luke pranay - zodiacal and numerological mirrors

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Luke Pranay - Zodiacal and Numerological Mirrors


    A compilation of my (Luke Pranay) zodiacal mirrors

    interpreted through various methodologies and

    protocols of astrology and numerology.Birth on 29-Nov-1978 @ 15.30 Bucharest

    (so that You & Me, Know more of Me )

    Featuring the following (selections):

    Aztec - Water,

    Chinese Horse(of Earth)

    Druidic (Atlantean) Elder Tree,

    Galactic (13 Moons) Blue Galactic Eagle,

    Mayan - Rain,

    Numerology - 2

    Western Classical (IAU 13 sign) - Ophiuchus

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    Re-Minder 1: the stars are just a mirror in the sky, and they

    just show us our (chosen) lifes theme(s) of exploration, and

    they predispose the Individual to certain definitions,

    thoughts and behaviors, but the Individual always has the

    power of choice of the theme to be explored.

    Re-Minder 2:all themes in life can be changed /

    transformed, when discovered, embraced, understood,

    thanked and fully assumed then transformed by various

    choices, thoughts, actions and vibration.

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    Aztec Astrology Day Sign (Tonali)

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    Keywords: Healing and helpful

    English Name: Water

    Aztec Day Sign: Atl

    The ninth sign of the Aztec astrology, Atl is

    considered to be a highly auspicious sign. It is thesign of purification, a good sign for battles but a

    bad sign for rest. Born under this day sign, the Atl

    people represent leadership qualities and great

    emotional powers. You are well known dreamers

    and possess outstanding psychic abilities. Strength, harmony and

    adaptability are the three characteristic traits of you people. Being

    highly versatile, skilled communicators and intelligent, you make

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    very good employers. Atl folks are understanding, sympathetic and


    Aztec DaySign God: Patecatl

    Patecatl is looked upon as the Lord of the Land of

    Medicines. He is the universal healer and also the god

    of fertility. Patecatl is the husband of Mayahuel. He is

    the god of pulque - a sort of intoxicating beveragemade from the maguey plant. Patecatl is the ruler of

    Malinalli grass.

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    Aztec Number: 4

    Aztec Day Number: 04 Nahui

    Again balance is the keyword for this day number of Aztecastrology. Number four represents the four elements of the

    universe - the fire, water, wind and earth. This is the most stable

    number among all the other day numbers. It represents the

    establishment of anything and lends shape to all creation in

    ways of length, height, width and breadth. Four persons are

    quite determined to reach their goals once they set it.

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    Aztec Day Number God: Tonatiuh

    Tonatiuh is the Sun God symbolizing the fifth

    World i.e. the present era. As per the myths and

    legends of Aztec there used to be four historicalages - the earth, wind, fire and water. But all ofthese ages were destroyed and gave birth to the

    present era. In the present era, the famous stone

    of Axayacatl bears the face of Tonatiuh and the

    wings of the Ollin symbol depicts the past four

    eras. Tonatiuh is said to rule over Cauac rain.

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    Earth Horse - The Chinese year horoscope

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    With head held high, the mightyEarth Horse never has to apologize,

    never has the pangs of a guilty

    conscience gnawing away the very

    soul. The life of the Earth Horse

    passes all scrutiny. Earth Horses are

    elegant, spirited, and adventurous

    creatures. Poetry in motion! Earth

    Horses are among the most generous and caring of friends, tolerant

    of their friends' shortcomings, never judging, never showing

    cynicism. They blend the right balance of sympathy and empathy.

    As faithful and unwavering as the Horses are in their devotion to

    friends, it is important to tell you that they are never weaklings or

    martyrs. Their inherent dignity and pride demand honor andadmiration. Earth Horses appreciate the good things of life and
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    because of their dedication to their careers, have the financial

    resources to keep life on a steady keel. When it comes to Love &

    Relationships, life for the Earth Horse is exceedingly sad and dreary

    without love. The Earth Horse will go the extra length to please

    their partners. They love wild and romantic weekends and

    traditional whisperings of sweet nothings. They pass a happy life,

    their blood coursing with life bursting cadence.

    Famous Horse People: Duke of Windsor, Princess Margaret, Billy

    Graham, Igor Stravinsky, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Haydn, Barbra

    Streisand, Nelson Mandela, Anwar Sadat, Neil Armstrong

    the Mou Wu Chinese year meaning Horse within the Gate

    pasted from:

    People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign

    of the Horse are open, honest, and romantic.

    Horse people never tell a lie, but the flip side
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    of that is that they can be blunt, and may end up offending others

    unintentionally. Really, the Chinese sign of the Horse just blesses its

    people with a keen sense of honestly.

    Despite the occasional tendency to be blunt, people born under the

    Chinese horoscope sign of the Horse are usually surrounded by

    friends. Bright and gregarious, Horses can usually be found at the

    center of the social activities. Horse people are able to be friends

    with any other sign in the Chinese zodiac.

    Although people born under the Chinese horoscope sign of theHorse make friends easily, they do not usually have many deep

    friendships. Like their animal sign, Horse people need to run, and

    enjoy solitude at high speed. As a result, they do not keep

    commitments well, and have learned to think carefully before

    committing to any relationship. A Horse may disappear from your

    life for years, and then reappear, ready to pick up the friendshipwhere is left off.

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    This lack of ability to commit naturally translates to a Horse's love

    life as well. Horses are usually content to remain single until an

    advanced age, if they settle down at all. This doesn't mean that

    Horses go without love-in fact, they are quite romantic. A person

    born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse loves romance and

    all the trappings, but the relationships do not usually last long.

    As the personality of the Horse is tempered by one of the five

    elements in the Chinese horoscope, certain personality traits are

    modified. Horse people that are modified by the Earth element are

    far more grounded and steady than most Horses. While the ChineseZodiac sign of the Horse has the tendency to be fickle, when it is

    modified by Earth is it much changed. Earth Horses consider

    carefully before making decisions and do not just gallop off into the

    sunset like other horses.

    Earth Horses make use of their intelligence to examine every angleof a thing before making a decision. They are far more practical

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    than others born under the Chinese horoscope sign of the Horse.

    These Horses are still very easygoing as other Horses are, and very

    adaptable to changes. Horses in general are great at taking things in

    stride, and Earth Horses can be very calm about last minute


    People born as Earth Horses according to the Chinese Zodiac are

    not quite as commitment shy as other Horses, because they can

    analyze things and see the benefits of a long term relationship. They

    still love to travel as much as other Horses, though, so anyone

    attempting a relationship with an Earth Horse should love travel aswell, or be prepared for some separation.

    Earth Horses are more responsible with their money than other

    Horses, because they can see the benefit of saving for a rainy day

    better than the average Horse. In general, Earth Horses seem a little

    more mature than other Horses.

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    Druid (Atlantean influenced) Zodiac: ELDER

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    Planet: Saturn

    Gemstone: JetElders are energetic, self-disciplined, although disliking routine,

    open, spontaneous, and self-sufficient.

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    Some Famous People born under this Sign: Beethoven, Sir Winston

    Churchill, Frank Sinatra, Alex Grey

    Characteristics :- The name implies the Elder

    people are brave, extrovert in nature and are self

    sufficient. Routine repels people born under this

    sign. They are known to be highly energetic and

    restless people. These people hate to work under

    pressure and they need constant new challengesand variation in life. You have a knack for distant traveling and self

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    sufficient, outspoken and social are the strong keywords that

    describes you the best. Respect and patience are something which is

    achieved by the Elder individuals in their later lives. The strength of

    the Elder individuals lies in their basic knowledge of knowing when

    they are moving in the right path and when in the wrong. As

    partners, you people are very open and liberal. You give your

    partner all the rights that he/she deserves. You are self disciplined

    individuals and if you find anybody interrupting in your disciplined

    life style, you tend to become reckless and dangerous.

    Elder - The Seeker

    Elder archetypes among Celtic tree

    astrology tend to be freedom-loving, and

    sometimes appear to be a bit wild to the

    other signs of the zodiac. In younger years

    you may have lived life in the fast lane,

    often identified as a thrill seeker. At the

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    time of your birth the light of the sun was fast fleeting and so you

    take the same cue from nature. You are often misjudged as an

    outsider as you have a tendency to be withdrawn in spite of your

    extroverted nature. In actuality, you are deeply thoughtfulwith

    philosophical bent. You also tend to be very considerate of othersand genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of assistance aresometimes thwarted by your brutal honestly(which you openly

    share solicited or otherwise). Elder Celtic tree astrology signs fit well

    with Alders and Hollys.

    The Celtic meaning of the elder tree deals with: Death Cycles Rebirth Renewal Creativity Regeneration Transformation

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    The elder tree ruling time is within the cycle of the thirteenth

    moon. This is also the end of the old yearat the time of Samhain.

    This is where the elder derives its symbolism of endings and/or


    In this same vein, the druids and ancient Celts recognized the elderhad natural banishing abilities. The essence of its leaves, and the

    odor of its pretty white flowers were proven to ward off pesky

    insects. This origin might have been expanded upon in Celtic lore

    where we learn branches were hung over doors to ward offevil


    Right on the heels of its associations of banishment and death come

    the elder's attributes of rebirth and renewal. The elder earns these


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    Galactic (13 Moons) Zodiac - Blue Galactic Eagle

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    Tone 8: Galactic - Harmonic Resonance

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    Blue Eagle is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are


    Blue Eagle reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment

    as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthersyour personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are

    an awakener, a transformer, an empowered gloal visionary. In your

    vision, you have compassion for others, and your decisions are

    made in the light of global consciousness. Ask yourself how you

    might experience compassion toward self, the Earth, and others. Be

    guided towards types of work, relationships, places to live, andprojects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures. Allow your

    spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary

    perspective. Affirm: "Through your, Gaia, I am also transformed! I

    am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all

    one. Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are

    healed, and together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of


    You are a member of the one global family, a planetary server and

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    transformer. Blue Eagle asks you to join in lifting the collective

    mind. It is up to each one of us to hold a positive vision and

    affirmation, for the means by which this miracle will occur is

    through changes in the one affecting the greater whole.

    Imagine the profound impact your loving thoughts have onplanetary mind. You domake a difference! As you connect

    individually with the larger crystal grid network, your power is

    multiplied exponentially. This galactic grid is also known as the

    Mayan cobweb.

    The greatest gift you can offer to the planet is to simply bethe love.

    Believe in yourself and your dreams and visions! Remember your

    special gifts, your path of service on Earth, your promise to serve

    the light. Everything you are connects to the greater whole. You are

    starseeded! You have the vision of the eagle. Believe in your

    dreams. You are the hope and the vision revealed.

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    Your Tone is Tone 8 - Galactic

    Empowerment, galactic grid, path of the one heart.

    Eight is the ray of harmonic resonance, the foundation of selfcombined with the current of the trinity. It is love made visible.

    Create the flow of harmony in your life. Enter the spiral frequencies

    of the greater galactic grid. You are being offered empowermentthrough your innate resonance with this grid. Be aware of where

    you are drawn, for there you will find unique opportunities.

    Discover the harmony of being in this natural resonance with

    others. Be receptive. You are the diviner of harmony, the meeting

    ground of physical reality and the infinite.

    Bring a deeper harmony to the practical circumstances in which you

    find yourself. Free the ego from its self-centeredness. Embrace the

    potent energies that are raising the harmonic frequencies of the

    planet. Breathe easily; you are the song being sung by the new

    golden octave. Sound the resonant tone of the one heart!

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    Mayan Day Sign: Rain

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    One of your most obvious characteristics isyouthfulness. You are not the type to grow

    old -- rather, you just keep moving. Curiosity

    and an openness to new ideas characterize

    you, though you sometimes fail to capitalize

    on what you discover. Rain personalities have

    an interest in the deeper side of life, so you

    may be religious, or perhaps you approach

    spirituality in a more personal way.Meditation and other consciousness-raising techniques, as well as

    philosophy, may also be of great interest, and you use this

    knowledge to put your life experiences into perspective.

    You are a compassionate person with a deep concern for the

    welfare of others. You can be very nurturing in times of crisis.

    Cleaning is probably a sacred ritual to you, although it is not simply

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    a matter of controlling your environment. Instead, it is more about

    taking proper care of it - though at times you may go to extremes.


    Numerology - The 2 Destiny

    ...the life-long path of the SENSITIVE

    The 2 destiny means that you will

    spend this lifetime learning about

    the feminine aspects of life, sexual

    balance, emotional expression,

    intuition, healing, peace,

    cooperation, relationship,

    diplomacy, patience, and

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    attention to detail. In the new millennium, it is the 2s of this world

    who will be leading the way through their refined powers of

    diplomacy and persuasion, and through their ability to inspire on

    an emotional level.

    In order to lead successfully, you must develop a peaceful approach

    and understand how the "big picture" is influenced by seemingly

    minor details. Yours is the important task of connection. Great

    patience and dedication are required.

    You are the one who encourages and promotes those who have

    something valuable to offer. You are the one who takes care of the

    details that others are unable or unwilling to handle. This makes

    you the ultimate networker, facilitator, and agent. Your purpose is

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    to provide a service which enables others to move forward. You

    are the indispensable behind-the-scenes powerhouse on whom

    others rely. At the same time, you will be given the opportunity to

    further your own unique ambitions, dreams, and higher purposes. 2

    provides you with the power of illumination. When you focus that

    special light of yours on other people, it enlivens and inspires. You,

    in turn, become inspired by your own encounters, relationships,

    and experiences.

    No matter how you think you fared in the 1000s, it is in the 2000s

    that life becomes your oyster and the world becomes your stage.

    However, it is the manner in which you travel the 2 path which

    will determine the quality of the oyster's pearl. The way you live

    your life, think your thoughts, feel your feelings, make decisions,

    and reach for your dreams, is likely to be quite different from the

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    mainstream idea of success. Yet, it is from your example that the

    mainstream can learn, emulate, and embrace a brand new way of

    living which makes peace, love, and understanding their top


    You will need to bring forward ideas which were once considered

    mere idealism but are, in fact, evolutionary elements of life. You

    must remain true to your own feelings, and you must have the

    courage to question so called authority and expertise. You willhave to learn to do this without force. You must use your natural

    ability to persuade instead., PEACE is 2s objective. It may be

    necessary to situate yourself close to those in positions of power so

    that you can gain their attention and trust. You have very little

    inclination toward control, aggression, hard competition, or

    selfishness. But without an acceptance for what you are here to

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    accomplish, you may encounter serious problems as to where you

    actually stand in this competitive and aggressive world.

    The talents you possess - whatever they may be - are your "stepping

    stones" to accomplishing your vital mission. Your emotional nature

    will provide the information - the intelligence - as to how peace can

    be created out of the chaos we now call life. You have the ability

    to feel, intuit, and sense your way through life. This is a gift you

    must become comfortable with. It is your recognition of realitywhich makes you so sensitive in the first place. But it is your

    acceptance of reality, and your burning desire to change, and not

    just camouflage realities that are painful, which will bring you out

    of emotional extremes and into a position of power.

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    The 2 path emphasizes emotion, which is the most positive driving

    force of humanity. But it has not yet been recognized as such.

    Until our emotional realities are accepted as positive factors of life,

    your own emotions may tend to overwhelm you. Just as the

    power of emotion has not yet been recognized, you have not yet

    been recognized as the powerful being that you are. Humanity's

    misunderstanding of emotion has led us to deny our true feelings to

    an extreme degree.

    There is a tendency in 2s to gravitate toward one extreme or the

    other, making some of you extremely over-sensitive, shy, humble,

    passive, and self-depreciating - or - extremely aggressive, angry,

    controlling, judgmental, and even cruel. Some 2s have to

    pendulate back and forth between the two extremes before a

    comfortable balance is achieved. Both extremes are created by

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    fear. Your various fears, therefore, are emotions which must be

    faced head-on.

    There is an inherent shyness in most 2s. But if you remain true to

    yourself and follow your deepest feelings, your humility will be

    seen by others as radiance and dignity. Remember that it is your

    acceptance of your own unique reality which makes you so utterly

    persuasive and believable. Acceptance of your own reality is

    intelligence - and the very key to traveling the 2 path safely andsuccessfully.

    2 is the number of RELATION. Your sense of self-importance is

    often overshadowed by your need to interact with and understand

    other people and their situations. Your various circumstances will

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    teach you to relate one thing to another so that a meaningful

    connection can be made. You will need to understand your

    position within all your various relationships. It is from these

    connections that you will both give and receive unprecedented


    Relatives are likely to play an important role in your life. You will

    learn that your connection to them is relative to your perception of

    their reality. In other words, you do not believe that you oweallegiance to certain people simply because you are related by

    blood. You are able to relate to others by sensing their needs, their

    motivations, and the causes of their problems. You are able to

    clarify and relate your feelings, verbally or artistically. You realize

    that, in some way, you are related to all human beings.

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    The 2 destiny provides opportunities for you to become an

    organizer, facilitator, and peacemaker. You will frequently find

    yourself in situations where your cooperation is required. It is

    important that you understand what this means. It does not mean

    submitting yourself to the demands of other people. It means

    operating in your own right, within a team or group, in which

    everyone involved has a particular talent to contribute or roll to

    play. CO-operation means operating together.

    You are here to connect other people. You will find evidence of

    this in the way your social life is comprised. Your friends and

    family are such a diverse collection of characters. These are people

    who may never have found anything in common if it were not for

    the bond they share with you. You are what they have in

    common. As time passes, the people you introduced to each other

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    may themselves become friends or even partners. You may not be

    the leader of this pack, but without you there to keep making the

    connections, the pack would not have existed in the first place.

    Your younger years may have been difficult because, although your

    efforts were visible, and often invaluable, it is unlikely that you

    received full recognition or acknowledgment for your intelligence,

    contribution, or talent. You probably came up with some excellent

    ideas but, often, they were put into action far more effectively anddynamically by someone else. You may have found yourself in a

    position of leadership early in life, only to realize that your

    particular brand of leadership was not dynamic enough and was

    too idealistic for this aggressive world. It is part of your life's

    experience to learn to feel comfortable with other people getting

    credit for your ideas and your work. But that was then. Now is a

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    different story. We are living in a new cycle of time in which the 2

    energy takes center stage.

    In the 2000s, it is your brand of leadership which will attract the

    largest following. The 2 energy requires patience - and this is

    something you possess in abundance. Playing "second fiddle" was a

    difficult role in your younger years, but the more you strive to

    understand and accept your past reality, the more likely you are to

    receive the recognition you deserve.

    It may be difficult to fathom, since as you were born on the 2 path

    of love, peace, and understanding, why you were thrown in to

    such a harsh, chaotic, traumatic, or insensitive childhood. You will

    be able to release the pain, grief, anger, fear, and guilt of your

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    youth by realizing that your early experiences were necessary to

    instill in you a desire for harmony. Allow this desire to become so

    strong that it is your driving force. Your early experiences also

    created your acute intelligence and your innate knowledge of

    human behavior. An understanding of this will help you to become

    comfortable with the important role you are meant to play in

    bringing people and ideas together and of making things work


    Be patient and observant as you watch others achieve their results

    with a force that you simply do not possess. Whenever you try to

    imitate the aggressive tactics of others, you will end up with many

    unnecessary problems. Others often receive the credit for your ideas

    and your efforts, or use you and your talents without giving due

    compensation. There may have been times in your life when you

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    believed you just didn't have what it takes to enjoy the kind of

    success others seemed to acquire with ease. But this is a temporary

    situation in which you will learn what needs to be learned.

    Eventually, you will emerge triumphantly, in your own right, and

    with the added satisfaction of knowing that your success has

    enabled others to succeed also.

    You are a natural diplomat. Through your ability to interact with

    and relate to others, you will achieve personal happiness, success,

    and recognition. You possess deep consideration for others. You

    are a good friend. But, when 2s become frustrated with their

    slower path, they are also capable of turning diplomacy into guile

    and deceit. If you are ever caught in this maneuver, you could well

    find yourself with the reputation of being sly, slick, or two-faced.

    You can be extremely clever at hiding the fact that your gift of

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    persuasion has become the knack of manipulation. And rather than

    apologize, you can twist a situation around and make the person

    you have offended feel guilty for offending you. Yes, 2s can send

    the rest of us on some confusing guilt trips at times.

    While you are usually very sensitive to the feelings and needs of

    other people, your own feelings can be all too easily hurt. This

    need not be the case once you have learned to relax with yourself

    and with the realities that surround you. Most 2s want to retreat

    from situations where others are insensitive, indifferent, or unkind.

    But in doing so, they may deprive themselves of many beneficial

    experiences. 2s must learn to deal with the insensitivity of others

    without being overwhelmed. You belong out there, in the big and

    bustling world, making things happen for others and, at the same

    time, for yourself. You can be very patient, especially in situations

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    which require attention to detail. In fact, tireless, patient, and

    meticulous attention to detail is essential to your success.

    You like to think of yourself as a good friend, and you usually are.

    You also need to know that you are loved by others. You must

    learn about self-respect. You may give the outward appearance that

    you have no difficulty in this area but, inwardly, you may be

    intimidated by others who seem, somehow, stronger and more

    capable than you. There may also be times when you question

    your own desirability or talent. These are the times when your

    powers of persuasion becomes reversed, enabling others to talk you

    into things that go against your grain. Here, life is trying to teach

    you to respect your own Free Will and say "no" when "no" is what

    you want to say, without being overwhelmed by guilt or fear.

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    You must be careful not to give in to the pressures of others simply

    to avoid confrontation. Your sense of self worth must be

    developed so that you can confront people and issues with

    confidence and authority instead of aggression or fear. When you

    have learned more about the 2 energy, you will understand that

    your strengths can be found where other people's are totally

    lacking. By doing for them what they cannot do for themselves, in

    some kind of service, you will create a powerful position for

    yourself in which you will be considered indispensable.

    Not only is the 2 energy extremely powerful in its own unique

    way, but it is becoming stronger in the new millennium - and so are

    you. The magnetic pull of the Universal 2 energy is already being

    felt throughout the world. It provides you with what is needed,

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    not only to survive the drastic changes that are occurring, but also

    to understand and be constructively involved in them.

    A strong intuition is one of 2s principle gifts. In order to "hear"

    your intuitive voice, it is necessary for you to calm down and relax

    with everything that is going on inside you, and around you. You

    must learn to do what you want to do in life without dominating a

    situation, or without hiding your light under a bushel. If you do not

    make an effort to reduce the stress and distraction in your life, you

    may never be able to fully accept this wonderful path, or enjoy the

    gifts it has to offer. There is no place for unnecessary stress in your

    life because 2 is a slow moving and gentle energy. The pressure

    that comes from trying to move against its powerfully slow current

    will make you physically ill. Whenever you feel intolerable

    pressure, you can be sure that you are pushing too hard. But once

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    you really do accept this calmer path of yours, remarkable things

    will begin to happen. To start with, you will finally realize just

    how powerful you are.

    A certain amount of nervousness is inevitable because you may not

    be able to understand where this power has suddenly came from or

    what you are supposed to do with it. You may question whether it

    is real or not - or whether you are somehow deceiving the people

    who have become your admirers and followers. You may want to

    back away from this exciting but demanding role. If you do back

    away from it, you will be dissatisfied because you will know that

    you are capable of so much more. You may become frustrated

    with yourself for dreaming about what could be, instead of simply

    doing it.

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    You have probably always been aware of your "special" qualities.

    But you were rarely able to define them or put them to

    constructive use in your younger years. That is because you could

    not bring yourself to believe just how great your potential is. But,

    as time passes, and your emotional nature receives more acceptance

    from your spiritual mind, you cannot help but feel the power that

    comes with this balancing of your energies. Real spirituality has

    little to do with religion or philosophy. There can be no monopoly

    on something as incredibly personal as the evolution of your own

    consciousness and your own Will. Although the spiritual journey isa vital and life-giving one for us all, it is a unique and individual

    experience which can be taken as far as you want to take it - or

    completely ignored. For some, life is a spiritual journey which

    eventually leads to the understanding of emotion. Yours, however,

    is an emotional journey which will bring you deep into the spiritual

    realities of life.

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    Relax with your intent to find the truth, and the truth will soon

    present itself. Allow yourself to "tune in" to your intuition. Do not

    allow your thoughts to control your feelings but, rather, allow yourfeelings to express themselves freely. Then notice how much more

    deeply you are able to think. This takes trust, courage and

    persistence, but it will enable you to live "in the moment", instead

    of being anchored to the past, or always worrying about the future.

    Never deny what you are feeling. It is not the feelings you hide

    from others that are important here but, rather, those feelings you

    hide from yourself! FEEL your feelings so that you can know the

    truth of what has caused them, and how they need to be expressed.

    So much new intelligence can be gained from this ongoing

    experience. It is not enough to simply acknowledge your emotions

    on an intellectual basis. You must experience them. Let them pass

    through you and out of you. This brings you to a state of

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    emotional freedom and prevents you from becoming involved in

    things you do not want to be involved with. Only by feeling your

    feelings will you be able to navigate the 2 path successfully. This

    loving energy requires you to sense your way through it, rather

    than push or force your way. To sense is to feel!

    You are special! You are capable of great accomplishment. But, of

    course, this is relative to your perception of what accomplishment

    is. For some, it is to find fame and fortune while, for others, it may

    be to live comfortably and quietly in an atmosphere of love and

    harmony. Others may be so disappointed in the way the world is

    turning that they will want to do something specific to change its

    course. In this regard, it should be understood that the first thing

    any of us must do to change the world, is to change ourselves, on

    an individual level, toward the direction of Free Will. Without the

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    freedom to decide the courses of our own individual lives, neither

    love or peace can prevail.

    Your 2 destiny allows you to inspire others by your own example,

    and illuminate the way for them, simply by being yourself and

    doing what you want to do. You have more potential than most

    to learn from the drastic changes that are now taking place on

    Earth, and to show others the way to peace.


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    Ophiuchus Characteristics

    The following article brings forth the positive as well as negative

    characteristics of Ophiuchus. Read on to know the personality

    traits of people born under this new sun sign in astrology...

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    f i di h hi h h i i l

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    Before moving on to discuss the Ophiuchus characteristics, let me

    get to the bottom of why this thirteenth sign of the zodiac emerged

    in the first place. Astrology, an ancient science, according to which

    the personality and characteristics of a person depend upon the

    date and time of his birth, has always had twelve zodiac signs. It is

    only in recent times that this thirteenth sun sign has been added to

    the ones that already existed. The logic given by astrologers for this

    new additional sun sign is that the position of the earth and the sun

    is no longer the same as it was thousands of years ago when

    astrology originated. Thus, due to a change in their position, the

    dates of the sun signs have changed too and now we have this

    additional sun sign named Ophiuchus.

    People who are born between the dates November 30 to December

    17, belong to this new sun sign. Rod of Asclepius is the symbol that

    represents Ophiuchus sun sign. For a better understanding of the

    meaning of this zodiac sign, scroll down to know in detail the

    Ophiuchus personality traits.

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    K l d bl I ll l d Wi d S k

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    Knowledgeable, Intellectual and Wisdom Seekers

    According to astrology, people belonging to this sun sign, just like

    those of any other sun sign, have both positive and negative traits.

    One of the most positive traits is that these people are highly

    knowledgeable. Their prime motive in life is to seek and gather

    knowledge from whatever source they can. It is due to their

    intelligence and knowledge, people of this sun sign tend to do well

    in their careers. Sometimes, they might even become the envy of

    others due to this characteristic.

    Creative, Humorous and Charismatic

    Passion, imagination, creativity, eccentricity, yet ability to look at

    the fun side of life, these are all part and parcel of the Ophiuchus

    personality and it is these very traits that separate them from the

    rest! When these people dress up, flamboyance becomes their

    style! No doubt, according to astrology, these people are very

    charismatic and can floor anyone with their personality. If

    someone has to learn the art of persuading others, there is no

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    b tt t h th l f thi di i !

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    better teacher than people of this zodiac sign!

    Jealous, Arrogant and Rule-Breakers

    On the negative side, they are averse to any kind of routine, tend to

    hop from one relationship to another! Monogamy is something

    that they do not believe in! Another negative characteristic is that

    these people can be very restless. They are by nature curious and

    knowledge seekers, this makes them very restless and unable to

    stick to one thing for long. Jealousy, anger, arrogance, selfishness -

    an Ophiuchus can possess all these negative traits. This can

    sometimes make them very unpopular in social settings.

    When talking of the negative traits, one of them is that flattery can

    get you anywhere with them. If someone praises them or tells them

    they are the best, they are ready to do anything for that person,

    without really thinking in depth as to why he is saying those words!

    On the other hand, if someone thinks of them as an inferior, they

    can get the taste of anger these people are known to display at


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    The personality of a person cannot be solely gauged on the basis of

    his sun sign. His upbringing, the environment he is in and many

    other things play a major role in what a person turns out to be. So,

    read astrology for fun but do not form a strong opinion about

    people on the basis of what it has to say!

    Ophiuchus: Personality Traits of the 13th Zodiac


    Pasted from:

    New Zodiac Sign: What Are the Ophiuchus Personality Traits?

    Ophiuchus: Based on Imhotep

    You may be familiar with the name Imhotep from the Mummymovies, but he was a real guy. The Greeks called him Aesclepius,

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    and he was known for his knowledge of medicine back in 27 BC
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    and he was known for his knowledge of medicine back in 27 BC.

    Indeed, the Caduceus (the rod with the snake winding around it) is

    still a widely-recognized symbol for medicine.

    Astrological traits must be specific enough to differentiate the signs,

    but general enough so that someone could look at the list of traitsand say, "Yeah, that could be me".

    Based on that, astrologers have gathered together a series of traits

    that would match such a person, including:

    Seeker of peace and wisdom

    Attractor of good luck and jealousy

    Interpreter of dreams One who reaches for the stars

    Wearer of plaid (this one is oddly specific)

    Like Joseph, he is an interpreter of dreams and vivid premonitions.

    He is envied by his peers and favored by his father and authority


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    The Asclepius and the Caduceus the medical staff are based on the
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    The Asclepius and the Caduceus, the medical staff, are based on the


    Rod of Asclepius is the symbol that represents Ophiuchus sun sign.

    Knowledgeable, Intellectual and Wisdom Seekers

    According to astrology, people belonging to

    this sun sign, just like those of any other sun

    sign, have both positive and negative traits.

    One of the most positive traits is that these

    people are highly knowledgeable. Their prime

    motive in life is to seek and gather knowledge

    from whatever source they can. It is due to

    their intelligence and knowledge, people of

    this sun sign tend to do well in their careers.

    Sometimes, they might even become the envy of others due to this

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    Restless, Impulsive and Over the Edge

    Ophiuchus people can get bored very easily. This means that if they

    have to follow the same boring routine everyday, it can really

    frustrate them. Not following the rules and regulations, living life

    on the edge, these are some of the things that they enjoy. One of

    their drawbacks is that in spite of all their knowledge and intellect,

    sometimes they can be very impulsive and make some wrong

    decisions, without giving much thought.

    Creative, Humorous and Charismatic

    Passion, imagination, creativity, eccentricity, yet ability to look at

    the fun side of life, these are all part and parcel of the Ophiuchus

    personality and it is these very traits that separate them from the

    rest! When these people dress up, flamboyance becomes their style!

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    No doubt according to astrology these people are very charismatic

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    No doubt, according to astrology, these people are very charismatic

    and can floor anyone with their personality. If someone has to

    learn the art of persuading others, there is no better teacher than

    people of this zodiac sign!

    Thank You for being interested and for reading so far!

    A sublimely Magical & Synchronistical time ahead!

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