lucie soureillat resume en_012017

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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Lucie Soureillat +

28 years old

Work Experience Since

April 2014

(2 years


9 months)

Business Development Manager, YouScribe, Paris

A Netflix-style streaming service for ebooks

• Customer development : +250 publishing houses; led 3 major contracts

with distributors in France and worldwide

• Project management : led +200 integration projects (ETL, API, etc.);

recruited and managed a team of 2 people

• Legal strategy: +200 contracts signed; negotiation in French and in English;

application of the France’s fixed price book laws to make YouScribe

subscription legal in France

April  -

Sept. 2013

(6 months)

Project Manager, Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S.,

New York

• Launched a newsletter about the ebook in the United States;

• Promoted French authors and publishers on the American market dealing

with French and American Publishers, foreign agents and literary agencies;

• Organized publishing grants and translation prizes

Avril -

Sept. 2012

(6 months)

Marketing and Distr ibution assistant, Madrigall (Gall imard -

Flammarion), Paris

• Commercial follow-up

• Prepared several marketing campaigns;

• SAP monitoring

Education 2012 -


Special ized Master in Management for Digital Publishing, ESCP

Europe Business School, Paris

• Publishing management: cultural, legal, economic, graphic, technical,

advertising, sales and international aspects

• Professional thesis: Business model and roadmap to launch Bridging Book,

a mixed-media children's books startup

2010 -


Publishing Master’s degree, University of the Sorbonne, Paris

• Responsible for managing author contracts and legal follow-up and for

developing a website for final graduate school project [ f�diver ] launched

at the 2012 Paris Book Fair

2009 –


Master’s degree in French Literature, University of the Sorbonne,


• Master's thesis under the supervision of Prof. Georges Forestier:

Edition and plays at the Comédie-Française between 1680 and 1700 (2nd

year of Master's Degree)

Roxelane by Desmares (1643), critical edition (1st year of Master's Degree)

2007 -


Preparatory class Hypokhâgne, Nice

• Admitted at the Institute of Political Studies in Aix-en-Provence: admitted in

khâgne, equivalences with the university in Modern Literature and History

2006 High school diploma in Literature, Nice

Community involvement Since

January 2017

Cooperator – shareholder at La Louve

• Cooperative and participatory supermarket

• Every customer works at the cooperative for 3 hours each month

Oct. 2011 –

Oct. 2012

(1 year)

President of the student association Effervescence Sorbonne

• Created the association’s website

• Developed partnerships

• Organized meetings with publishing and audiovisual professionals

• Community management

Languages English: fluent; Spanish: fluent; French: native

Computer skil ls HTML, CSS (notions); CMS administration (Joomla!, WordPress) ; Android, iOS;

Good use of Microsoft Offices programs, iWork, In Design, Photoshop

Activit ies and interests Particularly interested in technology, culture and food

Love Swedish Fit

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