main linac cavity and cryomodule wbs x.9 resource proposal

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Main Linac Cavity and Cryomodule WBS X.9 Resource Proposal. US SRF Infrastructure Strength. Cavity Processing and Vertical Testing R&D Facility Jlab (30 FY07, 40 FY08, 50 FY09) cycles/yr ANL/FNAL ( 50 FY08, 60 FY09) cycles/yr Cornell (12) cycles/yr VTS @FNAL 70 cycles/yr (07) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Main Linac Cavity and Cryomodule WBS X.9 Resource Proposal

AmericasUS SRF Infrastructure Strength

• Cavity Processing and Vertical Testing R&D Facility– Jlab (30 FY07, 40 FY08, 50 FY09) cycles/yr– ANL/FNAL ( 50 FY08, 60 FY09) cycles/yr– Cornell (12) cycles/yr– VTS @FNAL 70 cycles/yr (07)

• Horizontal Test Stand– FNAL 24 cavities/yr

• Cavity Dressing and Cryomodule Assembly– FNAL 12/yr (FY07)

• Limited cavity fabrication capability in US industry

AmericasUS SRF Infrastructure Direction

• Automated Cavity Tuning– 100+ Cavity/yr (FY09)

• Processing and Vertical Testing (Pre-Production Next Generation Facility, with redundancy)– 100+ Cavity/yr (FY10)

• Horizontal Test Stand– Additional 48 Test/yr (Maximum Capacity needed)

• Cryomodule and RF Unit Assembly and Test without and with beam

• Increased cavity fabrication capability in US industry– Electron Beam Welder (FY09)

AmericasTarget 2 ~ 50 M$ for 08, 09

08 09

Cavities & Cryomodules, for S0, S1 and Regional Interest

24 23

Basic R&D to improve performance, incl ACD activities

4 3

Cavity, CM and RF Unit Infrastructure 18 20

Grand Total 46 46

AmericasCavity/CM schedule, Tgt 2

Cavity/Cm schedule, target 2

FabricateProcessProcureAssembleCM Test

FY06->FY07 1Q FY07 2Q FY07 3Q FY07 4Q FY08 1Q FY08 2Q FY08 3Q FY08 4Q FY09 1Q FY09 2Q FY09 3Q FY09 4Q FY10 1Q FY10 2Q FY10 3Q FY10 4Q

Cavities ordered 16 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16Cavities to be processed 0 8 8 0 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16Processing capacity 12 12 16 16 25 25 30 30 30 30 50 50 50Processes/cavity 1.5 1.5 0 2 2 3.125 1.5625 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 3.125 3.125 3.125Horizontal tests 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


8 Cavities 28 Cavities 28 Cavities 28 Cavities 38 Cavities 38 Cavities 38 Cavities 48 Cavities 48 Cavities 48 Cavities 58 Cavities 58 Cavities 68 Cavities 68 Cavities 78 Cavities 78 Cavities 88 Cavities 88 Cavities 98 Cavities 98 Cavities 108 Cavities 10

CM1 1CM2 2CM3 3CM4 4CM5 5CM6 6CM7 7CM8 8CM9 9CM10 10

NML 3 4 5 RF unit op RF unit op RF unit op RF unit opCM TEST Facility 6 7 8 9

AmericasTarget 2: Summary of FY08-09

Description M&S Total Labor M&S M&S TotalInstitution FTE Direct FY08 FTE Direct Direct IndirectFY09

Program Management - -$ -$ - -$ -$

Technical Design Report 6.0 100$ 1,197$ 6.0 100$ 1,197$ Cavity fabrication 2.0 4,700$ 5,812$ 2.0 4,700$ 5,812$ Cavity QC and Tuning 10.0 863$ 2,846$ 2.0 63$ 433$ Cavity Processing and Vertical Testing 15.0 1,107$ 4,799$ 16.0 1,365$ 5,288$ Single Cell Processing R&D 1.0 63$ 778$ 1.0 63$ 678$ Cavity Horizontal Testing @ FNAL 3.5 50$ 688$ 4.5 144$ 978$ ACD Shape and Material 0.5 250$ 926$ 0.5 50$ 653$ Cavity Failure Analysis 2.5 495$ 1,241$ 2.50 689$ 1,450$ R&D on Cavity 1.8 50$ 373$ 1.0 50$ 238$ ILC Cryomodule 15.0 3,500$ 6,762$ 10.0 3,800$ 6,209$ SCRF materials research 3.00 50$ 733$ 3.00 50$ 733$ Cavity Vertical Test stand - -$ 515$ - -$ 60$ Cavity HPR - -$ 280$ -$ -$ 60$ RF Unit Test Infrastructure 40.0 4,858$ 12,840$ 26.5 2,529$ 7,707$ Industrial Development 1.0 800$ 1,108$ 2.5 2,800$ 3,698$ Cavity and Cryomodule Infrastructure 9.0 1,050$ 8,839$ 15.0 6,000$ 12,662$

110.3 17,935$ 49,738$ 92.5 22,402$ 47,856$ SRF 30,047$ 31,597$ ILC 19,691$ 16,260$

Americas MSU Work Package

• Recommended Program– Cavity Autopsy– Single Cell Cavity (R&D)– Advanced Cavity and Material Science studies (R&D)

• SRF Infrastructure– Upgrade ultra-pure water and high pressure rinse– Nine-cell structure vertical test dewar

• Budget– UPW and HPR: $80k (08), $60k (09)– Vertical dewar: $150k (08), $60k (09)– Cavity Autopsy: $250k/year– Test single-cell cavities: $50k/year – Advanced Cavity and Material Science studies: $135k/year

FY08: $635k and FY09: $555k

Americas LANL Work Package

• Recommended R&D Program– Cavity Autopsy

• SRF Infrastructure (Partly Funded in FY07)– Re establish cavity testing at LANL– 1.3 GHz Power Amplifier– Thermometry provided by Fermilab

• Budget– 2.5 FTE FY08,09 : $208k and $214k– M&S FY08,09: $495k and $689k– Indirect Cost FY08,09: $288k and $297k

FY08: $991k and FY09: $1,200k

Americas Cornell Work Package

• Goal : S0.2 Contributions, Determine if a new cavity is qualified to reach high gradients

• Plan: Vertical EP, HPR, test new 9-cell cavities

• Background– Proven successful for single cells – EP under development for 9-cells – Scope of Work : Process and test one cavity per month: (Production cavity

activities)– Heat treatment and tuning to be carried out elsewhere (need to include cost

of those treatments and shipping in overall budget).

• Budget:– 2 FTE + 100 K (liquid helium, acids…)– RF power source 300 – 400 Watt (60 K$) (if not funded in 07)– Smaller diameter vertical test dewar (60 K$) (if not funded in 07)– Present dewar was used for very large 200MHz cavities– Reduce liquid helium usage per test

• M&S cost = 220 K each in 08, 09

AmericasCornell Work Package (R&D)

• Explore basic parameters for HPP with 9-cell ILC Cavity– Qe, Pulse Length, Power Level

• Complete vertical test stand insert for HPP of 9-cell cavities (0.5 FTE)– Test stand design started in 06, continue in 07

• Available– About 2 MW, 1.3 GHz source, 250 us pulse length– Waveguide to coax switch and waveguide run to test pit– Input coupler/cold window

• Scope: EP, HPR and Vertical tests 9-cell cavities with HPP including vacuum accidents and recovery. 6 tests per year (1 FTE + 50 K M&S)

AmericasCornell Work Package (ACD)

• Design 9-cell cavity with HOM couplers to achieve adequate damping (0.5 FTE) – Chose best aperture 60 – 70 mm

• Order two 9-cell re-entrant cavities with HOM couplers (250 K)– One with fine-grain, one with large-grain Nb?

• Process and test two 9-cell re-entrant cavities (0.5 FTE)– Fine grain with EP, large-grain with BCP– 6 tests per year

AmericasJlab Work Package

• Processing and Vertical Testing of 9 Cell Cavity – 30 cy/yr in FY07 (Estimate Based on Previous Slides, additional M&S

resources may be needed in 08 and 09)– Process 40 cy/yr in FY08, 32 k per (1.23 M)– 50 cy/yr in FY09 (1.6 M)– $200k per year as an estimate for additional resources contingency– $365k per year Cryogenic cost

• Single Cell R&D to improve the Processing (0.25M each year)

• Field Emission studies for tracking the contamination (0.1M each year)

• ACD: LL Shape Cavities, Large Grain and Single Crystal (0.5 each year)

FY08: $2.65M and FY09: $2.62M

AmericasANL Work Package 08

• Electropolish S0.2 ILC cavities - 1.5 FTE, $225 K M&S for full-time operation and throughput of 1 procedure/week

• Install new HPR system, $200k

• High-pressure rinse S0.2 ILC cavities –1.0 FTE, $60K M&S

• Installation of a PLC-based control system for EP - 0.5 FTE, $75 K

• Optimize existing EP hardware/Interface with U.S. EP vendors/develop and optimize hardware suitable for large-scale EP (1 FTE)

AmericasANL Work Package 09

• Electropolish S0.2 ILC cavities – 2.0 FTE, $337 K M&S for full-time operation and throughput of 1.5 procedures/week

• High-pressure rinse S0.2 ILC cavities – 1.0 FTE, $60 K M&S

• Optimize existing EP hardware/Interface with U.S. EP vendors/develop and optimize hardware suitable for large-scale EP (1 FTE)

FY08: $1.4M and FY09: $1.5M


• Order 60 cavities

• Heat treat, tune, HPR and Vertical test: 50 cycles/ EP at Argonne

• Horizontal test 16 “good” cavities

• Work with LANL and MSU to supply thermometry diagnostics for failed cavities

• Single cell R&D

• Materials R&D collaboration

• Continue Testing First cryomodule (type III) assembled in 07 from DESY supplied cavities

• Assemble cryomodule #2 (Type III)

• Test cryomodule #2

Target 2: Fermilab Work Package 08

AmericasTarget 2: Fermilab Work Package 08

• Assemble cryomodule #3 (Type IV)

• Order parts for 4 Cryomodule Gen IV – For S2 RF units, & industrialization start

• Continue Next Generation CM design, manufacturability, transportability, cost reduction

• Involve industry in activities

• Test and treatment facility operations

• Refrigeration (and misc) for Operation, S0, S1• Install one additional HTS (48 tests/yr)

• Begin to develop a new CM test stand (RF is in X.8)

• RF unit infrastructure (NML)


• Order 60 cavities

• Heat treat, tune, HPR and Vertical test 90 - 100 cycles/ EP at Argonne & FNAL

• Horizontal test 24 “good” cavities

• Assemble 4 cryomodules (Type IV)

• Test 4 CM

• Order parts for 4 CM (Type IV) – CM industrialization

• Continue Next Generation CM design, manufacturability, transportability, cost reduction

• Test facility operations

• Involve industry in activities

• Single cell R&D

• Materials R&D collaboration

Target 2: Fermilab Work Package 09

AmericasTarget 2: Fermilab Work Package 09

• Install Next Generation and Pre-Production cavity processing (scanning, EP, BCP, tuning, heating) and preparation (HPR, clean room, baking) infrastructure to handle 100 cycles per year

• Install one beam welder for cavity industry, increase number of cavity vendors

• Finish installation of cryomodule test stand

• Operate RF unit infrastructure with 1 RF unit

AmericasTarget 1 ~ 25 M$ for 08, 09

08 09

Cavities & Cryomodules, for S0, S1 and Regional Interest

14 16

Basic R&D to improve performance, incl ACD activities

4 3

Cavity, CM and RF Unit Infrastructure 8 7

Grand Total 26 26

•Strategy: –Reduce cavities and CM from Regional Interest, maintain S0/S1 support–Some infrastructure buildup in 08, other deferred to 09

AmericasCavity/CM schedule, Tgt 1

Cavity/Cm schedule, Target 1

FabricateProcessProcureAssembleCM Test

FY07 1Q FY07 2Q FY07 3Q FY07 4Q FY08 1Q FY08 2Q FY08 3Q FY08 4Q FY09 1Q FY09 2Q FY09 3Q FY09 4Q FY10 1Q FY10 2Q FY10 3Q FY10 4QCavities ordered 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8Cavities to be processed 0 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8Processing capacity 12 12 16 16 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30Processes/cavity 1.5 1.5 0 2 2 3.125 3.125 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75Horizontal tests 8 8 8 8


8 Cavities 28 Cavities 28 Cavities 28 Cavities 38 Cavities 38 Cavities 38 Cavities 48 Cavities 48 Cavities 48 Cavities 58 Cavities 58 Cavities 58 Cavities8 CavitiesCM1 1CM2 2CM3 3CM4 4CM5 5

NML 1 2 3 RF unit op RF unit op RF unit opCM 4 5

AmericasTarget 1: Summary of FY08-09

Description Labor M&S M&S Total Labor M&S TotalDescription InstitutionFTE DirectIndirectFY08 FTE Direct FY09Main Linac Cavity and Cryomodule Program Management1.9 Program Management - -$ -$ - -$ -$

2.9.1 2.9 Technical Design Report 6.0 100$ 1,197$ 6.0 100$ 1,197$ Cavity fabrication 2.0 2,600$ 3,376$ 2.0 2,600$ 3,376$ Cavity QC and Tuning 2.0 63$ 433$ 2.0 63$ 433$ Cavity Processing and Vertical Testing 15.0 1,107$ 4,799$ 15.0 987$ 4,664$ Single Cell Processing R&D 1.0 63$ 778$ 1.0 63$ 678$ Cavity Horizontal Testing @ FNAL 1.8 25$ 344$ 1.8 50$ 373$ ACD Shape and Material 0.5 250$ 926$ 0.5 50$ 653$ Cavity Failure Analysis 2.5 495$ 1,241$ 2.50 689$ 1,450$

R&D on Cavity 1.8 50$ 373$ 1.0 50$ 238$ ILC Cryomodule 6.5 850$ 2,157$ 10.5 1,850$ 4,037$ 3.9.13 SCRF materials research 3.00 50$ 733$ 3.00 50$ 733$ Cavity Vertical Test stand - -$ 515$ - -$ 60$ Cavity HPR - -$ 280$ -$ -$ 60$ 5.9.8 RF Unit Test Infrastructure 25.5 3,143$ 8,239$ # 8.5 915$ 4,601$

7.9.1 7.9.1 Industrial Development - -$ -$ - -$ -$ 7.9.2 7.9.2 Cavity and Cryomodule Infrastructure - -$ -$ - -$ 5,000$

ILC 67.5 8,794.7 25,391.0 # 53.8 7,466.0 27,554.0


• Order 30 cavities

• Heat treat, tune, HPR and Vertical test: 50 cycles/ EP at Argonne

• Horizontal test 8 “good” cavities

• Work with LANL and MSU to supply thermometry diagnostics for failed cavities

• Single cell R&D

• Materials R&D collaboration

• Continue Testing First cryomodule (type III) assembled in 07 from DESY supplied cavities

• Assemble cryomodule #2 (Type III)

Target 1: Fermilab Work Package 08

AmericasTarget 1: Fermilab Work Package 08

• Order parts for 1 Cryomodule Gen IV – For S2 RF unit

• Continue Next Generation CM design, manufacturability, transportability, cost reduction

• Involve industry in activities

• Test and treatment facility operations

• Refrigeration (and misc) for Operation, S0, S1

• Complete RF unit test infrastructure at NML (without beam)


• Order 30 cavities

• Heat treat, tune, HPR and Vertical test 50 cycles/ EP at Argonne & FNAL

• Horizontal test 16 “good” cavities

• Assemble 2 cryomodules (Type IV)

• Complete RF unit infrastructure at NML (add beam capability)

• Order parts for 2 CM (Type IV)

• Continue Next Generation CM design, manufacturability, transportability, cost reduction

• Test facility operations

• Involve industry in activities

• Single cell R&D

• Materials R&D collaboration

• Start construction of new cryomodule test facility

Target 1: Fermilab Work Package 09

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