magazine mind map

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Mind Map and Research

Name: Lucas KirklandCandidate Number: 2130Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

Generation of Ideas for Ancillary Product 1) –

TV Magazine Front Cover

Source of InspirationHistory of the product – • Founded in 1991 the magazine company was originally published by IPC

media• Whats on TV is a weekly television listings magazine. Publisher - • Timeinc. UK• Publishing Director: Mark Winterton • Editor: Patrick McLennanCirculation Figures - • 2015 UK magazines circulation breakdown (ABC)

Price Range – 50p-60pA cheap price range suits the target reader of my magazine. This is due to the fact that younger audiences will be able to afford my magazine with thee little or no money they may earn. The sales of my magazine will be secured as the cheap price and quantity of information will be a key selling point.Socio Economic NeedsThe stereotypical target audience for my soap opera magazine, according to the research carried out into this print media product, will mainly consist of middle/lower class readers. These individuals will fit into the following social economic needs categories: C1, C2, D and E. Soap operas generally appeals to the middle or lower class. This denotes that people like to watch and connect with the struggles on screen and potentially connect with them.

Title Total Y/Y % change % actively purchased

What’s on TV 997,160 -5.8 100


Masthead ideas

Possible Names:Soap Digest: This magazine name, suggests to the audience that they will be able to “Digest” huge amounts of information if they read this magazine. Soap Spoiler: This masthead signifies (De Saussure) to readers that reading this TV magazine will provide all the juicy information that is needed in order to enjoy the TV. Soap Inside: This magazine masthead gives audiences the feeling that they will be getting exclusive information, with the word “Inside”.Daily Dose: This masthead conveys a consistent amount of magazines and information. The verbal code “daily” has connotations of consistency.

Verbal Codes: When reading soap opera magazines in the past, they include lots of enticing verbal codes. For example verbal codes such as “digest, inside and daily” entice readers as it suggests that they will be consuming allot of information. Additionally they also include aggressive verbal codes such as “Fight” and “Crash”. These verbal codes illustrate what's going on in the magazines.

Colours: Pale Blue: The colour blue can often be associated with sadness and agony. These are conventions that are featured heavily within soap operas Yellow: After looking at multiple soap opera magazines I have noticed that the colour yellow is used on multiple occasions. This is because the colour is very bright and eye-catching. Additionally the colour is neutral in terms of conventions . Red: The colour red has multiple conventions. Love and compassion are thought off and even danger. These are usually themes connected with soap operas. Therefore the colour red is a significant colour to use for my magazine front cover.

Font style: Bolded fonts allow my magazine to stand out to readers. This will be evident in the headline of my magazine. By doing this readers are more likely to buy my magazine.

Layout on page: Positioning my masthead at the top left of the page, will allow the masthead to fit into a box. This is very iconic of magazines to do. This is therefore very memorable. Top centre Spread out: This will be perfect for a long masthead that stretches across the page. This layout will therefore be memorable and bold to audiences.

Potential Font Styles:

I have selected this font style as it has cracked lines through it. This is symbolic of a crash or disaster. I like this font style as it could link to my soap opera story.

This bold font style is very appealing as it is similar to my magazine of inspirations font, What's on TV

This is a font style which is different, but is not very conventional. It would not suit a soap opera magazine.

Main Headline

Positioning: Generally the headline of a magazine is placed in the centre of the page. This conveys the importance of the masthead to the main story that is featured within the magazine. I would like to potentially replicate this positioning for my magazine, as it grabs the readers eyes and draws them to the main story. Bottom of the page: This is not an effective way of presenting a main headline as it conveys unimportance, as the headline is not in direct view of the reader.

Characters: Explanation marks are very important in highlighting the importance of the main headline. The punctuation marks signify the importance of the headline. Capital Letters: Capital letters allow the headline to stand out to audiences even more. Block capital letters can be used to ‘signify’ (De Saussure) the drama behind a headline

Running Riot- This headline especially draws in the attention of readers as it evokes fear through the use of verbal codes. For example the word “Riot” has connotations off anger, hate and craziness. Additionally by using this headline audiences can get excited for what is going to happen in the main soap.WHO DONE IT? – This type of headline leaves the audience guessing as to what the story could be about. This is very enticing and is a good technique to use to draw in a readership. The use of capitals, additionally makes sure that the headline stands out.

Killer on the Run: The verbal code “on the run” has connotations of fear as the kidnapper could be anywhere. This will make audiences want to read on to find out more about this mysterious killing.

Headline Ideas

Images Needed

Main image: Typically most soap opera magazines feature a main image that is shot as a medium close up of a character. This is due to the vast amount of analysis that I have carried out on different magazines. It is important that the character is crucial because this illustrates their importance. This will also leave audiences guessing as to what part this character will have have to play in the soaps that week. By using a medium close up audiences are able to effectively see the tone of the character in shot.

Cover Line images: I would like to have the cover lines together, separate from the main image and story. This is because the full attention of the reader will be on the main story. To achieve this I would like the cover line imagery around the edges of the magazine.

Including other soap operas within the magazine: This will allow me to make my magazine appeal to a wider amount of readers. The more soap operas I include the larger amount of readers will be interested.

Mode of Address: It is important that when I take the pictures for my magazine front cover that I think about the mode of address. Conventionally magazine images have images where the subject is directly looking at the audience. I wish to “Repeat” (Steve Neale – 1980) this in my own magazine as it directly engages the audience as they can make “Eye contact” with the characters.


Price: The average price of a soap opera magazine, is very low. This signifies (De Saussure) that magazines such as ‘Whats on TV?’ and ‘Inside soap’ are trying to appeal to the working class my providing a cheap magazine. Generally the price come in at less than £1. In order for my new magazine to be able to compete with other magazines, I will need to price my magazine at a lower amount. I will therefore like to charge 40p for my magazine.

Strapline language: This catchy phrase to compliment my magazine, will be used to create brand identity for my magazine. Therefore the strapline needs to stand out from the rest. I will effectively use explanation marks and bold words to create a strapline that stands out. Additionally rhyming and play on words could be used effectively to draw in the audience.

Synergy with social media: Appealing to a wider audience will be easy to achieve with the help of social media synergy. Including social media logos will allow me to do this. Posting on a twitter page will spread the word and appeal to a larger audience.

Puff Promotion: From carrying out research into soap opera magazines, Enticing language has been used effectively to draw readers into a magazine . For example words such as “Secrets revealed” and “Shock horror” audiences feel they need to read more.

In addition creating incentives within puff promotions is another way to get readers to buy a magazine. For example winning backstage passes to a soap opera set is a huge incentive.

Mind Map - ConclusionWhat I need to do next:

To progress with my ideas, I feel that some product research into all of the soap opera magazines will help me greatly. I need to physically go to a news agent and purchase multiple magazines and begin to expand my ideas. This will allow me to create a magazine that is full of “Repeated” (Steve Neale – 1980) conventions. That will allow me to achieve a professional looking magazine.

What needs to be organized:

Images are key to any magazines aesthetics. I will need to organize to take pictures of my group members that will later be manipulated into my magazine. I may be able to do this during the filming of our trailer. I will be careful not to waste to much time though. Props are another key element to the make up of a successful trailer. I will need to organize with my group, as to who will need to buy what prop.

Software I will use to create my Product:

To create my soap opera magazine I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS5. This is a program that I am very familiar with from the creation of my music magazine last year. I will be able to professionally edit and manipulate my magazines images and conventions.

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