loyal customers drive sales

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

10 Customer Loyalty Ideas

In 2015 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from just

20% of your existing customers

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

Table Of Content

Getting Started

Get And Keep Customers?

A Challenge For Almost Businesses

5 Best Customer Loyalty Case Studies

10 Customer Loyalty Ideas


10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

Overview Business competition is fiercer, instead of getting new source of customers, is it better to make your

customer who comes to your store once come back again? This white-paper would give you the reasons

why you should start your customer loyalty program right now, best customer loyalty case studies and ten

tips for customer loyalty program in 2015.

1. Get and keep customers? A challenge for almost businesses

2. 5 best customers loyalty program and key take-away

3. 10 customer loyalty ideas in 2015

Happy reading! I am sure that after reading this white paper you immediately can have some ideas to

start your own loyalty program and increase your sales.

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

Get And Keep Customers?

A Challenge For Almost Businesses

The study by Forrest Research shows that it costs 5 times more to acquire new customers than it does to

keep current ones.

Gartner Group cited in Forbes that 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from just 20% of

your existing customers.

Why do customers leave company?

Customers can leave you because of many reasons, knowing the reason is a key to success for your

business: the principal reason is they feel they don’t enough care from your business than the other


Customer loyalty – A challenge for all businesses?

According to Cheryl Conner “8 top great challenges for every business face” in Forbes, customer loyalty

is one of the significant problem for every businesses. Morever, 61% of retailers cite customer retention

as their greatest obstacle in 2013, up from 51% in 2012.

Is it really challenged to keep your customer loyal to your brand, right? Let’s take lessons from 5 most

successful customer loyalty campaigns.

Why Customers Leave Company

The treatment theyreceived

Feel dissatisfied withproducts and service

Begin doing businesswith the competition

Seek alternatives

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

5 Best Customer Loyalty Case Studies

1. Apple – keep customers loyal by its own products

Apple is the most special case study for customer loyalty. Although they don’t offer any discount or

special offer to customers, there are many fans extremely faithful to this brand because of its own


“When you start with an amazing products, you can create amazing things” That is what Apple uses in

every its products communication campaign. These innovative products can change the world, change the

way we work, play and listen to music.

Simple and innovative are what Apple makes its customers so loyal without using any promotional


Take-away tip: First and foremost factor for customer loyalty comes from your own products!

2. Boloco Card – Use simple points system

Boloco is the brand name of an American chain of restaurants that serves burritos, wraps, salads, shakes

and smoothies. Boloco brand gives their customers a Boloco card (with stylish design) to accumulate

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

their points after each purchase, with which customers can earn points after buying any products then

redeem it in next purchases.

Why this loyalty program is so effective: Measure points in dollar and reward in food items. Simple

system makes it perfect, both customers and store-owners don’t have to remember and apply confusing

reward points system to each order. That works!

Take-away tip: Use simple points (earn and redeem) system

3. Walgreens – Get rewarded for living a happy and healthy life

The Walgreen Company is the largest drug retailing chain in the United States. As of May 31, 2014, the

company operated 8,217 stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin

Islands. See how it conducted loyal customer program!

Walgreen puts their customer’s well-being on the first emphasis. With the Balance Rewards program,

customers can earn points by taking care of themselves through filling prescriptions, receiving

immunizations, logging points for walking and/or running, tracking weight loss, or participating in

physical activities.

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

Why does this program work? It is humane, Walgreen cares about their customers’ health, and then it

benefits both customers and Walgreen brand.

Take-away tip: Customer loyalty program should care truly customers’ problem.

4. Patagonia – Non-monetary loyal program

Patagonia is a designer of outdoor clothing and gear for the silent sports: climbing, surfing, skiing and

snowboarding, fly fishing, and trail. Instead of using common ways for loyalty program like points or

discount, Patagonia uses a non-monetary program to benefit their customers: They partnered with Ebay

and allows their customers to re-sell their old Patagonia products though Ebay.

This campaign works because it can meet 2 conditions: First, convey the message that Patagonia

clothing and gear are durable. Second, bring customers more value rather than discounts and points.

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

Take-away tip: Customer loyal program should bring more value to customers rather than discounts

and points.

5. Amazon – Amazon prime membership

Amazon.com, Inc. is an American electronic commerce company with headquarters in Seattle,

Washington. It offers loyal customer prime benefits that can make them feel VIP and delete bolder

between customers and providers.

Take-away tip: Give your loyal customers special offers.

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

10 Customer Loyalty Ideas For 2015

1. Focus on the quality of products

The first and foremost in a customer loyalty program is the

quality of your products. Customers will never come back to a

brand if it doesn’t offer any good to them.

High quality products increasingly build trust in your


2. Offer excellent customer services

Customer services somehow can be defined as the way you

communicate to your customers through actions of bringing the

best-quality customer services. 68% customers leave company

because of the treatment they receive; it’s high time for your

business to improve customer service to build up customer


3. Use points system

A point system for your customers is a great incentive for them

to come back again. Remember to simplify earning and

redeeming process!

4. Use a non-monetary loyalty program

Creating something creative rather than points or discount can

make your customers remember you better. For example, you

can set up partnership with other related brand, which can bring

real value to your customers.

5. Create a community

Creating a community of your loyal customers can benefit your

business and customers, too. Harley, a Motor Company, creates

a community where its loyal clients can build up their

networks, learn more about the products and share their stories

to the others.

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

through Loyalty Program, you can absolutely make something

special for your long-time customers. For instances, giving

customers who love flowers a bunch of roses in their birthday

or sending them a book about flowers can be the best behaviors

to show off your gratitude for customers’ business. Loyalty

Program is only successful when you keep your customer

surprised, happy and excited in a long time.

If you want your customer loyal to your brand, it is necessary

that you all have to

6. Give customers a badge of honor

When your customers have been with you for a certain time or

have made a big purchase, you can give them the opportunities

to be a part of a special group. MageWorld, a large portal of

magento extensions has Partner Program including silver,

golden, and premium level based on customer’s total order.

7. Make your customer happy

For business, smiling is something little but it can effect on

your brand image in customers’ mind. In fact, one of the

reasons Southwest Airlines has so many raving fans is because

leaders and front-line employees infuse some humor and fun

into the customer experience. Making customers happy is one

of important elements to help your Loyalty Program become

more effective. The customers who always feel comfortable

with your services will tend to come back to do more business

with you.

8. Keep them guessing

Keeping customers guessing is a secret of Loyalty Program to

attract them to come back for possibility of a discount. For

some big brands, they give unadvertised discounts during their

weekday “Golden Hours”. This means that discounts will occur

to anybody in anytime. Customers don’t know exactly what

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

9. Plan surprises for customers

Sometimes you should have plans to surprise your

customers. Basing on information you gather through

Loyalty Program, you can absolutely make something

special for your long-time customers.

For instances, giving customers who love flowers a bunch

of roses in their birthday or sending them a book about

flowers can be the best behaviors to show off your

gratitude for customers’ business. Loyalty Program is only

successful when you keep your customer surprised, happy

and excited in a long time.

10. Follow up customers

Customers come and go. However, there are lots of people

who are willing to come back with you if you regularly

follow up them.

In reality, when the transaction is over, some businesses

stay silent. It is a big mistake. Remember that your

existing customers can have potential needs in the near

future. Therefore, you should keep in touch with them,

gather their data and take care of them.

10 Customer Loyaly Ideas In 2015 For Ecommerce

Final Words

If your business only focuses on attracting new customers, it is high time to make your old

customers loyal to your brand in 2015.

“80% of your company’s future revenue will come

from just 20% of your existing customers”

Start your loyalty program now!

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