machine gun

Post on 25-Jul-2015



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•Hiram Maxim•Machine Gun •Developed of the Machine Gun •Early times of Maxim gun company •Sources By Ryan


Sir Hiram Maxim is the machine gun Inventor. He was born on February 5,1804 and when he died on November 24,1916 he was 76. He worked in a machine shop and in a ship building. In 1878 he was hired as chief engineer of the U.S. Electric lighting Company. In that post he produced a basic invention, a method of manufacturing carbon filament. Moving to London Maxim began to toy with the problems associated with the design and manufacture of automatic weapon.

The Machine Gun inventor is sir Hiram Maxim. Hiram developed an automatic weapon called the Maxim Gun (machine gun). This weapon changed warfare methods. This gun uses the force of recoil caused by the explosion of a cartridge to throw out the empty shell and ram home a new one. The machine gun is used in war’s from World War 1 to today.

His Maxim Gun company, founded in 1884, was later absorbed into Vickers Ltd., of which he became the director. Vickers machine gun subsequently became the standard issue weapon of its type in the British army during World War 1.

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