lucas kirkland soap opera genre target audience task

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Soap Opera Genre – Target Audience

Name: Lucas KirklandCandidate Number: 1159Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 LevelUnit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Soap Opera Logos- The identf or EastEnders is very effective in captivating an audience, with simplicity and familiarity. The name of the soap is clearly presented in a bold font, to ‘signify’ (De Saussure) the strong brand identity of this house hold program. Additionally the BBC logo is below, to connote the broadcaster of the soap. It is noticeable that the familiar image of London from a Birdseye view provides spectators with an image which they can instantly recognize. For new viewers this tells them that the setting of this soap opera will be London.

In contrast, the Hollyoaks ident is more vibrant in its choice of colors, therefore appealing more to the teenage demographic than the adult. The logo itself is reflective of its target audience. Additionally the male and female symbols incorporated into the logo illustrate that the program appeals to both genders equally.

Trailer 1 – Eastenders

Hartley's 7 Subjectivities:

• Age- Typically the soap opera genre would attract a large amount of age groups. Therefore 16-70 is a scale which fits the popularity of a soap opera such as Eastenders. The reason that soaps cover such a large scale of ages is due to the vast amount of subjects covered in a programme. Audiences of all ages are able to ‘Personally identify’ (Katz) with themes and issues.

• Gender- The stereotypical gender for soap opera genres is female. This is because this gender stereotypically is able to relate to an opera, as it features multiple themes such as: The home, the family, domestic tribulations and strong women. Additionally Dr. Aaliya Ahmed (2010) states that “Women typically use soaps as a way of talking indirectly about their own attitudes and behavior.” This verbal code ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) that women are able to identify with the soaps effectively.

• Class- Usually the class that is attracted to a specific soap opera is reflective of the characters on screen. Eastenders features characters from a middle/lower class background, therefore the class of people who would tune into the show would generally be a middle/lower class.

• Ethnicity- Eastenders is set in a fictional square (Albert square) in Walford, London. London is a multi cultural epicenter for all different cultures and ethnic groups. Therefore both black and white ethnic watch and feature within the text.

Secondary Research • When looking for secondary evidence, I came across a Google article detailing the

relationship between soap operas and its female audience. Merve Yesilyurt, explains how soap operas “Congregate a massive female audience whenever shown”. This connotes that soap operas are mainly appealing to the female gender. Later on in her article Merve Yesilyurt discusses why the female gender is such a popular target audience. One of the reasons discussed is that “soaps represent woman's culture by representing everyday daily life. This is perhaps because conventionally, many 20th century western women live lives that are very similar to those in the soap operas. Goodwin and Whannel, both male, claim that the ‘world of gossip’ is commonly seen as a ‘’women’s world’’ existing as a part of the domain of the household and personal. This is perhaps why soap operas appeal to the female gender.

• Socio-Economic Needs-Typically the viewers that would watch EastEnders, fit into the C1-E group. This is due to the fact that students and workers are most likely to watch the Soap. Often the characters featured within the text portray these kinds of roles, therefore viewers in this group can relate to the characters. For example a majority of the characters are working class, therefore audiences can relate to the issues of day to day life, such as money and debt.

• Psychographic-Generally the consumers of this text would either be in full time education or in a full time job. However by watching the program these groups may be influenced greatly by the fictional characters on screen. For example drugs, crime and cheating are featured heavily within sub plots. Some viewers may take on the view that this is acceptable in society. The people who generally watch soap operas come under the “strugglers” category. These types of people seek escape in something, for example escaping in a soap opera. This is also a typically lower demographics.

• Helplines- Often, soap opera dramas take on story's that effect viewers emotionally, as its something they can relate to. Typically after the end of a ‘heavy’ episode a helpline is displayed that will offer the correct support for viewers.

Katz’ Uses and gratifications theory-

• Personal Identification- Certain moments within the opera, may cause audience members to feel that they have made the same decisions as characters on screen. This can be dangerous as audience members may take on the impression that it is acceptable to act like certain characters.

• ‘Personal Relationship’ – Certain audiences may take a liking to a certain and begin to create a fictional relationship with the character. This happens usually when that character has been through the same themes an audience may have been through.

• ‘Inform and educate’ -Learning from others mistakes. Audience can better there own lives by not making the same mistakes as the fictional characters on screen. All the different multi-stranded narratives, themes and issues cover areas to inform and educate spectators.

• Show timesBroadcasted four times a week, normally at a prime time hour of 8pm. This time specifically is crucial as it allows the soap to explore adult themes and issues. However it is not at the watershed time of 9pm, therefore typically the program will not feature too much or any violence and/or swearing.

Trailer 2 – HollyoaksHartley’s 7 Subjectivities:• Age- People tuning into Hollyoaks generally fit into the

age group 16-25. This is because the program generally covers issues that are relevant to teenagers. Additionally the characters featured are of a younger age which allows younger audiences to connect with the characters more.

• Gender- Both females and males fit into the gender profile related to this text. This is because of the themes and issues raised within the text. For example the program focuses on different relationships and sexuality's. By covering broad gender roles the program attracts both male and female gender.

• Class- The lower class fits into the socioeconomic group E. This is the class for the target audience of this opera. Teenagers in education have not yet been classed by their wages, this is why they are put in this group.

Socio- Economic needs:Typically the audience consuming this soap opera fits into the E group because students are targeted specifically in the text. Areas such as sexuality and family issues are featured heavily as many students may be experiencing this issues whilst finding themselves.


Stereotypically the audience for this genre is teenagers at school or within education. When watching the program audiences may try to replicate certain characters in themselves. Life changing decisions could be made because of the program, for example gender change. ‘Explorers’ additionally will also seek new content to pleasure their needs.

Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory: • ‘Personal identification’ - Themes and issues

featured within the text may influence a audience member and path certain decisions made based on the soap opera.

• ‘Personal Relationship’ – Audiences may feel that they are able to connect directly with a specific character due to the troubles they may share.

Timings:Hollyoaks is broadcasted on channel 4 twice a week at 8:30pm. This is a prime time as it is just before the watershed. This time allows the soap to explore issues that students may face. For example trans gender issues and themes.

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