m~, eriw~; 'i~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~;=::;:~~~~ q~::np;~:1 ...• liess and beauty, can· make'...

Post on 20-Jan-2021






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~ ••• d Au.U .... r '1.: 'am ·now prepared to bandle

. your sale big o~ small and soliCit your patronage.· Will se!l rea~on., able and guarantee ·satlsfactlon' •. r. 'J. 8''''' .... · • Rat".a"· VOL. XVII,


\YELLAND CANALNIP.PED Promlnont Germon.Amerlcano A),,. .. ,to'l Id Fir In,enllUI Attempt·to SIn,,,,,

Trln.AUantlo Trade - ,

" , 2!i

' ..

Paul Koenle. '~j.eonal frJeaG, CIt Count Von Bemltofft and. tonl)erl)' bead of the secret aervlce 0( tbe' Hllin. bllr,·Amerlcan Line, .lid lUobllord Emil Leyendocker were: Ill'I'e"ed . 117 .leDtl cif'the Departmlnt of 1 •• Uel '" New York, char'H,,,lth .~oa.plrtae to attempt to blow up tbe·. W ....... CaDal, Koenlr' W&8 'arreltet In '\be o/llces ot tbe· Hamhul'I.Alall'lean Line. Before tbe war be ..... 111 ebarre of the Iteamlhlp COlllpau"l Inlreau ot.mve.u.aUon, but .Inci lben It II charled;. b. baa beeD the bllld of tbe· aIrman lI.cret lentee In lb. Uwtitd State.. Le,.nd"ker W., tall. ail Into. ~u"tod, at 8.5 i'ltth A1'IIIIII,I,


. . . . . . p .' •• . '. . . : . '.

, , .


24TH 1915, . - .' ,

AN E"Q1Y .. HAlH DONE THIS where . he b.. be~ll~e~;"ti::'lt .ll!I.Ul';

The aceDt. ot the . Oft.. • .:..... . kIt Ue. doclare thl, fOllAd' Last well. tUora CRme 0 liS

mapl -&Ad draw .... of lbo,'.·1wa "slllooth" piece of work Christmas has,oome 'once agidn to cheer, the be~r~ ()f a through the ml\i1, an allllOllll061llent

::::.:... ~ -- by • .",.hicl" oo~,";w',,' poopl,. i.I, .• wood,,,,,,. .,Ib.to to a """""" .. I ."h. m,,"a ••• r • " .. , .oo"p".

I' .' .~ ~1l ,. ~1t~:-".i~ttbti~

. - , ,

lb. 'Cln.l. Tbe in last weelt. ChHstianity that the birtli~lay ,~'tChriit, ,villi its ~umble~ This announcement. wa9 print~d on hlrftcl ac.IOlt I'n tOWI) nbout two weeks ' . '} \ t . k "1' t' '1' I L

It 1'lolatlon ot o. • lIess and beauty, can· make' a .. i9,rl'Or.s rIO en 01\'118a Ion the' fl'ont page ol1'uF. BlEB !lS" It.t •• · pen.1 code, ago, he at,once got' in touoh with fo~get for Il day the horl'ori of "~~r Ilild raise its' eyell'in week. The lettllr bore lhe .signa. t~rnlnl within lb. . £ th T-I erne, ". p' i P 'IT":" 1

. ted Sl.tea ot a mUlt.r1 the direotors 0 e ag 1 mute praise to the thr:one ,(if th.~' .~·I!1ce of caoe. ~v, tu~s of Goo.:K S~(Lple!l, aIH ap-.... n.t • forelln pO.lr. La,enellCk., Creamery, and saili ile l'e.pre.ent~ . inrJeed aro,the exaotions f~bm C\l.I·llItiancj dlll-ing these times, peared to one not knowing either 01.l1li1 to be &II 411lerlc&ll cltlaen, anel b' .1.1 E at '. ". . _ . baa 'admitted, It II a.ld, tbat bo ·b.. a,prospeotive uye.- 10 .~ Ie a; . but. they fade, into in~.igiliflcahoe ~"'hilD oompared to the of the parties cODCernoo, to be beln employed· by Koellic. KoeDIe The cows and ohiokens owned 111 oros9 He bore. . I, ";". "enlline, After tbe paper had ap. :'4.:;"J;:,~n:.:'-="':.~. ~'~d",,;;t w ..... ".""hly WVN' . ··"Thlnk., tho hl .. .r .... w. n.1f ,lijny whl.h w .... ;."'. .. ...... , we w .... ".I.kly .nllghl. liner .pplled .tor lila 'Hoorid. tigat!!d, the creamery and pla~t , .'PO~ibI6 by t.ho bit~th ~hd ~eath .0f;Christ-and your Christ. ened tbat it wn~ a hoax,

. .• "h •• Hoo'",,, ... bj~I'" to ..... hI".. and 1h. ·mW'wlll • h.ppyand ""n'.ntad dh.. . ,.M... p~"", in'" ..... , • The alrllts were m.do by William m' test de'ails "iven pain8taking . . . . '.~ .... <

M, Olltr," In cb ..... , of tbe '.qo1'.ra. 1011, . ., more or loss ignorant. Ilature, bnt wellt' ... , neutrality InveltlCatlollJ attentIOn. the:obe perpetrated last week was 10llph SI. Bauor, ·bll,a •• I.tIDt·;:·U Hnvl'ng 0 good deal of· ·.spare ~~~=~~~~~===~~~;'=T¥~FF~=~?TIT~~T=~ C.ptaln Thomal Tunue, of tb. New ~ .. -;: absolutely. criminal. Not. oontent York or Ezploll"'l alld Com- time OD his hands, he went to the WI' 'tt'l II'



two' .. nlOst. estimablo ~~I:~~:~~"~~lI~~d,~.r~l~thll D.me of . . . - 'tl ..,., IS

11 tor obt.ln, rink, During a conversatIon WI ! ICI,Llz,enl~ POllitive forgery wall re~


AUCTIOIIEERINB , de I haTn mo~.d trom Troboron to WlaalllO bat Illtoad .arrylng on my A:lcLiOD BUllno> tbN,u,h tho Couutr)', CDsto, • .Jr. will rocohe !;,Irompt Attentloo'b)' wrltfr,R' 1110 n t my ,)rVDen' mddr ••• or Phone BhorbrooK.!:o7 ou roter •• cbeck I'rlcea A. U.unl. Sotl.tnctlotl OunroDte.d

II. WILSOIl, M.A. A., IB8 lallflrJIdo St., W' .... 'II'!11.

Na. 14


I..,. Derby Soy. ,tie He«r't of the . C.un .... )' II '111,ht-Conlorlptlon Talk 8tll In the Air

Lor4 Derby, Director 0( l\ecnlltinlf, alld Bell' Tillett, So()relllory ot thu Dock Workerll' Unlon\ repreeentln« OptlQsl~on, appeared on tho tame plut. fohn, In a musIc hall roeeUcK In Lou. jOl), when TllIeLt d"crlb6(1 hi' reCGut vtelt to' the British tront. The Illarl 0( berby" Who proshled; ao.kl on 11Itro. dudllS ·the speaker: "When: It como. to. the que.tlou-o(·the numbel·. of nUID wbo havo'enUlted, i muet 1I0t Intlcl. pate In any ~y what will bo •• Id by tbe l>r1me Mlnl,tor, I think 'he coun. try "III teel whon ho m.sc .. ~ th.t Itatlll1lellt· that tho heart of the coun. try la rI.bl. I· hope tbo New Year will ItlIOW. I/o brighte.a' outlook lban 19 dl.4:lrnlble Ilt lhe PleHllt· momont. 'Probably tho rOllult 1'1111 come. iooner U.an mlUlY expect,· bu t not 100ll.r than they,. hope-a. reeult wt!lch '11'111 be a v1ctOI')' tor the· .lIIed forces. I ~ uot (be least peasimlallo about the future."

OonKrlptiln M.y Vet Come

the, .mdavlt,. one of the manngers, it tran8pirec:l 90' ... _-> to, It says bllt 'little for tbo ~'~;~;!~ had HU aulll . 'tl . b t' h .... om I &hI da


bero-. that he knew' B9me ling a ou Miss Ames, our sohool t.e. ae .er, ... ·._11. f tho ""rson who ' •• interesting e\;ent took plaoe' ~~.,... Igenoe 0 .. v ~~~~llct~~;mlf"lil.rluno1'o!~:e~en~!~~~ making iOll, .and'. waf)s dtl,:lere~ol~Lt:E~ilv~~' a .f1ying visit'· fi-,/m ~er' ~nl~.nolIlle of' !Ir, and !Irs. 8.- penned that lettel" aur,)., ,mYIl eyon -Ford Ravea.O~

to aS81.t IU 00 mg sister, : , '. 1- f r hI's morals . "''''UII,. 'l!!I~,lie,rJ, Treharne, la.st !Ionday; .ft~ -'. 0 • . He' Whl' 8top W.~ Thll Win'.,..

For two ct· three days ttel' "'1"11 1·;'·:en·. .. I '"b f t 't Id 1)0 mlloll "Orafte' Juice". 8-.n 1!""loted

'file military critic of Tho Weeldy Despatoh IIInta that Lord Derb,'11 re­cruiting schome has not sa veil eon­scription. "'l'housllnda oC pl~gl.o lIIen hI. vo refused to Jom the colors,'" he a .. erts. "Nothlnr; litort or comful810n will brIne tbem to IL senle' a their dllty. Wllh lholl8undn ot aln,le Ulen wrourly .1I0llod lo the reeervllll ~de~, It will bo InlpoUlble tor tbtl

. P.remler to hold married mOil to their »lodll"'." Tho Tlmos. commeDtln,. OQ the call1u&, out of tour claa ... ~ of Lonl Derby's r\lcrultl, nalllely. grouPI 2, 3, •.• na 5, aaYM: "Fronl • Itr.terleal point ot vIew It Is a false move It,. the OovernnlcDt. It la certaIn to ar()USO susplelon regarding· thjl . 1004 fal&h of ~he Mlnlaterlal InteliUou .... ·The Observer llay~: "b, hook. or crook the enrollment ot plnglc men lIl\lst btl COlllplllted' without' a' day',,· . ImI!<lIce ..

dela)'." . ,

'. . I ... .w~ December 20th, when"Miuy . n. e. u IIrO,1 WOIl. " _.. " .... workild assiduously, during Whl0 I 'hom', . It' h'n~ gOI'I"'d"e~d to '" h' . tl'me h"e mu~t'l1ave oolleoted a good". .... "'~ "; Mr. and Mrs. Johu D, cODII.:nndl~le~enrd· ''''''1'II'Ynallon lJi'the' wm 10011

lITe Ininl. the Ford oar,', ". f COt· . "lIies,tol'diumlinl'tllllll':""" .• .. upon the AUI'e Irlc;o.n lIeaoe pll. . b tl b . ,. - IJ..O~l~hllr,t, 0 . arp, n arlO, Was II t III In at of informatIOn y Ie 0 ser-· . . in marriage to Edward libel yerballyi..;-I\':~,of 1'CC1'eation

H., !,II"IIIISIR .11' a nB' lWlu .. ,tv



method. ::,~.'~£~~:t"'O.'~I~8;lj~er. of Treherne.' F ... H~lm(i!,y , . R<!i)\lia~;:"moP8't a.. certai~ In ~~c:.~ , • '., I ~I,ller!\la!l. \ t.:.. ••.

f" ••

.. pare planl ~~:~~~;;~:i~ir::1 " . ""i(liniitY"fo:I' .. ' TI:ie;l~riiilelwclre' .•. " gO~D, ,of."" bll:16'11 at f.

r blowln.', up 'tbl. . iate .. 'A ",OW his VISIt. . , " cd 'I '." ....

.. silkolepe .de' ohme trlmm ·'Wlt!,· . F U da,s' voyal;e from moat Important POlllt, and' while, keeping an eagle eye'on One of our Boldiei' 'boys, 'E, ·,G.. T. L..:._·, owoeits . Mr. Ford' 'sald be was .Iycerlne was to havil' be.n "" O· h ft . . orystlll··be~d.s, " ,llDuar''-., I'E~~~~: the ,expoditlon wouhl r .. ult ..... "",... 000_ , moo I .. ,n,onn • Pri~.lm",.I",n.d I>om"" ,",oomi' . .The· h.ppy oonpl •. "'''.n .••• >b. _ onl of >h. tn •• bM

On'" M.n, N._ man d ..... n tMm np .nd 1"",,,1 ."I.k.... H, hu boo. ... ... tad . . .,.~, wu ,.". H ••• I I thlrt

. llalell In H . . 6.30 ~ train for Winnipeg, where had InformatIon from oMclal

Koenl, 8 If ven een • the cases into the wagon. urry· ten dn\ls leav' e of abs'ence, hilt. is. b' . , 'h t' b _ lbe compl.lnt. The, Include Oerlll.n, . '. ~J they will spend, their honeymoou, Briti8h Colum la 18 III ~ e 1m er IIM~Ur'C08' thllt bls peace. pl&ll waH look-I!lnrlloh and'lrlllh a.mll. Captain or· ing to a baok street, the deteo.tl \'e doiu'g nioely and wilr soon' be ·.ible 11hey will re~ide on Griffin Street,' growing businfl,ss on a. n i.mmensc, ~. um"oontlvaePPu'OYc,lollm',lnY;;,tHoe ~ U\ldr"o:rl


~ .. at AI, slated In tbe complatnt that It stopped the team. and confis~a.ted to return.' :;".. . ,.·t \ b _ I ..,.." would be contrar, to public policy 'und " Treherne.·: Ca~flli' investIgatIOn .y to clevelop to tlle full. &II und.rllt&n4-.. , .. ".. . On lb. ''',,"to· n' .... "e wh~ky. M,. ~[o·qh">P • .... F ..... I S.nloo.ohow •. th ••.. th. ....Ib ... "', .. Ib,. ..... b, lb. 11m., Ulilted St.te. to reYe.1 the 101lrce. health wail next enqnireii artel', __ ~ _____ , ;'j~;i~~l~)I~~I;~v.eJr.(lo.o"OO();~)oo~aeft\ll'f;i'j~:~e, IIIISIIon8 were begun at Tb.4t ,of bls InformatIon. Prior to the ar· bllt it was found that he had Ic'ft Treherne Weather Report r "where William. JeDuID,1 DI'J~I nit of tho men, the Federal .rand . , '1 ':'. Succe' '"Eul Xmas of land not slIited: fo~; asrieulturej '~!"~lcur~tthnerYpA~:ft ep~aatret~., wU'. ,UlIelltlt4' ... lury be,an an II\V.ltlratioD Into tbll tbe neighborhood for a kindlier --- . _ •• ........ I'

III west ph.se or 'he .Uered 1'lolatlon ,',. ., but- splendidlv,adapted for groWIng '. nt Am,ri,.. ''''''"''. .b.... " b .lIm.. . ·'Mlnlm"m. ~n~ .. ~x.lm!l'".. I,m·: Tree at Arbroath .ho bool.[ ";'Im. ·Th. G.m ... , 1'ha ...,1. w_ ,.Uma ..... m .mb~~ 01", .... ,. The dri ..... 1 Ih ...... "a. '0< Ih. wook .... 1""1,,. ' ruen. I, ... ''''''' .. ,. p1an"OO ..

. ,: ·'11~ of Koenl,,1 ol,.nllatlon. drayed the whisky from the station Friday, .D. eo. th~ 17th ahd' andiug . to' . be • II . tl'8 U6tI",.t"", to Austria . I MIIId , .11)1'/

. :The:School entertainment given .l'aJae" lm r,.perpe~ua y/ on II atakl Government .. A O.DYlan Divilion appeared before Justices' of the Th d D 23 d 1" " tl .

Peaoe Pollon and Hird in the Mu. urs ay. eo:.. I'. ..'. I, in "Arbl'oath Church last Friday laud. A!ter all a tr.!e IS' no. ling . 4 Vienna des;;;;1 IIIlYS: ''Dm'on. N.xt Body to be Pur"y Canadian­

Uri/an Rlcrultln, 8lacken. Friday ~ 3 ue~?\V 3\ l1elow evening watt a'.decided suooess, the ~ore or ~81, tlum a \'o~esabl& Burian, tho Austrilln Mlnlste!" or F()r" - :=~~~,':~:.:;,;;~rq~:;"::~ Sa'nod.., 6 7 .• ~., l •• g.hy p .... 'aU> h.I, •• matly W whl.h .... '!"'" many y .... '!""'" :-!-:: '!:~;:;""'~~d~:::'::::'l'.:~'

It a fourth C&II&dlan dl1",lon II .. Sunday .' . 3 aboy!) ] 3' • 'reciated by all present, The 1111. of ~~e to nten, and ... fore~t 18 only pilar FI'IlDCl8 Jospch. "'the poplilat< ...... ,. ·th ..... b, """"' ... ,. local .pll .. """ .. y. Th.,~ M,,"'.y·. 3 "·,D·· p a k>od .1 ..... that tok ... oo.t ... .,. ''''.'m'''~. ""' ... , ... '"'" 1I0t unlikely, It will be purel, C.D&· was / adjourned 'until Tuesday, Tu' e'sdoy O· below I(I . ,~ m'erou~ itetmds bydthte

l sCthe' ~Ioahrefr :r~lreSIl to "row .. With so., . much of its al ea I'eat." Immediate &equJeaeepcq. til/'

dian. It ball be.n lbe pr.ctloe iD tb. I ". 1 exeou e an le~. , U ., J, ' d "t!' I 4 .. llrla.Hunrary In 010' Prtaalpleil put to h.ve Cana4lan unit. OOID»rI" December 28t I, 'Vednesday' 9 above 10 ". 'rJ OJ(UPled by.fore.t., an WI I um- ,oYlrnlng Hubmarlne warfare, aareeit .. tbl Domlnlon'lI .rlD, In thl a.I., "u' '. ." .1' -Thompson, is to be oonj(ratulate be'"' • I d" teta. 0:1 t. to;by the Unlt!'d Statea and' O.manP,: IOlIle of' tbe llIlall.r \Iutl b ... b •• 11 . N . Tiiursdav' 11) • 25,' '.1 • the S1100688£nl res~1t or their 't ~ng a rei a y Itsgthl'eA

t Br.ltnl'8Iu8Cro~. to delllanded III the .• econd AIl~; lupplled from tbe IIIl~Ilal forcel. '011 Treherne Local· otes 'No Snow . " . . b I IS not s range (\ I I . aote whlcb "'II sent t,o;YIeDD&' __ 1

lite other band, thl Pnnc .... P.trlela .:'J. tra.lDlllg.: ,The several Items y I'IUD' bl'a should be the fir8t W"tI~gton. Tl1l1r~'11 ~i'OIIe,OPID-1 ailiment, ralllll In CanaG." w... rJ It 1 11 lelld4red In .. Ul

a. Ihaa.. tOil as' to .thll outoo~1 B I I h

Al ._,-- N. II a II s were a so we . " • . c::~: . ..:. t' t' be r' , ""t f 1t I~ _'0' wlib. ,', ... _. • ... . • • .., _'YOw""" un ' .... m.. ...... ' .... a .... ,.. , ~, IU brancll .. of tbe C&IIadlaD.dlytaaOIlI Will the person who borrowerJ • Mar·"r.aed ..... ,The Patrlotlo Fund benefits by AU" . td ttl ed 'witli rravest.GlDphallta by ot'l '·0 th.1 altat-em'ant o-f '''e~lnll'.r . the ,,'hove'l from tIle Oa'II\'I'e Ele. .. m of13 75 ." All .. ~

til b Ito

·.'blr C-ft-d''''- .ooo",~ , ,., ovemmen epar men 0 larK -Ith the '.~oon. fta ....

WI - ., - _ '. ~II . • with carryiog out. this work was tllat Aliatrl. lIlust adopt Militia. Oen. Hu.hl. 1110 oommeDte4 "ator please r~turn same? , '. '. . .Owing to:limited spaoe" we are estabu6ed in ] 912, The forestli 'Y~'''I of the UlIlted States on-on tbe 'fact that urball rec:~'t~~D~'::1 P.ALMER,~OCKHABT-Ai . bl to . t tho program ", .' mutn. wartare.or tho ,Ulllte4 ata~j Illcbtl, faUen .olr latll,. H. The .l\Iethodist Church will hold on 'Monday',' 'D~ct!JI1b6~'.20th, :b~;. the ulla e I?rlD .' were PrQtect.ecl'against destrllotion .WtU .c .... to d.at dlplolllaUcaU;r out that und.r lb. IYltaJD "rat ~. .., 'J by 'fi-, ~ whl'le' revonu


tJaa AllItrl.n GOvernment, lUIel county recnaltla ••• w ID rore. their annual Chri8tmas Tl'ee in the Re\~. C:' -·l\foiTow~:':Ed\vard 'Pal.' ''''"

man from tbe countr, dto'riota for· church OD~Chri. ·.tma8.Day.' ,,' _.,,:< '1NDl IANFORD the .eIliDg and scaling of Glrlll.n)' R.'laoel PrllOltI'. m.rl, cr4Idlted to tile olll" .... 110. ", 'U~:".Llo()llU1lart;'1 _'_ t, h~. preventi6D',of.trespass and in. . ... oce I",«erll frolll aQ CWI':~~ .... " .. to lb. _ .... - -- . . . '. _, " ._ .. m '" wu . ..... ,,~. r.;.o-...n' ...... ~ ..... .lu., .. '_.01 ..... '" ....... 0; .... to .............. to t~~:~~~

• tl .Wedneiid.YilllOOnr~~ .Winnipeg, . ',' , , reduoe ~aste, w~re'.thoro·llgllly' or: aumban of them 10 lJ An Inluran. A_I .... e.· ···hAm lie a"tende"d .. tl·e Manitoba WOOD,WARD.RANDS - At·. Laven- A hox sooial ban will be held at ~~~':IO:\l:::rc:;eil It ba8 UI&l~ ..:..!:~ 'a"_ ~ ~ ""C - • ..... '.. . I; .... hY.lh. Ii;,,; 0. ~V. ~""""'w,,,,: 0,""" liab. ,.dlanl.n!. .n .. ru...t. "" ,:~.='':.' IntVlI" ......... -- .,....... 0.;0""'" . . '·.aud Woo ..... , E."'m ....... ~'. Th. .. .""""' •. '1 ~:~ the Life In·.' "u ..... ·K.nd,I... .1 n;,{o.. .,. Sam i.o~" ,i,; MId .liy ·,u'."" and Carline SClie4U1e. . ....... Four:. M~~~';':;'b.'clII'" lIt.t tho . town last . .;~e~.h!elulay. th~~;prpcl.eO(ls devoted to renq\'ating , F'o'r N--t ~eek 'oea Ilt~.t .... to_D--:in_Qe..,.....rr~p_'n_y, "I' ~If. 8P4~Il'ld Chnstm'lis '.vitti Ile'r ... _ > ~"~ _

III ;,.A:.meet




S,:a)llrll M~, EriW~; Wiljett 'I~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~;=::;:~~~~ ,.. __ -.," '. . :Tbe Q~::nP;~:1 ~t .~=i:?;:= ~~mltJer 27;: . beD .. he ked 'on tba ':" laad,. In" the

~!lr~~'11l VL Morrison, to BolIlOD."'; W,O,'(.Hal·kW4~U

Tf14"!I'Y.p~Dlber28: ,;' . tttlap~IIJ!I:"~. Graham~ .",.

Chri8£ila'Y'" .,' . '. . ,-


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Pocket,::.!! S elf-Filnnl1~

~t.?er.;~~!(JOI(!l~::'~1j'~i!~~::cable to tho Ii, tellS oC an

'1 heodore iloosevelt, wholll he says he hilS never known to bo so \ ehemcnt on any snbject 'as IS on tho U lilted States' inaction in tbe I,rescnt war.

"As a mutter : fact," ho says, "tho ex.president leels [0 ncutelj' the Ilg· uro his countl y has cut in tho war tbnt he douuts whether he could ovor agaIn endure a visit to Eu When the Lusltan la . llllC<1rVen!ldn

is Fighting '!~i; :i~~c:! D,istinct Wars 1 O. '".,... .'

Aritld 'S"ow Fields and GlacIers, • 0 I _I,

,_ tue Other Under ,a Tropic , :w \ : J SOn

Italy along her northern Crontiel' Is figll tlng two distinct wal's-tne ono amid tile snows und glaciers at the high Alps which guurd tho Trentlno, tho otile~ under Ule troplCul suns 01 tho Carso leudlng to 'frleste; tho for­mer a deCensl vo, tenacious, "holding campaign to protect her flanl{, tho'

Impetuous thbngh carefully pl:llnneu: _Ul1"l1Slve. The Ilrst flj waged

llloun tuln peal{s, In passes valleys, where only a few

be deploy'ell, where ·the to cross Cathomless

ballor-Ies must bo transporte!1 by uleliack and heavy guns dr<tf;gcp. up by hund, where Cood and :munltlon3 must often 'lie holstel~ In '!Jaskets by ropes ruHl pnlleY-ll:· up i.o men' stationed on almo'st InacCllsstblo cliffs, 'fho secoJ,iills fOught on:'a gen­ti~: 'sloplng, tr~!!less ... I'ocl{y iJljlteau, whero whole army corps CUll'_ man­oeuvre at ease. The Itallun campaigns

\Hi~~1.'~JW~:~~~'~1 at close IJroxlmlty tho grcat-\~ ccs, create >. tho moat dl-pr~'!ll.~,ms· of. stru~gy lind tA~:

tics, nevI,rj:;less' requiro co-or­dinate solution. ' - .' . -, ,

oqoOd lOr

Childteetl Millions of pounds of dcliciom; "Crown Brand" Corn Syrup are sold every year to mothers, just for the childrcll._

~~ru!." ~~ .. '~CI90wn BI~and\

~,~RN 'SYRUP ": ¥

.. :Motliers know it is practically all nourishment.

.. "".'A ountai fiJ1en • l; .,'.Jt.! 1 ( !n $100,000 contributed to Re'd Cross

O\'er: $100,000 In casl\ ,Q.DLl ~upplles were 'Q,onated to the Iled CI ass In SILS' klltcllewau during the 1JUst year IlC­cordl\\'g to the report of the hon~rlLry secretAry, E. D, McCallum, at the an· nll1 meeting" of the, provincial execn· tl:ye 2f·the'ned Cross society, held at I.{eglhit!recently, Mrl ~icCllllum, in the presentation of his roport, made a stl'OIl~ Illppeal Cor a new' gencral can· vas of the province' Cor fUllds., 110 flt\'or~J! working through the munlci­na)itres, Instead of through the local bra!l~es oC _the cociety,

'The almost Insu mountable - ~atlll'al barriers of this battie line which Is nearly aoo mUcs long, maltc'rapld pro­gross hupossl~le, Every. step of tho Illl\'nhco has to be fought o\'er Coot

They know it is a food-that Dread spro.:lI.d with "Crown Brand" makes a well balanced food that sustains and builds up the strength.

Mother" know, too', that "Crown llrnnd" is the 1IIosI UOllomical "sweetcllillg" for ail sorts of Cakes, l'ICS, l'I1ddings and S:illccs-and is the wholl! thing for dcli· cious hOUl.elllade Cnlldics. - ' .. "ULY wmTW' 10 our puro white Com S\'Tt1p-not

.. ) ,aoPIonollnced 111 Jh\\orn'l 'Cro\\n Url\ml'r-cquu.l11 ¢olco fur tho t.n.lJIC" nnd for cuudy umkl1lg,

~ sRrJty~i.;'d,r~,gultirl!'IltP.f!t ~ sill~t;;on;.rllj"u,;-ot. Avoid substhutes.'·· 1

Women. ~KnoW:. ",.~ .. ,l' •

Dealer •• , 1', 'I'

The Big' Crop .~ , .. : 1 ••• '

of the Western ." illustrated

'GralrhCr6p !

" '

Uy', Coot· In the 'frontlno, every crag ani:! gully, easily held by a corporal's squud of the enem)', muat be tal{en by' surprise or assault, or destroyed by artillery Ilra. Along this Cront only troops trained In mountl!in warCare can be use Cully employed aud the taale I ,

Is Intrnsted chiefly to the Alphil regl-' " ments reerulted Cor the most Pl'rt among hardy mountaineers who lwow every tracl{ and trail of the 'country In which they are flghUng. Dressed jn hea vy gray-greon uniforms, weal:lng' soCt celt hats, sugar-loaf crowns, a sin­


The Canada Starch Co., Limited, Montreal ,

SALESMEN WANTED' In e"ery town iu Manitoba, Saskatchewan anu Alberta


Apply 10 District Offices 01


hgurcs . res\JOcLl

:'ijO-MANYCHILDREN-gle long feltther stuc\{ jauntily on th" right side of each, they swagger auout, I'emlndlng one of llohln 1100d's men. 1'0 them the war has all the exhilara­tion of a big game expedition.

At wlltnlJle~, Re~inn. Sn!'lknloon. Cnhmry nud EUl11onton

ENLIST NOW With Ule army of satisfied $hlpper9 who sWp Gnun to


These safe, sure, vegetable pilts' quickly right the conditions that cause headache, languor, constipation and· biliousness: They are fre/:! from habit;form­jng drugs, They do not Uti­tate or weaken the bowels, .

,f; : I

Y10men find that relieving small ills prc;>mptly, pn~v.elnts·j the ''davelopment of ones, They depend on Beecham's Pills to tone, strengthen and

leep Them' Well' DlrcdloD' "lll. Ewer, 80. of Spedal V.loe to Wam ••

Sold Enr1wbcre, In lwuJ, 2S !;call. , . :., Dry ~'ltlon in Five Years f-

'l'li~ iillJiltup,i jug wlil raccl\'e tbe BUqu-iSl) oC II[S 1110 l~ve years [rom day' wliun ho steps into his fll\'ort~e I1rll11( pl1rlor and Signals with t\\ a or till ee' Jlngers for Ilis'regulllr "shocl{."

"Some Bne buttermlllt "odny," Lilt' Iml tellde! w11l BUY. "Nice aud lillci{ lind ere II 111 Y , Cold und frcsh, How malii (\HI' >'ou say'I"

J\ n~~ul'ter ho r<lcovers they will taltO him to I\'nlcu padded cell,

. tlp.xeooll. ", ~",U'~~I '17,l~S,500 ;

000 : buckwheat, ,0 0,000, '1'ho qUlLlIty. Is Be Urst claRs,<und, "IlS 'the prll,,;wlrHv ahnost every c,Qulltry, depelll)s:,.Ll1l

prosperity of Its, farmers, t1Je .. ,;.I;;'·"·"llgu res speak volurt1es'l!:s' to the

condition, In., :wljLclt qlLlluda IIY, particularly when the

, high 'prlce lof ,'?beat ·15 con-~ , l. ,I. I I

,Wall the nee(js of t1ie country al'o supplled,_ thore wUl be 2M,OU.O,OQO

shels Col' expot~. '1'he followlI\g llg­ures w11l give an Idea of what this expurtlltion 'of; whent would' mean, stll~ed Ulustrn:tlvely; (a) 2fi4,OOO,000 bu~hels-16,8'\O,OOU,OOO' lbs.-7,V20:([00 tons of wheat, to 1ll0\'e which thoro would be' required 19S 000 40-ton freight C!trs 10ILded Lo 'Chelr Cullest capac.lty. 111S,000 cars Ir, placed In

together would maim a train miles long, or one extondlng Winnipeg to Montreal with.100

les.over, or ·from Winnipeg to Van­u"er with 27 miles over, Allowing cars to a locomoti¥o, It would re·'

11'8 6,667 iocomotives to IU1Ul 19S,' cars and 6,667 trains running Ilt

Intervals of five mlnutos would tal{e lUore than IVv., I~ays to pnss a given' point. :, ... ; ,', ",

(b) 'l'he full cargo capacity of the S,S. M Issanable or Metagama is 250.-000 busl\els' of gralll, 'J'herefore, It _\\"ould requlro a lieet of 1,066 ships as largo IlS the 1I11SSllnabie 01' M etagamn

transport across the Atlantic the enormous quantity. . of surplus crop produced by Canada's three prairie provinces. l~aney what an Armada thlLt would be. • \

(c" 264,000,OOQ bushels oC wheat-1&,840,000 Ibs" 15,840,000 000 llis. wheat.-!2S0-66,571,421 barrels _fiour: 66,671,421 barrels flour x 175-0,S99-99S,675 10 avos' of br~ad 24- ozs. eacti, Enollgh bread to give 27,l23,28'\ llio one 10llf of bread pel' diem for u wt 010 year '1- /

lot tilllt Is JUdt whut \\'111 happen to the nmn Ildd Icted to booze, IC the dlr:Llon of COI'mer Congressl1Illn 1', Lundls oC Illlllllna l!Ollles tr·le, He spok.e on "John lllLrleycorn" In tho Wood Wllrd Avenue 1'1'ellbyterlan ch III ch [Ind, salJ that In II ve years b and wlll bo tUl'n­

acklng plan ts. Ion on the ro­o[ cast


~ ,,;~ ;1 ar!..!Jneler,-.slze, .uneler-weight Wii~ pinched faces and poor blood; the, do ~ot.complaiu but Ilppctite lags they ha;v~ '~,(j ambition and do not prog:ess.

An Alplnl officer told m, a story which is characteristic of the wal' in this region,


"'rhe Austrians ha(l mounted a machillo gun on the top of a high cliff, wh Ich rose over 200 feet sheer from the valley below," he began, quietly. "'I'he gun was raking with a deadiy fire a stretch of open roall alollg which our sup\111es··l!lI.d to pass, Our artillery had fuiled (o silence it. '1'0 dislodge the ellemy was e~selltlal. . l,'olll' of my mell volunteored to do the \VOl k. Un­del' cover of darlmess uy removing his boots, olle man, a former guard, WILS aule to clamber U\1 the face of thz clli!. Arriving at tho point above the posilion where tho Austrians were In­tl-enched, he foulld the five men who munlled lhe gUll asleep. 'J'hey had posted 110 selltr)', Ceellng sure that they could 1I0t be molested. Wllh a loud shout, the Alplnl sprang illto their midst and demanded their sur­render. Astounded and dazed to sec the enemy sprlllg down on them, as it were from the skies, the Austrians surrendor~d without a shOW of fight and, machine gun and all, were mlLrch: ed of( as prisoners to our cam[1."

Make bills of lading read l'eter Jansen Co.. Ltd" Fort William or IUt Arthur, lIotify Peter jllllsen Co., Ltd" Wiunipeg

------ ---, Sucli~<;lyldre.n need the rich medicinal ltl\trisliwent in' Scott'.' Emul.ion nUove ~verythillg else: its pure cod liver oil con-

, t' I tal~s na ure s own blood-forming, fiesh-never hILS in the past secured a fair share of go\'ernment expenditure, unt! at tho beglnalng of the war \\ liS grelLtly hampel'ed In competing for contracts uY the [act that the depots for examining and receldllg p;ooLis were In London. Agltal\on, however, led 10 the establishment of a depot In Dublin where cel'lnin classes of goods of Irish manllfactllre nre tlCltit "'Ith. But there alo groat restrictions limiting the classes of p;oods and an effort Is being made to widen the util­ity of the depot hy nlll'11ttlng to It all the goods 11I'oduccd III Ireland which are required for military and other government services.

WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE Licensed and Bondelt Deal.n'

DIRECTORY bl1lldlu1.fIl~s .w':>lcb quickly' show/iti rbsy checks, better appetite, firm flesh and sturdy frame". , If Y?~. childre'! are Illnguid, tired when rising Cllt~h cold easily or find their studies difficult, b<l\'e them Scott', Emulaion; it supplies the very food cle­mellb that their systems Inck,

It pays to ship yonI' grain to a reliable Cotnll1i~sion Firm. Best llttention glveJi to consIgnments,

GOODERHAM lie MELAOY CO. LTD .. Guln r..xchanill. Wlnnlptlc

Scott'.~Emul.ion coutains no hnrmful ~~ugll R?d is so good for growing children It S RlPlty to keep it frqm them.

Ship to SAMUEL SPINK. Pioneer Grain Com­mi .. l0n Merchant, for b~.t ra.uh.. Gradel car .. fully watched-Sale. made to belt .dv.nt •• ..­Prompt rflturn', 'fry UI. Shlpplnll bill. on requoa ...

206 Grain ExchanKe, Winnlpell', Man.

'''''''47 ~ott &. Bo'ft"UCa Toronto. Outario

, An Example

Amerlcan"Wrlter"Who Strongly Fav­ors Tax Plan

Some folks throw a lit every time any meation 's malle or so-callod single tax or the better called tuxatlon or land values, but wo are going to ,'Isk IL ILgalll. ::;uscelltlblo,ones bllve Il doctor hanJy I

Arter chasing the poor Indians al­most oIT the flLce of the earth, thi~ government of ours gave the survIv­ors tracts of lund Lor reservations, and furlllshes them WIlli lJeql U'h'

It Bids Pain Begone.-;Vilen neural­gia mcl{s the nan'es or lumbago crip­ples the hncl{ Is the time to test the virtues at Dr. Thomas' gclectrlc Oll. Well, rubbed la it w11l stili the plLin and produce a sensation of ease ILml rest. 'I'hore Is nothing like It as a liniment for Its curlLtive properties nre great. A trial of It will establish fallh In it.

Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptlc.­Through laclt of conslder:ttlon of the uody's noeds IlIllny pel sons allOW dis­orders of the dlgestlvo apparatus to endure until thcY become chronic, flll­Ing days anll nighls wilh sutferlng '1'0 these a course of Parmeiee's Vege­table P!lls is recommenlizil as a sure and spLedy way to regain health. These p!lls are specially compounlled to combat dyspepsia nnd the mllny Ills that follow in its train, and they aro successlul Illwuys.

."lIke1,s. Thera Is a resen'ation in OldlLhoma held by tho Osage indians, 'I'hls land contains rich SOil !lnd gus deposits, and the Indinns lease UlOS\l privileges to prlvato Interests unl! live in peace and plenty without work.

'l'he royalties on these deposits are sufficient to give evcl'Y' Illlln, woman IUld chlld oC this tribe an annnal In­com!!- averaging $2,600, Does each member or youl CaulllY'pul1 down any such Bum, even by hllrd work'i Do not ,envy these Indians, who are the richest people all eartl1, Just say, what consummate fools we allllre that we, cannot take a lesson from tbelr good Cortune· ' I The Illnd belonged to th~ govern­

t In the IIl'st \llaCa, 'l'he govern­gave it to the Indians, 'l'he In·

dlans reap a rICh harvest without lab-or, from nothing but land 'values uy leasing these values to those 'who want to tlIke out the gas or all, tim' bel', minerals, or what not.


Ireland Making War Munitions

Textile Factories Also Have Some Large War Contracts

Irelund ts :tow at work all a large scale In Lhe mUllutactul e of munitions of war, For several years pust lIlere lIad uoen only one 1111 ga 11'1611 factory 01 war mlltellal, Kynoch:s, in County Wlclpow. It Is an 0115hoot or the llirmingham llrm at wlIlC,1 ArBI",· Chllm berlaln, brother of the famous English statesman, was the helld, But the necessities of the war have In Ireland, !LS In Er.gland, turned otbe= trades iuto the munitions business, When the demand WIlS made In Great Britain Cor IL great extension of the mnnulacture 01 all lorts of war lIllLter­lals, Mr. lledmond saw to It that ln~ land should huve a share, Representa­tives at Mr. 1~loyd Qeorge's new de­partment came .over to Ireland ana got in touch with leading business men in Duulln and throughout the country. The Dublin Chamber of Com­merce gave_ active assistance, ILnd formed a 'special committee.

Work Is noW well In hand, al1l1 nb than one hundred und seventy

in Ireland are engaged In it:

I Sup pose / 1 tbe government owned these'lands, or any other for that mat­ter, or had .. wlthheld_ certain rights and leased these t?as and all rights to t!le highest blddors,. what then? :1 here would be an Income at live million,; dollars II year from this little parcel oC gO\'erIlment land that would go a long way townrds paying govern­ment bllls. Suppose the government did that to all the ;nineral IlLnds, ,all the timber lands, all tne waler power

ISII~els, all tho mineraI resources wltl.ln, DOlrUClrs, ,viiuld til ere be any need

.revenue, allY tax on In­other form of government


A Noble Queen

Belgium's Queen Renounces Country of Her Birth and Is True to Her

Adopted Country A Chicllgo pllllal' has the follow­

lI'g to say couc_I'ning Qu~en l~llza· beth of Uelglum. "Amid 1111 the so\'­erelgns who aro considering !Johen­zollel'll remtlonshlp IIbove tne intor­ests of their own countries, thare stllnds out one splendid and contrlldt­Ing exal1lple-l!;\lzabcth, Queen' or the Belgians.

BOln oC the ltingly house oC l3a­varia, Elizabeth became QuQeoa at ilelgium not In mere name, but in soul and heart. She put aside nll other conn tries, cleaving only to that which she hnd Illltde her own. When the hour at Will' Clime she lived in­stantly to the chalco which she had ILlrelldy mado.

Whea the country at her birth violated Its sworn word to the coun­try of her adoption, she was as tru.) to the right as was thllt high-douled youth, her husband. Together they stood for l3elglum against Germany or any other tie of foreign blood or feeling. 'fhey nre standing for her today In Il Iittlo strip of territory which they and their soldiers stili hold against the violators oC their soil,

Reference-Unlon and ROYAl a.nka.

Ship Your Oraln To aARTLETT a LANGILLE

Crain Commll.lon Merchanll. 51 0 Grain Exchan" A reliable fir.., who aim to IflYa Jatufru::lIon. Special attention illven to ilradlnl. Uberal advance. made. •


Grain Exchung-e, WlIl1l1pea Mlllileapohs, Duluth

TlIOS. IlRODIE, S. A. HARGRAI'T, Manaler Soc .• l'rcu.


602 Grain Exchange, Wlnnipe" M ...

THE CONTINENTAl- GRAIN CO, LTD .. licensed. Bonded,.olicit. your Krnln con.iKnuaen'" Ubcr.l Advancu-Prompt return ••

,al O,. .... IH lXCHANO.,


For Rood re.ult. and be.t aervlce ,hip your .ral. to lhl •• MKfeuive and experienced Comlluuloe Hou.e •• lway. ready to uuy your .raln on track.


5;15 Grain Exchange, Wlnnlpel



Factory distributors for Mallltoba nnd Saskatchewan for Studebaker ear., Good territory open for live agents.

'Hupmobile LOWER IN PRien , Gr.at.r In Valu.

I r.ct .he 1916C ••• loc lOaUH YAW. CO .. l-I""ITE:D. WINNI~ ••

Itt, '\V'''OtL-a J:,uUs:;;J:l.Oamo.

Th. G7·rctt E'nolish J:l1nrd. 'rones and lnvl"omtCl thtl who~ norvoutt ~l'8tcm, makoe DC'" Dlood in old Veln!!, Purl'S .l\~trvou..

D<bililJl ,1[en/nl ana Brain lVOrrJI, JJC8pOn­dOlley, J.D •• 0/ 1'"crl1ll, Paipi/a//On Of th. l/cart. Faill11glllmnorJ/o llrico 11 per bo%, .ia for 16. 000 will pie ••• , oiz "lll cure. Sold loyall dru(,,,t!ltll or mulled in pl"in pkr;: on rf'('f'IPt. 0' p!:lco, '}t"'IJJH!.trlphl"ttlrtlilt'(l frle. THE WOOD /YI£DICIN ... CO., Tc~ctlTO, OnT, (f'I •• llr Wi •• ..,.)

. ' . EconomY,i

things' yleld- enorrt10US in­comelj to private pnrtles"who 'have

:lil~;1!:e'I'1ii1.C.riJ:*:::::~======:::;==============:::,1 gotten thesa natural resources tram the statos 01" the federal· government for a song, or less,' And we, the peo-

Large orders hav\! been pllLced In Dub­lin, and /one firm has got 1tn order for £ 2,000, a small figure on tbe geneml scale of this war, but ,a good deal or money for 11 city" where employment Is scarce and industry backward, Mr. Lloyd George 11[.s established In Dub· lin a branch office which is expecte(l to Insure not only tbe execution' of war contracts but, a continuance at govornment work afte' the war. A Central arsenal .belng cOlistructed nnd equipped special machinery,

Newlyweu-What Is this? Qno doz­en eggs, one pound of rlllslns, bottio of le1l101l extrnct, IL tin or ground clll- \ nlLlpon, and half a ponnll or sugar. What do yon want with aU thosa! things, Belindll?"

Mrs. Newlywed-I've got a stILle' 10l).[;~to. savo, by Illuklng Into II/bread ' pudding., 1 must· save during t110 war ... '

, '

ple, arli' taxed b of thesa spec-Ial prl\' 'qOne froni fed-eral rools 'we' mortals

ffive,ry e is being pressed those

Heni'y-'/ : . ~: _'. J .. .'. \

be • used In

• • , .... . . . .. • • • '0 • • • • .. .

• • • • II •• • • 0





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What I{an:as Says 1 BRITISH HORE JIN THE PRESENT Should be Treated 5°:00 ::a::e}:~:::~=~:st::e::::I::- WAR BASED ON NAVAL HISTORY

, ,,------The Literary Digest, l:ieptembor 16, most II. genClation under II. prohibition 1915, has an article under the above law 'file law has frequenlly come In caption, the /lrst sentenco at "hlch for criticism, and Its administration

THE SHORTAGE OF ARMS IS THE ONLY DRAWBACK reads, "The hupulse to dlunkenness has boen subjected to more criticism STRATEGY OF GERMANY FORESHADOWS DEFEAT / Is disease" "Uter pointing out that still A signed state men' as to pro-

men drlnlt for various I easuns, It says hlbltion and Its results recentiy Is r

When the Proper Equipment is Obtained, at Least Two Million

AdditIOnal SoldlCrs wlil be Thrown mto the Field, a new

Force for the Enemy to Reckon With

that thoso who, • Drink to get drunk sUe(1 by Governor Arthur Capper Is. aro [lbnOrmlll, they oro diseased' therefore. of moro than ordlnuy In 'I his fact has been brought out dis- terest and Importllnce In Mr Capper s tinctiy In tho ps)chopathlc laboratory oplulon tho pr"I.lbltor~ law Is tho or the Chicago Municipal Court Judgo greatest blessing over bestowed on Olson or the court sa)s, "We ha\e )ot tho state and the g"er.tost Instrument

One of the Foremost BritisH \Vriters on Naval Matters, says that

no \Var can be Brought to a Successful Issue Unless Thoso , in Responsible Positions are Given Good Sup POI t

"Ilusslrl Is now suffering only for \\ .1IIt ot rlfies, lind \\ hen she Is prop eriY supplied .It least 2.000,000 IIddl tlUnul sOllllers \\ III Ilo thrown Illto tho IIO'U wIth rosults \\ hlch oal) next qllings CHlIIllll,;n can tllll' lhls Is the opinion or II prominent American IIl1nlll!; en!;lnO!!1 \\ ho has just I eturll ed lO Londoll altor Silondlllg six llIonlhs In the Itussldn -empire. llIalnly III ::;luenR, \\ helO ho Is tho chief en g nec[ ot an Important gloup of IIIIUCS Dcscrlblng conditions In Hu~sla ho s.,111

1110 Illlpresslon which has pre vallell outsldo Hussla durin!; tho !;lo.IL C,e' mall 1111\ 0 through Poland \\as [ll'Ver reall) dupllcate,l In thnt ,ounl! y [Ind the only thIng that (;oulll causo revolntion now \\ould be tho conclusion of [1I1 unfa~or.lblo peace \\ Ith tho central PO\\ erd

I he Itusslall pellHnnt Is uot nn IlIIlglnative Individual and the los80s sulferClI In tho \\ ar havo not gil Ill) Impressed him Even the 1>01101 ally admlttc,l shortage of rltles. the wastage ot which has uecn un prccollented Is not causing the nus sh'ns nluch concern as tho staff has rcallwd the 11110 used by Inf.llltn Is not .L1' effectlvo \\ capon 'rho Itus Slnll army-Is now well supplied with hOIl\ y guns and munitions .lnd their InllUlIy Is being supplied \\Ith tholls Iuds of machIne gllns

I 01 the g' eater part of tho \\ or \\ e havo used Austrian piisollors us mlnols In our IIIlnes, hut lately \\0 11l1\ e bean receiving Gellllans from

In the "Heroes' Cellar':'

Graphic Story of a Raid on a German Town

What was seen flam the 'horoes' cellal ' dUllng a ruld by 1"1 ench air Illell Is described U) II Gorman doc tOl I ~!l8 lIt \\ alIt In my loom on the top floor of an hotel.' he says, , \\ hen I helLl d tho sound of firing. \\ hlch gradually came nClll er and no Iror I go to the window anti at a gl eat height I CIIII see an airman hov­ering amIdst a legular collection of \\ hlle shrapnel clouds Then comes a secolHI UIHI a third. then [I fourth alld [I flflh, dnd presently thOl e Is 1L w holo squudron over tho town

"I.'rom do\\n below ulales a tlumpet It Is lho signal for e\ er) uody to clellr out of tho streets und talto 'lIvlation cover' Such \\ ~Inlngs al e neceasal). fOI tho \\ onder of human flight Is sWI su astonishing lhat peoplo on tho e Irth, both soldiers and ch IIlans, \\ auld rather. In splto of tho dangor, stop lind gaze up at the steol bll ds In a t\\ Inkling the streets are cle,lr And It w ns high' time. for all eady thera Is a lattllng 011 roofa and pllvementa Ehmpnel bullets are comIng do\\ n And now a fe.lrful, horrible crush, or r.lthel ronr Ilito tho lOar of an animal It Is the first bomb I begin to think th(lt my room Inllnedl.ltely under tho roof Is not altogother a sul'able place In such circumstances On the stah s 1 lIJ(!et others of tho same olllnlon As \\ 0 go dOWn tho stall s tJlO beast roars II sp.cond time 'I'ho next bomb h03 failen

rtlCn \\ 0 hear In the volco of com mil II<I 'I ako aviation CO\ er • SO down Into tho 'heroes cellar' which Is the 1Il0l ry namo for tho shelters pre (lr mnged for such feath e visits from tha oneill) But tho racket and din outSldo ~ets \\orse lind WOISO The hideous row comes nellre, and Ileal er Now It Is quIto close 'I hen a fenrful bang find ro Ir 'I he house lind e\ en tho massh e coilllr nrches tremblo Billig' This time still \\ IIder and neal er Through tho CJ(lnnles of the cellar thero d[ICts In flam tho street something mlst~ At fli st one can't tell \\ hethOl It Is smolte or dust, but as we breathe It \\ 0 find It has a horrlblo but smok) tasto

"!lang and bang' \Vorso nnd worae coma tho rours around us In our 'horoos' cellar' We think thl' next mlnuto the hotel Itself \\ 111 bo stluc\{, and thon ho\\ are we to got out of our subtorrnnean \\ Igw am' But gradual Iy tho din becomes less Quleldy up and out In tho hopo of still seeing somothlng 'I es. thero they are ovor the mll\\ay stallon, which Is somo dla­stance off '

'I ho doctor proceeds to describe In tho ""osSlcho Zeltung" somo oC the damago done 'I'ho houses on both sides at his hotol had been struck by bombs In ono tho wholo Interior WIIS wrecked and It was tram here, ho Ilays, that this strango mist camo \\ hlch penotrated Into his "heroes' cel­lor" Fh 0 at tho occupants had beon killed on the spot The market pre Rentod a horrible spectacle, a number at horses whlc'l thero had been no tlmo to romovo ha\ Ing been blo\\ n to plecos The railway station. ho de-clares. \\ as untouched, IIltbough a sa \\ m!11 near by hnd been set on firo by rln Incendiary bomb and \las blaz Ing fiercoly Ho alRo found that II number at SOldiery had been wounded but does not mention thM any were k111ed.

All Freight Cars In Canada WorkIng Box cars valued at $65

JOOO.000 are

being used by railways O[ Cllnada In lUlIldling the presont harvest [lccord­Ing to an estimate of Sir IJ L Dray­t.dII, chairman or the board at rail­\\ ny commissioners, writing to tho seclotary ot tho Saskatoon bOllrd at trade ACter sperlklng at a reported shortngo at cars In the OiJoso Lake district, tho chairman at the board Iltlltes: "This matter has boen en­gaging the very sorlous attention ot the operating departmont. tor some two.

"No less than 65,000 box cars were ready this yellr, espoclally to loolt nrter the graill movement. At nn nv­erage prleo of $l,O(f{) a oar, this sur­Jllns represonts an Investment ot '66.000,000 So tar as I have boon able to. learn from our operating officers, I thfs supply at curs has ueen kept steadily In eommlsslon, work­ing to the tnJl tho locomotive capac­It)' av&llabl ....

tho government prisoners' labor to find tho first CIISO of tho Itlnd In Its prosporlty 'I ho law has never bureau '1 heso Germans In tho \\ here there Is not a tondency to epl been So well enforced as now, anti lUaln oro absolutely unfit fOl hal d leps), delJlentla pi aecox, manic de- has never been so gonerally appi o~-1.lbor, most uf thom being old mon pressl~o Insanlt), or feeblo minded et! by the peoplo of the state Ap \\ Ith grey boards, \\ hlle others alO ness" All this means that the man pro\ III Indeed, ho sa~ s, Is too mild a of tho student class, llIany of them 1\\ ho frequenliy gets drunk Is of un \\ ord \\ Ith \\ hlch to express the alll \\ earlng glasses \\ Ith thlclt lenses I sound mind and should bo so treated tudo o[ the people toward the 10\\

A stafr olHcnr, closely connected In tho State of Kansas they send ~Iost of them alo enthusln.slically In \\Itll the prlsonels' burO(lu, told mo I chronic drunkardS to an asyluJll for [avOl of It 'rhls enthusln.stlc apPlov­that for SOIllO time on tho Dvlnsk the Insane In Ohio they ha \ 0 an In al has good fou:lIlation Kansas Is 11 ont lhe Husslans h,1\ 0 ueen cap stitulion to \\ hlch the h.,bllual drunlt- tho \\ ealthlest state or tho Union per tllrlng from 100 to 200 women ard may be sent by the judgo on ap cuplta 011 tho basis or \\ ealth liS \\ eekl) 'I heBe \\ ere all In German pllcalion by tho friends until he Is sessed fOI taxation tho averago \\ ealth uniforms and w CI e appal enlly ser considered cured I Imew II clever per c,'plt I In Kans.ls Is $1,62961 The \Ing liS soldiers )oung man \\ho \\ent to an as)lum second stato Is Massachusetts with a

• In PetragraC I entered tho re and begged the superintendent to POI caplt.1 \\ ealth of $1 353 47, or near cently opened museul11 of atrocities talte him In for a year till ho \\ auld Iy t\\ enty per cent less Kansas has I \\tlS allowed to bllng to gngl.LIId have a chanco to blealt off '1 here are a much lalger relatl\o number of an Austrlun IIUo cartrldgo loaded many such pitiful case~ for which young men and \\ omen In college than with an exploslvo bullet that Is ready thero Is no pro\ Islon made notwlth any other stato according to the oen­a miniature shrapnel shell that (lX- standing the re\ enuo from tho traffic sus or 1910 Tho percentage of II1lt­plodes w hen a IIttio plunger at tho that causes It 01 ac) In Kansas Is 10\\ el than In any top Is tlrh en In uy contact with a 'I here Is a serious reflection on am other state In tho Union oxcept ono hum.1lI target cl\ IIlzation that there Is no pro\ Islon '1llIrty two conntios In Kansas ha\ e

• In tho Scandlna\ Ian countries modo for this class, most of them tho I 1" nothing \\as ttllwll auout exce-'t tho victims of'tho IIcenso s)stem Wo abandone(\ tho r poor falma arty-

IH eight counties out or ono hundred and food shortago In Gelman) and sOll1e see such men going down for )ears fi\e did not send a pllsoner to the conOrm.,lion of this was given to m() \\asting their substance In the saloon, penitentiary last year Tho 'per Cap by a Dano \1 ho represents In Berlin beggaring their families and becom­one of tho biggest Amelican packing Ing a nulsanco and often a ll1enace to Ito. consumption 01 liquor In tho companies I his D Ule declar(!d that society and nothing caa be done to United States Is twenty one do11al s the fat allo\\ance had been [educetl help them '1 hey sometimes try des- yearl~ In Kansas It Is threo dollars from ele\ on to seven ounces a per perately to break oIT but what hope In and four cents Kansas, says gOI ernor, son dalh, nnd he stated that tho tho presenco of the open uarroom nn(\ thus saves thirty million dollars every Germlln \\orklng people \\onld havo the treating custom' 'rho physician )ear dlrectl) 'rho Indirect gain IS a difficult time getting through the Is not allowed to send them to any In- not subject to computation but It Is \\ Inter on this reduced 0110\\ anco stitution unless he is \ ery rich Ther() certainly groater stili DlII Ing the I he Dllno also told thnt England \\as Is neither hopo nor belp for him till I last session the Kansas leglsl,lture by

supplying Its prisoners In GClll1any be becomes Insano or commits a' unanimous \oto In both houses went \\ Ith food" crime But what caused this diseased on record In a series of stlong resolu

condition' "'1 he curse causeless shall tlons telling what prohibition has not como" Statistics generally done for Kansas an(l emphatically on

Decline of Beef Production point to a <h Inldng father or grand dorslng It No wonder the peoplo oC fathel 1\e \\ as plObabl) Ignor.1l1t or Kansas have a patriotic lovo fOl their the fact thltt his drinking \\ould Injure state almost I ellglous-not to sa) his children and grandchildren fnnatic-In Its Intensltv Thp ex perl-

-Stock Raiser Is Sure to Make Money DurIng the Next Few Years

Then fur God s salte help us to enco of Kansas Is typical of that of spread this truth for and wide timt othel prohibition commllnlties It. the sins of drinking parents aro vi. shOUld bo \ahlllble as an object lesson Ited on the chlldl en and grandcbllli to those that are stili seeking fo"dc, I en -H Arnott M B. 111 C.P S Ih crance flam the liquor traffic

Thero Is not a doubt that prohibition

Five Minutes' Truce

L Cecil Jano, author of "The Inter­pretation of History.' and ono or tllo foremost Brltisll \\ rlters on na' I topics, has \\ ritten an analysis at ~lje Germall stl ategy In tho present nayal \\ ar, III tho lUlu Issue of "l"lghtltlg Ships, edited aid founded u~ 1 tlld'1 Jallc, \\ hlch has just reaclled this country ,

Under the tlt'o • Historical Anhlo gles and tho NaVIII WMr,' ho gocSriIlto the points 01 sllllleg) In detnll IIn(1 dlaws sOllie Interestlllg comparlsous between Ilast and predect l1[L\ IIL1~\(lr lare

Ills rlrtlc10 cnds \\ Ith tbj~ predic tlon , •

• '1'ho st~ategy of 'German~, ~ndccd In tho presont na\ al \\ al \\ auld He(lm to foreshadow her defeat, al \\ ays pro \ Idell thllt It (loes not succeed In de straying the 1lI0mie or Gl cat Britain In this \\ ar Brltloh demooracy Is on trial It may provo that it Is tluo that 'a democi aey Is Incapable of elll plro,' OV it ma~, on co for all, fIlISIC) that saying If It Is to do so, It must remembel that no \\ar c.ln bo brought to II successful conclusion unless UI080 Who are respcnslble for Ita can duct al e glvQn that confhlonce \\ ILhout wItlch 00 man L(P ,dO his best l~very Juan who l1~oaches distrust or lhe au mlralt~ Is doing' hat he can to Insuro the tll1l1l1ph of ItUltur of thnt modern barbarism besldo \\ hlch the barbarIsm of tjlO past Is advanced civilization"

In discussing the Germlln Stl ategy Mr JlllIe says

"In tho prese~ \\nr the military strategy or Germany has been obVI ously dominated by the Ideal of can centration of forco The rusll through Belgium to\\nrd Paris. tho later rush upon Calais Illudonbllrg s thrusts to ward ,\Varsa\\, the glnnd nttaclt IIpon tho Ilusslans In Oallcla-all aITOI d ex ablples of this conception 'I hoy \\ erc all alike attempts to strllm 'IlIlclllY and hard Actllally tho batties fOllgh t hR\e partnllen of the nntule of PIO traeled sieges bllt the aim of I he Germans was undoubtedly to forco the

Issue, to Innlct upon the enemy soma sudden and 0\ el \\ helmlllg blow

It muy bo suspected thnt thell nn,. \ al stllLlegy \\ UUld 1111\ 0 been of tI'l> same char.,ctCl had not eh ClIlJIstllnces forbidden I ho GO[ m"11 tleet Is.L modO[ II Institution numorlc.Llly Inter-101 to th't 01 ldeat Britain, wIthout that tradition or 'Ictal ~ whll h ullght COllnlOl b,Llanco nil 111.ltell LI dIll er­ellces !tIghtly or wlollgl) the lillo,­tors of the Gelmun na \ 'II \lui II y '()IISld ered th It It \\ould be 1.lsh to a d grt I) to \llo\oke I deels"o b 'llio .'IIt! helll!: Ilr.lcticlIl llIen rulhel lh III hll ,1"l8, lho) ItbluHlonod or postponcd the llie II stlatge\

Indeed, the) adollted gnor! lila 11)( I h­ods Ahst.Llnlng ilolJl any ILtUlJlpt 10 tal co It Heot action thoy Ihlvl loll" I UpOII tho O'ert Ise of supOrlor In);enll Ily nlld resol to(\,. to a policy 01 1lI0r." aud lIlatell.,1 uLtrlLion I huh Immelll ate object Is necessarily It) ost.lbllsh a supollorlty of force I heIr uitollor ohject Is 1Il0ro dlspulnble It lIlay ho tholr aim to preparo Iho \\ny fOI the .L!loption of the IIlonl POllc~ A selles of blo\\ s, Indlvlllu.lIly slIght nlHl cumuilltively great mIght IIIHlermln" tho moralo and rcd'ice tho malell'l strength of theh 0PPOIlOt 1 IInlll aL Inst a declslvo action could bo fought \\ Ith fllir pi aspocts of \ Ictory 8u( II Is tho scheme outilned hY llernlHlIIII We should at tlrst c.,rry on n doren­sl\o \\nr-that \\e mny III the ellll chalhlllge him (ellgland) to a Ileclsl\ I>

ongngcmcnt on tho open Bcn' , I 'I ho question of the Germnn hnse l '

lIeligolallll nnd Cuxha,ell IH thelt Inllon up 11IlII I\lr Inne (lIlws anum­bo[ of Interesting hlslorlc,,1 IlTlIllo!;le3 showing that slmlllr bases, moro 1m­pregnahle If posslhle hao hecn 110-stro) ell hy I he ulemy In III gOlle \\ n rH St,lIting \\Ith tho connict hct\\ol II Iho Itom.,ns and (.11 thn);lnil'lI" hu shltl," h(1\\ tho Hom.IIlH aller elghl \('.lIS DC \\arfale. eventllllly destloY"II the 'UII­pllmntiy Impregnnule baau lit 1.11)­baellm lind DI CllIllll' •

Somo Interesting Information re­gllrdlng tho ueet Industly Is brought out In tho Inst annual report of the I:illslmtcllO\\ all deplu tment of agli culturo l'JgUI us alo glvon sho\\ lng that tho caltlo breodlng Industry Is on tho decllno 1I0t only In Cllnada but throughout tho \\ orld The !!e­CI ease In tllO r. ~mbel of cattlo for ono year In Canada hilS ueen 93 pel' Rescued Wounded SoldIer Who CrIed cent, In Unltou l:itates, 33 pcr cellt • WIth Joy ~

pays, mOIRlly. financially, socllllly, educationnlly nml politically The liquor tlnITlc Is tho greatest handlcnp from \\ hlch our elvlll7.ation suITers Where It Is dono a\\a) \\ Ith a hundred p"oblems \\ hlch vex the head and heal t or tho social reformer solve

Canada to Send I Pro-German Propaga(lda 3,000 Chauffeurs In the Vnited States

In Britain 21 per ceut, and In l~rallce I heard a cry In front of our trench V per cen t \\tites Sergean tAg Berl y In a' let

'1 his shortage, sa) s tho report, Is ter to his I elath es It was frolll a being acutely felt In the United \\ ounded mnn on tho Ge[ man par,lpet, Stalos 'Ihe totlll number of cattle ho proceeds, and he \\as begging us I eceh od dUllng the month or Sop to bring him In 1I0 had been thOl e [ember, 1913, at tho six leading Cllt- from the Saturday when the charge tic nHllltOls of the United States \\as was llIalle until dinner tlmo on the fol 954 181 \\ hllo dUllng the samo month lowing Monday, lind \\ as neally de.ld of 1'114, only 811.985 were received, a from his \\ollllds and from hunger dcercllso of 139,196 It might not be We knew \\e could not go out to him. fair to take that as an average do but at last one of our officOls \\ ho CI ease, but cutting theso lIgUi es In could speak German shouted and ask hair \\e hava a total decreaso In cat- od tho enomy If We might cllrry him tie shipments for the yelll at the In '1 his was a brave act, for If we IIbo\ e market of 835176 head. or only put our heads over the parapet roughly spealtlng 300,000,000 pounds we \\ ere liable to uo Itlllod The Gor of beef '1 his 11IIS be~n estimated to mans shouted back and gave us /lve equill nine heef cattle per hundred minutes In Which to fetch him 1m people 'I his shO! lage on the above mediately nfteen of us jumped over to mlllilots has been In spite or the go to him, but our captain ordered ns gre.lt number of Canadian cattle go baclt feeling that the GClmans might Ing to the United States dUllng the be tempted to shoot. thinking thllt we past year, 0\\ Ing to Iho abolition of I \\ ere going to charge So one officer tho U S tariff During the \\ Inter anll a man \\ ent out with a stretcher of 1912 13 only 24,090 Canadian cat- and can led the poor fellow In lie tic \\010 shipped south. while during crlQd with joY when he knew he was tho follo\\lng win tel 178,731 \\ore safe, though he was very badly wound shipped ed Whllo they were carrying this

themselves and the greatel part of Next ContrIbutIon of Canada to the the remainder are sholn of mOl ethan hllJr their forlJlld,tble character

War and Medical Practice

Movement for the Nationalization of the Practlco of MedIcine

"Nationalization of tho practice of medicine' Is the some\\ hat original dedcrlpt\on by British labor Dele gates in San 1'1 anclsco. or one of the changes effected by war s necessities l'hllt the medical profeSSIOn should depend fOI /lnanclal success on tho pre\ alence of 111 hellith has al\\ ays seemed II defective arrangement or ad justment The need of brend and the desire of bakers for profits Insuro a supply but flam this It IS~ll1reason able to conclude that thd people should depend fOI medical service on the prevalence of disease and tho do sil e or ph) slclnns and surgeons for Incomes

'1 ho question muy bo asked, grant- man the) sa\\ another neally covered Ing these figures to be correct wh) \\ Ith enrth '1'\\ 0 others went out and tho pllce of beer Is not higher In brought him In, and then \\e gave this reg[lId the lepolL states that Ullee cheels for the Germans who had the retail prlco of 1111 meats In Can proved they are not aU bad ada today Is approximately the samo

Chinese are sold to pay their physl clans \\ hlle In good h~alth and to cease pn~ ment when 111 An equally reasollolble Idea underlies the appoint ment of a medical onlcer of health lIe depends for recognition and dis tinction on the good health of the as In Great Britain, but whilst tllo

producol III Great Britain recel ves tlom thirteen to fourteon cents per pound for bls chalco beer on the hoof, the Canadian producer seldom exceeds se\(Ju conts fOI tho same class or stoclt

It Is no doubt truo that Inhor Is higher In Cnn:l(' , that cattle IIro not as well OnlslJed, and on an a VOl ago do not dress out as high a porcent­age, that oporatlng exponses are greator aU around, but when one taltes Into consIderation tho fact that tho /lgures quoted aro [or the choice articlo In both cases, UIOI e seems to ue too great II dlsplllity In Canlldlan prices Tho nvelago prlco or chalco beer per pound, IIvo weight, during 1914. wero i\lontreal, 662 cents, \"Innlpeg. 7 07 ceats. and Calgllry, 694 cents The retallers' prices at the sallie' tlmo anll In the same cities wero Montreal, sirloin sterlk, 226 cents, medium chuck, 16 conts, Win­nipeg 268 nnd 188 cents, and Cal­gary 228 and 15 conts

'I'hls shortage of beer cattle. and In fact at all classes, cannot be re­medied In nny short period or time The farmor who has good breeding femalos Is the man who, It he Is a stockman, Is going to mrlke money within the next threo years, says the report Tho mnrket for good breed­Ing females is not ooly here uut Is here to stay

Dennis o"roole, a brlgh t Dublin lad, wus sont to tho baker's tor a two­penny loat Having received It It struck him that It was under weight, so he drew the baker's attontlon to It

"Never mind that" said the bak­er; "It will be less tor YOU to carry"

"Very woll," replied tho boy, and throwing threo halCpence on the coun­ter he walkod away. Tho shopman called after him and told him he had not lott enough money., •

"Oh, nh ar mind that," retorted Dennis "It will be the loss tor to cOWlt"

Shortage of Labor II) ,Great Britain comlU)lnlty he serves He plovldes ~wspapels are ovor/lo\\lng with ac- certain lines of medical n(1\lce and

counts of labor shol tage, following on' sel vice to tho general public Medl thtl success or Lord Derby s recruiting cal s~rvlce In the s~hools Is a do campaign It Is concolvablo thnt velopmont In Ihe slime direction Great Britain has from the standpoint Smallpox Is removod from private of efClelency sent nearly all the troopd medical pracLic" and treated under It Clln spare public supervision, and there Is a

A point Is rapidly approaching tendency toward a similar transfer of where slt111ed workmen can sorve other contagious diseases tholr cQuntry mOl e effectively at homo The Idea that public health Is too than at the front Clothing ammunl- Important to be left to Individual In­tion lind all wal materials are needed ltiatl\ e Is causing a change toward at tho float Machinery Is more ef- the natioaalizatlon of the pract!.ge oC feetlve there than men I medicine It Is strengthenod by th'

From m111tal y and navltl stand-I PI esslng necessities of war As In 1111 points factorlos mnst be kopt running ~ slmllal changes, the posslbllltv of J<'or financial comfort the country wiser more general, and more S) stem­must continue mannfacturlng If It Is otic direction Is obtained at the cost to maintain Its exports and stabilize of the stimulus or personal ambitions foreign exchanges Tho latter Is as and rivalries and of exposuro to th& nocessary to the snccessrul conelu- danger or oJIlclll1 domlnllnco -Toran-slon of the war as the former to Globe

Assured of Food We know of Canada's wondertul

western wheat crop, and It Is especial­ly gratltylng to learn that the yield at Australia Is far beyond any that tho CO"ltlmonwealth hns ever known, approximately 150.000,000 bushels Thar.ks to the old BritiSh navy, It the empire Ct\pnot have peace for yet a while. It fs assured at plen ty to eat -Hamilton Spectator.

The manager \\ as showing some vis­itors lound the factory when the din­ner bell rang, and the men steppod \\ ark and disappeared as IC b~ magic "Do all or them," said ono at the guests, smiling, "drop their tools the Instant the bell goes'"

"Oh no, not a11 of them," said the manager "Th~ more orderly ones havo tholr tools put away before that time"

Imperial Forces at the Front Till co thousand chuuffeUls uro to

be tho next contribution flam Can ada to the Impel hll forces at tho flont gnrolment In the Monll eal dlsllict \\ 111 commenco "t once It Is hoped 1I.,t 1 OOQ quail Oed men muy be avail

able In tbls dlstllct Tho men \\ 111 bo mob1l1zed at Ot

tawa '1 he kind of IlIon needed for tho army lrancport diviSion service 11.1 e lIIechanlc3 who can dllvo a c Ir \\ nllo It IS al! right and get off /lild III end 't If anything goes wrong With tho c:\.t€nslvo use of 1II0tOI transpOl ts In military \\Orlt thero IS gl e,lt demand for such men no\\

I"or this expert \\orlt unusually high salary has been UI r.lnged ne cording to British stundal d I he men \\ III he paid $140 II day with tho usual supplies and allowances In addition they will bo given tho follo\\ Ing separation allowances­l~or \\\fe 11s 1d a weelt. \\lCe [lIHI one child, 14s Vd. wlfo find t\\O child ren, lSij 1d, wife and threo child ren, 21s Id A further ullo\\an( 0 of 2s !ld \\ III be mado to each child In excess of three undel 16 ) ears old rheso separation allo\\ ances \\ III bo puld C\ cry four \\ eeks

It \\ us stated by General Wilson that the raising of this COl PS would give an excellont !lPPOl tunlty for competent chlluffeurs from Canada to secure sorvlce at tho front (It wor for which they are particularly Jltted

Mod~rn Artillery

It Is ClaImed That the Use of Steel In Manufacture of Guns FIrst Tried

by Frenchmen Tho P[lIls Mathl gl ves tho story of

tho discovery, Which Al!red Krupp has alWays\been crodlted with, thilt steel could 0 uL9d Insteud or bronzo In tho munufat.tul e of gund It .\\1-poars, according to the 1'lench papOl. that h. 1830 a Fpo:1c'lman Of the namo of PlerIo Ducroquot, the Don or a sold­lei who hud fougnt In tho Nl!poleOldc \\ars, was consldOllog tho possibility of Improving modern III maments and when visiting Paris In 1836 ho llIet Al­fred Krupp 111 II c:lfe In the vicinity or tho Palals Royal Krupp at that time, was a munu(actUI er ot no very graat Importane", emlJloylng about &u workmen, and was travolllng In order to gain more customors Ducroquet explained 'hili Idoas to him an(l stllrted a long cOlrospondencc with Krupp In 1841 he wrote "If tho uronze gUl1tl bave not suf[lciont resisting powers why not tJ y and make tliem of a 111010 solid material," and In 1845, "1 can find nobody here to bolleve In mo IC I only .Ilad the use at a factory to malto my experiments I would give alll possess to arrh e at some rosult ..

I{rupp, who was thell omploylng 200 workmen., replied to Ducroqnet oITer­Ing him, providing IIo paid his own ex­ponses, tho use ot a portion at his fac­tory aod, moreover, tho help ot somo at IIls worltpeople ~he Fronchman a~ceptO!l and removed his ramlly to Altenessen, A yenr Inter, having spent aJl his money on his experi­ments, Ducroqu~t announced to AICred Krnpp the ract that he had at ,last evolved tllo steol gun Krupp, Intorm­ed day by !Iay by his workmen at the progless'made by the Inventor, al­ready realize!). the Importance at the discovery He clalmod trom Ducroq uet tho pnyment at a sum ot 5,000 marks whlcll he owed him and In default seized upon his Invention. - Ducroquot brought an action against him, but lost his case. Ho ortered his Invention to tho French minister of war, but It was retnsed In 1847 Krupp made' the same offer to Loth the' Oerman nnd French governments and received an

, order tor 300 fierd pieces The rep uta­UOIl of the firm was made,

, ..

ProvIdence Journal Asserts $35,000,-000 Has Been Spent

The ProvldCllCO Journul s.'ys • A \ .Ist sum ot mOllcy 1l1ll0untill!'.

to between $3",000,000 111111 $11) OOU UU I hilS been spent II this counll y In th" last fOUl months for prolllll(lllllia \\ orlt Ilgalnst the Allies, unuel thn ImmcI!I ato supervision of COUllt von Bel n ato[ ff, the Gerllllll Ilmllllss ,dor IlIIII Dr IIchlllch A luert, prl\ y lilllill I 11m, \\ ho descllhes hlm8ell to a JOllln.tI repi esentatlve us lhe IIscnl ugonl Ol his governlllent'

• 'I he ,Joutlill haA posltlvo I ccord or tho receillt by Amllllssllllor von Vern­stolff nnll DI Albert of ut 1I'lot $10-000000 In the timo mentioned A great IIoal of this money h,IS COlli 1 throul(h the Guaranty 11usl Conlllllny of NeW Yorlt. and most of It hnH boen 1m lIIellh,tLly tr lIIaferl NI 10 thn (h"sn N[ltion.11 Bank .11111 other h IIIlts In \\hle'l Dr Albert anll Amhassador Bernstorff keep a joint account

'1 he Journal charges thllt not 011" dollar of this money hns boen "P lit for leglllllHlte purposes but thlll nil DC It Is going for Jltnpllgalldu \\ orlt or the most vicious descrlptlOlI

One Item alone the mulntollnnrc (lC burellus for dl aggill/( IIIP.U out or lIIunltions factories, alllounts to muny millions of dollars 1 he cost Of sus­ten[lnCe of the consulllr sen Ire or German\ and the expelloes of emhassy reach tho \arlouB officials Ihro\l~11 regular chllnnelS which nrc In no \'I,IY conneclcd \\ Ith the fund I erCI rod to It Is ho!lcC\ II that tho entlro (ost of plopaganllll \\ orll cond ucte(1 bv A us­trlan consuls [nd consul generlls Is nnanced frolll thIs norman fund

Polar Sea Route

Wireless Telegraph Opens Routo From Central Russia to Great

9rltaln \ViI eless telcglllphy has opened II

Polar SOil routo frolH Contllli Hussil~ to Grent Britain Wlreloss mation" esta~lIshed by tho HUSSlnn goveru­ment In the Arctic keop tho vessels lid vlsod as to the cluuUlels (roo IroUl Ice Acting oJ. theil InforllHlt!oll, t\\ 0 lal go vossels chal tored by II SI­berh~1I lIadlng comp.LIIY hllve just Elr-11\ elf at Grlmsb; with cnrgoes frOlll tho Yenesel and Obi dlstllcts of Cen­tral Siberia, valued at $1.750,000

'fho Obi and YOlleso' r.ro hng" ri) ers with a gro t depth of water, tllklng stealllers of allY sl7.o But I~ was not until lately thut tholr naviga­tion "as put In prhctice

Owing to tho us~ of tho Trans SI· berlan Hdll\\ay by tho Itusslan gov­ernment (01 wur suppllos, there ar" 3 000,000 tons of wheat I 0111 up 111 Siberia, besides enol mous quantities at other produce - I[ this can be got out, I~ wl11 Improvo Ilusslan exchange, w.;lch Is now a sorlous Ilroblem among the allies

Noxt ) ear the company proposes tl) talte about thirty steamers over tht'> now Whlto Sea route. ladoll with SI­.berlan products even If tho war ends be foro this tlmo, It Is pointed out that tho SorullLn Ilnllway will bb> more or less tied up with uack bu~ oe.s~ and the returning at troops_,

A profound Improsslon was created In the Brltlah Houso at Commohs !t­rew da~s ago hy the statelnont modo by tho IInllDclal secretii.ry to the treas­ury ,

Mr. Montngu declarod that overy citizen In the country would havo to be prepared to plnce nt the dlapoAl at the state at leust one halt at hIS Income, either In taxntlo or'!JI.· loans ~ ,

Wo shall 1t\1 have to stint ourselves, he added, .In regard to tho consum!>" tlOn at commodities. The oxpondltura npon luxuries Il.t llresent Is oxtrava,. r:1I.I1t.

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The Treherne Times ill. B, McCAUSLAND



\'unco, $1.00; ~lx lJlfJllth~f UOc; throe lIlollLhs 2.ic; U. S. ILOU. (utuiJ,(lI, vcr YOI\('. :Sl.W . All new" Inlollll<,,1 (01' 11IIbllcnUon "lIould I'filch tiltH ofllCt! 110 hLlor thn,n '1'tlofltlI\Y~

Henry Ford of Automobile Fame With ; HI. "White Feather" Accomplices " Salls to Oblige Kaiser

..\.4.1 \'U1-1 t.."iu&: "lltOil ntnfln known 011 ILJlllllcn tlon. . .

Yom'I}' colltmr.t .!I,·m·lI.11I11 I'll bo pnltl (ornt eml or ouch lIIulIl.II. ~~OU1' J~!iUl!~ tu CowiLltutc II. month. UX1I1l i!("\1I0.i will lie cluu'gctl (or.

Job ''''ork ut IUlY df! ... m"lpliull lIuntl)' nnd uruwl1tll' uxuculcil.

AdvCI:lllicJJlcnl", ullnccol1lpalllccl with In· ,.;tl'uctiUI11't intturtcfl1tlltil rlll'lJltllllllJ dllll'gell lie eordtugh', ~OtJc(!H or I11culillJ,rs 1l1,,1 clltul'tnin· lIlont.fi, Ir'~1f11 whld. n. rcvolluu iri Liol'i \'cll, in locn.\ cuh:rJI!lJoI. 10 CotUH pOl'lillo.

N.n.-AdvoJ'UI.!ClntmtH wlLh rolill or hon,,)' t:omputtttion willlJu chUJ'~cll rOl' U:"tl'a. I\t r.lLc ol 'SI.W Jwr huur'"

Amid scenes almost beyond belief, Henry 1-'ortl's Peace Ship, Oscar II., backed out from its pier III 1I0boken on Saturday bell: Ing a strangely as' Horted cOlllpallY I hat has proclaimed that It will stop the war. III all, a care­fill cOIlnl or the passenger IIsl shows that 1-12 sailed III lhe first aull secolld <:ablns, whl"ll are reservec\ exclusive­ly for the I-'ord party, and decorate!\ .,>'Ilh stuffed tloves and olive branches. 'rhere were speeches galore 011 the dock anti alJOard lhe shlJl, where'

1, I !) Ilolhlng less limn Jlalltlemonlum reign'

--:-=:::(=[=1l=D=.=\=Y=.=)=~·=.(=.~.=2=1='I'=t~I,=J=,=1=ij== '!HI. 'fher\! was lhe band pillylng, "[ c- DIdn't Hal~e My Boy\ to be a Soldier,"


Austrian Fortrc3£ Being Gra'du,," Forced Into Subml£.lol1-Week o~

Steady P,'c~~urc 011 "II Fronts

tlillre. was 1\lr. Bryan acting as wltnes'l to a hRsty lIIal'l'lage whoso altar lights were Imnglng flash lights; there wa~ a SlvedlKh sleward rushlHg aboul with a slllllrrel In a cage, anti IInally rore, log If illto "II'. I>'ord's H 1I110 1'00111 , lhel'C were belutell ul'I'lvalH, Including lIIany college' . otullelll~, toreing lhcil' way PIUlt everyonc UIHI lrulllllllill( UhOIU'U,

lIal!all avlatol'H lIylllg (I\,cr the III UHlir tl'lllll!s UpOII lltelr 81lOulder9. .Ieul\ul!rcll ell r IIIHI lI'euk mille, Gatt Strafe Ford HltllwerR 01' pr()(~lallluliolls IIpon Goril? Aft Il .\\'IIS lit the beginning oC tho' ~aIlIlCJIIUcl!l~; t.hal tftc Illlllau arlll: FOl'd poae(' nhlp plan, so' It WIlS (It ,would ('uter tht! town wllhln a rev tlte Jller~ Nobody Ilnew wltel'\! to 1(0, ,daYH. Heports wore ul(lIln curren; nobody wnR in churge oC anything, 1111'

:tlml Gorll~ hud ru!len. tho Ilallano en· body IlIIcl\' IIllythlng except thut hprrl ,terlllg from lho 1101'lh. Itome\s ~tato· wus u ship Ihal. lIenry Ford WUH luI!·' ,roolll HIlY8: "nP.Slllto lhe cxll'emoly IlIg ·to 1O:llrop(' to stop the Wal', gl!l ~ow t(!lIIpel'ltluro In tho mountuln zone the boys oUl oJ' the trenches hy Chrlsl· lor 011111'11110116 the acllvlty oC OUf lIIas, Ulld lotH 01' othel' t.hlngs. An Itroops eontinues, 'rhere were arltl· Intoxicated' young lIlan wllh a Gerlllllll 'Iery ndlonH ILioug the ellth'c rront. In !Lccent shoulcJl "(loLt Htrllfe '1elnl'lch itlle Hlorellzell VlIlIey our orrellHlve Is I~!lrd," WOll1l'n "rl<lll hystel'lcll\ly, "Gotl ,.denlopulg regularly. On Nov. ~Ii we bll'~H III I", Forti, Go!1 bless i\l. BryulI," ,captured a llIachllle gun In all Illlucl! lhe LoUIi p11lY1'11 "Ollwul'd Chl'lstiall Sol· on lIIrzll. On the heights nOl·thwosl diers," alld dlUnged to "The Stllr ,of Dorltz our IIttllcks' proceeded HUC· Spangled \lallner," 1\ lII11n Hulll to he ,ccssCully. We capluretl Home Ht!'Ong a ruol'lu lIl'IOl' 11I1'ed Into Lhe watlH' ,enlrencilluents 011 Hill 17~. lind 115 ufler the 1'I,0('dllll( ship lind Rtlll lhu :prlsoners, Including three ollleers. In crowd cheered 111111 lallglwd and wllved :the vh:lnlty of 'Oslavla litter un In flags. DCHl,ite tlte regulation go\'em· tell8c 'struggle We cllpturcd lhe rldg( Ing Jlasspol·IR. Ilenry I;'ord ·Is detel" norlh (If tit\! town, destroying lhn lie mined to crOSH UOI'mllll terril IIry on ,fences Illld taklllg tour ottieerH 1I11t1 ~GJ his wuy i'1'0Il1 ('ol.cnhagen 10 The 'well." Hnguu, whnre tho p(·1Lc:e e()nrorclw(~

Germany Finished In Serblll Is to be Htllgell. ill.", I~ortl's plIHsllOrt 'I'he SeJ'blans who occullied Urod ullthorl~ed hllll to I'lslt only neull'lIl

countries, nol l(l ~toll III 01" IlUSS anll Kru~hevo. 1I0rth of iIlonustll', l~rlday, entered Movalt I.he followln:,: through Itll)' or the helllgerents, IIlId

some o\' the passengers nro ullprchen· da,.. according to a lIul'lIs tlesplltch. sh'e lesl he alld hl~ party be arrested :fhe attaclls of two divisions of Bul· aarlans (24,000) against 10.000 Sorbfl ·If they attempt to set'fool on Gormau ,In this ~dlstrlct have become moro Iioll. VICOroUB. Action of the Dulgarlanfl acalnflt' MOllusllr Is helieved to hal'u

\ LoaIl .Lasts 4% Days

been delayed pending the arrlvlIl of relnfor()Oments. Wound cd Serbians Canadian Donation to War Loan Will have boen lransferred to Albalila Soon go at Pro sent Rate ,trom tho mllltnry hospltuls Ul. Mona· IItir. With the occupation of llildnlil. 'rhut Cunada by Increllsed 11I'oduc­the capture of 2,700 prisoners lind the Ion anti by economy can best place ,nlcht or the '~scanty rel11l1lns" of Lhu hersclf In II position Lo assist. Grelll 'Serblull UI'IIIY Into lhe Albllnlan 1\10un. Britain In tho IInancllll problem of tilins. Oermuny's operations ngalnst the war was the llIossage conveyed lierbln have been brought to n close, by Hon. H. II. Drund In lin nddress ,BIlYS the olllcial statemont at tho before tho Canndlnn Clnb. '1'he speech :Hcad!IUllrtc'rs or Lhe Oermlln Gencml was listened Lo by lI.n.I1.' the DullO Statt In Berlin. or COlllluughl., Premier BordclI. SII'

French Air Successes ~~I~~I~~ [~:~~~~~r~s~lII~I:~, 1~~~~dg~~I;~:::,~~ A squlldron of ten aeroplallos bom- to the lIew cretllt of $50,000,000 glvon

barded ,tho 'hllll\l':1rS UI. Hnbs'!;III'o; east I by .. Canatlu', 'but·-added· .. thaC t)le war, of Mulhause. Eight bombfl wore drop·, was 'going to bo a 10llg one IIl1d the ped ,on .the hllngllrs. which cOllghl fire. burden to be borno by Call~dll .mlght A Germlln Ilel·oplane. on the ground be.'!al'ger than son'(l people selllnell Lo nenrby wus dllmllged hy onr projec· lhlllk. Doaling with wal' nnance In tiles. 'I'ho enemy tried III vain to Oreat Britain. he pointed out that pursue our Hquadron. An aviator Canada's war loan would be used UJl ,atruck, by bullets, was forced to IUlld. In 110 .hollrs at the present TIIte of ,Another fell ncar Lutlerbach. In tho British expendllure. He did 1I0l he­reclon of Nancy a German IIIllchlno lIeve thnt Blnglimtl during th.o war 'was attacked by one oC 0111' defending could he .wholly' selt·supporting.

,Yon Bissing' Refuses Whitlock aeroplanes. 'rhe French machine. aetling within close range of Its ad· iTerj!ar1. succeedetl In brlnglllg It ~O'lfll. Another' German machine, American Consul' Famous ,In Cavell iwhlch came 'to assist In the combat, Murder' Not Wanted Back by Huns ;was forced to turn tall and flee. , Turk CapItal Full of Wounded

': The Collowlng official stalement re· ,carding the Dardanel1e8~ operations ,was Issued from Paris: "November 24 rADd 2/j were characterized by activity .~"n the part of our artillery, which suc· ceeded In Lalling Illldor Its fire several

rklSIl gUM of large .. ·.,re. All ap' I"reelablo weallenlng ot the fire of tho ,.oemy artillery reBulted. Wounded :'rurks In very large numbers have ar·

,.Ir',red. recently at Constnntinople." Ru .. la'. Huge Army Ready ,

, Despatches from Hussla declarc pre· paratlons arc helng made tor a uew :.012 tremendolls orrenslve. All depols 'are filled with recrulls wllo arc be· ilia tl'Ulned. In lhe spring 11ussla 11'111 :I!II able to put In the ·fleld an orlOY of 07,000.000 '\lI()n, Incillding 1,000,000 cay· :~!ry. She IIlso will have 10,000 plecos of arttllory. Japan, the United Statos allil l!Jnglunti 111'0 tlrtlly furnishing tho !crellll!st qUllntlly 61 rillos. .

. 'fhe Amsterdam" correspondent of the Exchange 'I'elegraph Company lIends the rollowing: "AllvlceB from floselldaal (Holland)' state that Del· glan newspapers, under the German censorship have been ordered to un­nOUlice thut,. Drand 'Whitlock (United States lI'l1nlster til.' Belgium) will nl:!t return to Brussel]!, The news hns been received with consteruation throughout' Belgium.. It Is believed that Oell. vo'n Blsslng (Germnn Gov· ernor,Gellerll1 of Belgium), desired to bave Mr. Whitlock ousted a1l(1 thllt· be Is also pressing ror the \mmclllnte removal of the American nlld Spanish Legat'lolls from Brussols to Havre, wbere the llelglan Government is," -_ ... .- .. , ............ -... ,/ - '_ .. - .. -

Travelers trom Sofia to Salonlkl brln, the news that while the Dul· ,arlans are pleased wllh their sue· cels In occupying Mllcedonla there I~ an undercurrent or uneaslncss 'HUOng U18 more hltelllglllll. classos, who feel that Bul,arla has been .made a cats-

.. . .. . paw b)' Germany.' Rigid martial law Hun Women Rioting I IIreval18 through the whole· country,

The Amul,'rdam corresPol\"'c'IIL of Relatives arc not a\loy<ed to Boe tho U wounded or. to receive news, from

the EJ:chanlo;rl 'relegraph Company tbem." .. nds the followlug: "At Dusseldorf -.::====:;::;~~~~~~:::~;:;:::~ Il recenl root! riot In whtch croWds; 22 CL_ of women, !llc~nKe!1 nt tho high prices bombardod l"I.'~ IIlUI'!(el lIiltl shops wit!; potatoes Illld ;;lon~3, Iva's stopped with lIOIIle dlfflc:llty by, the police, 'who were compblled to charge the crowd. arrellUng a ilumber of lhe parllcl. "allts."

, Belgium Again Taxed , Governor·Generul VOII' Dlsslng has imposed upon BelgluDl a monthly Will' coutrlhutlon of 0 '8,000,000 towards coveriug the needs ot lhe army 11Ild the cost, ot admlll!stering ',occupled

,.-fI'itorlell, ...... ~, ,~~. , . '. ..~

Treherae Hiah School Students ',ps:epltredfor Third' and Second Class .. Teachers' Certificates, and ,Uiliversitv . Matriculation Examinations,

tow rate~.nnaspeciaf in~duc~~ mellts . for non-resident' stl,· dents.,.···,' :, , Write' fo~:iI1ustrated hooklet R:J:MI11~ . . . French , . Sec.-Soh ' ,Principal'

, . .,

Announcement I wish to nil 111)11 nee, to tho eiti~ells 01' Trehel'no and, the fal'mel's of the vicinity, that 1 ha"o pUl'chased tho' 1i\'C!I'y m:cI feed stable fol'­mcl'ly occupied by K Pol- . 101:. I hope. by skict aL- • tention to hllsinNlq, to' mCl'it the patrollago of tlw C1Li~ens awl fa I'll ICiI ~.

Commercial Driving a Specialty

W. V. Carroll

RAI J,WA '" STHEET. 'rnONE 61 , ------.-- .---~- --' ---------,

Brunswick Hotel ~ ,

.'iiI MAIN S'fREE'l', WP'<ji, Remodelled and newlv furnisher! New fire-proof annex containirlg 30 additional single rooms, At . trnetive dining-room, excellent 'l table. More popular than ever.

!$2.oo perday , Free DU!l, i! ! J. FOWLlE,. Proprietor, WINNIPE~ (

The Treherne" Restaurant '

opened for busincsR 011

Wednesday, December 1 st: and is now, ready to serve

. Regular and :hort Order Meals •

l\f eal t.ickets ::H.fiO-~l monlFi

,Single Meals 25c .' . .

Soft Drinks, Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobaccos, etc"

l:-0Y YEE, Prop. Next to Lho Lttundl'l'

The Lombard Lombard St" Winnipeg

SiLuated nearly opposi to the Grain Exchttllge, close to tbe business'centre of the city. QUiet' and Homelike. 'Brigh.t aDd corn~ fortable Rooms. Good'. diuinl! "sen'ice: American Plan', Rat~sl

,,$(.50 'penlay: :. ' , I:,


The Corona' (

. LumberCo.\ , ,

COAL PI'epa\,e now fol' Lho ~old

.weather. ,\Vo cM'ry rJol:

good stoiJk of Lho best grado con.I '

,Scranton Stove Coal Nut Coal' Galt.Coal -,

Give. us.a Trial ------~~--~--: . ..,: l

Storm Sash of all· des-i criptions on hand

R. F. Steele Agenl

Broadway': " Trehern,.

Wm. Darling , .


\. 'r: ' I

'!'--~ ~~~ ... "~~ ~ ,.

• • , ,

• .0

• , 0

• , .. .: .. •

• '0' • •

• • •

'" ..

Livery Stable A first· class Li very a!ld Feed Busilless; good Reliable Eorses; sty­]i.;h rig!l ; everything


Prompt and obliging , service.

Drnying and Teaming

Special attention to COlllmercials.

Automobile for Hire.

J. H. Smith Phone 17


,\Ve Imnd 10

Solid Packed Oys,ter.s

You know wlmc you nre buy­ing IV hen YUH buy Solid PIlC­ked Oyslera-. no watel'ol' waste

Fresh Fish Try 11S fOI' YOI\l' l1(1xb ol'dctO 0['

Fish. Prices Heasonable.

) Have you settled your ) account at Roux's-he

• is looking for it •

Am now open to do Killing for Farmers-Phone 67

CHAS. ROUX Wholesale and Retail Butcher

Everything . For the Farmer

"" " ' in tho' Ii 110 of

~Iinplements and Ma­chi~ery

Anything' fl'om n. 'VllColbnt'l'oW to an ]~lIgine, GaR 01'

Sleam ..

Prices arc Right a11cl Reasonllble




• •

Mora Trappen nnd FurCollecton send their Raw Fura to ua than to any other Eiv~ hauaDs in Canada. H"cnu~e t!1!"'" k!'\ow \\'0 fn". hl~h. c~t l.,rlccK, llny mid: um c:<t!rc'i~ ehu rg'c~. chut j.!l' U 'Il'mn rni:i"'jo'l~, nnd ::rc-ut OUI' shipp('rK right, H.l'~'.tl!.. we nrc tho lUI'~est In our 1'111' ." CRUD II \, I.hir to U!I Mat and u"I\1 wllh " U"U"I,I" III U!'I(I, :,0 t-=hlurn"nt. Inn .. ",nil or loo lArlla Lo I C','t'l \ J ')t;r "·01;1 .:, !lltc:l~lnn,


.. ,.. \\-c ~f,!l G'1t~~l, HinCK, 'I'rnps, "'1 el'~ 'nlmnl II.\;L. ~hnoJr!,c1t .. "'l!lsh, 4_ U 11.,11,",. 1I1':I,II"'ht'l, I'II,hln" "'fOU,

F\.mlnll 1'·lrlt.1u I\lIti I"vm l5num. SUl'J>111"!l:ll :owelt. '}flt:\'&, C.\'l ALOO VIlE£.


FRE }h.lIAnl I 'flul"CI RC"()l;:. IOTrapper's Culde"

l:lUllh,h or lo'rnJ)t'h go r.30.t """ ll1ustratf'd. lei. how alld "d.er. La t!'"p n.n.' olha:' valuaLln :n~orlU"t..on ror tf"Q.pt)~fIi: al10

·'Trftpoer' •• nc! Sporhm~n·.Supply CataloM""Raw Fur Pricu U"t." und lU1e£l .. Fur Stylu Dook tt ct bCllUU, lui fur ..-ttI Ilnd rur Jt~t1ncnl •.

.'-11 \h(Oillf! hoo'ir3 hl1l7 1lI"/llru.hwl and I",nt )'nt:!! 0:' HEQCEHI',

364 '-Inll"m Building TORONTO


"~REHERNE \ Flour Mill

Rl!tUn1S from No.1 Northern \Yheat : Purity Patent, 36 ilh, fluur pl:r bushel 6 Ib!l. shorts . " Sl(alght Glade. 40 .. .. 6 ..

12 Ibs. bran 12 "

Returns f101l1 No. 2 ~orllll'rn Wh,nt : Pud:y Patl 111 :15lhs fllllll' Ill"f bn,hl·I, 6 Ills. ,hurts. 131hs brnn StraiglitGradt:.39 .. •. 6 .. 13 "


PASTRY Purity Patent Flour Stays with the Leaders Purity Patent f1olll' i!'l now hionclll'd hy nn electricn.1 JlI'oness that

is absolntel.\' hal·1II1 .. H_. which ng .. s alld Pllrilies it, mnking it f,calll,i 1'111 1.1' whit". p.II·" IIlId whuleson.e


c. Wiechman lRE..HERNE.. MANITOBA

'" ..

After the Long Cold Drive to Town The Farmer Appreciates a Good Meal and a Warm Place to Stay

First class meals served

ONTARIO HOUSE F. J.McFarlane Proprietor

~"- "" .. ~ .. , .. " ........ -- .......... ~ ... ..-...~-- ~ --------- - ---

~='~3I1E~3I1[~·~I~1 ~!~, ~3~1 ~I~ CA '''AD •• :N


CHRISTMAS' EXCURSIONS First DlasR rOllllel t.rip 1'.U'es I"'om Troherne

To EASTERN CANADA, Dec. lst to 3ht

i};:;~I~ltt~;;:: 1$42 30 ~~~'.~~::~L~I.: :]$47 30 ~\~il;:~l~I;I: : : : J • ~~~~~~~~~~ : : •

St. Johll, ?lfonclon-$fiI.GO Hn.lifax-$65.75 Cot'l'csponding low 1'n.1·('!'I to 1111 st.atiuns ill Ontario, Quobec

find MIU'iLime PI'ol·inces. Hetln'n limit, ::; montll!:l. Li.bol'ltl extension and slop-ovor

111'i\' i leges . TO EU ROPE November 15th to December 31 st

Vel'Y loll' retlll'n I'al'es \'in all 1'1'0111 all stationa CIIOICI': 01' ROUTES ,

]i'01' complote infot'l1l1tLill1l of thl·OIlI.dl ll'ninR, tourist awl stllnelm'k sleeping CRI'S, bel·th r.L1·eR Ill' l'OHOI·I·ILLions. time tables ur tl'llin Donnections, 'Lpply tu any Canadian Pacine'l.'ieket Agollt,

. m=~:' wrilo \!!CDOH~LD, DiS:t. passenl7er Age'!!;:.randon,M~~::ID

Ii II )I Ii II

, , STAPLES & ANDERSON -----------------------------------------------

_ ~ ~-n--------'--

Fresh Stock of Christmas Groceries ]u~t Opened . We quote' here a few items of interest:

Fnllo~':S~odcd R~i~ins.2 Ib9.25 '" I. "s'· ""1'1"'1 '. ,,' 2" 'I)~ . ., ee( ells " .• 0

-, Ext.~o.F~n~y.' Stlitanns, lb. ,.20 . . Choici~~I\\;caterRnisill!!,2 1/ ,25 ;'-j~'I'e~h b1en1~edC;1l:rantB2 " ,2~

w'l' ..... UOII'lllg Figs, ~ lbs ,25 . Cit,l:onl ;PEICI;'pel' lb. , 25 .

u .25. '11 2~ , 0

Shelled Wn.llIllts, pel·lll. " Almonds "

Choioe Detos, pet· pkt 'Extl'llets, all flavors llIiilCo MelLt~ 2 pkts, 'Ct'isco, PCI' Lin Spices, all kinds, 3 fot, B,~ket;'s Chocolate, ~ lb. Fancy Apples, 5 Ibs.

'. .

.50 .50 ,lU


.25 ..25 .25

Vall C!lIIlP'S Pork anrl BUIlII!!, 2 tins .25

~'llIhhl'\I"II1, pel' till .2() ·Labatel·s, pel' tin ,35 Holdbl'\lok's Herrings ;20 BI'II11RWick " 2 for ,211t Fillllllll Hadrlio, 2 for. .25 " Olil'es ,25 lind .35 lra\loy Bal'unrloes Molasses

, pe/, quart ,2&

Fancy Xmas Neckwear ci',;:i.arge '. range 'of the lai:est· Neckwear,

"" .... : .• ' .' .... ·~atige from 15'c, to '1 .25 .' . t •

'G •


: ~ ., "4 !j {i,

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Owing to the war and other causes, I have found it necessary to dispense with my help. Th~refore I have not the time:to notify my credit customers separately. .

It's hi.gh time these overdue ac­counts were cleaned up. We are not run­ning a bank, but merely desired to help out our customers till the crop was har_ vested. It's now harvested--so play fair and come acroes. WE NEED IT.

And oblige, yours truly, •

GEO. GRAHAM TREHERNE,MAN. Druggist and Stationer


Suece .. ar to Anclrew. anJ Anclrttlv, Barri.ter.



Loading nnd -Helinhle Oompanies represented by the undel'signed I,ist YOlll' applicatiolls

Money, Loaning Resumed Tho nlllhll'sigiled hus uoen illstruoted by Lhe Toronto Tl'lIBLl:I Oorpol'lllioJl to Ilocep~ applicatiolls 1'01' LOlLlls

impl'ol'cd ('ul'ln proPCl·tiesill Lllis distl'iot at

Gellel'al 011 well


James Fulton .. Trcherne, Man.

BUY YOUR FLOUR NOW Wheat prices continue to go up and Flour will follow

NOW is the time to lay in a stock d that well known brand

"Royal Household" SOLD BY



Prepare for Winter, Mr. ---and the Snow


Winter and snow come hand iR hand in Manitoba. Already the first snow has fa II en-. the next may be here to stay. 'The . , problem of winter transportation is now vitally interesting to the farmer. The auto and the buckboard must be laid to rest for the winter, and their "place tak~ri by a .

• . J

Brantford Cutter or. Adams Sleigh

Strong-.Durable--Right Prices Let us Quote You Price!; ,

AgelitA rOl' Listcl' gal;olino ongines, De La\'al and 1\lellllle Ol'el1lll SOI'I1/'ILLOI'S, and Adnll18 \Vagons

------------~---------------------ADAIR &·SON


PHO~E 37 TREHEll.NE, !llAN.

• •

rOt ... rOt .,. ... .... _"Iw""" ... .,~ ... ,...- ... oO:,rOt ,......... .._,,.,...,. ............

! IN AND OUT OF TOWN'! L_ __ u_~t~~s_~r ~~_c~i:I_~~fal ~~t~:~_t toTreherne and District i ~... ""WOW"..... _ vv ~ "'~ ........ wv ".. .,. ~"""""~"""""""' •• *w""~

For bu,;ne •• and otla., announcClmenll comin_ witlain ,II. cat.,ary o( aJoar';';". appear;n. unJer tlli. le.oJ;". a charlie 01

Ten eel"" per count lin_ I. mad.

Miss J. 1\1oOrcary waR. a Holland visitor last Satlll'(lay.

Dr. Lamont wnR a \Vinnipeg visitor Inst Friday night..

The :Manitoba IJegislatnre 1I10ot 011 J anllar'y Gth. ,

will . Thos. Leo, Sr .. left last :alonday night fllr Palmerston, Onto

J. A, Galul'ltiLh, of ResLolI, waS a l'isitor town "1st 'Vednesdny.

i\f rs, Poleg Smith waR 1\ Rath­well vi!litol' Inst Thlll'sday night.

n. P. Morrison was a visitor to 'Vinnipeg on Monday night's train

T' C. Stinsoll was a 'Villllipeg visitor 011 Wednesday night's train

J ack l\IoOL'e~ I'y ret.l1l'necl from a visit to Winnipeg last. Fl'idny 1I00n.

'V. Smith, sr., returned a short visit 111 tho city lnst Satnrdny noon.

J. Perrie, or 'Yinnipcg, was a business visitor towd last Wednes­day,

R. Campbell, of Brandon, was :I.

buslIless \'isitol' to tOlVn last \Ved­nesday.

Miss 1\1nbel Somel'l'illel~ft llltit 'fhlll'sday night 1'01' hel' home in On tario.

oS. T. Pearce, of OYPI'ess River, was a business visitor to town last Wednesday.

MI'. and lUI's. J. S, Palmer paid :I. short visit to the city last Tucs­tl'1.y Ilij(ht;

N. Wilson, of Winnipeg, paid a business I'isit to town last Tuesday

F. N. Oarman, of Rathwell, was a businoss visitor In tOIVnlast 1\10n­day.

~h-s. MacE wing ret'llrned fl'Olll a visit ill tho city last Saturday 1I00n:

TIert Staples arri I'ed baok to tOWII from a visit to 'Vinnipog last Monday nOOIl.

J. S. l\.irkpntrick retul'l1ed from a business visit to the oity last Satm'day 11oon.

G. M. Duncombe returned from n. business visit to the oity last Sn~ul'day noon.

S ton Delgat.y nrri ved in town last Saturday night to spend tho OhrisLmas vacation with his parents

Miss Olive Mills,ofOYPl'esaRivel', ,arril'ed in town last Fl'irlay night 011 a visit to her paron ts, retllrJllng 1\1olld:l.Y nOOll.

W. Olegg left last Monday night fOl'Toronto, Ont., whero ho will spond a six weeks' vacation visit­illg fl'ionds and relatives.

Mr. Hines roturnell to Winnipeg J. A, Oameron, of RaLhwell, was last 1\10lldny 1 '''1 t ft. ' b' . . . '. 1IC\ I , a. el paylllg an

!'~T ,t1S111]CSS VIsitor to town last oxtonded visit to friends and ac-IY cc nesr ay.' . t . I .. . . qualll ances 1n t 10 nOlghborhood.

W. H, MoRattie. of Napinka" J IDS tt £T I , . . ' 0 III • co ,0' 1'0 lel'no, took ;va~; vl~tor to town on busllless advantago of the lato train on Fri­. as ues' ay, day last, stopoing off at Cypress

Aal'on Lee and two sons, Lloyd· River. (Thoro's a reasoll).-Cy_1 and Ford, left last l\fonday night! pI'ess Ril'er Western Prairie.

for Palmel'sto~, Onto . WANTED _ To' buy good, im-

Mrs. StanfOl'd left last Monelay;' ved fal'm in Treherne or' Rath-night for Fort William, Ont. :. She- Iv~lrdir:itriot, eithed or ~ sectioi,: will join hoI' husband. thol'e~ . GiI'e full particulars in first lotteI'.

Mr. and Mrs. D. T. HiI'd left last 14.17 -p E. J. THOMI'SON,

l'hursday fOl' n. short visit with' 712 Sterling Bank, WiDl)ipeg MI'. aild 1\1rs. Alex'Hird, of Lal'en- l\Iiss Anuie Burns, who has been ham, a val lied membel' of THEl TIIIms'

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HiI'd left for the past few years, severed

The Gift . Worth While

A Kodak .El'erybody delight..'l in flo

hobby, alld we lmow of no bettor pastime thall to own a Kodnk anti tltke home picture of thc holiday season \Vo nro agtmt.s for the falllons EASTMAN PHOTO SUPPLIES ,\V c carry a full supply for the a III ate 111'. See our' CanJeI'!1S and Kodaks l'anMiug inlwice 1.25,2.00,3.00,5.00, 7.00, 12.00 and up to 25.00, liLted with tho Intest uuLogl'aphic bupks. \Vo hnvo It

nice stock of 191G Oalonclal' mOllllts, in whioh you call fit Lhe fanllly picture 01' youI' own photo. It will bo more IIpprooiaU\d than a Oh!'istmns card and only cost 100 01' lEc oaoh.

CHRISTMAS TRADE this year should be dono ill buying aml giving nsefnl gifts. Snne, stylish aud snitablo 0.1'0 our Alippers nnd footwoal' ill alllinoH. ,Yo havo a style 1'01' overy foot. Seo that you!' friends nro well and wor­thily shod. \Vo specinlize in footwenl' of nil kinds.

"rind, min, SIlOW or sleet Let yOlll' Ohl'istlll!l.S gift be fOl' Lho foel;

J. R. SCOTT P~?~oE

Christmas Comes But Once a Year

m TO.y---SLoAGiNve Dthe Kids a Real Treat. m Where the youngsters catch

true spirit of Christmas the


We have a toy to suit YOUR child.


Wishing Y ou a Merry Christmas and a Happy

New Year • • • •


Mrs. A. E. SMITH, Railway Avenue Phone No. 94

Milliner and Dressmaker

Trehcrne, Man.

Send in Any Local Items You May Know:---Phone 116

__ ._zszz

Monday night for TOI'onto, Ont., lUll' connections with this paper on whel'e they will visit' friends and Thursday. Decomber ] 6th. Miss rclatives. Bul'lls will attend NormallLt Bran­

don during the coming term. r---------------------------1\ll's. F. J. McFarlane and dO:lIgh:

. Miss Violet Ring al'ril'ed home The Grain Growers' Grain Co., Ltd. Hilda were "isitol's to '\V1I1ni~ peg on last 'Vednesday nigl!t's train. .

on Monday noon's train from \Vin­nipeg, where she has been visiting her sisters for tho past week. She went frol11 Portage 10. Prairie to tho city, whet'o she attended Nor­

Geo. Gode and Rnstus1QQrie. re­turl.lOd last Tuesday lioo~:j~om a two weeks' big game '1~'1I1t ne!lr,1 mal for the 'past three months. Dl>uphin. . ,

J. C. Staples arri\'ed ~n town . The Annual Meeting of th,e Tre­last Thlll'l:Itray night ona - herlie Grain Growers' Assooiation visit, retUl'ning to \Vinnipeg on, will bo held ill Pollon's Hall on Saturday night. . WednoRday, Deoember20th. All

members 11.1'0 earnostly requested to \Ve 11.1'0 pleased to be ablo to 1'0- b~ ill'csent, as offioers for the oom­

port that R. ,J. Mills is suffioiently iug yoar will be eleoted. reoovered from l~is reoent aoute at- Geo. H. Hazlewood, President. taok of rheumatism to resume his J. L. Pollon, Seoretary.

We are now selling the famous

GLADSTONE GOLD DROP FLOUR Our prices are always the lowest market prices-and we sell on a closer margin of profIt than any other milling company

Makes the Finest Bread and Paitry


Enquire at the Elevator

Ja.. Adair, Manager • Phone 27 duties at the Munioipaloffioo.

~ . "Billie" Robson, of Pleasantdale, • A l~el'Cl of oattle had a very 1111.1'- was a visitor to town Thursday. !!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!I!!!I!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!IlI!I!Il!!!

rOlv esonpe from being killed at the '.- Ho has been appointed returning Ol'ossiug . east of the dep9t last 10flic~lr.at tho forrhcoming' mun-

'~~§§§§§~~§§~§~~~~§~§~~~~~~~~i= Tuesday nooll. It wasorilv tho election in Pleasantdale R • • = 'Jrompt applioation of. the' .'brakes i'M:,;nncl

Tasteful and· Economical

XMAS GIFTS . Our Stock comprises

. Carving Sets' Manicure Sets.

Pie ". ,Knives,. .. " .... ColdMeatForks.·

,. Berry·Spo~n8 . Ladies'W()rk·, B~sk~ts '.' .....


S,!m e.thirig . of N early .. f: verythigg.· ' .. \, " ... -.~, ~ .' .

" ",

PHONF. ... :}},.,

• • • • • ••

. .; ..

that gil. vo thcm~uffici~nt. time' '. was postillg up the necess-get olear. . ' ' . notices throughout the mun-

icipality •. Billie is B famous knight A very isadacoldent oco~~l'ed to the besom and stane, learning ,

Hem'y Chamuers lastbiollday. He. l'oarin' game in Treherne. Man-was Cot-ding a straw chbpper,· and: He was fOI'Lunate in filling his rightilll.lld '\vasdra\\'ilinto .the n. vaoanoy in one of the local machine in ~ome marill~r:>All the' its'during the evening' '. . ..

· !ingllrSjWel'e ·o'utoff •. oll)8ei?'.~lie his first our ling game thiok portion'.ofthe.:llIin'd;·IHis ~Melfort ~Ioon. . condi tion is' s8.ti~fa;ctol;~; 'a~~ii~d torep~rts"" ....... : ' ' •. ':.' .:' .. ;, "A riewgamelaw thatshouldbo

'., '.' has justbeensI1Ssested·,· 88

bIrs. W, A. POLTitt;:'" '"lin,'" ·~·/Bookagents.may{be abot Syor, ell .' .' . Nov. latto Oot. 311t, iuolu-

ludlestif.the town8P~jrig,poet8betw~~·AJlril . · U:mi8cellalleou~;J.un.el; auto ~Peeders;pal~"l' ioticH

Alis8Je,au .... ,~.".vadso.nd road hogS, !lny'old

We ·Wish,You AIl'a'Very' Merry Christmas and ·a Happy New, Year :


• • • • . ,

We '~hank YOU,' for the· . very liberal patronage you have'extended . to us 'the

,.pllst year:·andwill en­:deavor"to merit the same·

'.C1u~ing·thecC)miDg year'~ > ' .

",." i. '. .j.'

.' ; . /;~~,,; ':':'

; .. · llIixt\veek,- '~~~tellr huuters, from . Sept;

Street ou ... 1·:Jlursdlay .of\.JaIBt.we,ek. 1'101',.11. to~.ran, .. J'5th; .... P9litic~l;c~k8 the year' round any man wboread8 .,.' .... -------..... '';;' '.;..-------.... ,-----.... -

{ctilsk't·<:of,1 tb'ltl,:r;!"' \~~f~~~.5~J.. (t~.~:Mc~J~wan&<i20~ m8m~'.Jllse sh"li~be bi~l·Do(Ullquick. ... " . ' . rJ:~'~~~~it~g~, .' , .' "Qf; '. ·,·rHONE6; .,,~.,.;,,~),. '·-,,!RE"'I~~R~E

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DANA How She Classified Him I Tho voice at the girl rang clear. Work on Aeroplanes

There was a note' of Insistence that carried a curious dignity or Its own. The very slmpllolty ,of' her statement The !:lIght JtaVol ~md a .Jlower to convtuce omS' who lI~t('nnd: ·wltllout· ·prlljudlce. nlthough·. Uie' \\'ords'tlrcms'elves wero

Airmen's Chief Work Is Not Dropping Bombs .

When we read what the aIrmen write about their experiences Uhrlng tho pl'osent' war. we .learn thut tho chler purposo at most of their nights Is not to drop bombs on the enomy, but raUter to aid theIr own al·tlllery In directing theIr fire. '1'ho ILlrman Is often sell t up at the order of the commander of u battery. to ascertain whether the guns nre overshooting the mark. do not reach. or are too far to right or left. It Is Imperatil'e that he be able to communicate his Information. a'lmost Instantaneously. and some very Ingenious methods 0_ transmitting It to tho oart~ ha V€

Jl[rs. Atkins, dissatisfied with the number of times one man came to see' her cook. spoke to her about It. "\Vhen 1 engaged you. Jl[artha," sho said. "YOU told me you had no man frleuds. Now whenever 1 come Into the kitchen 1 find the same man here,"

htJ!6.;;,ycili~t~tt~':'11~'~1:1:~0·i.1 salcsglr!'" had cif the tr)te sort. Utat any protcstlng ~nat wus crlillhl!\1 mlglit utter. ,. -.

""'~"e"uueuUl"ent Iii-its "1 toll you I dldn·t do It!" '''Three GIlder himself fel~ the surge of emo·

.!" SilO :sald ugaln. 'us one refuB' tlon that 6wUng through tJICSO mo· f: lIllnto. beileve. , menta. but ho would not yield to It. I: "'Yes:' ~hre'o yo'ars." .' "What's the use of all this pro· ~ ~ "Good God I" 'l'here wus no Irrever· tense?" ho dp.manded sharply.'· "You '1 ence In tho exclamulloll that brolte wero given a fall' trial. and there's an

[10m the girl's IIpe. ! Instead only a en(1 of It." tCIIKC horror tnnl.:'touched to the routs "Oh,.no. 1· wO:sn't, Why, If tho trIal

_" ot emotion. ""'. . - had been fall' I shouldn't be here. Do .1 "!:lILY" ~:HLrail doniandecl, with the you call It [air when the la,y;v,.er 1 had ~ dl'rectn'~s~ 'habitual to ltCI'. "why aro was only a boy-ono whpll1'. til.e court • yol1 sO:;lulxlolls about It'{ "This Is Ule told. 1110 fa taIte, a'I)QY.~W~t\$"J~ls first , th.l.rd .tlJne, you bavo IIsked rna about call.e my,: case, that monTct·:the. ruin of

~14ry.. ,:rurnor.; What'" It to you. I'd my itfoi ::,1t1y lawyer? ·,\Wl!Y.;!he was lIk~ to .knoW?" , just gc!~I~gt cx~.rI<ince-s:ct.tI,llg It at

.... rho 8ale8b,,1I'1 Ltnrted violently. and lilY cxpense!" .':' .• '. " II deep Jlu~h dl'ovo tho accustomed pal· Ther6! til'ilow~d a few seconds of sll·

lor [10111 hoI' cheoks. She wus obvl· en co. 'D)'fen Gllilor 1118do aIL·orrort to " ously mucb dlsturuod uy tile (lUCS' shalte on: \lie f<ielln~ that ;iiad'so pas·

." tlon. . .' . I sessed h~P,i..!; (md'to a ce~~al~ •. dqgree he jl ~"Wlint·ls.1t to me?" she I'epoated In succeed~i1.· ; -~ •. ::,.':

, lin jJlTort to. gain time. "Why. nothing "The jury found Yoti ~~P. V.i ji he as' -"-nothIng ILt all( only sho's a friend of serted, with an attemp.fii: " ,;!ma'ke his mrhe, IL, groat . frle::d or mlno. Ob. voico magIsterial In ItlI:tSI!V.erlty.

" j' "Yes tho jury found "'nio'''gu 11 ty. Do .!':~&.~~~ro 'iVnii'a~l'iIonjjl611'e' of desolatIon YOII klidiv 'why?-' I can tell yoil, 1111'.

"",'lI8 'sllo Wont on'spculdng In'll whls\ler Gilder. '!l was because they had been · !:hnrulllt Ipr the ~ars Qf no other. "!l's oul for three hours wllhout reaching i II \v1iII-''tlI roe 'yeurs'! - Oh. I ({Idn·t un· a decllllbn: '1'h(' e,,{den'co didn't seem' • lIorstnrtql .l\.'s (lwful-lLwful! .... \Vlth to be quito enough for aomo of Ulem,

I 1 . fi 1 (] I I I I If I l' at after all. . Well,' the judge threatened

· till. lIa .. war R Ie \lilT Q( a •. Ie "to lock thell·. up all nlgl'.t. The men l;fudo ono cir wondor{ul grier, Sarah was thlnldllg Intently of Mary wanted to get home.', ,The easy thIng

,I ,'urner after 'hol return to tho office. to do was to find me .gullty, and let It ~ As she i,;lnnclill np lit the opening of go at that. Was that filiI', do you , the door S~IO did not· at first recognize think? And that's not all olther. Was


"1' tha fI.;ure outlln(>{1 thOl·e. She rem em· It fall' of you', "rvfr. Gilder? Was It bored ?lllu'y '1'ul'llor ILS a tuil. slonder fall' of you to come to' the court this giri who show{:il an llIulerlylng vltlll· morning 11)\(1, tdJ •. tho jud .. a that I

:, Ity 'In 'overy niovemont. a girl il'lth a shOuld J):Q.;l!elit .. to :pr!~(mi:as o;:warnlng ,1 fllco of regular relltures;.ln which was to othe.rs?" .; ,: ~ .1 n cOlllplexlon of hlended III lilt and "YOII Itnow!" he exclaimed In·mo· '1 roses wllh a ra:!ant joy of life shin· mentnry consternation. ;'-!-Ing through ull'her arduous and vul· "I heard you 1. lhe courtroom," Ehe J gar .condltlons. Instead of this. now said. "The dock Isn't very far from ,! R~~ Wlljl,.a frail· fO),m Utat.stood sway· the hench where ·YOIl spoke to th · l Inf.f In. th'c doorway. that bent In a sln- Judge Itbout my case. ·Yes. I heard t. latui' rushlon \\'11Ich told of bodily 1m· you. It wasn·t. Did I do It or' Dldn't

:n.Qtellll~_··' .,wlIilIIL tho .. fnco .' was (Iulte I do It? No.· It was only that I must bloodless. . be made a warning to others,'.~

A 'man stood besl!je her, one of his Again silence fell for a tense Inter· . hands clasped around the glrl's waist. val. 'rhen finally tI:e girl spolcc:: ,- It wlls"Cussldy. from helldquarlers, "Mr. Gilder," she said Simply, "as

who spoke In n rough. Indtrrerent God Is my judge, I am gOing to prison I'olce. . for three years· for something I dldn't

"Tho district attorney told me to do. Why did you ask the judge to bring this girl hero" on my way to lhe send me to prison?" . Grand Central station with her," "Th'e thieving that - has been goIng

"~Ir. Gilder will be right back. on In this state fcir over a year has Come In and walt," , got to stop," Gilder answered em·

Tha two 1000e\1t forward very slowly. p!lalically. with all his energy of the orrlcer, carelessly conscious of his manner restored. duty. walltlng with awltw!lrd steps to "Sending lIIe. to prison won't stop suit the feelilo 1L0vement~ of the girl. It," Mary Turner -snld drearily. Sarah at last found her volco tor an "Perha\ls not." Gilder sternly, re· oxpresslon oC sympathy. torted. "But tho discovery and \lun· " "I'm' sorry, ~lllry," sho said hesltat· Ishment of the other guilty ones will." Ingly. "I'm torrlbly sorry. terJ'lbly His manner changed to a businesslike sorry!" alertness. "You sent word to me that

"he girl did not look up. She stood you could tljll me how to stop the still. swaying a little. as If from weak· thefts In the store. Well. my girl. do ucss. this and. while I can malte no definite

"Aro you?" she said. "I did not promise. I'll see what can be done know. Nobody ~'IlS been noor me the about getting you out of your present whole time II havo boen In Ule dIfficulty." He plclted up a pencil. Tombs." pullcel a plld at blanlt paper conven· . "Why," Sarah exclnlmed, "there lent to his hand and looked at the girl

was nelon Morris todny! Sbe has expectantly. with nggl'esslve Inqu'Wy been asking about you agaIn and In his gaze. "Tel.1 me'now." he can· lIg-aln. She's all broken up over your eluded, i'who w"rd, your pals?" . tTOIlble." . "I have no pals," 'she ejaculated

"Who Is Helen MorrIs?" the lifeless furiously. "I never stole anythIng In I'olco demnnded. Thero was no Inter· my life. Must I go on telling you over est In the question. " and over agaIn?" Her voice rose In a

Glider entored the office wIth the wall of mystery. "Oh. why don't any qulclt. bustling activIty that WEIS 01'111· one believe me?" , narlly expressed In' his every move- "Unless you can control yourselC. mont. 110 paused ns 110 beheld the two you must go," Glider pushed away the I'lsltors, then hO' spoke curtly to lhe pad of pa\ler and tossed the pencil secr"tary. aside In physical expression of his ills·

"Bless yo' ma'am," smiled Jl[artha, "dat nlggah ain't no frlen' ob mine."

been devIsed. , '1'elephone systems are good [Or nn·

chored balloons. but are out of tho question In aeroplanes or ZeJlpel1ns. Wireless telegraplly has 80 many dlf· ficultles and dangers as to provo quite Impractical.

The I?rench aro\ usIng a very Ingen· OU8 method of signalling by means of soot clouds. ,An apparatus fll1ed with lamphlllck rests near the hand of the airman. and when he presses a lever some of this soot passes down a pipe and Is discharged Into the all' In a black cloud. The pIpe Is so do· IIcately arrangod that the clouds may bo small or large. The operator can spel1 out the 1I10rse' telegrc.phlo In the little clouds. and they can to read from earth.

'1'he Germans have adopted they consider a far more practical modo of communIcation. Prof. Donath

"No friend? Then who Is he?" IiHo's Ina hushn.n',"


has Invented a system of sIgnal IlIlr· He was a very shy young man. For mrs. lighted by a very strong lamp, two long years he Illld been paying which permIts the airman to send his her attention nnd had not yet sQueez· messages and also to receive Instruc· ed her hand. One evenIng IlS tlley tlons In the day time as well as at lingered Iii the shadow of tho trees by night. 'rhe apparatus Is so regulaled the gnte he aslted timidly: that the operator mny. send a long or "Floren co. would you-mIght I..,.e~ short fiasll, thns utilizing the Morse -would you mInd If I placed ono re­code or any other code which may verellt Itlss on your fall' hand tonight hal'O been agreed upon. when I leave you?"

'I'he light In the little lamp of thIs Florence thought he wanted speed· apparatus has a lIash of 10.000 cIl'"l:J''''llng up. So sho dro\lped lIer head power. and whllo It can be nsed for coyly on his shoulder. lifted her face only forty 01' fifty hours without ro- temptingly to his. and replied: " newlng the burner, this Is enough for "Well, George. 1 should think It de· al1 practical purposes. The power for cldedly out of place." the light c9mes from a specinl seven· cellerl battery, weighing only eIght pounds., Including the metallic cover· Ing.· •

When a message Is ~o be sent lhe operator directs a teles<;ope over the refiector to the desired poInt. Then he presses on a button, the lamp lights. fiashlng long or short. accord· Ing to the pressure.

The officers on the earth Tecelve e message. and may'return a reply

In the SRme way. being provided with similar mirrors and lamps ..

By thIs method )11essages I can be fiashe(1 not only at nIght and In foggy weather. but also In the daytime, In clear weather. The temperature of the fllament In the lamp Is so high that It sends out a rny of light almost as bright as sunlight,. and this Is why the ' fiashes are visible even In the dny time. The signals can bo rend with the 1II1kecl eyo for n distance of eight miles and upwards. With a field glass the signals may be dis· tlngulshed for alfar greater distance .

When It Is necessary to send n written communIcation, such' as plan of a fortification. as seen the aeroplane. the primitive meth of dropping the sheet of paper tied to a stone has long been abnndoned.· The airman Is provided with a speclnl bomb In which the letter or plan placed. .

He then drops tho bomb, whICh Is so weIghted· that· It falls sharp end first. As the end strIkes the grolln a trIgger Is released Which se~s fi to' a torch on toP. and thus the

Uncle (a famous journallst)-Wlty, Tommy. I can boast that a 110 has never passed my lips!

Tommy-l s'pose you wrote them all. uncle.

She-Phyllis Featherweight is go· Ing to stUdy g_ology.

I-Ie-Well. I am glad that she'll at last get beneath the surface or some· thIng.

"The doctor buggeested that I live on water for five days,"

"On water?" "Yes. he told me that a trip across

would do me good,"

'. "You may go, Sarah. I will ring \llensuro. "Why dId you send that ;whcn I wIsh you agaIn." . message If you have nothing to say?"

'I'hcre followed an Interval of sll- he del'\tnnde(l. 1I1th Increasing choler. cnco wt.lle the 'secretary' was leaving "I have somethIng to tell you. Mr. Ithe orrlce nnd the girl with her ,,\nrder Glldor," she cried quIetly. "Only '1-1 ~tood waiting on his pleasure. GildaI' 1 t I t1 h

tlon of the bomb Is Indicated by or nlght.-'f'lt-Blts .. He: .1,! ' . .. Overseas Club'Toba~co F~nd

clenl'ed his throat twIce In an embar. of as my gr p on Ie way ere. with" this man by my side,"

rassment foreign to him before finaUy "Well?" Gilder Insisted querulously, he spoke to tho' girl. as the girl hesitated. '

"l\ly girl .... ·Gllder ~ald gently-his "Wben yoU sit In a cell for three hnrd voIce was sortened by an honest mCJnI.nR waIting for your trIal. as I did. regret.....;"my .. girl. I am sorry about you thlnl' a lot. And so 1 got the Idea this,'" . ' , tlfnt If l'could talk to you I IIIlght be

"YOll, should ,be," camo the Instant able to make you understahd .what's

; . Response -From Canada ,For

-' . Contributions' '.' !lIr 'Francls R. Jones. the organl~lng,

se!~rota-r'v of the overseaa..Club.ln Can· from tble Windsor Notel,

says: "1 have just receh'ed Evelylt Wrench. the honor·


We are very pleased to be nble to give our patrons during tho coming winter months a series of Interesting tallts on house \lnd barn buildings, tho theory of building. tho most economl· cal metbod of doing so, points to walch during construction. so that you will bo nssured of ~ettlng a thor· oughly warm and satisfactory builtl· Ing. These articles will denl In detllil with tho various pnrts of n houso. Starting with the bILsement or cellar • taking the first and socon[1 storeys, dealing wllh each room In Itself, a whole chnpter can bo written on every room or any room of Il house, wbether big or smal1. Tho construc· tion of the wal1s. roof construction. modern ventilation. Instnl1ntion of sanitary appliances, tho construction of a building so as to reduco lire haz· ards.

These artlclcs will be furnished by Tho Deslgnors. and n complete book of plans of houses. etc .• cnn be secur· ed by writing t1:~em, care of Toronto Type Foundry Co .. Ltd .. Winnipeg.

Complete working drawings and speclucatlons Ill'e Illso avaUILulo or any of the designs which we will sbow.

Our deEire Is to give our renders the benefit oC the best bulldmg know· ledge, ut lite SILUle time to sillnulalo by showing actual benullts, the desil'o for model'll. altractlve buildIngs, Bull· able to Western Canada.

We Ilre very pleased to stato that Ule designs which we are carrying are the product of Western CanILull. Tho designs wel'O made In \Vestel'n Can· ada. especIally 101' Western Canadn.

'1'hls servico Is n \lronounced step in the l'lght dlroction. It simplifies the process of buying a houso 01' barn. and at the sume tlllle assures the pnr· chaser geUllIg tho uest design Cor his building.

We are showIng In this Issue a de· sign of a modern priced houso. next Issuo will contlL~n a bal'll.

• thorough Iy wn I'm.

Tho verandn not only arrords nn n'.' tractive resting plnce, but enables tho lon~ slolled ruor to bo used. whl:h adds to the upp~arnnco of the built!. Ing.

You will notico that tho bedroom3 uro orou~ht in (",,(11 tho outside wnl1~ thus giving n 3 ft. nil' spnc() which will alld to their cOlllfO! t. and n' tho salll!) time gives a height of ;; II. at tho wa~l line. so that the sitoiling root doe~ not Interfero with the rooms. This Is renl1y a storey and a halt houso. Tho wnl1s aro 7¥., Inches thlel,. with thre!) all' spILces. the uaselllent wall beln!; 11 Inches thick.

\Vhen you consider thnt such rI houso as this can bo built for les'~ than $~.OOO completo, It Is certaInly wel1 worth whllo every family hal'ln!; such a house.

Hemelllber what we snld nt the be. ginning of this artic10 as reglll'lis plan books, etc .• wo would olso he vcry ((lad to hal'e you IIsk any questions In connection with building ..

Painting With Oils Forbidden A Berlin despatch says thllt tho

llundesrnlh has passed nino ilnportlln~ new Cood ordinnnces.

'1'he most Interesting empowers lho Imperilll CllanCQIlOr to PI'ul1lulgal!> roguilltiolls 101' tho Bala, cunSUlllpllOIl and price oC corree, tOI\ IIlld COCOU, I\!j. well as to obtain statistics regarding the stocl(s on hand In GenllllllY. Alsu_ at the chancellor's discrolion. IIlllxi· ilium prlcos for vegetabies, CI'ult ILnd sauerltrnut llIay uo Ilxed.

The Bundosrath hll8 also started all Investigution hila tho rising price oC salt.

DeSign No. 004: "I'hls shows a I'ery attractive home, although sl1lllll In al·ea. 22 ft. by 22 ft., It gives four bed· rooms. one especially large one, II large' kltchen·dlnlng 1'00111, which Is well lighted. and tho windows so placed as to properly throw lhe rays of IIgh t across that particular piece of furniture. tahle. stovo. etc .• whero tho

Another ordlnanco absolutely for· hlds \lldnllng with 011 colors. An onllnance In October prohlbitod th" use of paints llIat!o of white 1~lId lind linseod all. 'J h_ I.ew onlinanco PIO' hlults 1111 plllnts IIlndo wIth IInlmal 01' I'egotable oils.

Ono Jew was seeing another orr on n long journey. The Jew who WIlS going on the journey thought he cou"l spenle French, and wished to Impress his friend. So he put his helld out of lilf. rallwny earring" window and cl'il'd: "0 ]..;sen'oil'!H "'r'unlts, l'anks!" rr. plied his (rlend all the platform. light Is most required.

j . -{;;.:q~~ .~,.,.~~ ,.

. r I

.22' I


a:t~'~~~'e', comoj .. Glider exclalme(\ roolly wrong .. An'd It I co'u1d do that testily. "That's no tone to talte with amI so holp out tho other girls. what me!" , has happened to me would not. after

t t d all. bo quite so awrul-so useless. 'cx'~~~~y~o ~ht~i:~; w~~ t~~eret~ri~~ somehow.' Her voice lowered <to n

the listless voice: .. qllick pleadlng.,.I\lI.d she' bent towar'\ : "I e:C:p'ected a decent amonnt of the man at the desk. "Mr. Gilder."

humility. 'Crom ana In ''Your posItion." she questtoned, "do you renlly want ta . Lite quickened swiftly In the droop. stop the girls from stealing ". ~ , Ing form 'of the girl. She stood sud- "Most' cortalnly I do." came the for

.,,,,rf.tllrv of the club In London. IAre"l"ln" a synopsis of the audit·

Fund for tho, year end· Q,,,ntAmher 3th. Later on printed

caples of tho audited' statement will be available., but 1 send· copy of the cable for the Informaton of your.read.

,~~~~_l zz :;----'''''"---!!

. I 1'_''''_ roply. , I . • : denly erect. and her Cace lost ts girl spoke wlth'a great'earnest,

\ blenlrness of pallor. The eyes opened I

.. wldo and looked straight Into those deliberately. of the man 'who had employcd her. . • "Then gIve them a fair chance,"

"Would you bo humble." she de- (To be Continued) manded. and now her voIce wnR be­como softly musIcal. yet forbhldlno:. too with a note,·of passion. "would YOli be humble If you 'were goIng to Jlrlson for';three yenrs for something YOll dhln·t .. do?" ,

"Don't mInd her, sIr," Cassidy snld, .He meant to make his manner very

. You will notice between the chlm· ney and pantry wnll. the sink and draining boa,rd. 'l'here Is an opon BUUf"'"ul l.cu.Udlg fl U .. -.. Lno h:u.clle • the upper storey. and underneaUI that staIrway there Is access to tho linsement. where there should be a soft·water cistern. which by proper conductor pipes tram the roof will

value of which every housekeepor rec·

reassuring. ' say thnt: Tlt.{!y ,nre Innocent. ! Yes, they all say It. It any but just the I u nocen t. . '. ,·,,"j;Y. ,,,n, j1

no .1U' .. ~'j,~,:I~.U.·~y

I lt;~~~~~~~l~~m~ii~~~~ save every drop or 80ft·water, tho

~~~~~j;Er;i:~:~J;F~fJ~~~jit~i;:~~~I~~' ognizes. , '1'hls cistern should be a one. so as to carryover 'dry

~;~~~~~n~i~~~~ •• ~i~l;~;~~tlp,,~ ....... whl1e we aro In the basemont. not forget to state that tbere 811V .. ··.lll CDI]CrBLB floor. sloping slightly to

. covered drain, so that It will at all Umes. At the outset, If

desired to use the small bad· as a bathroom. a Itary cl08et

put I at very cost. This vary out·

will 'n,I,Mo,'to cIrculate Into tho

the basement can

::~get~i~lc,ii;;::'::!'1i; a cold room for "-'.';·';i};'~;;··"li;'c::,)",;;'1.v ;.~~~s~~:.~t must not

Gel'man Food Shortage Today, there Is tile Ildlllis~I"n that

"not hundrods or thousand3 bilt mI:· liolls of hl!mn n iJelngs In G el'mnllY must limit their consumption Clf food and make not Inconsiderable sllcri· \Ices" uecanso of the British blockade. The note thus admits a state of thlng~ which was Implied In the recent ac· tlon at the contral nuthorlties at Bel" lin In taking ol'er tho control oC tho rood supply of the empire. nnd h~ whnt hns IIltered out throngh thl) newspapers regarding food riots In German cltles.-New York Tlmos.

-----Two workmen met In the street.

and stopped to chat about tholr friends.

"Casey seemE to be' doIng well whero ho Is." Toma.rkod one pres· ently.

"He'll not stop long at replied tho other. with shal(e of the head,

that job," n gloomy

/ , to bo com-"Why not? He seems

fortably placed .... "But ho'll not stay there n mon'.h.

I say It, and 1'\'0 aald It since he got that job eighteen monthc ago."-Chicago 'Ii



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will find relief In'lam-Buk I It eases- the 1l6urnin!,,' llingln!!, pa!n, stop's bleeding and brings easo. Perseverance, with Zam­Buk, means cure •. Why not provo

. this 1· .ta DruqUlot. and st01'UJ.­IOeb=



We have been making matches for 64 years now-Domeslic

fond every other kind. ",' Some of our specialties are "THE GASLIGHTER" with o 4t inch stick··"THE EDDY· STONE TORCH" (or out· door use-"W AX VEST AS" for the smoker, Ilnd other varieties.

For home use the most popular match is the "SI LENT 5," but for every use


EDDY~S FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS l'ro" ••• 1 uurof~Oltlli fC,UHPOWH' G01 Cb.'LUIU.' IU"'. fr.", klUHJ:Y. 'LAUDeR, Hl.ftVUUIi GISKJ., •• , CtillOHIC WItAEHItU ULCLJtS.51CIH IUtUrTIOHI,rILI:', 9frlte lot FRKE CLUTIt D JUND NItDICAI# lOOK ON ..... ," ..... " ... d WOHOCIt,UL CUItII ••• cI84 .. , TH IE. N4WP'RI!:NOH .... MEDY. N.I N.21".3

T H E R A P I 0 N .ad d,c,,"or )otlurlllfith

tn. n •• 4r lor YOUk oWH allraflnt. A .... lut.t,. FRlte Nu (oUo", "II' clrculeu N •• "II,atlon. Ult LIlCLCr«C Mr.p CO,HAVU!" lOCK Kn,II" .. ,." I LAD LOHnUH,EHIl Wit WANT 18 rKOVC THl"'ArloH LWU,l. c ••• 10 ••

WATERPROOF OOLLARS AND OUFFS SlIIlIelllllllr bellllr LlIaa IllIell alld bll

1IIIIIIlry 11111. WII~I' IL WILli 5nal' all~ iO V.""I All ~ltor.s 01 IlIr.CL Slue SLyl. fi' IIHI .. lIe Fllr '1ft\: WI· Will mall you


61 Frel ... Avenue, Toronto, Ontarle

World's Largest Coin Ono of tho largest coins el'or struck,

.23 U. In. by 1:1 In., has como Into the poss06slon of the Amcllcn.:1 Numls­lIIatlc Soclcty. "I'ho pleco Is cop PCI'. It wns coined In Sweden In 1659, and has LIn Intrinsic valne oC about 21s. As a numlsmlltlc rarity It Is said to be worth Ilt present lit lenst $600.

It '9 a rectangulllr Ingot with tlve lllrgo round stamps punched In It.

'" Ench COrti 01' stamp carries thc Swed· Ish crown, wtlh the date. Arol11:.d

I ihe cdgo Is tho Inscrlpltlon of Cnrolus ~usta\'us X., the rclgnlng Idng.

'1'hls coin was struck at Avcsta, Swcden. When fresh from thc mint It !foil overboard In tho harbor of Riga. Hussln, tram which a dredgJ brought It up ten years ago. Coins or the ldnd WOIO cnllcd "Jllate monoy." Swcd­-en till ned them out; almost contlnu· <1usly fOI' 110 yoars.

Once 116 bronze cannon wore melt­.ad down and turned Into 86,760 c9lns; but tho n1l11n purposo In minting the jlloces was to find an outlet for the Swedish ~oJlPor mines without deprec­Iating the valuo or tho metal.

Awful Asthm:1 Attacks. ls there a member of your family who Is In the ]lOWer of this distressing troublo? No ~crvlco you can render h 1m wI\) oqual the bringing to lis attention of Dr. J. D Kollogg's Asthma nemedy. 'fhls rc· )l1al'lmble I emecly rC3ts Its reputation upon what It hir dono for others. It lias a truly wonderful record, covering years and years at succcss In almost .every part at this continent, nnd oven beyond tho scas.

What Is probably the largest mooso heat! secured In New Brunswick this year has becn shot In tho '1'oblque Woods uear Nlctau Cam\l, the well­It:Jown shooting gronnds at Guido Adllm Moorc, at Scotch Lnko. Hc has llad a \larty or olgh t American sports­mon at Nlctau tor the -month or ()ctober, and they havo shot four tlno Inoose thus far, ono at tho heads llavlng antlers spreading 62 Inches, while tho athol'S bad large spreads ioo.

'I'ho mooso wore ncver maI'o plcutl­ful IIround the Nlctau Cam\l than this year, and the party aro now after (Jarlbou, bnvlng stllrted for tbe cari­bou ,harrens this week. After a

(Jouple of weoks carlbolh hnntlng, they '\\'11\ rcTuYn to -Nictau and finish their trip hun~lng' dller. '

Occaslonally the en got In froe. But thq men_nh"a'VA\"hnve to \ll'y.:;", ...

• • • • " <,

" u

ment or his schemo for clearing

. ""uu.' along tho Greater Winnipeg trlct railway by allen labor

then homestfladlng It out to tho unemployed wore oxplalned recently by Mnyor Waugh In his address at tho Pooplo's I,'orum on "I,'orty-Acre l,'al'ms fOr Hollof of Unomployment.'·

The mayor said that the Dominion government had ~boen asked for a grant of the land along this load and that It was, ory probable tho requcst would be accedod to. It tho city :s successful In securing this land they proposo to hlro a large number of tho unemployed registered aliens In tho city who will have to bo support­ed by tho charities If they get no worl,. 'fhese aliens will. be put to work clearing the land 6t tl ees and shrubs, and getting tho land In can· diLlon for the plow.

Expel ts such as Prof. Bedford and several prominent gardeners had pro­nounced the soli very fel'LIIe, and on tho forks or the Whltemouth river theto were dralnod lands that were very rich. .

Not everyhody could malte a suc­cess of Carmlng, said the mayor, and It was the Intention of the city auth­orities to pick men from tho lists of unemployed who I,ad previous farm exporlence and allow them to tako up theso ·10 acro homesteuds. It they desired they could buy lin extra 40 acres for a small price. Tltlo to the homestead would not bo given until the city ha{1 been repaid for any as­slstanco which had been furnlshcd, such as buying stoclt. No moncy would bo given the settlel s, but they would hc nllowcd to work on thc plpo line. Prccautlons would bc takcn'to kecp spcculators from socurlng the land.

In order to build the pipe line from Shoal lalte til 0 Water district I)ad constructed a railroad that hacl COHt $1,200,000, and If thc land tappcd hy It was not settlod this line would be ahsolutely worthless. This WIIS thc city's chief rcason for wanting to have tho land settled. The rcller of unemploymcnt was of course another Important fnctor -Freo Press.

Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c.

ClasSic Names For Railway Stations 'I'he problcm of finding new names

for stutlons has beon solved by the Kettlo Vallcy Hallway on Its scctlon through thc Ilopo I1lountalns, can· structlon of which Is almost, com­plcted. Well It:1own charactcrs from Shnltcspeare havo bcen selected, their melodious names having n romantic charactcr In Iteeplng with the pic­turesque nature of the country. One station just north of tho Coquahalla HiveI' Canyon Is caUcd Othello, an­athol' Lear, a third Jcsslca, a Courth Portia, foUowed by Il1go, Homco, an­athol' station, Is etcrnally separated from juliet by Coquahalla Summit, which Is 3,300 feet abovo sea level and not 1I1mly to be romovcd by any­thing short of an cal thquake.

SOLDIERS 01,. !liE BATTLE-, FIELD. "Thero is no greater patriot-not even

tho soldier on the battlefield-than tho man who butLles with the IItubborn soil and makes it yiuld for tho support of the nlltions." We have in Cllntlda a power of dominion in auf resources that will make the power that comes wit~tratcgy, brute force and IIrmllmcnt, insl~nificant. If wo know whut we hllvc and uselt wisely, we will mllke others dependent upon us.

'1'ho atolnlLcb is the cen tel' of the body from whLeh mdiates our vitality, strenu. osity, our fighting strcngth. A healthy stomllch turns the food we eat into nour· ishment for the blood stream IUld the nerves. Dr. Pierce's. Golden Medical Discovery refreshe!j, and tones up the stomllch walls. Hem aves the poisonoU8 gUIICd from tile systcm. •

Tho first day lOU start to tako this rcliable mcdicine, IDlpure genns and accu. mulntions begin to seplLrtlte 111 thc bloOd and are then expelled through tho liver, bowels and kidno{s.

Gct Dr. Picrco a Golden Medical Dill­covcry to-day from nny medioine aeruer:1 it is a powerful blood purifier and tonic.

Depend upon this grand remedy to give you the kind of blood· that makea the akin clear, the JDind alert, the vi.~ion keener and puts IWlbi'tion IUld energy into the entire body. Contains ncither alcohol nor nar· coties. Its ingredicn ta nro made public and printoo on wrapper. It's n pure nltcrntivo extract made with glyce.ine from nativo roota IlJld herbs.

Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet \form, or send 50 cents to Dr. Pierco's InvalidR' Hotel, DlitIalo, N. Y., fo~ a trial box of tablets. '\

NO CHARGE FOR THIS BOOK. Send fifty eents (ali strunps) to pay'for

mapping IUld ronilin,_ IUld encloso this notico, and Dr. I'iorce, of the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo N. Y., will send you a'r~ vised copy of ilia Common 8ense MOClical Adviser, in cloth binding, 1008 PatlCS, with color plates. Just what you Deed in of sickness or accidcn t.. • .

1 • ... .

. " . ...... •

" • •

... . . . " . . .....

" . '. •

Backactie Nerviline Will Fix ,Youl

- h'

Stiffness' is Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain

Disappears Gee whlz-thlnl, of It! No more stomach dosing nccessary

to cure lamo baclt. gl'ery trace of lamencss, ovcry bit

of stlffncss, every sign at wcakness In tho back's muscles cun bo rubbed uway for ali Umo to comc by good old "Nervlllne."

No other liniment can do the work so qulpltly, can pcnetrato so dceply, can bring eaSe and comfort to the back·weary sulleror as Ncrvilino In­I'llriably docs.

Backacho Isn't tho only malady Nervlllno Is quick to cure. For lum· bago or sclutlca you would go far to flnd relief so speedy as NcrvlUne gives. 1"01' chronic rhcumatlsm thel e are pain-destroyIng proporltles In Ncr· vlllno that give It flrst rank. The way It limbers up a sWt joint and takes sorcuess out at strained or rhcumatlc muscles Is simply n wonder.

IC you ha vo an ache or a pain any· where, If Y'lU have a sore back, a stiff neclt: a stiff joint. a stwlncd muscle -If you hal'e lumbago, congested chcst or SOl'O throat, just try Ncrvl· line. nub It on plentifully-It won't blister, It can't, do nnythlng but cure you qulcltly. 'rhe lal'go 60c family slzo botllo Is tho most oconomlcal, of coursc, but you can, from any dealer, also get tho 26c small size of Nervlllne, the Idng at all paln-rellev· Ing remodles.

Terms of Peace Restoration of All Occupied Territory

and Full Compensation' From Germany Will be Necessary

The HIght Han. C. l~. G. Mastel'man, In nn al tlclo cntltled "Tho Only Pos­sible Peaco '1'orms," published In the DaUy Chornlcle, bellevod to reprcsent the govertlment's vlows, says:

"Belgium wUl be rcstored to com· ploto Indepoudcnce with an Indemnity by Gel~many adcquato to tho rcbulld­Ing of hcr rulued cities, the revlvul of hcr Industrlcs and full compcnsatlon [01' her dlsubled und hcr dcnd.

"l~rance wl11 I ecelve Alsaco and IJorrulne and an Indemnity, nlso the natural und defcnslvc boundary of the Rhine.

"Den marl, shall rccelvc Schlcijwlg, which Is purely Danish.

"German Austrian and nusslan Poland shall ho united under tho czar 01' a ldng appointed by him.

"Italy would recel\'e the ',I'rcntino and the whole of Italian Irrcdenta.

"The 'l'urldsh empIre would bC tOln to fragmcnts, and Armenia, Syria, Palestino, Mesopotamia und Thrace dIvided among those who would dc­velop and revive thcm. Thll Turks would generally be penned up In Ccn-tral Anatolla. '

"Scrbla would be rcstored with hoavy Indomnlty _ flam Anstrla. She wH\ receive Bosnia and Herzegovina, full and adequate aCCeSS to the Adri­atic, and all of Austria that Is Scrb.

"A unltcd noumania, a unltcd Groece is possible If theijo nntlons can rise to the height of their OJlpor­tunlty. H Grecco and HOllmnnln con­sider Greek Irredenta, or 'tranSvyl­vania !fat worth flgh tlng for, they will nevcr I ecelve them. ,

"The Gcrman tieet should be sur­rendered, and olther sunk 01' divided up among tho ullles. All Zeppelin and Zeppelin hangars should he blllnt. German colonies, 'worthless In them­sclvcs, must remain as trophies for the nations who hnve conquercd them -South Africa, India, AUstralia and New Zealand. ' ,

"On somo snch basis European ponce might be- secure!\. No (Jermun wonld be left ruled hy anotller race, lind no othcr race would bo ruLed by a German. NationnUty would ~e vln· dlcated, and only by this Is thero hope at peace." ~ -------

1100,REWARtJ,.lOO.. • The read...... ot thle l.aper _ ",rn b.

pl.Med to team that there I. at leut one d .... ad.d dleeMe that Bcl'lnce has been o.ble to cure In all Ita 8t&;ree and that I. Catarrh. Hall's Catarrl1 Cur. 18 the only po.IUve cure now known to the medical tratemlty. Catarrh belnc .. conlltltutlonltl dlaease. requires a constl .. tuUon .. l treatment. Hall's Catarrh CUrll I. taken Internally, actin I\' directly tlponl th", blood and mucous sUrface. nf the .yatem. theroby deatroylnc the founda­tion ot the dl ....... and -elvin&' the pat. lent 8trencth by build In&' up,the conatltu. llon and ..... lfttlO&' nanlre In dQlnll' Ita work. Th" proprletora' have, 80. much taltn In Ito ~uratl".. powe... that they oft'er One Hundrf!d .:Donarl tor any caso th&t It talla to cure.' Send tor Uat ot tea) Umonlals. ~

Addresa F. J. ,CHENEY &: CO Tp. I.do, O. Sold ~ all Drulrclat.o·' 75c. Take HaII'a FamU,. PUla tor c";"'Upa­Uo ...

. '. .. .. " . ..

To Raise' Price of Weekly Newspapers ;

• r !

Subscriptions of $1.50 Declared Neces· I. sary In View of Increased Cost

• of Production W. E. Smallplece at the nenfrcw,

ant .• !lIercury, und E. Hoy Salcs at the Port. Elgin 'l'lmes, nlter a trip through tho Wcst, wero Intorvlowed In WinnI­peg recently. !III'. Smallplcce Is presl· dent or tho Canndlan Pross Assocln­tlon, nnd !III'. Sayles Is chnlrman of tho weekly section ol that organiza­tion.

"Onr purpose In the West," said JIll'. Sm\lllpicce, "Is to discuss with tho publishers of weckly papers tho question of an Increaso In the sub· scription price from $1.00 per year to $1.60. 'I'he vel') prononncod lncreaso In tho cost of production, togcther with a I'cry marlted falling air In the volumo of adverLlslng, has made It Im­peraLivo that an addItional rcvenue bo obtaLned from tho subscription enll of ncwspapers. Since the luaugura­tlon of cost findIng systems (a new departure In tho publishing and print­Ing business), It has becn !.Iscovered that weekly \lapors cannot ho pro­d uced for $1 n year-nor for $1 60 for that matter-und an agitation has for somo months bcen activo In Ontario toward I alslng the rato to $1.110, thus asldng the roader to more ralrly sharo the cost of production, rnther than ha va the burden fall almost wholly upon the ad VOl tlser.

"I may say that I nm convinced that the day of the dollur weeltly Is practically over In Canada. 'fhls statement Is based on my knowlcdgo of the disposition of Eastcl'll publish­ers, and my experience In the West. At a mectlng cf Sasltatchowan pub­IIshcrs held In neglna, It was unani­mously dclded to InC! caso the price from $1 to $1.60, comcnclng early In tho new year. At n conference 01 weekly publ'shers adjacent to Bran­don, a Similar dcclslon was reacned, and at a mecting of a number of

,,' •• 0"


Diversity of Crop Needed" , Spreading the Marketlng- of Produce

Over the Wh"le Year In ardor to make hlmse!! familiar

with tho alIalrs of tho west, Presl­dcnt J. B. Reynolds, of the Mani­toba Agricultural College, has mado a trip through Saskatchewan and Alberta. One feature of tho farming situation that impressed Itself on Prot. Rcynolds was tho grcut num· bor at fields at whcat stlJl in the stook or with tho sbeaves lying loose. 'fhls Is convluclng proot that too much attention Is given to g~aln growing to tho ncglect of stocl, rais­Ing. Ir wheat nnd oats continuo to bo the goal of the farmer's effort tho present sltnatlon will bo aggravated In tho ncxt ten years. Enough men and machinery cllunot bo secured exccpt nt great outlay to hllrvcst and th resh the grain In the sbort SOMon botween rlJlcnlng and freezo up. Transportation IIncs - wlJl bo hopOo lessly blocked In the fall. Prof. ncy­nolda hopes to soc IIInnltoba farmers gradually adopt the mixed farming system, by means of which there would bo a diversity at products, the mnrltot for which would he sprcad over the whole yonI'. It Is hard to und.crstand why a provlnco illiG lIIanltobn should not supply thc homo demand or beer, mutton, poultry, eggs, butter. lind vegetables. One of tho great alms at tho colloge under his leadcrshlp will be to educato Ihe fnrmers In tho matter at crop rotn­tion and diversltled rannlng.

How to Cure· Rheumatism

The Disease is in the Blood and Must Be Treated

Through the Blood wceklYIPublishers who met us In Win- ThO! 0 are a,lllost as many wuys or nlpcg, tho same action was taken. treaLing rheumuLism ns there are doc-

"This decision at the publlshel s," tors. Illost of these treatments ure concludcd !III'. Smallplece, "Is not directed at the sywptoDls and are con­prolllpted by a dcslre for cxcesslve sldcred snccess[ul rr thcy relieve tho Plotlts, but Is necessary to IIvold ac- pain nnd tho stiffness. But tbo pain tual loss, and bccauso of this fact we and the stirfness return purtlcularly expect very IIttlc opposlLion on tho It tho patient has becn cxposed to part of subscrlbc~s." , dampness. Tills shows that tho polson

"Being true to their phlianthroJllc was not drlvllIl from the systcm by the habits," Interjected Mr. Sayles; "I vcn· treatment elllllloycd. Hheumutlslll can ture tho opinion thnt overy cent of be 10110\ ed In n number of \\ ays, but this Increased revenuc will be put Into tbero Is only ono way to curo It, and Improved products, thus giving the thut Is through tho blood, expelling readcr back his fifty cents In an 1m- the poisonous ucld that cnuses tho proved paper. Is there uny one thing aches ancl pnlns and stll!ncss. 'fa I c­In the world so cheap," continued 1\11'. new ~nd on rich .he blood thero Is no Sayles, "ns a weel{ly newspapcr, cven I medicine can equ:lI Dr WlIli.UllS' Pink at $1.50 a ycar? What good Is a town Pills which go right to the root of tbe of any size If It hasn't a newspaper? tloublo and cllre rheumutlsm to stuy And who gets the smallest retul'll C1:red. 'I'ho followIng Is an example frolll the cxlstenco of such lin Instl- of what Dr. Wllliums' Pink Pills can IItlon? 'fho publisher, to be sure, do In cases of this Itlnd. JIIr. Henry !fe boosts the town und evcrythlng SmIth, St. Jerome, Quc., suys: "l"or and everyono In conncctlon with It I upwal ds or a year I was 1\ vlcLim of and us n reward has been foolish rhcumatlsm In a. most painful [01'111 enough to be content with a mere The trouble WRS located In my legs living out of the ventnre. 1 look for- and for a long time was ~o bad thut I wal d to tho tlmc-and It Is not far could not wallt. 'I'ho suffering which awny-when tho publlshcr at a wcek- 1 endured can only be Imagined hy Iy papor will take his proper place In those who h'lve becn. similarly afrllct­a comlllunity-that Is, become a man ed. Doctors' troatment did not hclp of substance and consequonce-and me and then 1 b6gan trying oUler rem­be able to makc something more than etlles bnt wllh no belter results. Fin­a merc oxlstenco." ally 1 wns advised to try Dr. Williams'

'l\llJlel"s 'Norm Powders not only exterminate Intestinal nnd othcr WOI'ms, but they ure a remedy ror many other aliments ot children. Thcy strcngthen the younS stomach against biliousness and are tonlcal In their effects where tho child surfers from loss of appctite. In fevcrlEh conclltlons they wl1l be found useful and they will serve to allay pain and griping In the ~tomach, from which children so 'often suffer.

Pink Pills, and although I had begun to lose faith In medicine, I tlnally de­cided to give tho pills a trial. I am vory grateful now that 1 did so, for aftcr taltlng eight hoxcs of the pills tho trouble completoly disappeared, I wns ~I ee from pnln and could wallt as well as ever I did In my lifo I hal'e since talten the pills occaSionally as a precautlonury measure and I cun­not spellk too highly In their favor.

You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mall ut 60 cents a box or six boxcs for

, $260 fl0111 'I'he Dr. Williams' Medl-War Expenditures to be Very Larg'e cine Co., Brockvllle, Onto ,

The financial returns of the first .. seven months d the present tlscal •

~cn" that Is to say, until thc ond of: A Questlon of Endurance

o abel', show .. n Increase In receipts t $6,700,000 over the corresponding Resources of Allied Powers In Com-

period of the provlous year, and II re- parlson to Enemy Arc Nearly ductlon of nearly $9,000,000 In ordln· • nry expenditures, and of $2,600,000 on Two to One a capital account. That wnr has oeen mado at nll, and

Canada's war expcndlture for next the Und of war Lnut nu.s bcen mu.ue, year w-11\ be very large. About $1,000 are both thlugs dollberately plllnned per'man 'per annum Is calculated as by Germany. And the most hopcful of the cost. of raising equipping nnd aU the tactors In the present sItuation maintaining- our t~oops at the front IS thIS, wat the kind of wur Uerwuny and'under arlllS b Canada. ~ ..... bUU to malto Is the kmd thUL

In.thlsl war this estimate will prob- exhausts most rapidly the national ro­be exccoded, on 4ccount of the suurces In mcn. She had poped to

enormous expeudlturo of nmmullitlon counter this WIlStO lly a superior or­the heavy strain upon nrtUlery gunlzatlon at' natlonul rosources for

and rifles. _ the llInnUfactule,'nu'U SUPIHY at guns Canada's war expendlturo ncxt year and munitions, thus Ilroduclng an II"

on tile basis of n force at 260,09.0 men resistible engine of war thut would do wlll aggregate from $200,000,000 to work so rapidly thnt the wholo $250,000,000. Our Interest charge In thing would be over anJ victory ai!­connection with this and past wur ex- sured bcfore t~o danger Ildnt In the pendlture, will amount to over $15.- loss or men had.,been reached. llut 000,000 per year. \ once muss and ,momontulll hud fallod

} to get the deCision, then t1!o Issue of tno war became n question of enduro

. .' '. .'

It bears the 143

Seal of Purity All over the world the name Sunlight stands for purity in Soap. Our $5,000 guarantee of Purity is something more than an adver. tisement. It marks the high standard we have set for ourselves to give you the best laundry soap it is possible to produce Ilt Ilny price.

Sunlight 5fJ Soap

TRAPPERS Fur8 Have Advanced

ShlptoRo .. oro. Well'lvellbcrnhrrndc .. full valuclncRlhnnuqufckrcturnil. \Vo

1\1lYO market in America for }··urll. Hide". etc. No commisalon. \Vrlte today for freo price list.

Tr.ppor.' 8uppuo. Dt "'.orory P,.'oo. ROGERS f'UR COMPANY, D.pt. T Ot.. Laul., M.

Canadian Experts off to Get Water When tho fll'st llrltlsh Illl\'U1 [orcuM

IlInded ut LeUlnos ncar thc cntmnco at the Dardanelles, they wore Slll p118-ed to flnll thut tho Islanll, which has nn area of nearly 200 squuro Ullles IUl<i IL population of :10,000, was prtlct!c.lIly destltuto of drinking watel, except fur uncertain supplies froUl a few small springs. 'rho allied troops wcro sup­plied with mlncl'Ill water sent In ship loads through the genuroslty or tho Frcnch women In ~Ial selllcs.

Tho Bl'ltlsh authorities prom/;lly Bent to Canada for engineers, \\ 110 are now engaged In slnltlng artcslan wells \\ hlch will gunl antee the Pf'" plo of LCll1nos a rellablo and abL.. dant supply of water.

Minard's Llnlmcnt Co, Limited . GentlclUan,-Last wllllcr I I ecelv­

ed great bcneflt flom tho usc of ~IIN­AlOYS LINi~lJ;:N·t· In 11 sel'ure ,llIll< It of LaGllppc, and I have !reflucnlly proved It to be very eUecLive In c.Jsua of Influmll1atlon

Y'Jurs. W. it. IIUTClllNSON.

Harold Illiton, the \\ ell Imown golf­e!', tells LL story or LL Scotch caddlo who always WOIO II "decrstalltCr" cail with tho flap Lied tlgbUy dOlI 11 01 or bls cars.

One day somcbody noticed thut tho tlaps wei 0 up, and he lIlltm'ally aslecll tbe rellson [or tho change

"I dlnna hall tholl1 doon slnco mil. accident," repllcd tho caddlo.

"Accident!" oxclllimell Ihe golfer_ "What accident? I haven't hearll about It."

"Ah, we11." tho cnddle explained ")'0 see, a gentloman alTered me a !l1'1,lIe oat 0' his whlskcy flusk, nn' I dl{\nu, hear him."


NOT HELP HER But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg­etable Compound Restored

Mrs. Bradley's Health­Her Own Statement.

ance. For thIs endurance two things Winnipeg, Canada. _ "Eleven yean are requlred-the.-'fieccssary comple- 1 t to h v· . H . I

WISE WORDS A Physician on Food

, ment or men and a superior equlpmllllt ag9 wen t 0 Ictorla OSPltu, has views In apparatus and matorlal. For a yen I' Montreal, suffering with a growth. Tho A western physician

about food. He says: In(:rel~se;~!;~~:lrc In 'rir+IIl'nr.;·1 I "I have always believed that tile

the advantago of hevlng both has becn doctors said it wns a tumor and conld overwhelmingly wILl! the not be removed ns it would cause instnnt and without bringing him victory. denth. Thoyfound thatmyorganswere Iclan does not coaso

o sick, but thnt we a ~:~t~~t~~f,~~:ILft to teach thom h n especially

Inws.\ Ie •• llng ns to my duty

saying, -that, and also from

~1~~~~J~~j;i~t~;~~~:1·~~~~.6~~~~~ observation, 1 havo found no ,~ al Gra~e·Nuts and that almost no limit to the

food will bring when of sickness and con-

the sCIl-powcr of Great Blltnln, affected, and snid 1 could not live more tectlng us from Invasion, has kept than six months in the condition I was in. manulacturlng.capaclty Intact, and se- "After I came home I saw yonI' adver. cures Its~ SUllPUCS and raw IIlllterlal tisement in the paper, and commenced froD! the world avISI'. It has kept open the ports at Russia and j,'rullce as IV I taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctnbll ns our own. All the A11Ies thcn hn Compound. I took it constantly for two equal access to what the neutral years, and still take it at times; and tlons can make for us. ~'rhe seu-powor, 'both my husband flnd mysolf claim that and the British Intervention on land, It was the means of saving my life. I I which was Its first trult, havo given nil highly recommend it to suffering the a11les time to organize their Indus- "M 0 B no. tries to coullterbalance tho hugo Ger. women, - rs. RILLA RADLEY,...,., man' war production. 'Had the BrItish Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba,Can. tleet done no maN than to contl'lbute will women take chanccs or: qrag,

to the a\1les, It Would have been 1·;"U[B8IcKly,half-lieartedcxistence,misa. onough to secure_ victory: tor Ing three-fourths of the joy of living, the war continues the wastage when they can find health in Lydia E.

lolr,nle~I~'goe8 the resources at Pinkham's Vegeta-

~~;:~~~~~~~-j~~r6~~ men ultimately b ,./ ~::s:~:;; resources of the Ie l"ompound 1 . to onc.-A; For thirty years it

Water. been the stan· '~~"~i'S~=¥,S= remedy for fe:_

.'~n'rn'" Ills, and has :re-t;leCallseF·,toi'I!t! the health of· ... "'···:,

L.~~~.~~~?! of won~en·




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