madelon the plate broker by fernand martin

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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A focu of a gorgeous toy made by french toymaker Martin This story has been published in Antique Toy World magazine (Chicago)


Madelon the plate breaker

A charming mechanical toy by Fernand Martin

Séraphin Fernand Martin Madelon holding the shivering plates

Madelon from Victor Bonnet, successor of Martin

Inexhaustible subject of fascination, Bécassine, the famous character appeared for the first

time in the french magazine for little girls entitled “la Semaine de Suzette”. Sketched by Mr

Pinchon, she has celebrated her centenary in 2005. Perennially fashionable classic and

indestructible among our heroes of comic strip, she carries us along numerous discoveries in

unexpected encounters in nearby domains not only of the Doll with Bleuette but even the

automaton. She is nowadays considered by mechanical toys collectors as part of the family of

the cute “little bonshommes” issued by Séraphin Fernand Martin. These little ingenious

mechanical toys were mostly sold as affordable prices, performing on the macadam of the

Parisian “Grands Boulevards” as shown below.

Much more than simple silhouettes, the little matins are delicious small full person of an

hilarious assurance which challenges time. The “madelon” gave place to very numerous

realizations and interpretations of which the most famous is, naturally , the doll “Bécassine”

realized by Reine DEGRAIS , from 1949, doll in jersey, faggot of kapok and dressed in the

famous suit. However, been born in 1905 of Joseph Pinchon's imagination, she inspired very

fast and very variously numerous manufacturers of toys. Perennially fashionable classic and

indestructible among our heroes of comic strip, she carries us along numerous discoveries in

unexpected encounters in nearby domains not only of the Doll with Bleuette but even the

automaton. Then the first World War arrived. It seems that the "Semaine de Suzette"

magazine stopped the broadcasting of the " Plate breaker ".

An advertisement of the mechanical toy Bécassine, first issue of the plate broker

In 1915, Georges Flersheim is killed during the attempt of a cannon of his conception. In

1919, the factory of toys MARTIN-FLERSHEIM is resold in the family BONNET.

Registration in the Commercial register of the Seine is taken under the naming "Victor Bonnet

and Cie, successor of Séraphin Fernand Martin ". Effectively manufacture is boosted, either

with new models, or with the former models MARTIN, mechanisms and aesthetics being

improved. So our toy is reborn renamed "Madelon, Casseuse d’assiettes ", Bécassine's name

having been, meanwhile, deposited and its use subjected to precise financial conditions. The

production of the new buyer is henceforth identified with initials " V.B ". (And later " VEBE

", followed by Bonnet successors in 1938). The patent of this toy describes the awkward person

as a "small maid ".

THE ORIGINAL illustrated BOX

The Bonnet toy is made in sheet steel. In black corselet, in red long skirt or blue - flag with white

apron, the quite painted in the hand. She wears on the front a necklace with the catholic cross,

these molded and painted in gilt. She has hoofs. Stamped " F.M. " and in the back "Victor Bonnet"

(" V.B°)

By top, a small dickey with sleeve in tissue of white cotton squared with fine red scores, with collar

of white cotton. And a cotton white apron. She wears lithographed hoofs and measures nearly 17

centimeters (5.2 inches) in height. The key is always fixed permanently to the body. Madelon the

plate breaker transports with dignity plates which abruptly jump and fall again, in the big dismay of

our hero, whose sour glance upward, takes the sky to witness. The dozen plates, all tin, was

always colored shell of egg at Fernand Martin and red at Victor Bonnet (1913 patent). The Patent,

initially conceived by genious toymaker Fernand Martin but deposited by FLERSHEIM is very

interesting. Admire it sharpness, ingeniosity and precision. It was really a challenge to make this

toys at affordable price In the 1920 ‘s.


Text by PASKY, photos by Pasky/ Theimer More about Fernand MARTIN and Victor BONNET through

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