m in eb a l w aters,william p. finlaw to ruth a. finlaw—lot no. 64, at ocean grove; consideration,...

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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l i S | p m l p S \ ' g


■ -?yytferity M•fiur Jifi it} C-.T

--*.. *..:5v V


BTJSIW ESS 3 A R D 8 . ... ,

rpaKoboBB a. w oou m i, “ ■. . / g e n e r a l - A u c t i o n e e r ,

^Fensa reaaonaMe* ®3Sce in Park Hftil^Aabniy P irt. N. J.

H .S. fc r iW O K T B , M .D ., Pty«lcian a . Offloe at A s W y Bark Drtig §fo«e,

A r iw ff- iw k 'ir . j , ' ’ ■■

TXjrABHINQTON' HATMBLO,-. ; , 'p t tX c r io A ii H o b S E . p a i n t b b . s b a B cjng ,

i f G LA Z IN G .STA IN IN O fc K A L80H IN IN G . . Bsan RHOa I

', .Hut d o « to tit* HowiaadHow*.; -r o o r a n .obo tis JO EL PA E K E B . Connaelor * i .| *w , Freehold,N. J. . . •'• . . .

Btb 'i ia s s ’i u o K r ^ / ^ f ,

■ :A : p m ijin la . '......... '^ j L T I 2 f ArtP BHEET-IBON'WAftE,

.S A H 9 E 8 , ^ B A T E B S A M R T O B N A O S 8

..I T IN HOOFING, OBTTEBfl', Eto.,— ASBtlK? PARE, N. J, .

•|5*s w . a b b o w sk h S b c , .. ■

* t f .A T T O R N E ^ A T .L A W ,Solicitor.Uuter.and Bxsniner iirCbnjioerr. freehold. N. 3


f x j o t h k b ’8 h *h h a b l i n d m a n o t a g t o b y ;

W ln d o w a n d D o o / fS ^ m a d o to order. Turnis# and 8cwBwtt»isg.deii® at abort nath*.

. bmmU 4 * 4 jiS S 'w a ifa rfre C A g j j g g g K , » • ’ f

T X T IL L IA M lii ATKINSON, . . " '" "V

pM o t i o a i . HOUSE, SION, BO AT a n d r o o fP A IN T E R .

PalnU'dni.O laaiandPnttTtor aaW. .AgeotToi; N .-Y. S U LtE k BQOPINO CO., United.

RUBBER, R 0 0 F IN 8 , ENAM EIi PA IN T , wady for os9 ana warranted superior to all similar aztlolM .

In quality and cost. Tested 23 years. .COOKHAN AV. 4 BOND ST., JupBltT. P A «K g # J -


- _ U V B E t STABUS.^V

OMaaa. B M h nod Ligbl C t n fW M jb n j* ready,„.a»iiaUi

P » »n g e r . arriving « tbe Depot w ill b «6onreyed toanypart o f tho gTOOndj. ..... . , . .

My ‘Btmmn k h I all tnilpa. Freight aad baggage delivered at the ahorteat poaribto notlo..

■ -.i , IAll freight or !>»gg*0» a* ® 1 to m7 *“ * wUi • * ®*

iivered or properly cared for.. ■ •* ’ ' ' ' a . W . ROOBB8, Prop.

T > OBKRT t a i l o b ,X V Im porter «n d Dealer In

G H H f - A v G L A S S & Q U E E N S W A R E ,

no. ask atotnEcmm •*»«**•Sth and Sih, and H a i i a» asd Arch Bta.


X8BVBT P A R K H E iT M A U ^ IT ,ntwwwnvi -*t AUMOOK, .RopHsteas,

A l l Irtndi o f Prt»I» Meito constantly on hand."

P a e k R ow , nrar P u re H a i l . :


E N H i N i l H Ct.

Bisks at Asbury Park, Ooean Grove and TJpinUy,

plaood in f i k k j _0 I jA 8 s C O M P A E IE 8 ,

at as low rates as are consistent with u r n r .New York Btalo and City, New Jersey, Philadelphia,

and otherK K L IA B IiE C O M P A N IE S

r.pr.M„ «d . c 0 . W A R N E R ,


A a a ^ PASi^Tuito OtWAM*QaoT»,N. Ji Office; Steinbach's Building. Mato Street, Cor. U k e

Avenue, front room in second floor, Asbury Para, » • J* P. O. AddraM, AdMqr h * , H . * ..

IL H. T. B. M1WMM,

Brictiayers, Flail s i Qnaiesial Plasterers,A a k o r r V * r i s # N . S i

? * A »T E tS A N P EANQKIi SET.

Ocbam Bbach, N . J „ SfoT.miMi IgUs, 18T4. ^Thia Into eartify t i »s R. .H. Nawman. 4 B n . b a «

» sttmbw o f baildtoga at. Qooan B «u * . a*d fa 'a ll eaojba iMm giion u »b * g t oSl'ite.'-Xt in idioa lh*;r. toi any wtntlfig labor

am ia fcbeir line. KMpectfaUTj ^ ■A . B ITNKE, Snpt.

TO W HOM IT l iA Y .CONCERN. Pjukomto*, JST. JUManmbw S2tb, 18T4.

This is to certlft that E. H. Newman Jt Bro. haje plastered several houses for mt at O.cean Beach, N. J.j during tbe past two yeanr and baT» given too good satUfietlon.— L beUsve thert to bo>goo4 and «q u » » men, very indui4rt6o*i and w ill doaa.wey agree. Aw

• fte ta pImwot to reopmmendlog need their Services. J. W . W KLDBB.


^ O m r iy > ,q g io ,OQ9 O p l f l Rapraaantad.

* \

a : j , j 3R ( D W N , . AreM teetSI Builder.

«!■?» abortaM ngtiw.' 41» j »o U a f fa t » r a n t , ;

" " i '« « ; r 4 a * Itebury Awii.I '

r- .?• '

W M .: | . BElW ETTi

M IN E B A l W ATERS,,KSoda Wflte/, Sarsaparilla,

••• i ,■ **?*_■? .*• • •2 M & I I i * -

- •; . If bp T. * -hi:: ; ; 3 M . f rA“

* •* ■ ■■ ’ '■ '. ; ' . /' ;7 - ‘ :Va (

P R O F E 8 8 IO N A I 1 c a r d s ;

and'Snrgeon. Maiif street,

npysA N 4 M U tttH Y , Ooqnselor* and Attor.-at Law, Freehold, N-J*

EiAYLOE A l^yNCHi Cobwelora at Law, 10 Wall ^ .Street, few Y o r k , . •

M~ ~ c . s l o o t m I ^» .O B H T X S T .

Tuesday*, and Tbnisdays, at Asbury Park, N. J., two oors from Dr. Klnmontli1* Drag Store.

C HARLES J. PA B K K K , ' . . . .A TtO R ^E Y-AT -LAW ,.. . T 7

; And Mailer in Chancery, . ,.j • .Thnndajt, at Pifll Bit). Ailmty p«k. SqOAH VlIXAQ*, N. #.



8 0 U C IT 0 R AND MASTKE IN CHANCERY. Qfiloe, Sd itory Post Ofijce BaiUUug, Va!KKiioi,i>, N. J

, l/GoVernor G rore i, o f O n gao, h *« le lt W aaW i^* M nfo#liia.b6m a,: . .... . ,'c.;

H r. Baithol&S o f c s hia OantaM W fcsritsJ io 1 U t §7,000. tt»- tu m il ccgt o f ilia

T w w * ' «ad It.irfi! '.

'OWf m His fitt ioM u tiiu m lv t. iS » s a M u t-n n iM I '.

j'.' ‘f t * a*3«E 9.1 CoQ irdtlce^'Kt Waahington, -'Eehxux.vf 2 , has 1 > «ea (w H A m ,'on i M M • t i t th8,,tm age■ef-'the'• f.'; r

. t h e Hb'nM OoiaipitiM its iD onisim Affalm bbIs*, ■ s a lt in g Katard • iaam ing. ■ th e fnU.iapoxi e f only, tmp of ft tc n dvM iin finM N vr*a s «ae i««d « 0 f t ,tkezefattt t|® a oo a ttte c wSS b »re to^walt for the sihsra baibra w w iB ga p their raporito'IbQ Hotate.

Tha genista Csimalttee..on PriyBfigaB anti EJed- flon* k M st t.e'jticg'SfiSnTtlsj’ moEBisg to OCTislder t i e import c;> til Oregon oass. There aeema to be no diifeiteEsoe o f opinion in tsgsrsS to fosK, bnt the Dessoosste and Repnbhoans iw> at .odds re- gardtog tho legality pi OoT. OroTer’a aotion.

The Oommtuiloaer o f In teo . AffiUra da lb >'e- •ssiysi kttera sssmptesiisur tbst, the Indteos ia ’ the northwest need food and clothing; ihisc th «r* l i

aBpplj t i g lT « them, owing to th « asgsnai f Use »',.pro<jiTafcioi:.. Thr ia no m m s j to

— ------------ r j—T A M E S STEEN,

( I A'^TOBNET-ATIiAW.Notary1 PubUo sndCommiu loner o f Deeds'for New

York. ;f*4 ' \ Ka*pihrowi», N* J.

CH A R liK g P . DORRAIJ^E, ’* ’ , ATTORNE'y-AT-LA.W,.

S a v io r otary Public,

F a _ Engineers and ith and ’Convey-

a • tRMKsmz a son, -eh Snrreyon, Estate- Ac

^ 1 . C . 'K B N N E D .Maatar taCbancry,and Notary Pobiie.

OSoa in Park Hall, Aaeuirr Pa r k , N. J.

not s an] tore o f tbuy mnmoniMsti ta hnnt gamo 'itb, and they are ge ja iiy in ,* deplo^tbie condition.'

■ Tho Coasp»omiB« Plan bill passed the fridaylasE tad «isb i jg a e d ^ y tha iPresideii

M onday,. Tne TribiisafcBOLV c ttad i (4 faUthw 1Nathan Olfflsrf .... ....Judge. . . ^ ,...Hjaine. 1.sa5^sri.,)snnK,,,...;;;,,iaM g9 ............ . . . . i o m . '■.W®;' M. Strong....... ...Judge............Tenn.8. T. Field.................Jndge..!.. .(Mlfcajil*./ o '. P .B ra d rB y ....;;. :..;.J n ^ ge ..... ..... .'jJ ,j.:.^ ;Goo, y . J^dmnniJs, R ,.„.Beo .if'K ...., Vermont.V . R i Sanator.;.^ N. -•O. P . llo rtoo , ..,V,Semtor.t..i~.,Jhdii!iii,.A S , Thnrman, D ........8enstor...i— ...Otriq:." •Thoa. A . Bsj-vifia. B , .....8enator. Oeln'areJ

~ ' ' K.Ohlo.,¥irnjnl%

c \ D. PKTT1NGIU .Ijr • .1

D E N T I S T ,W i l l a iv e particu lar au ea tion to a il o f tb e T a r io o , branchw O f h i . grofeatdon during tb e com ing ccasou.

O m en , C o «. o » Mattibok A t , a » o Eh o kt St .,

Asbarr Parle. N. J.

‘Henry B. Pajrne,l):.',,<r .'" t a t Hun ton, D . „ odah S. Abbott, 'U ,„;,06rt^f»saxa , .Main.

Qeo. P. Hoar, B ......, ...Congrw>TOiiin...Maa».ittam , A . Ocnkeldf, S , ...06ngrosamaa...0hio.

J. A. BORDEN,Mm I t t CitliDi Saloon,K elt door ta Pay * ItUl,

mm AvsmE, „' MsAmxj Pink, K. J.


Cor. Lawrence Avenue, near Main Entrance,

O C E A N . G R O V E , ■& . --

Plain mi Oraaaental Cottages.Buildings raised and moved with care and


B a r n s t o * Asbury Fountain, Esq-, V m . 8pader, En „ Matawan; Hev. H. B. Beegle. D. H. Wyekoff, Esq.,Ocean Grore; George Evans E«l«* Philaa'a.


BtwiTC!. bia , ipp’iT of Milk Daily from tbe .Bast Dflrisi fa ibU nefgbbOrbood.

A ll orders directed to GEOROE T R U A I, P A R K HAIiL', w ill meat with prp^jpt attention.



J E W E L R Y AN D FA N C Y S00DS,A B S U B T P A .fi JC A lO J fO B & A N C B .

Bapairing Pone at Short Notice., • _. , G IV E as A C A tl..

Partisa wiabing to pnrebaaa Fine Jpweliy. or Watches in Hew York w ill do well to learn tteb nrdera with na, aa w » hay. a large experiaaee in tbi, bivdneu.

OookmuAa Av., »e a r P » r k H »U , ASSORT P A R K , N . J.

JAMES M. HAGERMAN, Carpenter and Builder.J8B8WQ m w m Y ATTJTO5SD f a .

JNtitttnaa, i » l As. >'.,!«• • » M m v *J.9., tw sr #*0

A S B U R Y P A R K . N . J .13T Having had. a long e'xpinence m he line

ofTmJldin* « Asbuij wu?k imd Ooean Grove, I am able to say that t can build cottages o f every

’ ‘ jst prices. " J -style to snlt purchasers, at the lowest •xscttted at toe shortest notio*

— " " '0 *rrfr t------r . . . .Orders

-A xrW '.Socoessor to C »o w * ix Bbos.


Oor. ®mkms& Aimtu ssi Bsmd %eat,ASBOfty PARK, N. i .

BefreshmenU for Weddings; Parties, Pic-ujca, and Rntertainmeiils fbmbhed at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. I $ ig .and Urnamshting.

Cottage residents in..the GroVe or Park served at. their doors, , _--.V-.se . r. r j *


A .ro ^ ite< ?t ,sa .» d ' ^ iia ild e r,- Cootiwsta A e ,7 » * '^ ^ »® !i!rnc**-

i i s ‘R « : U i t CC1 K C & 1 .

C&oefj .oorppt Kiln uid JPeiuu lfaate Ayesii#,

FOREIGN ITEMS.Tho Czar o f Boasia ia seriously mdisposed.,

Tn ikey will renew war upon Servia and Mon- fefiegro early in March I f peace ia not previonaly made. ,

In one day,, last week, seven hnudred^tona o f Atnorioan beef arrived at Liverpool by £ three steamer* . 1 ‘

Tho walls o f Sedan are in oou^se o f demolition r the fortress b tin g wojj»e than usalesa for purposes of defense. , , . j * ■ ' ■

The importation into Franoe o f cattle from Germany, England, Austria, andt Turkey, la y ir^ hibited on aoootm i^f rthe nndwpeat. i

A * heavy defalcation in the Banqae do faH s haajoat been disoovored. and haa carted oonsii- arable^ exd te a en tjn flnan dal circles m that cif T h o c n lp H n sd n eo fth e ch ie fo Ie rk ffo ffljeb a B

;ir t l » Mmgggl'TOfeirfB#ig~iW>^>QO' francs." -------

R E A X j E S T A T E C O N V E Y A N C E S ,

M O N M O t r f H C O U N T Y .

[Reported expressly for the Asbury Park Joubnal J

List of conveyance a, Monmouth County Clerk’s of- fioe, for week ending Jan. 27th, 1877. r

James A. Bradley and wife to Jennie Dixon—lot at Asbury Pa rk : consideration ILOOO.

Karr Jane 8mock to William Brown—fannin town­ship at Holmdel \ oon si deration, $20,000.

Gilbert Cane arid wife to James Lane—the undivid­ed one-fourth o f two and one-half aotes, in township o f Ooean; consideration, |500i

William P. Finlaw to Ruth A. Finlaw—lot No. 64, at Ocean Grove; consideration, $131.25.

Tbe Ooean Beaoh Association to Anthony Taylor— lots Nos. 110 and 111, at Ooean Beach: consideration, *500. > . . . . .

The Ooean Beaoh Association to Crowell Marsh— lots Nos. 520 and 521, at Ooean Bqtoh: consideration, 1500.

The Ooean Beaoh Association to Crowell Marsh-*- lots Noa. 518 and 519, at Ooean Beach: consideration,,A m

William H. Prsntiij and wife to James H. Claric- ot No. 785, fct Ocean Beaoh: donsideration, $880.' ■■

Junes H. Clark and wife to Elisabeth P«ntiss-rlot No. 785, at Ooean Beaoh { consideration, $880.

Mary Laytoo to (Benjamin J. Hiokles—one-half o f ■^m ill, in township of( Matawan; oonsidcraUo^,

Samuel T . Hendrickson et a lto Busan H. Bebpeit -*-18 and. 72-100 acres, in township o f Shrewsbury \

James H?<]l^Kto^,w ife io dharles B. Matthews— lot No. 45U atOoean Grove: consideration, $700.

Charles B. MMthews to Charles H. Hampton—lot No « ^ af “ ^ .....................

7 n r

.. A T E IT E JJ4S *.. _r

0QUBty6oart» hadbnly two oriminal term. , . “ »

Th^JPats*$^Boarf 9f EdaimUonte s m im m - £ji l i * hym iflln ^fia'phblio achoois.'

* » >>riag ra p p lMthey raiolife by Mr. J&isaa .B.

... pttigls Iae warring sgaiastw B S fffa gettlng peUtibss to H-


. ;o p W < * orwnized to rerist f i e w .. it,of;.a $ 1 0 iloenso feoimj^oeed by an ordi- nan t» recoiitiy pftsiod by thd Oi^uOonnoib

Ttte bridg^ ftofo^'tfie Delaware, at Belvidere, is used but very little at tire-present 'tihiaV The heaTifest loil|ds are taken over on the ice.

t . Tho Trentori Gas l ig h t Odmpany has rednoed 1 the pHoe o l gftfl from $2 50 to $1.80 per thousand feet, the rodnotion to take effeot from the first o f tbojtoar. ’ I

There wero ^S0 oonviots at work, on oontraot, at this State Prison, on Satnrday. They are en­gaged la the mgnafacfore o f ladies* and ohildren’ s fine boots and shoos.

Edward 6 ’Ham. o f Hudson county, has been sen- onoed tp.pay a nne o f $1,000 on conviction of. wIIIng'Lqtior without license, a like amount for

sell&L^ toBftbodunder the same condition, and 'to stand committed m the Hudson county ja il until the fines arct paid, ; • r v

Great suffering prevails in Cftmden amohg the unemployed.poor. The soup bouse that has fur-

2 ,Wk) quarta o f soup daily to the famishing'VMof hna hnnn nVinhln f/vno' time pafrt, has been ' unable to-,

m 6e|ih0 demands (made u£oh it, and to-day a seo- lo i^ ’ t fw p t b e opened. ^ ? ■ I

ffa4&5tsr6f depreciation in values, contraction _ b&^o^U|a^>n business, the rigid t&tt&s*--of

thttbwarano^ laws o f tbe several States, together with ttiff eife<5t o f tbe publicity given to the e l- ambuttloM by tho iUfluraiioe departincnta o f these Btateaf.n^ the offioers o f the New Jeisey* MutualI j t o Xn^ztfanoe Company, the Company has found it p^oeasary to reinsure in another Company. T E «rt a dendenqy o f over $400,000 in the

j *• T A eg ls la tiire .

In tbe Senate, bills were introduced to enable cdtieo where assessments for street improvements have beendeolared-iUegal to settle the same, and also to settle tax assessments' and saloa o f lots for taxes where the same have been pronounced ille­gal. A bfli was introduced to appoint a State Board.of Health, the Seoretary o f State and A ttor­ney ►General to be exKi&aio members, who are to exatnine into all diseases, their localities, causes, etc., and to. report once a year.

' .lA the House a resolution was adopted to inquire :infcdrlhft payment o f $50 to. each member on tbe j o intiooio^ttoe on State Treasury accounts, with authority to send for peaojitf^ttld p ap w i; A b ill WasfatKSiuoed "to^hablo tbe c it/ authorities o f

City to settle with the contractor fo r the oonsfaruction o f Reservoir No. 8. A b ill was in­troduced to. enable cities to fix the salaries o f pub­lic officers.- A bill was introduced to authorize the taking o f lan^Ja^oort^in cafles.+nvtwtft;i«5rn£«A?

fixing a $3,6001 500 anni

Che salary o f the Controller o f the State at ) instead o f $4,000, ind* appropriating

annually lo r clerk hire, and $1,500 for books^ blankSt postage, eto.^for that offloe. The Gov1' ernor sent in the names o f Francis L . Lathrop for ju dge o f the Coprt o f Errors, J. D.. PanooaBt for

M O N M O U T H C O t T N T Y - C O C H T S .

Before J o ixn HdCaA»j Presiding.

The last oase mentioned in. our. report o f l^st- week was that o f Btate e«. John Hampton, w^io- was acquitted o f ' the, charge o f embezalement.


This was the next case tpfod, wherein the defen- ed on an mdiotmont fo r keepingdimtwas anal]

« disordAtlyho , iflT Clark street.The Stat^ proved somewhat, o f «

* nor and. haying.

w (ranch, irder, in the

way 'o f sellingJiquor and having, charge o f a dls- so lu w ^ h o^ . where^oaiouan^ an^dnnk ing wasT Iwkm s^i met ‘■ks^ibfn fe t l l l ? a^air.'irtorirfng^ -Tne.'de*'tfe n b d ,^ th a t onegreesor, who had run the’ house all summer^ em­ployed thO defendant .to take charge o f his dimoe- naJl fo r a few days'till he returned from the city, and b&ving made mquiry,«BeynoIds informed him that he had a license imd no harm would conie to' him. Defendant was there only one week, and denied hating charge o f anything, but the dance- ball, and denied alleged disorders. Defendant proved a good character. Tne jury, out for B o rn e time, finally returned a verdiot o f gu ilty.. Prose­cutor for S tate; J. C. Conover for defendant.

In the matter of the .rule to Bhow cause in tbe case of tbe State w . Sand Billeck, why hia license to koop tbe Atlantio Hotel, at Keyport, should not be revoked^ evidence was submitted to the Court. The State proved violations o f law in selling liquor early on Bnnday momifiga, fighting, carousing, gambling and drunkenness. The de­fendant denied these allegations, exoept as to one Sunday morning, when he was unable to dose his doors, because he could not get several intoxicated persons out o f bia bar-room. The OourtjJeoided to suspend sentence fofr the psOsent * i _ \ —

In.the.eaae o f the State m. David J. Magill and Mrs. Mary A . Bntton, indicted at a former term o f Court fo r peijury, Gen. Haight nioved for the defendants* dtechjtfg^j-iis tbja^foniplainant oil th6 part of the St^te had fafied/to put in an appear- anoe.

Court directed the rule to be entered accord­ingly. - *-( - 1


This was an indiotment for perjury. The oharge being that’ on the trial o f a certain cause in Mon­mouth Circuit,, wherein Wm. W . Conover and John W. Herbert were sued aa trespassers by Cyienius Hendriokson, who claimed title to a cer­tain lot o f hay, seized by John N . Disbrow by virtue ol a tax warrant against Henry D. Hen­driokson, the father* o f Cyrenius, the defendant, James Magee, testified falsely upon a material pointy namelyjHbat hp heard John W. Herbert aav to Disbrow, “ Go oii and 1 sell the hay and I will indemnify you."

Tho case was vigorously contested upon both .sides, and resulted at last in an acquittal.

Prosecutor a n d ’Judge Robbins fo r the State; Judge Be§kman and Gen. Haight fo r tbe defen­dant.

The Court o f Appeals convoned in .the Grand Jury Boom on Wednesday, and afterwards in the Court Boom. ) »

- Rev. E .D . ^ ^ ^ 0* WedD fa^BreTfnteg * lec­tures are well attended/ - - •

■. . ■ '■ ,4 ’ ’ * • 'v -i-;, . 1 # *The oold w »* a « ir haa- killed U jge Tntmber* o f

oystare anil clama tp the3lm iirol)iir?,'HT«af.-': * ‘

i'tic flshormei, iu fo ija . ix&i, ' -^.-oli^Qf; i ^ 'i. adcodflah ; I ' ■ , J : ,wintor; bat t h a ■

hem * Bsamob, j a a 24,1877.. ■

Tb U t E d ito r o f the Long Brmu-.K lie\D» : ‘ . ... >

notified the* Overseer and re lie f h## been p jw ^p ily furnished. ‘ ■■

Times are bard; work scafoe, food-and fuel out o f the reach of many really deaervinjgpoor. Should the wants o f the -suffering be made known to Mr. K ing, means o f re lief will be ijnjnediatelv provi- ded by him. “ The taxpayers b f the*' township cheerfuljy vote to raiao money_for this purpbsi64r . I t is not strietiv necessary that the needy be pau­perised, it has IongT)een the custom to giVe pres­ent help to the ndedy. I am autharizOd to speak as above fo r Mr. King. I am»lsure. tha^ either o f onr Justioes, or in faot, any citizen that can wHte. w ill cdeerfully notify Mr. K ing by letter, o f needed assistance in their vicinity.

- E d w ab d InrrBT P it c h e r .

* Q u a r t e r S e s s io n * .

On Tuesday morning Court oonvened at tbe us­ual hour. „

A large crowd o f people filled the Court Boom, drawn there to watoh the turnings o f the Warwick trial, which had been set down for that day.

. . . ' . SZATK tWL tm n U S F . OUBTIS.

_ ,A n oU[. iiw|ictuxent. sgMjlj?t J ^ 9P?took preoedenojo fthe Warwfck case and waa firat

George'_ _.n Grpvo; oonalderationj .Brown, sharing to W illuun CQnover-^,— m~ .. r llAVR lli'auW f tf _ r _______ ( ,

one1 hundred and fprty-threc acres, in township o f Middletown V consideration,* $8 0501

James O. Green and wife to Deborah Ann M orris- two lots of land, in village o f Long Branch; consid­eration. $750. ■' •, CharlosButcher andwifo.to Ji

80-100 acres o f land; o d n s i d e x a t i .Catharine W. Bdwards^et al to Elisabeth A. Gaml-

brant—lot,in townshlp o f Batdntown; oonsidcratioiL,

David H.. Lefferson and wife to Thomas W h ite - two tracts o f land in township-'of Middletown; oen- sidsrktiodt $1,600.^ • - i - - •' ■< <r -

Jobn JPadderaM and wife to Geoxve B. Fall—lot Nov 9?8f at C^ean Beaoh; conrideration, #813.

George yf. Brown, sheriff, to pamal BLE11U—farm in township o f Freehold, rftild as property o f Thomas AKbeiand w ife ; consideration, $1 ,200. ^

George W. Brown, sheriff, to-John'W. Herbert— house and lot in township^oft Marlboro, fo ld as the

jeration, $80.Bamuel Winterton and wife to.Harvey Kennedy—

lot in township of Bari tan: consideratio “. Hubbaid Morris and wife to Abram aero, lii tbsJuhip.of Raritan; ooml^era^

OeoeliaXJolemaneffli to Janies Gann0n-4ot in ftwn-

ichael Mulquin—

of land at

Lain—2W acra ln, U m . A

ship of fcbrew*bury; oonsnleratuuEdward B. Slocum and wife, to . ___ _

tota t Long_Braiidfa;ooiisideratli>:Wfllianj Roger■ to' Caroline Rogera—lot

Branch; consideration, $1,600,LosJoan Lain1 and'

township o f Shrewsbury ; » w - -' Frederick B. MandevUls' and wife^tO Oeorge Toel—

( k M I « » ■ « & ' to-'aohis jO B m * / .o f Middlet<i'»n; ooi;

W . H M n , VhaAS,-to'W!S}SMmW.' Oxdanlt-i.bOoae anL-. *.. t ’ <d isjid, in tOTnuUp of: 81u . i t pUniy;.

liil .sK at , Jaararal toS aa flan d , in townahl)>o<tWail;

'2bSs|ion,$lQO. ^ ¥

Lay Judge of -the oounty o f Camden, Jesse R. D 'W erty fo r Lay Judge o f Cape May, and Benja­min F. Carterrfai/X^y Judge o f Gloucester ^county.i «a»— — —■■— ( .

G E N E R A L N E W S .

A new style o f postage stamps will be issued in May. w~^H&i. Alexander H. Stevens is lying dangerously : SH at bis home in Georgia.

,. Moody andV^ankey oommenced a series o j meetings in Boeton, on last Sunday.

General John McDonald and Col. Joyce o f the defunot Whisky ring have been pardoned by the -President. - .1

Atutsl^^bstihanOedub in Lowell, Mass,, has 1 four thousand members, including the Mayor and )other representative citizens. v * /

■* The offloe-eeeker will be in a state of suspended animation for the next few weeks, but the day o f his re lief is at hand.— Trxbujie.

■ * The naval officers stationed at 'Norfolk are to give a grand ball on the 8 th o f February in honor

-oflha^GraniDukes Alexis a n j Constantine.

■i BeveriU o f tbe crew o f the Ada Ire dale, a British «hip,burped at sea, have arrived at^an Francisco, jSfter making nearl^ £i,000 miles in open boats, and. Buffeting greatly. '' . ■

S ignor^ym ,'the celebrated wizard and sleight* of-hand mao, died in Philadelphia on last Sunday. H is real name was Antonio. He* began perform- ing in^nd)Uo.at the age o f 1 9 - — ,4~

vpiacifio ooast politiciana sky that a project w ill aoon agitated ;foi?. d irid ing California and mak-

new State out o f the southern, portion, to- with thh1 western part o f the Territury o f

The^ialsi ,of "Bishop ohn. D. Lee, convioted o f murd^r' ln^the Mountain Meadbw massacre |; o f 18ST.^was appealetf to the SupremesGoqrt o fthe TertitciVr which has granted a stay o f execution. I f lfi?Ofts3Ss.'4!tete decided against him it will

be ajipealetfc to the Supreme Court o f the vi t e s . ' bee; howeVer, feels confident o f now tr ia l ’ ‘ L

The; st«ftmcr Celtic brought to New York, on Bundta Captain Woodman, one seaman and two passengers, o f the schooner Island Belle, at Rock- Uni^Mw - ,1 whioh was abandoned at BCa. This is theM m e veu e l which was suooored by the Anohpr Line steemship California, three weeks ago. Binoe then four o f the crew died bom the result o f ftUe^ex$btuie, and 4 he Celtio,was dnly jnst in tuneto w t o u e ih e su rv iv a l* from a sim ilar fete. - ........

has now been

F ^ ,as she may_have been oarrled to that point by £he CQi^ntsmcoe she wa6 sighted b^ the America on the’IO tfttfl^ 'The 'G ec^ , Cronawell, froni Halifax for'B t: john ’a 'p . onithirty-one days.

TLBUaHy - throft . The Qeo. WaAiriiftoA 'fij '; '* i»en 3»/ ‘! '• '<-*'dae.

-■ '- iM ^ i.H d ^ tt, o f W isMngtoB, .iw iU aa before' P r b & p .a » o » !* ,£ te u n i«e « 't oirWaeaeaduy, tb ft

Wa’ to t m Gmu A s 4 «i*i>a-a£ the lioniaiana-aetotnHutBoard wii»,«iU iB3rt«7 lM Vtl>009iO O O . K c k e t l toW about vtin; vHh. Abr^tn

disposed 6f."' The defendant iu this cuse waaohfurged with assault and battery upon his wife, in the township of Wall, on the 5tn day b f July, 11J75.; Mary Curtis, the defendant s wife, told a pitiful story o f her wrongs and injuries, at the hands of one she alleged to be a merciless husband. Sho testified that, several times previous]to^hej going to her father’s on-the“ 20th o f July, 1875, her hus­band kicked, beat and choked her,,striking her about the ears and-head and otherwise ill-using her, and that during all these scenes he was in the habit o f cursing and damning her, ordering her to go home, to go to h ^ l, and using similar expres­sions. r

Tw o physicians who attended her testifled that Mrs. Cortis was in a very weak and debilitated condition, and affeoted with a peculiar malady, whioh she sppeared to have acquired sinoe her marriage. , w

The defendant denied the truth o f his wif^s tes­timony. He insisted'lhai ho did not maltreat her, that her father lived with them part o f the time, and could see that he did n o t . misuse his wife.

‘ Witnesses were called to Bhow that'they had been at the defendant’s house .several times, and ye t they never heafd'heir refer to any ill treatment,

'neitherhad she eVdr made any oomplaint to them aa, to the disease or afflictionshe spoke o f in her evldenoe.'

The jury retired at abou^ 8 P . M ., on Tuesday, anadid not return till 1 1 A. M ., Wednesday, when hey tendered a verdiot o f guilty.

Gen.- Hriighfc asked to have the ju ry polled, whioh was done, eaoh one responding guilty.

Prosecutor for State: Haight for defendant *. The' case o f the 8 tate w rW b . Warwick, indicted for forgery, was moved Tuesday afternoon, and was ye t in progress on Wednesday, when we were obliged to forward our Court report for this w6ek. W e will give the JouaHix readers a synopsis next week. ^ ?

From tbe M ataw an Journai.

The number o f votes polled in Monmouth oonn- ty at the election in November, 1876, was 10,926.

■ The Presbyterians have begun using their new Besaion-room for Sabbath-school and prayer-meet­ing services.

l i e n W h o w i l l f l t t t 'B o w ] D o w n t o t h e G o d B a c c h u s . *

The annual eleotion for Directors o f the Matten* m m Steamboat Company took place last week. AnixUated discussions weje held on the sale o f liq ­uors on the boat, and the making o f Sunday trips iu Summer, some o f the lady stockholders stand­ing boldly against both these curses; knd makingBreeches against them. The vote was taken, &cooi- -Jding to the amount o f stook held, and alaal.'ttie majority o f stock went in favor o f these immorab-

/ties; though we are glad to be able to record that I tbe votes of Senator Hendriokson and Hon. H . S. / Little were recorded against both these practices. '

• F rom the Hed Bant Standard.

The Eatontown people have come to the con­clusion that to bring their town more in notioe, and prosper the financial condition o f .its business men and citizens in general, that a lpcal newspa­per is very esadntial, and have organized a pub­lishing company, who will issUe a monthly pkp^r entirely devoted to the interests o f that town.They propose to publish it as a monthly at first un­til the peoplergtiiiat town find it to be an indis­pensable article .'"and as its patronage increases, the number o f issues will increase. The firet nnm- - ’ bar will be issued in a tow days, and will be called the ^atontown Advertiser. ■ ‘ I

S u ic id e a t F jN ie lio ld .

During the past week the county seat of Mon­mouth has been somewhat excited over the suicide of a welMcribvra citizen by the name o f Jacob — "■RotiU . w.rr&ixuvx‘xrn*2rrns..’xe~

Intoxicants had been freely taken during flieday on Saturday last, and iu the afternoon aber­ration o f the mind enangd, when, .at.ahont.. &o’clock, he took a large quantity o^ Paris gr^en, such as ia used for the pestiferous potato bug.

Dr. Freeman was promptly q^Ued and all neces­sary stops tdken, but without avail* for on Sunday night about 10 o dock he expired. thing could be elioited from bitn. as “fo the cause o f this oon- ■ duct. When questioned he answered evasively.Some attribute this mysterious aelhdisposition. o f

* ion it is alleged he had. Others say he had two wives, and thathimself to a small celery crop, whicl he had. Others b drove him crazy.

L O C A L .

C O U N T Y N E W S :

Froni the Monmouth DcniocrixL

Hon. E. P. Epson,- o f Collier’s Mills, shipped one hundred boxes o f cranberries to England on Tuesday of last week. * *•"

The congregation o f the Freehold M . E. Church will make a donation visit to Rev. W. H. Pearne, D. D . , ^ the parsonage, on Wednesday evening, the 14th o f February.

I t is stated that the Centennial celobratioir~of the Battle at Monmouth will take place on June 28th, ahd that thb Second Brigade, National Guard, will participate. -■

The MQim^QUth Conn A gricu ltu ral Society was the only one lh th e Btate that paid expenses last year— it hpd a small balanOe-leftover;' all the oth­ers had a deficiency, and some o f thqm a jt fe t iy heavy one.

business that one,

of our business firms will be obliged to leave ,us ih tbe sprihg because o f an increase of ren t This is to be regretted. “ Jjiva u d let hye ” ts a good, motto. W e notioe that rents in New X aik and Philadelphia are coming down. ,

I t is said that tbe vidnity o f the Highlands is now'^ast ^becoming excellent bnntih^ ground. Numerous foxes have been seen and heatd o f there lately, and one person reporta having seen three at one time, oroesing from Sandy Hook on the ioe. The hen roosts in that vicinity are suffering ter­ribly, and the oause is now put upon the cunningfo x . .............. ' -. * * ~ .■

From tbe Loftf Branch Ntv*.

^ The WAter Worin Got have ooopnenoed open^-

Attentipn is called to the advertisement fo r con­tractors to remove one o f the Centennial buildings to Asbury Park.

James Hagerman, the caipenter, has' sold h is _ house and bought lots in the rear on Second av.,. upon whioh he will bui|d soon.

.Mr. Edward Hutchinson, formerly o f Allentown, is building a cottage on Ooekman avenue, adjoin­ing the house o f Park Commissioner Patterson Snedeker. I t is rented fo r next summer b y Mr.John HagormaUr o f tho.Aabury JPark Moulding Mill. - • ~

Mr. George Hagerman, who works in the I P . Steam Saw-mill, met with an aooident on Wednep- . day last. He was at work with a circular SAW, and ' his hand slipped and caught oq the saw nearly severing hia thumb and fore finger. Dr. Kin- month thinks the ohanoes about even a? to re­taining or losing the members.

Willififord Day haa moved back the spaall;btfild- ing owned by him on Cookman avenge, and used for a printing dfflce in the rear and Johnston'f* _ . jewelry store in fron t A new front U to be eVeoted at once. This speaks weU for onx enter- prising printer, and we a a g g a a t tM M W & 'w a n t ciroulara or.printing done to muwu^cage t^o mau who is doing bo mUoh to build up our. topn. • „

A project is on foot to lay a. boardwalk downCookman avenue to the sea. D r .. Klumpnth - is,- -chief engineer o f the movement-wbioli, i| f|aooe^- * ^•fhl, will make him popular with the ladles, who> abominate dusty walks in summer, dookman tfv- enueis a 4 poh braVeliid thoroig!tfaA;'ieuJW<!donbt riot tho Doctor w fll r«ap h i* . rswafd {ft the jn - onasod demand fcr <to4a w rffe -M ' l4Aiftlte«ttS^»o .. drug store. 3nooe£» tostem:, to add to the comfort wstttegp'.iissa o f tesSit.ii arbnAd them. - ■ « - -

Daring the winter i^ n th * ¥ s ^ fe ^ | s u | «# g «i* arrive w W taks d ie s t^ »| aa a « j » « p e a o e . . r v Stiles or aaldom-Wxelofe.' « i & . tmMba,This n ak M it oeoMibhal'' .p ia <

ingor, who m&y ba A ' tn jg ’OTi. :again in ^ e ip ia a & y a ^ t .e ^ y . soon ooaje^arajdT matter and to f generous ^pnbUo, fin ili631,,on' onr editorial hota» < pot to aarry p»Hi!rig«M :to

,,wa,«Hfc<>onfofl#r*Qi359 t m ind regular ttigabytfe f.

' - M . .

A S B t m V ' P A R K > •» • J - V / « ■ , • " ■ ' < ' ^ V . ' * . ' v- ' ; ■' - #

f“ 1 yeafttn advanoe. ....... .<• w ^ r s l j t ^ ; W ? 1,. ./v .• •m oatu , la advance............ ^ . .v. r g f j® ••••;•• '• ®®

..^ -^ -:;:/a '«^ t^ ‘la«aTWxoo rj . . ' . ,\..• • .>^4 ••♦»»•* . 1 ocath, In advance.............................................^ ??"

•-. uiQfieoopiwi... ................... *

U lM M containing the cu m n t n r \

;mamr~ Weaim to m a l*U o w M / am w J **JiiiiH lir IT *a im to tnak* ii a good/amuy paper. d» mxUnd t t lckcuUtUQn. W« tAsreforeatk ourjinm de and p ru - eirtrubtorfSertie nwomm-ffnrt tt to their tttionbhrM. Tht P J**»

..'<•n tdd lta rtthd f l/ fy a?» l* per bear, postage Included; tm lf- y ar, "' . “ r - •

T O C O B B K N P O N D K N T R .

~ toriceiieiWnt b jm io t and communication!

2 H S ? S « a « 'S S » , a a , g li : g . .

faceted conir*nntcMm», but nlll hold

: or hero* rfkfwrtyi*''*

t&urv /Vrr*. iVero ./er*eyj

nd^ * 9 |he\tm enviab le repul on

jlic^nts w ho o f the ,

'b im i^ iC ou rt th e ' p r iv ileg e o f selling that.«©• , . K., VI. -,t. . ■ ' -----which is deaths to the peace n d prosperity o f

any ^coinmunjty. " TJie _ paople v o f L o n g•■*-_>_ . 1 A - - -few “ B|ia*a-

lii.catfr !.‘say, ^ k # w o f tHesi th ^ ^ ,

w e ’dft? rYjsn-rcair'jj^ m u d ^ ♦ D^'^o£:fei*gc.

ffiiat f e t fafi |4sfr. Cooper, btfckecrliyt£e'

M y e n i jw i^ p f the i)W iio 4racy ;(wJ»o^W iiy£ Ik i toereljtjj de4IfeatS 'in tfiecoiiteat % ’r d O Tatg^teca^m ply because the respectable blemeht' o f the pkrty

arose in their might to rebuke the arrogance o f the rum interest. The*~people urtiBt not forget that H enry Grugle, Tow n Committee­man, Tavern-keeper .-and Coroner, wOrked with all hia might to stffcure the nomination o f Mr. Cooper, But that day fVee. rum wen£ down in the gloriohs fight* o f !the ^p'eople, Fellow citizens o f Jjong .Branch, you ca n 'w in every

time if you arouse .Jas tyoui did on that eyer“ memorable occasion. W hen men in

Mr. Cooper’s position, for the Sake o f gaining the favor o f confessed JaW-breakers, >wiIK

grant licenses; to men whom the highfeot judicial au’thorUyv'in our countyf,hra'y'$. Con­demned, it looks .to^us like u r lin ^ n ^ a lt ' wad. 'defiande at the tipri^hi 'Judges ^hd r‘ndw pro- ■ide ^ our. county seat ; ;and if- sUoh charac-

. t^risticK o f the demjgbgue are not tehifemb^r-

ed by tho pooplo when ouy aapuyng friehd JVIr. Cooper again asks their votes, We‘ shnll

be greatly mistaken.

; I S ^ R R p A Y / P E S K U A R ' T ’ ) r 1877.


“ • E L M A Y O R /

' L o n g Branch is-the moat valuable tract o f

ground in Monmouth county.- I t ib an incor­

porated T illa ge w ith a permanent population

' o f ' about six thousand, and an additional pop- _________ ______________

ulation in Summer o f ten or tw en ty thoiiRand/| * f he B r i d w b u i g 3 W and jo u r n a l inti-

m ore. I t fronts d irectly on the flefhj-adis mutes tliiit ou r course: in regard to L i fe S av in g

t*nce o T o v e r tluteo miles, and has a fine j C rew JSTo. 7 w as ndt fair, as "th ey could not

■about ttw en ty fe 61 in height,. Prom the sen |[JG our cohiin]]:; in thoir own dfcfencc. T h e

*^!9 sl°P es back gradually about 3Lr.-h.UJi- I ^ s},urv p ,irk J o u r n a l luis neva- denied the

dred feet; till it re&choa a brook, then rises j us(J nf- j 9 columns to any w ho w ished to

again w ith tjie same gradual ascent to its wes- ' Lliemyelvt-s f^om w hat tbey.'coiisidortern boundary, a distance o f three miles from

th e shore. T h e lta d is a valuable loam y soil, I

• whioh, when cultivated, y ie lds bountiful re- |

turns; j

It s position renders it peculiarly suscepti- J !■ b le o f f drainage, and it oan be sew ered w ith ­

out any great engineering calculations. Its

■Mm a *rrmr:'> j.; 0 fo r i ’ lo lii' ‘ou TufvMlfty. 'filio w ill be (llmont about a.tnon

Mr. W . C:-Patton; n f gurniti * ; MBjEeB^l tB fW a r laid ^ with a » «ve ra ;9< ^ but Sa noiMnjiy<

■■ - t j ' l iN Z ‘E T ' b 0 t !” ” fJMr. John A. Borden, o f Anbury P a il

ohtorrmffinrlnl-BftlBt-Bf-Ooam 'OWXt gT WH - gBBi~ mor, ’ ; - • s;i-i .-1- J '! r - .... „ 1-

M^r6par»tlotm iar*b«lng inju3n[ topb I«fe ir,*lle (|f the rooms in the upper portion o f'ffif l A^ucratiou o£Soe. . -. -j . ' i' * ' ■

* Mir: Fraiiela & Balovar1,1on Monday, making 'pWpaHtions fei'tn fflilinn k sottage. i . . . • ■ “ . “

The Association met at Pbilndelnliia on' Iu * * - flay. ,proceedings ' 1

an unfair charge If any person has so in­formed our coteqaporaryj he fiblied a little. *

[For the Asbury Tark Journal;]

H o w t o Observe.-*

I f haq been said that? every ob^prvation, how eter onimportant it may be, ia a discovery; bnt we are inclined to make a distinction between the casual observation o f an every-day life , and that observa­tion which leads to discovery and invention.

To Peter Be Ilf for instance, says Wordsworth:

fancy, and i f not strangled to death by those

w ho shoold w atch o ver and foster its grow th,

w ill in tim e becom e one o f the finest seasideh' . -*♦. '

f ities in tha world . But a cloud at present

angs over its prosperity, which unless re­

m oved m ay p ro ve its destruction. T W hile it

is the most valuable spot o f ground o f its size

in Monmouth county, it has five -fo ld more

liquor shops and beer saloons than any other

place o f tw ico its s ire in the county. T h e

m en w ho ow n rum and beer places w ith their

friend*, a fe w years ago finding they wero-

kept under close surveillance by the County

Court, g o t an act gassed by the Leg is la tu re au­

thoriz ing the domrnisaioners o f the v illa ge to

grant beer licenses. T h is was the worst

b low e v e r dealt against the prosperity of- -the

-^Branch . : I t g a v e «th e rum and beer seller an

"op jk irtbn ity to e lec t to office those v;ho w ere

p ledged to the ir in terests; us a'conseqiierice,

men oFbad reputation, whose characters are no­

torious, can procure beer license w ith litt le trou-

'b le . ,4^fe i » t o r a l result is, that o t e v e ry Court

held atFreeholdnum eroua complaints o f assault,

fighting, theft, and tho many- petty Crimes

■ that-fo llow in th e w ake o f the beer traffic, are

broraght'before th e G ra n d ' J n ry . A t the last

term o f the C ourt o ije o f the lead ing citizens

o f t i e Branch, er-SheriflT 'Jordan W oo lcy ,

. was fcrremaixwf the G rand Jury, and on com-

, . p l»| iii ',d f^ (fth er 1 prom inent citiaens m any o f

w ere indicted fo r keep ing dis-

o rd e r iy | (bosses, , T h ey -a lle w ith, one excep-

tion, plead- gu ilty , and paid-i sciverally fines

- and ed its n & g in g from $50 to $160. T w o

w e *k »r «g o oire o f theaem en, .W illiam S iu ile r,

a tood ^ d o re the bar o f justice at FreotioM and

icon fM tfd r Tie kep t a d isorderly house, and

anbraitted tri a fine rt&her, than run the risk

. o f gq in ^ ta jp p son .. T h is same self-c(infessed

• orinunal subsequently m ade application to the

' I » 0 ({-B»tiJlclP CommitorionBr8 land procured a

those w h o yotbd to 1

- g ran t'th e lifcenae. was*^ l la y o r Joseph Cooper.

M n C oop er last.fa ll aspired to the nomination

fo^A S ftrnh tyY and although backed by. the

J^nojc ^ s t J ^ i s gppjpojpd he han fostered,

w a8 ,:t<ifi(ited ..by an indignant pcopCi.: On

irtltaii occasion-rnro Was free ly -poured out, and

-‘‘t i om j/pUCfc'John ■ V an w oert 's tavernj-*om<!-

jfJ/juuiyr. -.u-. ■ ’ ...coauactfld - w ith tl

MJirtrcb/ik*emB to i;h ave v e r y weak

^ e f i - t f t a 'T O W ^ d 'h ^ - q a e s -

A prim roBe b y a r iy e r1* bank,A p rim rose waa, »n d n o th in g m ore .’

w ater is good and abundant, and in additioii

to ,the -usual supply, •% w ater com pany is now

.erecting works, on a never«fa ilin g stream at

Grean ’a Pond, from wl^ich w a ter w i l l be con­

vey ed in" pipes a long Ocean avenue on the

B lu ff fo r use in case o f fire, and to sprinkle

this m agn ificent roadway, as w e ll as for do-

mestic purpoBes. Its cottages and hotels a l­

ready run up into theim illions in Value. Som e

o f.the form er ranking am ong the finest in the

country. W e need scarcely mention the w ell-

known v illa o f M t. John H o ey , o f A dam s Ex;*

prpss C 6 .,' N . Y . , w ith its fine grounds com­

prising ^bout .one hundred acres, ornamented

w ith:beautifu l lawns, shindy groves and fine

statuary. Gen. Grant has sriown much dis­

cernm ent in selecting the place for his sum­

m er liom e, biesides m aking addition 'll invest^

ments in property there. T h e tow n has re*

cen tly built a finis' graded scfiool, has a well-

conducted bank, churches, good stores, and a

\ w id e - ^ a fee^ newspaper, the L o n g ~Hfanch ^ ^ w w w■ v v i age a- o^ ' at t uat i on- -whSvw ft t^ e 'th e ff&erty^of

and enterprise, L o n g Branch is y e t in its in- ° * ®rbolcea Be? IlollS. 01i - '.

T o the thoughtful observer, however, it is an organism imbued^with life, and possessing a won- derfol structure “ a thing o f beanty and a joy forever.”

The correct interpretation o f nature requires both the interpreting mind, and natato;f or its sub­ject. both the document and the ingenuity to read it aright. Now, the document may be open to all, bnt it is only to the thoughtful observer that it is legible. T o him “ there are tongues iu treea, books in the running brooks, sermons m stones, and good ii^ everything J1: And so too is the utility o f things only discerned by the thoughtful and ingenious mind. T o become a discoverer or inventor^ two things are requisite*: facts and ideas; observation o f things without1 ad ’ inward effort o f thought; or, in other1 words,, sense and reason; Hen her o f these elements by itself, can result in any substan­tial gen bral-knowledge. The impressions o f sense ^inconnected by some rational and speculative principle, can only end in g practical aeqtiairi tan ce' with individual objeete, th e operations o f . the ra­tional fabmtiea; on: fhe other hand, i f allowed to go on without a constant reference to extelinar things, can lead ptUy to ' eftrpty' abstraction and barren- ingenuity.—.JJie-combination- o f -the- two -........................... " * d thereby hangs, a tale^

ir»oiu^tr6m one- _ The Central Truth o f

6 hristianity ” ( Ghjist in M odem“ I t happened onee on a time, as men w en t to

and fro m the world -who were interested in the arts, that they found at different periods, and hid­den away in many countries, portions, it seemed, ■ o f exquisite statues— a foot, an arm, a- torso, a broken hand. * Something Superb in each o f theBe, made men recognise' them at once as perfect. Each nation cherished their separate piece as an ideal o f a r t ; each drifted into a thousand suspicions aa to the author and his Intention; each' comple­ted the statue from conjecture, according.to.-their own ability. A t 'la st, owing to the decay o f the nations, and to the rise o f one upon their ruins, all the several pieces were collected in one muse­um. They were still considered as- belonging to separate nations and periods o f art. Dissertationb were written and lectures were delivered upon.

<them; the- ideal completions which each nation had made o f their several'pieces were placed beside them"find the 'completions studied with infinite criticism.

“ One day, however, as tho artist world were collected in tbe museum, a man, whom no one knew entered, and slowly went from room to< room examining the* famous remnants one; after another, but passing by the completions o f eagh with some indifference. A t last he approached the group of artists. 1 Sira,' said he, "* L;have ex ­amined your famous pieces o f sculpture, and their idea l restorations. The restorations are, interest­ing as i examples o t art at different "periods, but worthless as a foundation for,anyjtrue ideal. D id it heiver.strike you that a ll yonr pfecee are o f the wime time and b y the same .hand, laud that you have bu t to bring them together out o f t their eevoral rooms .and unite them ? ..Your ideal stattie ia among you and 'yon know it n o t ” .When he had thua spoken, many lasghediand some mocked, but a few were found todiasen; the. greater part, how­ever, as the stranger grow moreSeameat, become indignant1—for what would become of their a ft '

o f h i

by night and brought together .the remnants, the stranger superintending, and -found it even as he had said. They saw the statue grow, piece by piece,,into artity/topt at ^he end the heUd was wanting. A great or1? o f pity 'arcse— 4 Whftt 1' they said, 1 shall we never see the ideal realized? 1 *Bot the stranger, as.-they were lamenting this lobs, drew from beneath his cloak the head, and crowned the staRTe w {tb completeness.” '. Now the parts Of nature are manifold and vari­

ous, but like the statue in the tale, in their diver­sity is a unttytrf design^ and aH ^e have to do, as it were, is to bring these’ parti^togother and unite them. A fter we hav'e done this we must Btep back apsce to catch the general effect;. “ ’tie distance lends enchantment,,, to the v i e w . W e are .usually so engroSsecf witfi the contemplation o f some par­ticular portion o f nature, fchpt we do .pot always perceiva^ ti^e fundamental truth. The fiwmlty o f generalizing or o f reasoning from parti<^UarsIlto universal laws, requires a careful and capacious

^ntindjja^d though fcSufdly the g ift o f genius, it is afaculty that may be acquired or rather developed, by training one's self to-a habit Of view ing'the phenomena'of nature, not m er^y in ttfeir rela-V Hons to eechJJidiVidufl] and object about us j but to ■ocietyiand,things-in general^ '.'..,

The philosopher/hctuated^ thns by a spirit o f thott£mfnl observation,'leading him', oftentimes to' tha'toost bbstrtieereasonltigj’ stotlCB ufl'^ithifete'- latiofesHhat #ou ld>haVe ibeen deem edvb y our an? tiqnated fco’efatKers, 1 s 1 1 children o f ah idlebwJn, 'lw n ird f w in j-ftntaSy.'*’ XlUw-rocks o f it ho eiirth yie jd to h itathe lOng-bqried Becret ofapre-hiatorio world. ^ S iin ^ £ t i^ s e d byh ia jntelleet, infields

tale more wonde:

and” ati '^ t e r ic t e e iM with Ufei'?3 th exm itio iia jB t^ S 'in fcn tta .'iad i

V . 'f t .U tp ln M t tL ^

I \v j B A N j £ r i i | > V B M .

Nights o f o l f l ..and natnrs o f thkt m j ........gepialidnflmmee. theM&lood

than any o f ' tht3 Anibmn Jt o u » t h a o h a r a o t e r ' t t a f i m a i ^ l e r i t e y i

jW f, agent, under whou '

anitod a ttadn iio f his- doesh’C’appear to ba le a , ,

anoe on Mpiul&y,\ bnt .waa jiromptly raet at ■ gate by offloer Tantum with a j^Utjs^jijIqqeat leave. , ' -1 -

The weary traveler, ploddmg'<fljjn'^,lfetfk ' »vef- nue, is rafteahed by th . noand b f . e^reetrnuiulc ia- mhiR forth from the reaideiibe lo fttc fe Orpheus, theDeys. / I

Kev. Mr. Abbott rotuma tliauka for thti^cpmpU- ment o f Thursday evening, January, S5th. The m rn tp part Waa moire thaar (^dnlunrioJibfen,!'e^- pected under the financial ROrttMlidingB. i

W e aro pleated to hear Iha tM rvD avia 'lf, Bwiwn^ o f Wibdteit, trho hab Ko<*' h li 'lo iis eby ninftiS, for Bonio-tune,-ia Iiow^conyaloaccnt and will soon be out, again. M r,;Bm wri waa among the first oottagerB o f the Grove, and has many Iricmlo in Uris.lQcaUty. ;> ; • -f. . . . I,

laat September, io preeerresomo loayea bypros, m g them with a hot iron,! and :{henu{ilae£ag9tbam between the leavea o f a.tooofc’'rT5bd4il' W 8, ago ah. opened.the book fo r tHeSrst^timat&mde September,' aaflf irta BMpiAed -to’ W i i '■£ M iiTi f* i ir o f « in ohleaves. " ^he imiripdlately^plaoed^t |najpotv*n d it is now^growinginieel^i the preasBd/.Jeavefcibav- ingfaUenfhff Bna^tfw ott^^rtit iscertainly jioftae^^ed Of wbfldei^pi’ ^ j , i

^ " 4 4 r ' * ;

wL O N G

The. investigation o f .the, Gen|JC*l, H o telj w«a^ postponed until some fu tu re . time, on ‘ Saturday; in consequence o f the * absence o f'tho BoTStftor o f

the Board o f Cdmmis^onersrrMk .

A law-suit, it is said, w ill 'grow out o rth e dis- puted ownership o f th e mputh Gi^en'a ^km^. I t seema that the oiutlet Is dQi^g,y7 »nBgf> proparty; and just how far interested parties are amenable * fo f damages, wUl. b e tha .pqinitupofcu whioh the , j » r w ill W .w a g e d . ”St ^ ' ,

Sowoe Mejt nio

conversation tuTned oh the strange oon'daofc.bf=tt|e Commissioners in licensing , a man * to! rgelliibeer, who had, a few dsys before, 'pJtaae<iigu3 ^ 6f »

W ho are the Long. B jfandf OommissipneW who voted to grant beer license.to, a man, w^o, only a few days before, at the bar ofjustioe m .theXJonn- ty Court, oorifeeaed to committing amfsdfeiheiuior, and thereby, perhaps,Joseph C. Cooper, M ayor; Charles, jiewis, tax collector and feed merchant; W fllia in ii*y ton , hotel keeper j —— Troutman, retired.} fittder ^

Green, out o f business. W ho refnsed to stain their honorable names, byTtjoadying to the beer houses^ with their boasted power to make votes ? William Gawtry and Charles Chabib'erlin. -

11 O a » ’t S om xth tko B K D o ^ ? ’’~ O u ro ld fr len 4 »" ’Qfluire Pearce, o f Squan, ^ a . some weeks as agent for^the Underwritcrs^n NeW York, who have the insurance o f .L^^afe^iftue- He has seen more o f L on g Branch, during these trips fom his home, than he^eyM^saw t>e&rem his long life. H e has observed the rum- and beer- shopa; • has heard how the Qommissi<inera aterto the,beer saloon-keepers |-andT in a f i i ofiindigna- nation, he said to- GovernorMMOfM^cUhfl^^ther night: “ I tell you, Governor; theaft^rogfBhopB will rum Long Branoh. I never 'saw^ the 'like be­fore. I t ’s scandalous. And they teH iiaJ1fthtf1thb OommiasioDerteare th e ir fr fead *^> in ifje t that th^l beer and Uquor men own U ^ CotonOTrfo^rs. Meeting oqe o f otft reporters, aflerward, he . sa i^ f 14 Can t you dd something to s top ih la th in g f i It% dreadful.n O u r 1 reporter iWud'1 h ^ ^ ^ l f l ^ ift^ fns bumble eftoirta to help a place tfii^t is.’^oo.^jb^at^al to belong to disrepntable beer and liquor men^

T o , I te R d iio r q f the J o u rn a l:^ - ■ i n J -iH

There came near beingahoiher hotel^oou“ tion at the £aat End on wedneadi y night^ i sequence o f agasligh t o o m ia g lo o near thep work of'ioai^ofifheW mdoa^. - w •'<**(?.

The musloal Vasloefrtion o f 'L o h g Brj Thursday night, elected 'ProC AlMrom/.a Long Branch In^tifuto, i

Prof. AJlstroih l^ y e q g e ijf

t^r'IfeaMur'uf0There ia going-to b e^ _ .

in this part o f the townsUp, 1 intendent, Dr. Lockwood, < give the pupila o f the InttaWJe.auahbifeUflk o^f Natural Philoeophy in the mottling/] jtafvafteEthe opening <hcerclaca, and then«taxt on a ^ v is iita ^ ie varioua adiaoent aohoolai for the re e to f /the day.

Edward 0 ’Hana,>of H oboien^iraa flnod®LjOOt)

iworo only. fln «d ® 10 0 ^lo r ( f l e < » ( * S i jS 2 rl^pw Swore rnuelrgrievetf —era, to 300th (heir gave them Iii breaks the. ward him . - l-eveJfpwr^mderof--------------------who invariably vote against llotoae, w], others Vote^for^ it^ t o m jf e l | t t^ th e j»Li

activity in b u i ld i l ig ^ r M ^ in o u o im ’a"Brown’a rP a A - bntunbtis !tt>4he!iBt«fifcht

rn oap t'ih .ad d ition to theiiHomlaud'iltiteL?, "w id th itlt*d p ls-p r«f»r 'b oth ) « R i above y !a

to kJ'belia’ __f. ix.itt<!fi to ttin' iiaHli ko lifVard aVdi. , _ __. W p 0n<iod,i Who art thon ? "'..Thotirfawea Came, 4iX-ao>n JeBua,. whom 1 thon. paraeentloat > iThat was:tho endofthehpetsecution. tMnlthadMaahad the limit .of his godloea,*ourae. He.maianested

rby a -ininsder ontl immedtatelyT he addteened: as Jiis Lord thenrooUie<| Haxateno (whomihekad'niitu then despiSed. ..Kremblingi’aad ,iaatotliahf>d,Mhe saicL “ Lord, what wilt thon ha’

M t 'W f l t : fh ou hgv^iHlj itd 'di ow that I am saved/twhar'

vtirit t VlTfia incalato. I^ il waa'di hia M M m aticm . "Ktti

'tB’ h S 'o fd 'Wfe,'wilrBiil forth h i ' wonfd be t te o S g t l which he" faitS; l f ith e Ugbt S before Paul’s - couVeralon an t& tieiieving BbfliSintoi

^{he'GetSllea- Fo? three

■ ly iu i i r — w-outb f^hejdaeaiitJr.r hi

V a * ,;r . e r m o n s . ~



Grove. W e quote from the sermon on Obnvcr-.,

'W K l a 'C on v^taJc/ri V

heainner’abark la- tftrfdiidl tm anoe his eyes are opmmd, he reallaea hia aitnaUon, U s m ind is d iangod.» WHen conversion-<nsnea.

s'dfoifb'uvjo' w & h m -in g towards the v o i^ r o T deiBE. N W 'n is '% ils

- l ; ; » f i t l »^ b ^ w W U iftlfad-r^to iil^ luw in iaea, hopea.audimhUlQi1.MU-MHanttnhiaD 1w n .w W 0m



due1 shall


lOtiiv* •bu t it js

mg, Pa'ul - th * ' 1W e n a ’diricipl ......

to “ preach Eat ne is the Son o f

. Alia.untb Mm witfrihe eiiide^

name10 W e fd ^ ^ 'e 3 3sight, was 'baptioed^HUid—filled- with - Spirit. F o r ceitain days he remained with the discip les^ tj^a fl^gu ^ , ^ , , 7 ..............

~Chri6t^ in ‘the synagogue, that God.” . f

JfoWjPaj^L etand* ibefom- ua a i & L e., abeing whosedutiesand responsibihties are wholly altered bytheclSSagS^^miilri?ttatidhs.

The Secnlar' iflfea o f ' obhV^tel^ iB Wfill trhder- stood. B y it something. oomea.into_being!fri(itib i­

ae tbat has preceded it._ oomreitiug their ooxten-

w /theirstocks into b o i^ «^ r itlM irpe j*-; property into real oetato. Jh ls -obnv

. bo ‘quick: 'Or 'g ^ t ia L ^ ^ 'foriiH fitfe^^ iiF a ;ac5dm^Sftigd;

new*’ possession. The old has paaieQ^wi^;t , A .«op4 flln^ration q f t (what J oouversion i t to a

ia fft^ed,-,in ihe initial :«tep of? a< manenlisting m. tbo^nny,LeVTM.suppose the nmWoanta# Kfe. "B y - edftie-viiio^c' M s ‘m iiid la t<shUig6a ^ d ^ » ^ k € i h i i f l » ^ ' 8h W ^ '(T ln r S o r i atgfloa3#*g'r»pento»ca..W-Hfe-TiMrt gro¥«li*tt»-& ib- ■rfilt hla pcrnon ttud nariie t o ’ tKe pror^i'attthori- tiee,- -and. iabeft^the ■ bands o f the -leeruitinff-offieeR— That instant he

&ment-be^ore, t^e vn u n -'W ^ bia^w^- master, aod could go where ne pleasea; how ho is under or­ders, and must do what his sovereigD bids. Be- io rp „h e oould d re^ a sh e liked^ now h e ifl obliged to wear the prescribed, uniform o f hi^ country. Before^ hc w ia 1 supposed to control his own habits; now he is subject;to army discipline and regula­tions*. ^ • '>.<•' /

T o the thoughtful reader- thia illustration >w ill be doubly! suggestive,becad6e th e fig u re mgloVed is a Scriptural one.. E very Christian is si soldier o f ‘Jesus Christ1*’^ n ot by Voluntaiy enlistment, bow- ‘ ever,' but by t»nscripubh ; $ ham s'U ig\hrofied ' ,in th e arnwr o f .the X o rd .' nut whether he shqll

a goad or apoar ldier resU very largely withT here is another Scriptural! fllostration that Is

scarcely less striking— slave who m ootk^etUd ' in fo ' a /Vwmart— changedffiA n ti, chattel, ‘intake 1 dtiren. 1 Th is Is an act o f grabe. **Itr biay lnvoiro tiie shedding( o f ^l^od, w witnessed

M fa ip b vrn .oow «7 » but ,the alnve has noipart bt a^ency ln the matter himself. But oncp ®'#,*aA- man all his.relations land- duties ir e new. sou land body, and w ife andichildren, Ahd

-tyraird labor,-beeotn^ his o w il But what

§ • & Addition to his freedom WlQ'depend inni ^tHe diligence h e ‘displays %id-th'e ' endeavors. T h e 1 slaVee i f North

r WfflW?/.! .Th e ir«yyt*v™ «w(r. *ivwn t zenship w ith Its reepoDslbiljtieil is now-in^u*v- I g n t t i I t * <mo thing to iiarTe rights, *n d ant>ihir wisely tou ae them. -• i v .;.. ' - S od ’s children are redeemed from' the thraldqtn

w ho ttse.thiu m ^ r t ^ fo r ^ .o o ^ T O W W R fw IH instead o f in 'f t e aem oe .pfWA.-aSbowvam .weir1 conqertim i i a f jje t an inoomplet« « z p 6ifm ent aitd nothtoBiinore.. t j

Conversion unto God, to be perfect, ItAgUes ar 'B fe-o f etrperiatental' ob«atetf6efiH a ; 't « t t t ! d m *

■ ' duiftutal in ' couvor^mgoHiflra/aJj roar»/ia,JlP-Y«^tcd, w^thiitanjterttag] pnw er^aTh it

■power belongl to God-alone ■, tha means uaed IQs written wordfarfd thay who pTetoh I t arWaim-

'ply 'thairum ents employodto-*do fU a w iiL Fanl may '-plitbf.,' affd ‘^poU,tm -irttar,'bnt (Gk>d gftfeth

leroTote II any ;mm tK! In Ohrlnt. Ue la a new area- ,, „ , .old tblnga are passed away; betapld, aU thln(s are scorns new.—l cor. v :lt .

r,a soyeraign'aot ofitbo t nvertion. rrom , servitude into oitjl

lisretore. in the lib arty « 6o«eirlUi,Christ >e,a»a be .wja.ejMMlwi.-Mialn wua.fhk" ,fi>vi I-

re beeti .—.., . rattoocaalon toHlyLflei Jittf^-OaLyjlB.

.. r.; «i»' ii. 1 1 . ■t . - i „ . ,

j i subacrtbei.at 8 hark'iiverr-xm oldaetUer-faaya *ihat the m oaiy^htiiiteA ’Cr^ rnohsj-fools. ’H e liy a

from »om e nnkown paH s,'areth« opea flid if ia<»r:

.but hope-tb . goldeBjftemotitwdn’ tiaWayneighbor

:thatit«*lMia|Hanpayr»»ab(<egj<Uaoov«H4r4hst i t

■V- v r — ^

r _

\ ^.ya^iftseyontidnfirg the w or irc fl^ o iiWOmen, was a 'large/ iUumina66d . card; ‘w)was^xhibited two paits o f small stpckings. Thoae

4t ' r finjtodufitiw a th ree-yeer o ld baby; ’ Underneath

^written .V first pair*’?v T h e second pair were lite and gray, in; stripes, that StST around tho

(IM-ntflked “ sixth pair.” and

Lnni . __,|he''&(Jjilf and white stock)years,. 1878.” ;'So“ ‘it„appeara 't lia t" t o t t e d ai* pairsdf s to c «n g « i t fh i j

sent the' fEtiat ;j«nff. hot peihaps. to the ctliTdron 6f A ^ 6riCa, a s - if to'Say,

Beat that i f yon.oan 1” And," surely, whatlltUe iR ir iiliA m e fio ao i i y e t r ; a l t o t h bibition such proof o f patient industiV as (U s ?, Neither pair look-a*,r|£«iey-had-been-washed, yet

very even;; . th e re ^ a r e .S id h ^ ^ m te h e s T & ith a stockings are. well-shaped*^ ..

w A le , yr^rmly oloth&d in high? boot#, and, it* may he* Imagined, one o f the “ six pfeam!” J The picture is remarkable for' the unusual radianoe o f ^ e laughing faoe, aniniated tg the highest dls&ee, probably bV he^hougfit %hather likeness tn a Ker. knittihg^W dtkW te M f o 9A& eri-. can Centennial i S x h & i t i o n . F ' s

As I stood looking at the great, queer card, I : (3oem|d to see another-^ictfbb 'o f W tiff! W l6rfcg, although the ;6h|ectt were-! kb1. fear away. A IntTe

' IJorwegian. girl; bitting by theA window, or in the. iraGn thlongh the bright dkys ‘o f ‘theV'short Stunmer ; the mothe^ ,noyer tar awc^y ; jbut .^ver

'■w^t^troi‘ /ahil

_J l^ '0 aka-_eller8i A t^ a n yw e ,.

dghl,tM,?png lap! after he is hoofe

ready to help tiiesome 8eamfi,/andi^-^- , -, _n:ou_ _ _ r>till tbe Clear e c h W o i ^ 0 cattle£ 6m.and 'tl -lodioua tihkllng ‘6f the 'monptam brooks, ca little maiden to lay aside1 her work for romp and nlay before, gight 1 * ' w'

afio the twinkling Stan in the deep' northern bIue«, light up tha glaciers^ an^M tunma^ this ni’nnnuin tops, lo ftier than% ^r;w flu tiie ir _ ter showB ; ■!/sfe«W'igAin’TO fefeb HfceambitiouaiittJe■giii; b y ' tha' waiSirEe ' ..... ------------.win ter^e venlhgB, in ! fid

. ^ ,a n ^ a e , ig, ,,fi&e listezia j

wc^t country, v^praJhpr'iW rshe shows mm hew Jfhany rounds. d ie . has added sfnoe he last saw the stocking, S id for-'thehnn- dretn time he repeats his promise to ver ify the work o f .the dear little d a p g b ^ , po jtpat eyen strangera shall not underrate her, and say^fcejhid not do it all beredf. / l

I f “ the thoughts o f a boy . are long,..long thoughts,^ v i1 thepdet says, wh^taye thosd afthia. littl^ girl, whose smbltion reachek, not to the lim- Ife o f Tier oWn town nfJr o f f;hsrow n bottntty, but across the seas, to a land half a^world away ? Her work, litt le and humble aa it is. is fo r the world 'to see, auditB~d6n6"kccdffclngTy. .....


Come here, children, imd I w itf'tell yon^a story rabout a pussy-jcat 'Uampd^ Me w4now.; r (She wfejs a [vnry good nttSa,jibd n «* {i| to lA tiie w eftfe book 'had such "mffidulty In nnain^ dn tfca *^^^b m e ’ ’ m ilk brought b j the milkman, and she never did anythiM fto frighten Gyp, the tanary, who, used ^o aing so loudly from^ his cage In |ha window.*, N o ; she used just to ait and purr, purr, cosily on tha rug before thefire^in the. win ter, or lie blinking in the sun on the window tiUl ih ' warm Weamer.

tainly no little boy or giri.ought ever to indulge in. W hat do yon think it was ? W e lir it Was this.

.................... ~ ‘ g^yslid^TOftlto yawn ^with her mouth very wide open. 6 f Dourae TshO o W w f ! W p t )tb fl^ ^ e c a {i^ , N n g iy and sleepy people can t help yawning; but the dreadful part o f it was that she never put up her paw in front o(,her w(<Je open mouth.

WeH,vHew-Jnew lived with a, lady who was very ^bndfof-all aorta ofi animals, arid one ot-her; pets was' a little yellow-hammer, a small bird with a yellow and black coat,.t W ell, this little bird, whoad'tiame wasPip-pin,

was allowed t<J flyphout the tOonj, and Mew-mew never>hu#t<hzii,4bfriie was a r£ re£ M end o f hers, and they.JUad grown np together. Pip-pin used , to pretend to peck at Mew-mew with his cunning' little bill, and she would, pa t at*him,ggj " out putting out her clawa, fo r she Told ni hurt the bird,

One day in winter Mew-mew Was aozm g cwuiy

otw ish to

- ^ 8 9?fdly’By the fire, hoping she would Baon havo breafl arid milk, and Pip-p in>aB liopping about the floor* or fly ing^txn/the pftrture vebnes, o r locncihb at him-fly ing tKra'thS' pfoture fMmea, br ^ooklhjg

^ T h ey ; h d ^ lS e i^ anr^ c^\%^niJrtablyI'tn^'ihii way, and their mistress ,wa^ reading a book in her

This disturbed Mrs. Mew-mew. and ahe roused up and ‘ atotched ' BoWelfi'- iii8 ltHed feaVo' herself a

itdd 001 tb'|,aa6 .fid&i^

Came down onthe rb g and hopped in frb n to f b.; waiting fo r her to play. ButM ew -m ew w atrlarf; aud when she had don^ her waabiflg aha ,/oid«d her tail neatly .around her, apd gave, Qh 1 such i a ^ F T o a fe 'V a fc - f- 't o W w o T M B W ' W r f t f her head must .have ip U M n itv fr iran d She never pat np her paw I

And the:hadflownrwhat had happened, her. month- had a

V a m t h epoor little yellow body-tumbted on the floor, and: jtben ran away, in a .norner, an i . a a t . bud died up S e r » lo o lr in g «> unhappy aod i^rtaiatiias^brrald not scold because aha had not' done i t en purpose, and because for jdaysafterward-sheiwentsiputithe house looking)*)w retched.’

And now that you have hi n a j '•come.' of- this’ rune Habii

£y„deu; liqi<g, however ^huhgry pr

o u t being very O ire fo lto yonr

B O S K1 *

please £idk to tnd And te ltm * bow yon d o ;

l«-.- -.-fit •>f»rnaii.“

I oan keep a seoietpT For I Ms^yejtears old.


A n i fa tfa kfltndia4ii«aW ^ 1 ? -' *'** J

j g & v e i f t j i p k s t A '9 - -

i o n ^ ^ t ; vW art6lh^ye been _ lasP^ t tne CommlBsipnBrs' ;

postponed, because-of: the ab- v ;* Lanning. A large niUnber of io are out o f . work, were tiiSre- J dark. Howeve'i, conjeotures eely expressed, that it was the

. _ Amoriquo ia otill ou . t he beach; fulled, the tides increased some, but

that but little progress has been •,>. — .-TT- '% ;;fro m the south-east would

BBSiBt the wreckers iii getting hoc oft, as i t would * g t e a.outcdong the shore,' the sand would move,

d th6 a train upon the oa.bles be ‘ more effeptual.^ h e-wwwel ■sabout-fifty;

imuuity.- t ___________ liasionera

haying knowledge^as weUus the1 community, that rum is openly sold/ $ 3! (JdWraSbfl

eC o«» to- trae O f >tbo'-tt»oUty;:^ O oa 'f ji f » Coustrten- o y ."rw t tbo pMt;qf,-a,80od"oltimtttdpn't,-‘ Viildo

pu rlightn lidCra-bM BeV ’ b u t^ y V d ir p < )M - to f.WVjthat- th^j Cqmmiastonerft—

spfryo'ni!toowledga-!*finay de-privelb<iiif«f4heJ>6t(rlioeiiae.thatarobntB oov*

IftwKtnn^Bolling,',' IT 6 ,beodnsisten tf'■ — ~ Mf:iiBfflag ir® Q b fl4 e e h M s f r B ibi

iOjaaOrean, Thomas LawJ

^o.W w p lR WaoMWPer.and come away in- .oiioatod^ and tnU is Wald to oocur vfery often on

/oars ■ .old, was' bnried- yesterday. _:.HhQ tLaa aTwaya' ltv'ea at Long Branoh. She joined the SH}1EJ Ohlireb at Branoh^nrgh, over 70 years ago, and retained h ir m'embershlp until her decease. . She wwrth'e 'oldest fdetub'er o f that ohnrch. ,>I>Thtfbl8 )«A*'piliktfng;ioJroy.J Th lnk life it might interest yonr readers, I oivo you .th e, anas o f S iiS i o f W it1 o td to 'S o M e IWrfl/liolJtiioa Tall- man is In uMf>ll^§(H|ytiiie'th -Jdufc .wfflw-'eaH. watlc frOm-'i Long Branoh:.to .1 Ooeanpdrt Lydia Slooum 'is in her., eighty-ninth year. 'She had a paralytic stroke about t<snyears.fiinC6, and ia^con­fined toherrooin . ' ' ( ;" ■ o w vP »ttt )V B6ru W k r M M tiltVUUnVYMifo 20 .1786, iiLhis ninety^eophd year, says he can't run

h ^ p ^ ^ W ! U « ® O T ) ^ 'a s f t i « t . Hefls IS9^ l ° ’ \cuJa wood ^ ca rta U home.,„.ChaxlQttei,Leonard, ap aged colored. woman,

bom at-Jpiddletown, in . thia-ooun^r, in 1779, is iBw^nitiebyieigbt yeata^old 4ud Moea-hSr' own work. S h rliyera lon e . • —

Johti ,’EUI$dt^ fi^ t6n,< ,afio /otilbred,:' knowrf by., hia old master’s :Met. (James Talman), that * e i£T over one hufi® «tt'‘ y g a « old. H e says that he never accepted his freedom and Is still a slave. He $tfTetftt 't&ttMAnd'chrts-itf fa ir and fiul'weather.Mr. Joel Potter sa^s John B . was a man grown when he waa -but a amaH boy, and must be con- sidnrrijly .oven ope .hunjlred years o f age. , A ll o f the above re ta^ - th^lr fatuities, and a conversa­tion with either1 o f th^m is very 'interesting, v ^ y j f IA . . • • • » ' Bepobtxb.

C ap ta in C ookT~r

^ NaWAJUC, 1 N : <JV Jan. 29, 1&77.2,’o ih e &dtior_ o f U ielJouriuil *' «

The many N e w «k friends o f ’AUen"ST Cook, Su­perintendent o f Aabury PSrk, 'having through the * JouaNAn learned with-Binoereregret o f his rt<fent * severe and dangerops illness, and subsequently watched w i t h ^ ^ f e a i y o b r f i i o u g h t f a l and well

w e ^ y b ^ ^ n s o f the progress o f hia disease,___ i i r fo fy ? ^ Bi*h|fethyi( andtendering to you andTtfie 'Capt. /and to hisfhmily and$vdtA4tdnS friends/dttr gretification upon reaa- ing tordav/your- last report o f the happy issued and his ponvalesconca, and prospect ,of a speedy restor­ation to healtn‘rfna '^m iness. ‘* ^ r* S S & W,08* respected and* loved by those

genial T and iibexal to^a-fftulk.-j E rer fu ll o f kind- ness and care, for the good o f othera. W ell, Mr. Editor, i f 'he1 had' kiboe emerged into a newer and be]tter^ li/e,, and thereby drawn to him hia* true friends with hool^a orsteelnu id:erowned his home- ™

;U|^tilUn^r<^bujdgn1r^intortanAy.r. ipt^thebdfefefQrtr k inarked and signal

W ^h »tw toM n 4n <^m ora l add social con­dition o f the people in a ll the regian'*round about, no one, in my observation, ahd in ’ my judgment, is more entitled to the1 c m fi^ o f affecbng the hap­py changOy than those who are the leading minds o f Asbury Park. I know wSineWfcai whereof I speak, for yeam bgoTw aS 'in ih fr tfa b ito f spehaing my bricf aea shore umnder vacations at Cook’s Shark B iver Hotel. ?Q n one' o f those summer visits, on a SabbatH1 day, I ' WjIs'suipjia^d^by au invitation

STehnrehtneating la thewoods. •• W b a tl’ ’ said I ;

h r a j, at Shark r iv e r ; in the "h a t ’d pp nuW— what’a coining next ? Is

.and final day at h a lid f" “ O h." they _ j t ig the d0)[o«« o f a m anifrom New He is a .gentleman .who has provided a

pleasant plaoo in the woods, with 'Comfortable seats and'otber arrangements for holding meetings fo r preifohtllg,; lahahaaiorgani*d aSabbath-sohool, provided hooks, traota, good singinR, etc.” “ Yes,

n o y fe lty o [^ ,r t ln g v ^ , / ^ tB„ b nt))p fi,tpr0. I thqre saw the planting'of the ** grain of-mustard seed, *' whiCh has piqcet become * groat tree; That was the beginn ing; we see the progress^ thus fo r , ' bdt what will bert&eend ? wheh‘7 ' where ? - i T o tn tlnng ahd genetoub efiOrta is greatly due

th ^p ffesen t’ toiproved 1 Social and tn oral condition -----►fcsent Unproved1 Social and ’moral condi fee ;p ttjtfd #o fW «r aweliers b/Jhe sea. Jpurid Wnd^st re&Ard? to the Captain,

families,jand to all my Idng- shore friends. . ! .. . r

W ith great respeot,-yours,• '.» t x y i. 0 aAUKS H zwson.

A >■ ■ • V .^ a®p*nlght. • . •.

j '.Beliaviii'gitat temperanod and rreligion should « o hand-in-hinfl■ ; ?S1 de iWdgepNo. 28L I, O.:M'i-riwi?>'nigh t ^Saturday), Jnstead qf.,Thursday. evening,80 a fr M t^ ^ u f l io j^ t f i .a n s ^ th e e fc a efforts

m v & S w H o g iW ae ohuich. _JheK-epauing

fC . vTOnsor; w - v - T -.>tffiBLSl # * W o i « ( j t M - 3 " Joha 0 ,ow ‘ e l l Yf. P.- S., M is. I*. 0. Barmore: W . T ., Johnb r ’ i t m w ; ' W : '< 6 C m & a g t t ^ r W . m..

g „ X ■


_ J I U ' J i - / *The work on the, outage* ;at. Spring Lake,

suspended dnring the late cbld.wcathor! has been -iisauteed and is beitig'ptuiBaa'forwardiiyigoroasly.' M r, L . N . Maltby, the poptilai* p ^ i^ e 't i r o f tbo

Bouse, bothto be under Jm personal ^nageni'ent.

in thisbuildiijg laI frflm„the,Oontennial “ Depart-^ ment o f Poblio com fort ’’ When finished w ill ao- * *

‘ dieg'jTha

u i s # 1* * - -ie ’'ll.- B^tjhurah on

The remainsMonday) and waswere tiken .td Aa3^4nJam,«.‘¥.V f6r' -intarment.:

entire oommunlty iu hia tad bereavement.•ti . « . .a t »K A a k .^ a o a

U *' <(*$ / ' '"/?-■; /• >:' ^ ' ^ i " ‘ *~ * \ \ * " 4 - . / - -’ *

- C 7 -Z I3 ..

J’T H W ^ lS P iffift llfc fflr , o f th le p lio e , baa bfen

i l ® ok Ttjgmn^ m *®wp*baataeaa meeting o t tie-

ir/XJi iAW tflH flim oHrfcsrf 1' lay evening ot

I . o v r r - t A . i i3

Thepeop le o i tbs surrounding country mado Jb JWW®»t|lW>VDaina at Baiun and Shark river, bh^L? '* 5 . ’f f a a ^ T 'g w a w w a w rtn ti^v. ■• ■ ' • • • . - T ® ? *?” w?nia

, » K £ S ^ twenty•Ava oent*Jper/im»-,

N O H 'B niD E K t OdHMIBSlOKMItft—Alpb* J.K jTTiettlsaiu jI* Martin, John ZAtUtfordlThlliddpUit i b u o K«nnedf,Clerk,

... :j_Vt,rxJu»u -tii^ aWttWiffi >»V-rf-T ‘.; ■• ,-7'

K.1U will slow St A.tmrr p(Ht Potfomo.f.xMptBnnd.i' )

° o S & e c ^ e r r tr o m 7 £ n £ tc j » J m * exc ep t$urint? distribution 9 ! , , mails. . '■' ••,.. • ,. : r - *’ ■ " 'j'am sb jy/«eiPi%ix/furo


;* V a n W ^ / j M 1 > W V w fc *o n NeW V o rk and L o n g B r tn c li D W lilfln ,

'■■''M l a m M r r iy J v ^ : - V ' 1 ■•■v-’. *>i. •

T Tlikyifcf dM hereby tendered to oar Represents-o f

boak8<fc^b«'Ashuiy'F*fk JUbriiyj v

»♦••"• J^#^4^5*K£fT "h'T ( =i . •Tbe Museum u b&comjng-Qtitttf wealthy tt" eon-

‘Oollei^Ot?. , ;! . r : ' ’-, ■ r *

in town last week. If.he'feadt'beeir ’hate a; week>#tb-

oot tW iiq jtdarip iooua.

‘ Newark..., * ** ■•*"l » 120

Hilxabethpork...... 1)WBUiabetb A re ... . . *1 V®

Amboy..... ;HoX ^ r : ; : : : . v : - f

.MuUWan............... W

.. • W . .M ., H ifofan j I,B*h‘neinirfu,u .Vw• » « i w » iHlddtotowiwiiiw.. ‘" f UedBsnk. ;....B ran ch p o r t ..........L o n g Bjfrnph

Ooean Beach........Sea P la in .H priflg l4ke;........SeaU irt...............Sanaa..............

OOHM d t a t io k T ic k e t s—ASBOn r p a r k t o n k w Y o r k .n Month,. oo i a Months .......AWiifiS* - * * ' ’ maa I rt •* .......... M 00

i Tear............... & m n. w o o. 04 OO , 75 00

F a re f ro m P h ila d e lp h ia *<f Aatiury P a rk , Tfa N ew X er»«y Southern B . B .

..$^00 4 00

.. 40 00

S t e l lK l o n a 8 e r r l c « « . 1 ,HMBU CUURcil.—8o»rice*conntiUaAND Av. H*roEMBuCuoiuni*-«wT»oeM<man««a »

ft. F.WUaoD.wul Do hold at tho ohtirch,oonM!rot Grand and .. ail avflnoeti ,dnnna not mtk, Prawblog on flan-,day at 10:45 a. Mm and 7 p. K.4tf »bbath School kt a*> p. 14. Pr**chlnKonFiluaTat7:80. ^

8T. P a u l ’s 1C. B. OnoBcn, Ooean GroTd a n d A rtra y P a r^ . . . ■■ ~ -----Snnda# at 10£0 A^Jf.andor. W .T . Abbott.Pa*tor. SerriofsaonSunda#at 10

p. M. Banday School at 3 p. Mi Prayer mootiiiK e ay at B P. M. _ Ola*e mooting on, SnacUy morn

Bor.7 P.day ... .. . _Bnodekor, leader... — »• X i-Taeeday evening, U.O . Onnerod,|i .Howland, leads'.

on Wednea-m o m in s . r . G . on,6naday momlojf.

.Monday. erenjng» vO> 8 ^o wland.BTcninK,(J. L.

S oc ie ty RKeetln«a.AfiuORY L o d tfa. N o. 14\A. F. and At M. Hojnilaroommnmoa-

tiona, flrat and third Toeedaya o f each month. In “Ufllcera: Jeremiah Bennett,W. M .; J .A .,Brown, J. W .j G.O.Ormerod, TreajC; ’J. D. Boecle, 8. D .; J.1U Bordeo. J. D. s J. -M,Uriah WWte and P . G. BnodekW. fltewardji: G.aA > « ^B. R Brahnln, U . of O .; J. L . Lyraan. T ile r ; * T J M M wia Bainear and D . w . Bcxton. Plnanoe OommjR#®.

MOHMODTH LODQK, N o . 107, K . o r ^ P r T J» * e t r » * W ^ rid a y evening, Mjukmjio Hall, Aibury t i r k . OflloefiJ li.O* ftuuiwa, - P iO lW - N. F en r, O .O .; JameaBlltooa: V .O .: JohnJA.Bcfr- den, K. o f Hi and B .: OharleaHampton^M.of P . j Lewtattaln- ear, M .o f B .i O. B. PerrT, U . o f X t_W aah^Redden ..PK !lict; f,*w1« Ltmintr. I . G .: J eo ioB . Ht»1»hari, O. G .

m iee llan eo n e .TllBASBURT PARK M lLlTARY UOKPAKY, m®«f in Unnerod’i

Bailding. Oflioert: Lewla lulnoar.C*pl.; r.S.WooUej 1m Lieut.;U.O.Ormerod,Sd Lieut.: rterrt.: ------Bennett, U Sergt. ; J-_ M Bergt.; wm.Rergt.: o Ta . Aninook, 5tl* YOUNQ MBM’H O URIBTIAN A B S W U T iu n . m w . . . -hlnga. Oflioert: <Jbaa. B. Rowland; Prea,; BtepheirD WoolUiy, lsfcVioo-Prea.: O. H . Brown, Id Vloe Prea.; Bd. Walker. Boo.; Unrbert Hurley, Treaa. Bxeoutive Gonuoltiko: O. B. Howland, Jaa. A B n u jley ,.WiUUfonl Dey, Uriah W h tU j^ -.J . Htfgen^J.

^:_J*inian,Johha(mTavlor. . * ^ ASBl/HY.t'ARK IMllliDINO AND LOAII -A B 8pd liT IO If,«»e t at

- Aibury Park Itaadlnff Boom, on tho Friday in each rnonth. UOloera: D. H. Wyeaoff, P fea .: CJtp ’

1 1 .^ °Kin month., Aabunr ifa rk : l>a_rid___________ -iu IV B. W oollfT , A ah m yyarfc I saac^Io-

Fariln,’ Aabury Park : W . HathsTwar. i W : L ew li ltalnBiT. Ooean G ro re ; John U . Bey, Ooean Groto ; IimacO.Kennedy. oUeitor.

Long. B ran ch 1, LO H « B r a n c h , flew Jeraey.

Ooean CJrore, Ooean BoAcb, Sprjog Lake B «w h .«t td »e a G tt B efem icea: Darld lO r o w n ; T iw aurer, P<wra Groto^Aaeo-

otatlon; « e K-q‘*Baach: Bov. B . B. Beegle. Oc^JWl Grore. r

, XKe election tor toynx officers w fll soon.be here.

Mr. Shelley Norton, one o f the early cottage tmildar« o f Asbnry Park, is now in San Jone, Cali­fornia. . » “

Judging from tb e pUe o f ftkab,- e U r t 4 r i * ‘- fc «e been 225 or more windows in Mr. ^AUdnB’ Centen­nial building, _______ - ^

W e have not heard* of* any 6*^o« o f i c W l suffer­ing o f the pooT in Asbnry Park or Ocean Grove

this winter.

- - .r r .m I n>im . I ik r t 1 .if r« 'i tiT r ^ i — w ' 'M &

iW d son, -cn ;ohr

list' o f nuncjer• 'IhettldeQU. The Messrs. Rogeirs aiid Mr. Emley were in thei* company.

Captain Haddock 'Whitlock in-M

id at is residence w A t o ffTneady.'eW m ng,' rfj^ed 77' years.

Ho had been connected witlr'the Middletown Point « i ( l Key^ort 'fl team boat Company fo r 85 years.

. One day laift week, not p .loaded or an empty freight car stood on.axiy o f ttie sidings h ere ; which speaks well for the promptness with which they, are unloaded* Next^week w ill see them nfeariy o r quite full again. * ^

T b e bricks are'being delivered on tbe. ground for the new Sol^ool-houKe. Seeing the number o f sobolnii that attebd tbe school, it would geem as i f a speedy commeni)ement ahonld be made. H ie number Of scholars in d&il^ attendance exceed onb hundred and twenty-five—certainly too 'lneny fo r the toaoiporaxy building. ‘ .

Mr. WOliam Cooper,, father to Mr. J, p . Cooper,-* was fa town on 8&turday. H e was on his way to ^(atawan to^tten<Lthe fan era! o f Captain-Haddock Whitlock. They were fast friends, and sailed., jdoops fo r opposition firms in their youqger. days. Mr. Cooper is brother to the philanthropist, P e te rCooper. , ....____ _

-----Ou? readers will notice that one o f our W ge

■advertiBera, Mr. Johri A. Oithens, his puf a new dress on that part o f the column he oeoapies. Mr.'y Qlthens Is the pioneer storekeeper o f this place, and we have no doubt bat that his superior loca­tion, large stock o f goods and polite clerks will erfi able fyita to maintain bis position at the fto n t

A t the Asbnry P)ark-molding-and sash m ill, they are now getting out bUnds forM t, Lawrence Price,, of Oceanpott, X ast week tb iy ftirrifiihUd doors ahd* sashes for Mr. Bennett, o f OoCanville. The pro­prietors o f this popular m ill have made oontractq fo r a large quantity o f the pin e wtKKi 'thAt waa: scorched by tbe fire last summer near Spring R ilh They are getting in a lot tbat w l i f keep their iriill ranning-for^her-next-year^ " . t z t t - j ; ......

man whose^ beard contained about forty _vo fftthe was worth to p o raow ^ ^ ;

le whiskers o f some men were so thin they' aa <4, a p*igftfl*Fh<k

doll tunes, let’s do something in the way o f fa right here. W h a tW iK i^ b e ? asked the interested ^7 . / ’ f \ £ alisteners,,t I*U t^lJ iyoU jW d ^elflxstfSps^ker. j L J ^ y f | w ill give t^p dollars sash down fo r Alderman (tw ffln ’B ^ b tk tlii,! W b o d o lh r^ M 'w h e ti'd ilw IfJr..The Alderman lookad a little startled; and proudly fltrok ^ l^U (,o l»fc tb n t'^£ rd ,5 lA }!tt>^ lit firmly w .bU hand aa i f fo a r fil it would be detaohod. froW"' his ohin whether tm"*«rald or b o , ’ ' I. /.,

,.Tim es are hard, he aatd, b a t^ b a t—I ’m 'afJtfiJrSaKSnat'i* p m ' ,i® osaid the bnyor, thev arr J- ' ~ L J-

aome' Vtiatbh ” in it. rDom A 1 W ‘ t i t r W&e 7In aninstaht the ~money waa into John's

a y p f i w r t s f a s ® .right side o f you r faoe franx the centre o f t h e ____to the ear, n o w ; bnt the- balance I w ill call fjar

“ S S 2M w £ i“ a S iS ^ S S iS S 3^ > isent for, and at the <clJUo«i jaqcetifr'^his’ tl ^ r « « h t q | BQll'back tfie whiskers John fo r t ^ollfli^B f 'o u t John wasplucky and was determi

pearance aud tne godda could not^be deliveredlj»nthat ocCbaSoht ^ ^ ^ (fh fi td&l^hft ifciskers—no tn lfcft^^lr^:Vtiskers-rhorae, anbje0ttt^/iiic/&iti^ ‘tn ownerjColbo delivered as agreed upon, unless som 1 » ^ r ej^rr^W ii ixfy b i& ra c t!^ We' ker

Pii<tfp*,Iroii Sittka ... |a •*!*foffel&ar| with an apsbir jpent JxHj and (Jits Fijbtera* • W i fo i . -7 Satisfaction

g^ r i'p tn o 'ch it^ 'tt ja e .' JAU Workwobjfeot *6 Mpecial

• i.

GoMen-WonlB from ihct Central Ne\V J e r s ^ y T O O « :G P I a in f l e ld ) .

m i missue o f this papev~aaan^f

W/ffcah41#ur^)tbpl ^ H s ^ t k ^ o i l thajt while among the best and i iniation respecting

there is a diversity o f *,opinion e controlling elements o f our po](lhe iyhtter d f^ * */“ “nenta^mofcg ly averse to proffitsoilGnB license and will upbo

I t i s 4 « p I o r a b l e , ; .w fr a d m i t , i n t e l l i g e n ta A d m o r a l c o m m u n i t y l i k e o n r o w n t h e * 4 s h o n jld

^ r ^ ® - ^ W ° o f ,W lo0? 't e 1yery tew men who arerdfdly tipplers at a bar citt W ospe thexJe»t»TH)ti6i l wbi(!JirJiea Jo ^a it>4ot hiia; One m ay taloi'liis oapain.tUe priTacy a f .hifl bDtt a, ■Jw iba^and 'lteep^ar^ torrtayo fropkon ioK .bh i whan one'* ja^petjtejhis B e lir .go ttb e m iwtojy ( i f t i t can only .t««Uafl<>d,by rtgoiarviintp ta lh o p a b . jioJialooD Uicn a o tlio fctUrs-of- the- demrm li

The Sooiable at the Lake View 6 o te l waa well attended last Frtday <trenin(r, i» id ^tejpjihent

seemed to abound.

A stranger inquiring a day or two Since for a barber; to give^him a silent shave, waa usn^edi-ateiy rtferred 'to onr J ihni

A gentieman waa In town lht>‘ week oanraasliig fo r a businsss directory a l all the 4own» bn the lines o f the JJ. J. O. U. fl.. ,

S a f f i a K . 5 ;We HoUtfto y'tthyTWllta* doth. 1

'■ ' .** i* ’ • ' !>li» **tU .1 . *1-»♦'. i - : A4i, t 7; •‘S U ' “ 'Pn t . l f>. I -Ur i>f-J; ..

Several interesting arttqles are^ unavoidablyom itted 'u n tilae it w eek .' ied under

w i& to ^dd> >v? A *

-Th»-yoj)ori«n . i ( t * »b n r y Park are afrfin p j h g the BhoTar.'Vomo faea ia snatalied by grading-jnar

' at this tone, when a arm t;'at ioy 'grpnnd m i ) a b n * ^ ^ w g r i i i i « > * i ? g » i l « l * *be m ^ e W U e dU fe»h6«v to ^UQdred Vears henoe. J

A trial took place in the Aabury Fark madingf < room, before Justice J. Bennett, on Thursday bf- ternoon o f last week, between William Fletcher, plaintiff, and Jacob Naftai, defendant. Fletcher saedNaftal for three montKa’ rent, alleging that said K ^ ia l^ ip n t^ a p ^ o f ^ f i h o « 4 e w t h e ram- m%r, Trf fiiro taonths, al' lO' j * r ffiSntn, and that be had r^ce^yed pay for two months. Nsftal testi- flefl that'be/rented by tbe month i-hadilivftd'in the house two months a n d ' f l v b t b d 'wW i'^fling to p ^ ^ r that tim a., Judgment>reudared for ohe

i H i i v 7T~77lf**r ~<~r~iTrr - »tit. Paul’s M. £L Church is..enjoying a most

precious “ season o f;; grace.” ^ Jnnmber hav«a:ei ‘

abolish the bar and gaoggery-system which ia tbe-

Mon.wbilo theyase winaa. and. Iiqnnaa,at. boras. But we pan Mdaratanft hpyjw a .w n do.tl^ifl ta the nhnoat sincerity. An. evil that, ia Qomparativalv harmless when shut op in the private walls of; man’s home becomes gfgantSci whon it overspreal

S yt 3n ^ M t ^ , 2

ladies and member*' 'o f* the Sunday*school. Last lO O S A h es oc-

oapied the pqlpit.. r,Tbe < serf^a^s, CQnUmte with

/Th»iiEdembers bf the If. Ml O/'Avjire^'Hitfflering the pastor valuable

Eplseopal-Service..There -w ll -be iseyviipe 't o ’ k 'PaU one week

from to-morrow, Feb. 11.; Rev. Elliott D. Tom ­kins will officiate. , -

{ ■ \ / X , i j j U * » /. . I l , U ,y x \

' Im p o r t a n t . T i> B u s in e s s .M e n . .

, . ________ , ________ ie- tttif and 1A t a!l-»nrot,,«ii<> j«n '

ia. in too great need o f advooatea to despisejh«MaOS<le'«raMinHa t ..............‘ o o B w r s rw 1aemtlmont on strength odffliWPi o f dram-selling in onr goodly city.”

Christian Conreiition tmd EiptrWnae,Evoin-

eto. 1

inelndin^ o f oonne, toe- p io fek lo i r ie a id iD iW ilH e a 'o f 1 a lltU e 1 oiiierf' 1

mannfactn and y i t

4ag<js on the lineof^he-Ocptral Railroad, as well* as

Freemansburg. Any o f our readers who may wish to advertise in this widely-circnlating book w ill’do

M O NM ^H VClO UNTY. ; J , ^ •

• >■ i ^ o

’ -5- . I : J..',i .

... _

age, being duly stvotn) <t>rtViis oath saitli, ~^Jasi^l^t^0fff ournal,'' a week

ly: nempa.£er .,published >Miifalftbry <?q , ,yri aid c&unty, and th,' said n^^3/ ^ }exo ede1M ^1 L-hun7

•6 • ‘V i j . . -•*■ # 1 i ?■ »V (?0. i) iW ’ .fc it 'lya * J.IO -

a*ed c*pi**: ■ . . •• ^ j

StibscHbed'md.: orn;^e^e'^ne^!it' Ma&y-

o S S d o 'to* l ™ m d M d j ® conceive thd r1 ^ i S t nftSiotly

ine in^inllraro roqaested to call\or send to nr* ' J * ]on and nnmber; Jpfc/ fith/ own^r»

idBhse receipt (to prevent further annoV- anfeftTiWhioh w illb e given free o f charge, SION EfD a r a j f o QW OTfe O FiTH fe^AT ltlST . 4 n i would girtr Q i^ fa jn o t® , that hs fi t^ tsO li BgenVfor Wall aha OcMn Townships to Long Branoh, ana all M0h-

“ " lsipgpi) fch^WMtwteftf '&A New er-ition

i f k y y e ,v*t ' Aabcry ^ark, !Noy. l i t , l8Wr

Afl pftn&nsare warned not to infringe on my rights under jthis patent. . - ~

•: *

in < a iimA lI Peraona.at a d litance treated b j M all*

Krtttt^Perftct; tfncceia b y describing: the! r ^ p t o m a « /;

M M M K i(^end for la^e ' artd beiutifnlly illostrated paper,

•si* ‘ - v ystabfree to any address.)

D R . T O W N S E N D S

i i

’nm m m m m w rnm i p w .O U R B

CATARRH ?■f ^ t W B M A K B - A ^ i^ a *

IALTY . jAfcfcatjiiig-jti*-* tl% U by Mail. PleSe

Why ? Because Inhalation is the only way that the ► A ir fla^sagcatsin be reach­ed, and^Catarrh is a dis­ease o f“the A ir Passages

i ;0t KQ w^ead- C bo this Treatment kut we direct, which is easy and--ploa»~

; ant, and we guarantee' a

,Why ? 1 For the aaiifl reason f^s..,given. a^ove;

"" " ia are

i a mread.t ^RGnd for our beautifully ' illustrated

sent free'to any

a»j ... ■.

—dfmply condnotnratcrcar' id rn / ii " -'ry‘'-airj-to- tbe’^Lungm-

iSSfBrL»W ^ 4 , dfseaae. and if you will follow onr directions, we gnaxaufceo to oorjk Bron-

; flhitlfl,. v ... .


Diphtheria: Pneumonia,

other Bevere attacks when all (ithfir.reniedica^fail. .

' . .b t s p e p A i a -w e

CUR EL - Liver-and* Kid-

genated A ir. *. - S.

. ........by inflammation ihd‘irri­tation o f the mnonB mem-

- hrane lining tho-Hronchi ta%l ToWftB.' Ueo'OXygena-

ted A ir as We will direet v and we w ill . Warrant a Cure. We have 'oured

oasei o f 20 years stpnd-

TCap be enre^. Wh^ ? ‘Because we • 'have mi rod hundreds o f <cases, *otne o f them being given over to/die-by all physicians o f other schools o f prac­tice. Consumption is- c disease of the A ir pass-

■ by datarrh. Wegnaran ,t§e a cure if- yon will |Jocftie (tf season.


umo wlilq^ requires to be read

mThis book one o f the summer o4t~

The New Yotk , “ This ia a vpl*'

eoleay, cold Uglit &h ;16.

grapple , rosolately-and fefprle>s^r 'w ith the pro- foundest questions rrf~ philosophy. _As suoli^Jitj

i-j& lr dlnifttMtlan^ ifc-wiff"serve to clear up much that is, ^ g a ^ a iid unsatisfactory in the, present »mSjfeiM9 or philo­sophical thoaght The authot/Eev! W m . 1 / Gill," is a Methodist m in is t e r ia l we can onljr congratu­late the M o^hp^i^bn navmg in their ranks one

the present day,”the betfti

■ o T «| SlSQJS

—AND —

^+)T IB Ln j.flA i to an orda fTlonmknthfl 87T, w fllT


^ .mX *u\ l

-TE —Pnrsuint £.of the ooudtvC 7 ®.f Janr-1- 1

ublio Vendne at the latoH .dqaearei. on, tho public road.

lititihUIttdtii FarndbgdkH^fl^kiH^l^aMut one mile fiopi the foimer place, on M m oiJ , . March, 5»

i l fte »th J »d J o l»b ® «> < Iro f^ ia lilili M t f Ita! W llllim

il^ p f cnlMvation. Tho im- iroVihibiils l&fe W lai^e’Trame Dwellitig House, large

olpq. the farm .of the oelebrated. Squ “ tf o f |t *is taiV W i l 444 i y BoTfer1 .

■wldUijl i<mthe

ir^BtmvSSto,1 ,m ' ' ‘ ‘

line and oak tlmL ___, jitaOfWxintBiacfeteach.. w r - .CosditloBa mad»te<Mn agd-«i*n iii(i'i^gtW i by

, ^ time thatany(CtherknOwn r“^remedy'6an Why? be-

SShsQ,tolnhale Oxygena-

4S l ^ n W t t Sthrough the tissues and compB in direot contaot With the blood aa itis for-

< » f ‘f e & bya5;the blood in our veins r$r, turns to the hea^t ev»

: : . mmore Oxygon you in-

' hale into; t W larfra the inor^ydu pfirny the blood.'Wh —

izea and bnrns, islng id so part

o f the body^ as it gOes on IonB tni UjSJUhlojd

pore yon oapnot. bo

13i£d-_____ ____________takes; charge_ o f .tUs ,de-_ partm ent' ,,

m?hJtsi^.nwilat tho arstfem.

idclc., We .drive Mercury and all. othor impurities

the _________ the

^tlipe o f any other known tetoeid^

canno iveMei

ont (rf . tho, b lo o f “

f e s t e r

farnxad c

Address aUietters as heretofore,

i E ; i F . : T O W N S E N D , M . D ., . i a ^ a i g a s t t t f a t , a . i .

I >Bj|lc|»a^prt»hi«|r.to 1S4JM1I B0f t » 6a*n.tor city in this busfneas, can be furnished with territory and our iljnatrated ija^crs'foyidvertlsing the iame, by addrcss- ing ag above >

T'ofifrtBcpt. ^/luve,tiio.Urge«k,and;ldo«t oom.... stock ever brought to thU locality j.andLpsrahaainL. my g o o d « _ f o r j O A a U ^ a M H r f i W l l » tho^, ;in y -g o o a a xur . U A a U s> r f t a l 4«iJWUMat theXOTOEBi: P O S B IB K E F IO ' keep a * “ 1-----ep a fo il line o f toe- . ; r

- ^ i D o 'c i E f t t i ^ a g .

f a l m f e b . 1 V ! * * W * •? C « ,n ,!d ,F ™ it « ,P w '

1 would call the particular Attention o f contractors and others to m y cWnptefce cakadftihent- o f ;

lUiII.I>ERK' ttiBDW ABE,w ) i lA , ! r ' . ^ ' i i a ^ f e (O T y 'r a i i o B B . r-W« n xe ii’.u3:iI?e./S,1P<S»;i,»ork, ^rhea, ycin. o»o ,pnroha«! a )

eheapRrig0t - « noins. . ' "r i ^ Western Union Tel«r*ph,0£Boe'in the Btore.

JOHN A. -GITHENS,C » r . M a i n S t . & R a i l r o a d A v .

-A fe S iA r lp A B K . 'f 'N . \. •

^SAst’ *lBrani-,li A6dr A a b a ix r a r l t .

Fall & Winter Announcementftorgesttuid’best'ft&orted stock o f nhy hoVise in Mon­

mouth County.


READY MADE‘ CLOTHING.A IarK0 stock of line Dress Suits, selling- at *8.00,

$9.00, ,12.00, $14,00, $18.00, anil npwnrd».

A choice selection o f

i H L e a v y < > v « r c o e i . t e ,All o f our own manufacture, for |r.00; and uIjW^Wb.

BOYS’ CLOTHING IN QEEAT VAffiS’t i . ,Suits made to order at short notice. Fine Pants made

tpiaxdar far *1.005 *5.Oft, and upwards. Snita, of hand- Rome material, for $15 00, $18.00, and op wards.

t jR iK x tT jE m io tn i.v in

D f t l r G O O D S .In this denaWment. by Iniyinir onr gooda Vy tlm caso,

we are enabled to sell Print®, Mnsline, Linens, Towel- inge, etc,, cheaper }ian any atQre in the county..•'Sjieefa! Stfeniioh to otirheW 'ussdrtnfieut pf Vail mid

Winter Dresa Goods, at 12 aud 15 cents. Fine Ulaik Alpnc^at JW ceutfl. and .Opivardii. Black Cashuieres, the beet for the money, at 75 conte i nd $1.00 i»eryaiti. Navy Blue, Brown and Slate Colored Cashmeres o f the latest shades, at 35 cents’per yard.

T A B f i E I C N S .

A full line o f White Linen Table Cloths, Toweling, Napkins, etc.

Bed Spreads and Quilts. Nice Blankets for $2.50, and qpwards. A litrge assortment^of Felt Skirts.^ White .FHhnels o f all k(tibdfl. ihclndinu [■ ail u«sort- ni6nt o f Cotton Flannels. Gifod Cotton’ Flannels for l^cen ta . ,

Ha^r^ind-is^'s’ irfLet'wear,Including all grades o f Plain and Fancy Hose for Mdfea and Children.^ -Ladiea-’- Under Vents at 60*cents, ondnpwaHs. V r . . . . .

- . , t ....labSiis,; Xiace, r t^ in r fc i j lg i l& i, _.j'iriinR»^^Toilot.

Articles, Gloves o f ulf kinds.

p e w js to ia a r -W tr irS B M -B ^ a i ;■

'Tim e Table eommenfiaaj ifp t iiitt f i-~

^ ? I^ & g iiita '6h W j f t w ^ k I P ^ ,£fld"tl.W ir i v i t i y in ;K e w f I o * f r ^ . '« 'V . '* l,'>Sna'1^ 0

■p.m. . ’-J .i'., ■ ..-j ...


'*C20;i <9{#tf r i* if* .1 1 jit-, t- jff }'>.i titvii -.'if ‘ :■;•■:T;-r " r ; ^.~L I'.} .J .wr-vil.c U;U».; ’I VV? ;I^•pENNSXLVANIA RA1LBOA0. f. 1 ^ ^

On Wa Wjvlea^f'lS'^^'^^VWhher ' , 7:ndtiso,'trains willrun 'aa ftiUbttrB: 7 ' - . ' ' '

(Poi-MewYhrktlhji'aiBta&S;)’'..-..... ^

v u k i im i 'd . 'iii.* . m.

Gents’ Furnishi«ff Goodsrilored Shirts, Collars ^e«?k-

dea, Hoaiery. Bine Flannel ShirtBj alsoja fi» 11 line of Gloves. • , —

A large assortment o f Mep’s and Boys' Uuderwear.'

B o o t s a n d S h o e s .A fnlidftie o? Ladies’, Mi^eV. Children’s and Gents’

wear, including.the cejebrated Burt make. Men’s Heavy Bobts, at $2-50> aad upwarda; tbe best that can be procured for the money.

S T A T I C 3V ^ f£ ^ .A large etock of Fancy Letter PsJ>er, Foolscap,

Commercial Note, etc.W® W ® cb’nstantly oh hand, Tranks. Satchels,

Shawl ’[Straps'. Umbrelifts, etc. PatVons, on exafchlning onr Fall and Winter Stock, will find that we are Welling 6t very Low Prices.

R a . JL 37

________________ ____________ ___________ _ _.itiuvii: :Oeean Beach- j . . . ; — 'JilX Cff ZiJ .. . . i iOcean' Grove- v . - . . 1 1 U4.Deal...i.r r .Arr. Lont< B ranch .....U 30 ;..# ..., 7'27,.H*t>.*-,

ivr.AvaWKSfrtviaD.a . ’m . • i ’.'k/

Lgna BraucU .6 4§. . . . . . . . ------Deui.. . . . j-. .......... o 5 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . c i . l 46

a i B H S E W i E i lSquan.......................... 7 40............. . . . . . . .^ 3 55Freehojd..................... 8 25............ 6 25............4 40Trentouj.............. —10 0 5 ..;..u.. isArr. West Phila 12 05........ 9 20.. . j . . . .7 35

8 3 8 C b ^ n U ^ t .TICKKT OFFICES : . 1MM *.QbMnat.

f « 3 8 C i U t K

Id A Market Sta.y«nd <, fDepctu, Thirty-second 'A Market Stay and'C^ntennia

irKANK.THCJKPSON, >D. ^ iB O X n . ja .General M ana^r. Qen’I Pfutef^yr -4$eni, '

bjpteAis' -SkAok.y y H. H . HDTOEINBON,

*C O N 'f t t ,A t f ()RyANlS' B tfrt.ftlift,

OCfcAN BkAtjH , N. J.

ahdped f it.,

P L A I N A ir o O ltNAH KN TA I. t t o W A O E B



Rk p e b is c e s : A . Bitner, Esq., and W. yw te tvP a .;rWV Tard ’TOdij. t r i in i^ m H. Yard ahd D. H. Wilson, Khila.

J .i L, . 1 ,

Y ' a x n o t e * h u b i -k y , ■ ,

■BM d K l A T f Mp ‘ ITS BRANCHES. *■ 'V '- : *:

S 'tb if b e t w e e n ^ h t h ^ ^ ' t t t K W f ^ ^ « - » « « « *

LlotifexW steitJH , n . j .

BROS..E a s t l o n g B ra n c h & A sfiiit-y P a r k .

This Day Choose Ye 81ate or Shingles I

DAVID CARTWRIGHT,ftein OniainBntal Slate-Booftr,'

A8BTJRT FABK * 0CE&U GHOVB.U. J.b r n o B a k d t j l b o : (


on u m . ' .1. " lA

AH wpric warraniea enow-ana watej^tiRht-, <Mate- rial always on.hand. Jobbing promptly attended to.

A ll orders received by mail, and left at Park Hall, will receive prompt attention,

C A N t l ' E i t . ...

External Cancers can be W"#!,Np Surgical Knife Used. No Blood r>rawn.>xConsuli

‘ I S A A C I . C < 3 L E ,' OCEAN GROVE, N . J.

a v

M r s . S a l l i e D r a l t o ,T E AC H E R O P -. . ..

- n S t o t h iE B J f t A t . A N D VOOAZ.

M R S . D R A K E , , ,

;■ o o k a 'n g r o t k ^ ' v o " •>-. /■

Organs k ia ! felfiiSstrfori^AleTon easy terms. Old i^trum fn^. taken In exchange. •*

R eferences Capt., Rehert J. Yard, Trenton. *N. J .; W i t , ! . Beach; D. H. Wilson, P lS H /

Johnson and Joseph' B P # ¥ nW .f lP « »n


H6TTSE POINTER,l O t i ^ f ^ s ^ e t C u q Q S tm t* ,

O CE AN B pAC H , N .J . . , t.Will PirWtml Udjprompl stiindon to ArcWtoct.' u l

I C H E A P Ii ■ - ...y

B U V Y O U B G O O D ft,A T

D . A . W A L U N G ' S S ^ E E ,


Where will be



G h r o c e r i e s , E t c .

Alio Bealen'ln tehlgli A VTUktobm OeaL -No better assortment can be /oon'd jgvany-otber similar ^

^tore, and the goods will be sold at■j y . v n i i _ s 3 J n s g n a O

* « ■ ,n

an ^ id n it11* d>liTer" i “ T P ^ of. O fjan ^ c l .

. . X m aS’irTEHBif,B U G f f l i i S O I t S B W E

C a n l 5 ^ o a t i n : 4 ..• -« .. i -.t*ln<i;tT ' ■


rsas*to workmanship '

w i u t o m > 1o . XI. MHier. JKsq, ,

. ' .--.Vi.' ~ • Vtre- jV - f t t l r . sndrt1 ." •, -

m m 1 1 i

•' Reports.1 reorired.

W lM W n c s s .

many' portions of New Jer*ejrare

J odtmts o f the appeannc^ of -ffenfi ttiell;- tfctuu liauuU by,

Wjijtbe Ioag oold winter ana H^ifirooniLi Tbo Neveraink Highlands

lu reo re rr im w ith fo iee , whose raragas upon the t oh id fe^ ' tooeta o f the former. o f tho neighborhood

m jAg'neh vtaralh that a~s<|iiajiviiuf hunters it) c ity would be recarxJoa as a blessed visi-

Hoai.' A ilfleo iln a lon , the oonnty seat o fflu n - .r.tffdqn/a b e ir is raiding upon the plg-pena, and w make* npctarnal promenades throngn the prlncl- j-. " p * l«ro n a o «. A tB o llev ille , soar Newark, a wild

'-cst,'wbLoh escaped tn October, from one, o f Bar- ■ nnm’a aps (h .th a d been demolished by a railway "W fa i 'W i. Seen feeding upon rabbits and chickcns;

Sgtn*o the totals lose o f fowls in the vicin ity resulting frpm the depredations o f these

OYer one hundred dollars.— flf. 7.'Teteffntr*.

Answer To G e o g ra p lU Ptizzlcu. _

I .cmoti h*d% friend, the .capital o f an Eastern stati^Asgttst^: This friend waff somewnat ccoen-

' trioVilv^characteiVahe was very fond o f a cape on . the coast o f , ‘Washington Territory— Flattery. »* fd r h e t ‘ dinner, Wie conHnm^ed a cape on the

’ o w it otyilsssa^n^etta—C od; seasoned with a ■ la ie in Utah— Saltj and th§ capital o f a country

< iia ,§oxdh Amcrica— Oayeone; also a whole Euro- *”pean country— Turkey. B’o r dessert she ate a oonnty in jSowj'Jersey— Orange, and a river In Ifflnm j^ ti'^T ta ln fh For, a cloak, she wore a cape o a th e fcorithern !ooa£t-of .Florida—fiabfe, trimmed with a d ly jn Bnssia—Astrakhan.. .She wote for a hatjs city i h , I t ^ — Leghorn, with a c ity in Minne­sota on it— Redwing! She would have been a very stylish looking young lady, i f her gloves had'not been a city m France— To&lons, H er dress was made o f a d t y in France—Marseilles. She was very fond o f a d ty in ..Italy—Bologna, and a lake in Soudan—Tchad! Before starting on her journcyshc made oonfession to a celebrated priest now a d ty in ilinnesota—St. Paul. .While on the

~*oOast o f North Carolina, ahd wps very much startled at-the noise o f a river in ftew York— Mohawk. 8he took cold while bathingjin a d ty in Michigan— Cold- water, and wanned herself at an island near Lopg

• Ialand-^Fire Island. There was quite a compa­n y w ith her whose names were: a cage on the

>l -coast p f Mary Ian d- - Charles; one on Virginia^rHenry: another on the southern coast o f N ew Jemey—M a y ; a d ty in Ita ly—Florence; a lake in New York— George ; a city in Kansas— Lawrence; anda. rivn'r in North Carolina—Dan. In her vinaigrette she carried a d ty in Germany —Cologne; and fo r wine she drank an eastern river—Bhine. Minnies Wawmb,

coast o f

' W A N T E D. ' ' ‘ , ■ !-

Estimates to take down the Campbell Printing Press Building, now in the Centennial Ground* at Philadelphia, and re-erect, the. samp in Asbury Park. Proposals w ill he received at.the office o f the subscriber, Asbury Park, New Jersey, y.ntil February 10$, 1877.

- ! ' i ' •D . I I . W T C K O r r .


Carpenters and Builders.Doors, Sash, Blinds, eto. Buildings o f any kind erected at short notice. Hand Bailing and Stair-casing made to order. A ll work promptly attended to.

H U K L E T 4 B EN N ETT,V. J •

M a s o n s a n d B u i l d e r s ,ASBURY PARK, N. J..

Pore WMte Lead and Linseefl Oilmake the only reliable paints.

H a w U n M e d O il,B o iled Linseed Oil, ■

Turpentine, Patty,- Fine Colors,

Brushes^ Etc.

K G L A S S .A f a l l s to o k ; o f G la s s a lw a y s o n H a n d .

D J S A L J E R S ? S U P P L I E S ■

A t New York prices.


S . C . R O G E R S■\\tUK jbgt&tit foir tHe> t fl la «of tii«p a b o v e stock.

!>i Opbe, opposite Ocean Grove Gates.


W l L L I S F O R D D e Y , ,

Ocean Grove and Aabwy Park."H O U SE S F O B B E N T . *

Valuable Boarding-Hope PropertyF O R S A L E

* ■ fAdjoining tho celebrated Spring Lake tract, known s s ‘ ‘ Glendale House,

‘ “ Comer of -Xata^nd Ocean Avennes.A commanding location in fn ll view o f the ooean,

nnd less than a half mile distant, with broad avenue to the surf; large house, twenty rooms and lo t 220x160 feet.' A ll eonveniencies for nrst-class boarders. Will bo sold ch«ap, terms easy. Call on or address

* tjJOHN S. ROGERS, on the premises.

Or, W TCKO PPS REAL E STA Tfi fcXCHANGE, Asbtury Park, New Jersey.

W T C K O F F ’S

Eeal Estate ExchangeM A I N , S T B B B T ,

A S B U R Y P A R K i N . J .

The design of this institution Is fa render all need­

ed facilities for the transfer and exchange of all other

kinds of property as well as real estate.

Persons having cottages to sell or rent, and those

having lots to sell will do well to givo us a description

o f th$ property and price.'N o oharge, for services or advertising, unless a sale

is made..We operate on tho principle that it is necessary

first to find a customer in order to make a sale; onr

object is to bring the buyer and seller together, and

leave onr commission as a matter for bargain with'the

parties. , «•Advice given in all matters of difference.

D . H . W f C K O P F .Jan. 30; 1877.


Ornamental Plasterer,19 l id 21 Lanrterton SI., TRENTON, N. J.



A s b u r y P a r l e , W . J .

Capitals, Trussses, Brackets, Centres, Cornice TrimmuiKB, etc., o f various styles and neW desiens. Also' public or private buildings finished from architec­tural drawings, in a workmanlike manner, on reasona ble terms. Modeling' from designs, et<?. Jobbing promptlv attended to.

The New-York

“ Tlie Leaifi American Newspaper.”

Largest CirculationAMONG THE 2E8T PEOPLE.

A8BUBY PAEK,A. R^TO LAIIp , Proprietor,

O p e n a l l t b . © i

T h e present p ro p r ie to r "jja v ln g Cpnrehased th e prop* erty ',h as p a r tia lly r e b n U f lb e ho tt»o„aqd w h o l l y ren­

ova ted it. T h e room s are. comnjodious, and e x tr a far- Dished w ith epring-m attressee. ; ‘ * ‘1 . ,

This House is now opeft j o r gueste; It is dedrably situated at the bead o f Wesley Lake, commanding a fine view o f the Lake and Ocean. I t is obou t^ mllo from the Ocean and 300 yards from the C. R. R. depot.

, • 'A . rB. TO J^N D .

“■ * ''Jifri

O c e a n Q - r o y © .This House, the. 0rst established, at Ooean ;Grove, .. ... « . : -•»'- id^anaKrai<3y;has been

repainted.,: Eacl ............to veVandaSfWhich extend ‘o il around(t .’ each story. The rooms are > a ll newly plairtertd .and neatly fmulshed. I t is^oonvetSlently Jocatedjln^the Grove, on M t.CaraeIway^ withinirfe wyardajof. the Congregation Grounds,, Poet ,QlHoe. Telegraph; Oflio^/ etc. I t is well kept, and how open ror vialtors*Every effort w ill be madeto give satUi&M3tion .l|^all respeetaa

.. C. L. HOWlANh, Prfliiril»tbr.OCBAN EXPOSURE. ES'EABLISHED1884

A . H A N C E & SON-,

NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS,' a s © a p . « v : '

"Nnrseries dnd'Green^housesat Rumicn.SW mile# from both Sea Bright' Station, on the N rJj

Southern R. R., and Shrewsbury Station, ' on the J f. Y . <k Long Br&noJiR. B. .

Trees, Flints,

Floral Depot at -Long Sranoi luring Snmintt

BOUQUETS, BASKETS,Wreaths, Crosses, Crowns. -----

The following _Cattfo^nCT are y afrllBfred for gratuitous

N o . 1 .D esc r ip tive O a ta lo ra e or Trees .. S h rab s ,

V in es , E tc . ^

: N o . 3 ; tD e s c r ip t iv e C a ta logu e o t P la n ts J 4 ,

N o . 3 «W h o le s a le T n A e KJst. •, i ’

jnnds^rind ieaVedabd

.. . . trees,'shrubs,etc., best adapted to the soil and sea air. ' ' ^ .

IEEE- W E S T ,Of Long Branch, N. J„

Would beg leave to infohn tbe residents o f Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, that he w ill run a wagon three times a week with Oysters and Clams fresh from the Shrews­bury river.

Hotels and Families Supplied.Orders left at Park Hall, Asbury Park, w ill be prompt-

ly filled. ■ - v ■

K t N M O N T H & C O . ,Dealers in

1 ’ 1 E t c . , E t o .

.JHA^WHAdllsr. S T R E E T ,(N*Afi' SrsDfQiCB%)

• • A S B U R 'Y P A R K K . J.

, «J ^ g ^ X X O N ,

Carpenter and Builder,• *' Corner Bangs Ay. and Emory 8 M

“ A S B T J B Y P A R K , IV. J (

^BWauBKcios. —Bev. G. W . Treat, o f Rahway^ W . S P»ttet,J?aw.Brnoswlok; Rev. J. W. Yotlng - • - Klitahath..H> J .

J E B B C X S C H O O L .

soho°iBtf,er : •••CorJ» jbb At. im Emory St., Asbmy Park,ife^^iii^triAdy to Receive a limital number vof pctilt. A thorough course of all the ordinary foaMhas taught.

can bfl giren u to ability.■ I


C. W» Rogers‘ tbe people o f Asbury-Park , and

. ^ A M u a f i v a 9 t ^ i 8 7 ^ •• .

i ^ 'M B o b y p a r k , n . j.

L —IT PUBLI8HES A L L ' TH E NEW8> Thtf Servant of no man, and the alave of no party, it can afford to and does tell the truth about all.

. II .—IT IS IM P A R T IA L A N D IND EPEND ENT. Believing in intelligent Buffrage, it to furnish voters the fullest and fairest information, to qualify them for the wisest discharge of their responsibility.

IH —IT IS, A8 IT A L W A Y S WAS. ESSENTI­A L L Y REPUBLICAN . I t may quarrel in the fu­ture, -&b it has done in the past, with errors o f Repub­lican leaders o r corruptiona in the Republican party; but it can never cease to be true to Republican prin­ciples, and especially to those golden doctrines o f civ- il service, reform, hard money, the sanctity o f the National iaith, and equal justice to all classes at the South, which fprmed the corner-etonep o f Gov. HayesY admirable letter of acceptance.

IV .—ITS M ORAL TO NE IS PURE AND ELE- V ATED. The family circle ia never profaned by any­thing which appears in the columns o f T he T bibone.

V.—TH E CHOICEST S TAN D AR D A N D CUR­RE N T L ITE R A TU R E o f the day is presented in its columns, infclnding Correspondence,•-Pottns, Sto­ries and Reviews from thp most talented and populjir writers.

V I— IT IB TH E BEST* A N D CH E APEST FA R ­MER'S PA PE R . PUBLISHED. “ T n * W eekly T mnvzns ha* dona niojre to make good farmers than any other influence whioh ever existed.” ,

V IL —TH E M A R K E T REPORTS o f Tna T rib­une are indispensable to every buyer and aeller in the country. Quotations are given asilr and- weekly of almost every article -bought and sold in the markets of the world, and with unvarying and almost infallible‘ accuracy. Its Cattle, Butter and Cheese, and othdr markets are the recognised standard.

V i a —MORE COPIES o f T he T ribune are paid for and read by the American fpeople than o f any other newspaper of equal price in the country—a faot whioh is the best demonstration o f the value of the paper. *

IX .—T H E READERS o f th« T m bdhb represent largely the best enterprising and progressive nunds of the country. PersouB who are interested in pure poli­tics, the advance of science, and the progress o f opin­ion, will find thoir demands met by T h e T ribune.

X —PU BLIC A P P R O V A L A N D PR O SPE R ITY have rewarded the independent and self-respectful course o f The TRmtmm— lb has a larger and str^pgsg;, corps of earnest workers among its friends than ever before, and conRtautly receives from old and new readers words of encouragement.


D A IL Y —(By mail) one year.............. ..............$.10 00SEMI-W E K K LY—One year............................. 8 00||-:*?vc copies, one year. - ............. 12 50W :. T in copies (and one eitral.oao.year____ . . . . 85 00W E E K L Y —One year.. .Tv : .T.“. 200

Five copies, one year ................... 7 50Ten copies, one year................................... 12 50Twenty copies, one year............... ..•............ 32 00

■ Thirty copies, one year................................ 30 00

Each person procuring a club of ten ox more sub­scribers is entitled to otie extra W eek lt , and of^fifty ormora toH Sem i-W eekly . " '

To clergymen T he W e e k ly T ribune will be sent one year ior-41«50.; the, SBHi-WBBL>y for #2.50, and T he Da h -y for

faarr Specimen copied free. ^ ■13** Agents and canvassers wanted in. every town,

with whom liberal arrangements w ill be made.' EP* A ll remittances atT"Bender’s risk, unless by draft on New York, postal order,, or in registered

• Address simply*

T H E t r i b u n e ,NF.W TO BK.

j r . I I . S E X T O N ,C A B I N E T M A K E R , U P H 0 L 8 T E B E R ,


Caskets, 'Coffins, Shrouds,, Crape*, - ClotbsV e ^ M on

hand or furnished to order. Funerals. personally con­ducted to poirtt o f destination. *

MAIN STREET,, A s b u ry P a rk , N . J.

W m . D e v e r e a n ,J (E W B B A S C H ,J f .J „ I

’ ■ —D EALER IN — \Dry G ood s , G roceries^

F in e T ea s ,C o ffe e s , S p ices , S u gars ,

> B o o ts and S h o e s .,,,, F L O U R A F E E D C ro c ke iy ^ to .


F B E K O F O H A B G Q .

BUILDING MATERIAL,Brick, Lime, Lath, Planter, Csieot.uau,T’ F A I L S f t B tJ ILD E B S ; H A B D W A H E ,

4 A Specialty* . s

A l l Idnds o f Lumber ecnrtantly in thejyjtrd.

Herflock, Sprnce & White 1 fie Timber. ROOFING SLATE

O fth e best quafityVor contracts taken for. roofs • complete. -

■ V , n -r- f ■ • •


- , ; . , . J ^ T O M ILB8 B B ^ ^ T ^ i Q ^ ^ - ^ C O i r r A G E A t . • • , .

., ijO jsr 3 s r o ' p a - o p d a e-s bj tt .:c^ . * ) [ ' v tyi-( 0!i *'i\ual*.

“ I t gives 6 e gr^ak' ;piea*uro to ttate that I 1 htkVC vlsltedrtbejft^hndl Tc f the Ocean Grove Camp-meeting A«iocifttipn,( .and think them admirably adapted f o r ^ f o r n l s h l n ^ f a m i l f e s si sea-side resort in the midst

{ , f ■,, O PD }{O N ,O P aE N E O A ii dn X N T . ' ’V 'o f Christian' influences.’ ’

Our e*tcemed PrwidentsGfine,ral (Jrant^wboieiddes fn; summer,/our nillei from Asbtirv Park,\mhesltatinaly endorsedtho^piJlicatlonforapcst-'offiCo.asfollowe: > , . w; ; . V T..^ ^^ ^ •b ^ J P iu rk k la .^ thrWlna^.yopng,Bummnr resort,' only^two or three years bid, some

>> 1. mntrfl v ln «r .«.from Long Branch^ r_ the request fo ra Post Office should be denied, ' * It has how fcjO-tiorissa.

Oviir. six hM drrfio^ta i On$ BRUionVdU^z. '■

Asborv^Park fronts dln._„A tlantlcj stretching away for

Asbur“ " * ------ 1Street


..... uy two or three years Old, some s ir or seven miles104 now soiud "125honses, Shd the'natnfee*1 is rapidly increasing; I dohotseewhy

' • Anonat'4l.h:1R74 ' n j S;'GRANT-**August' 4th1 1874.

is have been built st Asbury Park and Ooto^Grove^jth|h;/our years, costing cver v"

on the^o<ymuIt, does not front

ittry Park was assessed in 1§69 at ^15,000; the assessme'nt' tor 1875"was,$!?io*000i- Mts running at right angles to tfie sea'aro .from one to two hnndrtjd feet wide— an advantageposMissdotbwrbea-sIdafeBOrt.! ?/r' -A-. ' *t > '* hi ,■ ' f—

. "Every.article in pur., line delivered with dispatch, at tbo lpwe|t|>os8ibIe pHees. ’ *•

M'AiA v 4' ? ; •/• , ia .: : -n,, pMtles depiring to. erect Ooitages w ill dot do them* selves'Jdstlce^wksth^r g M ‘i « B call. ^

dlARRKT v : s m o c k ! ' NELSON E, BUCHANON.

mlmiUji,, TW tum aof aalaof tottfarAabarTFatkHr«’tf<NiMta'nnf<'<»i>..t:>i.?.i h ,.. ,m <; h F irtt . Wheh partjij* • » j r aitfl dff n if 'W ld j'o rt thtfd tlje parcbaM mbnof *111 bo r*4'afro44<rtrt> I. Balance In

J lT s^an . •••, .' •••• • ■- '■>'Second. Where parcnaair buildi, do;money w ill bo required down, bat a moirtgaio can be given, payable in te a ' « ia , with the privilege o f ten li ie rer,afraid, mfcking tfiQ principal d m dne one hundred years hence; tho par-

. R E S B A U B RO W N>•" ‘ ' Dealer in all Jdnds nfc , L*.,


T O B A C C O , : PIPES,


jaL % n n . s r


R. W. W O R T H I N G T O N .O a r p e a t e r & B a i l l e r .

A ll kinds o f carpenter work done with neatness and, dispatch. BU ILD INGS RAISED * MOVED. Job- bing promptly attendedto. , •BetULonoo, S. E. Oor. S«w*U At. H Emoiy Bt.

A S B U R Y - P A R K , I f . J .


Established. 1858.j a ’ i i i '

LONG- BRANCH, W. J.! ■ . — ,



Baaketa, Bonqueta and Ont Flow ers fo r W ed ­dings and Parties. Orossca, W reaths, Crowns,

ichora, and other dgsjgnB fo r Fonerala. Oab- c . Tomatoes, Ugg~rlani8, Peppers, Lettupe

andColcry.E lanta ln” their.propej; 9e&aon_ :

w u m m i ;A S B U R Y PARK, N. J*

STOUT & HATHAWAYdesire to inform their friends, and tha public generally,

they w ill constantly have on hand all kinds o f fur­nishing goods suitable for Coftages, at the very

lowest prices. Also,

Carpets, Matting, BffS. Oil Clitki, • MATTRESSES, PEEiOWS, B0LSTKR8,

and SPREADS.C R O C K E R Y , G LA SS * K A H T H E S W A B K .

T U I , V O O B m l V U I O V V A B B .

R I I IL .D K R S ’ f t C A R R IA G E H A B D W A I E ,

A O R IO V L T C R A L B tB P IiK H lB H TS , ( t c .

U V I u a O A R D E 1 H E B M . . -

P A IN T S , O IL S , V A R N IS H E S , a te ., M t .

Parties wiahing lo fnrnUh Hotels or Cottages pleue iend for Circular. uGoods delivered free o f charge .


Astmrr Fait Steam Sav His,P L A N I N G , S C R O L L .S A W lM G ,

" S A S H , B L I N D S & D O O R S .

Window and Door frames ---------- . V p-<


A fall asBortm5J5t~6f 'Moldhigq on-Hand.

!" ' y ■ ■



ASBURY YAJ& K , N. J.L A R G E S H O P ON M A IN 8 T ; ,

At the head o f Wesley Lake. .

Having associated ourselvas together as parto< and being thoroughly acquainted with cottagcT^nfld u it all its branches, We are prepared ta take hold OfNany contract in. tbia'sectlonr r f * shall also ccnUairf the Boat ^Building and furnishing in, all kinds of.styles which may be required. ,

A ll kinas o f jobbing In cu r line attended; to with

^Preferencesaslo character and workxnsnshij)we

P r lfl^ A r^ it4 ^ ,:W 1 9 A r*h ;^ , 'i,iilisaiipbl A . H. Head, 13P e m tcr St., .O .P ttker.O eou iG rove.N .J . >, ' f

■' :i , ... T.,' "

Manufacturers and Dealers in

Oak, pine & Hemlock Timber,J t o t v r d B f .

P l a i l k ,S i d i n g ,

L a t h jtea,O H tH . .

B a i l s , E t c .

C O M j 7(Lehigh, Hazelton, Book Monntain.)

Brlob, Lime, Lath an4..Halr, Bono Dost, phosphate, Foudrette, Oas

Lime, Iron Clad Faint, Eta; 1U til and T aetw r Pilaoston. If. J.

Toor Patronage Eespcclfnlly Solicited.

E D W A R D .M . F IE L D E R , Man’gr.


'T h e mitacriBer i s . , b n , W a U r* , qaaatltf of bricks which wUl.b. dsliwrtd to'any staUfOn cm tlx New York Mid* Long Branoh Ballrqad at fair pdoM awl w ith dlspittob. _ ' ■„ ..,

Call and w iw iii. , or addma, ' . * • .

Park. So there u e twoiines' o f comninnication,' _. time from New York'to Asbury Park* two.hours; and -------- (f 1(. . .

iy.'or/Cdrgmunlpaw; isnCwrunning to Asbury .adelphia, the cart run l o Asbury Park. BAIlroadtW PM lid i^ ia 'fd '’Asbury Park* two houta and thlrty-tive '

-years, . , _____ r ____ . _____chaser, however, reserving the right to pay off tha mortgage at any time.

Ten per oent.ofrforCash’attime o f purchase.For prioe o f lots, address, - A

JAMES A. JBRADLEY^r ISAAC SEALE , —■'">'251 pearl itreet, N. If.

A -A L L E N B, C O O K '

A ib a rfP u rtJ J . J iio r ,. THEO.OVES, J43N . X iird 8t.,or, - ? 1125 Qreen 8U, Phil.

N K W Y O H K B d lM f i B B A N C H B M liR Q A D

’ S b & -£ W S & (h m £ m i .

R E M O V A L .. The subscriber hereby wishes to inform his patrons and the public in general o f his REM OVAL from the O LD STAND to tne new

CENTENNIAL STOUE,C o r. C O O K H A R AT. Sc n O lt f i S T R E E T ,

, ASBUBT P A R K , S . J.,Where h« w ill oontlnne to do

■ in the • 'n* » -—


F L O U R A N D V K E i) A L W A V s J>N H AND

B u t t e r a n s i . T e a s a S p e c i a l t y . '

Thankful foVpaet favor., udBoliciting a sbara o f T C D rtrade in the fctnre, I remain, ’

Tours truly, »



W. W. M^€HESNEY- i Monnfactoier ojj’

_ Main St., Opposite Railroad Park. ,

j y h b K l t a t o i i t i 'uJ Sw ing In m h j fW . J E J


— muu*K»-n*— ; —DEY GOODS,



W00BEH«WABE, . ,. . . AJfD -■


on CLOTHS, WCTB0W SHADES, Etc. Keehanloa' Tooli. Wljidow Glau & Putty.

Aacxarmab '£ » ja .x s irv s . , !.' Farming Implement!; Field and Garbed

: Beedi-•• ’ } AOnOT.|KQB V«- , v '

'" PKATT’S ./ASTRAL OIL, , ■ .. . . . . . jy ij) U fi- ..«■ |

■- ’ ; X r. rAM.pwrnu,

JOS. T. 1MLAY. & CO.,Dealers in .,

( K O C H AND PROVISIONS!' ' C r o c k e r y * e t c .,

F O E Q A S K O N X j - T T .

Cor. Bond 8t and Cookman Avenue__

A S B U R Y 1 P A R K , N. J . ^‘ ■' - —’Goods Delivered In Grove and Park.

' LOKERSON BROTHERS, C a r r i a g e M a k e rs

A nd Wheelwrights, *

C obweb o r Sk w a l l A v . a n d M a in S t .

X3FJobbing Promptly"Attended to.

S T n b l i • W l A T E . \

I r e a r t s m r f s t r o n s , f o r w h s m I h a v e b n ilt In th e p ast f iv e y e a rs a t O esa n G ro v e a n d A a b a ry P a r k , a b o u t F i f t y fidd aea.

j . m . tm i. ;ARCHITECT ;

tOor. Benioo an& m in .A v * . ’ "

•. ■■■';T ' '■!' * 6flniw-ftaoVB,.». J.

Prepared for Inunedlate Use, : 307 PEAEL SXEEET, NEW 70EE. •Prom the Uunutm it-of pur'chaicri * f our PRE­

PA R E D PAD4T8, we liave ye tto hear tho first com. plaint. The reason is vppareni' ' O ur-pa in ti bar. stood the^Ust of years, where all other paint, have failed la 'dara^illtj. Their ooverlnr capacitv, being greater tliaa ttat o f anyo%ar palnf, prMenUaprao- U ctl,ttt^ ,q ftaxnoi*y. Out paint.are guaranlad In every parucnlK^tSe oonsntner assnming no riik whatever, as we will repaint any iu ild in r on which Oar'

* °Moe Of“ : r W f < V S v '

'a T O iJ T ■ A - j g A y i i A W A Y .' f ■ j . ^

top related