luciferian confusion

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Luciferian Confusion & Liberation Of Humanity

1. All too often Luciferians are mistakenly

associated with Satanist due to the Christian

interpretation of the fallen angel,

Luciferianism is a wholly different and

unrelated belief system and does not revere

the Devil figure or most characteristics

typically affixed to Satan. Rather, Lucifer in

this context is seen as one of many morning

stars, a symbol of enlightenment,

independence and human progression, and is

often used interchangeably with similar

figures from a range of ancient beliefs, such

as the Greek titan Prometheus or the Jewish

Talmudic They support the protection of the

natural world. Both the arts and sciences are

crucial to human development, and thus

both are cherished. Luciferians think that

humans should be focused on this life and

how to make the most of it every single day.

The ability to recognize bothgoodand evil, to

accept that all actions have consequences,

bothpositive and negative, and to actively

influence one's environment, is a key factor.

For Luciferians, enlightenment is the

ultimate goal. They prize the wonders of

nature and seek to connect with the natural

world and the universe that humans

inhabit, in order to move humankind

forward, whether it is physically or socially.

The basic Lucifer and principles highlight

truth and freedom of will, worshipping the

inner self and one’s ultimate potential.

Traditional dogma is shunned as a basis for

morality on the grounds that humans should

not need deitiesorfear of eternal punishment

to distinguish right from wrong and to do

well. All ideas should be tested before being

accepted, and even then one should remain

sceptical because knowledge and

understanding are fluid.

Inwhateverincarnation Lucifer is viewed,

whethertheistic or not, he is a representation

of ultimate knowledge and exploration:

humanity’s saviorand a champion for

continuing personal growth. Some Luciferians

believe in Lucifer as an actual deity, not to

be worshipped as the Judeo-Christian God

but to be revered and followed as a teacher

and friend, as a rescuerorguiding spirit,

oreventhe one true god as opposed to the

traditional creator of Judaism. Theistic

Luciferiansare followers of the Left-Hand

Path and may adhere to different dogmata

put forth by organizations such as

1. 2. The Neo-LuciferianChurch

orothercongregationsthat are heavily

focused on ceremonial magic, the occult

and literal interpretations of spiritual

stories and figures. Most theistic

Luciferians, however, are solitary

practitioners, connecting with others who

share their beliefs but not forming or

following a particular institution. A

personal relationship with Lucifer is

commonly achieved through meditation

and the practice of magic, either

independently or in small groups,

unaffiliated with a larger community.

While this relationship is a deeply personal

one and, as such, varies from one

practitioner to another, it follows by

default the Neo- pagan approach of seeking

camaraderie and inspiration rather than

the father/child or master/servant dynamic

of monotheistic beliefs. The thought of a

spiritual hierarchy or submission to a

higher powers looked down upon on the

grounds that being a god is not enough;

even deity must earn respect and

admiration from those who follow him.

Income cases Lucifer is seen as a rebel angel

or opposing God who sought to move

humankind forward in defiance of

Jehovah’s will to keep them ignorant and

childlike. In other cases, Lucifer is believed

to be the actual creatorofEarth and the

mortal realm, and was punished for

bringing humans into existence.Exact

beliefs and practices vary greatly, as they

do within any religion, but in all cases

Lucifer is considered to be a positive figure

of both social and intellectual progress,

with magic and ritual as potential tools to

follow in his footsteps.


+ Agla + Cadelo + Samba + Caelem + Awenhatoacoro + Aziel + Xorwotho + Yzewoth + Xoro + Quotwe + Theosy + Meweth + Xosoy + Yschyros + Gaba + Hagay + Staworo + Wyhaty + Ruoso + Xuatho + Rumwe + Ruwoth + Zyros + Qualos + Wewor6 + Vegath + Wysor + Wuzoy + Moses * + Aziel + * CITATION OF ARIEL + Yschyros + Theos + Zebaoth + Wyzeth + Yzathos8 + Xyzo + Xywethorowoy + Xantho + Wiros + Rurawey + Ymowe + Noswathosway9 + Wuquethowesy + Zebaoth + Xymo + Zvswethonowe + Yschyrioskay10 + Ulathos + Wyzoy + Yrsawo + Xyzeth + Durobijthaos11 + Wuzowethos12 + Yzweoy + Zaday + Yrswethwytho + Kamwoy + Yswo + Yzwothweth + Zaday + Zywaye + Hagathorwos + Yschyros + Imas + Tetragrammaton + Ariel. Yzhatos. Noswethosway.

2. 2. Yschyryoshay Durobotthaos Wuzoywethos

3. CITATION OF MARBUEL + Adonay + Jehova + Zebaoth + Theos + Yzhathoroswe + Wehozymathos + Zosim + Yghoroy + Vegorym + Abaij + Wogos + Gijghijm + Zewoij + Ykosowe + Wothym + Kijzwe + Zijwoth + Omegos + Hehgewe + Zebaoij + Wezator + Zijbuo + Sijbetho + Ythos + Zeatijm + Woxoe + Sijwoijmwethij + Pharvoij + Zewor + Wefgos + Ruben + Hebathoroos + Stawowe + Zijen Zijwowij + Haros + Worso + Yzwet + Zebaoth + Agla + Marbuel. *†*†*†* CITATION OF MEPHISTOPHILES + Messias + Adonaij + Weforos + Xathor + Yxewe + Soraweijs + Yxaron + Weghath + Zijbalor + Weghaij + Wesoron + Xoxijwe + Zijwohwowetho + Regathoswatho + Zebaoth + Adonaij + Zijwetho + Aglaij + Wijzathe + Zadaij + Zijebo + Xosthoy + Atlatho + Ysewey + Zyxyzet + Ysche + Sarsewu + Zyzyrn + Deworonhathbo + Xyxewe + Syzwe + Theos + Yschaos + Worsonbefgosy + Gefgowe + Hegor + Quaratho + Zywe + Messias + Abarabi + Mephistophiles. *†*†*†* CITATION OF BARBUEL. + Yschiros + Imas + Zebaoth + Otheos + Kuwethosorym + Zylohym + Zaday + Yschowe + Quyos + Xexhatoroway + Yzwesor + Xywoy + Yzyrye + Zalijmo + Zebaoth + Adonaij + Messias + Aglaabaij + Stoweos + Hijwetho + Ycoros + Zijwetho + Uwoim + Chamoweo + Zijzobeth + Sotho + Emnohaij + Zedije + Huwethos + Chorij + Yzquoos + Lijraije + Weghoijm + Xijxor + Waijos + Gofaijme + Toroswe + Ycijros + Emanuel + Imas + Barbuel. *†*†*†* CITATION OF AZIABEL. + Thoeos + Ygweto + Yzgowoij + Quiseo + Wijzope + Xorsoij + Nowetho + Yzose + Haguthon + Xoro + Theos + Magowo + Wijzosorwothe + Xaroshaij + Zebaoth + Emanuel + Messia + Yzijwotho + Zadaij + Xexhatosijmeij + Buwatho + Ysewet + Xijrathor + Zijbos + Malhaton + Yzos + Uzewor + Raguil + Wewot + Yzewe + Quorhijm + Zadob + Zibathor + Weget + Zijzawe + Ulijzor + Tetragrammaton + Aziabel. 3. CITATION OF ANIQUEL + Theos + Aba + Zaba + Aba + Agathoswaij + Yzoroij + Ywetho + Zardos + Quasoe + Uschijros + Cijmoe + Zowathim + Gefoij + Zarobe + Weghatlj + Phegathorowaij + Mesowe + Xalose + Weghathorsowe + Wephatho + Yzebo + Storijwethonaij + Quorathon + Sijbo + Mephor + Wijhose + Zaloros + Quetho + Zebathonaijwos + Zijweth + Ycarij + Ruwethonowe + Quiathosowaij + Zebaoth + Messias + Aniquel. MONARCHIA OF THE GOOD SPIRITS FAMILIARES Human ministration are the following: Seraphim Uriel Cherubim Raphael Thronus Oriphiel Dominatio Zachariel Potestas Gabriel Virtus Barbiel Principatus Requel ArchangelusAnael Angelus Phaleg

These are the Princes of the Choir of Angels. They have among them many 1,000 times 1,000 without end These angel princes appear very willingly to human beings to help and

4. 4. serve them in all things, as well as the following: GOOD SPIRITS. Chymchy * Asbeor * Yzazel * Xomoy * Asmoy * Diema * Bethor * Arfose * Zenay * Corowe * Orowor * Xonor * Quiheth * Quato * Wewor * Gefowe * Gorhon * Woreth * Hagyr * Welor.

5. 5. Even though Evil, they are still Familiar or Ministering Spirits, and Ready to Serve. Thebot * Wethor * Quorthonn * Ywote * Yrzon * Xysorym * Zuwoy * Puchon * Tulef * Legioh * Xexor * Woryon.


. Concerning the Magia Alba, take notice, that all good spirits must be cited when the moon is full, the Princes of the Choir of angels as well as other good angel-spirits. Concerning the Magia Nigra, take notice, that the, Princess of Devils must be cited in new moon, other evil spirits are cited the most readily in the dark of the moon, or at the time of an eclipse of the sun or moon. The circle already described, as coercive of hell, is for all spirits. Magia Alba:

White magic Magia Nigra: Black magic DISMISSAL, Of all good and bad spirits according to the tradition of the Tabella Rabellini, out of the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. Theos † Zebaoth † Adonay † Ischiros † Zaday † Messias † Salomos † Yweth † Thoros † Yzheto † Thyym † Quowe † Xehatoym † Phoe † Tetragrammaton. Now pronounce the name of the spirit and let him depart in peace.

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