mainsail, the official newsletter of the santa maria...

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Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Knights of Columbus of St.

Mark Parish, Plano Texas

Grand Knight’s Message

Greetings, Brothers, to our second 2013 edition of

The Mainsail. With this schedule there is a lot more to

cover. I am not sure I like the infrequency but will leave

that for the next GK to judge.

The highlight of the Quarter was the passing of the

Special Resolution and the adoption of the new By-Laws

which allows us to take full advantage of the opportunities that accompany the

growing Investment Fund. Kudos to the Investment Committee and particularly

to F.S. Greg Fisher and to Trustee Fred Kuglin for working through the maze of

issues that arose to achieve the final documents which will serve the Council

well for many years to come.

Speaking of growing – we have been adding new members regularly. I

would like to welcome Sean Koch, Gustavo Fierro, Alfredo Saucedo, Heriberto

Medina, and transferees Brian Kuntschik, Kenneth Castigan, Adán Fernandez,

and Clint Richey. And the Council approved the Form 100 for Justin Manley,

who was waiting for his Holy Week initiation into the Catholic Church before

applying for membership. Justin should be heading to a First Degree ceremony

shortly. We look forward to these new members getting active with us in our

many activities on the docket in the coming months. And congratulations to our

long time Council member, Sir Knight Len Hilliard, on his attaining the Fourth

Degree this past weekend in Palestine, TX, along with 51 other Brother Knights.

All the members should follow the lead of Sean Koch, who became a

Knight on Feb 27, 2013 and made his Major Degrees last month and volun-

teered to head up the Year of Faith project that each council has been asked by

Supreme to conduct. Now that’s “getting involved” at its best. More to come on


Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


I want to thank the Retention Committee for making an extra effort to save

some of the “dues-delinquent” members. We are still praying hard that we don’t

have to suspend any more members for non-payment. It is a small amount of

money that is asked for membership and the rewards are many. If you are one of

those on “the list” please get your dues current.

In the last Mainsail we were gearing up for Lent and the FishFryDays.

Now that seems like a distant memory. The events were well attended and the fi-

nal financial tally should be reported at the May meeting. We continue to learn

new things and better ways each time we do one and we are going to have a

“FishFryDay Team” meeting soon to debrief in preparation for next year. Chef

Hats off to Paul Mitchell and Miguel Soria for orchestrating the successes.

The Triduum was again the focal point of such a beautiful few days that

prepared us all so well for The Resurrection celebration. For those who missed

the Easter Vigil, where a number of Baptisms, convert initiations into our Faith,

and Confirmations were celebrated, you missed the first Baptisms in the new Bap-

tismal fount in the rear of the Church, which added a lot more to the solemnity of

the moment than I would have guessed.

I was happy to see nearly 20 of our members attend the Bishop’s Knights of

Columbus Mass on March 9. Attendance improves each year, but it is far from

filling the Cathedral. We are blessed to have a Bishop who recognizes what the

Knights do for the Church and particularly for his Diocese. We should all make a

stronger effort to attend in thanks for that support. We have a new leader and

Pope Francis is already endearing himself to Catholics and other Christians

around the world. He assumes the role at a really tough time in the world and in

our Faith. He needs our prayers more than ever to bring peace and holiness to

every corner of the Earth. There is an event coming soon to St. Monica’s on May

13 that we should all make an effort to attend. Details appear later in this edition.

The Carmelite Convent project was a wonderful and fulfilling adventure for

all who participated. The Nuns are so grateful for the response and all the back-

breaking work that went into making it a success. Stories and photos follow. This

event was spearheaded by our new Brother Knight, Brent Yamauchi, and his

Squire son, John Paul. It was a great introduction to the workings of the Squires’s

program, participation in which is about to be formalized with our own Squire’s

Circle, under the direction of Mark Peacock.

It never ceases to amaze me that there can be such an outpouring of gener-

osity from our parish and school community when the need arises. Last month we

held the first school-wide Baby Shower benefitting White Rose and Birth Choice

women’s centers. All four locations around the school that morning and again in

the afternoon found all of us who assisted Randy LeGrand in the collection efforts

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


scrambling to take the hand-offs from the steady stream of cars. There is a story

and pictures later in this edition. We have set the bar high for other Catholic

schools in the Diocese to do the same. At almost the same time Randy kicked off

the Student Respect Life Club, involving the kids themselves. It is important for

them to understand what Pro-Life is all about.

Bingo Knights! May 11, 2013. The Bingo Committee thought it was a su-

perb way to capture another round of winners before the summer vacations send

people in different directions. We are now hard at work getting prizes and table

sponsors. Please don’t hesitate to pitch in. Chairman John Patterson needs you!

We will have the next Bingo Knight on Saturday evening. August 24 as a lead-in

to the Parish Carnival the following Labor Day weekend. This will allow more

people to play who previously had to work the Carnival. This event will, as last

time, benefit the church and the school.

It’s time to select the Officers who will lead Council 6065 into the next Fra-

ternal Year. Nominations are still open and the current slate of candidates will be

read at the May 2 Business Meeting. Elections will be held at the June 6 Business

Meeting. Nominations can be made up till the actual vote-taking at that meeting.

Help refresh the Council with new faces that bring new ideas. Remember that to

run for office you must be a Third Degree member.

Father Cliff sends his thanks and appreciation for our donation of $1,000

earlier this year that allowed the refinishing of the Chalice and Paten that are used

at those Masses where the Priest doesn’t use his own. He said that first morning

he used the Paten that he could barely get past the glare. They are beautiful in

their restored condition.

Whew! And I know I didn’t cover everything. Enjoy what follows.

Vivat Jesu’ GK Ron

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Council's Family Picnic

June 23, 2013 Bring the kids, the in-laws, the cousins, grandkids and even your kid's best

friends if you like. Just don't miss this annual fun-filled event sponsored by

Council 6065. You can be sure it will be a great way to spend a hot afternoon in

June, with somebody else providing the pool, games, and most all of the food and

drinks! Here are the details:

First, the location is EASY to find--COUNTRY PLACE COMMUNITY

GROUNDS, which is located at 3600 Country Place Drive in Plano, 75023. Pop

the address into your GPS or favorite mapping software.

Second, the date and time: Sunday, June 23. We start cooking at 12pm and

keep the grill fired up until 4pm or until everyone is stuffed, tired and just ready to

go home. We have the pool booked from 11am to 5pm.

Third, what do you have to do to get involved with this wonderful event?

This is easier than the Staples' EASY Button. Just sign up at the May or June

business meeting! Then decide what you're going to bring in the way of a side

dish, dessert, snacks, or whatever (and if you forget to do that, you are still invited

and welcome because we always have more than enough)!!

Fourth, what will you get at this wonderful day of fun in the sun? Country

Place has a large pool for swimming and keeping cool. Then there is their air-

conditioned club house. Yes, free air conditioning, not your kids running up your

electric bill! Then there are games galore - volleyball, horseshoes, and/or what-

ever games you might decide to bring along such as Bocce Ball that one of the

Brother Knights brought last year. The game area is pretty well shaded, so you

won't burn too much, but you are responsible for bringing your own sun screen,

after all you are a responsible adult!

The council will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, soft drinks, water and

beer and skillful grill masters to do the cooking, so you can relax in the pool, sip a

cold one or two, and just enjoy the camaraderie that will abound.

Fifth and final, what do you have to do to enjoy this day? Just sign up at a

Business Meeting or if you cannot make the meeting, contact me by email or by

phone to let me know you are coming, how many "friends and family" are joining

you, and if you are able to comply with the third item, what will you bring.

Did you notice that the third and fifth items are pretty much the same?

Sneaky way of positive reinforcement! This event is only fun if you are there and

you help make if fun for everyone else!

Contact: Dale Hearst - email: or 972-423-1636.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


"Year of Faith" Project to be Headed By new

Brother Knight, Sean Koch

When a new member joins Council 6065 of the Knights of Columbus, he is

always "encouraged to get involved" as soon as possible, and for Brother Knight

Sean Koch, that message sunk in right away. After making his First Degree in the

first quarter of 2013, he was approached by our Pro-Life Committee chairman

Randy LeGrand with "a new project" that needs some new leadership. As you will

see from the rest of the story below, Sean responded favorably to Randy's request

and has now put out his own request to THE REST OF US, as evidenced by the

letter that follows: (And for those of you who are really reading carefully, you will

notice that April 11th has come and gone, so to those of you who might have al-

ready responded to the "blast message" that was sent out on April 9th, "Thank

You!", and to those who might have put it off, YOU will have another chance at

the May business meeting.)

Dear Brother Knights,

I have taken on a project called "Year of Faith" and would like your

ideas and suggestions. This is my first project, but I have the Grand

Knight's assurance that it will be a good one. I joined the Knights just a

month ago and my friend Randy Le Grand said, "Have I got a project for

you!", so here I am.

I'm charged with reporting back to the Council at our next planning

meeting April 18. Please respond by April 11 so I have time to put a plan

together using your ideas.

Here's where I need your help. The Order’s Year of Faith program is

based on the four categories outlined by Pope Emeritus (Benedict XVI) in

his document Porta Fidei (Door of Faith) Go to link below to read the par-


Faith PROFESSED - Learning more about our faith to be better

witnesses to our Lord within our everyday lives at home, church.

charitable works, councils, etc...

Faith CELEBRATED - Utilizing our faith more fully to celebrate

our solidarity with our bishops, priests and fellow knights through

social events.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Faith LIVED - Charity is the first principle of the knights, and fo-

cusing our efforts on those in greatest need we can live out our faith

in a very public way.

Faith PRAYED - This is our source of strength, unity and good

works and so we should pray accordingly: in private and publicly,

within our council and parish. (scroll down

to the bottom; this has a more detailed description of the program)

I'm sure that many of our projects cover the requirements, but please send

me your thoughts as to which projects you think best fit the categories. I'd

like to hear from everyone, especially the project leaders. Thanks in ad-

vance for your help on this and have a Blessed Easter Season.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Squire's Tree Removal Project Helps Beautify

Discalced Carmelite Monastery

John Peter Yamauchi, with the support of Council #6065, Council #12300,

Circle #5279, the St. Mark parish community, the St. Anthony (Wylie) parish

community, Home Depot, and the Texas Tree Foundation, successfully completed

his service project as part of the Squire Advancement Program for the Squire of

the Body of Christ. John Peter is the son of Council 6065 member Brent Yamau-


His project, the Carmelite Tree Project, consisted of the removal and re-

placement of a number of trees and bushes at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery

in Dallas. A total of 12 cedar trees were removed and 86 new trees and bushes

were planted. Funding and material resources for the project were donated by

Council #6065, St. Mark parish, St. Anthony parish, and Home Depot. Volunteers

on the project came from Council #6065, Council #12300, Circle #5279, the St.

Mark parish community, the St. Anthony parish community, and Home Depot.

A special thanks to the following Knights from #6065 that contributed their

time and energy to make this a successful project: Fred Kuglin, David Leland, Jim

Fujarski, Alex Hernandez, John Krumholtz, Pat Haney, Phil Reinkemeyer, Chuck

Schumacher, John Vasquez, Brent Yamauchi, and John Wheeler.

(left to right) - Squires from Circle #5279 (John Peter Yamauchi, Robby Saldana, and

Matthew Savage) gather with Mother Superior Juanita Marie to admire the newly

planted trees and bushes at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery in Dallas.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Matthew Savage (Circle #5279) stacks the branches in preparation for the chipper. All

twelve cedar trees were chipped into mulch to be used by the nuns for their gardens

John Wheeler clears out the branches while the cedars continue to fall beneath the fury

of Phil Reinkemeyer's chainsaw

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


(left to right) - #6065 Knights John Krumholtz, Brent Yamauchi, and Jim Fujarski dig holes

in preparation to plant 18 crape myrtles at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery in Dallas

(left to right) - Dave Leland and Pat Haney add compost to the soil before planting one of

the crape myrtles

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


(left to right) John Wheeler (#6065) and Robby Saldana (Circle #5279) work together to

move the large branches away from the cutting area over to the chipping area.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Prodigal Son Dinner Celebrates

20 Great Years of Council 6065

On February 11, 2013, K of C Council 6065 celebrated the 20th anniver-

sary of its Prodigal Son Dinner at Razzoo's Cajun Cafe in Richardson. It all began

20 years ago at a mid-year planning meeting at the Golden Corral Restaurant in

East Plano. That's when event coordinator Mark Hromalik proposed the first

Prodigal Son Dinner as a way to bring back Knights who had been away for a

while and to enjoy a free dinner with the "regulars", who deserved one night out

of the year when we do something for ourselves. It takes two to tango, as they say,

and this yearly event could never have happened if Roger Scott, our Grand

Knight, hadn't given his approval to try it out on that first Obese Monday, two

days before Ash Wednesday, in 1993. Everyone who attended had a wonderful

time and we decided to come back the next year...and the next...and the next!

This year, 63 knights welcomed Roger Scott as our guest of honor. Roger,

by the way, is our Dallas Diocesan Deputy. He came up and reminisced about that

first Prodigal Son Dinner. And he said he was having such a good time this year,

that he wanted us to invite him

back next year! Ah, another

prodigal son! A good time was

had by usual. Every year,

the Prodigal Son Dinner is! The only mystery

is why all of our Brother Knights

don't turn out for this great event

every year. Twenty years in a

row We must be doing something


Mark your calendars. Our

next Prodigal Son Dinner will be

on Obese Monday, March 3, 2014

at 7 PM at Razzoo's, of

course! See you then!

Prodigal Son project chairman Mark Hromalik

(left) and Mike Murray go over the list and log

in those attending the 20th annual event,

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Prodigal Son project director Mark Hromalik (left) joins GK Ron Schoof in thanking

Razzoo's for their hosting our annual dinner

Past Grand Knights of our Council were honored at the 20th annual Prodigal Son din-

ner. Shown (l-r) are Will Alt, Paul Krusac, Ben Preboy, Phil Reinkemeyer, Mike Doherty,

Ron Schoof, Paul Mitchell*, Roger Scott, and Payton Ahr. (Paul Mitchell is a PGK from an-

other Council prior to his transferring to Council 6065.)

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Roger Scott, our "guest of honor" sits with Steve Michlik at the Prodigal Son dinner. Roger,

who currently serves as our Diocesan Deputy, was the Grand Knight of Council 6065 when the

FIRST Prodigal Son dinner took place. Steve is our Council's Insurance Agent

Bill Evans (front left) waves his approval as he and dozens of Brother Knights from Council

6065 enjoyed the food at Razzoo's for the 20th annual Prodigal Son dinner. Our "permanent

project director", Mark Hromalik, is sitting across from Bill and deserves the accolades for his

chairmanship of this event for the past 20 years. He has assured us he will be there for #21 in

2014, which will be on Obese Monday, March 3rd, so put that date on your calendar!

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


St. Mark School Baby Shower March 27, 2013

In the Fall of 2012, KC 6065 Knight Fred Kuglin approached St. Mark

School principal Suzanne Bacot to request her support for a school Baby Shower,

the first school-Knights joint project of its kind in the diocese. Mrs. Bacot agreed,

and in February Mr. Kuglin along with KC 6065 Grand Knight Ron Schoof and

State KC Pro-Life Director Tom Clark, plus White Rose Director Cristina Caine,

presented the plan to the entire faculty, who enthusiastically supported the idea.

With the help of parents from the new Respect Life Club of St. Mark School that

also formed in that time frame, and the KC 6065 Ladies Auxiliary, the success of

the project in March, just in time for Easter, was assured.

The objective was to collect donations from school families to support the

White Rose and Birth Choice pregnancy counseling centers. The results were four

pickup truck loads and $1300 collected. The project was conducted by the new

St. Mark School Respect Life Club, the KC 6065 Ladies Auxiliary and KC Coun-

cil 6065 -- about three dozen volunteers altogether.

Council 6065 Ladies Auxiliary Knights sort and box the items, which amounted to about four

pickup truck loads worth. Back to front: Cheryl Leo, Dorothy Dietz, Karen Kuglin.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


(l-r) Knight Rudy Profaizer, Grand Knight Ron Schoof, and school Respect Life Club parent

Camille Semprun, smile in the 30-something chill of the morning air, as Baby Shower dona-

tions start to pile up

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Many of the school's 425+ families brought some sort of donation, including some very per-

sonal letters from the hearts of the youngsters. This one, translated, reads, "I'm donating my

Tooth Fairy money."

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


The first Pro-Life Baby Shower was held at St. Mark's School in March and members got to-

gether prior to the event for a planning meeting. Shown standing (l-r) are Suzanne Bacot

(principal of St. Mark's School), Ron Schoof (Grand Knight of Council 6065), Cristina Caine

(Director of the White Rose Center), JoAnn Murray (St. Mark's Pro-Life Coordinator), Fred

Kuglin (Council 6065 project chairman for the event), and Tom Clark (State Pro-Life Coordi-

nator for the Knights of Columbus). Other members of the staff are seated.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Knight of the Month January 2013

Knight of the Month February 2013

Don Lauterbach (left) was awarded his certificate as Knight of the Month (Jan.) from GK Ron


Bill Butcher (left) was named as Knight of the Month (Feb.) and received his award from GK

Ron Schoof.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Sean Koch was welcomed to his first meeting as a

member of Council 6065. Sean made his First De-

gree on Feb. 27, 2013.

Brent Yamauchi (left) rceives his

First Degree certificate from GK Ron


GK Ron Schoof unveiled the two new

plaques that will hang in McGivney Hall.

The one in his left hand is the "Dedication

Plaque" and the other is one that identifies

the room as the home of Council 6065 and

Assembly 2266

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Active First Quarter for Ladies Auxiliary

Following the Christmas Holiday break, the Ladies Auxiliary shifted into

high gear with their many activities this past quarter. We continue to provide a

variety of programs at our general meetings.

Tom Collingwood, a longtime member of Council 6065 started out Febru-

ary talking to us about “Spirit, Mind and Body: A Christian Foundation for Fit-

ness”. It was agreed by all that this was a very uplifting and timely presenta-

tion, getting us off to a positive spiritual and physical start for the new year.

During February we continued with our monthly Prayer Services with the

Knights, our second annual Mass for deceased Auxiliary members followed by

breakfast at Chubbys, a special Saturday Mass for the Newtown Victims, and fi-

nally the Wives Appreciation Dinner. A huge “Shout Out” goes to our husbands

for making this a special time for all wives of the Knights of Columbus.

Sister Esther Guerra, responsible for Adult and Family Faith Formation in

Spanish at St. Marks, was our guest speaker at our March meeting. She talked

to us about her life, choice of religious vocation and the many assignments she

has held in the 37 years since she became a nun.

Also, in March, the Ladies Auxiliary helped the Knights with their first ever

“Pro Life Baby Shower” given by the School and the combined CCD pro-

grams. We spent the morning of the 27th sorting and boxing up the gifts for the

White Rose and Birth Choice Centers.

April is the time for our Annual Spring Social, where we get together as

well as invite all wives to join us. It’s a much anticipated event by all. We in-

vited all wives to join us on Sunday, April 21st from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in McGiv-

ney Hall of the St. Mark Parish Center.

Finally, all members, please keep in mind Election of Officers is coming

up in June. If you are interested in holding an office in the upcoming year of

2013-2014, please contact our Nominating Committee to let them know . Speak-

ing as your Publicity Chairman, it is truly a rewarding experience continuing the

growth of our Ladies Auxiliary. Also, if you wish to chair one of the many varied

standing committees, Alice Alt would love to hear from you.

The Ladies Auxiliary wishes to invite all wives, daughters, mothers, mother

in-laws of members of the Knights of Columbus Council 6065 to join us at our

monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month in the John Paul

II Conference Room of the Parish Center. We have a wonderful line up of pro-

grams and activities in keeping with our Guidelines of Spirituality, Service and

Fellowship. It’s an opportunity for all to grow as well as develop lasting friend-

ships and support from each other.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


Congratulations to Knights Celebrating


To see which Brother Knights are celebrating birthdays, Go to our Council

website at:, click on the Event Calendar and click on the

SHOW BIRTHDAYS? YES link to see upcoming birthdays. If you click on the

person’s name, you can send a Happy Birthday email to your Brother Knight.

Santa Maria Council 6065 Calendar of


To see the latest events for our Council Events, Go to our Council website at: and click on the Event Calendar. They are also listed on the

last page of the Mainsail.

Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 Second Quarter 2013


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