glim once more, aud tell how her kind words und sweet stuilo bad mndo ni.other man of him.

He secured work lu the log carapi In the mountain!!, nnd a few weeks thereafter went down to Clmtunooga on a largo raft of log*. Having then an idle day on his hands, he thought ho would venture to call on the Bairds.

Ho dressed himself in his beat suitof home-spun Jean., and soon found tho house from tho direotions given him by the Widow Green. Tbo imiiosing brick front and tho mistocratic neatneo of tho surrounding* rather daunted him, but be rwolutelr kuocktd un tho door rcgardleti. of tbe pol-isbod bell handle, and boldly asked of the trim colored houxemald, who at length came, if bo might see Mini Agnes, explaining also that "She 'n' her mother knowd mo In tho

.. . WILHON, Contractor and liullder Reoldeuce 1" Hudson »t.. Lowell. Mich.


O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l B a n k ,

Canal Street. Telephone No. -107.



H U N T & U A V I 8 ,

A b s t r a c t s o f T i t l e , R e a l E s t a t e ,

Loan and General Insurance Agents. ONDER CITY NATIONAL HANK


William MdrictiTaleuui AnORNEY AT LAW,

Orricia. G R A N D R A P I D S ,

940 New Houseman Block, M I C H .

D r . E . D . M c Q U E E N , Kesldeiit Vrterlnary Hurgeiin.

UraduaU) of Ontario V-teilnary ('"Urge. Toron-to Caiiiida. profewioually

Attend* to all Diseases cf Hcrses aid "altlo Hnaplul for l.ime mid lii*a*rtl 'ioi«« Calls

will receive prniupi alien'lon nigli' onlay. OFKK'E AT I'EltlUN'S L1VKKV HAItN.

a w . d o B g e .

A t t o r n e y a t L a w , R e a l

E s t a t e A g e n c y . Prwt ice in State a n d u . S. Cotirw.

Money to loan on (!<MK1 Renl Ksutte Se-curity. Office in Hank Blm k

BridKe St. - Lowell. MichiKan

N E W I t A I L I t O A i ) .


A t Ci i i rk j tv l l l e .

All Kinds of LUMBER, LATH and SHINGLES. Ciittoui PUnlng and Ke wiwilig.

M A R K S H A N K S & S O N .

S-P HIOKS. A t t u r u e y , l i O a i i M . C o l I f l o t l o i i - i u i d

l i i M u r u u c e . Uonnv ro loan on real (nUU- Mecuriiy in

'sumnnf ('.MtOnnd upMardnat current rnten.


HENRY N7STONE,' I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

Office with B o n n e , C o m b s iV Striker,

L O W E L L . M I C H .

Polleie. Written ut the l.owe-l I'l tees.

^ ^ R A D F I C L D ' S


M O N T H L Y S I C K i S E S S . Vr TKKT.NDWVSa C h k h c l «t L v r c OKRA-X •DMUIT.TVVNU. BK KVOVDEW

fiooK " T O ^ V O W V K 0

FID REGULATOR * au. '0nu«am>. J l T M / t m . C A FOR SALE BY YKITER& LOOK



A m e r i c a n S t e a m L a u n d r y Will do you the Wry Beat Work at ('rdlu iry


F . G . S T O N E , A g e n t . Onnd. dellti-rnd Uie •ame wenk



M d i n g Lois, O n P e c k A v e . , K a s t S idtr ,


VERY CHEAP . For uncea and term* apply to

A . L . P E C K ,

L O W E L L , M I C H .


Among tho Red Knobs of the Tcnunse* valley the people are tnort'.y of Ibe poorer class of tmall farmers. Along the rnilrood a ••Rc«l Knobber" Is known by the purple hue of his boots, usually well stained by the bem-atiticdustof bis patrimonial ncres. Lying nt tho foot of tho Chilhowco mountains, tho rocky fastnetscs behind them wero long tho congenial sphere of the moonshiner', bidden toil nnd trouble.

Little Murt Dodson hud peddled "wildcat whisky'' from tlio time bo beenmo able to take a three gallon keg along the country roads after dark. Ho bad been nrrrsted, bound over beforo commissioners, tried, re-leased or convicted so many times that tho varied phases of federal Justice or leniency had long lost tbe spice ot novelty under a monotonous conviction of their tyranny and general futility ns related to moonshining In

und Liltlo Mart in particular, no summer there came a lady nnd her

daughter from Chattanooga to board at Hawk ClilT. n ragged spur of the Chilhowees,

a mineral spring or two bubbled out from beneath the precipices.

Mrs. Xlaird needed tome pure whisky for

Tho servant surveyed him wonderingly, yet nf(er a moment's hesitation bodo him fol-low her, aud nt onco ushered him Into tho

irlor where Agnes and another young lady, ith two or thrvo fashionably drrswd young en, sat talking and laughing together. Agnes had risen as the door o|>encd. Agnes recognised him Instantly, nnd col-

Bred with tho reverse of pleasurable sensa-tions, as sho said, carelessly:

"Oh, yes, you wish to see my father. Ho never transacts businesj at tho house; you will find him at thoofllce. Marcaret," to tho servnnt, "show this—gentleman to tho

Then sho coolly turned away, aud Little Mart fairly know what bo was bo was walking down the street with his thoughts In a whirl and a dull pain at bis heart. At tbo corner a gentltman stopped him.

"Why, yon are Mart Dodson, aro you not! This ia fortunate, as you happen to bo tho very man I was wishing to see,"

The speaker wos the father of Agnes Balrd, limi seen once or twice when

Mrs. Baird aud her daughter were at Hawks Cliff. Mr. Oaird was largely interested in tbo now Iron Industries then developing throughout East Tennessee; and after drag-ging our half reluctant hero into an ofllco nearly as luxurious in its appointments as tho parlor from which bo bad been so uncer-emoniously dismissed, tho former said to himt

"Young man, you are in luck. Our min-ing txperta havo beon Investigating tomo of the Iron deposits of the Red Knobs, particu-larly near Hawks Cliff, and they rejiort some veins of unusual richness. Tho now railroad now projected from Clevolaod to TtlUco will render some laud there valuable. You aud your mother havo eighty acres. I am pro-

it for a I halt

mcdiciual purposes. Following the instruc-tions of the "Widder Green." with whom they boarded, Agni«, the daughter of ti e former, left a Iwttlo and some money one night in a cleft of n largo rock, called tho "Devil's Anvil." On going back the next morning tho found tho money gone and tho bottle filled with mount'iu dew.

"Littlo Murt air al'ways up ter time," said tho Widow Oreen. "Ho gits to that tbur rock every Chucsd'y uight ez regular as clockwuk."

There wai no society In a social sense at Hawk Cliff, and Agnes, a llndy girl not yet out of her teens, when not readiiig to or wait-ing ujion her mother, found herself nt Mime loss to pass tbo time. Thoro was no one to drcs# fCr or lliit with, and the country folk, ever suspicious of social superiority, were shy aad evasive. Bbo sought solaca in long rambles over tho niouutains, and though warned against tbo danger of getting lost, ventured further and further with feminino perversity, until one day she found herself la that unevlablo predicament.

A tbtmder cloud hod veiled the snn, tho blue sky was vanishing, and tho very depths of tho mountain seemed to moan softly as though thu earth was feverish and In dread. Agnes stood at tho Juncture of several wind-ing ravines, ill equally wild nnd misleading, with great forest trees frowning over her, and without a dellulUi ideu as to her proper

"Wai, mis, air yn sure 'miIf lust, or what air tbo mutter r

Tho sound of any human voico wus wel-come in thut solitude. Turning, iho saw be-foro her u short, stout, freckled faco young man, having a sack swung over his shoulder with a keg in cacti vud ol it. In a fow hur-ried words sho explained who shu was and that sho was lort,

"Yo'rc a good three milu from tbe Widder Green's," Lo said, "'n' I wus a goin' tho yuther way."

Agnes instantly suggested a pecuniary In-ducement as a reason for guidiug her homo, but tho young fellow looked ut tho clouds nnd said hurriedly:

"You Jest wait byur a minute." Then ho disapjieared round a hugo bowlder

beforo Agnes could remonstrate. In two minutes ho reappeared, mums his sock and kegs, with tbo remark;

•'Now, miss, wo mus' hurry ler git ter tho Uangln' Hock nforo that shower wets us."

They plunged into a wild gorge—tho very ono A;;i.i» "ouM not havo taken if left to herself—and soon camo upon a trull that w.und lit round tbero among the ridges, over rocks, through shadowy laurel brakes and across soverul small brooks. Tbo rain ap. proa died, and tho guldo kept Increasing his speed, uutil Agnes, panting and stumbling, was UIKIUI to ask him U> go slower. But at this Juncture a sudden turn round a boetlinj crag brought them out on a rock > platform, froutlug tho valley lying along tbo foot of (ho mountain.

Overiieud the cliffs projected, so that they wero sheltered from the drops already fall-ing. Tho young man brought ter a drink from a spring uoar by, and the sat down to survey in security tho solid wall of gray rain now sweeping over tho distant knobs and up tho intervening valley.

"I don't behove 1 know j-our nunc," she remarked, as ho stood awkwardly gating at her as ujiou a new rovelation lu tUo lino of feminino loveliness.

"I'm Littlo Murt," ho replied "Oil, to bo sure; you are the persou who

put thu whisky in mamma's bottle." "Wai, now, uilss, I'd bo a purty fool ter

own up ter sech us thot," ho returned, with, however, u very knowing look.

"I suppose you are afraid of detection; yet you need not fear me. But don't you wish you wero in some nicer buiines. I Havo you over thought of tho trouble whisky brings upon people I"

Mart could not say thai bo had, yet for tho first time ho felt a vaguu shame of his occu-

but said; j fulls buster make money somehow

stealiu" it" "Yes, but I would ralhor mul.o It any other

way than by breaking tho laws lo sell people that which injuristhem."

Somehow Mart fil l that Ilie usual argu-menu m favor of moon.binlng would uot havo much effect ou this ivllned, delicate girl, whoso preeeuoe now beumed upon him almost liko some angvllc i rewucu from an-other noiliL

Th# ram at iengUi reused, and they soon arrived ut tho Widow Qrnvu's. Aguos, at tho door step, offered blm a silver dollar, saying sho knew sho had put him to n good dotil of Iroulile. 'Silver dollars were tempt-lug, but bo docllnod taking it, saving:

"I nck'n I kin erbloege poopl*, rf I am a rooonihluer."

"Novor mind," she said, with a (vumurlng smllo, "you must take It Just to please me. Porbaim it will help you a little iu getting better employment."

Tho next duy Littlo Mart returned for bis sack and kegs, reflecting deeply. After get-ting thorn ho went to tho Hanging Rock, and tbero kindled a flro with chestnut hoi k on Ibo very spot where Agnes had sat and talk9d to him. Then ho placed the sack and empty kegs (hereon anil grimly watched them turn to uslies. As nt last bo turned uwuy ho mut-tered:

"Mo V mother bev got to git our Uvln' somo yuther way after this."

That ni^ht his mother's little cobin In tho Red Knobs was suiToundud by four deputy

i und Liltlo Mart marched off, a of tbo United States, to Athens. Two

later, after his release from Jail, bo 1 camo homo, only to learn thai Mrs. Baird , and her daughter bad returued lo Chattn-


E. Bain bridge Munday Eaq., Co Atty. , Clay Co., Tex. eaya; " used Electric B i t t e n with moat h

County Have

J T ; reaulta. My brother also waa very with Malarial r'ever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of thla medi-cine. Am Satisfied Electric Bitters saved hia life."

Mr. D. I. Wllcoxson, of Horse Cave. Ky. , adds a liko testimony, saying; H e positively believes he would nave died had it not been for Electric Bilters.

This great remedy will ward off, aa well aa cure all Ma'larial Diseaaes. and

unequaletl. Price Wo,

When Spring Comes,

i lump sum, or give pared to buy you out you 15,000 for a

Little Mart gazed at Mr. Baird. half stupe-fled with wonder. Yet amid tho ot

st. If at last have thu timo and

a gentleman of himself, so not want to turn him ont

like the clod ho felt him-

his emotloc wero so, be means to u that people of doors for self to bo at

Tho new manager of tho great Telllco com-pony waa in his private ofilee. A lady en-tered, and bo looked up from his morning paper, then Inquired briefly:

"Well, ma'am, whan can 1 do for your Tho lady pushed aside bor veil The man-

ner looked at her moro closely, then rose and offered her a chair. He was short aod

with a boavy red mustache, close clipped hair, and keen gray eym.

"You havo advertised for a typewriter,'" sho said; "I should liko to apply for tho sHu-ation."

The manager still gazed at her curiously, but ho only asked:

"How long have you worked at type-wrltlngl"

"I have only Just learned It at tbe com-mercial school." sho replied, hesitatingly,

"School typewriting, like school teleg-raphy. doesn't always answer so well without tomo actual business pracUco. However, perhaps, wo can got over that But lot me ask you a rather Strang* qusslk..; Do you remember getting lust onco in tho Cbllhowoe mountains, and befog brought home by a red beaded mountain boy, to whom you gnvs a sliver dollar and somo good advico as to his turning from tho error of bis uioonshinlng waysP

Tho lady's omatement brought a good na-lured smllo to the manager's face, as ho con-tinued, pointing to hlmsalf;

"You see tho boy has uot forgotten, and be still retains his red hair and freckles."

She now colored vividly undur another re-membrance, aa sho said naively, yet with tomo embarrassment:

"1 also remember being, I fear, very rude to that samo young man on another occasion, but I was young and—and foolish then."

"Your father also made me tho first money offer for my mother's little farm, that bail proved a veritable bonanza for mo in moro ways than one. 1 then resolved to try to make a man of myself, eo that if I ever met you again you would not feel so ashsmad of me."

"You havo yoar revcage," tho taid, tadly. gradually worried himself "Papa failed, and

into tho grave. and I aroquita poor

"Don't explala," Inlemipted Little Mart, kindly. "I really feel that I owe to you far moro than tho giving of thli position will over repuy. Your Influence, unknown to yourself, sent mo off to ttudy, sharpened my wits, caused me to drive throwd bargains, yet keep my bands clean, aud persist until— well, hero 1 am."

It was diillcult for Agnn Baird to realize that this tlert, polite, well drcstcd man—a partner aud manager of a groat iron Industry, requiring largo capital aud hundreds uf workmen—was the awkward youth shejhad carolessly befriended, then Ignored only • fow years ago. Such was tho case, however, aud It only remains to say that sho obtained I U position and that Littlo Murt-now Mr. Dodson to every one-remained such a good friend to her under those now relations that 1 would not be surprised to hoar of another partnership being entered Into by and by. A partnership, too, of tbo most endearing earthly nature, iuvolving somo change of namo and otber agreeable future poaibiU-Uoe.—Ballou's Monthly Magazine

After diplhuria, scarlet fever, or pneu-monia, Hood's Sars'iMirilla will give strength to the system, poison from the blood.

and expel all

I t M a k e s Y o u H u n g r y

" I have used Psloet celery iwnpound and It bss had a salutary o If ecu ltlnvl|fon»t-cdihetij stem and I teel like a new mm. Il Improvee die tppeUie and fBCllliaun dlym-

.don." J. T. Cora-UND. prnaua B. c.

Hprlng uiedlriue mean" more now-s days Hun II did u-n ;eai* tinx The wlnb-tot I'tes-i* haa left the niTves sll /ii^tJ tut. The neivia must bo Mrenglbeued. the blood purtfled, liver and bowels regulated Pslne's celery c.impounrt-Ihf tprlng mrdlrln' f Unlay imn all Ibla. as nothing rise can. fr—eTil*l bf rkytmant, lUciiminiuItd ty IP» Jfmtelws, Himrunl.rit by Iki Uan.i/artiiriri U U

The Best Spring Medicine. In tho HprliiK of 1*11 was all nm down. I

would gel up In the Ul'ITillig with •» Ilml a (p.ilnx, and WUM> weak (hat I could Imrdly gvt unmud I bought» bottle of Palae'm'ekry • om-ismnd. nnd be|i m I hud (aken II a i.eeA I .'oil u.ry mui h belter I can ehtvlully recMnniond Il to all who ne\d i< hulldlux upsndlt.on'itheu-I ig uicdUiUf ." Mn li .\ I ow. Burllugum. Vu

Paine's Celery Compound

Is i uunjie uml,' aud .iii^ilnT. I .••jisaat (O •li" 11 v- >|idck la IIH iu"ton. and wldiout onr liliiirtiius eHivt n gives lliu( nifla'! bealtii .i i< nmk'S • i.-riiblDg lu-le LOOU. 11 cures l ii.-osii and klmlivd dlsorde h Physicians

• lv P ll.i») slv >o. r. I .,l.« KliUAXmiiN AltV) nil IlllglO i vt,

, . ; .::o DYES %1r

for all Kidney, Liver nnd Stomach Dis-ordera elands unem and |1 . at Hunt A Hunter's.

THE REV. GEO. H. THATER, of Bourlwn. Ind,. asys; "Both myself und wife own our lives to SHILOIl'H CON-SUMPTION CURE."


EILERT'S EXTRACT OP T A R & W I L D ClirtRV is n wifo. reliable nnd pleasant rem dy for Cough. Colds. Bronchitis, Astl. na.and all throat troubles; will re-lieve und benefit cousumptlon. Try It and be convinccd. Every boltle war-ranted; price OOc. and one dollar |ier bottle. Sold by all drugglsta. Prepared by the Emmcrt Proprietary Co., Chica-go, III.

EILERTS DAYLIGHT LIVER PILIi i are a boon to BulTerenifrom Sick-headaches, Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver nnd Indicat ion . Sugar-coated, pleas ant to lake aod warranted tu go through by daylight.

Mothers will find Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house for the children; it will cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, and Regulate the Bowls. Try It.

DR. JAQUES' GERMAN WORM CAKES destroy worms and remove them from the system. Safe pleasant and effective.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD PURIFIER is Ibe Peoples Popular Medicine for pur-ifying tbe blood; preventing or curing Dyspepsia, Billiousnesa. Headache, Dolls and all Fevers and Malarial Disea-

a. Price 50c. and one dollar per bottle. UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION f O W -

DER will cure Dialemper, Coughs, Colds, Fevers and most ot the diaeaaes lo which Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Hogs and Poultry are subject. Sold by all druggists.

UNCLE SAM'S NERVE & BONE LINIMENT will relieveSpra'na.Bruises, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. Sold by all drugglsta.


L o n g - S t a n d i n g B l o o d D i s e a s e s a r e c u r e d b y t h e p e r s e v e r i n g u s e of A y e r ' e S a r s a p a r i l l a .

This medicine la an Alterative, nnd cautea a radical change In tho sysiom. Tho process, in somo cases, may not In-quite so rapid ai in others; but, with persistence, the result la certain. Head these testimonials; —

"For two years I suffered from a se-vere pain In my right side, and had other troubles caused by a torpid liver and dyspepsia. After giving several medicines u fair trial without a cure, 1 began to take Aver"* Sarsaparilla. 1 was greatly henelited by the nrst bottle, and after taking five lioitles I wns com-tiletely cured.''—John W. Benson, 70 l.awronce St., Lowell, Muss,

Last May a largo carbnncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies hail no effect and I wus conllned to my lied for eight weeks. A friend Induced mo lu Iry Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less thun threo boltlos healed tho sore. In all my cx|ie-rlenco with medicine, I never saw moro

W o n d e r f u l R e s u l t s . Another marked effect of the use of .his medicino wus the strengUiening of my sight." —Mrs. Carrlo Adams, Holly Springs, Texas,

" I had a dry scaly humor for years. and suffered terribly ; and, as my lirotb-er aud sister were similarly allllcted, I presume the malady la hereililary. Last winter. Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandina, Fla. ,) recommended me to lake Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and continue il for a year. For five months I took It daily. I have nut had a blemish upon my body for tho last threo montlis." — T. K. Wiley, 14(i Chambers St., Now York City.

" I^isl fall and winter I was tronbled with a dull, heavy pain In my aide. I did not notice it much at first, but It gradually grew worse until it became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of tho slom-aeb aud liver Increased my troubles. I liegan taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, alter faitbfiillv conilunlng the use of this medicine for somo months, the pain disappeared and I was completely cured." —Mra. Augusta A. Furbuih, Haverhill, Mass. •

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ruEi'Aiiri> DV

Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Price |I ; .Il boUlw, (i. Worth s bold*.

Detroit, G'dHafeD&MlMee WA 1 1 . W A Y


TiUINH LEAVE LOWELL QOINO EAST: « Detroit Express, TSOAB S Through Hall 11 10 A k I Evening Express 4 V p t 16 Miked Ill M pa 10 Mghl Expteu 11 M pa

QOINO WEST: 1« SO P « «U0pa s 60 A a 1 00 p«

10 10 pa Through Ucketa to all principal polnu East

(or sale at the Company's odloe, Lowell. Nos. 7and 10 rua dally; other Uala' dally,

Bunday excepted. A. O. h'EYDLAUFP. W. E. DAVI8.

Lowell AgBOL Ass t. Urn. Pass. Ag't. Chicago, III

1 Uornlag Express.. 1 Through Mdl, 8 NlghlExprets li Mixed 6 Urand Rapids Hxprvss,.

Lowell & Hastings Railway,

T I M E T A B L l i :


10:.'j0 A. a. 4:00 p a . 6:0 P.M.


7:M A. a. 19:40 p. a. 4 JO p. a.

T h e M a i l s .


^irta, m.—closed pouch for Grand Itapids.

12:30 p. in.—Way mail, 4:20 p. in.—Way mall,


7;1<I a, m,—Closed pouch for Detroit, 11:23 a. m.—Way mall, 4:30 p, m,—Way mail.

OOING SOUTH. 0::i0 a.m.—Mail bv carrier io Chandler,

Campbell, W, Campbell, Clarks-ville, Carlelon Center.


8:00 p. m.—Mail received from No. Irving, O'Donneil, Freeport, Lo-gan, Howne, Alto.


1:30 p. m.—Mail for FallaaAburg,Alton, Grant, Qrattan.


11:80 a. m.—Mail received from above plasea.

All malla close SO minutea before time above staled.

Post Office open from 7 a. iu. to 7:80 p. m., standard time.

Thlt li the way a horse and a poor blanket look t'. the end of winter.

W h y i s i t t h a t o f t w o h o r s e

b l a n k e t s w h i c h l o o k and feel

e q u a l l y w e l l o n e w o n ' t w e a r a t all ,

and t h e o t h e r w e a r s w e l l ?

T h i s T r a d e M a r k

s h o w s w h y .



F l N Z E R ' S

H o r s e B l a n k e t s w h i c h are s t r o n g

a n d h a v e a reputa t ion arc a l w a y s

i m i t a t e d i n p o o r qua l i t i e s w h i c h

l o o k l ike t h e m , b u t h a v i n g f e w e r

w a r p t h r e a d s are n o t a s s t r o n g .

S o m e d e a l e r s b u y t h e s e p o o r

i m i t a t i o n s for a f e w ccnts l e s s a n d

b y s a y i n g t h e y are " jus t as g o o d , "

s e l l t h e m at t h e s a m e pr ice a s t h e

s t r o n g b l a n k e t s t o part ies w h o d o

n o t k n o w t h e d i f ference .

Y o u c a n n o t te l l w h e t h e r h o r s e

b l a n k e t s arc s t r o n g b y t h e l o o k

o r fee l , a s t h e warp t h r e a d s d o

n o t s h o w o n t h e face. H o w then

are y o u t o k n o w ?

I n o r d c r t h a t y o u c a n t e l l a s t r o n g

b l a n k e t f rom a w e a k one , t h e m a n u -

facturer o f S/a H o r s e B l a n k e t s

s e w s t h e a b o v e T r a d e Mark

ins ide o f e a c h b lanket . T h i s is a

g u a r a n t e e tha t it i s t h e s t r o n g e s t

b l a n k e t m a d e for t h e m o n e y and

w i l l w e a r we l l . M a n y p o o r imi ta t ions h a v e b e e n

s o l d as 5 £ b lanke t s . R e m e m b e r

n o n e are g e n u i n e u n l e s s the

'i/k T r a d e M a r k i s s e w e d ins ide .








A N D I S « 4 J J V TO


i m

g r a n d

M C P H E R S O N ' S



The Place to Buy Everything Cheap I


A n d y o u w i l l b e c o n v i n c e d .


PROBATE NOTICE FOR HEARING CLAIMS 1 BEFORE COURT. Slate of Michigan. County of Kent, ss. Notice Is hereby given, that by an order of tho Pro hale Court for the County of Kent, made on the SCth day of January, A. 1). IBRI, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present Ihelr claims against the estate of

ISRAEL WILEDON. lalo of said County, deceased, and thai all credit, ore of sal4 deceased are required lo present tbelr claims lo said Probate Court, al the Probate office. In the city of Grand Rapids, for examlna-

i and allowance, on or before the Klh DAY or Jct-v mtxr.

and that such claims wl!I be heard before said Court, on Tuesday, the said Wth d.iy of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day.

Dated January Xth. A. D. 1889. CYRUS E PERKINS,

Slw4 Judge of Probate.


"PROIIATE ORDEIt-State of Michigan. Coun-1 ly of Kent. ss. At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Kent, held at the Pro-bate Office iu the Clly of Grand Haphls. on the I4ih day of January. In the year one thousand.

In the matter of the estate of WILSON M. WORDF.S,

deceased. Wilsou M. Worden. Administrator of said es.

tale, having rendered lo this court his Hrst an nual administration account.

It Is ordered thai FaioAT, TEX 1ST UAY or Fan.u'inr, NXXT,

at ten o'clock la Iho forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for examining and allowing

unt. And 11 Is Further Ordered. That a copy of Uils

order bo published (wu succeMiWe weeks pre-vious to said day of hear nal, a newspaper

of Kent. (A (rue cony.)

FOAXX W. Ilmt. Re*ls(er.

In the Lowell Jour-and circulating In ssld

CYRUS E. PERKINS, Judge of Piobsle.


O r d e r o i ' l ' i i b l i e n t l o n .

STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Circuit Court for theCoun(y of Kent: In Chancery.

Kiostt B. Ricnaosu, Complainant. vs.

Scaaa A. Busn, IIXKHT W. BOOTH, Miav A. Hooru ASU IIXSHT G. HALL, Defendants.

Al a sen*; m nf said court held at the Court House, io tbe city uf Grand Rapids. In said Coun ty. on the 8th day of January, A. D. 18K9.

Present (he lion. William E. Grove. Circuit Judge

In this cause. It appealing from affidavit on (lie thai the defendant Henry G. Hall Is not a resident uf this slate, but U a resident of the Slate of Callfornls, on motion of S P. Hicks und M. il. Walker.CompIalnint's Solicitors, Il is ordered that me apjiranince of said aon-resl-denl defeadant, Henry G. Hall lie entered here-in wKhln four months from the date of this or-der, and In case of hla appearance he cause hU unswer to (bo bill of coinplaliit to be flled, and a copy tberoof lo bu served on the Cum-plalnant'sSolkitoi s within (weu(y days after ser-vlu- on him of a copy of said bill and aullcs nf this order; and In default thereof, said bill will bo taken as codfessrd by said non-resident de-fendant: And It Is further urdered, (bat wllhln Ilfuen days (he Complainant #use a nutloe of Ibis order (u bo published In Ibe I uwxu. JOCKS Aua newspaper printed, published and clrcuUt lug la said Ouunty, and tnat said publication la) vonHnm-d (herein ooce In each week for six weeks In suensxion or that he cause a copy of Ibis order lo be personally served on said non-resident Defendsnt at least twenty days belora the time above prescribed for his appearance,

—J.I.Ii — - - • .. . by n

Fsafe P. CABPMTeH. Deputy RtRMer,

Wt Examined, coum

AM E. UKOVE. Circuit Judge, tenlmed and enured by mo.

H. 1*. Ilicxa AXD M. II. WAUKB. Complainant's Solicitors.

(A true copy. Attest) FBAHX P. CAaPKNTxa,

Deputy Register.

O r d e r o f P u b l i c a t i o n .

OTATE O the (

„ O F MICHIGAN.-Tho Circuit Coun for IheCounly of Kent: In Chancery.

(I to aot A. Hwxxr AMD En wis F. Bwxrr, Executors ol tbe last will and testa. menl of Sldnsy Sweet, deceased. Com-plainants,

vs. CIIALXS R. HLIOU, LvaAN D. Fou.rrr. Jxxxix A. Jons six, Adiuinlslratrix uf (hevsla(e of William B. Juhnsos. de ceased, and Rnwix M. BCLLAXP. DefendanU.

Al a session of said Court, held at the (tourt H >use. In the city of Grand Rapids, In said coun-ty, on tho ttad day of Jauuan-, A. D. 186#.

Pnwont, Hon. William £. Gruvo, Circuit J I'uUils cause. It appearing from affidavit on flle. lhat the defendanljLymao D. FolMt, has departed fiom his last known place of residence and his residence cannot be ascertained and It cannot be ascertained In what slate or coundy lie resides, on mollon of Edwin F. Sweet,Cum-plalnanl's Hollcllor, it is ordered that (he ap.

I of said non-resident dofendant.l.yman e en(ered herelnlwlibln nve monllis • of Ibis order, and In case of his ap-

, cause his answer to the BUI of Com-plaint tu IK (llnd.and a copy thereof lo bo served on Ibe rumplalnanl's Hollclior within twenty day. after service on him of a copy of said Bill and uutlce nf this order; ami In default Uiereof, said ll'II will be Uken as coufwsed by said nun resident Defendanl.

II Is further ordered that wllhln (wenly iplalnsi

jbllslied , . B newsiiaiierpnnled, piiblUbial and clreulailng lu said t'ounly, and thai said publlcallon be con-llmusl therein onoe In eai'h We»k for six weeks •n .He'veulo-i, or U...I b» UIJSB a copy ol this or-dor lo IM personally served on said non resident Defendsnt al least twenty days before the lime above prescribed for Ills appearance

WILLIAM E. GROVE. Olroult Judge. Examined, oounterslgaed and entered by me,

Coaasuos L. Hiavtv. Regbur. EnwiN F. Bwxrr, Ooiuplalnanl's Solicitor soo

of Counsel. (A (rue copy, at(est)


days the ('omplalnsm cause a notice of (hi. or-der IO be puhllsbisl III Hie Lowxu. JoinSAl, a

- ' "• •lodan

copy, attest) Coaaauua L. HAavtr. Register.

for (he nee. In <lrv of

DROB ATE ORDER.—bisii , al Mlemgaa.county 1 ofKenl, st. At a sest'OL of (beProbaleCourt

of Keiit,bolden at (ho I'robale of • of Grand Rapids, un tho I6lh In tbe yeai ouo thousand

and eighty nine. t E Perkins Judge of Probate, of the estate ot

SOLOMON LEE, deceased. J. Edwin l*o and Jacob W. Walker, Executora

of the last will and tesiament of taid deceased havlnx rendered to (nls court (heir 5lh and 6th annual siminlstrallon accounts.

It Is ordered, lhat FsIDAY. TUX Pru PAY OP FtBlUMHV StXT,

at ten o'clock In the I'oreoooa. al said Probate Office, be appslnled for examining and allowing

And It Is Further Ordered, That a copy of this





M ORTOAGE SALE.—Default having been

made In the condlUont of a certain mort-gage bearing date the fourteenth day of March, one thousand, eight hundred nnd seventy-seven. uur MAVtieeuiu, «-t||ii» ttuws and made and sxecuted Julia D.Brown his wlfe.B

Hester Brown ami of the clly of Grr.nd Julia D,Brown his wlfe.Ooth of the city of Grr.nil

RapMs,Michigan.(o George R. Ccok.of Byrwc ise, New York; which mortgsge was received for record and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Kent County. Michigan, on the four-teenth day of March, A. D,. IK7. at S o'clock P. *„ In liber 7<bf Mortages on page 190, snd upon sola mortgsge above mentioned and described there being claimed to bo due thereon at the date of this notice the sum of four hundred and seventy-three dollars nnd nfly-0ve cents. IHTS.M) for principal and Interest, which Is the whole amount claimed to be unpaid lhereon,and nosultcr proceedings at law or in equity having o. en Instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgsge. or any part thereof; therefore notice Is hereby glven.thst by virtue of Uie power of sale in said mortgsge contained, and In pur-suance of the statute In tuch esse made and provided, said mortgaga will be fureclosed bv s sale of the premises therein discrlbod st public suction, lo the highest bidder, al the front door of the Court house, to wii;

Court house block, to csllrJ. In the dly of Grand Rapids, on the iWlh day of April. IWB. al 10 o'clock in ths forenoon of that dsy, lo satisfy said mortgsso debt and costs and ex|ieutes of tale. Including the statutory Attorney fees; said iremlses U'li.g described In said morigsge

II (hat certain piece or parcel ol 1

8 m •y


And we are now In the midst of

A . O - R E - A - T T U M B L E In the prices ot our entire stock ot

FELT GOODS AND SOCKS. You are Invited to Look and See How the Figurea Have Been Reduced;

Men't Knit Boots have dropped irom 12.00 to I JO Men's alt felt shoes have dropped froca *.00 to t 50 Felt " " K " I.SO lo 1.1} Womon's " I.MtolOO

•• '• IJiSlolOO " " i.«atoi.io " Beaver 11.50 to *.00 " foxed beaver " " 1.0# l« 1.80

Space will not allow us to give a complete list ot the Roods we have reduccd « prices on, but we invite you lo call and see for yourselves. Don't aufler with cold feet when we offer such bargains.

R O B E R T S O N & S O N , t h k s h o e m i n .

lotlows: All . certain Piece or parcel and Je»,'rlbed as followa, to wit:

one-quarter [N. K. >4 of Iht a quarter |K W m of secdon tw

129] township nlue [UJ north, range el except one [11 acre sold lo school one quarter [ii] acre deeded i i Vmplers. County of Kent snd St

Michigan, bald piece of land containing tblrty-elxht [381 and three-qiiaiterslti) acres of laud, be the tame mote or lest, according lo Govern m ent survey.

Dated January lOlh, IHhB. GEORGE R. COOK,

EUWIK F. KWXXT. Mortgagee. Allornev fur said Mortgagee.

PROBATE ORDER. -State of Michigan. Coun. 1 ty uf Kent. st. At a tesslon of ibe Probate Court for Iht Counlv of Kent, held at the Probate Office, in Iho Clly of Grand llaplds, on the I4lh day of January, In the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty nlue.

Present. Cyras K Perklnt, Judge of Probsle. In Uie Matter of the Estate of

BCOTT L. FI8HKH. deceased.

An Ittt lieen filed in (his Court for Probate.

It Is Ordered, Hint FBIOAY, TUX 8n i PAY or FIISI'abv, NEXT,

at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, at said Probate Offico, lie appointed for proving taid Instrument

And It Is Vurther Ordered, that a copy of ibis

n instrument in writing purporting to be the l will and testament of tald deceased having n filed in (his

order be pulilHied Uirre succnitlve weeks pre vious to said day of hearing. In the Lowell Jour-nal, a newspaper printed and clrcubtlng In said County of Kent. CYHUH B, PEHKI.NS.

FBASX W ifixt. Register. Judge of Pnibsie,


A Model Newspaper


f 1 i r n n n

L rile AdrufMlii uf tho I'^sl liitarwsla of tka

lloiue l lu, Kuemy of Iba Saloon. The Frli-oil ol .Imerlean Labor.

The Fuvorlin Newspaper al 1'eopla of Betlned TaslM


Tho S YO:k MAIL AND EXPRESS, the raTurlli>A:tieil<>,iauewspiipcroimany people • flui.-lliii .".iiu.le Ivaiv.l'aslon,hatrooeal-ly i iu i toiim iifioworthy luipravemaatt, na. tcrlallylu.' . f i n e l u g.'nural oxecllenee. It U In tbo lm> ..lest *< use

A N ' a i i o n a l N e w s p a p e r ,

to the

order be published two successive veeks lo said day of bearing. In the Lowxu. . a newspaper printed and dnaUtUng ta County of Kent. CYRUS E. PERKINS,

(A true oopy,) J augo of Pre FaASt W. UUXi Register.


••ot; r,,-. . 1,- -Jiiril, and I uat..:ii.. • i.ffiiiiciligpntn ' the en. Irn < oUi.try—Xorth. f >si. 1 | i , t iiionaiirlily ele

- >::i 1 lui i nrruptliig, suusatlanal and .11; tne .1. mlmialioit U' wt. which

ot (00 miiuy clty|u|i«rt.

O U R P O L I T I C S .

Wo bcllovo iho Uoimbllean party to be tbe irilniiutniiiiulitof tho POLITICAL PROG-:t".;>Sof Iho Amerlean | i ople,- and holding that tho hones: eufon-e netii of lit pnuclpiea is ll.o best Eimrnnteo of iho nntlonul welfare, wc sh:.!l iiipisirt t.iooi with all our nilghl: bin we sUnlln vnydtieit opposing p miet with eon-sideruti'iii ntid lair play.

A G A I N S T T H E S A L O O N .

Tim MAIL AND i;XPUEMlith» recogulied Na'.lonal or.iiuiof iho (.-real Anll Haloon Ico-pir lloaii iitovntiii-til. It believe* that the I. . mr Intlln unitcxtiM (o nay in the United Hiatus 1> thn euetny of loclety, » Irullful tom-ee of coi niMiioti in JMIUHOS, the ally of an-arab/.aaebnaluf rrlino, aial, wllh Ita avowed p.ir;«so of seeking lo coimpUy control elocllons ami IcuisluUoo. U a manaco to the puhllo wul.'aro und dcMrv^t tho coodemua-tiun of all gooil mon.

Send/or Sample Copy Tliey are Mtut free to all who apply .

s u n n c i u p i i o K RATES.—WEEBLV. per yenr. Sl.ooi tlx maiitbt, 00 oentti throe months, 30 couu. liAitr. per year, SO.001 tlx moiiiht,93.00i threo mouut, •1 .50 | one month. 00 cents.

VALUAULK PREMIUMS uegiven to all xubteriben ODJ ngenta. We want a good 1. rent lu every town and villaco where we have not ono now at work. Send for onr

rn-c'.al Clrou'ar to Agents and ee* oar ll'ierul offun.

Y o u C a n M a k e M o n e y

* nfeecpiing our Cash fWaUsalaa offeraor > .rkiu; forour valuable and popular prcmi-

t. us. Aildrou tbe UAIL XHD tXPUjUS,Now fork City,

Pres iden t ' s S P E C I A L . Witrrat, From day to day

vt«t numbers nro being itrlcken down with tbe feti

Rheumatltm, which lo be greatly on Uie

And nvlrrnM,The nation hat within a thort time been called upon lo mourn the tudden lost of many of our public men, tuch at Vice-Pret-ident Hendrlckt, Gen. John A. Logan, Scc'y Daniel P.

R H E U M A T I S M . I was rut In the wrist bv s broken bottle, from

which I suttered ettreme pain. I called s docli«. who pronounced it idallc rheunialiani. My lighl side btcsoM paralysed, leg snd arm badly witbend, and my Joints were so slitl (hat there wss but Utile

" " . . . ... • j wo | begun with manrelooi

scUoa In them. About si* weeks sgo I begun , up 1 "

I bate left oil the uie of cruicbes taking llil>hsrd's Rheumatic S\TU| rtsults. bincc(hen 1 bate lef) olid cnUrely, snd only use s cane, and fur (he past lew dsys I ofleo forget 1( and walk wi(hou( uiv aid. To say th.it it has greatly btneAled me but poorly ex-piwsac. my idea of jour llheum.itlc Syrup.

C. D. DSKIO, Dealei In General GriKenes.

Jackson, Mich.

O. D. DINIO ii . n.m well known In thli coo>-munily. and xvss probably (he worst wreck pb).i. cally of any man (hli coundy ever saw. He was psrslyttd from rheumatic poiion. anil no one ever eipectrd he would rccovcr. He 1. well, and II is simply msrvelous. FSANK L. SMITH,

E>. Member Suit I^giiiature. Jackson, Mich.

Mnnnini;, l ien. McClcllan, and manv otliera.

\u-.r li'irforr, I do by vir-tue of the knowledge pos-tcssed by me. proclaim and rccommend llihbard't Rheu-malic Syrup to be a remedy 01 great'merit. l»oth for Rheu-matism and all Blood Dft-eases,

A nd turthrr. That thlt med-^ icine be adopted at a national

LJ ,". ' remedy by all. Signed by the President.

INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. My dauihtrr Maud h ui Inll.i uu % rhrun«liaf»

llcf limb* Mere butlh tutilUrii >lw in icfril«*r JKitfiy. She lv. n tikun; Kits milie .S«nip JIUI u»inx Itutrit. \%hi<h huk IfiAm it i.|t. 'I"V Sjmp corrvctrd her irvlurtuon, t kJn«-d llu- rluu-m-tiu poison iruni hrr MooJ, and •ho ifc now able to bt aruuiul ihr husiMr. \Vc conwliiiT lli'-'ninl't lib. 1 malic S)iap 4ml Pla&tc-rft mnnlict of frral merit. II«V. I. RoBfimL .i. J kiiik,


Pastor bint M. H. Church. J-r , Mich.

Unt winter and sprint I was a terrible suflnct fmm ihi- imili.m In uiv left shoulder and srm, »jif-ferinii the most csCTUdBtinir |ialn. Two Nittles of liibliird's llheumdlc v-rup cuitil me. I ran wllh coort-'encc retool mm.I it lo all who are sulTering with rheunuiic difluultv. IUV. J \u- s Ilsaav,

Morley, Mick.

No remedies known hlifhly endorsed bv Its hiane pcnple, in the Irratmeni of Uh. u natlso-and all Ili<a»J diiciseH. Onr Medical I a nphlef, j Ireatini; on Ithcuimti.m : ,'. .ill Itl.ml and JTeaal* J Disca.es. lent fre-r on ai.j.l'tui.Si; ' Rheuaatic Syrup Compaay, Jtckioo, Klcb.

H i b b a r d ' s R h e u m a t i c S y r u p UNhlVAI.EIl inmeriL It li a Safe Family MeiHclnr. InTause It cor.um-

• • M i iieTMns will find ilih should be w.lhoul II. Always In Mraioo, Spring, Snmmrr, Anln. Childien. Inv ilid. and delicate i

If you cannot procuie il nf )c

i- nu p<ilM>n or opiates Iml medicine anJ luolc they can uve. No horn.-

. nnJ H'mlrr. dniKgiil, .end direct lu u^ Pikr t< oii,'ib..lllc. I5.00. Plasttrs S'.lf


Satislactory Teas and Coffeej araUoaatbat

S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E R .

Th. Vsnllcl of tii..FamHy at tb.

BREAKFAST OR TEA TABLE recardlac these goodt and whence they come It

a most Important one.

W h a r e d i d v o u q e t t h i s t

T e a o r i C o f f e e ? Our exparleooa wlui Teas and Coffee, ena-

ble, ualo

Guarantee Satisfaction, or they mav be returned and monev refunded.


C O F F E E S .

Pleaao favor iu with your erdera.



W E D D I N 6 ihvitatioks,

John Hanlay, 171 Woodward Ave.i Detroit.


OP UETUOIT, Will be at the Rathbun Houte, Qraad om the »l of each mooih only. Hneclii antt lHi aiven to Catarrh. E y ^ x i r . T h K i d L S i '•[.eases. Also Keolsl, t l . r l u . and frtvata

SHEET MUSIC S i -bend for caialogue of a,UX) plecea of Vocal sod

popular Sheet Music, Vocal and Intlnt-asalal, all tlandard, fuU site, regular wHliaat, Bold at lite each. Special ratea to leacboia, er eo eedeia 3 pieces or over. MeaUon thlt papw. Addrtat.


i L ?

T O A L L O T H E R S .


'•"wg". • Michigan,

L A D I E S ^ P r 5 5 DYE8

p o t onr s»wn iryeing, at n o n e . Th y will dye •rsrylhlng. Thiy sitioldeveiy. lure. Price lOe, s package. Thsyhsv.nocqutl

Do Y o u r Own Dyeing , a t Ho " . They sitso

It. Thsyhsvs Amount in Paeksgev aoa-fad laaQnsllntt

Tbey do aig erucuor smut; Aculoi u Fur u ie bv

HUNT & HUNTER, Drugpata.

The Journal for 1889 Give You Al l the News.

0 L D - D R . C H A S E S : •CHOLAGOGUE '

tjABsiftOTjer s •ial' .R'A ^ •:

A I L 3 H > I Q U S b l i j ' E A b . E S ^

nan, woman snd child ooghl to take toms edleln.. ouiht lo "cfsan boots7' ss It «,Te. •ntOttraUSsalMr tayti "Itsksoos or i t '


F E V E R A N D AGUE, Arhes la the bnuH tbst Sprlnf brlnn tooo^h.Inbe

Mich. FASSAMB, WiiuAMtli CO. VfhoMsls Agtt,

Tiverr rata. I'RISO medic

A |.rnnlMnt DstraU UAllrsof

L O W E L L J O U R N A L - W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 6 , 1 8 8 9 .

A. J. so wat. a. A ooass. DSS'L trataaa.

Bowne. Combs & Striker,

BANKERS, Lowell, - Michigan. Transact a General Banking Bucine^

and Iteue Drafts available in all parte of the World.


J . H A R R I S O N R I C K E R T , D E N T I S T .

F i n e Gold F i l l i p s a S p e c i a l t y . All work Warranted.

L o w e l l , - M i c h .

l a O - W E L L

Business Men's Association. Refulv Meelinc't Fint Thuftdiy In e»efy

monlh, at B. C. Smilh'i itore.

N . B . B L A I N , P r e s .

Chaa J. Church & Son BANKER,

L o w e l l , M i c h .

Wechel. Schein, Verkautt nach Deulch-land und Alia Latuler.

Robertaoo £ Son carry a prsctlcsl line of Boots, Show and Rubbers.

M i l k 8 cente per quart at r>y home, " ' " " f i u n j 8 to 0 a. nt. and from 5 lo 6 p . m . D . E . HPRINO.

C n r Q a l o —"Vveml choice farms Io-r o r o a i e . K e t n e , vergen-naa, Bowne and Boeton. Ala< several houses and lots in the village ot Lowell. Can suit all classes ot customers. • For further particulars inquire at the ofllce of 8. P. HICKS, t t f over West ft Co's d m * store.

W F L N T P H - T 0 E X C H A N O E A G O O D " • ' ' l c u r o » » i cart tor a new milch M W . D . E . S P R I N G .

very lowest ^ ^ ^ ^ v e you the

U n n e o A N D T B B E E LOTS TO EX-n U U o C cbangs tor asmal l farm near town suitable lor milk business.


W a n t p H - A L L K I N D 3 0 . F ? E I

V Y a n i c U , and Furs, at the Lowell Woolen Mills.


W o n t o H — A GOOD MAN who un-Waniea dentands milking and care of slock. D. E. SPBINQ.

W a n t e d . New Milks C o w s . ^ Y S i w the highest price in cash. Drop a postal t-i me and I will call at once.

J. 8. DANIELS, Lowell, Mich., P . O. Box 870.

No une sellt honorable foot-wear at less prices tbaa Robertson A Boa.

S p a n o f H e a v y C o l t s ,

Coming 8, for sale cheap. One and one halt mile west ot Clarksville.

3 1 * 2 R . O . CHURCH.

f a y O p .

i l l parties owing m e on account will barebv take notice that unleea their ac-counta are settled immediately tbey will


L y o n B l o c k , L o w e l l , M i c h .

A General Bulking Buiineu Conducted.

X ^ J U T R S A N A C O Z ^ S O T Z O S R S .

DrafU Bold an all Foreign C u n t r l e s .


18" below rero this a. m.

Mrs E. W. Dodge ia quite ill.

All taxes will have lo be | « id by the 20tb.

Best Cabinets only $8.00 per doz. at Phllley's.

Quite fauab le sleighing since j e f t e r -day morning.

Old papers only 6c per dog, at the

Another vein ot good coal has lieen found just ouuide the corporation of

Mackinac county flshenmn ciugti l and marketed fish valued ut |I0U.U00

Harks Ruben and family moved Mon-'day tram the Uraham block to Mrs. Kennedy's residence.

Frank Clark haa entered tho grocery ..store ot Andrew Johnson aa a partner. H a n ' s wishing him success.

The Ico crop is growing rapidly this •weather, and those who are cutting now Mn getting a very good quality.

The Ionia Circuit Court opened Mon d a y with a calendar containing 30 crim-inal cases, 81 issues of fact and 46 chan-cery cases.

TheR, A. party at the Opera H o u v , last Wedneaday evening was one ot the very nicest ot the season and was at-tended by 48 couplet.

Until the flnt of September next, it wi l l be unlawful to kill woodcock, part-ridge, ruffled grouse, wild duck, wild geese, or any other wild water fowl or Biupe.

Tramps wanted in Ionia. It is desir-ed to macadamize Steele St.. and a few gangs ot abla-bodied stonebreakera are wanted who arc willing to earn theiir


The projoot ot making a new Judicial Diatriot out ot Monicaim and Gratiot counties has been revived, aud n bill looking to thai und ha* been introduced at Lansing.

Frank Clark, late with A. Fiaher & Co., now of the Arm ol Johnson & Clark, wishes to announce that he is preuared to attend the wants ot hia old and aa many new customen as he may he able to secure.

John Murry, of Middleville, a Scotch-man suppoaed to tw more than a hun-dred years old, was reported dead last Friday, but appeared on the street Sat-urday and said he was not dead yet, aod that he was "wort maer nor twa dead men was."

Sauaders and Wolgamwood, ot Cent-erviile. Si . Joseph c u n t y , got into a quarrel over a balano»o/ |S6 said to be due oa a horse uade. Justice and county court expenbes. lawyera* teas, eto , in Ave trials have amounted to 11.000, and Saunders had to par for the h o n e ,

. The Republican Cancus Fiiday, Fcb'y 8, Is for the punxise of electing 8 dole c a b s to the Ooutily Conveiilion at Gd. Kapids. Feb'y 11. which cotiveiilion elects delegntes to the Slate Convention at Deiroit. Feb'y 2'-', »Inch tioininuli x Supreme Coun Justice and two Regcnis o t the Umverkity.

H. Sllsby is Pa to n nnw daughter,

R. O. Bostwick is reported n* gaining.

We've ftnind out all about it; it's this winter.

Cabinets at Phllley's onlv #1.50 per half doz.

SIi-- Lottie Drlscoll is visiting fneniis at Gil vet.

Wm. Fraese, o t Trttfitnl, hns moved to Lowell.

Charles Illosa suffered a stroke of paralysis Saluniay.

Miss l la l l ie Olio, of Urand Kapltls, Is visiting Lowell friends.

Mrs. Eli Drown lux gonw lo Kalkaska, whero her husband Is teaching!

The Ionia National will hereafter be known us the loma W.t'kly Express,

Erostus Mclntyre is very sick s t the n s u l t of a fail he took the tore part of last week.

M. C. Barber and W, U. Eddv are altetidtng the Grand Lodge A. O, U. W, t t Grand Rapids,

Rev, Mr. Gshnrn, of Canon Clly and H. W, Powell, of Lowell, exchange pulpits next Sunday,

The rata are an big and so numerous at Cenlervelle that tbey enter pig pens, kill pigs and eat them.

The G, A. R. have engaged Peter Sfhirkel's orchestra, from Grand Rap Ida, tor their Inauguration Ball.

The mercury dropped to 20 degrees below zero twice last week at Houghton and.u waa not a cold week either.

Rev. John Ferris, ot St. Ignace, has put on his war paint, and propones lhat illegal whisky sellers in thst town shall be brought to justice

Annual meeting ut the Young M^n's Republican Club this evening, at F. D. Eddy's tifllco. Election of oflk-ers and t.tlier important bminesa.

ProMcutitg Attorney Slewati's an-nual siiitemetil fur 18$), just iiiinpu led. si ows an increase of IK) |s-r cent, in the number ot cases tried over 1887.

A movement is on foot tor the consol-idation of l l n n d Haven. Spring l a k e and Kerrysburg. Thede i l , if consum-mated, will make "a right smart" town of it.

The Chicago Dally News Almanac and Political Kegisier is lecelved; it is Uie most valuable and complete book of the kind we have seen ibis year. Price 26

Tbe finishing touches are being added to the interior ot the Upper Peninsulnr prison buildings and they will soon be in shape to be turned over by tho coa-tractors.

County Clerk Harvey thinks those in need of a marriage license should apply soon, before ibe price uf that commodi-ty, by an act of the legislature, is raised from 76 cents to $9.

J. F. and E. W. English have made their third sale ot Rod Polled Cattle to parties in Iowa. They shipped two reg-istered bull calves, Jan. 29, to Gen. L. F. Ross, of Iowa City.

Almont. in Lapeer county,aaserts that she is the banner hog-raising town in the State. Thomas McRoy recently sold twenty-four hogs raised there which average 276 pounds.

At Kopf Bros, you will find the finest line ol Bedroom Suits. Beds. ilure.uiM, &c, ever shown in Lowell, all ot their own manufactare. Now is the time to buv, as they offer them at wholesale prices.

The Grand Rapids Telegram-Herald feels awfully stuck up becaure it is now printed on a new OOSM Perfecting Press at the rale of 8 every second; and well it mav, for it costs lots of money to get

ich a machine.

Mrs. Harrison is the worthv wife ot a frotect ive Republican President. She is buying her wardrobe of New York dealers instead ot sending away to Par-ts. She is settin r an example wbioh all Americans should follow.

S. S. Fullerton suffered a stroke ot pa-ralysis a weeg ago Saturday, and lay in

i over his shop, where he Uvea . _.ilil the nest Tuesday before hn discovered. Ue was Uken to the

e of hia daughter. Mrs. Ryder, of Grand Rapids, Monday of thla week, and application has been made tor lus admission to the Soidtera' Home.

There are 1.856 sludenta at the uni-versityof Michigan, and when Gov. Luce sat down on the proposed gymna-sium appropriation,Ihoso of them then in the insiuution howled. The other day they advertised a meeting at which it was proposed to take active measures lor raising inoney for the "gvm." and eight out of the 1,866 managed to mus-ter up iuterDHt enough to attend.

Over one hundred friends filled E. A. Sttnderltu's home last Tuesday wening , itniking It itnieii mid wife u surprise, rite event wft< a most hsppy one, and will long retiiuiti a most pleaaant I-JKII in the memory of lln guests and hosi and noeteas. Some elegant pieces of silver-ware and a pair K 1. sleeve buttons tor Jlr. S. were presented the respected couple by Prof. Chapman, in behalf of ' company.

Butter 16 Eggs, 18 Pork H 50-5 00 Veal 0 Chickens 7-8 Turkeys 8

Onions, 25 Wheat 95 Corn 40 Oats 25 Rye, 40 Hat ley | l 05 Hides, Green 4

R. P. Waters, who has long been In the employ of Edward Dtckaon, has en-gaged for a l ime with the lamous turf-man, George V. Hankins, ot Chicago, and started Sunday fur Nashville, Tenn , where he will be employed in Mr. Han-kins' stables.. Mr. l lankins has the strongest racing team in America, and among his flyers are such famous horses as Gallen, Kamoni, Wheeler T., Lela, May, Jacobin, Santtlene, and Macbeth, winner of last year's Kentucky Derby. Mr, Water's plan is to freshen up his ideas on training toe a tow months. Ho expecta to return aud resume work tor Mr. Dickson about May flnt.

DIED—February I, I8«9, at his resi-dence in fdiwell, Mich., Mr, Noble Strong, ot apoplexy.

We were all greatly surprised and shocked last Friday morning to hear, "Mr. Strong is dead," It hardly seem e^ possible, vet tt was all too true. Ho wss born in Sennetl, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Mav 27. 1824; came to Mich. In HMII; married Miss Rozella M. Potter, Aug. 25, 1844, He bhi lived In Ionia, Ureenville, and tor a few y e a n in Caas Co., but since 1B78 has been a resident Of lx>well.

He experienceu religion when sixleen y e a n old and was a member of thu Low-ell Baptist church al the time of his death. The pastor called on him lo of ter the closing prayer at the church Thursday evening, and he retired in ap

Csrent good health but about 8 o'clock teathed his last, without t farewell

word. All tell he was prepared and join in saying he was a devoted husbnnd, an sffectionate taiher, n good neighbor and friend and an honest uhristian man.


All Cedar IprlBKt Christians a n nol Again.I Him.

CEDAR SPRINGS, Mi-h., Keh'y 8.—A letter from Cedar Springs in the JoCRN AL of Dec. 28 in regard to N. A. Kelley, came so my notice a fow days ago. If some fiilse HialementH in lhat article have not beon corrected, I would like tu say through the JOURNAL thut Brother A. N. Kelley was a Baptist when he be-came pastor of the church here, that he has preached no doctrine contrary to that generally accepted by the Baplist denomination and Ilmt he did nol apply for tin'pastorate otCedurSprings liaoltsi church, but wns invited to come liere from Ohio to preach for one or two Sun-days and was i h . n regularly called, by vote of the church, lu become pastor for one year. Soma that wished to find fault with him have reported that he used unchasto langtnige In the pulpit. If so, it Is very strunge thai the best men anil women have never discovered it.

"Unto the pure all ihings are pure, but unto them thai are denied and un-believing is nothing pure; but even t ielrmlnd and conscience is defiled. They profess lhat they know Gbd; but in wofk they deny him. being abomin-able and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." (Titus 1:15, 10

Mr. Kelly never held revival meetings in the M E. church, but did preach une s e t m o n m t h a t churrh with a view in U-commg its pastor. The writer of that article would have the JoURNIL believe that Mr, Kelly in order to secure the pastorate ot the Baptist church here. Titsl ideo is sim-ply alnurd. Mr. K. was brought up a "Onlled Brethren" and in a nei'ihbor-hood where tbero were no Baptists, and had. consequently, never become much acquainted with the church until after his marriage. He married a Baptist Isdy thai knew why she wus a Kaptist nnd tried hard to convince her htisband that Iho principles of lhat denominaiion wero the teachings of lite New Testa menl He was prejudiced i^amsl the denomination, but finally study the subject and the outcome was, he inined the Baplist church in Attica, Ohio. Through a relative of Mrs. K. some ot the leaden in the church heard that he had joined the Baptist denomi-nation and immediately tried lo secure his services. It is not my purpose to sny whether Kelly was the man for the position or not. He has preached against sin and preached plainly. Some were hit and tried to do belter, o l h e n found fault with his sermons—thought he was too radical. The same ones lhat were the l e s d e n in getting him here h ive b-en among the leaden in exnei-l lng him from the pulpit (after they had hired him for a year), and in bringing false charges against him. tor which he w.va excluded without the attempt lo provt them. In the last covenant meet-ing he said lhat if he had said anything unchristian or had wronged any of them he was sorry and asked forgiveness of all true christians. One of his friends mo. ed lhat he be restored to member-ship and the motinti was seconded but the chairman rel used to put the que^ tlon. Among other reasons given w h y he should nol b^ restored, o member said "ho did nol ask our forgiveness but asked the forgiveness of all irue chris-tians !"

He is now holding revival meeting!' al an out station. Those who have attended the meetings say there is re-markable interest and allention. A number have expressed a desire lo be-come ohristians and tome conventons are rv|iortod.


They Take all the Best Prlte* at tho Bay City Show.

Following are the prize* won by F. R. Eoker's R. C. Brown Leghorns at the Bay City Poultry Show, lest week.

Isl on Cock. 901 points. Isl and 2d on Cockerel, 93^ and 98

points. 1st, 2d and 8d on Hen, 94i. 94* and 94

points. Isl, 2d and 8d on Pullet, 9Ui, 93 and03

point). 1st and 2d on Breeding Pens. Score

187* and 185 9 10. Also 12 Special Prizes. The Best R.

C. Brown Leghorns in the U. S. are probably io Mr. Ecker's yards, in Low-ell.

F i r e a l P o w a u i o .

PRWAHO, Mich.. Jan. 81.—At 11 o'-clock last night fire broke out in W, Irish's barbershop on the east side of Main St,, and before the flames were brought under control the entire block was burned to the ground. The citi-zens did heroic work with the fire en-gine, and saved the surrounding build-mgi.

Sudden Death al Ada.

ADA, Jan 3 0 . - M n . Avery died yes-terday at 7 o'clock of paralysis. She had

a shock of paralysis Monday morning and only lived 21 b o o n . M n . Avery was mother of Mn. Darwin Dennison. of Ada. She was about 70 yeano ld . The f u n e n l will bo held tomorrow at the Congregational church.

M o n t r e a l C a r n i v a l .

Chicago & Grand Trunk, Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee and Toledo, Saginaw A Muskegon Railways will sell cheap excusion tickets from all their stations in Michigan to Montreal and re turn February 2iid to 8th inclusive, good for return passage until f ebruary 13lh inclusive. The rate from Lowell will be |20.I6 tor the round trip.

T b a n k t .

The Committee ot arnngement tor Andenonville desire to express their hearty thanks and appreciation ot the valuable services rendered by the ladies and gentlemen ot the "cast" also to oth-e n who kindly a'sisted.

Card of Thanks.

The familv of the late N. D. Strong Ish to tender thanks to their neighbon

ami friends for the aid rendered during their lute allllctiun.


He will be greatly missed. The tu neral servicea wero held iu the M. E. church; sermon bv Rev. H. W. Powell, from I Coi., 15, 54. Rev. A. T. Luther also took part In the servicea. The re-raniiia we.-e Interred i


Tho laxiks of account of Mitchell's grocery are in the bands of 8. P. Hicks for cofleclinn. Parties owing on s i id Isioks are hereby notified to settle theii accounts with him.

G L N E V , SHIKLOB A CO. Owners of said books.

F o r H a l . .

A farm nt thirty-five acres, one mile north ot Lowell post office, good build-ings and good water, terms easy.

( 2 5 1 0 J . C POST.


because you feel bluo and are troubled with thai tired and all-gone feeling. Do as 1 did. use a bollle of Sulphur Bitten, it will make you teel like a new person, i i d i d m e . J E N N I E HOLMES,

Tremonl street. Boston,

T a x I ' a y r r s , N o t i c e .

Notice is hereby given to the tax pay-ers ot L-iwell Township that I will re-ceive taxes during business houn. each week day. at the drug store ot YeiUr A Look, in Lowell.

All taxes must bu paid before the 20th day of February, ns no further exten-sion of timo will be nilowed.


Town Ticasurer.

I'wentv-eight (28) varieties of Geran-iums, also lielioiropes. Begonias, Fu-schias. Ac. Geramums in pots, from 5o upwards, MRS. J. D. ELLINWOOD.

I m p o r t a n t N o t i c e I

The Mill and Elevator commonlv known as the D.niKall Mill will bo sold cheap to any one wishing a Sieam Flour-ing Mill; also Store House ut Depot. For further information and terms en

Sure at the office of M. M. PERRY, LOW-I, Micb.

Drain Weight of liny, aod (ilrls. In the llnal result of the cutuporlton r.f t'jo

two tern in tho human racc, aaatomleal to-toarches will form an linpurtant factor. Slimy nnalomlsts have rtcognived rhli fact, aad havo Instituted coiupa'-Uoiis between Ibo texesfrom varluus points of view M. tic lave lo Bon reviews the work of M. Manouv:-lcr and that of IL Oudin, both of wliora aver that "SBX has no Inllucnco on brain wd^ht With Ilium ihe lulluencu uf sox Is iiolhlng moro limn tho liiQuenooof lieighl; and If Iho fomolcs, as a whole, ezrenl Iho males In hraln wolsht. It Is simply brcauss the wel^bt of the body lu tho femalui Is much below ths*. cf thn malos." M. lo Bon puts Iho l l i w y of hit ad-versariu to tho lest lu a very ingenious man-nor by comparing iho hnlns of malrs ami femslcs having about Lie tame weight By this iuviMtlgatlun Ills tbo wu Ihnlln the great nujorlly ef cases Iho male rhlldrai turpaa the f email's of tho tamo ivctghlin thuir cranial drcumfcroticc. At tho mmo a'jo, holght, and weight uf Imdy, Ilia female brafal Is notably smaller than that uf thu tnalo.-Herald o f


A Submarlu. Boat. Experiments with n tubtnarlns boat "Ls

Oymnolo," made at Toulon, havo been vsry toccaEfuL Tlio boat tnovrt horizontally aa well as vertically, aud It easily kept al any depth lhat Is ilcviraL II can bo run at a

of from uluo to ton knots. Tho light It and rvsplralion easy. Its crow Is ordl three, but during tho sxperimonts live i wero on board. Tho Uovuo Scien-tayt lhat the new boat, on Invention

of Mr. Krobs, Is a complcto tuccuss, aud will becomo of the greatest Impoi tunoo lu tnarin. warfaru —Scieuca

Their Letten. Chicago Is Justly noted for swift divorces

and tho calculating coo In ess with which couples proceni lo ths tuveranco of bonds matrimonial, but there Is oua pair that takes ths lead. The young man ramo from ths catt to Chicago sum. months agn with plenty of money, good looks and rts-ommendallona Ho mot at tho houte whero ho lived a young lady of rare beauty and good family. In a

Tho victory of tbo British nt Buaklm nnd Iho dlfflcii'tlos which apparently yet stand In

way In putting down t ho robolllon In the recalliI

few weeks they wero i bllis didnt lost long. O for Kansas City, where.

Ono duy ho ho said, ho had been

sent by his lirm. Tho following week she left for Mlchlfpui to seo her folks. Then two lot-ion camo to tho house hero a few ilayt apart, addnoscd to ths husband and wife, and as neither returned It was concluded to open thom.

Th# ouo addrtsod to the wife read: "Ml I)CAU EDITH—I am convinced that

you and 1 are unlit for one another. Wa bo happy. I left t 'M la a lower

Tako It and got a illvorce. You can do so on Iho ground of desertion, aa I now tell you 1 will nsver llvs with you again. Oood-by, and may you havo better luck next time. CHARUX."

It was marked at ClnclnnalL Tho one addressed to ths htuband was

mailed at Buffalo. It taid: "DXAU CIIARUX—1 am tired of you, and I

know you nro tired of mo. Vou will navsr sea mo sgain. I took 1^00 which you forgot In the bureau drawer. I will never trouble you, no matter what you da Uood-by for-ever. EDmi." -Troy Prett.


To Bars t! The extinction of the buffalo has b

shock to tho sense of tho plcturesquo. the dliappeamnco of his hide, the buffalo robe, bas coma home lo a very largo portion of lbs cominunity as a dlnappolntment of a very practical sort. Tho exi>erlment of col-

what fow Ixiffaloes tllll remain and •TLSting them with domestic cattle is pro-sented iu a very Intarestlng manner lu The

Agrlculturlit: "Tho pecuniary profit probable from tho

domestK-atloii and crossing uf the buffalo are very great A crma with tbo Galloway will make a very line robe, nnd tho value of cross bml robes U qnlto as high as those from tbf

Kbuffalo. A huge cross breed was tlaugh-last Christmas lhat drasml l.'JOO

pounds, and tbo robe was worth moro than 830. As a fancy orticlo a buffalo head is worth tW. Tbe meal is worth mors than lhat from a common ox." A new fur bear-ing onlnir-l would hoof enormous value, and if his moat thuuld Ira belter than that of ths ox, ha would Indwd bo a wonder. -Christian at Work.

Rath.r a Smart Dog, After AU. In California a man borrowed a squirrel

dog of a frleud nnd went gunning. Tho dog led him In various diroctions until ho was tired out und sat down lo rest. Ho launchod many anathemas at tbo cnimal as a brulo that know nothing about tho btuiness for

was reeummended. Tho dog, bow-ever, frlakod about all tho same. Prescnlly bo began dlcginj In tho ground In a very cn-

maiincr. Tlio disgusted hunter very liltlo attention lo this new dodgo ho saw tho dog poking somo dark object

about with bis noso. doing to the cpot tbe found that the dog had uneartbed an

purso. This looked liko game at latL Taking ths purse from tho dog tho

found that It contained (SOU In gold t l In silver. On counting out tho Had hunter concludcd lhat tho dog was not

i a "fool critter" after alL—Now York

N o l U k c l y t o D . A n s w e r e d .

A littlo girl had bocn absent with hor parents nt a camp meeting for two weeks. On her return her littlo playmate, Ella Day, entertained her by showing her her play-things. At night little Mary, in saying her prayers, said: "O Lord, bless Ella Uay, and mako her a good girl, to as 1 can tako ail her playthings away from her aud tbo wont want them back again."—Troy Tl' oo.

Miss Braddnn, whose fifty novels havo been produced during her fifty yean of life. Is still as retiring and modest as sho was twenty yean ago. She absolutely refuses to permit her portrait to be published, and does not likw to Lo lionized.

A single pair of berringt, If allowed to re-produce undlrturbod for twsnly years, would out only supply the whole world with abund-ance of food, bnl would becomo Inconven-hmtlv nuiiMrooa

C h i l d r e n C r y f o r P i t c h e r ' s C a s t o r i a .

W b r n Daby w u sick, wo g o v s h e r Cas lor ia .

W h e n s h o was a Child, sho c r ied f o r Casior la ,

When t b o b o c a m o l I U i , i b o c l a n g to CaStorin,

When t h . h s d Children, s h e c a v e Ihcm C a s t o r i a .

H O O D ' S / ! ) COfMUW) [XmiCT

of purifying the blood esn-ted, for without pure blood

Al this teaton Dearly every one nerds a good medicine to purify, vitallie, and eurich tbe blood, and we ask you lo try Hood's P o r n l i a r Samparllla. luuotigihens r c u u n a i ana tulldt up Ilia lyitcm, creates an appetite, snd tones tbo dlgettlon, while 11 eradlcalet dlteate. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give lo

K i S ^ S r ^ T o Itself other medlciaehassuch a record ot wonderful cures. II you have made up your mind to buy flood's Sarssparllla do not be Induced to lake any other Initead. It Is a Fccullar

and Is worthy your conlldenee. iSnrsaparilla It sold by all tltupgliti.

Prepared by C. 1. Uood & Co., Lowell, Mass.

iOO D o s e s O n e Dollar

I tho Interwtins fact that it was a Chicajoc.n who was I ait In power fur any length of lime in Interior Africa. II. O Prout was a young engineer ensagedat Illvorsldo In I STL After tho grmt flro ho went to Egypt, became a great personal friend uf (Jordon, nnd ross rapidly l;i th. khedivo's sorvica Co wns with the army which con'iueroil the Soudnn, und was mndo flaally governor gen-eral of tho provlncw of tlio Inlorlur. With bis capital ut Lado, far south of where Ihe lighting Is now going ou, ho yet managed lo

his own, and bis small force kept ths i in pretty good subjection. Ho reJg

when he found his health falling, throw his oflli-o and title, and retunuxl lo this ce try with su"b sum as ho could tbo old khedlvo for his meritorious Be L* now the editorial huad of ih'i lUllroad Oazetto, lu Now York. Ho kept upL-i Africa ihe typical Chicago record.—Chicago Mall.

AUK VOU MADE inisrniblo bv Indl-gmio i i . Constipntiun, Dirjtiness. I-OM of Apis-lite, Vellnw Skin ? Sliiluh's Vitnl-tzer is a |ioeitive cure.

_ _ CLARK A W L S E G A R .


Col. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklin. came home one oveuiiiK. feeling a peculiar ligliiiifH-t in tint chest. Beforo retir-ing, he tried to draw u long breillll btii found it almost impossible. Hu nuffrr-ed four days from pneumonia, and the doctors gave him up. Acker's English Remedy tor Cotmumplion saved Inm nnd he is well to duy. YEITKU A LOOK. Druggists, Lowell.

C O N S l ' M P T I O N C t ' l l E I ) .

An old phystt'iun. relired from prac-tice, having had placed In his hands by an tost India missionary the formula of a sinipie vegetable remedy for the speedy nnd permunenl cure of Con stimpitoii, Bronchliis, Catarrh, Aslhmin and all Thionl and Lung AffeclionB.also :> positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility nnd all Nervous Complaints, after huving teMed its wonderful cura-tive pouers in Ihoilsand of cases, has fell tl his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this


You cannot offonl to wasto time in experimenting when your lungs nro in dungrr. Contumpllon always seems, at llrst, only B colli. Un not permit any dealer to impose U|>on you with some cheap imiluiion of Ur. Ring's New Uts-co>ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but l ieaureyou get the genuine. Because ho can make more profit he iniiy tell you he bus sotnething just HS good, or just thesitme. Don't Is;deceiv-ed. but insist U | H I I I getting Dr. K i n g ! Now Discovery, «hlr | i is gunranteed to give relief in all Thmal, Lung and Cheat affei'tions. Trial iMtleslree ut Hunt A lluniers Drug Store.

"HACKMKTAC'K," n lasting and fra-grant perfume. Price 86 and Wets.


BE VGU'U OWN DOCTOR. I won't ci si yon half as much. Do

nol delay. Senil ibree 2-cenl stamps for i>o«iBge. and wu will send Dr. Kauf-tnan's great work, line colored plates from lile, on disease, its cause, and home cure. Address A, P, Ordway A Co., Boeton, Muss.


motive and desire lo lelltve Human suf tering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by msil by addressing with stamp, miming ibis paper. W. A. NOYIS, 149 Power's Blook, Rochester, N. Y. (19yleow)


VICTOR, N . Y . , F e b . I s l . 1 8 8 7 .

Mr. O. F. Woodward. Dear Sir: Send me i grosa Kemp's Balsam, 50c size, and a few samples, 1 certainly know that Kemp's Balsam is the best selling cough cure. I have fifteen other cough and lungremedieson my shelves, and Kemp's Balsam sells 10 to I best of all. Respectfully y o u n , F. E. Conn. Sold by ull druggises at 60c and $1.00. Sample bollle freo.

SHILOH'S CATARRH R E M E D Y - a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptberia and Canker-Mouth. CLARK A WIN

SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, Bron-chills. CLARK A WlNEOAR.

Ilm kirn 's Arnica Balv*.

The Best SALVE in the world tor cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcen , Salt Rheum, Fe-ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-blains, Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-qulred. Il is guaranteed tu give perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For nuie by Hunt A Hunter

C L A R K & W l H i a A E U Yon will now find in our stcck

AN ELEGANT LINE OF WINDOW SHADES, at from OOc ;. fixiure np. You should w e them before purchasing

elsewheie. Also a fine BMertment ot

Wall P a p e r a n d C e i l i n g D e c o r a t i o n s . PAINTS OF ALL KINDS IN STANDARD LRANDS. BRUSHES, OILS, VARNISHES, ETC

We i D t e n d not to be b e a t e n in a n j of i h e above L i n e s of Goods, R E M E M B E R T H A T I


J . W . W e l t o n ' s Commercia l CollegB. '.'1 F o u n t a i n S t r ee l H b e p a r d - l l a r t m a n build-

ing. G r a n d Rapids . Mich. T h e Col lege o t f e r t t h e m o . t e x l n u . l v e c o u r s e a f a t u d y In bua lnea t co l rge b r a n c h o a a t t b e moat r e a s o n a b l e t e r m s Do uot la l l t o as ' i l f o r a f o r t y p a r s c a t a l o g u e giving fu l l I n f o r m a t i o n In r e g a r d lo cou r se , lul-tloii, e t c . Address

WELTOXS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE (tw) O r a u d R a p l d t , Mich .

D A N I E L S '



Choicest Meats, Fish and Poultry.

Cash Paid for All Kindt of Fat Stook. Poultry aad Uldet and Pelts.

J . S . D A N I E L S .

h's Coll.* Reel C«Si»Mial.-Os«-aedof Cotton Root Tanar and Praay-aL awniw*. Safa, rvtoal. PlaoaaaL l i br mall, oeomr

• s R s a m i P Sold in Lowell by W . ® . WINEGAR,


- A n th. U.TtHt Importers o f -

BRITISH HORSES In Ibe world. Hay. Imported thn. Urns, the number ol drswlaaa jtrlo* wtaalwa banes ot tay Arm In the United BtatM, anJ have now on band for actual saleovtr 2 2 0

Clydesdale, English Slilre, Suffolk Punch, ClivilMd Bay

And Hiekmy Stilllont.

S A Y !

You can buy Dry Goods and Carpets


COLLAR & WEEKES'. All summer goods at greatly reduced prices. New fall goods

cheaper than ever.

- C L O T H I N G S A L E B Our entire stock will be sold at a



Men's and Boy's Clothing. W e must close out the balance ol" our winter stock, and

taking into consideration the. dull times we will have to do so a t a great loss to us. But


WE H A V E E V E R y T H l H G IN MEN'S a n d BOYS CLOTHING F U K N I S I I I N O g o o d s , e t c

Give Us a Call and Be Convinced that W e Mean Business.


W. R. Blaisdell & Co.. D E A L E R S I N


REDUCE THEIR LARGE STOCK, Anlldpating n clmnRii in some lines of KOIMIS, nnd in order lo do so,

will oiler their entire slock nl heretofore



Mnny lines in our slock we wish lo close out and discontinue, nnd others wc would greatly reduce, nnd these will be

CLOSED OUT AT COST I to make room for Spring Stock.

OVER 7 5 COOK AND HEATING STOVES ! Bar Iron, Axes, Cross Gut Saws, Builders' Material

At P r i c e s N e i e r Offered Before . Give Us a Tria l Trip , AND BE CONVINCED.

Lowell, J a x S.

Big Line of Dress Goods, Plushes, &c. Very Cheap.

Remember this is the only place in town you can buy the


A Large Assortment of Badger State Shawls

Which beats them all.


A L W A Y S S O M E T H I N G N E W .

COLLAR & WEEKES. I n V c O l d e n T i m e s A Washboud WA.-... UMlv IIII ' -MI> Tin-Wonder known as

Jaxon Anti-W ashboard

Soap Has completely revolutionized things, and gives the housekeeper something new. This

A N T I - W A S H B O A R D S O A P hnv nudi- fi* itself a reput.uiou a> the

WOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. A s k y o u r G r o c e r f o r

and T a k e N o t h i n g b u t J a x o n Soap. Try it.

It b . F A M I L Y S O A P in every seiw-, and ooce

used will li- alwa\s used.


SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Builders' Hardware a Soecialty.

Don't fail to see Jewett 's 4-lioIe Novelty Ranges.

Take the Lowell Journal FOR 1889.

ONLY 2 c t 8 A WEEK.


POWDE'I Absolutely Pure.

TblJiMi v l.T nrrtT v«ri*-«. \ M«r\. I if pur ur mri'iiitiii nml »ii i i« imen^ M"" •-••'n OIIIII HI IIIUII tin- nnllimrj kiml- » I 11 I"t !

ilil in co ti |it*l Hli 11 u hli lln mull Hi!"* «•' Inw -• uli'irt welRln uluni or |>li"-i<lin<<' |. tili p.

•>.M only In i.'niii. Kuynl nullutf ! • > r <V I« Willi at, K. Y. I'' « |

P A T E N T S Uttralu, kiuI Tin li- Miitk« olilnlnnl ami nil I'*' li'iii l|iiiilni'Mi'.'iili<iii-tr<l for MllllKWA I'l'' Kl'KS

Ullll OKFU'K IS (U IWITK V S r U KNT OKKICE. W> linii' n i nil' iiKi'iiCitn. nil l.M,lni us •Ilro't, liHurc ran irnnnni-l nilwil buirtiir"* in h- • linn- anil al LKtfS COST tliaii lliofe remnlr from Watblni;l»ii.

Henil inndel. ilrawiDi*. 01 |iliiiio. wi-li ili'vrip linn. Wti ailvini' If |"il.inmli|Hor mil. lu i' "I cliann-, .Our fei-1» nm IIUC nil luiii-. i IH -• IMIHII

A b-iok. "HowtuOhlalii 1'ai'iUs. ullll rrlrr rnt-r* to «(i:ial cllrnl'i In yourHlaltr. r.iiinlv. cr (unn, M-U'. frvf. AililrnM


ninttmi tiallirrlnsa.

Sirs. A. A. Norton aril son J. , starlcii for Djkoin, Jan.

Tlumins Iiou^lilorv slurlfd for Virein-in. Jim. 01, luriuii'liiB old time liumr tlllTC.

I'li-nre romember tlio focinl held wllli Mr. nnd Mis. A. Sinilli I hi- eveuing ol Feb, lo.

Suvcrnl fumilie* of Oratlnn fri»ndf vi.i ied nt Oiln> McAttliur'n lasl Satuulay.

Tin're "III liijn "H'ird Timo Sreml' HI ilie (limine Hull, I'eb. 12. evinliiK. AH mviied.

l iu iliiiinn* lire otil fur iho w t dillliK of Mi. Unnlel lloiYnrd. of Vi rgenne-". nnd MUH Miiltle Mynie, of (Irnltan. l-Vb'y 1','

(linrle* Kddy IHIII III A. A. Week*' ••liK'k of driii,*, etc., olfired lor inle Feb 1.

The (Irnlinn DrninntioCo. will prrnenl | ilie xtlrrinir drninn. "Tho Diiiigtr 8i>t-

•ia',' and the iMiiidinble fum*. "Wide | ICnotigh fot T»v«i," Ffli'y H. al tlio O n t -

tan l'i mer vliurnli. Kvcrjbudy come!

Mr. and Mm. J A. LeaKiterentorliilned licr »cliool ihe evening ol Feb'y •»'. I'op-corn, cundy and fun were tlio order of tho evening.

A conipnny of IOi'i friemlB aurpriRPtl Mr und Mm. Juines Ladm r Feli'j 'J. and (HOienud iliein with un eieganl easy chuir

Th" WuBhlnstOD Club wero' entertnin-ed by Mr. and >Ir». Win. I^-ssiter. Jan. !9.

Mri. L. K. Alger and daughtein Corn and Ivy, of (Ireenviile, vlmieil her cou-sin. Mrs. BI. A, LedMter, Sunday, who wa' taken worw last week and in con-llned to her bed agum.


C. A . S N O W & C O . . 0|Hipi.lte I'atrnt OfBce. Wanhlnifton. I'

Mai uiMturtn I"'J •»"»» i" n; SliipalONl. HAY hNoilv.1 .

ut i . Fill crJm LL Kl

G L A S S ,

PLATm. ^

u . JThUant EufUUl fdet. Cm twl Emhtm

k u ICa'to<t'*I.V(ttciiafi M 11 iktcil bobcmui. Ct»rnt« L' --CtU«i Ptotrt. Pieiuh MhTtw m m 1 he • aliiy. %ai*»y »-»d quantify of a t «te it r t.wd- J by no houte io the Uottcd S'.iteu

W M • R E I O 7J & 7S t iratd Slreel Wait, DETROIT, MICH.

O U l i . . A V I / E E K R = ^

C, Vyn. auenl for IIIP lirand Rapids Vonecr Wotka, is buying timber in this vicinity.

Julm Close wos conductor on the L. & , 11. railroad during Mr. Urown'a absence

orltn. _ We Mr lie ; la-it Week.

Wm. Eckert is haulinc logs nnd get-ting inafr ia l tugetiier preparatory to iiuililing a new baru next sumuur.

T i n y Corrigan and FranK Combs shipjied a large carload of cattle to Uuf-falo Hum this place last Saiurday.

We've b«H-n Informed lhat Miss Allio C'ruinback, of Buivne. wid depart lor

i Ypi-ilanii this week to attenu the State | Normal School.

l leman Van Wormer and Oeorge Fike had a little difficulty last Friday and in the melcn Fike's arm WHH CU' with a knife. He now carries it in u fling. They say there will he moie of it.

s ) ' 'ChbSfslem\W''y-' V ' while JI convenient W^'^vj.V to Um buyer 01 ury V / /

r f . i : t.> u. V O K v ^ i V

co-cp?ia!ion tf ill-- V-«yf clubmc:».Un sell. i . .

kli-ri In

I'IC Oub i * C > J I V I I . : . JT oat, tboi ..h /1 a wr. .. H

tc? )'turL.'>i mil why

bt first


i i r t

i ,v •..,-c->n;n I. mIi lie'.. 1 lUfiillytqii Ildc.i. .".nacy. :i;r.rr.itcr,. • Mhly .ind »fi«- i. to an; f: A '.vh, Opn Kaccoi II la.'-n-i. . ... 5!.i.e(i'. .1 rnnil Watcllil C J K - . . ir-. • he mniie... •. r tic,; • 1 i i'. ••«-. •

'"•.JW.i-.Sn.' . lv . i i 1! i iBtheuFticci iratiihcrallc: hcrlackil '91.00 n w w k . .u .i • ,

(fVeKersioflViVatciiC • l i t tff«li Cf't Cwe St." .r v ' T

,024 IM1B0J ST. MlUi... . *, b - J . Aceau Wanted. / > . \

Aj>x Watch Inialjla-. O'l V| «|hrtreti n(i;'MiiMi. • • Ht* r" • * ^ u- it. -fir**' CT* • «ff i - t t i i -tr


Cloth Si Cold Binding, III I'aiv., «IU M~l

ai iuo ratiu jiloM.f, il. IU. inn. » V.

.jwBiratv—Tni-t«1 IT*cn|itloe»of sn rmlneni I'liy.l uu. N'mi.lr, rtafc audHnrr.

ni!. r

. ungh, rolil, BroKi-hlib S'curulaln, Tdlli" In-,'. uc-iu-li.'-.. ,s.j llrndni'lirK, Wok llcailaulu-,Vertigo ,li,>

.{liruniullam, Uln-nmallc I'alm.L r'rvrr anil Auuo, < lilll., MularlA... T IJ Mlra,lillnil i r liliinlliui Sfi IDlilhnlini. nr s,ir.-, ur Miwt I ..Ml

O M E O P A T H I C res. I VVhoapVnu t'ouirii. \ 1 li m Cmwii-j ^al hma. ouiipn»-• 1 IlivaUilnR

..10 ..JO I limn. Mipini -' 1 Hn-.iUii'ik* . .iO

r OlprhorB<-». liuialn^u. arli' • ,,-.(1 rota la. KolarKi l Ulind". s«i-llii. ..HI

lurnrral IN-blUlv.l'lyalf*!w "•akui I •"rnp.r, ainl Sranli "•'.'•li m. |Hrn f«lckn( H«. si.' n. -s froa hi.-1 Hlrinri'IIIKI'MM^ I NrnIIIIH DrloIlly.SiimlnalMI'lik* I mv.i rlnmlu-.i; r/MHII.-.;. . :. ISorp MUIIIII, I MI K. .

Trlnnry X\ rnltnr.., Wriilnn 'u-l Pnlnfaf I'prloda. »llh Mswoi Illarnari. of l lr . in. I'.ili.llall u. . Rpllrnay, sp.-iM.i. si.Vliu.' IIQII' P ) P 0 l V r

. 3 0




P E C I F I C ^ BoldbrDrurirtilv.iir«rnli>»t [Kil l il. r |

pHM.-lll*rilKl\V >11111 I<L|U. IVUIill'.i v.!. j

•ffVETF.HINAUV PPTrn. -"o«vlirp«nt IIor-r li I I mI-

On account of ihe rainy evening not manv freiii this plsce lotik the excursion io Lowell last Saturday evening to wit-iiess the S. of V. entrrlaii immt. Thone who did attend l epon a pleasant time.

Nashrilli News:—Kussell Sniilh, ol F/owt ll, was iK-iiig shown uboui town by Inn old neighlHir. jolly Levi Smith. The worst thing we can nay aUnit Uwant. Smith and Smith is that they urc a good \<u\v.—Herald.

Saras ao.

An infant child oi H. C. Gloster, Is just recovering from a severe attack of im-nibraneous croup,

lioinain Finch, who moved to I'ort-Liiid from this village, lias Mild Inn larm there and is looking tur a larm in this vicinity,

A few holts and logs are being deliv-rrrd in town on wheels, hut the timber business is milTciing terribly lor lack ol snow.

Win. Jay Wilson, formerly of tins village, aii'l ilenry Freidly, of Oilesra. have pure hn Mil a funnture sit ck al Hi hling und will engage in bUhiness in lhat -Tliage.

Mrs. I'. T. Williams, of this village, is one of the hens to a iar<e iiinount ol |iiu|N'riy in lUrlem, N. V. The prop erly coiisisisoi real estate, and is valued way up in the huiulrrds ol' millions

A new |hist office hns been establi'lied in this county by the name of Elnisdale.

Rimer Powers has gone to B a n g a in the Upper Peninsula wnere ho has a de-sirabie situation us manager of a drug store.

James Htown. a prominent Keene farmer, died Monday of last week.— Local.

So. Ilinlun.

Mrs. E. Dabcock is sick and Mr. li.ib-c.H'k is very lame frmn it fall he received while helping Mr. Tucker butcher, we are infornietl, '

The Atheninms discussed the ques-lion. Hesolved, lhat a hiuh pro'ective t iuIT is a detriment to the finmors. al ihe Hall, Friduv night, nnd the Judge decided m favoi" of ilu- affirmative.

The best time for harvesting loo thai lias been lliis winter.

W e hear lhat Mrs. O. W. Tucker Is :nlking of moving to Lowell, this Spring. Lowell n-curea a large num't-r ol those who leave So. Boston.

Mrs. Vickery has ppent a jioriion of her time with her sick daughter, Mrs. M. Tucker, in Clarksvillo lately.

Rev. J. M. Fuller, ol Saranac, is quite feeble, but savs he intends lo preach •iriiiii ^ n . l lrv. Mr. Weyant thinks il will br- in heaven.

Ronald Urange indulged in an old-fashumi'd siielling iiiatch recently in which the Uroiliers wero lulled against ihe Sisters, the Brothers being victori-

1 uus. The Urance closed a very success-lul contest last Sainnhiy night, the

; llrutheis winning by 253 |ioinls.

UUMPHUnS'X n I nrd by iiII««•> a.* i - • l l r . A RNOIBLLMHTFIIAN R«.| Vrtrr1n«or ••nual .•••• on ir>..Ti , nn \ mrv uf iHinwflc Mh«-|k n-nr* wm! I'wiiliry — NmiI frrr. firrniii ii. II'.iirni AinH M1CD.O11.. \*j ruli«M Ht..' >.

• •nl f p T'"'" •llali*A .ni

Arch.tects &cuiLD-r.p Eililion of Scienliflc Amcritsn. 0


The Roller Mill Oompany are talking of slurting a Hour und feed store.

Fitzgerald Post, 0 . A. R., will have a camp tire on Feb S~J. (iood siienkers .ue expecit d. The boys intend making iho meeting a gloiioim success.

Miss. Maggie Kelly AHS niarnetl yes-terday at Ihe Catholic church to Fled Ueiikes. Fr. Ryan, ol Kalmuazou, olllc-laling.

Will Moore I ai discontinued hii med ical sludieu at Ann Aibnr and has giMie io Monroe oouniy to aasist in the many anmll p^X cases there.

Yesterday Hhe.ilf Shrlner relumed from loma bringing Doile iSmiili, who Una sei ved hla aeliU-DOH In priaon there. •Lodi," 11 now held lo amwer the

t'haige of ft'lonions assauli, U|sin whiuli he was urrt sird rome moni ha ago.

The Brown brothers, one of whom pailici|iaied lecently in a wrestling match with N. T. I'lamolid, a ie out .Mill a general clmllengu io w n s l l e any-uody lor » p u n e uf 2 tu 1. The chal-'t-iiKe is iiqieciBllv fur Mr, Dian.und hut w.- underslaud In lianutr.

be will luH accept —

T R A D E M A K l v S . In rfi"« ym -i n' •'

f - ( •im.v. up.' • inuutHltMi*' pto»r« tii>n.

r'»rvirff:»»T%t i «(4 qairko i. • ..

Ml NN A: f Ci 1*.

rait* 2 WEIOMEO 2800 LB9 iroaonoaiPnoNa aaioecr . j , ' I r<iiausi-oa.. *iao ro»L. l i ^ / y SILVER00 Cinti'ND O

itu. Ooaasaay hU 7» lot v t ™ * 1"


Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Price, twin baby boys.

Edward C, Pasco and Miss Lottif C. Crip|ien. of t ireennlle , were married laM week.

(ieorge H. Miles receives | 2 a monlh pension. He receiviil back |>ay at the same rale lor 2J yeais,

(jeo. Claik lias received from the post : office depanmenl $125 78 due him as i iMMtmaster in Allay, N. Y., in l»6l-u5, I Slow certainly, oven it sure.

A loboggsn slide from Washington St. j -oulb lo the maish has la-en put up by

,i sy iidicalu who will ujierate il for the : pleasure ol the community.

A State item is going the rounds io

•.he efloot thot Henry M. Fuller, of Paw Paw,has sold a mamoth cave in Alabam-a for $800,000. H. M, Fuller, of Green-ville is meant.

Sunday nipht about It o'clock an iilarin of fire cauiud the flro department io rush lo the rlvor flats east of Clay Ht on the Ellsworth addition. Mrs. D, Oal-lowav's house burned to the ground; loss |£00; insureil $400 on house, $100 on furniture.—/ndyxndeiif,

Morae l.akc lllpplea. Too talr for tail wwk.

One of the old first selilers of Ihls scclioii of tl e cnuniry, Mr. McEwen, pasMHl uwHy last Thumday night. His luneral reiMcea were htld ut Bowne renter la>t Hsiunlay. Ills son Pmf. Joi n UeEwen, of ilie Agrictillurnl Col-lege, came up In attend thu funeral nnd went back Halurday night.

Mrs. P. W. Calkins is reported much better. Bite hm h.-en sick fur some time.

There are iiiieioatlnic revival meetings in proumia HI West Bowne church and also at the United Brethren cnurch near

' Sweet School house. Many conversions I are reported.

Mra. Curtlsa was called suddenly to lonm last week on account of the sicknera of her husUind. ,

Quito a number from this vicinity went to Whitney ville Orange lastMatur-day night to wii'uesa the Imllitlun of twelve members, s ix uf them being ladieri. Oar UepreBcntotive, Capt. Judd. was one of tho gentleman Initiated. Af-ter the exercises uf the evening were concluded all sat down (o un excellent GniiigH Feast. Our thanks are due t" the officers and mumbers of the Whll-ne) ville Orange for the courtesies ex-tended lo the South Lowell Oiaugers on thai occasion.

Mr. John Chatlcrdon is reported very sick with pneumotna.

Mr. John Chattcrdoii who haa been quite sick w Ith pneumonia is reported much belter.

Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Curttas came down from loma to ipeud Sunday at Ihe Cur-liss honiestead. Mrs. Curtiss took a M-vere cold, while coming up from the depot, and is quite ill.

Miss Phenie Sweet, who was taken sick with pneumonia about t w o weeks ago. died lost Wednesday. The funenil services were held on Friday at the U B • liurch. aud the rem.iins were takeu lo the Vergennes cemetery for inter-ment. Misa Sweet waa a very estima-ble young lady, a member of the Uood Templara, an earnest christian and was tmioli beloved by her associates.

Master Jessie Sweet ia reported quite ill, ns also Mrs. DeWitt Ftro.

The Moree Lake Literary Society held its regular meeting ut Ernest Curtira'b lust Friday evening The program con-si.U-d of a delnte, rending of tbo socle •y i wipe rs. essays, songs, etc. The next meetiug will be at Mrs. Houghton's.

I-owell District Conncil P. of H. will meet nt VergenWes Urange Hall, next Saturday, Feb. 9, A good attendance is hoped for.

Mr. A. Blakeslee has but up ninety tons of ice for use in his meat business next summer.

Visiting at Mr. Wm. Clark's, his niece, Mrs. Bluner. formerly of CaJibrMge. Mich. C. W.

VTaat Campbell.

Mrs. Headworth w ho has been sick all the Full and Winter is now able tt- rule lo Lowell. She is improving rapidly under tin- treutmeni of Dr. McDannell. of Lowell,

Mrs. Qertie Rounds and family are Immo from WusulugUm Territory visit ing Itiemls.

King's young peo.t'e enjoyed a party at their fathers house lust Thursda) evening,

Mrs. Flora Trowbridge is home visit-ing tier mother.

The prayer meetings at the Lakeschool house Fiiday evenings are mcreating iu interest.

Rulien Heidworth has been on the sick list fur auiiie days past.

The spelling schools at the Rnaenburg School house are well atleuded uud good order prevails.

Alton Atoms.

Jennie Andrews has got the Scarlet fever. 1 B. Mulcom is attending her.

The Alton Dramatic Club will present "The Heroic Dutchman" next Thursday and F. iday evenings at the Urange Hall. A good House is expected.

The Alto Urange is now working the contest plan.

Lem. Davis's little girl is quite sick. Dr. Ford is attending her.

If ihe old saying proves true wo may lis.k for a lute spnug. for the ol 1 bear could see her stiadorf last Saturday,

Effie Sherman is on the sick list.

Aila Ilema.

Dr. C. E Dan.'orth and family will soon start for California where they iu* tend to make their future home.

Roy Whitney, youngMit son of John 11, Whitney, is very sick with typhoid fever.

Edward Bradfleld and Mies Agnes Spalding wero marrk-d at H. Coid-weth's, Jan. 24, l&ffi.

L Burns, our post master, gives per-fect satisfaction. We hope he will con-linue to keep the |)Osi office.

Acker Jouetloa.

Mr. L E. Lou's cnnimiasion as post-master of Eluulwle, (Acker Junction) haa arrived, tlie bonds havo been signed and aa soon as returns are received from Wadiington It will Iw in order lo tell your editors, your triends and sweet hearts where to send your mail. And don't forget to tell your editors, where your pspew have been sent in Lowell (a nnall town just uuiside Ihe suburba uf Acker Jiincuon) • please i hange my ad-dress lu Elmdale, loma Co , Mich.

•'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral haa given me great relief in broncMtia. Within a iiionth I have sent some of this prepar-utioii lo a friend sulferi .g from bron-chills and aatlima It has dum-hun so much giKnl tiiNt ba wrihn for moro' — Clnrlea F. Dumierviilo, Ply niouili. Eng-land.


(Jueer Inlnreal Takan In • I'ltaan Wy • hanlliiienlal I'uliitrr.

Thofliycfii/nrUoei not dlsUain unerilotns cf doca und ihelr doings, and 1 ibink Uis fot lowing history, lo wbit h 1 cau iw-sr |iei'anoal tcsllaiony, msv bo found not tninterealiog Ui yosr readers, writes Csuon Ainger, In Iho London .IjavM/or. Al this ilclighlful houaa in IVrtnsiro, wtare 1 um on a vlsIL thoreua well-bred poinlrr nam-sl "Fop," who, wtien not ougagrd in bis pn foanonal pursnlta ou tlio moor, lives cliioll; m a ken-net pluced m a looso box udjoimnp the other st»b!ci atiai bed lo the house. Nearly a j ear ago there were a pi.r of piteous whs lived lu tud abool (be tuL'.e yar-L Ono oi Iho bird i died, and Its boreavu] ma to u> onee sitaehod Itsolf for soclct r and proteo-

; lion lo tbo doc. and has bveu 'Is coustant cooipanion ever since. Ou lb. days when

1 the sportsmen are nol seeking «rouse, tbe dog U iu Ins kounel, and the p.^eon ii al-ways bis close altcndanl. Bhe roosU ou a rack over tbo manner of tbe iiohte, and m the dsy-iltnc is either strutting >ti<«t preeo-IBR her fealhors. taking bsr meals from U e doir't biscuit and water tin, orquif as ofiea siUlnRintho l.cnncl by bis side, ucslUng close to him. "Fop," wbo a an amisble and rather sentimental being, takes no sp|iarent notice of bis soyipanion, except ibat we ot>-sorve him, In jumping into orou*. of his kcuuol nliile the pigeon ia there, to tako obvious care nol lo crusb or disturb her in any way. The oulj other

I '

S l a u g h t e r ! S l a u g h t e r ! A GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE

— O P —

It don't |xiy in mn nlirr mhn Irtndt, lor In Ilie eml iviw house-kce|vr. «ellle ilonn t.- the UM

of SANTA C L A U S SOAP. • \ "V II youi gimei hiunl Ninlii C'lsul

MAPK OVI.V liV Snip, he'll ' it il for you.

N . K . F A I R B A N K & C O - . C h i c a u c . Ill

i 1 I L

symptom "Fop" has shown of being jealous for the pigeon's comfort nnd con-venience Is that when of late twe sbickcns from tbe siahio yard waudcrod into tho apartmont where thodoK and pigeon re side, ho very promptly bit their Heads off, as if in muto intimatlou that ono bird Is compesy, aud two, or rather three, are none.

The story Is rather ono ol a pigeon and a dog, for It Is quite evident that sbo li ths dovotcd friend, and that be aeqaicaces ID tbe friendship On the days when " Fop»' ta taken, to bis InUnlto delight, on tho moor, thu pigeon Is much ooncemod. Sho follows him as fur as she dsres, taking u series ot short Uights over his bctd, autil a liltlo wood is reached, through wb'ub tbo keeper and dog have lo take their way. At this point her courage fails her. and sho returus to tbo stable, to wait hopo'uliy for her com rade'a return.

This singular alliance is a great joy and Interest to tbo keepers, coachmcu and irrooms of tho establishmeut, and, as tbo keeper gave me a strong hint that tho story ought to be told lu print, adding that bo bod seen much less uotewonhy iucidcnts of animal life promoted to such honor, 1 have ventured lo send it to vou. I may mid thai the pigeon is of the kind called " J-i-jbin,** and la while, witb a black wine. Is there any precedent for such olosi inllmucies bn tweon animals so widely Beparnicd iu kind and habltl


A T r a d e TVhn .e A n t i q u i t y l a GalabUsTied by S c r i p t u r a l I t e r e r a n o e a .

In addition to sandals, says UHher, tho Egyptian curnera mado the covering of seats of sofas, liow-eascs, quW'rs, tho fur-niluro of war chariots and tlio decorations of harps and shields. Uiampci* und beaa-tifnlly embossed leather straps havo been frequently found fastened rousd tbe mum-mica. Tho practice of stretching the tanned skin on a wooden frame, ns Is the eustero of Kuropesn saddlers, und tbo scm^cir -ular knife in vogue with the curriers c iho preacut day are both dlsunctly repiesetiled at Thebes. The sboemakera aro one of tho very lowest castes in India. Lealher Is considered unclean by tho Hindoos, nnd consequently those who work in it are dclllcd. It is alleged of tho ahoc-inakcra that thoy eat tho llesb ol domestic animals lhat die a nnlui-.d death. They dnigor carry away tho earcuss to their own pari of the town or village, cut it wp lu pleaos und Uiiiribuio the flesh among tl>eni-selves in siiDlcient portions and clcan tho hide, and pal it away for sale, or to bo mau-ufactitred into something.

It Is u singular rirunmstance lhat the Chinese havo oo uequainlunee wilhllio proc-ess of tanning by vegetablu juices, hut use only ninural aud nmuiai lubMuiuvs; houco the Infoi'ioriiy nl thnr pro|>ared skins.

Tho myriads of victims aluiu iu Jewish sacntluas must havoaffordod tho skis mar-keta copious supply Tho scarcity of glass, pottery nnd can heuivaro would, however, cause a •onsiant drinaint' for leathern bot-Uea aud drinking vessels, und these, by reason of climate, deftniivo mjinifacuiro, and by exposure to tlieprvn css uf fcrmcnla-tlon. wore very (icmlmlilu- pjrhaps even more so tbau ihe Uniilo vessels of glass and clay.

Only ono lauuor is nicntloned in the Diblo —tho Simon who was, in all probability, a member of tho chuivb ul Jupira, and In whoso house Peter found a temporary homo when Iho inesscncors of Cornelius wero In-formed : "Ue loJfeth witli one Smion, a tan-ner, whose house is, by the seaside."There are nan-crous wells of water in close proximity to the town of Joppa. Ttiis would render il a suitable locality for a tannery, and the ad-jacent port would focilitato the shipments of a carco in groat raquosl, nol only through all the Medilerranoaa ccast, but far up tho Nile, and among tho somi-civilizcd dwellers of Northern £uropa. Several tanmines ot great antiquity still exist near Ibo shore, one ol which is ssid by tradltlou to havo been that ot Simon tbo tanner.

Wo havo many pieces of skin and leather from thu Egyptian tombs In a state of pcK feat preservation, which posscd Ihrosjfh the hands of tbe tanner more than thirty conturlis ago, and which, but for tne Inven-tion of this process, must have penshed In a few hours after they had loft the car-casaes from which they were stripped.

E m b r o l i l e r l n f R o o k C o v e r * .

A new pastimo for women, and one that promises to be extreaely popular, is the embroidering of book covers. It was intro-duced by a isdy recently from Europe, who Is an adept in One artistic embroidery, and who has been interestedonough in tbe work to exsmlne Ihe various specimens In iho British Museum and iu the liiblioihequo Nationals in Pans. Tho silk, satin or vel-vet is embroidered lu colors, aud gold and idver thread. In designs appropriate to t lx contents of tbe book, or according lotha fancy of the embroiderer, and u is then sent to the bookbinders. Beautiful effects may be produced by artistic lingers, and, certainly, a few books with such ornamenta-tion wtli add as much to a laity's boudoir as an embroidered lablocioib or a handsome piace of bnc-a-orac.

P a s t e T h a t W i l l K e i e p .

Dissolve s teaspoooful ot aum In a quart of water. When cold stir in as much flour as will give it the consistency cf thick cresm. being particular to beat up all tbo lumps: stir in as much powdered resin i s wlli he on • dime, and throw in half a doien cloves to jtiio It a pleasant odor. Have on the fires uncupol boiling walcr, pour the flour mixture into it, stirring well at the ttma. In u very fow minutes II will be of thecousistcney ot mush, let it o i l ; lay on a cover ar.d put In a cool place. When needed for use take out a portim aud soften li with warm water. Paste thus made will last twelve mouths It is boiler tbiin rum as it docs not glues tho paper aud CM oe writtei. on.

A Wor.l Atxinl Hacniul M !»•*. When elderly uii-n marry a second oi

third lime ihere Is usually a cyncisl out-burst of Uuirbier amonit those who know Iheoi. Wbcredoci tbe laugh coma in* II a man lias married a good ivlto the first time ta it not natural thai ho should try to console hiiiisclt tvnh a second I If he hai mode a mistake tne hrst time it is nol a complimeut to the lair sex in general it be shows ibat bis general faith in womunhood ta not impaired by his tirst error I I kueiv a man whose life was spoiled for a quarter ot a century by marriage with a termsganl wiiose sulks were broken by as rare rays ot sunsbinc as those ot the present summer. All the while bis lite waa a daily mir-lyrdom Vet he showed thai he never lost faith in womanhood, by marrying a second time less than a year after the viraro hsd been eonsigned to the grave, and his vent-ure amply atoned lor hm Urst mistake.

A F E W POINTBHS The rec.-nt statistics of the number of

deaths show that the Uree majority die with Consumption. The diaeaso m i y commence with an apparently harmleiw c m g h which can be cured inatantly by Kt-mp'a Balsam for the Throat an^ Lunge, which is guaranteed to cure and rHieve all caaea. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial size freo. For aale by all drug-gleta.

W e notice n new depiiriiire in Ihr treatmpnt of dist-nse thai promises to

: revoliitionizo ihe medicine liusmeM It consists In the collection of the specldca

I used by notiHl speeluli-ta of Europe nnd i America, nnd bringing them within

reach of nil. For instjince, the treat-ment pursued bv special physicians who treat indigestion, stomuch ami liver imubleH ot'ly, was obtained nnd preferr-ed. The trentments of otherphisicinns. celel.lhted for e m i n g catarrh, were pro cured, and so nn till these Incompirabh curea now includc diseaio of Ilie hings. kidneys, female weakness, rhenmatism. ntrviiua debility, and piles. Kriginnted and used by specialists, la-ing a positive cure for each dieeeae, these preimrtllnns are ihe best rc.nedies procurable. We advise nil to rend iliree t w o cent slamps to the Chase Medical S|iecialty Co.. 170 West Adams St.. Chicago. III., and re-ceive by return mail their inienst ing hand book.


|German Remedy.| TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.

. TorThoSTesnH |DlllousSpr1lsilc|ionil ' -iRtiLniLaBrmju


TToSfwIll ho irilill fnracnMiKlicroblx-Plica nrrrnis wll L nit nsnlntor cure. I i | iter fnlla.

• .udt It reil snd sll f|om' Ifaeltnc If sn, use ISUM IUTl niTTEBS III nlll rare yon.

UlK-rnUtisnliuun; IdoKly coiitlncil It llhe mills nml work I shops; rlerks-wlmilu Inot pmruroaumclent loxcrr'.w, snd all who I are enndned Indoors, Ishoulil n.o Pi'Lrni'R I IU miiis. They will • dot iliun be weak aud Islrklv.

ni-nusctlicvltbtedl ilood nhrn yon act I ts Impurities linrstl iizthroii(h the sklul n rimiplc, Ilk li lies.I

nml Borci. Drtr onl SULPHUR DtTriias.E nml leallli will tol l

si i riH i; IllnKasI ivlll cure UTerC'om.r bint. Pmit In- ills I oiiragcdillivlUcurel

T T T n T i nut wish llosiitVrfrnm tllieum |.ill.in, llMatsiUleo I Stii.eiti'R IiirrKus. Ill m e r falls torure.

s mmTIie n-litiout

flmiih-. Try It; you Inlll not rem-t II. . I.nillcs InTTIIesiP Ibeslth, who arc nil |riiniloiTii.»Iioiilil IIH' ISt'U'lll'li IlllTKHa.

SL'Leiit'u III i tcas l nlllliiil|ilyiiiiii|iaDil|

inkc you •truu£auil|

ULriifa l i innasl vlll make your Mooilr •ute, rich anil strong,t

snd yonrflcth liard. I

"Tn-'s'Leiit ii liir l reus to • iiljcht, sndl vou will klrcp Hclll nut fprl I letter for I t l

J)o you wont the bestMoUcsl Work published? Send S trrnt •tnmps lo A. 1' OnnWAV A Cc, ItostoD, Man., snd rccelvo t i.-.rrea.

New Grocery, A Clean New Sf.ock of

Groceries AND

Provisions I N THE

Graham Blcck

Open on and after Sat urday, Nov. 24.

Prices low as the low-est.

Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited.



Insurance AGENCY.

The following Urst clasa companii* retirosented;

In-iirance Company of North A m e n ca "1704" iTlie o/'feW Anu-rn an Co.)

Firemen's Fund. San Francisco. The Old Connecticut, Hartford.

Detroit. Detroit Fire & Marine, ( Mich. Fire A Marine, ( Western Assurance, Canada. Alvt soverul uf the liesl

life aod Accident Companies.


Business College < E S T A B L I S H E D 7 Y I A R 8 . )

iihepird-Hifltnin Bulldlag, - FounUin Si.



Book-Keeping, Short-Hind, Telegnphy. Pen-mamhip and Buiineu Forms.

J . U . L E A N , nrf PRISI1PAU

m WS! fSo liaitalksi.) An l» .Its Juried. Mwp-amd.lcrig<n.quickUalnjBaytfit

I llB» e-raTMiwil lark i»ii ftma 1 mebeeSllvarlao Caw, hmry.

'nuiinaiipa. If BUafanoiyaiidaaRs .i 'niid joomn|ey tor ;_uilitnt|u-It

rUl WWSyB <t Inlhrtmr i. onltcaK of PnaUnl DoeberJMiiilkM o.ikailtwa cixxsatxant - ... aORNr OMe. i-'il k(*p It* and vru a lifp-lli

sn:i'JAI. 25c. o m o b - l aant loo to tny W>-iiaKet>iul;^iww.liU«0lilwnuioo^ and IbrrHnr-f.* a liinlud Uina, w.M mi*! It aiib I ptir IWled (miIiI ItHtnl I«nor NU. v« lluttons. or I r*il« lj\rv Pin, or Omt*' h ^ l - t i i . r.euAe. CataksmFICK^ • an iwasttmpA. \V7ci. S'OItKIs,\\holewla Jraetn. £;Ii«wai* HBichraetn., Bo fllHi Ave, CIIIOHEU. IlL S#-AI»a)« lucntmn IhU MpT,

II'Mttk*-: letxiiltal.Oi-.-^ ViI1fr.Ra>>km>.IMI« felk Uuuwui ia. U Mau irauanr el U*



J . L . H U D S O N ' S The Great Slaughter Sale Still Gonlinuesl

Everything will be Slaughtered. Every article in our C L O T H I N G , BOOT and SHOE, HAT, CAP and F U R N I S H I N G S Departments, as well as our entire DRV GOODS stock will be cut down to clean out. We have got to get rid of the goods and secure the cash, and so wc are forced to offer a larger variety of goods and make a greater S L A U G H T E R in prices than ever before.

FOR S14.88 I T O U R O f l O I C E o u


Great Bargains In Boy's and Children's Suits and Overcoats. Big Slaughter in Boots and Shoes.



New Wagon, Carriage, Road Carter Cutter O r s o m e one of the many articls kept by a first-class implement dealer.

Now is the Season to Buy Cheap! If you a r e thinking of buying a

Harness, Well Tubing, Pump, Hose or Water Works Connections, I have them

A n d will supply you at bot tom figures.

Farmers, Make your Feed p Twice as far By using a Feed Steamer . I have the best one for the money in the country.

I HAVE THE FINEST, LIGHTEST ROAO CART TO BE HAD In Michigan. T o see one is to buy it.

When you wish to get any of the above goods at way down prices. Call and see me,


H O T V O I I .


T H E O I - i D

Ma*. M lS«. aka

SkMl.m .nn a ."a mas BKSia. a •Inavr sainm

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B O O T S - e s - S H O E S .

W e car ry the Larges t and Best Stock in town, comprising

j eve ry th ing in the line of foot-wear.


Usod for 3 0 Yocra. Dost P r e p a r a t i o n In t h o Wor ld tor tick H c a d < a c : i c , • • i l i a In t h e u i d c snd Dsck, C o n . ilipitiss. P i m -p l e * o t i I l ie F u c c , B U I il DlHCllHwS, Sill R h c u t n , Bsili, . It If Ibo e. i t Medldae 1-BOW.LI. Q U A R T U O T T I IWitllis for f,'.-ft |»v|i«.* . , , , l«ld by •() Drit^iiU M I i r. . ,.r. W. JOHNSTON A C O , ' ) j t ro l t '1

P l i e s a m i n:: Dfn. c a a e n Hint arCno f r c m n DlHorclcrcv.

I . lvcr , ttc.-nsoli, e r n n I m p a r c I N o o d . It L. s IKlAVtlUl IOIiIp (IT Hit nesli suil (. i

Mr. capwU:'. fi r nirs 4 t l . -iln II l u n i i r . t l i n n tin i n i ' l tli'limie roi.-ii-.ntlua

> 3''



Scales of all Sues. 5 Ton Wagon Scale with Sratt Tart Beam and Btam Bet, $60. For frtt /Viz Lisle/ all kind', adjrtn

J O N E S O F B I N C H A M T O N . BIMOHXMTON, « . V. - J

FIHIE V E H I C L E S FOR T H E T R . .DC W r l t a for C a n l O f t u . . S I S C I S N A V I , 0 . . i 0 .. 9 . A.



Steam & Hot Water Heaters Steam Fi t t ing and Repair ing.

.CyAIII work Bt l o w e s t Living Bates, snd 8s t -uffacliuu guaruutved. ( U

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