magma - image annotation in low dimensional feature spaces

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MAGMA – Efficient Method for Image Annotation

in Low Dimensional Feature Space Based

on Multivariate Gaussian Models

Bartosz Broda, Halina Kwasnicka, Mariusz Paradowski and Michal Stanek Institute of Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology

 Abstract—Automatic image annotation is crucial for keyword-based image retrieval. There is a trend focusing on utilizationof machine learning techniques, which learn statistical modelsfrom annotated images and apply them to generate annotationsfor unseen images. In this paper we propose MAGMA – newimage auto-annotation method based on building simple Mul-tivariate Gaussian Models for images. All steps of the methodare thoroughly described. We argue that MAGMA is efficientway of automatic image annotation, which performs best in lowdimensional feature space. We compare proposed method with

state-of-the art method called Continuous Relevance Model ontwo image databases. We show that in most of the experimentssimple parametric modeling of probability density function usedin MAGMA significantly outperforms reference method.


Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is one of the major

approaches to image classification and retrieval that has been

investigated extensively in the past decade [16], [17].

Generally, CBIR deals with the problem of searching the

images in large databases, but differ from the traditional

text-based approaches (TBIR). Standard TBIR search engines

try to retrieve images relevant to user query by matching

all available textual information, like captions and manuallyadded tags [18].

A major drawback of this approach is high cost and the

amount of effort needed to annotate images in a consistent

way. In real life databases it is often the case that no additional

information is provided for many pictures. That is why, TBIR

is applicable mainly to small collections of images. CBIR, on

the other hand, tries to classify and search images using visual

features, such as color, texture, shape and structure.

Automated image annotation aim is to find the correlation

between low-level visual features and high-level semantics.

Often automatic image annotation is integral part of mod-

ern CBIR system [17]. The main goal of automatic image

annotation task is to assign semantic labels for images.Textqueries are often much more natural than visual queries,

e.g. querying by color, texture, shape. Image annotations are

a bridge between textual queries and visual image content.

However, the utility of automatic image annotation is not

limited to CBIR systems. Both private, academic and commer-

cial sectors are interested in methods incorporating automatic

image annoatation.

Automatic image annotation has its roots in both image

recognition and machine translation. It focuses on practical

aspects of image processing. Automatic image annotation can

be treated as multi-class classification problem. The number

of classes is usually very large. Available training data is often

weakly annotated , which means that annotation given for the

images are incomplete and may contain errors [12]. These

factors, among others, make the automatic image annotation

task very difficult. It is often considered that precision on

the level of 30% which achieves state-of-art systems is very

good [14].There have been several studies on automatic image an-

notation utilizing machine learning techniques for learning

statistical models from annotated images and apply them to

generate annotations for unseen images. Probabilistic mod-

eling plays a very important role in this domain. Bayesian

decision framework is one of the fundamental components of 

these methods [6]. Another key component is the process of 

modeling data using probability distribution functions (PDF).

Bayesian framework is so broad, that it also encompasses this

learning of PDFs. There are two main approaches for data

modeling: parametric and non-parametric [2].

Both parametric and non-parametric models are efficient

methods for estimation of probability density function. Usageof parametric models require a training phase, in which

unknown parameters of adopted distributions are calculated.

Afterward, in the processing phase those estimated probability

distributions are used to model conditional density functions.

One of the most popular approach for density estimation in

pattern recognition is expectation maximization method [1].

Usage of non-parametric models provides another view on

probability density function estimation. There is no training

phase — for density function estimation proper density esti-

mator needs to be chosen. Main drawback of this approach is

high computational cost needed in the processing phase.

In the paper the reference method is Continuous Rele-

vance Model (CRM). The method is an effective automaticimage annotator, often cited in the literature [3], [4], [5].

For density estimation it uses non-parametric approach, i.e.,

Parzen estimator combined with single dimensional Gaussian

kernels. The high quality of CRM annotation, outperformes

other methods which makes it the reference base–line for any

futher work in this image annotation area [14]. Good quality

of CRM annotation requires high dimensional feature spaces,

which makes this method unsuitable for certain uses.

Many methods proposed in the literature assume construc-

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Fig. 1. Learning phase diagram

  A. Learning phase

The first stage in automatic annotation process is the learn-

ing phase, in which we build the models for all the images.Since each of the images in the training collection is a raster

image the first step is preliminary preprocessing. Preprocessing

could do normalization of histograms or noise reduction which

often appear during image compression. Then we have to

divide each image into separate visual regions. In this step one

can use a different approaches. One of the easiest is to divide

image into equal-sized rectangles. More complicated methods

could create visual regions as a result of clusterization process.

Regardless of the used segmentation method, as a result we

obtain a visual regions. For these regions, one have to calculate

the features, which could include information about colors,

color standard deviations, pattern information, etc. After this

step we obtain a set of feature vectors.

As we mention at the very beginning of this section, our

approach assumes that every single image in the training col-

lection is realization of a different multi–dimensional random

variable. If we focus now only on one image, the feature

vectors {xI 1, xI 

2, · · · , xI n} for all regions can be treated as

a realization of a multi–dimensional random variable. In our

method we make an assumtion that random variable which

model the image is normally distributed, so its probability

density function (PDF ) is defined as follows:

GI (x,µ,Σ) =1

(2π)n/2 |Σ|1/2




2(x − µ)T Σ−1(x − µ)

, (5)

where x is an observation vector for which we would like

to calculate the density function, µI  is mean vector, and ΣI 

is the covariance matrix. Both µI  and ΣI  are parameters of 

adopted MGM model and can be easily computed from all

observations {xI 1, xI 

2, · · · , xI n} for image I .

Here we want to emphasize that treatment of each image as

a realization of different random variable and then calculation

of the parameters of its distribution is important step to

generalize from each image. This random variable define not

only a one image but the whole collection of images from

which our base image I  is the most likely created.

Now we focus on creating the most important part – the

recognition module. From the training dataset D we take all

the training examples ( I ,W 

) and create sets of the examplesDw for each word in semantic dictionary W . Image I  will be

included in this set if the word w ∈ W I  is included in its set

of annotations. Formally:

∀w∈W ∀I∈D.( I ∈ Dw ⇔ w ∈ W I ) (6)

One image I  could be included in multiple Dw sets, and the

total number of those sets is equal to the length of image

 I  annotation. As the result of the previous steps we have

already estimated a model parameters for all images so we

can transform each Dw set into a recognition model. This can

by done by replacing all images by their models.

Replacing images by their models lead us to the recog-nition model. Bacause the recognition model based on the

multivariate gausian models for all images in training set we

call it MultivariAte Gaussian Model Annotator — MAGMA.

Magma is a set of elements such that:

MAGMA = {MGM w1 ,MGM w2 , · · · ,MGM wn}, (7)

where n is the total number of words in the semantic dictionary

W , and W  =ni=1wi. MGM wi is a set of image models

which was annotated by a word wi in a training dataset:

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∀w∈W ∀I∈D.(GI  ∈ MGM w ⇔ w ∈ W I ) (8)

During this step for all words we calculate probabilty of 

occurance, which is based on word frequency in training set


P (w) =

|w|x∈W  |x| , (9)

where |w| is the number of occurrences word w in all W I 


Due to the fact that the recognition model contains sets of 

simple multivariate gaussians, we call this method MAGMA

  — Multivariate Gaussian Model Annotator . All the steps nec-

essary for building a recognition model have been illustrated

on the Fig. 1.

 MAGMA is used to calculate probability P (w|I ), which

means that given word w is an annotation for unseen image

 I . To illustrate a sample density function for a word in a

MAGMA model we took  ICPR2004 [19] image database and

restricted the size of feature vector. For each image regionwe analyze only two colors: red and green. We show MGM 

models for two words husky and fans. Probability density

functions for those words are presented in the figures 2 and 3.

On the axes there are a values of each color (scaled from 0-

255 to 0-1). Brighter color means that the value of the function

is higher. To illustrate the difference between our method and

CRM, we placed also chart for the same words in CRM model.


(b) CRM

Fig. 2. Probability density function for images annotated by word ’Fans’


(b) CRM

Fig. 3. Probability density function for images annotated by word ’Husky’

Worth mentioning is the fact that the proposed model,

considers the covariance between the features. This property

is important in the case when we want to build an accurate

model based only on a few examples or analyze only a limited

number of image regions – focusing only on certain parts of 

image. This property is well shown on the attached figures

on which we can see that the CRM density function is moreblurred, while MAGMA finds and focuses only on interesting

part of the feature space. In MAGMA the difference between

presented two words is clearly visible. That contrast with

CRM, where it is hard to distinguish between PDFs of images.

In next section we will show the comparison of those two


  B. Identification phase

Here we will focus on the identification phase where we

need to use our recognition model Ψ (eq. 1). In this phase we

perform the annotation process: for unseen image I , we want

to determine the set of words from the semantic vocabulary

W  that describe accurately new image I  (eq. 2). Accordingto Eq. 3 and 4 this can be achieved by finding model that

maximises both prior probability of the word P (w) and the

a posteriori probability that image was annotated by word

P ( I|w). As has been shown, word probability P (w) (Eq. 13)

can be estimated by counting the word frequency in a training

set. Finding P ( I|w) is much more complicated.

First steps of the identification phase are very similar to the

learning phase. New image I  is normalized and divided into

separate visual regions. After segmentation the feature vectors

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are calculated for all regions which are input to the recognition


In the learning phase a set of models MGM w was created

for each word w. We can now use them to calculate most

probable MGM  models. Because all of them are associated

with only one word we can choose the words by obtaining the

set of best MGM  models.

In the proposed approach annotation process is formulated

as a collection of independent detection problems. Finding the

set of words could be treated as finding the best MGM models

which maximises the following equation:

P (w|I ) = P (w) ∗ f (I |MGM w), (10)

Conditional probability that given image I  is generated by

the set of models for a word w is given by the following


f (I |MGM w) = f ({xI 1, · · · , xI N }|MGM w), (11)

where the xI i is the i–th feature vector, and N  is the total

number of regions in image I .

Due to the fact that we want to know the probability thatthe whole image was generated by the word W , we need to

calculate conditional probability that all feature vectors in that

image are generated by the set of models for that word:

f ({xI 1, · · · , xI N }|MGM w) =

N i=1

m(xI i |MGM w), (12)

From previous section we know that MGM w is set of 

models for all images annotated by the word w. We assume

here that all features xi extracted from the regions of image

I are independent, like in SML algorithm[21]. The degree of 

certainty that one feature vector xI  could be annotated by

word w is given by the following equation:

m(x|MGM w) =


GI (x,µ,Σ)

|MGM w|, (13)

where GI  is the model from set of models created for word

w, and |MGM w| is the number of models in that set.

The word that best describes the image is then calculated

by solving following equation:

w(I ) = arg maxw∈W 

P (w)f (I |MGM w), (14)

The P (w)f (I |MGM w) could be also used to build ranking

for all words in the dictionary. The proposed recognition

algorithm has quadratic computational complexity.Diagram of the recognition process is presented in the

figure 4. In the next section we present experiments and



In this section we present experimental evaluation of pro-

posed method. Next paragraphs contains information about

used image databases, evaluation measures and description of 

experiments and obtained results.

Fig. 4. Recognition phase diagram

  A. Datasets

In order to evaluate the proposed method we performed

tests on two data sets: ICPR 2004 [19] and MGV 2006 [20].

Information such as number of images, dictionary size, and

mean annotation length are presented in table I.


MGV 2006 ICPR 2004

Number of images 751 1109Dictionary size 74 407Mean annotation length 5.0 5.79

Selected datasets contain different size of semantic vocab-

ulary, while mean length of annotations are very similar. This

means that in ICPR 2004 there are far less images annotated

by the same words then in MGV 2006. In further experiments

we show that proposed MAGMA annotation method deals

significantly better then CRM in such cases.

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 B. Image regions and feature vectors

Exact description of methods which can be used in first

steps of learning process – image normalization and image

segmentation, is out of the scope of this paper. In experiments

all images are normalized by contrast stretching [15]. To obtain

image regions we simply split image into 25 equal rectangles

by apply on them 5 by 5 grid spliter. For all regions we

calculate the mean value of colors Red, Green and Blue,standard deviation of these values, mean Hue, Saturation and

Brightness values, number of edges in all RGB color channels,

and the three eigenvalues of color Hessian computed in RGB

color space.

C. Annotation quality measures

To compare annotation quality of proposed method with

CRM we use three commonly used measures [8], [9]: preci-

sion, recall and F-Score.

The first measure is a precision of annotation. Precision

determines how often the word w in the annotated images

collection, was used correctly. Formally precision is defined

by the following relationship:

 precw =pw

ow, (15)

where pw is the number of correct occurrences of word w,

and ow the number of all word w occurrences in annotated

images set.

Recall is another commonly used measure. It indicates how

many images, which should be annotated with the word w

has been annotated correctly by this word. Recall is given by

following equation:

recw =pw


, (16)

where pw is the number of correct occurrences of word w,

and ew is the number of expected occurrences of word w. Both

precision and recall have values from [0.1], higher values are


It is necessary to include information about both precision

and recall to determine the quality of annotator. Therefore F-

Score, the third measure, combines this information. F-Score

is defined by following equation:

F w = 2·precw· recw precw + recw


  D. Results

In all experiments we assume that we know the length of therequired image annotation. This is strong assumption, because

by using proposed method we obtain a ranking of all the words

in the semantic dictionary for each image.

In first part of the experiments we evaluated our method

on the MGV 2006 image dataset. We perform 4 experiments,

where in each of them a different size of features vector

is considered. All results are presented in Tab. II are the

mean value obtained after four-fold cross validation. In the

first experiment we dealt only with 3 features, namely, mean

values of red, green and blue. In this experiment MAGMA

proved to be significantly better than CRM. We obtained

better results also in second experiment when we analyze

mean values of red, green and blue, and standard deviation of 

colors values in each image segment. In the third and fourth

experiment we added respectively eigenvalues of Hessian and

the number of edges. In this part CRM give us better results.

Our method in those experiments needs to estimate more

than 50 parameters of mean vector and covariance matrix

based only on 25 observations. We get underestimated image

models which performs worse than CRM. The best results

were obtained for feature vector containing only six variables

– experiment 2.


  Annotation Method Precision Recall F-Score

1. Features (3): RGB

CRM 0,263 0,240 0,251MAGMA 0,283 0,330 0,305

2. Features (6): RGB + std. deviation

CRM 0,317 0,306 0,311MAGMA 0,353 0,323 0,337

3. Features (9): RGB + std. deviation + Hes.

CRM 0,396 0,348 0,370MAGMA 0,352 0,297 0,322

4. Features (12): RGB + std. deviation + edges

CRM 0,367 0,340 0,353MAGMA 0,270 0,235 0,251

In second part of the experiments we compared MAGMA

with CRM on ICPR 2004 image database. In this experiment

we focus on the performance of our method in case when thesemantic dictionary is large and each word annotate only small

number of images in the training set.

We performed two series of experiments. First we evaluated

our method on two color models - RGB and HSB (Fig. 5(a),

Fig. 5(c), Fig. 5(b) and Fig. 5(d)). In both cases MAGMA

annotator outperformed CRM. We get better results however,

when feature vector contains information about colors in RGB

color model. The explanation of the facts may be such that in

the HSB color model, only one of the channels ( Hue) contains

the essential information, so that the correlation between

individual channels is small.

We evaluate the case when the vector contains 9 feature –

the color (in RGB color space), its deviation, and Hessianeigenvalues for each of the colors. In this experiment proposed

method has again outperformed CRM. However, due to the

large number of parameters needed for estimation and small

number of observations method performance has deteriorated

compared with the version of operating on 6 features.

Adding information about edges to feature vector decrease

MAGMA performance (Fig. 5(f)). In this case CRM has

proved to be better, but the overall F-Score obtained in this

experiment is comparable to F-Score achieved by MAGMA

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 5. Results obtained taking different feature vector size: 5(a) values of RGB model, 5(b) values of HSB model, 5(c) values of RGB model and std. devof this values, 5(d) values of HSB model and std. dev of this values, 5(e) values of RGB model, std. dev of this values and eig. of Hessian, 5(f) Values of HSB model, std. dev of this values, eig. of Hessian and number of edges in each color channel.

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in case of only 6 features (fig. 5(c)).

For the experiments carried out for the set of ICPR2004

proposed automatic annotation method – MAGMA in experi-

mental studies demonstrate very high efficiency for the small

number of features.


In this paper we have formulated the image annotationproblem, and proposed a new annotation method based on

modeling each image by multivariate normal distribution. On

the basis of estimated distribution the recognition model is

created, which is used to generate ranking of all the words

in semantic dictionary for every image. This ranking is sorted

according to calculated words occurrences certainty.

In this paper we thoroughly discussed two stages – the

learning process and the annotation phase. Then we present

experimental results and performed comparison of proposed

methods with CRM. The experimental studies show that the

proposed method achieved very good results even for small

number of observations per image.

The apparent weakness of the proposed method is theproblem with estimation of parameters of probability distri-

bution function for high dimensional feature space. We hope

to overcome this problem by using more robust segmentation

method, which will produce more observations per image.

Further research should be conducted in two areas. Firstly,

the problem of determining the optimal number of words for

image annotation should be considered. Also image segmen-

tation and its impact on annotation performance should be



This work is financed from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republicof Poland resources in 2008–2010 years as a Poland–Singapore joint research project

65/N-SINGAPORE/2007/0. It is supported by the DCS-Lab, which is operated by the

Department of Distributed Computer Systems (DDCS) at the Institute of Informatics,

Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland.


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