maintaining client database integrity with sms hardware

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Hypermedia. 2B Bergman Street, Rehovot, Israel 76705 Telephone: +972-77-444-5000, Fax: +972-8-936-3066

Maintaining Client Database Integrity with SMS Hardware

Privacy is a serious issue these days, in the past some concern over privacy existed but in recent times

following new legislation as well as evolving security challenges, the importance of privacy has become

even more paramount. For businesses who want to use customer information to offer an improved

service offering, privacy issues present a challenge. Take for example a business that wants to send its

clients information via SMS using their mobile phone numbers. The business in question may collect the

permission to use customer phone numbers for SMS notifications but then if they outsource the

message sending to a third-party provider who owns the SMS hardware, problems may then come up.

Businesses may have control over their database of customer information but outsourcing SMS

notification services to third-party providers of such services relinquishes such control. If anything

happens to customer data in the custody of a third-party provider, the business that handed that

information over in the first place will be held liable before the third-party provider. This scenario has

played out so many times with businesses that hand financial data over to third-party providers only to

have that information stolen or compromised, the resultant litigation and settlement payments to

affected clients have crippled many businesses in return.

This only goes to buttress the point that client database integrity must be maintained at all times and at

all costs. For businesses who intend to deliver SMS messaging solutions such as client notifications, bulk

marketing or multifactor authentication, this means that they have to purchase their own hardware for

use within their respective organizations. In the past, the costs to do this may have been prohibitive but

technology has now advanced and businesses like Hypermedia offer SMS Hardware solutions that

guarantee client database integrity and security at an affordable price.

Once you have your own SMS hardware for delivering solutions to clients who have their mobile phone

and other contact information stored in your records, client database integrity is better assured. You can

therefore remain sure of the policies regarding the safeguarding of such information because client data

is not exported and the solutions you need to use are yours not under the ownership of a third-party

provider of services.

Litigation issues are not the only reason to consider purchasing SMS hardware to secure client database

integrity; you also have to consider the fact that such a database might be the foundation of your

business. Have you ever thought what would happen if someone other than your staff, perhaps people

employed by this third-party provider got hold of your customer data such as phone numbers and sold it

to your competition?

Purchasing your own SMS hardware saves your business from having to cope with the fallout of not

maintaining client database integrity in the first place by using in-house solutions. Hypermedia SMS

Hardware offers several benefits, cost-effective alternative to voice communication, fast return on

investment (ROI), reduced SMS rates with a VPN, bi-directional SMS messages (send & receive), an SMS

server/client application, pre-defined user groups for SMS sending, the ability to send messages to

multiple users as well as third-party API for extension functions, it also allows for Voice OTP technology

Hypermedia. 2B Bergman Street, Rehovot, Israel 76705 Telephone: +972-77-444-5000, Fax: +972-8-936-3066

for those clients intent on applying authentication and security options while making use of the

Hypermedia hardware offering. Contact your Hypermedia Dealer today to see what the full range of

Hypermedia solutions can do for your business.

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