m150: data, computing and information

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M150: Data, Computing and Information. Unit Seven: An introduction to programming using JavaScript. 1- Introduction. The aims of this unit are: Writing code to read in data from a user, perform some simple processing and display the result; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


M150: Data, Computing and Information


Unit Seven: An introduction to programmingusing JavaScript

1- Introduction The aims of this unit are:

Writing code to read in data from a user, perform some simple processing and display the result;

Programming for sequence, selection and repetition in a high-level language, specifically: How to achieve selective execution of sections of program

code as a result of the evaluation of some condition; How to achieve repeated execution of a section of program

code, either while a particular condition is true or for a specified number of times.

JavaScript is not the same as Java. Although JavaScript code looks a bit like Java, and the two languages are often used together to produce web-based applications, they are otherwise unrelated.

JavaScript is case sensitive (JavaScript interpreter treats If, IF and if as being different.


1- Introduction Notes:

Syntax : rules of the language Semantics: explain the meaning of the word in the P.L. Keywords (reserved words): words which have a special

meaning in the particular programming language All the reserved words in JavaScript are lower case You must access to your computer, as it contains a large

number of practical activities You should read the Block 2 Software Guide The Block 2 Software Guide tells you how to find and run the

programs that we have provided, how to look at and possibly change the program source code, i.e. the set of JavaScript statements which make up the program. It also contains a summary of JavaScript syntax, which you will probably find helpful.


2- Getting started

JavaScript, is a scripting language. This means that programs written in JavaScript cannot be run on their own, but have to be run within some application, such as a web browser. (Most high-level programming languages are not scripting languages, and do not require an additional application in which to run)

JavaScript is an interpreted language. A browser such as Netscape, which has an embedded JavaScript interpreter, takes your JavaScript statements and interprets them, i.e. it translates them into machine code instructions and executes them instruction by instruction.


2- Getting started

First program<HTML>


<TITLE> Program_7.2.1 First Program


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">

document.write('Welcome to programming!')







inform the HTML system that the lines of code between them are not HTML instructions but are written in JavaScript

is the instruction to display the text Welcome to programming! - document (current page) is a kind of program structure called an object. Each object is associated with particular behavior- write() is a (behaivor) method associated with the document, which enables JavaScript to add text to the page.

2- Getting started

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> …..

</SCRIPT> If no specific language is specified, HTML will assume that

the code is JavaScript, so the first of the HTML lines above could be replaced by <SCRIPT>

Notes about document.write() The ‘dot notation’ (as in document.write()) tells the document

object to execute the code of its write() method The parentheses () enclose what is called the argument of the

method. It provides information that the method needs to do its job, which, in this case, is the text to be displayed.

The text in the program statement must be enclosed in quotation marks. JavaScript will accept either single or double quotes, but in M150 we will be using single quotes


2- Getting started

Variables A variable can be thought of as a named (or identifier) location

in the computer’s memory where a value is stored. Identifier is a variable name. we don’t need to know anything

about exact memory locations (JavaScript interpreter and the operating system will then identify a suitable memory location and manage it for us)

The value in a variable can change (vary) as the program executes

To declare a variable, use the keyword var

var sum;

sum = 3;

document.write(sum) 73Output



Variable named sum has the value 3



2- Getting started

Notes about the previous code:1. Notice that sum is not enclosed in quotes, as we want to display

the value of the variable called sum, not the text ‘sum’



2. The semicolon can be used as a separator between instructions, so that JavaScript clearly ‘knows’ where one instruction ends and another begins. Where each instruction is on a separate line the semicolons are not mandatory, but we think they make the code clearer and will be using them throughout this block Each of the previous instructions is complete without semicolon

3. var myVar;


This is because the variable has not had any value assigned to it8





2- Getting started

Some error: document.write(hi there!) document.write(‘hi there!’)

Initialization: the process of assigning an initial value to a variable

Some useful data types: Number type: 3, 7, -6, 3.24 String type (Character sequences)

Strings in JavaScript code must be enclosed in quotation marks to distinguish them from variables and reserved words

The quotes are not actually part of the string Strings can include spaces, numbers, punctuation

marks …. ‘6123’ : to indicate to JavaScript that a sequence of

numbers is treat as a string9

2- Getting started

Identifier must follow particular rules ( variables and methods must be valid identifiers):

The first character must be one of the following an upper-or lower-case letter (that is, A...Z, a...z); an underscore character ( _ ); a dollar sign ($).

Subsequent characters may be any of the above or a digit (0-9) You may not use a reserved word which is already part of

JavaScript’s vocabulary. (var, while, if, for) Guidelines to make program easier to read and debug:

There is no limit on the number of characters that can be used in an identifier. Avoid very short identifiers (not informative)

Avoid the use of $ and _ in identifiers. Choose meaningful names Start your identifiers with lower-case letters


2- Getting started

Assignment operator( = ) Any value on the right of the = symbol, is assigned to the

variable named on the left When assigning a value to a variable, the name of the variable

must be on the left-hand side of the = symbol, and the value on the right.

The right side can be explicit value, an expression that will evaluate to a value, or other variable name var myVar, yourVar;

myVar = 6;

yourVar = myVar + 3;

myVar = yourVar; 3 = myVar; error statement

If a new value is assigned to the variable, then this value overwrites the previous value, which is lost 11

2- Getting started

Operators on numbers (binary operators): Addition + Subtraction – Multiplication * Division /

Precedence rules: The order in which they are applied in an expression

containing more than one operator1. Parentheses: evaluate the expression (s) in parentheses first,

and where there is more than one set, the expression in the innermost pair will be evaluated first.

2. Multiplication and division

3. Addition and subtraction. 12

2- Getting started

(2 * (3 + (6 / (1 + 2)) - 1))

(2 * (3 + (6 / (1 + 2)) - 1))

(2 * (3 + (6 / 3) - 1))

(2 * (3 + 2 - 1))

(2 * (5 - 1))

(2 * 4)


A binary operator on strings The symbol + is also used as a string operator: in this context +

is the operator for concatenation (appending the second string to the first). For example:

'Hello' + 'there' will give 'Hellothere'


2- Getting started

Getting data from a user and displaying results: var name;

name =window.prompt('Enter your name','');

document.write('Hello ' + name + '!');

document.write('<BR>' + 'Have a good day')


instructs JavaScript to display a prompt dialogue box with some specified text. This box lets you enter a value, which is then assigned to the variable

Hello Ali!Have a good day


2- Getting started

Notes: window refers to the browser’s window in which document (the

current page) is displayed. The method prompt() is associated with window object, which

cause the prompt dialogue box to appear on top of the window prompt() can be used with two arguments, separated by a

comma. The first argument specifies the string that the programmer wants to appear in the box; the second specifies a default response string, which appears in the text entry box before the user has entered any value

In the previous example, the default string is the empty string ''. It is not the same as ' ', which is two single quotes with a space

JavaScript treats all input and output in prompt box as strings, so does not need the quotes to distinguish them

<BR> at line 4 (HTML tag ), creates a line break (causes the text which comes after it to be displayed on a new line) 15

2- Getting started

Example:var name;

var day;

name = window.prompt('Enter your name','Type your name here');

day = window.prompt('Enter the day','');

document.write('Hello ' + name + '!');

document.write('<BR>' + 'Have a nice ' + day)


Type your name here

Hello Ali!Have a nice Sunday

Output if the inputs areAli , Sunday

2- Getting started

Example:var numberOne; var numberTwo; var sum; numberOne = window.prompt('Enter your first number',''); numberTwo = window.prompt('Enter your second number',''); sum = numberOne + numberTwo; document.write('The sum of '+ numberOne + ' and ' + numberTwo + ' is ' + sum)

JavaScript have understood + to be concatenation operator17

The sum of 32 and 45 is 3245

If you enter the two numbers 32 and 45, the output will be:

2- Getting started

Function parseFloat(): Takes a string as an argument and provides as a result

(return value) the number corresponding to the numeric part of the string – converting a suitable string into a number.

parseFloat('3') returns 3 parseFloat('10.25') returns 10.25 parseFloat(‘04') returns 4 leading zero will be lost myVar = window.prompt('Enter a number','');

myVar = parseFloat(myVar) parseFloat() will not be able to convert characters into numbers. It

will return NaN ‘Not a Number ‘

parseFloat(‘three') returns NaN Outputting numbers:

The argument of the document.write() must be a string. If the argument is number; the method write() takes a number, say 183, and automatically converts it to the string '183'


2- Getting started

Example:var firstNumber; var secondNumber; var total; firstNumber = window.prompt('Enter your first number',''); firstNumber = parseFloat(firstNumber); secondNumber = window.prompt('Enter your second number',''); secondNumber = parseFloat(secondNumber); total = firstNumber + secondNumber; document.write('The sum of '+ firstNumber + ' and ' + secondNumber + ' is ' + total)

If you enter 32 and 45, the output will be: The sum of 32 and 45 is 77

If you enter thirty-two and forty-five, the output will be: The sum of NaN and NaN is NaN 19

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Boolean data type: consists of just two values, true and false Boolean expression: is the condition which returns a Boolean

value Comparison operators: act on compare two values of the

same type, such as two number or two string and return a Boolean value


Operator symbol

Informal description


< Less than (3 < 5)

(3 < 3)



<= Less than or equal (2 <= 1)

(2 <= 2)



> greater than ( 2 > 3) false

>= greater than or equal

(3 >= 2)

(3 >= 5)



== Equal to (2 == 3) false

!= Not equal to (3 != 2) true

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example:

var firstValue, secondValue;

var firstBool, secondBool;

firstValue = window.prompt('Please enter your first value','');

firstValue = parseFloat(firstValue);

secondValue = window.prompt('Please enter your second value','');

secondValue = parseFloat(secondValue);

firstBool = (firstValue < secondValue);

secondBool = (firstValue <= secondValue);

document.write('It is ' + firstBool + ' that '+ firstValue + ' < '+ secondValue);

document.write('<BR>' + 'It is ' + secondBool + ' that '+ firstValue

+ ' <= ' + secondValue)

If you enter 3 then 5, the output will be:


Several variables can be declared on the same line consisting of the reserved word var followed by the names of each of the variables, separated by commas. We recommend that you put variables of different kinds on different lines

It is true that 3 < 5It is true that 3 <= 5

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Notes:

Leaving a space between operator(<=, !=, … ) will cause a syntax error.

Use of a ‘double equals’ (==) symbol for the equality operator. This distinguishes it from the assignment operator =.

All operators are binary operator. We can use the comparison operators on any values which are

ordered (letters, numbers) Comparisons on strings work by comparing the first letter in

each string, then, if they are the same, the second letter in each string, and so on.

(‘a’ < ‘c’) true ('cat' < 'cave') true ('cat' < 'camel') false (‘117’ < ‘32’) true but (117 < 32) false 22

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Conditional statements:

The if statement


If (Boolean expression){ Statement (s)};

Carried out only when a certain condition is true

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example:(1) var bankBalance, withdrawalAmount;

(2) bankBalance = 100;

(3) withdrawalAmount = window.prompt('How much do you want to withdraw?','');

(4) withdrawalAmount = parseFloat(withdrawalAmount);

(5) if (withdrawalAmount > bankBalance)

(6) {

(7) document.write('You cannot do that!' + '<BR>')

(8) };

(9) document.write('Goodbye')



If the input is 50:You cannot do that


If the input is 150:


If the input is 100:

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Notes:

The Boolean expression which follows the reserved word if must be within parentheses.

The spacing and indentation are purely to aid readability Where there is a statement following the if statement, a

semicolon is needed after the closing brace (curly bracket) in order to separate the if statement from the next statement .

Testing programs: it’s important to choose a set of test inputs that are likely to find any errors. For if statements, you should test with at least two values, one which makes the condition true (the route by which the statement (s) within the braces are executed), and one which makes it false (the route by which they are ignored). It is better to choose a boundary values (values at and around)


3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example:

The program prompts you to enter a password, and then prompts you to re-enter the password. It then checks whether the two entries match. var password,repeatPassword;

password = window.prompt('Please enter your password','');

repeatPassword =window.prompt('Please re-enter yourpassword','');

if (password != repeatPassword)


document.write('Your password is unchanged' + '<BR>')


document.write('Thank you')

26Thank you

If inputs are: abc, abcYour password is unchangedThank you

If inputs are: ab, abc

3- Programming for selection: the if statement The if … else statement

Do one thing if a condition is true and something else if the condition is false


there is no semicolon before the else.

if (Boolean expression) { statement(s)} else { different statement(s) } ;

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example:

var password, repeatPassword;

password = window.prompt('Please enter your password','');

repeatPassword = window.prompt('Please re-enter your password','');

if (password != repeatPassword)


document.write('Your password is unchanged' + '<BR>')




document.write ('Password successfully changed' + '<BR>')


document.write('Thank you')

28Password successfully changedThank you

If inputs are: abc, abc

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example:

var response;

response = window.prompt('Are you having a good day today?', '');

if (response == 'Yes')


document.write('Glad to hear it')




document.write('Maybe tomorrow will be better')


document.write('<BR>' + 'Thank you for replying')

29Glad to hear itThank you for replying

If the input is: YesMaybe tomorrow will be betterThank you for replying

If the input is: yes

Don’t use = instead of ==

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Conditionals and compound statements

Compound statements: several statements (separated by semicolons or new line characters) enclosed in braces { } – treats as a single statements.

The use of braces where only a single statement appears in an if or an else clause is not strictly necessary, but we recommend that you use them as it makes the code more readable

Improving readability by using comments Readability can be improved by the use of meaningful variable

names and by using indentation and spacing to show the structure of your code. Code can be clearer if it include comment

JavaScript provides two ways of comments: The symbol // (two forward slashes) tells JavaScript to ignore

anything on the remainder of that line The pair of symbols /* and */ tells JavaScript to ignore anything

between them 30

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example

var yearOfBirth, thisYear; yearOfBirth =window.prompt('Please enter your year of birth','');yearOfBirth = parseFloat(yearOfBirth);thisYear = window.prompt('Please enter the current year', '2004'); thisYear = parseFloat(thisYear); if (yearOfBirth > thisYear) { document.write('You have made a mistake somewhere'); yearOfBirth = window.prompt('Please re-enter your year of birth',''); yearOfBirth = parseFloat(yearOfBirth); thisYear = window.prompt('Please re-enter the current year', '2004'); thisYear = parseFloat(thisYear) }; document.write('<BR>' + 'On your birthday this year, you will be' + (thisYear -yearOfBirth)) 31

3- Programming for selection: the if statement An introduction to more complex conditionals

Compound Boolean expression NOT is a unary Boolean operator ( ! )

- if a is true, !(a) is false; if a is false, !(a) is true. OR is a binary Boolean operator ( || )

- if either a or b is true, or both are true, (a || b) is true; otherwise (a || b) is false.

AND is a binary Boolean operator ( && )

- if both a and b are true, (a && b) is true; otherwise (a && b) is false.

Evaluate the following expression If x is 21?(a) ((x == 21) && (x > 22)) false

(b) !(x >= 21) false

(c) ((x > 15) || (x < 12)) true 32

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Nested conditionals


if (condition_1){ statement(s)_1 } else { if (condition_2) { statement(s)_2 } else { if (condition_3) { statement(s)_3 } else { statements } } }

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example:

var temperature; temperature = window.prompt('Please enter today\'s current temperature in degrees Celsius','');temperature = parseFloat(temperature);if (temperature <= 0){ document.write('It is freezing') } else { if (temperature < 15) { document.write('It is cold') } else { if (temperature < 25) { document.write('It is a nice day') } else { document.write('It is hot!') } } }


The symbol \ in today\'s tells JavaScript that the quote is part of the string, not the string terminator. The \ is referred to as an escape character

It is hot !If the input is 25

It is freezingIf the input is -2

It is a nice dayIf the input is 24

It is coldIf the input is 11

3- Programming for selection: the if statement Example

var mark; mark = window.prompt('Please enter your mark','');mark = parseFloat(mark);if (mark < 40){ document.write('Sorry, you\'ve failed') } else if (mark < 60) { document.write('Congratulations, you\'ve passed') } else { document.write('Many congratulations, you have honours') }


We have not included braces round the else clause that goes with the first if, because the else clause is a single statement

You should run the program to test three possible routes, one when the input is less than 40, one when it is 40 or over but less than 60 and one when it is greater than or equal 60

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