macbeth unit 1

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Macbeth Unit 1 . deleterious. Definition: harmful. Synonyms: Toxic Deadly Lethal poisonous. Antonyms: Harmless Safe Nontoxic Risk-free. Examples: Anthrax Napalm Smoking Ebola virus. Deleterious sentences. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Macbeth Unit 1


Antonyms: Harmless Safe Nontoxic Risk-free

Synonyms: Toxic Deadly Lethal poisonous

Examples: Anthrax Napalm Smoking Ebola virus

Definition: harmful

Deleterious sentences

The massive oil spill proved deleterious to ocean life, killing many fish, birds, and other marine life.

Something that is deleterious is…


Antonyms: Similar Alike Comparable

Synonyms: Deviating Opposing Conflicting contrary

Examples: Reading and dancing Introverts and

extroverts Fords and Chevy lovers Creationism and


Definition: Moving apart,

differing, not matching up

Divergent Sentences

My brother and sister went divergent ways after graduation, one to the military, the other to the university.

An example of a divergent belief is…


Antonyms: Lack of

understanding Don’t care

Synonyms: Compassion Sympathy Walking in

someone’s shoes

Examples: Helping your friend

through a break up Listening to a friend

who’s having a problem with a parent

Sharing problems with coworkers

Definition: understanding of another’s feelings

Empathy sentences

If a friend is upset, you need to show empathy by listening and showing you care.

A job where you need to have empathy is…


Antonyms: Rigid Unbending Inflexible stiff

Synonyms: Flexible Durable Hardy Resistant

Examples: Football players have

to be Business men,

Donald Trump Tires for your car

Definition: Recovering quickly

Resilient Sentences

The dandelions were resilient against every pesticide we sprayed on them.

A resilient person will…


Antonyms: Foolishness Silliness thoughtlessness

Synonyms: Reasonable Wise Good judgment

Examples: Kings and presidents

must have sagacity Abraham Lincoln,

George Washington Judges

Definition: Wisdom, being level-


Sagacity Sentences

The owl is a symbol of wisdom and sagacity.

Someone I know how possesses sagacity is…


Antonyms: Convicted Found guilty Proven wrong

Synonyms: Free from blame Cleared Proven correct

Examples: Judge finds you not

guilty Ace a test after you

fail the previous one Have a good game

after a poor one

Definition: Prove that someone

is innocent or not guilty

Vindicate Sentences After losing to

UCLA, Nebraska vindicated themselves by soundly defeating South Dakota State.

After failing a test, my sister vindicated herself by…


Antonyms: Enduring Long-lasting Eternal undying

Synonyms: Fleeting Brief Temporary momentary

Examples: Bubbles Rain shower A lit match on a windy

day Kardashian marriages

Definition: Short-lived, not long

lasting (as in time)

Transient Sentences

Summer in Alaska is a brief and transient occasion.

Something that is transient is…


Antonyms: Natural Real Authentic True

Synonyms: Artificial Pretended Insincere Not real

Examples: Play sick to stay home Pretend to be someone

else on phone Morgana feigned being

good, though she was truly evil

Definition: Pretended or faked


Feigned Sentences

To make my mom happy, I feigned interest in her long explanation of how she made my quilt.

The manfeigned illness so he…

Antonyms: Clumsy Awkward Inept “all thumbs”

Synonyms: Competent Capable Able Nimble

Examples: Complicated dances Fencing with swords Getting around a

defender in sports Driving around


Definition: skillful


Adroitly Sentences

The adroit receiver caught the football before being pushed out of bounds.

I am adroit at…


Antonyms: Safety Security Protection Well-being

Synonyms: Threat Risk hazard

Examples: Giants, serpents, sea

monsters Below zero

temperatures Walking along a cliff Being in a tornado

Definition: danger

Peril Sentences

Staying afloat during storms is one of the perils of being a sailor.

A peril of climbing Mount Everest would be…


Antonyms: Turn down decline Refuse reject

Synonyms: Beg Pray Request beseech

Examples: Entreat parents to use

the car Entreat boss for a raise Entreat teacher for an

extension on an assignment

Definition: plead, ask


Entreated Sentences

The soccer player entreated his coach for one more chance.

I’ve entreated my parents to…


Antonyms: Sinful Wicked Evil corrupt

Synonyms: Good Honorable Respectable upright

Examples: Beowulf Gawain Superman Knights of Round


Definition: virtuous and moral

Righteous Sentences

Gawain proved himself a righteous man when he didn’t back out on his pact with the Green Knight.

Someone who is righteous is…

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