l%vel%ve cardscards · indecision in values along with past life relationship karma (six of hearts...

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Friends and Family Relationship Report forfor Tom and SuriCreated on 12/16/2015

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

How to get the most from this Relationship Report

The success of your relationship

is never determined by your Birth

Cards or your connections alone.

Though some cards have it

easier than others in this

important area of life, ultimately it

is each individual who holds the

responsibility for the success or

failure of their relationship. This

report will act as a guide to help

you achieve that success if that

is what you truly want. Pay

special attention to the

affirmations listed for each

connection in this report.

Welcome to your personal Love Cards report. The purpose of this report is

to reveal as much information about you and your partner as possible, using an

ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. It is our hope

that this report will enlighten you a little, and maybe even help you to make

more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This

report will explain many things about you, your partner, and how the two of

you interact. However, in no way is this meant to tell you whether or not you

will be successful as a couple. That success is always in your hands. No matter

what connections you share, this relationship can be successful if both partners

want it and are willing to commit to making it happen. However, you may

discover herein just how easy or challenging that may be for the two of you.

Your Relationship Report consists of two separate parts. The first part is

where you will find the description of each of your Birth Cards and Planetary

Ruling Cards, if you have them. This section will reveal some of your

personality traits, values, and other factors that make each of you who you are.

You can get a basic feeling for each of you in this section and perhaps get a

new perspective on who you are. This section may also reveal some of your

relationship patterns - what sorts of people you are each attracted to, whether

you are inclined to commitment or not, and other factors that may influence

your love life.

Once you have learned something about each of you separately, you are

ready to learn about how the two of you connect energetically. In the second

part you will find out exactly what 'connections' you share with your partner

that explain what each of you experiences when you are together. This is

where you will find out what areas are easy or challenging for the two of you,

what things you may like or dislike about your partner and why. Your

connections explain how your relationship will be experienced by both of you.

Some connections are good for sex, others for marriage, and others for

working or business relationships.

This report was created with the intention of opening up doors of

understanding and awareness. May your awareness grow and along with it,

your understanding of your life and your happiness with it.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 2

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

Report Overview - Significators and ConnectionsThe cards that represent us are called our Personal Significators. The most important of these is our Birth Card but there are

others that play an important part as well. On this page are listed the personal significators for each person that are used to find

the relationship connections in this report.

Personal Significator(s) for Tom, born on 7/3/1962

Personal Significator(s) for Suri, born on 4/18/2006

Birth Card

Birth Card

Planetary Ruling Card

Planetary Ruling Card

The Relationship Connections used in this Report

The heart of this report are the energetic connections found between this couple. Here is a list of ones chosen for this report, from

the first to the last.

Tom gives to Suri as

a Second Karma Card

Tom is the Cosmic

Reward Card to Suri

Spiritual Spread

Tom is the Saturn

Card to Suri

Spiritual Spread

Suri is the Venus

Card to Tom

Spiritual Spread

Suri is the Uranus

Card to Tom

Spiritual Spread

Suri is the Jupiter

Card to Tom

Life Spread

Tom is the Mars Card

to Suri

Life Spread

Suri is the Cosmic

Reward Card to Tom

Spiritual Spread

Suri is the Cosmic

Reward Card to Tom

Life Spread

Tom is the Mars Card

to Suri

Spiritual Spread

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 3

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

All about Tom`s Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most

important symbol of who we are

in this lifetime. It is the card that

we most identify with, and

through which we have the

greatest gifts to share with those

around us. It is also called our

Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The Queen of Diamonds Person

The Philanthropist Card

Like some other cards in the deck, the Queen of Diamonds has much

indecision about values (Three of Diamonds Karma Card). This means that

they often have difficulty deciding what they want the most. They love variety

and are very creative and resourceful, unless they are worrying about money,

which they often do. The Queen of Diamonds has expensive tastes. When they

get money, they like to spend it on items of high quality and usually high price.

For this reason, they often spend beyond their means and perpetuate their

financial fears. Despite all of this, they are one of the most giving cards in the

deck. They represent the rich aunt or grandmother that takes you shopping for

some new clothes. All are philanthropic but they can be ruthless if crossed.

Queen of Diamonds are known to be charming and enjoy the finer things

in life. They are constantly seeking new adventures and sometimes

relationships as well. The Queen of Diamonds has an innate good business

sense and the talent of being able to promote their products or services. They

can excel in many areas and have good leadership abilities. Regardless of what

they do, they are Queens and therefore tend to 'mother' or 'nurture' others in

their work and lives.

They have a naturally critical mind that is capable of doing intense

analysis and planning. However, this same mind can become negatively

oriented when things don't turn out as they plan and then the Queen of

Diamonds can become very negative and critical of others. They must practice

a positive attitude to counterbalance this tendency.

If Queen of Diamonds people adopt a spiritual path in life, they can

realize a special mission and achieve the heights of spiritual realization and

self-mastery (Queen of Spades in Neptune). They also have a soul connection

with many of the ancient sciences. A natural attraction to the ancient mysteries

and secret knowledge promotes the study of the eternal truths which helps

alleviate many of their mundane problems. If dedicated to a higher goal, there

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 4

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

All about Tom`s Birth Card

is no limit to how high they can climb in their lives. Some of the world's

wealthiest people have been and are Queen of Diamonds.

Some of the Queen of Diamonds Issues Concerning Relationships

As mentioned earlier, the Queen of Diamonds has some of the most

difficult challenges that exist in the area of love. Being headstrong and proud,

fond of variety, afraid of being abandoned and having the power to get what

they want when they want it can be a troublesome combination. Three or more

marriages is common for this card and even when they seem happily settled

down, it is usually only temporary. They are quite charming and have a bit of

charisma that makes it easy for them to start new relationships. The challenge

for them is sustaining the relationship once it is started. They usually get their

wishes, for better or worse, and must live with the consequences of their

d e s i r e s .

All about Tom`s Planetary Ruling Card

The Planetary Ruling Card acts

like a second Birth Card to give

you a new slant on your

personality and character traits.

It is very important in terms of

your personal relationships since

it represents a part of you that

you identify with strongly.

Ace of Diamonds as Your Planetary Ruler

This ruling card gives you a lot of passion for life, but especially for your

job or for making money in general. As a matter of fact it may appear that your

personal life is constantly competing with your work for your invaluable

attention and time. It will be a trick to have both running successfully at the

same time. You are basically a kind-hearted person who cares a lot about other

people. But your ambition and drive also keeps your own goals in front of you

and others may see you as selfishly motivated because of this. You do have

much to accomplish in this lifetime, as if you have been given some special

commission by the powers that be. Personal relationships will always be a bit

of a challenge as you learn about love and personal integrity.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 5

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

All about Suri`s Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most

important symbol of who we are

in this lifetime. It is the card that

we most identify with, and

through which we have the

greatest gifts to share with those

around us. It is also called our

Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The Three of Diamonds Person

The Undecided Values Card

The Three of Diamonds is considered one of the more difficult of the life

paths of all the cards, especially when the Three of Diamonds is a woman.

Indecision in values along with past life relationship karma (Six of Hearts

Karma Card) can cause many challenges in the affectional life. They also can

be some of the biggest worriers about their finances. All Threes are guilty of

worry and indecision and must find constructive outlets for their overactive

mind to direct it away from worry and fear. The best remedy is to find some

expression of their creativity. They must express themselves.

A natural interest in metaphysics should be cultivated if they are to know

more peace in their lives and overcome the many hurdles and temptations.

They always know what is right and wrong, though sometimes they try to

ignore what they know. Not all Three of Diamonds have these problems.

Operating out of the high side of this card, they are extremely creative and

productive, expressing themselves in a multitude of productive ways. They can

be the greatest entertainers or public speakers.

They also have very powerful minds capable of piercing the deepest and

most mysterious subjects. They can also be powerful speakers once they have

found something they believe in that they want to talk about. This is one of

their highest forms of expression - to promote what they believe in and share it

with the world.

They have more satisfaction in business where they can travel or do

various different things. There is usually someone younger for whom they

must make sacrifices, often one or more of their own children. With three

nines in their Life Path, their later life can be disappointing, UNLESS they

have developed their spiritual side, which will give them peace and wisdom.

These people are here to try many 'things' on for size and then to settle on the

truth. They always benefit from changes and travel and are advised to pursue a

career that gives them some freedom.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 6

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

All about Suri`s Birth Card

Some of the Three of Diamonds Issues Concerning Relationships

Talk about challenges in love! This card runs neck and neck with the

Queen of Diamonds as being the most difficult in the deck in this area. There

is such great creativity in this card, that they come into this life feeling like

there are boundless realms to explore and experience. At some point they

realize that they also have tremendous fears of abandonment and betrayal that

must be dealt with along the way. This usually manifests as multiple

relationships or chronic indecision regarding matters of love and marriage. If

they cannot deal with their own inner insecurities, they will usually choose to

have transitory relationships. They are learning to let others be as they are and

to heal their own fear and doubt in matters of love. Multiple marriages are

common with this card, as with theQueen of Diamonds.

All about Suri`s Planetary Ruling Card

The Planetary Ruling Card acts

like a second Birth Card to give

you a new slant on your

personality and character traits.

It is very important in terms of

your personal relationships since

it represents a part of you that

you identify with strongly.

Seven of Diamonds as Your Planetary Ruler

This card can make you lucky with money, but it can also make you

worry about money more than you should. It is a high spiritual influence that

brings success by letting go of concerns. You have the potential to become a

millionaire if you adopt a fearless attitude about your finances. This card also

gives you a lot of creativity, especially when it comes to promoting and selling

things. You probably have strong family values and feel that your family is one

of the most important things in your life. You can be very stubborn, especially

about what you want and don't want, and about the ways you handle your


Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 7

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

All about the Card Connections you share

Look at each connection

between you as a cosmic link

that connects each of you to

some part of yourself that you

want to look at, develop or

explore in some way. Your

partner is your mirror into your

own soul.

This report uses the most advanced techniques available to give some real

insight into the inner workings of your relationship. Using the ancient system,

now known as the Book of Destiny, it determines the energy 'connections' that

reflect exactly how the two of you interact. These connections are essentially

described as planetary energies, for example Mars or Venus. Some

connections are harmonious, while others create certain kinds of friction or

stress between you. All of the connections between you serve an important

purpose and contribute to the experience that you share. Keep in mind that

most connections have a higher expression and a lower one. The affirmations

given for each connection indicate how to access the highest expression of

each one.

The connections are listed in the order of their importance. The first

connection is the most important and the second is the next important, etc. But

even the last connection between you probably manifests itself in your

experience together. Therefore, regard all of them as having some important

information for you.

You may have only a few connections, two or three, or you may have as

many as fourteen. Each couple has a unique number and kinds of connections -

as unique as the love and feelings they share for each other.

Look to see if you have more than one kind of connection between you.

For example, you may have a total of two or three Mars connections between

you. When this is the case, you should study these connections carefully,

realizing that this probably indicates some of the most important reasons that

you are together and the issues that you most often face together.

Finally, there are no bad connections. If we are attracted to someone so

much that we spend time with them, there are important reasons for this. The

descriptions of the connections in this report can help you understand why you

have made the choice to be together, which can in turn help each of you to

understand your individual personalities and needs better. Of course, some

connections indicate stress and challenge, but this is because we often use

relationships as the vehicle through which we resolve our own inner conflicts.

If the love is there, there are many good things for each of you to gain from

being together.Robert Lee Camp

This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 8

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The First Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Your first connection is always

considered the most important of

all and, in most cases, will

represent the dominant pattern

that is your relationship. Study

the connection described below

carefully, as it may reveal some

hidden opportunities for the two

of you.

Tom owes Suri in a Karmic Relationship

This is a unique and powerful connection that guarantees that this

relationship is very important to Tom and Suri. There are certain Birth Cards

that, because of their position relative to each other, are known to be 'Karma

Cards'. Those who are Karma Cards are much like those who have the same

Birth Cards because they have a lot in common. However, this connection also

guarantees that these two have been together before in a way that left some

outstanding debt incomplete. Therefore they are drawn together again to help

settle this imbalance on a cosmic level.

This does not mean that this relationship has any sort of negative

connotation because of this supposed debt. Everything that happens in the

universe is regulated by the law of cause and effect. This relationship can be a

natural expression of this law, providing that Tom and Suri allow it to be.

The implication here is that energy of some form is meant to be

transferred from Tom to Suri. Just what the form of that energy is will be

determined by the particulars of their relationship. In general, it is best for

Tom to be willing to give whenever called upon. Other connections between

Tom and Suri will help define what that giving is and how easy or difficult this

relationship may be for both partners. But, for giving to be successful, Suri

must be also be willing and able to receive. In truth, receiving and giving are

one and the same. If either Tom or Suri do not allow this exchange to take

place, there will be friction created in the relationship.

It has often been observed that people in Karma Card relationships either

get along famously or not. When they are not, it is because this exchange is

being hampered by one or both of the partners. If Suri is unable to receive, she

will, in her own way, be undermining the potential of this relationship. The

same can be said of Tom if he is unwilling to give. So, both partners must be

open to this exchange and participate in it. When they do, this relationship will

take on a magical tone. This is one of the connections in which a very high

degree of intimacy can be reached.

Much like people with the same Birth Cards, Tom and Suri share many

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 9

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The First Connection Between You

Tom Suri

of the same traits. Though they themselves may not see it as well as someone

outside the relationship, they share common talents, abilities, personal issues

and challenges. There can be a sense of 'sameness' and unity that makes them

both feel and think that this is the way a relationship should be. This could be

compared to people who are twins to some degree. Much in the same way that

twins can feel each other's feelings and read each other's minds, Tom and Suri

are likely to be connected psychically and mentally. Greater depths of

closeness are possible in this relationship and Tom and Suri have the

opportunity to experience a unique level of togetherness.

In fact, Suri is a strong mirror of Tom. In some cases, this mirror may be

a factor in creating some friction in the relationship, especially if Tom does not

see just how much he is like Suri. Because Tom's card is the giving card in this

connection, he bears more of the responsibility for owning his personal 'stuff'.

If Suri makes him angry, he must be the one to look at his anger closely to find

the fault within him, and not direct his anger towards Suri. Other connections

between Tom and Suri will add different elements to their relationship and the

combination of them all will be a more accurate description of it than just this

one connection. However, this Karma Card connection is one that is the most

important of them all and describes one of their most important reasons for

being together.

This connection has definite 'fate potential', meaning that Tom and Suri

may have had little choice in their being drawn together, at least for a while.

By being aware of the energetic elements of this connection they can each

benefit greatly by the opportunity it presents.

Affirmation for Tom: I appreciate my relationship with Suri and am glad to be

able to contribute to her life. I realize that Suri is a strong mirror of myself and

with this awareness I am learning much about loving myself through being

with her. I give whatever is needed to fulfill my karmic obligations with

friendship and without expectation of reward.

Affirmation for Suri: I am grateful for the presence of Tom in my life. I accept

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 10

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The First Connection Between You

Tom Suri

all the good things that he brings into my life and respond with appreciation

and gratitude. I realize how much we are alike and use this relationship to learn

more about myself. I allow the exchange between us to take place by being

completely open to receiving whatever he has to offer, without expectation.

The Second Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Tom is the Cosmic Reward Card to Suri

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is a past-life connection and one that has strong, spiritual overtones.

The Cosmic Reward Card is associated with Jupiter and as such can be a

blessing in our life. But whereas Jupiter's blessings are often of a financial

nature, the Cosmic Reward Card's blessings are usually of a less material

nature. In its highest manifestation, the Cosmic Reward connection will bring

us experiences that validate our own importance in the universe, helping us

feel connected and blessed by higher powers. We can receive guidance and

confirmation about our life and its purpose. Feelings can arise that inspire us,

enliven us and make us feel good about living. These are things that we often

do not value much until we have advanced in age to some degree. In general,

we say that Cosmic Reward relationships are perceived as more of a blessing

after the age of 35. But this is only based on averages and norms. Anyone can

benefit from this relationship at any age if they are aware of it's possibilities.

Suri is the one who is receiving this Cosmic Reward influence from Tom.

This means that Tom could be a very important blessing in her life, if she is

willing and able to receive it. Since the Cosmic Reward Card follows the Pluto

Card, it is often only after we have done our own work of personal

transformation, indicated by our Pluto Card, that we are rewarded, so to speak,

by our Cosmic Reward Card. The Cosmic Reward Card, is, in any case,

something that we are destined to become or achieve in this lifetime. This

means that Suri may feel drawn to Tom because she can perceive that Tom has

these qualities that are a part of her destiny. If Suri is creating a happy life for

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 11

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Second Connection Between You

Tom Suri

herself, Tom will be a natural part of that happiness, if other connections do

not strongly indicate otherwise.

This connection guarantees that this relationship has a certain amount of

compatibility potential. Tom truly feels encouraged to give to Suri and to share

his wealth and abundance with her. This giving attitude can be part of a good

foundation for a successful relationship. But, if Suri has not yet dealt with her

own need for personal transformation in this lifetime, Tom may just serve as a

reminder to her of this fact. If this is the case, Tom may seem more of a

confronting and challenging influence to Suri.

With this influence it will be very important for Suri to learn more about

her Pluto Card in her Life Spread. For each of us our Pluto Card is a symbol of

some powerful issue that we must address in order to be a free and happy

person. It is the handling of this personal issue that will most likely affect this

relationship the most.

So, we see that much of how this connection affects the relationship lies

in the hands of Suri. It is for her to decide what to make of it. Hopefully, she

will be ready to receive Tom as the blessing in her life that he has the potential

to be. Later, she may realize that they were destined to be together, which is a

common experience with this connection.

Affirmation for Tom: I am glad to be a blessing in Suri's life and hope that I

can give her all that I have to give. I understand that she may be challenged by

me at times and have compassion for this. I only wish the best for her.

Affirmation for Suri: I am grateful for the presence of Tom in my life. I accept

all the good things that he brings into my life and respond with appreciation

and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 12

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Third Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Tom is the Saturn Card to Suri

Location: Spiritual Spread

This connection tells us that Tom and Suri have some score to settle from

a past life. There was some unfinished business that now has an opportunity to

be resolved in this lifetime. This is especially true if Suri is strongly attracted

to Tom. Now, in this lifetime, they can take up where they left off. The

essential message of this connection is that Tom has something to teach Suri.

That something could be one of many things. Lessons come in all shapes and

sizes. Some are about relationship, some are about career or dealing with

money. Others are about self-esteem, honesty, faithfulness, responsibility and

fairness. We don't know which of these lessons are the ones being dealt with in

this lifetime, but we do know that something important will be transferred in

the course of this relationship.

It is likely that Tom and Suri felt a strong attraction when they first met,

and even that they felt this sort of ease and familiarity that is associated with

all of the past-life connections. There could have been great feelings of

friendship as well. However, this connection tells us that there is also a very

practical side to this relationship, one in which Suri will be influenced by Tom

to become more successful, responsible and practical. Tom could have even

been Suri's father in a former lifetime - a lifetime in which his role as father

didn't get the opportunity to be fully expressed. However, this is only one of

the many ways this connection could have originated.

It is certain that there is some form of 'karmic debt' that is being paid off

over the course of this relationship and it is noted that many relationships with

Saturn connections last a long time. Sometimes, paying off this debt is the

main reason for this relationship in the first place. Though other connections

may describe various characteristics of their being together, this karmic

repayment may be the most important reason that Tom and Suri are together.

And keep in mind that the payment is being made from Tom to Suri, and that

the payment is some sort of lesson about life. We must also keep in mind that

Tom is just as much bound to pay this lesson as Suri is to receive it. This

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 13

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Third Connection Between You

Tom Suri

relationship is important to both of them, but each for their individual reasons.

Relationships like these show us God's hand in motion. We see God's

plan for us unfolding. If we pay attention, we can learn a lot about the ordered

nature of our universe and reality. This relationship demonstrates how every

cause has an effect, every effect has a cause, and how some of our

relationships have a broader purpose than to just be friends or have fun

together. Saturnian energies are often difficult but this relationship does not

have to be so. If there is a mutual feeling of growth and openness between

Tom and Suri, this relationship can be experienced as a very positive influence

for both of them, one that leads them to more productive and happy lives.

Affirmation for Tom: I understand that I have the ability to see all of Suri's

faults and shortcomings and share suggestions with her lovingly and with the

awareness that I have a powerful effect on her. I am honored to be her teacher

at this time in her life.

Affirmation for Suri: I realize that I chose this relationship with Tom to help

me grow in important areas of my life. With that in mind, I accept his

suggestions and example so that I may learn and make progress in becoming a

successful and happy person.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 14

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Fourth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Suri is the Venus Card to Tom

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of those 'instant recognition' connections that is responsible

for many successful friendships. This connection tells us that Suri and Tom

have shared some past lives together. In at least one of those lives, they were

involved in a long-term relationship into which they each had to put a lot of

effort in order to maintain harmony and compatibility. In that lifetime, they

developed a deep appreciation and respect for each other, as well as trust.

Now, when they meet in this lifetime, they almost immediately sense this other

soul with whom they have shared so much. They may or may not actually enter

into any sort of long-term relationship during this lifetime, but what matters

most is that a friendship exists between them that was already there, which will

probably remain forever.

This connection favors most any sort of relationship, be it a business

partnership, friendship or family association. It helps create ease between Suri

and Tom, regardless of what other connections they may have. Because they

have already worked out the mutual trust, respect and admiration for each

other, they can immediately advance to a very compatible and harmonious time

together. They may or may not actually have much in common. In this lifetime,

the personalities that they have may be much different than before. Other

connections, especially among the Planetary Ruling Cards, will reveal how

their personalities actually interact in this lifetime. There are cases where the

personality differences are so great that it becomes impractical for them to be

together for any extended period of time. The appreciation and understanding

is there and it is strong. But their personal directions may be much different in

the current lifetime. In those cases, their friendship is recognized and

acknowledged, but they will probably just move on into directions that best

suit their personalities in this lifetime.

If they do have cause to be together in any capacity, their time together

will probably be harmonious and perceived as a blessing by both.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 15

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Fourth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Affirmation for Suri: It feels very right to be with Tom, with whom I share

some kind of deep and timeless friendship. I appreciate his presence in my life

and feel blessed by it.

Affirmation for Tom: I experience an appreciation for Suri that is hard to

describe, and yet feels very familiar and right. I sense that we have been

together before and look forward to more time together to share this unique


The Fifth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Suri is the Uranus Card to Tom

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of the past-life connections that tells us that Suri and Tom

have already been together before. In fact, in that previous lifetime, they

developed a true friendship and mutual respect for each other that has carried

over into this lifetime. Now, they can enjoy those qualities and use that to

build an even stronger relationship. However, both should know the

implications of this connection, which tells us that it is not ideally suited for all

couples. Suri and Tom have a great possibility here, the potential to have a true

relationship based on the ideals of the New Age of Aquarius.

Tom will be the one who is most affected by Suri's behavior and this

powerful connection. At times she may seem to act in such an unexpected

manner that Tom is taken off balance by her. If Tom places big demands or

expectations upon her, Suri will seem to be even more uncontrollable and

unpredictable, which may engender even more uncertainty for Tom. This is

because Tom is the one who is receiving the Uranian energies the most, unless

other connections point out that Suri is also receiving some. In any case, the

call here is for Tom to drop his expectations and learn to appreciate the time

and things that he does share with Suri, instead of focusing on the parts that he

is not getting the way he wants. This can be an easy lesson or a hard one, it

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 16

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Fifth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

depends mostly on Tom and his attitudes. We might say it is a matter of having

both faith that Tom will get his needs met and his having appreciation for all

that he does have in the context of this relationship.

However, this connection tells us that Tom has already learned these

lessons in the prior lifetime. He probably will not have such a hard time of it.

Most of the relationships with this connection are good friendships. Both

partners usually have separate careers or lives, but allow each other the space

to do as they please without placing big demands upon each other. For this

reason, it may not be the best connection for business partners, who often

demand a high level of interaction on a daily basis. Uranus tends to break

down structures instead of supporting them. So, this works great as friends or

associates but not so good in highly structured environments of any kind.

Suri and Tom can truly enjoy the time they spend together but do not

require that this time be scheduled into their lives, as if there wasn't going to be

enough of it. They can be friends or associates that truly allow each other the

freedom to either be there or not. It would be well for both Suri and Tom to

model themselves after these ideal characteristics, which is the Uranus

connection in its highest expression.

The Uranus connection often provides a psychic link between people.

They just seem to know what each other is thinking or doing. Sometimes they

can transmit thoughts to each other and they 'click' in unusual ways that other

people would find hard to understand. It is really a wonderful thing when a

Uranus relationship is working well. Both people are relaxed and unconcerned

as to whether or not they will be together again. They both are aware of their

mutual friendship and that is enough. Whatever time they do spend together is

like the icing on the cake, and another chapter (and adventure) in the book of

their friendship.

Affirmation for Suri: I realize the powerful effect I have on Tom. Though I

will never allow him to control me or dictate my actions, I will express my

appreciation to him so that he knows how I feel.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 17

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Fifth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Affirmation for Tom: I allow Suri to be completely free to be herself. In this

way, I am creating a relationship based upon true friendship and unconditional


The Sixth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Suri is the Jupiter Card to Tom

Location: Life Spread

This is a wonderful connection that is often found among the cards of

happy and productive relationships. One of the main benefits of it is the

financial end but it has other significant benefits as well. Jupiter is known

among astrologers as the 'great benefic'. It is the only planet in our solar system

that gives off more energy than it receives from the Sun. It's location in our

natal astrological chart always points to some area of our life where things

come easily to us and where we have many blessings to be thankful for. In this

relationship, Tom has much to be thankful for, thanks to Suri, because she is a

major blessing in Tom's life.

These blessings may take many forms but they are often of the financial

nature. For this reason, this is an excellent connection for business partners. It

would be especially good if there is another connection between them where

Tom is Jupiter to Suri, or if there exists a mutual Jupiter connection. But even

this one is a good auger of business success, unless other connections

contradict it. Even though as a couple Suri and Tom may not be wealthy, Suri

definitely likes to give things, including money, to Tom. This natural

inclination to give is one of the signs of prosperity consciousness. Therefore,

even if great prosperity does not exist between them now, it could lead to great

financial success in the future. This tendency towards financial success will be

increased if Tom expresses and feels appreciation for Suri. Appreciation is one

of the most important keys in obtaining prosperity. If Tom will allow the

appreciation engendered by this connection to grow, and if he expresses this

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 18

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Sixth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

verbally, this relationship could bloom into a prosperous and happy life

together where there is much more money and things than they could ever use

or need.

On other levels the Jupiter connection can bring blessings of many forms.

There could be a sharing of philosophies and spiritual ideals. Suri may provide

beneficial guidance and inspiration to Tom. Essentially she will have a natural

desire to give whatever she has that Tom values. If Tom wants to see the

blessings in this relationship grow, just remember to feel and express the

appreciation, as was mentioned earlier.

This connection increases the overall compatibility between Suri and

Tom to a good degree. The fact that they have this connection points to some

good karma for both of them, something that they earned by doing good deeds

for others in the past. It is a sign of good fortune and if harnessed in the ways

mentioned above, will develop into one of the cornerstones of their happiness

together and provide the prosperity that will ensure an abundant and happy


Affirmation for Suri: I am glad to be a blessing in Tom's life and hope that I

can give him all that I have to give. I allow myself to express my generosity in

its fullest with no expectation that Tom must act in any particular way as

payment for my giving. My giving is complete in and of itself.

Affirmation for Tom: I am grateful for the presence of Suri in my life. I accept

all the good things that she brings into my life and respond with appreciation

and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings and transform our

relationship into a powerful force for prosperity, peace and abundance.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 19

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Seventh Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Tom is the Mars Card to Suri

Location: Life Spread

The Mars connection is one of the strongest in terms of how much it

affects each of the partners. Mars is the God of War and Anger. It actually

represents pure energy, but on an aggressive, passionate level. For this reason

this is a great connection for people who actually do physical things together.

Working partners often have this connection and it stimulates them both to

achieve more and be productive. However, the negative side of Mars should

also be considered as this connection can potentially cause anger and

competition and in some cases make real enemies out of the two people


In this relationship Suri is the one who is more affected by it. Because

Tom is her Mars card, all this Mars energy is be experienced more by her. This

can translate as Tom making Suri feel stimulated, aggressive, or angry and

competitive. In its best form, the Mars connection will encourage the two to

become active. And if they can actively pursue common goals, it can be very

constructive and rewarding.

But Suri must bear the greatest responsibility for the stimulation of this

connection and how it is manifested between them. The trouble with anger and

competition is that when we are experiencing it, we are completely convinced

that the other person, in this case, Tom, is the cause of our problems. Rarely

are people angry and realizing that the anger is their problem. But even so, it is

their problem if it is they who are angry. So, according to this connection only

the way Suri handles the stimulation provided by Tom will determine what

goes on and how this strong Mars energy is channeled.

Suri can use this information and consciously transform the often

negative effects of this Mars connection into positive directions. It is not that

difficult to keep a Mars relationship healthy. It just requires some awareness

and thoughtfulness. Tom can actually be a catalyst to get Suri out of her

complacency and doing things. To give this powerful Mars energy something

constructive to do, it is recommended that Tom and Suri go outside and do

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Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Seventh Connection Between You

Tom Suri

things together, or at the very least, find something productive to do together

with this energy. Friends or associates with this connection usually go walking,

hiking, jogging, riding, shopping, bicycling or participate in other forms of

physical exertion. All of these and others serve to exhaust the Mars energy and

satisfy it. When they do these sorts of activities together, they will always

notice that they feel better, both personally and about each other, afterwards.

This connection provides a lot of the spark, fire, and magic in this

relationship. If Tom and Suri use it with care, it can bring them much of what

they want out of life. Any negative manifestations of this powerful energy can

be controlled and eliminated through conscious awareness and when this is the

case, it becomes like a genie in a bottle who can grant them all their wishes.

Affirmation for Tom: I am aware of how much I stimulate Suri and understand

her feelings. With this awareness I consciously guide my actions and help us

both by encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we share.

Affirmation for Suri: I accept Tom as a powerful stimulus in my life and

choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to him. With his

help, I am diffusing my own anger and channeling my energy into positive


Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 21

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Eighth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Suri is the Cosmic Reward Card to Tom

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is a past-life connection and one that has strong, spiritual overtones.

The Cosmic Reward Card is associated with Jupiter and as such can be a

blessing in our life. But whereas Jupiter's blessings are often of a financial

nature, the Cosmic Reward Card's blessings are usually of a less material

nature. In its highest manifestation, the Cosmic Reward connection will bring

us experiences that validate our own importance in the universe, helping us

feel connected and blessed by higher powers. We can receive guidance and

confirmation about our life and its purpose. Feelings can arise that inspire us,

enliven us and make us feel good about living. These are things that we often

do not value much until we have advanced in age to some degree. In general,

we say that Cosmic Reward relationships are perceived as more of a blessing

after the age of 35. But this is only based on averages and norms. Anyone can

benefit from this relationship at any age if they are aware of it's possibilities.

Tom is the one who is receiving this Cosmic Reward influence from Suri.

This means that Suri could be a very important blessing in his life, if he is

willing and able to receive it. Since the Cosmic Reward Card follows the Pluto

Card, it is often only after we have done our own work of personal

transformation, indicated by our Pluto Card, that we are rewarded, so to speak,

by our Cosmic Reward Card. The Cosmic Reward Card, is, in any case,

something that we are destined to become or achieve in this lifetime. This

means that Tom may feel drawn to Suri because he can perceive that Suri has

these qualities that are a part of his destiny. If Tom is creating a happy life for

himself, Suri will be a natural part of that happiness, if other connections do

not strongly indicate otherwise.

This connection guarantees that this relationship has a certain amount of

compatibility potential. Suri truly feels encouraged to give to Tom and to share

her wealth and abundance with him. This giving attitude can be part of a good

foundation for a successful relationship. But, if Tom has not yet dealt with his

own need for personal transformation in this lifetime, Suri may just serve as a

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Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Eighth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

reminder to him of this fact. If this is the case, Suri may seem more of a

confronting and challenging influence to Tom.

With this influence it will be very important for Tom to learn more about

his Pluto Card in his Life Spread. For each of us our Pluto Card is a symbol of

some powerful issue that we must address in order to be a free and happy

person. It is the handling of this personal issue that will most likely affect this

relationship the most.

So, we see that much of how this connection affects the relationship lies

in the hands of Tom. It is for him to decide what to make of it. Hopefully, he

will be ready to receive Suri as the blessing in his life that she has the potential

to be. Later, he may realize that they were destined to be together, which is a

common experience with this connection.

Affirmation for Suri: I am glad to be a blessing in Tom's life and hope that I

can give him all that I have to give. I understand that he may be challenged by

me at times and have compassion for this. I only wish the best for him.

Affirmation for Tom: I am grateful for the presence of Suri in my life. I accept

all the good things that she brings into my life and respond with appreciation

and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 23

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Ninth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Suri is the Cosmic Reward Card to Tom

Location: Life Spread

This connection is often found between couples who are either

successfully married or otherwise committed to being together. Our Cosmic

Reward Card is often someone with whom we are destined to be with, usually

later in our life. It doesn't have to be in the later years of our life, but usually,

this is the time in our life when we have completed much of our own personal

transformation and have gotten to know just what things and people make us

the most happy. In this relationship, Suri is the Cosmic Reward, or Blessing,

Card of Tom's. Therefore he is the one who is receiving this blessing and

reward energy from Suri and this connection affects him the most.

Just how Tom will experience this connection will be directly affected by

his attitude and the measure of his own consciousness about his life. If he is

someone who has learned a lot about himself, both his gifts and his challenges,

then he will probably experience Suri as an important blessing in his life that

he derives much pleasure and happiness from. If, on the other hand, Tom is

still getting to know himself and hasn't yet dealt with the challenges and

changes that are represented by his Pluto Card in the Life Spread, he probably

finds Suri to be a great challenge in his life, someone who seems to confront

him often, or remind him of what he may become, but is not. It is important for

Tom to become familiar with the meaning of his Pluto Card and how that

represents some of the internal changes that he will have to make in this

lifetime in order for him to fully understand his relationship with Suri. The

Pluto and Cosmic Reward Card are closely related, one precedes the other. It is

after we have met the challenge implied by our lifetime Pluto Card that our

Cosmic Reward Card is able to manifest its fullest blessings in our life.

Suri is influenced by this connection in that she is encouraged to give of

herself to Tom. She naturally wants to give to and share with Tom all of the

things that she feels are blessings in her own life. This giving can help create a

powerful bond of mutual generosity and appreciation between them, which can

become one of the foundations for a beautiful and long lasting friendship or

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Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Ninth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

other relationship. However, for this to happen, Tom must express the

appreciation he feels for Suri's contribution. The Cosmic Reward connection

implies that this may be more difficult to do if Tom is still wrestling with some

of his own basic personal issues. However, Tom may sense the importance of

Suri anyway and be acting on instinct in his attraction for Suri. It really doesn't

matter in one way of looking at it - if Tom stays with Suri long enough, these

blessings are guaranteed to show up and become a positive influence in their

relationship. This is one of those connections that is like a fine wine - the older

it is, the better it is.

In its highest expression, the Cosmic Reward connection can make us

feel truly blessed by the universe and give us a sense that we are in the perfect

place and time for our highest good. It can help us feel that everything is as it

should be and that nothing that occurs in our life is without a perfect and

loving purpose. We feel more connected to everything, especially the cosmic

rhythm and timing of the universe and have experiences that remind us that we

are blessed in every way. So, this is the potential for Tom in this relationship

and for Suri as well if Tom allows these influences to be appreciated. And

remember that with this connection, time is always on their side. The longer

they remain together, the better it will be.

Affirmation for Suri: I am glad to be a blessing in Tom's life and hope that I

can give him all that I have to give. I understand that he may be challenged by

me at times and have compassion for this. I only wish the best for him.

Affirmation for Tom: I am grateful for the presence of Suri in my life. I accept

all the good things that she brings into my life and respond with appreciation

and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 25

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Tenth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Tom is the Mars Card to Suri

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of those 'instant recognition', past-life connections that is

responsible for friendships and partnerships. This connection tells us that Tom

and Suri have shared some past lives together. In one of those lifetimes they

developed a strong Martian energy between them, which in this lifetime seeks

resolution. Now, in this lifetime, there is a strong likelihood that Tom and Suri

will feel some sort of familiarity when they meet, and there could be a strong

attraction that draws them together. Martian energy is either passionate and

aggressive or competitive and hostile. Often it is a curious mixture of the

passion and hostile energies.

In particular, Tom is a strong stimulant to Suri. He will either excite her

into action of some sort, make her angry, or both. Martian energy is power that

must be managed and handled consciously if it is to create positive results in

our lives. Therefore, Suri will have a great responsibility to channel this energy

into positive activities. Some activities that are good for the positive

expression of Martian energy are hiking, jogging, riding bicycles, working out,

or working together in a business.

Of course, there is a possibility that Tom and Suri were involved in some

other sort of relationship in that lifetime which resulted in unresolved feelings

of anger or hostility between them. If this is the case, the two of them will have

to work on correcting this because any hostility we feel for another will have

to eventually be transformed into understanding and friendship. Other

connections between Tom and Suri may reveal whether or not this is the case.

But they will probably already know the answer to this question from their

personal feelings about each other. Sometimes people with this connection are

immediately drawn towards each other in a positive way, but within a short

period of time realize that they have feelings of animosity for each other. Some

of these fated kinds of relationships can be the most important in our life.

Forgiveness is a key to resolving and dissolving any of these negative emotions

which have spilled over from the past.

Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 26

Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Tenth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

Regardless of the reason for their getting together, in the here and now

they will have to come up with a formula to deal with this Mars energy they

share. One of the most positive outlets for this energy is to work together. As a

matter of fact, many friends who have successful working relationships have

one or more strong Mars connections between them. Working together

provides a wonderful outlet for all those Martian energies. The energy

becomes a blessing in their relationship, inspiring them to be productive and to

'get going'. Other good things to do with Mars energy is to get outside and

walk, hike, ride bicycles, jog, and other forms of shared physical exertion.

Tom and Suri will find that engaging in these kinds of activities always brings

them closer together and funnels off the competitive and aggressive energies

into positive pursuits.

When there are Mars connections, regardless of what else exists between

two people, we know that there are some anger issues to work on in the context

of their being together. In this relationship, Suri is probably the one who

allows Tom to anger her. Because Tom is her Mars Card, she is the one who is

reacting to Tom as a Mars influence. She also bears the greater responsibility

for this anger or competitiveness when it comes up. The trick to dealing with

anger issues effectively is to realize that rarely do people do or say things to

make us mad on purpose. It is often our interpretation of their actions or words

that makes us angry. This is the challenge for Suri and she probably chose

Tom to have the opportunity to work on this.

In conclusion, this relationship provides a powerful stimulus for both

partners, even though Suri may be affected a little more since she is the one

receiving most of the Mars energy. If Tom and Suri take this energy and put it

to work they can benefit from the constructive activities it inspires. They

probably were attracted to each other because on some level they wanted to get

their lives going in a positive direction. With so much energy at their disposal,

there is much they can accomplish, as long as they keep it well-managed and


Affirmation for Tom: I am aware of how much I stimulate Suri and understand

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Relationship Reportfor Tom and Suri

The Tenth Connection Between You

Tom Suri

her feelings. With this awareness I consciously guide my actions and help us

both by encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we share.

Affirmation for Suri: I accept Tom as a powerful stimulus in my life and

choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to him. With his

help, I am diffusing my own anger and channeling my energy into positive


Robert Lee CampThis program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 28

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