magdaly marien

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Astrology Chart Koch


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    Natal Report for Marien Magdaly Sep 23, 19S7, 09:23:46 AST Bonao, Dominican Republic (1SN56, 70W25) Natal Planets

    Sun 29 Vir 59' 07'' 0.00

    Moon 4 Lib 55' 09" -2.17

    Mercury 23 Lib 33' -10.65

    Venus S0 Lib 27' -2.25

    Mars 20 Vir 14' 4.S4

    Jupiter 27 Ari 4S'R 9.23

    Saturn 15 Sag 31' -21.35

    Uranus 22 Sag 55' -23.41

    Neptune 5 Cap 14' -22.33

    Pluto S0 Seo 22' 0. 70

    Chiron 2S0 Gem 42' 17.72

    N Node 2 Ari 26'R 0.96

    S Node 2 Lib 26'R -0.96

    Ase. 9 Seo 3S' 0.00

    Houses of the Birth Chart

    GMT: 13:24, ST S:49:33, Koch houses

    First House: 09 Seo 3S, Second House: OS Sag 23, Third House: 07 Cap 2S,

    Fourth House: 09 Aqu 56, Fifth House: 09 Pis 23, Sixth House: 09 Ari 45,

    Seventh House: 09 Tau 3S, Eighth House: OS Gem 23, Ninth House: 07 Can 2S,

    Tenth House: 09 Leo 56, Eleventh House: 09 Vir 23, Twelfth House: 09 Lib 45,

    Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer Copyright 1999-2012 AstroGraph Software

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    Prepared by: The Blade

    Astrograph Software 251 Dufour St 831-425-6548 Santa Cruz, CA 95060


    Your natal horoscope, or birth chart, is a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born. It shows what the sky actually looked like at the time and place of your birth. Astrology in modern times has renewed the ancient discovery that the symbolism of the planets that surrounded you at birth describes your character and personality. Planets that were directly overhead at the time and place of your birth are most important, and would appear at the very top of the chart or the Midheaven. Planets that were just rising above the horizon in the East at the time of your birth would appear near the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart or the Ascendant. If the Sun appears in the top half of the chart, then you were born during daylight hours and have a more outer directed personality. All of these features reflect the factors at play in the Universe at the moment of your birth and are significant indications of the basic qualities and tendencies that continue to make up your personality.

    Each planet's relative position in the sky and significant angles that it makes to the other planets, or aspects, are examined in this report. Please keep in mind that you are not limited by these descriptions. Your natal horoscope does not prescribe your fate. The stars incline, they do not compel. Your birth chart shows potentials that you can either struggle to fulfill or deny. The choice is yours. Beneficial aspects, or planetary positions, are areas of life in which you show natural talent and achieve eas~ success. Challenging aspects, or planetary positions, can become your greatest asset if you can learn to be aware of how that dynamic plays out in your life and the world a large. The strongest and most important features of your chart are described first. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report.

    Chart Patterns

    T-Square, focal planet Sun, Moon

    You have a T-Square in your chart. With this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for

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    overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

    The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality, and your evolving higher Self. In Virgo it is Mutable-Earth, and rules the digestive system. Your ruling planet is Mercury and also the asteroids. Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. You may also appear nervous or obsess over health issues. You are likely to bE neat and orderly, at least in some area of your life, although you may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where you have not yet found your guiding principle of organization. You love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. You are also likely to be an good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas. You can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and you may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro. It also benefits you to learn the find line between discrimination and criticism. Your mission in life is the purification your activity in pursuit of your goals, manifesting your inherent love of excellence in all strivings

    The Sun in the Eleventh House represents a concentration of one's vital force to belong, to function as part of a group consciousness, and to integrate with the human family. You enjoy membership with groups, and with groups of friends, and may find your identity in that way. You may be drawn to a collective awareness that has a specific social, humanitarian, religious, or political purpose. In whatever group or groups you choose to participate in, you easily align your ideals and sense of purpose with those of the collective. Your sense of group awareness leads you to become a focus of leadership within the group. Whether a formal group leader or an influential friend among a group of friends, your awareness of connectivity impacts those in your circles and opens them to sharing common goals and objectives. Your intuitive awareness of collective needs, wants, and desires may give you a sense of having a mission in life. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people gives you a sense of security and meaning, and you may even be vulnerable to losing your personal identit~ to a group cause or belief system. You can transcend this difficulty by creating friendships where you can bond with individuals rather than common collective ideals. You benefit by identifying your unique attributes as an individual and becoming aware of how they fit within a group dynamic in order to recognize your personal purpose within the collective mind.

    The Moon in Libra gives a gentle and refined personality. You constantly strive for

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    balance between opposing points of view. You like to please everybody, and should beware of a tendency to be all things to all people. You are the soul of courtesy, and are gracefully elegant in manner, which may also prevent your genuine emotional reaction from getting across. You truly enjoy the company of other people, and may b1 uncomfortable with too much solitude. You possess an elusive sweetness of nature you should strive to be true to.

    The Moon in Eleventh House represents emotional sensitivity in social arenas. You seek comfort and security in friends and group associations. You are dynamic in group settings although you do not need to feel like the center of attention. You may be detached and objective in social circumstances because you do not want to commi your allegiance to one group or another. You prefer to have several types of acquaintances in various group settings. You do well as an organizer of group events whether it be a party for friends, group meeting or social event. You have a tendency to overextend yourself and can become divided by being involved in too many group projects at once. You may need to guard against being too naive, friendly and taking too much responsibility for groups. You may do well to focus on reliable friendships and learn discrimination when opening to new activities and associations so that you can manage and coordinate your various interests and activities.

    T-Square, focal planet Vesta

    You have a T-Square in your chart. With this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

    The asteroid Vesta was the last of the four major asteroids to be discovered, in 1807. The mythology of Vesta (or Greek Hestia) is as follows: one of the sisters of Jupiter and Juno, Vesta chose to remain a virgin and not marry. She was the goddess of the hearth fire, which was of utmost importance in ancient times, connoting hospitality and the basic vitality of the home or city-state, and her astrological symbol is the flame. It is interesting to note that Vesta is the brightest of the four asteroids. Her symbolism also suggests the "vestal virgin" temple priestesses of the ancient Greek world, and their commitment to no man, but rather to their own inner flame of service to the goddess. Their service might even be of a sexual nature, but they remained

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    untouched by any sexual intimacy with another person. In accordance with its mythology, the asteroid Vesta is therefore involved with the signs Virgo and Scorpio. Ir the astrology of Vesta in an individual chart, these issues of sexuality and completeness unto oneself predominate. Possible associations are the woman (or man) who chooses not to mate, but just as a nun or monk, takes on a higher purpose than normal family life. Vesta may also bring up issues of sexuality and of who is ultimately served in the process, self or other. When Vesta is prominent in the chart, there may be issues with purity, singleness and sexuality either through abstinence or by involving oneself with multiple partners which yet leave the individual untouched b) relationship. The placement of Vesta by house and sign also indicate the area of life where these types of issues may manifest.

    The Ninth House represents intuition and the study of religion philosophy, and higher learning. In addition, it represents travel to other countries, and legal matters. This house is interpreted similarly to the ninth sign of Sagittarius, and represents the expansion of horizons, mental, physical and spiritual. Planets in this house may symbolize your philosophical pursuits, or possibilities for travel.

    Yod, focal planet Jupiter

    You have a Yod planetary aspect pattern in your chart, also known as the 'finger of God'. This pattern consists of two different planets forming inconjunct aspects of 150' to a third, or focal, point. Usually there will be a marked emphasis on the area of life represented by this focal point, which may be one planet, or two or more in conjunction. You may have physical or psychological problems associated with the expression of the energies of the focal planet or planets, creating a subtle form of tension in your life. The key is adjustment. Your lesson is to transform the expression of these energies along more positive lines.

    Jupiter in the Sixth House (or sign) gives you an optimistic outlook on everyday life, including health issues and the mundane details of the daily workweek. You are one who is capable of enormous output when you get inspired, and approach the practical necessities of daily existence with a quiet joy and a gentle humility. You are an inspiration to your co-workers although you may tend to get caught up in details and miss the big picture approach at times. Health issues are important to you, and you may be a master at putting together preventative medicine practices. In an attempt to find the perfect fitness regime you may go to the extremes of either abundance or abstinence, and it benefits you to find the middle ground. You are very determined and can turn small advantages into success over time. You take a practical and responsible view of life and excel in the natural religion of the ordinary.

    Jupiter in Aries (or the first house) gives you a personality strong in self-esteem. You have expansiveness and abundant energy, and are likely to have good luck with the material side of life. You love freedom and independence, and possess an extremely

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    optimistic nature. You see possibility in everything, a person for whom the glass is definitely "half-full" rather than "half-empty". A feeling of can-do is therefore an important component of your self-image. This is valuable for you, and gets you far in life, but you should beware of letting this faith in your powers express itself as mere egotism, especially in the case of challenging aspects between Mars and Jupiter in your chart. Your enthusiasm may need to be tempered with a healthy sense of limitation.

    Yod, focal planet Juno

    You have a Yod planetary aspect pattern in your chart, also known as the 'finger of God'. This pattern consists of two different planets forming inconjunct aspects of 150' to a third, or focal, point. Usually there will be a marked emphasis on the area of life represented by this focal point, which may be one planet, or two or more in conjunction. You may have physical or psychological problems associated with the expression of the energies of the focal planet or planets, creating a subtle form of tension in your life. The key is adjustment. Your lesson is to transform the expression of these energies along more positive lines.

    The asteroid Juno was found in 1805, and was the third of the four major asteroids to be discovered. These four asteroids, which came on the scene just as the 19th centu~ began, represent different aspects of the feminine spirit. In mythology Juno (or the Greek Hera) was wife and consort to Jupiter, and therefore the astrology of Juno represents the partnering energy of intimate relationship. This is also the territory of Venus and the Moon, but where Juno seems to differ is in representing the partnershi1 energy in a new light, as in confronting the more modern issues of where the boundaries are with another person, how much sharing is appropriate, versus holding back, as well as how to deal with bitterness and jealousy, or projected authority and control that is thrown onto another person. Juno also stands for intimacy needs in general. When Juno is prominent in a natal chart, all these type of issues are important to the individual, and if Juno is aspected by another planet, these issues may be colored by the energy of that planet. Juno's position by house and sign is an indication of the area of life in which these issues will be most important.

    The Fourth House represents the home environment, family life, and the father, or perhaps the same sex parent. As the base of operations of the personality this house is quite important, because without a place to stand emotionally, the personality cannot function. Planets in the Fourth House reflect your family orientation, an ability to dig into the past in order to discover the roots of your being, and how your father (or perhaps your mother) was experienced by you. Yod, focal planet Pallas

    You have a Yod planetary aspect pattern in your chart, also known as the 'finger of

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    God'. This pattern consists of two different planets forming inconjunct aspects of 150' to a third, or focal, point. Usually there will be a marked emphasis on the area of life represented by this focal point, which may be one planet, or two or more in conjunction. You may have physical or psychological problems associated with the expression of the energies of the focal planet or planets, creating a subtle form of tension in your life. The key is adjustment. Your lesson is to transform the expression of these energies along more positive lines.

    The asteroid Pallas (short for Pallas Athene) was found in 1802, the second of the fou major asteroids to be discovered. The four major asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, were discovered within a few years of each other at the beginning of the 19th century, and named for female goddesses in the Roman pantheon. Their discovery ha~ been synchronous with the rise of the women's movement in the West. These four asteroids seem to symbolize four different facets of the feminine and represent a frest way of regarding the feminine principle in astrology, going beyond the relatively simple categories of wife and mother, as represented by Venus and the Moon. Pallas represents the wisdom of the female spirit, as the mythology of Pallas Athene would indicate: born from the head of Zeus, and symbolized by the owl and the snake, Palla~ Athene was a powerful symbol for independence and wisdom in the ancient mythology. She did not ally herself with any man, but rather was a strong and warrior like figure who aided men of good will and whose advice was prized for its intelligence The astrology of the asteroid Pallas indicates such a feminine spirit of independence and cool mental judgment in either a man's or a woman's chart. Pallas represents the creative use of the mental faculty in combination with ageless wisdom, and is also involved with the arts, especially the plastic arts such as sculpture and pottery, and with medicinal remedies. Its position by house and sign indicates where in one's life the divine spark of creative intelligence and higher wisdom may spring forth.

    The First House symbolizes the acting self, the personality as it appears to others, anc the unfolding of one's individual destiny. Its beginning point is the Rising sign/degree, one of the most significant points in the birthchart. The Rising Sign indicates your personal appearance, or self-image, sometimes referred to as the mask which we present to the world. Planets in the First House affect your personality strongly. Their characteristics are a keynote of your personality as you express yourself to others.

    Yod, focal planet Vesta

    You have a Yod planetary aspect pattern in your chart, also known as the 'finger of God'. This pattern consists of two different planets forming inconjunct aspects of 150' to a third, or focal, point. Usually there will be a marked emphasis on the area of life represented by this focal point, which may be one planet, or two or more in conjunction. You may have physical or psychological problems associated with the expression of the energies of the focal planet or planets, creating a subtle form of

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    tension in your life. The key is adjustment. Your lesson is to transform the expression of these energies along more positive lines.

    Important Features

    Pluto in Scorpio (8 Seo 22') Pluto in the Twelfth House Ruler of rising sign

    Pluto in the Twelfth House (or sign) gives a "divine discontent" to the personality. With this placement, you may feel confined and limited in the physical world, perhaps feeling more at home in the world of unconscious fantasy. There may be a way that you are not accepting your own power. You may compulsively try to escape the physical plane of existence, by whatever means come readily to you, especially if Piute is poorly aspected in your chart. In any case you are likely to feel preoccupied with your own inner world, or may find yourself so sensitive to the pain and suffering of others that you retreat from fully involving yourself with them. There are places within yourself where you fear to tread, and the danger is that you deny an important part of yourself in the process. You have a deep need for spiritual renewal that does not easil] find its resolution in everyday activity. You may experience confusion and a loss of identity until you make an effort to move toward a more universal sense of self, learning to subordinate your personal will to a more spiritual outlook based on the true needs of others and the life of the world around you.

    The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

    Pluto in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives you a serious and willful personality, with an intense focus on personal transformation. You feel deeply, and may have an almos1 psychic awareness of the feelings of others. You have strong desires, and are single-minded about pursuing them. You may need to combat a tendency to manipulate others for your own purposes. You may also exhibit compulsive behavior around the issue of sexuality, or in insisting that you get your own way, and you benefit from loosening your grip. There is a tendency to project onto others the issues that you are called upon to deal with in yourself, in your own inner temple, and to seek to change your situation in the battlefield of sexual encounter rather than through the independent actions of your whole and entire self. You will likely go through many changes as the course of your life unfolds. The challenges that you meet are for the ultimate purpose of allowing you to see more deeply into your own inner motivation. You may become fascinated with occult studies as a way of tuning into a deeper reality than that of the surface. It benefits you to turn away from manipulating others and to learn to use your powerful presence to regenerate your own life, transforming self-centeredness into a more spiritual sense of personal power.

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    Neptune in Capricorn (5 Cap 14') Neptune in the Second House

    Neptune in the Second House (or sign) gives a kind and charming personality with a sensuous nature and good taste in artistic matters. You love music, painting and poetry. You are inclined to express your aesthetic sense in your environment. You ma) also have a tendency to excessive consumption or even extravagance. You may have good luck with money in your life, and yet waste it pursuing impractical schemes. You can become prey to delusions regarding the true importance of the material world in your life, or doubt the basis of your security. There could be a lack of appreciation for your possessions, or an appreciation based on their emotional rather than their intrinsic value. You may also have a strong desire to share personal wealth or to give your things away to others. You benefit when you realize that a deeper perception of the meaning behind the material world is needed, in order to transform your values regarding resources, and that your true foundation for security lies within yourself.

    The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

    Neptune in Capricorn (or the tenth house) gives a charming personality with an idealistic nature. You may achieve much in the helping professions, or as a spiritual leader. You may also have a musical career. You tend to give more than you receive in your employment, and possess an almost narve idealism where your work is concerned. Your work must be spiritually satisfying or you will lose interest. You are apt to be susceptible to suggestion, and may suffer disappointment in other people coming through for you. You also have a tendency to avoid responsibility. There may have been difficulties or confusion in your early years, especially with regard to parental motivations. You also may idealize parental figures, and the image that you have of your parents may change and become less idealized as you mature. In general, you must learn to clarify your goals. You will not be content with an ordinary job, but must seek out some career that is a real calling. At your best you express the highest ideals of society and find true joy in your vocation. Uranus in Sagittarius (22 Sag 55') Uranus in the Second House

    Uranus in the Second House (or sign) gives an individual who is likely to be concerned with changing his or her physical environment. You have a unique value system, and you may "march to the tune of a different drummer" or choose to experiment with different lifestyles. You have a tremendous drive for independence, and you don't like to work for other people, so that you may be motivated to start your own business. You also may be involved with New Age business ventures, or those involving modern communications, such as Internet resources. You have a unique way of looking at the world, and of finding your own way to its abundance. You may have possessions that you value at one point in your life, but this can change rather suddenly, and you may

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    have to start over. Your income can also fluctuate. You can appear selfish at times to other people, or you may be something of a crusader. You benefit from getting in touch with what you truly value, as opposed to what conventionality dictates. Then your efforts will allow new resources to evolve in your life and your consciousness, anc lead to the greater good of society.

    The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

    Uranus in Sagittarius (or the ninth house) gives an individual with an original and inventive mind, strong intuitive powers, and a love of philosophy and higher learning. With this placement you have definite religious, or quasi-religious beliefs, and these are usually expressed in an unconventional manner. You have a visionary sense of optimism and possess high ideals, and you are also apt to be nervous, or highstrung, and perhaps inclined to reckless behavior. You like to explore new perspectives, either mentally or through travel. You bring your own unique viewpoint to educational or pedagogical concerns, and may be an inspiring teacher. You can also be the rebelliow type, as you have the capacity to visualize new possibilities rather than accept an outmoded status quo. For you, the horizon line does not remain fixed, but is always moving forward into new territory. At your best, you have the faith to bring forth a new vision for yourself and society at large.

    Chiron in Gemini (28 Gem 42') Chiron in the Eighth House

    Chiron in the Eighth House (or sign) represents issues with one's vital force to transform and to regenerate. With this placement you have a strong compulsion for intimate connection with other people that does not easily find its realization. You are likely to have been wounded in your sexuality in some fashion, possibility through early experiences that may even include abuse, either physical or emotional. As a consequence, being close to other people becomes both desired and painful. You may hold off the prospect of closeness with others with some carefully engineered defenses, such as retreating from expressing your true feelings by means of clever Dylanesque obfuscation, or perhaps by using other people before they have a chance to use you. If you do retreat into cleverness and mental gymnastics rather than risk staying with your actual emotion, you leave these feelings unexpressed, and continue a process of being out of touch not only with the intimate other, but with the deeper part of yourself as well. Your journey of discovery of your true emotions, the poignant and vital basis of your inner life, is ultimately the most important one for you, and provides rich rewards as you begin to consciously experience these inner depths of your being, over a period of time. In this journey you will re-connect to your own long buried emotions, and through this process to others as well. As you begin to find yourself and your power, and are truly able to work with other people, you may be abh to provide a sense of hope to them in their own individual journeys as well, through

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    the increased consciousness you have gained.

    The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

    Chiron in the Gemini (or the Third House) represents issues regarding developing one's intellect and communicating one's ideas with others. With this placement you may feel an almost compulsive curiosity regarding other people. Your desire is strong to communicate and to explore your world intellectually, but you may feel some kind of barrier that separates you from others at the same time. These feelings of being blocked in your ability to communicate and to get your point across can even manifes physically as a form of stuttering, or another ailment that prevents clear communication. These may seem physical, but the physical and the mental are so intimately related it really is hard to say. If there is a psychological reason behind difficulties in communicating with others, it is likely to be found in early youth, when i1 was quite important to communicate with your peers. Perhaps there was some group that you felt cut off from in the casual cruelty of that era, or perhaps you felt that you were not fully accepted by important siblings. In your efforts to be accepted and toge through to others you may overcompensate by seeming very competitive or desiring tc be recognized for the extent of your knowledge. Whatever the childhood trauma that continues to give you difficulties in adult life, it is important to try to understand and relate well to your earlier self. If you can learn to love and accept who you were then, as well as who you are today, you will come a long way toward full participation in your communication with others. In your quest for wholeness it is quite possible that you will be drawn to helping others to communicate, perhaps taking on the role of a speech therapist or other helping person in other people's lives. As you begin to fully accept yourself you will be even more able to help others in their particular road to fulfillment also.

    Mars in Virgo (20 Vir 14') Mars in the Eleventh House

    Mars in the Eleventh House (or sign) gives a freedom loving, socially oriented and idealistic personality. You can be abrupt and eccentric in speech and action, and may have a tendency to jump to conclusions. You have your own way of looking at things, and are also stubborn in your outlook, so that it may be difficult to get you to change your opinions. You are enterprising and ambitious, with a future-oriented and scientific mentality. The unknown possibility excites you more than conventional activity, which you may consider slightly boring, and you therefore tend to invest your energies in the upcoming event not yet realized. You get along well with groups of people, but you may be less comfortable one on one. You may need to find a balance between too great a focus on personal issues, and on the other hand directing all your activities outside yourself, toward social and humanitarian goals.

    Mars in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives a kind nature, and an energetic worker, with a

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    tendency to be fussy over details. You possess a tremendous desire to be helpful to others, and have a practical and hard-working orientation that assists you in making good on your intentions. You may however need to evolve through getting into conflicts over trifles. At your best, you have a real focus on the simple issues of life, and of the health of the body temple, and just showing up for what comes, day-to-day, that is essentially good natured and constructive rather than egooriented. You tend to be somewhat narrow in the application of your effort, and may need to learn to learn to start opening up to the bigger picture. It benefits you to take a more relaxed attitude and a wider and more tolerant worldview, rather than getting hung up on the minutiae of a project.

    Angular Planets

    Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

    Scorpio Rising

    The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical appearance.

    Scorpio rising people are passionate and deep and can be secretive. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. You can have a dark look to your appearance, but you may also appear sweet and refreshingly innocent. Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with sexual activity and with the symbolism of death anc rebirth. Your emotions run deep, and you also have great personal magnetism, and even the power to coerce others. Your will is strong, and you let nothing stand in your way. You may suffer in your life, but your pain leads to important personal transformation. You are very good at group dynamics, and working with the public. You are a shrewd judge of other people's motives, and you may be willing to use your special knowledge to your own advantage. Although you can be manipulative, when you work out your issues to be more in line with your own higher nature you have also the power of a healer, to transform yourself, and society around you.

    Pluto in strong conjunction (within 1.3 degrees) with Ascendant Ruler of rising sign

    The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

    This conjunction gives a willful personality with a focus on being recognized and admired. You like to get your way. You have strong desires, and are single-minded about pursuing them. You have a powerful urge toward self-transformation, and may go through many changes in your life. In relationships, you tend to become intensely involved quickly, and stay absorbed in the relationship as long as it lasts. You are not

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    shy about expressing your beliefs, and may feel a compulsion toward self-assertion and self-aggrandizement. You tend to overpower any situation, perhaps owing to underlying feelings of insecurity leading to rather self-centered and ego-oriented behavior. This behavior can change, however, for you have tremendous powers of regeneration and rebirth. You tend to champion the underdog, and react strongly to social injustice. When you learn to train your considerable energy on socially oriented rather than purely personal goals, you can become a focal point for the transformatior of society.

    Venus in semi-sextile (within 1.2 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

    This aspect gives a warm-hearted, affectionate and perhaps manipulative personality. You are cheerful, charming and likable. You are sensitive, with an inclination for artistic pursuits and refined surroundings, and you may possess considerable talent for the arts, especially music and dance. Relationships are important to you. You are inclined to reach out to other people, and may work even harder to charm them when they do not respond as you wish. You are firmly in contact with what you want and yoL are likely to be quite successful at getting it. With your poise and charm, this is usually not difficult for you.

    Neptune in weak sextile (within 4.4 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are somewhat unworldly. You are likely to be artistic or musical. You are softhearted, and you may be perhaps even too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may have problems in feeling free to assert yourself, and issues with lack of self-confidence, but these are usually overcome. You may be open to mysticism or the exploration of other dimensions through psychic perceptions. Extremely aware of your surroundings, you may take on different qualities with different groups of people. You may have difficulties with motivation, but once these are overcome, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps through artistic channels: music, drama, poetry. You also may find yourself at work in the helping professions, for your compassion is strong. Your aim is to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality anc ordinary life.

    Sun in strong square (within 1.3 degrees) with Chiron

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    The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    With this aspect between Sun and Chiron you are likely to experience painful realizations throughout your own life and also have the ability to heal others as well. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of others' suffering. The empathy and the understanding that are gained through life's trials provide the ability to serve as a helper and a healer for others. You are more invested in this archetype than most, since it is in a powerful connection with your Sun, representing your conscious self. You have undoubtedly experienced pain and frustration related to your self-concept, perhaps through your relationship with your father or the same-sex parent. There could have been trauma in your early years concerning your parenting or the parental protection that may have been withdrawn too suddenly or misapplied. You may have suffered actual abuse in childhood or perhaps in later years such as in the period of adolescence, when you needed to make the transition to your own adulthood and may have been prevented from fully emerging into a more responsible and complete state due to external circumstances or your own lack or self-confidence. Since you have come through the fires of difficulty you are likely to be someone with career possibilities in the helping professions. It is often easier to face others' troubles than one's own, and you may even be more ready and available to help others than to help yourself. It is good to integrate your past experiences, no matter how painful they may have been, and no matter how painful these feelings continue to be for you in adult life. Then you will be in a position to trul) sympathize with others' suffering and help them to work out their traumas as well.

    Sun in strong opposition (within 2.5 degrees) with North Node The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

    Interpreted natal aspects with North Node are not currently supported.

    Sun in conjunction (within 4.9 degrees) with Moon The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

    This conjunction gives a self-contained individual possessing a quiet strength. You have a firm sense of your own identity. Your emotional responses are well integrated with your conscious understanding, so that you react with immediacy and commitment to life's events. You are capable of throwing yourself whole-heartedly intc activities, although you can also be stubborn or wrapped up in yourself. If you have

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    the Moon's degree ahead of the Sun, you have the "New Moon" personality type, and tend to be one who likes to start new projects rather than going along with what is already in progress. If on the other hand you have the Sun's degree ahead of the Moon, you may feel a sense of your mission in life, an activity you feel quite strongly about, that you want to share with the rest of society.

    Sun in inconjunct (within 2.2 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

    This aspect gives an optimistic and high spirited individual. You are likely to be fortunate in your material surroundings. You are convivial and lively, and generous with your money and your affections. There may be a tendency to overdo things, or to expand the waistline. You are attracted to higher learning and the fine arts, and are courageous and loyal, but you can be extravagant and suffer from errors in judgment. You should also beware of too much egotism.

    Sun in square (within 5.3 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are probabl~ somewhat unworldly, possessing an ethereal quality, a marked remoteness from ordinary reality. You are likely to be artistic or musical. You are the softhearted type, and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may also be dissatisfied with your work activities, or life in general, leading to the habit of evading decisions, or to other forms of escapism. In feeling unfree to assert yourself, you may engage in self-deceptive illusions, or even the use of drugs. You also may have issues with deceptions practiced on you by other people. In order to develop a clearer sense of self, accurate feedback from other people is crucial, so that to avoid these traps, you should strive for utmost honesty in your dealings with others. The otherworldly energy of Neptune must be used wisely. When the proper outlet is found, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps manifested through artistic channels: music, drama, poetry. Your lesson in all this is to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.

    Sun in septile (within 1.4 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies darkly interact; incline to occult dimensions apart from sociall

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    accepted norms.

    This aspect gives a strong personality, very involved in work and career. You can be autocratic and may appear selfish, or bent on getting your own way. You have tremendous drive, and will likely go far, but you might need to beware of too much ego-involvement in being on top.

    Moon in strong square (within 0.3 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive, idealistic and loving personality. You possess an ethereal quality, and are likely to be imaginative or even to withdraw from the world into internal fantasies of your own. You may have powerful psychic abilities. You are the softhearted type, and you are perhaps even too willing to sacrifice yoursel for the good of others. You were probably strongly influenced by your home life, and may tend to idealize these formative experiences. You could have issues with self deception or experience discontent with the practical realities of life for the urge within you to seek the highest ideal is very strong. Your home is important to you, and you may change residences frequently in search of your ideal environment, or dream of the ideal romantic attachment without ever finding the perfect mate. You benefit from striving for greater self-control in holding back your emotions, as well as clarity in applying your high ideals to the real world of logic and fact.

    Moon in strong opposition (within 2.5 degrees) with North Node The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

    Interpreted natal aspects with North Node are not currently supported.

    Moon in conjunction (within 3.5 degrees) with Venus The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

    This conjunction gives a loving, calm and steady personality. You have a cheerful and optimistic outlook, a refined emotional nature, and a consciousness of harmony. You tend to be a dreamer rather than a doer, but that shouldn't stand in your way, for you usually win people over easily. You love luxury and refinement, and it is important to you that you have nice things. You are likely to have extremely good taste in clothing and also in fitting out your home environment. You are artistic, sociable and

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    attractive, and your loving disposition makes you popular with all who know you.

    Moon in quintile (within 1.4 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

    This aspect gives a deepening and concentrating in the expression of the feelings. There is likely to be caution and reserve in your make-up, along with a good sense of the practicalities of life. You are sensitive and may tend to suppress powerful feelings that need fuller expression in your nature. The lesson for you here is to more fully and deeply understand and value your origins, leading to a better sense of security and greater self-acceptance.

    Moon in square (within 6.2 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    With this aspect there are difficulties indicated in relating to the feminine either significant female presences in your life or else and including your own feminine side. This would be true, and different in its sense, in either a man's or a woman's chart. Of course the important early model for the feminine is mother, and it is likely that there were painful experiences of some kind in your early relationship with your own mother or significant female parental figure. Perhaps you had a close relationship, but yet your needs were somehow not met, resulting in unconscious resentments which only surfaced later in your adult life. You may in this case exhibit a strong feminine side through and over-attachment to your mother's feelings. It is important to note that there also may have been actual abuse, physical or otherwise. These experiences are so painful that they are often suppressed from your consciousness, and buried deep ir your psyche. In your adult life, it is important to move past the resentment caused by early wounding into a more conscious and compassionate reconciliation with the walled off parts of your own nature. Therefore, deep psychological work of some variety is strongly indicated. Once you have begun to make conscious the pain and alienation surrounding events from the long-buried past, you can begin to truly help others as well as yourself. A creative side of your nature may emerge for the first time The integration of the feminine side of your nature is a tremendous challenge for you, but the gold at the end of the process is well worth digging for.

    Moon in sextile (within 5.0 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

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    This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive personality who is nurturing and caring. Yo1 may tend to be dependent on others for your own feelings of self-worth, so that it may be important to you that others look up to you. You do well in a business setting, having a dramatic presence that gives you natural abilities to influence others, and an attitude of caring that makes you easy to get along with. You set priorities based on people rather than strictly on profits. Your career may also be quite changeable.

    The ruler of your Sun Sign is Mercury in Libra (23 Lib 33') The ruler of your Sun sign is characteristic of your personality:

    Mercury in Libra gives a positive mental attitude, with terrific judgment and sensitivity. You are a diplomatic speaker, and usually very aware of the effect your words have on others. You express your ideas with balance and fairness. Your capacit~ to see all sides of a situation can make it difficult for you to come to a decision. You have a highly developed sense of aesthetics. You can also be something of a perfectionist. You want your surroundings to be aesthetically pleasing, and therefore your living space must be neat and tidy. It benefits you to let go of being too fussy, and to stay true to yourself when you need to make decisions.

    Mercury in the Twelfth House represents a strong mental connection between your inner awareness and the deep and nebulous realms of magical inner worlds. You have a refined and visionary mentality. With this placement, you are likely to be poetic in the expression of your thoughts and feelings, and you may possess musical ability as well. You are fascinated by the unknowable mysteries of your own inner world, and yo1 are inclined to search to the depths in order to understand yourself. Mundane reality doesn't interest you. You may avoid dealing with it by being evasive or vague in your communication with others, or by daydreaming, or by falling prey to a form of self-deception. You also may have issues of whose thoughts you are responding to, yours or another's. You may have difficulty in communicating the results of your inner explorations with others. However, once you have sorted through your most awesome and perhaps even fearsome inner experiences, you are better able to connect with those who find a similar numinous connection with the cosmos.

    Pluto in strong square (within 1.6 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    This combination gives a forceful personality with a strong and difficult focus on issues of authority, power and control. There may in fact be a compulsion for control manifesting in problems with interpersonal relations or in rebellious attitudes toward

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    established authority, or perhaps in the charismatic personal magnetism of the born leader. You tend to seek to be in a position of authority. There are however likely to be problems inherent in maintaining a position of authority, once achieved. What is needed is a reevaluation and transformation of the urge for power and control, based on a deeper understanding of personal power and a more conscious and socially responsible use of it.

    Venus in semi-sextile (within 0.1 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

    This aspect gives a magnetic personality with a focus on forming close emotional attachments. You are charismatic and intense, and seek to break through any barriers to close interpersonal relationships, although you may be difficult to satisfy emotionally. There are some problems to be worked out in this area, which may lead you to a painful reexamination of your goals. Wisdom is required in the way you handle close relationships, in order to transform the partnership energy into a growin~ and conscious act of sharing.

    Uranus in semi-square (within 0.4 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required.

    This combination gives an individual who is willful and possesses great depth of passion. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You are to an unusual degree tuned in to the energy of the collective, especially with regard to the ultimate transformation of society. You are compassionate toward your fellow man, and you are inclined to be a helper in the creation of a new world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal brotherhood.

    Neptune in sextile (within 3.1 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    This combination gives an individual with a personal involvement in the energies of th1 collective. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will sharE with you. You have a subtle intuition and unusually clear insight into others. The influence of the unconscious is especially strong in you. You need to connect with youi higher self in order to be happy. You function at your best in service to the world, helping to move it closer to a vision of spiritual union between all mankind.

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    Pluto in bi-quintile (within 0.1 degrees) with North Node The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

    Interpreted natal aspects with North Node are not currently supported.

    Other Natal Planets

    Venus in Libra (8 Lib 27') Venus in the Eleventh House

    Venus in Libra gives a gentle nature, one who is considerate and kind. You are inclinec to be "young at heart. "With this placement you highly value relationship, and are genuine, direct and clear in its expression. You have a graceful sense of partnership with others, and your affection may be expressed more fully on mental and spiritual levels, rather than on the level of physical sensation. You make a good diplomat. You can see all sides of an issue and may have trouble in deciding on any one alternative, since they all have their good points in your eyes. You have refined aesthetic sensibilities, and a keen sense of color, and can function well with artful expression or interior design work. You are a pleasant and likeable companion, always ready to see the best in others.

    Venus in the Eleventh House represents a strong connection within you between artistic sensibility, your values, and group associations or ideals. You are very interested in group consciousness and in the betterment of society at large. If you possess artistic ability such as music, poetry or painting, it is likely to express itself in this area. You may find that you function better in friendships and acquaintanceships than you do in close partnerships. Your love and affection may communicate itself more directly in the general and all-inclusive vision of societal connection rather than with any particular person, even your significant other. You benefit from practicing a greater degree of discrimination in the choices you make regarding your associations. You may be inclined to spiritual group studies or philanthropic activities. You have an idealistic vision for the integration of society into a more unified whole that drives youi basic approach to life.

    Saturn in Sagittarius (15 Sag 31') Saturn in the Second House

    Saturn in the Second House (or sign) gives great loyalty, reliability, stamina and persistence, and a deepening or concentration of the desire to possess, both materially and with respect to loved ones. You are conservative financially, and feel that it is important to hold on to what you've got. You may be jealous at times. You

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    may have doubts regarding your self-worth, or the basis of your security in this world. You tend to be traditional in your approach to life. You are a lover of art as well as natural beauty, and this love extends to the beauty of your surroundings. You perhaps have a tendency to overrate the importance of material things. You may fear poverty or losing your possessions and this fear can also manifest as a desire for more and more which can never be satisfied. On the other hand you may try to deny the materia in an over-zealous attack on "money as the root of all evil." Your lesson is to find your own true inner worth in terms of your character, your high standards, and your service to others.

    The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

    Saturn in Sagittarius (or the ninth house) gives an educated and philosophically active mentality, with a deepening and a concentration, or a blockage, in the area of higher learning and expansion into new horizons. You are courageous in expressing your opinion, have a keen intuition and make a good teacher. Your early beliefs may be characterized by adhering too strictly to a dogmatic and rigid set of principles, but you grow into a more mature wisdom in your later years. You likely have a need for physical exercise. You make a good teacher, and may also feel a calling to work with the disadvantaged. While open and honest, and intent on expressing your point of view, you may also doubt yourself in this area, seeming indecisive or rebellious. Your goals are mental and spiritual, rather than material, and you may search for a new framework of moral or spiritual values, rather than adopt existing outworn belief systems. Your lesson is to eventually come to the realization that the true source of moral and ethical valuation lies within yourself.

    N Node in Aries (2 Ari 26'R) N Node in the Fifth House

    Lunar North Node in the Fifth House (or sign). South Node in the eleventh house or sign. This placement gives a personality with a focus on being recognized and admired for the personal creativity that you manifest. You are fortunate in this lifetime, for few people have the capacity, as you do, of actually making your dreams come true. You are engaged in a life-long process of concretizing your thought images turning the products of your extraordinarily clever intellect into actual manifestation ir the world. In the past, or in past lifetimes, you specialized in ideals and imaginings, without giving much thought to working these out in the real world. But as you get on with your life's journey you find that actually manifesting these thought forms becomes more and more your focus. When you are on your true path, you find that you must act and create, for in acting you give form to the otherwise formless and ideal, and in so doing fulfill your destiny.

    Lunar North Node in Aries (or the first house). South Node in the seventh house or sign. This placement gives you a focus on advancing into your own individual self-

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    hood. Your evolutionary path is to get your own act together, this time around. Throughout your life you will be forced to resolve issues with depending on yourself, versus depending on other people. In the past, or in past lives, you were focused on others, meeting their needs rather than your own, and depending on them for emotional and material support. Now your life path is calling for you to depend on no one but yourself. Events may seem to force you into this direction. It is good to remember that outer events can be another facet of the voice of your own inner Self. You benefit from following these directives from your own higher consciousness, no matter how difficult that may prove to be in actual practice.

    Ceres in Sagittarius (26 Sag 53') Ceres in the Second House

    Ceres is the first asteroid that was ever discovered, on New Year's Day of 1801, and it remains the largest. It was named for the Roman earth goddess of grain and the harvest. The Greek name for this earth goddess is Demeter. As goddess of the harvest and the natural process of fertility and renewal, Ceres represents in an individual char the process of nurturing as well as motherhood, and has been experimentally attributed to the sign Cancer as a co-ruler with the Moon, as well as to the sign of Virgo where there is growing agreement among modern Western astrologers that she should be placed. All four major asteroids could be considered as co-ruling Virgo, and they all seem to represent different aspects of the feminine, and therefore could be thought of as further refinements of the lunar principle. An afflicted Ceres, by position or by planetary aspect, may indicate problems with being able to nurture, or to be nurtured by others. This could manifest in food complexes, or a feeling of rejection by parental figures. When strongly placed, she symbolizes the ability to take on parental responsibilities, especially in a female subject, and also may indicate someone who has a close relationship with the earth, as a gardener or grower of food. Also the position of Ceres by house and sign, and its planetary connections, is likely to indicate the way in which motherhood (or parenthood) manifests in the life of the individual. The Second House symbolizes what the self has to work with materially: possessions, money, and physical resources. This house also represents your desires and values. Planets in the Second House operate in the field of material needs and also indicate what you value most highly.

    Lilith in Leo (4 Leo 02') Lilith in the Ninth House

    Black Moon Lilith represents the apogee of the lunar orbit, where it lies farthest from the earth. This mystical astrological point cycles once around the chart every nine years, and is quite different from the asteroid named Lilith having a much faster cycle of about four years, and also differs from the hypothetical "Dark Moon" second sate/lit, of the Earth, studied since the mid-nineteenth century but never confirmed

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    astronomically. Presumably these other astrological factors also share in the Lilith archetype, but Black Moon Lilith has been the most typically used in modern Western Astrology.

    Lilith represents an important piece of the feminine that has been lost or even shunned in modern patriarchal society. She was worshipped in ancient Babylonia as the handmaiden of lnnana and also viewed with distrust as the archetype of wild and uncontrolled sexuality. She is identified in Hebrew mythology as the first and rejected wife of Adam, who found her too argumentative, and too insistent on having an equal footing with his male ascendancy. She has thus come to represent the principle of equality between the sexes, being also associated with raw sexual power and its spiritual use as in Tantra practice. She is also a fitting archetype for the dark unknowr part of ourselves that represents our unchained sexuality, and the female portion of either a man's or a woman's basic nature. Her archetype also includes the rage of being repressed and excluded from everyday life. Like Chiron, Lilith represents the potentially walled-off world of dark, instinctual urges that come from deep inside ourselves and lead us toward transcendence. When her influence is developed and explored through spiritual practice, she becomes a powerful ally for healing and regaining wholeness. Where she is found in the chart, either by aspect or by house position, she urges us to explore the dark unknown and instinctual side of feminine sexuality and to embrace the healing power of acknowledging and honoring this influence.

    The Ninth House represents intuition and the study of religion philosophy, and higher learning. In addition, it represents travel to other countries, and legal matters. This house is interpreted similarly to the ninth sign of Sagittarius, and represents the expansion of horizons, mental, physical and spiritual. Planets in this house may symbolize your philosophical pursuits, or possibilities for travel.

    Earth in Pisces (29 Pis 59') Earth in the Fifth House

    The Fifth House represents creativity and self-expression, also offspring, and is also associated with romance and affection. Following the base of operations represented by the fourth, the fifth house represents the arena in which your personal energies car be released into the world. Any area which is stamped by your personality, including the display of affection or any creative endeavors such as your artistic expression, is therefore represented by planets in the Fifth House or the sign on the Fifth House cusp.

    Vulcan in Libra (4 Lib 18'R) Vulcan in the Eleventh House

    The Eleventh House symbolizes goals and objectives, also friendships and

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    membership in groups or associations. The work in society represented by the tenth house is released through the individual in the activities associated with the eleventh house. Planets in this house indicate how visions for the future and also group associations and friendships will operate in your life.

    Pholus in Gemini (0 Gem 03'R) Pholus in the Seventh House

    Pholus was discovered on January 9, 1992 and termed a Centaur, the second of a class of small objects with eccentric orbits beyond the path of Saturn, of which Chiron was the first, in astronomy as well as in Greek myth. Pholus is red in color and has an orbital period of 92 years. Just as the orbit of Chiron links Saturn and Uranus the orbi of Pholus links Saturn and Neptune, and the mythology of Pholus partakes of some of the same elements as Chiron. Pholus was also a Centaur, one of those mythic half-man, and half-horse creatures that may perhaps signify the instinctual level that is stil embodied in modern man and woman. He was the keeper of the Centaurs' ancient anc holy cask of wine, presumably red wine. Like Chiron, Pholus suffered a fatal wounding from the poison arrows of Hercules, after a fracas in which the wine he was entrusted with was inadvertently opened to please Hercules. Pholus sacrificed himself for the greater good, a Neptunian theme, and that symbolism may come up in charts. There is also the motif of intoxication, which might be expected from the link between Saturn, or practical reality, and Neptune, representing numinous, out-of-this-world experience. This link is a problematic one of course. The Neptunian theme also refers us to our inner journey, since the realm of the outer planets is paradoxically found within the human psyche as well as in the far reaches of outer space. Another theme that Pholus might represent is a sacrifice of this earthly world of necessity for the spiritual possibility of the beyond, reflecting the paradoxical contrast between this world and the impractical nature of the divine. When strongly placed, Pholus symbolizes the difficult stretch between these worlds. His position by house and sign, and by planetary connection, is likely to indicate where we have been wounded, and where we struggle with our addictions which are one way of masking over the wound until we are ready to delve into and begin resolving the contradictions of our inner world.

    The Seventh House represents marriage and partnerships of all kinds, and issues with relating to other people. As the opposite to the First House of personality, the Seventh House describes how you fit into the world of others. Planets in this house often indicate the type of marriage partner you will seek.

    Nessus in Virgo (9 Vir 42') Nessus in the Eleventh House

    Nessus was discovered in 1993 on the 26th of April. Named after another prominent Centaur from Greek mythology, it is the third in the astronomical class Centaur,

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    referring to several of these small objects with eccentric orbits found beyond the orbit of Saturn. Nessus has an orbital period of 122 1/2 years. Just as the orbit of Chiron links Saturn and Uranus, and that of Pholus links Saturn and Neptune, the orbit of Nessus links Saturn with Pluto. The mythology of Nessus partakes of some of the same elements as the other Centaur stories, including painful death. Hercules was again involved. When Nessus was ferrying Hercules' bride, Deianeira, across a river, hE tried to rape her and so Hercules shot him through the heart with a poisoned arrow. Although dying, Nessus wreaked revenge on Hercules by giving some of the poison mixed with his blood and semen, to Deianeira with the instruction that she should givE it to her husband if she ever suspected him to be unfaithful and that it would keep hin honest. She did as she was told, but instead Hercules died in great pain. The element of revenge and painful transformation are therefore part of this planetoid's astrologica symbolism. When strongly placed, Nessus symbolizes the difficult transition between decisions and responsibility that may lead to death or violent change. An element of revenge may be present. His position by house and sign, and by planetary connection, is likely to indicate where we may need to understand more of our dark side, and where old wounds can come up for healing and renewal.

    The Eleventh House symbolizes goals and objectives, also friendships and membership in groups or associations. The work in society represented by the tenth house is released through the individual in the activities associated with the eleventh house. Planets in this house indicate how visions for the future and also group associations and friendships will operate in your life.

    Chariklo in Gemini (15 Gem 41 'R) Chariklo in the Eighth House

    Like the others of the astronomical category called Centaurs, Chariklo was discovered in the 1990s - on February 15, 1997 - beyond Saturn, and named for the consort of Chiron. The discovery chart of Chariklo, timed for 2:51 UT from Kitt Peak Observatory near Tucson, forms a beautiful and remarkable 6-pointed star with Chariklo herself a part of the configuration, together with the Moon and Mars, Pluto, Saturn and a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in early Aquarius, all within a degree of exact. Chariklo ha~ an orbital period of 62 V2 years, or slightly longer than Chiron's. Like Chiron, her orbit also links Saturn and Uranus, but unlike Chiron, her orbit does not intersect Saturn's. She may therefore be associated more fully with conceptualizing that which is beyond the natural world. In mythology, Chariklo was a frequent companion of Athena, that iconic proponent of feminine wisdom, and also the mother of Tiresias, the blind seer immortalized in verse with the Homeric cycle. The astrological archetype of Chariklo seems to represent individuals who are able to see the unknown more readily. She is prominent in the charts of inventors and science fiction authors, for example, as documented by astrologer Zane Stein. She represents turning toward the mystical anc forging an opening to the numinous unknown. Where Chariklo is found in the natal

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    chart may represent a place of wisdom that transcends the boundaries of the natural world, a place where you must "close your eyes to see."

    The Eighth House symbolizes issues of death and rebirth, sexuality, and transformation. As this house follows the house of relationship, it refers to the fruits o relationship, and these include the power to change based on new understanding made possible when one is no longer acting solely as an individual. Planets in this house are difficult to interpret, but may refer to how sexuality is manifested or to lessons you need to learn in order to grow and change.

    Eris in Aries (16 Ari 29'R) Eris in the Sixth House

    This is the first trans-Pluto planet to be named, and was termed a "dwarf planet" a/on~ with, famously, Pluto. Eris was discovered in 2005 from plates going back to 2003, and was originally nicknamed Xena. In the way of popular myth replacing ancient, Eri~ is the only planet-type object that was temporarily named for a television drama heroine. The official designation dates from the fall of 2006, and taps once again into the pantheon of Olympian figures described by the Greeks and Romans. This planet, well beyond Pluto, has an orbital period of 556 years, and increases the size of the solar system to double the original diameter. So far as can be determined at this time Eris represents the first of a series of astronomical objects to be named in the 21st century paralleling the discovery of Pluto in the 20th, Neptune in the 19th and Uranu~ in the18th.

    The mythological Eris, goddess of Strife and Discord, was the sister of Mars, god of war, and willingly accompanied him into battle. She was also the cause of the Trojan War. Jealous of being left out of a wedding, she threw the golden apple of discord into the gathering. When the dust had settled, Paris had abducted Helen and the war was on. It is too early to make a definitive statement regarding all the meanings of this new planetary archetype, but some preliminary indications are as follows. Among the astrological meanings that can be attributed to Eris is one who struggles against injustice and oppression. She has her war-like and even bloodthirsty side, with the higher manifestation of defending the weak and standing up for oneself. Her placement and aspects to other planets correlate to the archetype of the underdog warrior, speaking truth to power, and with also a willingness to resort to violence if necessary. Many manifestations of this archetype exist in the present culture, and the discovery period is also coincident with the onset of the Iraq war. This archetype represents a dire motif of the struggle for survival that is inherent in the natural world and in humankind also, and which represents once again, as with Pluto and Chiron, a darker side of our common humanity that must be acknowledged and faced in our time. Where she located in your chart, you have the capability to make a powerful and perhaps ruthless stand for yourself, and to battle against all odds.

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    The Sixth House represents issues of sickness and health, and service to others, including conditions of daily life, or work. This house also relates to discipleship and mastery, and the overcoming of obstacles in producing the fruit of one's achievements. Planets in this house can manifest as challenges to your well-being, or as indications of a profession of service to others.

    Sedna in Taurus (9 Tau 55'R) Sedna in the Seventh House

    The Kuiper Belt object Sedna was discovered in November 2003 and officially named on March 15, 2004, although its status as another "dwarf planet, "like Eris, MakeMake and Haumea, has yet to be determined. It is comparable in size to Pluto, only slightly smaller, and when it is closest to the earth it is only about twice as far away from the Sun as Pluto, but its orbit is so eccentric that it can range to distances much farther out. The orbital period of Sedna is likely to be well over 10,000 years. This contrasts with 240 years for Pluto, slightly more for MakeMake and Haumea, and 556 years for Eris, making these far more amenable for astrological work.

    The mythology of Sedna provides clues to its astrological meaning. In Inuit myth, Sedna was the daughter of a man who cared for her but who ultimately abandoned her. She was very beautiful, but remained unsatisfied with available suitors and her frustrated father then allowed his dog to mate with her, giving rise to the races of animals and men. Later he suffered remorse and the dog was drowned. She was then affianced to a handsome man who proved to be a nature god called "raven man" with no warm hearth to offer her and from whom she needed rescue. Her father first rescued her by kayak and then consigned her to the waves under attack from the raven man, who whipped the seas into froth with his power. The father even famously cut off her fingers to prevent her return to the boat, and her severed fingers became the creatures of the sea: seals, dolphins and whales. Although her children populated the earth, Sedna remained in anger on the bottom of the sea. The great distance and remoteness of the physical body of Sedna is reflected in the nature of her story and of the Inuit peoples themselves, who dwell so far from the comfort of the temperate zone. In this creation myth we see a theme of the natural world in contrast with the human, and of betrayal and abandonment especially of the feminine by the masculine This may well inform the astrological symbolism of Sedna in natal charts as we better come to understand it.

    The Seventh House represents marriage and partnerships of all kinds, and issues with relating to other people. As the opposite to the First House of personality, the Seventh House describes how you fit into the world of others. Planets in this house often indicate the type of marriage partner you will seek.

    MakeMake in Virgo (2 Vir 50') MakeMake in the Tenth House

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    This is the second new planet, or dwarf planet, or "plutoid, "to be officially named, after being referred to as "Easterbunny" for three years by its discoverer, Mike Brown. The official name refers to the creation god of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui. In size somewhat smaller than either Pluto or Eris, this planet follows a new 21st century tradition of naming some of these new planets from the traditions of indigenous peoples, rather than more classically from the Greco-Roman pantheon of gods and goddesses. The period of MakeMake is 310 years. Like Eris, MakeMake was discovered near the farthest point of its highly elliptical orbit, and incidentally in an exact inconjunct or 150-degree aspect from Eris within 2 minutes of a degree of longitude.

    As the creation god of Rapa Nui, MakeMake symbolizes a connection with environmental sagacity that is entirely appropriate for the troubled earth times surrounding its discovery. This is because Rapa Nui is known as a society that denuded their isolated island environment entirely of trees before Europeans discovered what became known as Easter Island. Of course the island culture is also famous for the multitude of incredibly large stone heads that were carved and erected there. The myth involving their creation god includes a form of worship in which a Birdman was selected from tribal elders each year. Claimants would select a representative from the best of the young warriors, who would compete by climbing a large cliff and by swimming to a neighboring islet, a dangerous journey, wearing a headdress designed for the purpose of fetching the first bird egg of the season back with him to finish the race. Once his representative returned victorious, the selected Birdman would meditate in a hut for a year and bring the visions he encountered back to his culture. Taking this segment of ritual practice as an indication of this new planetary energy, we could speculate that the archetype associated with MakeMake involves delving down into the dark interior of the psyche in order to obtain a more passive and feminist form of received wisdom to be merged with the warrior male outer-oriented energy of the ego. This wisdom can only be found in the inner world, a world that is also represented by other astronomically similar bodies at the far edge o the Solar System. Where he is found in charts there can be found also the wisdom of the earth and the capacity for spiritual renewal.

    The Tenth House symbolizes the public life, authority, career issues, and also represents the mother, or perhaps the opposite-sex parent. As standing opposite the Fourth House, the Tenth House represents how the foundation of the personality is made manifest and concrete in the world. The birth chart is often divided into four seven-year periods, one per quadrant, cycling each twenty-eight years of life, and the Tenth House is reached at age 21, the age of legal adulthood. Planets in the Tenth House will indicate what the energies and challenges are for your career, and also ho\/\ your mother (or perhaps father) was experienced. Haumea in Virgo (24 Vir 51')

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    Haumea in the Eleventh House

    The third trans-Neptunian Object, or TNO, to be officially designated as a dwarf planet, after Eris and MakeMake, Haumea was discovered just after Christmas 2004 and nicknamed "Santa" by discoverer Mike Brown's team before being named for the Hawaiian creation goddess. Its discovery was officially announced on July 29th, 2005, by his group. Haumea is different from other TNOs in that it is rocky, as befits a goddess of the earth, and rotating extremely rapidly a revolution every 4 hours. As a result, its shape is elongated, like a small cigar. Haumea 's extreme elongation makes it unique among TNOs, with its greatest axis twice as long as its shortest. Its orbital period is 283 years. It was discovered when it was near to its farthest distance from the Sun, or its aphelion, as were MakeMake and Eris.

    Creation goddess of the islands of Hawaii, Haumea was the source of many gods and goddesses as well as of the race of humankind. Pele, Hi'iaka, Namaka, Laka and man~ others were her offspring. Her skill at childbirth is recounted in countless stories. Children sprang from different parts of her body, Hi'iaka from her mouth and Namaka from her breasts. She rules over fertility and childbirth. She possessed a magic stick from the Makalei tree that would enable her to conjure up fish and other edibles, and therefore she is also associated with a never-failing food supply. She also has the power of eternal youth. With each birth she was destroyed and subsequently recreatec herself. This choice of planetary archetype arising in these times would seem to support the environmental concerns of dwindling resources and the response of fecund creativity that gives forth abundance and life itself in response to deprivation. Research will provide a more fleshed-out understanding of this potency. It might develop that this planetary archetype comes to represent the power of life to triumph over adversity by drawing upon inner reserves of vigor and natural lore, the instinctual urge to survive at any cost. Where she is located in the chart will be a source of inner strength and protean flexibility.

    The Eleventh House symbolizes goals and objectives, also friendships and membership in groups or associations. The work in society represented by the tenth house is released through the individual in the activities associated with the eleventh house. Planets in this house indicate how visions for the future and also group associations and friendships will operate in your life.

    Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse in Aries (8 Ari 18') Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse in the Fifth House

    Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse in Libra (23 Lib 38') Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse in the Twelfth House

    Other Aspects

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    Sun in strong square (within 3.1 degrees) with Ceres The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

    Sun in strong sextile (within 0.4 degrees) with Pallas The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Pallas are not currently supported.

    Sun in strong opposition (exact) with Earth The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Earth are not currently supported.

    Sun in strong trine (within 0.1 degrees) with Pholus The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Pholus are not currently supported.

    Moon in strong sextile (within 0.9 degrees) with Lilith The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Lilith are not currently supported.

    Moon in strong conjunction (within 0.6 degrees) with Vulcan The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Vulcan are not currently supported.

    Mercury in strong sextile (within 0.6 degrees) with Uranus

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    The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    This aspect gives an individual who is restless and mentally acute, with an ability to grasp new concepts quickly. You like to explore new ways of thinking and being. Education is important to you. You are scientifically minded and futuristic in your outlook, and have the ability to think freely, unhampered by conventional attitudes. You may be interested in studying occult realms of thought. You often have flashes of insight, and are able to see things in a holistic perspective. When your intuitive vision is properly harnessed, it can be a great benefit for yourself, and for society around you.

    Mercury in strong trine (exact) with Juno The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Juno are not currently supported.

    Mercury in strong square (within 0.6 degrees) with Vesta The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Vesta are not currently supported.

    Venus in strong sextile (within 1.5 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    This aspect gives a caring and aesthetically motivated personality. You are friendly and social, and consistently strive for harmony in your dealings with other people. With the beauty and grace of Venus affecting your public life, you are ideally suited for a career in diplomacy or the arts, or some other elegant and graceful profession, such as interior decorating. You work well with others, and do better to establish yourself ir a business partnership rather than being employed on your own.

    Jupiter in strong sextile (within 0.9 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    With this placement you have a strong connection with spirituality and a great tendency to go your own way rather than subserve yourself to the spiritual ideals of human consciousness. You also may have been wounded in your spirituality in some

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    way; perhaps in your early life you were forced into relationship with some sort of spiritual community to which you did not feel a connection. These two planetary energies, Jupiter and Chiron, both have a strong spiritual component, but operate in different ways. With Jupiter's optimism in support of Chiron's tendency for pain and suffering as a way toward the light, you are always able to rise above distressing circumstances, buoyed up by a strong streak of faith in the ultimate beneficence of Spirit. In fact, positive outlooks can become something of an obsession with you, so that friends and associates get tired of your unflagging optimism even though you are such a helpful companion. You have an abiding interest in matters of the religion and philosophy, although this is likely to represent your own style of spiritual involvement rather than any standard form of spiritual institutions.

    Jupiter in strong trine (within 0.9 degrees) with Ceres The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Ceres are not currently supported.

    Saturn in strong opposition (within 0.2 degrees) with Chariklo The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Chariklo are not currently supported.

    Saturn in strong trine (within 1.0 degrees) with Eris The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Eris are not currently supported.

    Uranus in strong sextile (within 0.6 degrees) with Juno The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Juno are not currently supported.

    Uranus in strong square (within 1.9 degrees) with Haumea The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

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    Interpreted natal aspects with Haumea are not currently supported.

    Neptune in strong square (within 1.0 degrees) with Vulcan The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

    Interpreted natal aspects with Vulcan are not currently supported.

    Pluto in strong sextile (within 1.3 degrees) with Nessus The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connecti

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